Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1898, p. 1

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volume xkiiino 4a acton ontario thunsdar june a 1898 pbice tiibee cents n juton jtw fjrass ib rudlihllbd every thursday morning at tub i free rrcsssteam prliitingoftlcc uill stueet acton ont tunus oirsuuscmitionouo dollar per year striotlyin advance all hiibbariiitloiib discon tinued when the time for wliiah tlioy liavo boon paid bos oxplrod tho data to wliich ovory subscription la paid is douotod ou tlio addroea label advkutihino kates transient advertlso- uiqdu 10 couta pur nonrmroll lino for first iu- artl0d3 coutu par lino lor each bubeoquont aeortion contbact itatkbvtlio following tablo bhowu ur rates for the in a or hon of advortlsomouta fox sljofliflod periods 125 packages of new wall bpaob t yit 1 bmo ja mo imp 201d01108 0000 3500 e 2000 co 10 ldohos 3500 2000 1300 a oo slnohoa aooo- 1300 700 2m 1 tnoi ooo aco 200 loo advortlhomontfl without bpociflo directions will bo inaortud till forbid and ctoargodtaccord- nely ilranalont advertiaomonta must bo paid a advance advortlaomonta will bo changed onco ouch month if dqalrod for olianroa of ten or than onco a mouth tho composition must bo paid for at rogulai ratoa cbangob for contract advortlaomonta must bo n tbo offlco by noon on tuoadaya accounta payable monthly h pmooue editor and proiirlotor opened during may the very latest and cheapest goods i 12 to ioc a 1 boll days iibokstbre guplpli traders bank of canada day sells cheap vushuss birtorp j f uren m d 0 m officio androaldonco cornor alilltt frodorick btroota acton as elliott md mb acton gluduatk torionto uiflvbilbirt officecomor mill and john stroots acton tvr drydn eye eaii thboat and nobe mcleans block douglas st nor p o guelph opfice houiiu 10 am to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm 1898 spring 1898 millinery veterinary surgeon tames s joyce v 8 tfltaduatk or ontauio vbtsilinacr collkok treats all diaqaaca of domesticated aulmala euquiro at joyce bros butcher sbop mill utroet acton itoomsat afinowfi hotel calls promptly attended to day or night l bennett ld8 0entist oeoboetown ontauio jr coghlax d dsxds dentist vfoitk caiki ully done illiceh modeuate pfiick oveii iinowss dnca store houiis evkiiy day tnomfltob t m belldds lds v dentist bnookville iiokon gnaduate of tononto xjxivensitt work made satisfactory prlcos moderate vihitiko days monday nftomoon camp- liollvlllo tuooday acton ofllco- ci arks hotol friday ltockwooa tu g h cook lf dentibt v cor coll org si and bpadlnai avo tononro will visit acton on tbo first and third satur days of each month office mr adam cooka realdonco alain fitroot m clean mcxean llrrlstarii solicitors notaries conveyancers 4o private funds to loan ofllco town hall acton vm a mclean jho a mclean a j mackinnon banniflteu uouclton conveyakceii okmce mill stroot in alttboffs block ujibtalrb j- b mcleod uauhibtka bolicirou conveyacen main stroot goorgotowu monoy to loan at lowest current rutob r j monadb ulork fourth division court county of zlal- ou couvoyauoor hoal kstato agent money to loan oto office fyrrymansfjlock acton ont miscellaneo us ctenby grist f ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention eta tronarobanplicatibnborthocanaliq amor- iciu andeuropoan patont oldcos and for tho lioslatratloja of trado marks bond for pam- plilot thirtytwo yoars oxporlouco e1rancis nunan bookbindeb wyudbamst onolpli ontario ovor williambstaro account booki of all kinds mado to order periodicals of ovory dosorlptlonoarof ullyliound rullarnoativntiii promptly done m aubiaoe lioenseb ji p moore ihb1ikb ov malwuaaiiloxnsllb 1rlvatooinon no wltnebioi roiulrod loeuutl rasdonnrt id tlio ovflnlnff froe pimi offloo a0ton 2tomv mtjiisits it yoa wlil to rodace your intormt mj or iocuro a flrathjiass loan of inonoy lowlouroat call on mo rnqnoy and onvlluconronorty anil on oany torm or roiiavinont i mko a bpeeulty of loudlna havo plnty of tuab i kibo lonu the neyvast designs in shapes shades flowersarid trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goodsp gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c authorized capita 1000000 guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received on doposlt and highest current rato ofrntferoet paid or compoundod halfyearly deposit uocoipta iaauod for urge buma deposited advancoa mado to rcbppneibib farm era on their pwnnames no oharco made for coilotinnsaleb notes if payable in guelph a general banking buaineaa transacted i f irjonhs manager ipartrn japanese floor mattings are clean and cool for summer floor covering if put down over your carpets they are a perfect protection from the hard summer wear if used in bedroomi hali or bathroom they are the most satisfactory healthful and inexpensive floor coverings to be had weve good quality prices at20ct7 z5crmd30crsqrfd they are all excellent value j gmcbeath acton ontario robt noble the highest price for wheat at the peas warehouse oats acton barley statipn k1uuk at bran acton shorts flour and seeds all feed kinds of peed store 7ry imorval flour the best fnmlly flour in the market frank harris manager book agents or anyone desiring to better their posi tion and incrcaso their income shauld write us the demand for home crown nursery stock is on the increase we need more men if you want steady paying work write us we furnish all supplies free we have the largos- 1 nxiraonoa in the bo nunlon h we pay both aalary and commission we engage either whole or part time men we guarantee all our stook we furnibta purotiasars with oertlftoate from government inapeotpr ttating our stoakls ireefrom san jose boole our nurseries comprise over 700 acres and growing stock in large quantity enables us to sell nt the closest possible figure m nsucoeeawlth us whcthavr failed with others it will cost you no tiling to learn what we can do for you dont write unless you mean business and want profitable employment stone wellington toronto wc jackson conveyancer and money lhndeu ovncb wynillianstnoarcitylialigukiilh wellington mutual fire insurance company 1 inbuitanoe on oub and mutual plan any communications forwardod to nay odjroan itoi 638 or tolophono 68 will lio proroptly at- totiiiodto john tayiioil abfldt gaolvli acton saw mills and wood yards makurautuhkll akd ubalgtt ik lumber tikft shlatlcb wood lta all klnli of wood in took tail promptly dbllvored to any part of tbo town t rimonablo prtoob itlrdwooa ana btaba out atovo longtlr alwayn ou lianil telnpnono eomrnunlcatlor get wall prices i8rj8at waters fqj the picture gallery guelph ikingbfctures to be framed main street planing mills actoin ont john oaitierpn architect and contractor maauraoturor ot 6ab ooora framoa alonldln inalt itflm dhessofo matcbltfo acf houldino toordaroo ihortnolleo wnlt nor tod itoole on hlpa at jileci loia hiiuiqof vrjsrjrrt- f john cameron proprietor m bondco hardware guelph for a dvatil animal entertain ment eotoralittloglrl foudllug a email kitten my dear ilttlo kitty i kuow itii a pity toabowyoulu ilubllo just uow hut you oro bo olavor i long moro tliau ovor to give you a miuoczo moow by tlio girl ah i well i romombor tho tay in docoaibor i found you far upliitlio mow with tbroollttlo othora i know woroyour brothers ijy tholrsvyoot tondor voiaon moowl meowl meowt by throo fimall fiirls clor bparklltig coldwater for sou or for daughter la good wo all 11 uit allow uut to drown their bid crying and loavo tliom oil dying itrlngs toara to my oyoa moowl meow i muow 1 in etlltod tones 111 savoyou ray jowol from torturoaooruol by some means 1 cannot toll how i kuow tli oro la danger from oaoh tabby etrangor who prowls about howling moow i etc doop volco now kitty woro joing and lot us ho blowing poll ton 088 to all by good- night aud a bow and tnstad of tho singing you will now hoar tlio ringing of volooaof children like cats in a row meow i moowl by all tboolaas sleuti ynmug utabing adenture awheel yon can talk all you want to vic abont your oft wheal vgjth its81 gear twopoint mckees vegetable antibilious pills relieve arid cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness nnusea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue losa of nppctitepain in tho baclc pain in the side sallow skin etc these pills are made from pure concen trated vegetable extracts and cuntain no calomel or other mineral substance their full medicinal efiect is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they arc a specific for habitual con stipation in cases of neuralgia nervous or bilious headache they are unequalled gp par box 0loxtm100 prepared and sold only by jdmckee chemist acton mrs secords block reaulthis uflutcft a man who desires to fill a flnhllu steady paying position and earn good wages if you are at present employed that heed not prevent you from sending us a postal card to learn whfrtavedoforyotrrv wehive theiactrest7 most complete and thoroughly uptodate nurseries in the dominion there is a largely increasing demand for homeghown nurserv stock all supplies sent free the trial costs you nothing you get your pay every saturday if you cannot give full time to our inter ests we can arrange liberal terms with you for part time we grow a full lino of fruit trees berry bushes flowering shrubs ornamental trees hedging bulbs roses and seed potatoes all our stock guaran teed and warranted to live write and tell us you are open lor dn ofler and we will make you a proposition and you will want to accept e p blackford co toronto bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you shy6rs lumber planing mills nassagaweya p sayers proprietor flas constantly on hand a full lino ol lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jito custom logs nnd bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to tlio best ol satisfaction prices very cheap nnd made to suit the customers pocket p sayeits acton livery a1td bus line tho undonignedrapeotfullyboliaita the patron age of the public and informs thorn that well equi and stylish riga can al ways do beourect athlsntabloa a eomfortabo bui mootial tralni botwoon 9 am and 618 pm garofal attontionglven toovoryornor the wants of oommerelaltratol- lors fully mot john williams pnornibton ptt pt t o who aro about to le j ux 1uo lubllo or high bcbool abould not overlook tlio oroat adunt- aoo of a itraatioal eouna of luatrua- tion at tbo guelph dusiness college and shorthand institute stadstits may sntor any time bummer session will comm rutv4tb wrlto or call if lu tores tod circulars froo j bnaltp frlnelpal bearings quickrepair tires and what not but my jo is all right and i wont be in the rear on elub runs by a long abot at the eame time jaok roberts a bright looking ohapof athletic bailt gazed admir ably at biscompaniooa new bioyole with all its iroprovemioutp ob youll beat out borne of the boyi replied vio nicole patronizingly but your g8 gear and antiquated omnibub jaok put you in the roar divtaion some of vioa cronies laughed with him they were aasombled this may evening at their clubhooao in one of tho upper warda of brooklyn no one thought of going out for a ride as it wb windy aud threatened rain so you think jouvegbta cinch vic said jaak his gray eyes flisbing a little woll i cant llgureyouin it with tnat wheelold fellow jaok was bomewhtit nettled vios father proscutcd his eon with a new wheel every year and tho boy was enabled thereby to bet the pace for most of the members of the olub a fact that made him rather boastful jacks parent h ooutdnt afford such luxury bat he felt pretty sure he could beat his rival on auy thing like even terms well i wout call you a better roan xili y mi ja asei to to- deoantly whats tho matter with racing brown at valley stream and baok night asked vir craftily ill go if yoa think it wont rain hold on trifles like rain and pane lures wont count theyll be no excuse well havo the wind at oar baoka going oat and well buck it coming baok a 25milo race like that ought to prove lome- thing what do yon aay im with you and jaok began some haaty preparations some of- the boys tried to discourage the rivals from racing at aaoh a time on suoh anight dont yon know t be wheel mao held up nlghtaoatin tlioso woods cried little will jenkins newspaper stories liughed jaok it was 8 pm before the boys got their wheels in trim tbo bhatas lubricated the tires inflated the- bearioga oiled and the lamps filled bat they started promptly at that time for a few minutes they pedaled over some roughly paved streets and the raw wind made both begin to repent their rath venture but soon they struck fair turf and macadam roadu and sped along at great speed the wind at their backs slowly but barely vio drew away from jaok though his legs wore not moving as fast as his rivals their road wound along through sleepy villages past field a and farms into dark patches of- cool woodwhiohbronghl vividly to the boya minds the stories of wheelmen waylaid and robbed by men who sprang suddenly from the leafy ooverts vie was considerably in the lead now looking ahead j ok could see but the faint ray of light thrown on tho ground by his rivals lantern thatd all riklit muttered jaok ilia high gear and the wind favor him now bus ill hold him coming baok give mo a low gear for pedaling against the wind tho faint ghostiiko light now disap poarcd arouudabend in the road and jaok began to feel lonely it might be better for as to keep togeth er coming home anyway thought jaok as a crackling noise reached his ears as if eomeope were moving among the trees and underbrush on hiu rigbt the wind moan dismally as it swept through the branches and more thon odco jaok thought in his excited state that lis deteoted fiery eyes in thdtjstkdepths w a swept by but the moment iry fear passed away and as he emerged from the woods hs began to really enjoy his ride he was perspiring freely and some of the upgrades made him pull bat at this be smiled as he thoughtofhlsrimilshlghigsar at last tho lights of valley stream gleamed abend and jaok wheeled into the yard of the appointed roadhouse jaat as vio was mounting to return goodbye jaok that worthy shouted bpose ill see yon later at the olub f just rinfi when yoa get there jaok responded ill lei yon fn glancing at tho clock as he entered jaok noted that it was 085 tbo proprietor of the pltoe knew both boys and had beird of the raea from vio he chated pleasant ly until two wheelmen apparently well-to- do business men of middle age entered inquiring their way they laughed and joked abont- their predicament in being oat a night like that bavins missed tho last train to the city hight after them name anotner bioyokst who impressed jok rather op favorably he darted qoiek glance at a roll of bills one of the gentlemen displayed in paying bis bill but while tho boy was taking a arltlcal eurvoy of hie whoel outaido tbo man 9amo out jot hie wheel and redo off jiok purposely delayed otartiug away a little as he didnt want the man for a traveling companion when ho did got off he was six minutes behind vio but ho bad faith that ho could eventually cat oh up jack nowbegau to work in earneat be bent over liia wheel aud pedaled swiftly along the old merrick road though the wind was now in bis teeth and the light of his lantern flia bored ntfrflly raet bpringgeld ho flow aud shortly turned intoxocoat avenue withoulcatah- iog bight of vio or the roughlooking stran ger hebeard nothing how but the whir of hie wbeet and his own hard breathing ho was bent on winning the race bumpl jaok uttered an angry ejioolation in passing over tbo railroad track his light had- been jarred oat well ive got no time to lijfht it now he muttered and worked tho faster now bo caught sight of a faint light ahead that must be vio im over hauling him i ho thought joyfully tho man bad uo light i fie was approaching the point where tho bookaway road intersects when tho chain op his wheel jerked and creaked ominously fatos against mo growled jaok it needs graphite he sprang lightly to the ground pushed his wheel over against a tree the trunk of whioh was hidden among the bashes and bent down to apply the lubricant he was busily engaged when he was startled by hearing low voices proceeding around the bend and presently a man came into view after gazing anxiously down the road the man uttered to his concealed com- paniohs speak softly girls that other kid ongbt to bo along we dont want him around when wo hold up those fellowa well howre wq goin to know whos who was the gruff rot am ill tell yer im going down the road a bit if the renta paaa first ill signal you with my dark lantern an yoa do the trick if the kid is first ill do uothin an you do likewise see all right horry up thcree a coupe of llghtb coming up now the man approached and jacks hoart beat wildly diboovery secmad almost certain but he held hie breath in an agony of uncertainty so close did the highway man pass his eyes bent keenly down tho road that the boy easily recognized him in the gloom no the auspicious character ho had seen in the tavern but he passed on and as his footsteps died away there was a eilence broken only by the soughing of tho wind through tho tree tops jack was u a fever of excitement turn either way and ho would bo confronted by either one or the other of the midnight mauraudere yet i oatit stay hero and see two fellowa murdered he shuddered at the thought then ho ventured to stand up a twig eraokling ander blbfoot soemed as a rifle report there was a moment of terrible buspence and then tack heard something moving bteathily toward him in the bushes that bguicb it his nerves tinrliog tho lad grasped his wheel and half lifted half pushed it into the roadway ashe sprang into the saddle a raissle of some kind whistled by hia car then he peddaled desperately back along the road he beard a- longdrawn peculiar cry at bis baok a signal of dangor to the man ahead jaok bent desperately to his work he saw tho lights of the approaching wheelmen ottered a warning cry and tho next momont something fell with a dull t l fit of bin w a crash jack felt himself hurling through space then lid struck the ground and rolled over dazed he raised iiimsolf to hia knee in time tosjo a dark figure leap toward him with upraised hand instinctively the boy raised bis arm to protect his head and thereby warded off a blow from some in strument just like a sandbag the wheelmen wero now on tbo spot tho highwayman sprang into tho woods and disappeared jack explained things hurriedly his arm hanging limp at his aide my poor boy said oho youre badly hart i fear no twas a glancing blow baid jaok though his face twitched with tho pain of h well lad wo owe you much you risk ed your- life jor8traogera but como wo must get out of tbie as the gentlemen were armed with revolvers they felt no further fear of an attack jacks wheel was picked up some what twisted but iiflfonnd that ho could ride it holding on with one hand so tho trio prooeeded cant ion sly on their way the highwaymen b4dunabnbfediy hed for they e 000 ante red no opposition meanwhile worn out bat happy via wheeled into tho olub grounds as tho clock was striking ii uo was given an ovation ive beaten him out of hia boots i he oried but as tlmo went on the members beoamo worried about jack and resolved on going in search or him anxious pttmits thronged the olub house at midnight won dering what detained their sons jast as a relief party wan about to sally forth a shout was heard aud jaok rode slowly up to a volley of questions bo answered tho girl of the squeaky tones drop3 without t knowing it into a voice that ia more resonant and full no exaot point of meeting is there and no similarity of tones sought after but the deep voice and tho shrill one the nasal voice and the voice that seem to come from the bottom of the throat are cajoled and palled along until t boy commence to loss their disagreeable peculiarities and are on bomowbat common ground now this is bat the preface- it it not so much tbe object of the colt to change voices asit la to control them and yet tho two po togothor in a measure onco by this plan of nasal gymnastios a girl can for her to learn to speak softly new york ihrald simply andxiiute lullonly that hed fallen over a log on the road his lamp being odt the crowd got nothing frrther from bfm and dispersed diirusted at having lost so much sleep for nothing i feel sorry for him vio baid bat doesnt he feel sore over his d of oat somepeople opened t h rl r eyeswh on they got their papers the next morning there was a fall account of the dastardly attempt to hold up iwo prominent business men of new york while wheeling on a lonely xioog island road n td bow a bravo brooklyn boy named 3 k roberts had f rostra tod thobtghwaymi tho olub membora wait il on jaok in a body that day aud vio wua their spokes man about a week later an express wagon shopped in front off jacks hoaso and a big boxednp affair was left at tbe door it was a wheel of the blest make with every improvement and allachmenk that mans ingenuity could devise oi a little card was written presented 10 jack roberts as a slight testimonial from two wheelmen for whom be hiked hia lif it wasut long after this event that jack administered a crashing defeat to bis rival vio da you speok softly lias your voloo precisoly the proper pitch and can it adapt itself on tho instant to tho room you sud- denlyentor have you loarnod that yoa mast nover whisper in- a church for whispering is always very audible there but bpoak in a low firm tone can you laugh properly and daintily as an ideal girl sbduld can you control your voice using ono tone for ono occasion and another for another at will can you talk ani matedly and with enthusiasm without throwing your armaabonj yonr head too far baok andwithout moving your bodyi- for if you cannot say yea to all theio rjueationsyou uronot a perfeat and proper ly modern now york girl there have been many criticism a as well as praises levelled at the american girl and one of the chief of theeo has been for years that bhe talked too loud- and too often did not modify her voice when ocoasion called now american fathers and mothers any tho time has como for reform and tho new onlt of speaking softly has been started bbould it happen that you have never heard of this onlt and have not yet learned the art of soft epaaking dainty laughing and alt tho rebt yoa still neod not be dis couraged for there arc hosts of other gtrla in the same boat if there wore not there woold be no neod of this cult and it would not be flourishing and possess its present popularity as it is any nnmber of girls are taking lessons vigorously a foreign woman continental to her flogertips who has the softest prettiest voice herself mrae meodosez is the apostle of this new cult and to ber studio ou fifth avenue new york como each day troops of girls singly or in classes ofj ixajiaeight jh att hoymayboinlthfl fashion it is in faot a rage iu a mild way only those girls blessed by nature or by very early training with voiaes that are properly fashionable can afford to keep oat of the procession and all the others of tbe sets wend their way daily to the studio it ia not alone by example though ex ample baa a great deal to do with it that tho onlt of speaking softly is taught tbe girls ranged about- her mmo mondoaez asks eaoh of them to speak in her ordinary conversational tone then stopping to tbe piano near by she strikes a note if high in tho treblo it is meant for a girl whose tones are naturally harsh and guttural if down in tbe baas for a girl who ppoaks shrilly and in a half scream tbata for you sho eays singling oat a girl now try and see how closo you can pitoh your voice to that thero iajet no attempt to got tho afirl to speak more softly but iis each tries to alter ber toucs to geton the pitch of the musical note assigned to her the tondonoy is to keep tho voice down without trying to reproduce the note itself a girl after half a dozen starts falls somehow into the cadence of the bound or sbo approachos it to get precisely this is no part of the teachings of tho now onlt but orie trial after another gets the voice out of its old ioufifl tho goffveieedgi ia m duluut thought in work thought of t inluiiiou y a no bio anhonest5aloon aovertise- ment friends and neighbor gratefulfor tho liberal enooaragemout reoeived frorri- ybu and having supplied my tavern with a now and ample stock of choico wloes spirits and lager beer i thankfully inform you that i continue to make drunkards and beggars for tho sober indnstrioue and reepec table community to support my liquors may exoite you to riot robbery and bloodshed and will certainly diminish your comforts augment your expenses and shorten yonr lives i confidently recom mend thorn a suro to multiply fatal acalden ts and distressing diseases and likely torondsr these inodrablethoywih agreeably deprive some of life soma of reason many of character and all of peace will make fathers fiends wives widows mothers cruel children orphans and all poori- i will train the young to ignorance dissipation infidelity lewdness and every vice corrupt the ministers of religion obstruct the gospel defile the oharoh and cause as much temporal and eternal death as 1 can i will thus aooommodate tho public it may ho at tho coat of my worthless soul i havo a family to anpport tho trado pays and the pnblio encoorago it i have a licence from the commissioners my trafila is lawful evenohristians oouute- nance it and if i do not brinjg these evils upon you aomebody olso will i know tho bible says thau blrult not kill pro- no a nces woe unto him that givoth hia noighbordrink andenjoios mo not to put a stumblingblock in a brothers way x also read that no drunkard shall inherit tho kingdom of god and i cannot eipeot a drunkard maker without repentenoe to share a batter fate bnt i wish a lazy liv ing and am deliberately resolved to gather the wages of iniquity and fatten on tbe ruin of my fpeoici i shall therefore oarry on ihy trade with energy and do my best to diminish the wealth of tlio nation impair the health of tbo people the safety of ito state and demoralize the youth of the land box i no a brides ears in lithuania a provluoe of rossis it is cuiu mary that tbe brides ears should bo boxed before tbe marriage oeremony no matter how tender bsartsd her mother may be she always makes a point of adminis tering a hearty smsok to ber daughter in the presence of witnesses and a note is madaof tbe faot the mothers intention is a kind one though the custom itself la bad the reason for it is to proteot the bride should ber marriage prove an un happy one in that case she will sne for a divorcend her plea will bo that shewae forced into the marriage against her will and on that soore the verdict bt the judgo will be in her favor tho fuoulty to read tho anjthor through hi3 work tho power to express u tliotil action is genius there are many great thoughts twhich aro never expressed by an adequate action the thinker has not moutal forbe miough to bring bid strong feolinb into proper manifestation still those wtifo have intui tive power to see through his poor attempt at expressing his thought may discern the fine motives whioh underlie hia miahapon efforts tbo painlere rudevsgue fignres will show to those who ran nnderefand what grand objects ho has longed to express and the writers thought thopgh blotbed in uncouth language will- tell to those who read between- the lines all that the writer longed to say and could not but those with intuition enough to read below the burface are few and rarely met generally tho world reads only what it lees on the outside so those who would appeal to the greater part of tbe people ranat learn how to express what they febl for if they despise proper expression their thought itself may be dospiaed by those who judge entirely by tho expression and most people do to our own conscience it is necessary that our motive bo pure and our thought bo right to the lookqr on or hoaror somethifig more is- needed wo may act from love but our act m nst also be lovely we may speak out of kindness bat our bpeeah must bo kind or our motive may be misunderstood the headwaters of a little stream may bo clear and pure and sweet and abundant but if the btreum flows into eiht through rubbish and mud and refuse it will be scorned by those travellers who cannot go baok to the sou roe to prove it purit and love to the end beauty haypcra how a new york woman cured heryhusbano of drunkenness ono new york husband has been cured of tho drink habit by his wife in a novel manner the couple havo not been married long and op to one night last week their wedded life hud been one blise- f ol dream on that fateful night the young woman bad a rude shook herepouae came home drunkt it was tho iirat time ahe bad seen him nnder theiufluenco of liquor and in faot it was tbo first announcement eho bad that bo drank her presence of mind came to her and eho was quick to act pulling ber husband from under the table where he had fallen she ahook him in no gentle manner to waken him get out of my house you dont belong here sho said i dont know you my husband ib a sober man pick up your hat aud go you oannotatay here she picked up hia hat and coat and after help ing him on with them led him to the door do you moan to tell mo that you aro not my wife he demanded why certainly im not your wife then ill go and throw myself into the river ho said he did not go 10 the river thoutth but to the thiriynn btreat station my wife doesnt know ms beoauso im drank he told tho sergeant and i want to be looked up he was accommodated and in tho weatside court was discharged 7110 wife was cooking breakfast when there oame knock at the dpor there stood her- husband sober but pale h now xoa look like you reel f a go id she baid happily it wasnt my frank who came hero drank last night and the husband as h6 sat meekly down to breakfast vpwod never to drink again a helpful club in a laru western city during a great linunoial depression the number of women and giru in danger of starvation from loss of work and wages was so great that the moro furtanate onea concerted together iu some measure to ameliorate this condition of thingp bowiuk rooms wore opened in chargo of experienced eoamatrgaau and dressmaking in all its branches us well as plain sowing wuu taught sixty women of wealth voluntarily superintended tbid olub two women for each day of the month an uppeal for ptronuno waa responded to bo liberally lhatoveu tho apprentices wero paid ten cents uu lioir for eiylit hours labor with a contributed and bountiful luncheon nerved at noon by 1i10 lady patronebfjen another brttucli of thu club rmdcr dm imining ut nuivauu and qjp iutelligcnco oflico accompanied this dopartmont whoro one could be supplied at tho usaal rato with service of b11 sorts also a sale in the way of a womand exchange of odiblcs and textile fabrics was madoone of tho departments how to improve a town by jars l e chitten den in the chattdaquan for may a desperate case a private boldier found himself one day an inmate of a mlltftiy hnnpiral im- loosely pleased with the comforts of bis new quarters and blissfully conscious that bis pay was steadily consolidating while he was doing nothing and food tag on lollypop he was positively sorry to flud himself feeling as well as ever ho did one morning the doctor camo around us usual with tho clinical thermometer which be gently usinuated beneath the soldiers tongqe while the physicians attention was distracted however tho instrument was deftly transferred to a basin of hot woter and gravely returned to him with the mer cury etsnding at 120 great heavens i exolaimcd the doctor aghast hia profession al nonobalance ebatterod you ought to be dead man nobody wus over known to survive anything like that get to bod at onco your oaae is desperate maahtpuffs sayings tbe moat contemptible tyrant is the iiahside tyrant tolabohis honobable ia one of tho things mo hohohed in the breach than in the bbaehvancc an idle brmnjsthodovilbwobbhopv applies to women as well au to men l does confucius assertion that woman ia the m as teh piece signify that ho was a noarried man it is strange that abou hen adhcmd name led all the rest becauso he loveiv hisfellobraent when ho would have been anathematized had ho shown such an ahdent love foil women iris ahgued that tho lmtpiu id now womans most fohmadible weapon but her tongao like some old make of awod or musket still has its tehroha foil many chicago times- herald phts-word-of-commaid- a abort time ago whilst a certain general was inspecting a regimont on tbe marob at malta be asked a young subaltern what would be his next command if he was in command of a regimont passing ovor a plain in a hostile country and lie found bis front blocked by artillery a brigade of ovvalry on his right a lake on bit left and his retreat out off by infantry haiti order arms ground arms kneel down say your prayers roplled the eabalteru thk tobacco plague the tobacco plague is becoming so well- nigh universal in the streets on shipboard ira the railway train at the hotel and even la many parlors that those who do not smoke and who are averse to inhaling the tokening fames of othors are more and mora at a disadvantage it is time to pall thai not only by law with tbe boys bnt to tliedr elders as well this right ought inall suitable ways to be asserted nntil it shall como to bo more generally rospeoted americas greatest medlolne is hoods sarsatparilla whioh cares when all other preparatlonsfail to do any good whatever a lqhricl ut llowurs tuy ilarliiiy tho dear old limit haiti to me wifti lr 0110 who bus boon for a ilfutlint tli j joy and thu prlilu of tuy utv thoyaru nut tlio iluwntii of our childhood oryouthh tuudur iosuh o juno ujt tliu beautiful blouaomsor autuiuii witiiwlloh our oldbourta nro in tuur lho liqautylovo uuvcrhob fadud for mn ainco tho irat day wo met btill softening a faco full of klndnrsa andouo tli a world bcarco can forur tula ibyo in a truedoldcu woddlng goodgolj that 1b freo from alloy ourqftyyoar toyago has brpught frultijo tondoruobs comfort and joy our bark has wellujgh roacbod tho harbor our anohor ilea ready to cast j with lurtd clasped in hand ovor ready well lovo still lovood to tlio laat a basket o flowers my darling ho said with bis gray hood cast down our doar little rrandahildren clamor to woavb you a fair bridal crown vno volunteers a btory is told iu over lautl and sea that ought to bo holpful to us in these days when bo mauy ilelda are being opened op arid oich is calling for volunteors duriur- tbe lute war in aehantoa the ohief oflicer of tbo scotch guards when reviewing thid splendid regiment asked whoamoug them would volunteor for the asbantce expedition and requested that those who decided t do eo should s one pacoforward jixpecliug a rosponso from one or two only the oflicer turned away forau instant when he looked again ho saw the regiment precisely as he had seen it bofore all in unbroken line what 1 ho oxolaimed tbo scotch guardb and no volnnteera t anahornaoer replied they havo all b teppedoward andblmiemed thero aro d6zsus of ways in which we are called upon bilontly if not literally to volunteer our servicer and do our share toward helping along it maybo in the homo that we are needed sb volunteers it may be in tho church or the sunday- school when wo seo whore the greatest need liep may our response be as prompt and hearty as iltttt of tho gallant scotch guards a use fo frffis- useless wo should hesitate before pronouncing anything nueless or wdrthlossi and consign- ing it to to the waste heap an interesting paragraph in the- patitfinder tells of the wealth that has been added to the nation by tho discovery of certain vegetable pro- dti wh w utiu tuirtyflve years agoootton seed except ibe comparatively boqau imount planted was not considered of sufutjient value to bo given cover from tho weather now the prodtlcts from what was then considered worthless add thirtyuvo million dollars a year to tho productive wealth of our boun- try and now another new industry has been discovered by which the pith from cornstalks oanbp mado into cellulose wbioh proinuob to odd many millions to tho valoft of theobrn rop in the west two fuotorieeatwhiohf corn stalk cellulose and corn pitoh cellulose are manufactured are now in operation and it is said that tho discovery of the uses that can bo made of corn pith is ono of tho greatest aoiehtico aohiovementaof tho ago 9n c0fyjwoln9ense tho great race of lifo common cenbo has tho right of way wealth a diploma a pedigreo talent genius without tact and common berne cut but a small figure the inoapables and the impraclicables thongh loaded with diplomas and degrees aro left behind women unjustly treated when dealers sell them common and deceitful dyes tlieru aro thouaauilij of womqu who havo heard of tho groat etiving that oan bo oftcotfld by lumo dyointi whan the dlttm- ond dyes aro uaod and havo deoided to piporlmont lor tliomoelvoi many of theea womco thonghtleaaly will simply ask for a paokago of dye of tho neoded color when buying this reqnobt will allow tho wary dealer to foibt on the unbubpectiog otibtomer eomo imitation or bairrrroaborlyi worthless coloring agontb but on whioh ihoy realiko a large profit dealer n lio do thi kind of buainosa are treating and borving tlioir oustorncra nnjpbtly the dealer knows well that tho diamond dyes are neoeebary for hia customer to aohievo bucceaa in hor now work the diamond dyob aro tho only dyes that reputablo dealers handle and sell tbe wiie merchant keeps a full stook of diamond dy bioauao the dally demand is so groat for those guaranteed and world- famed ooloriog ngonta tho woman who uses diamond dyes for ber tlrijl dyeing operation will nover use othermakes bright strong oloar lasting jtncl faablonabla oolors aro obtained only from tho diamond dyes book of dlreotlona and oard of 48 colors free to any iddreas write to wells itiobardioo co montreal p j

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