Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1898, p. 2

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b iorion lawhknab on tiiaidayjlth may by tlio huv dr torrauco at lila own rosldonco mr jfilviti tot top tulegraiii operator ailfta cmifjto mibb maryo lwrancoof hookwuotl died ovbnh drowiioitut uuulpliou thursday uiitu mtiy luhn ouly enit of willi ill ovodb mount furuat mjud 112 your wiackurownod ht ouolu ou thtirnday uiith may tlionitui houjauilti boooiki nun of liuuh wall ant nobbnaawoyo in thovjiiu year of lila liffo hotmkh at tlio homo of liar dau rli tor mrs kntuj on wodnosdriv 33tta may kiluri karly widow of tlio into john holm oe of nassaga- weya aged ho yoara ht cton m fms thursday jone 2 1898 notes andcomments acroaspetiiloir waa filed lust week against mr mcnibl the defeated liberal candidate for wnat elgin in he reoent provincial eleotioub tula ma ken the tint election petition thoao americans who unoer at a british alliance aro perhaps not swaro that through tier friendship for the united staten enft- hud is eioriqdinga tradoof 975000000 a year with spaiu the plebisoito qaostioo was diaoubsed in tho ho a so last thursday and given a third reading the vote will be taken early in the fall and two moutha notice will be riven to enable all interested to complete the campaign the order in gonnoil appointing m 0 cameron mjf for weatharbn lieutenant- governor of the northwest territories woe piabod on monday tbefitee pbes has pleasure in nominating muy or holmes of the clinton neic era and president of the canadian press association to fill the vhcanoy in the house of commons as representative for west huron while congratulating victoria n b w od her vastly inoreaaed batter trade with dritairjwo cannot help wishing that about foarilfths of that butter bad come from canada the victorian trade haa increas ed from 9250000 to 1500000 in seven -yearaapd- weregrettosay that- their gutter takcb higher rank in the british markets than that of canada can not oar dairy experts ohange all that how can oar friends aoross the line hope to retain canadian sympathy when such a eober journal as tho philadelphia ledger flays the dominion of canada will take notice that unole bam is thinking ol going into the real estate business on a large scale and he never was quite satisfied with his northern bouudary the ledger evidontly mistakes aa for spaniards canada would bo a raoro serious job than cuba qlobe while american fighting men are waving the btarapangled banner before the screeching guna of spain the patriotic shopkeepers at home an making leas rlorioua use of the old aug they ate embroidering it on canvas shoes emblaz oning iron cotton socke bnrning it into table crockery painting it on baby carri age and making money on all sidec they oven woavo woba ottho itarb and stripes which are cat up into nigtaigownb under shirts and pyjamas tho municipal world aays telegraph and tblphono poles and equipments can bo legally assessed within an incorporated municipality and made to contribute to the pablio exchequer both telegraph and telephone companies escape in milton in orangevllle they are assessed they should be made to contribute to tho town treasury as a sort of offset to tho ogtinoan thoy contribute to our streets with tbeir unaiglitly poleb and wires milton jtefahii- er here is a pointer for our local muni cipal authoritiea commodore schleys squadron opened flrei on tho forts tuesday afternoon deweys men have smallpox cm havtihhjuuo 1st a despatch received last night from santiago do cuba sutca that the american bmisdron under command of commodore soliley which haa been blookadiug the port for a number of days began to bombard tho fortitloations at 2 oolook in tbe afternoon the evident in tention being to reduce them io order to get at admiral cwrveraa squid rem t anchor in santiago bay the american fleet comprised fourteen vessels including tho brooklyn the flagship of tbe squadron massachusetts texas iowa mnrblebcad nashville scorpion and two torp boia thofo iagreat excitement -in- santiago the spanish residents notwithstanding the repeated boasts of the military and naval officials fearing ttfat the americans will soon be it possession of the city when the firing com men cod many of the men in the bity whose bympalhies have been with the rebels started for the insurgept lines which are bat a abort dialadce from the town to offer their services the fighting began at jnii 2 oclock when the signal to begin battle was set on the brooklyn wabhikoton june 1 the steamer florida has made a very neaeuf nl landing in cuba with supplies for tbe inenrgents tho administration at wasnidgton is bald to have determined thai spain must abandon porto kico aa well aa cuba before tho warceaaee tho opinion gains ground that the first detachment of the united states volunteers will bo sent to santiago london june 1 a despatch from manilla dated 26th may via ttong kong says kear- admiral dewey ia losing tneu from disease daily smallpox and dysen tery are baid to bo rife in the american squadron aguipaldo the insurgent chief la working herd to gain over the robe la to the aide of tbe americans with a view to active cooperation when- deweya rein forcements arrive the court of revision the owners of farm lands in the municipality want exemption from fire protection side- w jt tho connoil met on monday evening at eight oclock aa a courtof revision the members wore all prcsjut and reeve pear- bon occupied the chair the number of appeal b were compara tively few and only three of the appellants were present to support their claim some half a dozen appeals were made by farmers part of whoaefarms lie within the limith of the corporation the ground of their appeals was based upon tho amend ment to tbe munfolpal aat in 1897 wherein provtelon is made under certain conditions for exempting anoh lauds from assessment for fire protection waterworks sidewalks and other improvements the matter was carefully gone into by the court and it was finally decided that in as mo oh as a bylaw was recently passed exempting properties in question from assessment for fire protection that further claims would not at present be entertained tho appellants were messrs william brown james brown william lynd archibald mopberson johu warren and william i allan mrs david maloney appealed through bw a a tbe assetsmeo o jota 11 neighborhood news news items supplied by torres ponjents and exohangos oeoroetown supt orr will conduct tho fourth boiidh of epraytujj experiments in mr llradleya orohard tomorrow at ioolooki our high school principal has received a large number of ttppjiqutione for tho summer extniiraiii jim and the students are now hard at work preparing for this trying ordeal nassagaweya tho sunday scboot of tho ebonezer church wub rcargnuizea laet weiik with the following officer mr john marshall superintendent chas woathorald sec maa mflggio kuaterbroob troftburcr al fred husbaud xiibrariau miaaca florence pletoher and uagsfie eaatrbrook organ ists tbo aclioul ia in a flourishing condition milton rev d w snyder and muasra j b deacpn and o a hemslreet will attend the hamilton conference aoaafon at guelph this week during the past year john feathers tone drover has paid 90000 to the farmers of this seotion for stoak purchased and shipped by him the reservoir baa been cleaned ant and from what we have been told the operation was not performed a day too soon the health of tbo town would boom to demand that in future i tbo reservoir be cleaned oat at least onoo a year reformer limehou5e following is the honor roll ot llraohodbe pupils for may harks possible for iva and sen iii 300 for all other olasse v00 iv sen e scott 257 f bwaokbam- mer215 l garvin 239 j newton 280 c meredith 228 o lepoidevio 210 iv junc xane 212 iii intw mcdowell 224 jmodow- ell212 j gainer 20q j oneill 101 v swackhainmer 182 ill jaus doemert 1g7 b wheeler 140 ii jonh modowell 100 d sharp 175 c galbrojlb 107 w dobble 12c pt ii sen it scott 134 wbowman 150 f mcdowell 147 pt ii jon v deeroert 103 b niok- ell 160msoott 142 e marahall 132 k hainer 127 w marshal 1 120 i jun l bowman 101 0 cross 174 f wheeler 148 g besaey 121 iia a foiid teaoher a rinprtess tmyaii1 such was thb conpltion of miss rodd of brooklin an editor rlatos tho story of her illness and how a remarkable chart ge in her condition was bioujrht about bockwood the fourth official spraying experiments will take ptaco in mr hugh blacks orohard on saturday at 2 oolook mr hen lock young died at guelph a week agoagod eightyeight years two of his children mra geo bolton and george you ug live in this village mr young went to guelph in 183 and lived there till his death toebday was an eventful day in the vil lage and particularly ia the annals of the presbyterian churoh the induction of rev j a cranbton b a into the pas torate of the sockwood and eden mills congregations brought many visitors to town rev p mclaren moderator of the gnolpli ffefby tery presided ut tlio meotlng in the afternoon rev mr enowlea tho new pastor ot knox church gait preached a stirring aormon rev a blair of naaea- gaweya addressed the minister and rev mr wilkio of uramoaa the congregations tbe reception service in the evening was very enjoyable rev h a maapberson of acton who bss koted as moderator of the session during the vacanoy presided a pleasing event in connection with tbe service was the presentation to rev mr maophoraon of a purae in recognition of his servicee to the congregation from tlio ouzottu whitby out for soma flvo yoara tho editor of this journal bus in ado weekly viaita to brooklfn in search ot no we one of hid earliebt recollections of tho villago was in noting that mjaa lovina rodd was very ill miss rodd wan well known and aa week after week rolled round it was natural to ask how eho was yetting on and tho reply always camo that she was no better time went on and it immrao a settled fact that iliaa rodd wub u confirrood invalid and that ruah she would continue liutil a kind providnuco took moroy on her by allowing death to end her bufferings none of the villagera untfoipatod any other ending our astonishment oau bettor be imagined than deaoribed therefore whop mrs bert wells failed ns ono moruing with well editor we have some newsfor you today wbat is it why mlep rodd haagone on a vlait to columbua frienda why i thought bho was a confirmed invalid so she wab but ehe has been improving so much lately that she is nowable to help herself a good deal and it was tbodght a ohange of scene would do her good that is certainly newp replied the qaillpuaher and good news too j but what aured her dr wllliamsvpink pills replied mrs wells wo then decided to ask mibs kodd upon her return for an interview but it was some time before it took place owing to the limited time at our dibpobal between trains and partly owing to a desire to wait and ben it tho improvement was likely to prove permanent howevor after many putoffs we finally called at the home of mm dop- littlo a slater of mias rodd a who has carofolly cdred for her during tho long illness at the request of tbe editor miss rodd made tbe following statement i am fifty years of age and have lived in brooklin ton years five yoara ago i was taken ill with acute rheumatism and have not done a days work since the trouble began with my feet and the swelling ex tended to ray arms wrists and eboatdera and finally settled in myneoki i badsuoh pain that i was obliged to use a walking etiok to ease me in moving about and two and a half yoarb ago the stick had to make way for a crutch at this time i need to get up a little each day but it was not long before i was denied even this privilegeand tbe next six months i was perfectly helpless and bedridden i could not even turn my head or put a cup of tea to my mouth i got completely discouraged after ine0cctu- ally being treated by two physicians- and trying tbo different medioines recommend ed for my ailment while i was in this helpless condition my niece came in one day and prevailed upon me to try dr willlama pink pills after taking two boxes i felt a slight chango fortho better bo i continued to take them with tbo effect that i oontined to improve elowiy ovor since i now oleep woll have a good appetite and have gained in flesh lean stand now walk about and oven get in and out of a buggy upon tho occasion of my late visit to columbub since that timer too i feel stronger and any reaou for still using a crutch is oq account of my knees boing weak and a deairo to hot overtax my strength jubillce day was tbe first time in twenty odo months that i was able to rock wood woollen mills 31 years in business good goods without money not that we are giving away goods wed not have been serving your interests for more than thirty years if thatd been tbe case but you bring us your wool clip for which we will allow current market prices and in exchange we will give you choice of desirable and needed articles and charge you only their real worth choice assortment of tweeds friezes and homesiuns flannels blanketssheetings and yarns v knitted underwear extra value prints flannelettes shirtings and cottonades wyite quilts grey and bleached cottons these are goods that we cp recomrriend tor quality many of them are our own manufacture and what has not been made by ourselves lias been bought in the best markets we can make the trade one that will be of mutual interest full weight and fair inspection are the rules that guide us in the buying of all wool at these mills hkrriss cq bockwood woollen mills txzkllslootd ont at ten lio no 6 company 20th lome rifles llciduartcri acton th mnjf i hy8 the mcniljern ol the company will par- locattlie armoury on monday wednes day uiil friday livening of each week nt icikht oclock until further orders thekecruit class will be open for the admission of good desirable rccriiiit on each of the above nights liy order j g lancton capt no e company jor service awhllhkkd jorsoyllullat acton tctidb 100 cash or hioif cliarjtl dkclutk in tho noyvoat and best assorted of dress goods in alltho newest colorings with trimmiugs to match our black dross goods require no recommend aa all know we hiandlo exclusively priestleyfl they are acknowledged to be the best colored organdie muslins with linings to match a largo variety of swiss spot and checked muslins colored piques in beat washing colors a very largo selection of crumes english prints a largo variety pt salisbury suitings juat tho thing for laaios homo wrappers ribbons laces lace curtains and embroideries an immense stock to choose from wo have this spring purchased a aire selection of ladies white tjnderwoar jind are prepared to give you goods ntloas than the niatorial can be purchased lor ladies blouses that it would do any person good to see- ladies s collars and cuffs all the latest styles gloves hosiery smallwonrs etc fine highclass wo are prepared to show you this spring tho largest and best selection of imported scotch english and irish tweeds patterns exclusively confined to us never was such a largo variety of fin o suitings spring ovorcoatinga trousierings etc to select from nver shown in flpnrgntnwn hnforft oont forgfit prn that mr millar is at tho head of this department which fact is sulfioient guarantee that everything will bo satisfactory hats hats this spring we have exceled ourselves in securing the best tho newest in style and shape they cannot ho approached in price this will he the place to buy your hats if you want the best gents furnishings a full and magnificent stocic comprising fine ncckware shirts collars cufls gloves hosiery underwear etc spring clothing readytowear for boys youths and men we have an immense stock in this- department and can suit every perspn in stylo lit and finish at prices that cannot be beaten by any other house as wo buy thoso goods direct from tho manufacturer it will pay you io nspect our stock before pu rcbasing elsewhore wanted geta for tbo rroatest of canadian books jr life of aiadotono uiomorial oditloo by honkinb cadvaaaorb proapootutt now ready bollfl toovorybody eaay to njatto wfi00 dally do first iu tlio hold thi3 uhadleyganilktson co limitea i toroato orsale double brick houso 1 by 31 ncvou rooms in oacli rood collars hard and soft water urco lot no jo main btroot aoton also good staulo terms cony apply to john cameron archiwct or to tbo owner g weliis evortou po wanted honest onorfiotic yonng mon farcnofb aana toacbors atuaonta ctorko and others who aro atimlrors ol mr g lads ton o and would hko to bpentl tho next tbroo raontba in tolling tbe match leas story of his life wo toaoti you how to do tho work aud guarantee ouccota prom 300 to 9500 a day absolutely uro thorola ttofoar of flluro and it will bo onjoy- ablo work partloulara furulabod froo uhadlevgaitiletson co llmltod toronto men and women who nood tomako nioooy can do so without riflk or capital by aohcltldk orders for our momorlat edition oftboliroof gldstono by caatoll hopkins with introduction by tbo honorable uinlator of education drltoa8 this book ia a- canadian classic tho story of bis life la told with thrilling iatorobt hiadoitb and impoalur national funeral will bo tb ba deacrlbod tad illusratod g13 large qaarto paftcj it nioaaurob hxlolxlj inohoa iiotall 250ffortbh4o0 mabuihcoutbindlug profoae- ly illustratod- proapootus 73 copta littoral terms bbadleyaailuetson compamy llraitod toronto in the high court of justice in the matter of the west half of lot number twentyone in the third concession of the township of esquesing in the county of halton notice u lioroby clvoa tbat michaol koloy of tlio towuablp of esquosiiir in the county of halton farmer has uiado au applica tion to tbo hi rli court of jubtco for ontario for a certificate of thio to tbo abovo mentioned property nndor tbo qulctlmi titles act and box produced o video ci whereby heappoaratobotho ownerthoreof id foofroofroinjtllluoumbrancob wlisroforo any other person baving or pro- tendlng toliavoany utloor iptorostla tho said land or any part tlioroof ia roquired on orbkiforo tbo 15th day of jauo now uoxc omulug to file aatateraontof bis claim voriflod by aflldavit at my cham bora in tbo city of g uolpb aud ut sorva a copy on mesora molean mcleau douglas street guelph an bsupi for tuo fia miolmol kaloy and in default ovory atieb claim will be barred and tbo tltlo of tbo saldmlebaol kiloy will bocotzioabsolutoaudlndoroasiblotlavtbna lu equity aubjoct only to tbo roaorvatjous nion- tlonodin tbo is3th section of tbo bald act sgda mmcklnnon local master ntguelim a report was o iron la ted laib weak to the effect that hon a s hardy premier intended leaving politlos mnd ukiog a position m judge of tho court of appeal or ol tho high court tho attorneygeneral m th uul thm gronbdl for tho rumor i m af raid it ht origin- tod from politloal mptitei i am not and never have been ao appliotnt for oithsr of tbo poiiiioni and i hardly think either la likely to be thrown at my head if either ono abonld be offered rae i should not feel at liberty to accept either one or the other mr wanmaket of philadelphia gave notice tohin 1c00 employeo a few daji apo that in tbo ova at of employees being called out to engagoln ub war with spain the balarioa of all nion who enter the mili tary service of the gotflrnment will be paid to their famllloi dnrlog the period of tlmir abaence and that thtir plaoee will bo belli open till they return in addition to this the arm will place an inaaraobe of g 1000 on eao wboifivmhhr ocrvioo to ms country payable to hla familv if hia life fa lost nblle engaged lu military doty and 15 on willow street at 9850 the assessment was coo firmed the following names were entered as manhood franohlso voters john w elliott job bhortill alex maud j maud john moleoci andrew allan b milne w waller harry gampbell john brown robert htatbame f gamble f w gojidbve gbas tabb horace cook wil liam bolea peter maepheraon to be added aa tenant tho roll was oaref ally revised by the court every property in the raaniolpauty paaalog andor review and tbo roll was finally ood firmed about 11 pm last of the protests id order to answer the thouaandandono qoestiona that people are taking these days tbout the fhillipino ialande the review of jlfvicics for jane cqqtalae two valuable illuatratol ariiales one rivintf the observa tions of a very recent visitor to the irilands mr jascpb ti mnnix and the other by imr chb johmon late ot the bengal civil service on the pbillipioeb in his tory tho relatives and frienda ot the thousaudh ot yoang american volunteers who will shortly bo called to serve in that distant ptt of the world will be interested in what these writers buys to tell about the islands and their inhabitants fhefmen who managed tbe civil war for tho united states are dead and the present war bo far as the laud forces aro concerned ivltilmiefmiiffaintsih lgyb the seventy moon d filed at oesoode hall on monday ton onto may 81 what is no doubt the last ot the abnormal crop of protesta from the ontario eleotlons wasfltod at osgoode hall on monday by mopberson clark a oo it was from booth perth and is signed by mr cbarleasohonlle of mitohell asking for the unseating eto of mr william c moscrip the liberal member in addition to tbe usual charges special attention ia paid to tho ke tarn log officer fatflok whelihan who ia bold responsible for tbe defective printing on the ballots whiob in part led to the appeal which resulted in giving mr mosorip the seat this is the 72nd petition filed four of whloh been dropped bosa north- york haat york and a crosspetition 7rt niplaalng of the sixtyeleht now in the oonrii six aro cross petitions the time haa now expired for all except a cross petition in south perth there being an extra 16 days allowed crbwsons corners mr btohard johnston a highly esteeni- put my toot cutaido the floor ana i am aatiefled had i tried dr willi am a pink pills in tho first pato instead of a other medioinea used i would havo been spsred muoh suffering i am bare 1 owo my im provement to theso piiib alone mra doohtthv who as wo havo previously stated attended hor bister through her trying illnesawas equally btropg lu her reoommepdatiooa as to dr williams fink pills having effected tbo radical chango and the tbreq of ns agreed that it would be only jast that this case should ho brought to the notice of a offering humanity io the hope that it might prove a blessing to more than miss rodd who etill continues to improve and who hopes to again be able to datod tbls7lb day of may ihjq an attractive pair a tramps revenge biiaurron oot may ijfl jorlfte mogib- hou has prop need sen ten on on a nfttn giving the nime of william graham who waa couviotedol arson the man bail a from new hampshire and hss all the ear marks of the profcmional tramp on may 7 he applied at tbb honao of mr robert robin- eon a farmer living near here for dinner and was refnaed oe went to the barn alrnoatdireotlyaud shortly alter it waa in flames and was completely destroyed high constable broddy was notified and after a oloaw efaaso captured his man the samo day and lodged him in u ramp ton jail he was sentenced tofivo yoara in kingston penitentiary od and proaperoua young man or turn vioinity waa united in marriage to mias verena ram aha w of kincardine on wed nesday may 25tb at kinoardlno they have now taken up their residence on hla farm near here wo wfah mr job no ton and hia estimable bride many happy nnd probperons years of wedded life some ot our boya are talking of going out to oamp with the 20th battalion lome rifles quite a n amber from this vicinity attended the indaotlon of the kev mr cranston at rockwood on toesday mr and mrs george berry of 13rln spent a day or two at mr george ganna laat week mr j mtlloy is spending a few daya at mr jas g among thtjoltfajrvisitdra to this place we noticed the following mr and mrs g bamshaw oflowville mr and mra a cnn and family of lutber mlaa nellie eagle ot toronto mr s and mlaa a caun of east lather misses l and a golem an of toronto mr and mrs a e nioklln of acton at mr j murray r d h d r-wcrk- n dal l n pr widiame pinkfills cure by going to the root ot the disease they renew and build up the blood and atrongtheq the neryea thus driving disease from the system avoid imitalioqc by ineistlng that every box yon pnrohaao is enolosed in a wrapping bearing the full trade mark dr willlama fink pills for pale people mr geortfe cann of luthor i visiting bis son pottidhbter canu this week in honor of the president president mckluley is to be gifeu tlie unique distinction of having a number of a womans magazine named for him and prepared in his honor the july lasue of the ladm home journal is to bo called iho presidents number it will show tho president on horaeback on the cover wllh the presidents now m flying over him a now march by victor horbert la caliod tho presidents maroh tbe fltatedepartmoni faa huuta prlvato bank at bracubridgo has cloved its doors causing anxiety among depositors geokgetowns live8t stoeej rob block mhin st pnoduce taken in exchange g6 fjqeoitf n every day bargain day hepol trees and berry bushes we have all the necess- arymatekialsas 1 have not lakqn any patent medicino fur yenra dontneed any t only want your work and will- attend to it carefully and promptly do not forget tliat if i cannot make your watcb run correctly i wish in all cases to return llic money copper sulphate copper carbonate periygreenp white helebore insect powder nnd assistant of j y eo an hernia speclalut private office 326 west richmond st toronto mr j y egan retiring from periodical visits to this section business haying so increased as to demand his time nt home office his son t y egan who has bceri for ninny years and is now oshociatetl with litih as activenssisuuivwillcbuunuyisitqt prices right and materials the vry best trxccptionnl experience indcr the direction of the most eminent gynecologists sur geons nnd leading phystcitms nud being fully cjualified in all details of tbe profes sion enables him to diagnose all fonns of rupture select the correct appliances nnd adjust the same for any cose witlt asauqed success 2000 treated personally the larqest most cohplete nssortment of iiistnimenlseverhliown outside of toronto he will carry a full line of his fathers hithclnsg u curative- trusses also n full line of his own latest in ventions viz the duplex pulsntor and the retentive tliese instnuuent9 have provtilalrevcjauouanjiicchajucalurgxynudnliaviia special low price visit affliacd persons even those of limited means have ov an opportunity of prncuriiijr a firstclass iiistmniciit at the sfballest possible cost ns ol is tlurin this visit only to advertise tliese highgrade instrunieuls and will therefore place them at an exceptionally low figure within the reach of ll a question oftrn asked can rupture he cured we ctiiplmlitv1y any that this part of tlteliody should offer no exception to those physiological lnvs governing the whole physical economy and it inatteis very little he the age of the nffiicted one or fifty years because the iu- stejtitinlcliitiifes are forever nt work arid so lonjf ns there is a spark of vitality left nature exerts herself to remedy the evil wc have the evidence yru demand namely your own neighbors testimony do you want permanent relief if so now is your time to procure an instrument that iilny he relied upon witli the services of nil escrt remember we have the most complete facilities nnd a repu- umtion to maintain amongst our own people call and interview hin twve ybur case scientifically dingnosed free examination an attractive pair of shoes add to thegenlecl appearance of any one man woman or child we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usigo may begivenrallstyles nil prices all qualities and all as represented we have a coniple assort ment including boots and shoes i all sizes wubberaysh e all stlffli trunks and valises extra values we arc prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing evclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty ycarsof practical exper ience we arc able to sclcctbctter poods and at better advantage ilian dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work ax reiaihinc givks prompt attention kenney bros main street acton dominion boot and shoe store an ounce of prevention r better than a ppulsjo of cure if you suffer from nity form of rupturej varico- cele varicose veins dlspfnced kidney etc coqni- leiicy or weak hack consult nt once ntitl obtain our advice nnd fnechnnical assistance stop experiment- hiir with forcitrti electric belt fakes mid socalled bslq0x wf ii to yduiljmiumllehuhemeiulx the wlodern grocer being the larg est makers ol refrigerators in c a n a d a w e ma ke several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best la- uu i at ion nnd zinc lined vvhy buy a h o m e made or poorly made n r i i cle when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less monov for prices and description ndforala knowles ham nott co limited brentford scorelary of war li ininbor morohnt wlio aervd for ehort lima m oolpoel of cttvulry foqbt onobftttlo and beoame ft general after tlio ptaoe it la alleged he knowi leaa nbont cltnlioo warfare tban a military college cadet it tiiroarb aaab uniateprleh management lht wo aee a war mr gladstones latest lit er abyork the laet fmiebed literary work of wil liam e oladatone waa hla eloquent and lender tribute to tbe death of arthur ben- ry htllaro the friend ot bli eohooldaye fir ii ix weeks old with an army of half uniformed halfarmed baitdrilled militia men too tow to invade cobav and too raw to wfraated againit eeaaoned troopa in a tropical country deaplto the reoeat refaul ol oongreta to imlorae the proposed international coro- s million freeldent uekf lilew haa psraleted anil a conference will be held reciprocity alltn labor lake and ieaflihldi bering bea regulation bondloj prlvlltgm and trane- pcttatlon ot troopi will probably be oon- kiiltred it an agreemenl la retotied it frill have to rnn the ganntlel ot the american be6w wlih whalproepotof getting ifcrogh no man oan till palbly freal- dht morlnley can iwiorum benatore oat of lber hutorlo npilhily to oariadlan olreu andpmelblr tb 8edtorimay itli w enongh bonniii natnro to be lemyod by the new frlindlloeee wo wri v i and thereafter nnlil hia aollmely dealb tbe ariiols waa tbelkat ot are which mr qlodilone htd at dlfforent limea written expreaily for the xovlht vompnmon and appeared reoenlly xhe floil rovlelon of the arllole in the i renerablo tatearaane own handwriting waa concluded in november 1897 saoh a trlbnt from a man ot eightyeight wboee itatenmanthip haa raide a profound and enduring imprea- elbnnpon tbe clvir hlaiory of the world to a yoalh of twentytwo who hid been alxty- fonr year ia hie grare ia probably nnex- ampled in literature tlio entire mann- bripl of tbli artkle ie perbepe the moil jwidoi of the many- rare- aotographi pottejhd by the pnbllarier of tba7twm compaulo- ji dereloptoeat company at flciawnd laat tiffi1aiatbvdlem elnoto raaho a dlroct photograph of tlio original pacoliment of the declaration of indcpcndenoe while the preaidents own frienda and lutlmalee have combined to tell acme twenty now and nnpnbllshed otorlea and ancodoteo about him wbloh will ahow lilm in a manner not before pringle a t browjst the jeweller guelph done the cover will bo printed in the national colors sprtngthherengnin pate l00i dennu uun tlieii cominq from toronto the campaign peraona who are rnptured eepeolally extreme oaiea that heretofore have fonnd every meana trallleee and parent having ohildren aoaqlioled have now an oppor tunity of oonaolting free a competent peolallat in thlellne thoa w egan of toronto will vlait acton dominion hotel saturday jnne 18lb iht eil- denoe farnltbed of hie aklll la rabeptionally high and ad inweitigatlon prove hie claim to be wellloonded prepare for winds a rare chance to onltlrate ti oajm hopefnlaplrlt ilea lu the oaf jfltnatue painieai ooro pataiwfa uratg0 we would call your attention to tho faot that we are prepared to aupply you with lumber of suitable length for your barn doom via 10 is 18 or 14 feet alio- sash v doors frames y mouldinqs etc for bolldiog storm doora put up at e low a rato aa poeelbte repair yodrp arnnii tirput in new od baton it ll tbo oold kwa out no it cooper 8c the tailors arc prepared for it with a very nttraclivo stock of sprjnkuftinga 8prlnr overcoatings sprlntrf rouserlnks m in all the latest goods our workmanship is nlwayn eullsfoclory onr prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles in bicycle sulla and aro bound to ploaso tho wheelmen call in and inspect bur stock onager cooper at akins majn siiiiitactoh pallors ilelays nrc ilniircrous ijiilics so deatrliip tcanbriitk their own nicnsurviiiciits nnd be anpplicd instrurncuts suitable for cose following instructions fit sninc personally herniotomist will visit kcton dominion hotel one day pnly all day and evening saturday june 18th miltqn fay july 16th head the following testimony from your neighbor is it not oonvlnoingp dear sib i write to inform you that the instrument that you so carefully filled on mo during your last visit here ml id ievery way successful aa ll cured me of a long stand- ing painful and difficult casoof double rupture in a few weeks although troubled for years and all previous efforts even to renin tbe rupture were unavailing i was in a bad way being unable to do ihosllgulmtworlt wlthouta fear of danger but after you did your work i felt like a new being and could do the heaviest labor in comfort and security i have to thank dr a p campbell vetvsaygeonbfthis town ior recommending me to yon and now i also would advise till safferori not to postpone their case but to go to you at oncefor i leel assured when you cbrfd mo in sncnaho1itlm you eanhelpany one s t i john kiddbh berlin ont qeorgetoavii electric works apfietor- manufaoturors of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ln s oonoral repair ing tiling equipped with agai braslnemaolilno i am joronare4 co do bruins on illoycue rramn o wliools converted from diroot to tniadt gpoko ill j ars bontto any dealred haoglel pull lino of siwkea kept in took saultmtton buaranleod illoyolo eoamoled in uy color x j 8pxioht georgetown m to peddling- wont durlni your spare llmt vijji workera who will help us neyjverctiii no uperlence or capllri hj chemicat aurai iy iotohayii mimim0i2kimitmm

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