Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1898, p. 3

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tile bank- of hamilton head offioe hamilton k g uamsay vicolroaldout capital all paid upil 25000000 reserve fund 72600000 total assets 684667845 nearly tun mhuoiih of dollora board of directors ohn stua11t lxottiduut iko jtoacm john lliouxon a t wood a b lek torouto wm cilimon mi tullnlluliij coblllor iibbtevijn aabtcablilor h m w atbon lubiicotor ceorcetown acency a general banking business iransaclcd noles of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper cenerally drafts issued payable at nil principal points in canada and unitedstatcs drafts on great britain bought antl savings pepartment deposits of 8t and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook a brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for largq silms r j p belu agent georgetown ont the news at home btdflftly of a looal character and every item interesting house cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain poles prices low slock the largest give us call geo wz nds jewelery and stationery store acton ont oft jetton ffin itss thub8day june 2 1898 little lo b which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week glorioaa suamer weitber summer vacation in four weeks theeo aro aheepwaohing and shearing days the country ia wearing its prettiest garb jaet now the btreets aro ready for that new bprinktiug cart huve you oulistcd yet in company 0 of the lorneriflea t t hortia dentist will vibit acton p rote bt lot ally today the wollkept lawlb and newlyplanted flower ted h in town look very pretty juet now- tht gravelling of mill street road bed is being tx tended this week from elgin bt eastward the prospects are very promising for a bin wheat crop clover is aleo in an exceptionally fine condition bevh h a macpliorson of knox church and a blair b a nabsagaweya exchanged pnlpits labt babbatb mr thomas perryroan jrpurohaned recently the property of mr robt campbell on lake avenuofor 600 the clark hoase has been transformed in appearance by tho introduction of now wiuctows the improvement is very striking the homo of commons aapplement- ary estimates passed on monday allow 87500 for repairs to the pior and dredging at oftkville numbers of the rauiically inclined have visited toronto and guelph the past two day b to hear dangodfrey eoglieh band it looks as if the railway war of- rates j would be continued iodsxldlteiy neither the railway authorities nor t ha travelling public seems to bo fretting ranch about it a number of the members of the melbodjat congregations of aoton aud intend driving to gnelph on sunday to attend the conference ordination service there will bo a partial eolipee of the moon joly 3rd an annular eclipao of the banjaly 18th a partial eclipse of the suo deo 13ib and a total eclipse of the moon teo2fitb a flook of birds llitapatt and we notice them bat in another moment thoy are lost to etgut and memory 8o should it be with on charitable btotfee concerning others to which you ronst listen now and tbon complainta arefrcqaujntontho r of drivers who persldt in riding ou the wrong bide of tbo road if they would only remember and keep on tbo righthand side they would avoid aocidentb and make otljcr people fas ppy there is money ia a greenhouse boaiuebsjn actonto an experienced- man- tuo proprietor of tho georgetown grecn- hoce informed the peer phesb- the other day that bo sells three times as much stock in aotcp as in his own town the presentation of mr b a paynes canuu tb area of famf by members of the acton methodist sattujr school in in thvcbaroh there on taeiday night was a gfc access the boudiiiff being crowd ed the perfoimanco wbioh wiii a patrlotia one went off in fi no style and the aodlfldco was delighted gael ph mercury ii niton tetiehera convention the pnblio bohool teachers of this county will meet iu- convention in the georgetown high school on friday and saturday jane 3rd and 4th a very excellent pogtflmmo has been prepared in which nearly forty of the county teachers are announced to take part mr b a thotnpion b a vloepriaoipal of the qntbri nnrmal nnl1fgg will take a prominent part in the programme -r- the announcement of rookwood woollen mills in these columns the past month ia worthy of general phrasal for thirtyone years tho reliable and well- known arm of harris a co have been doing basinets with tbo farmers and others in a wide radios of country their irajflbtforward buflineea methods bavo always been admired tho arm is in an anaeaally good pbsiilcd to deal with the public i tills season fall wlgbl and fair jnvpeompd predominan in all iraniac- tloosinevery patron may rest aiiored hat beywill be well sermd when ho goes to liookirood woollen mills vooi wahtid highest price in cash or trsde for ony jaantlly o good clean njprcliaiitabla wool dellvertdnu george- town wvtmoiieoij -r- anevcnin awheel a delightful evening way spent on mon day by at out thirty of our looal oyolista who paruded thopriqaipaletreete iu town took u few times around tho course at tbo park and a run out to banuookburn suliool aftor tho oatlng they were hospitably entortaiuod to refrobhrnonts by tbo missoa nouon whoso gueatb they woro for tho evening it was a very enjoyable oocution iirtit litmv vull match of tue season tho tirat match of the season was played in tbo park on saturday aftornooo and proved qui to exciting- it was between a nine of east end players und i ho town prod ryder captained the one tend era and v jiio the town victory perched ontbe bunncra of tho boye of the kiet end with a bcoro of of 11 to 8 the first nino ara now ingood shapofor the season and have sequred w alcott pitohor and w mills shortstop from the rambler toronto attention t company no 0 copt langton announces that the the members of company no c lome rides will parade at the armoary here on mondayywedueflday and friday evenings of each week at eight oclock until farther orders the reoruitclaas will be open for the admieaion of good desirable reornita on oaoh of the above nights col sergt w j mooro is tho companys iudtruotor uud the men aro making gojd progress under his tuition capt langloo who reeidea in toronto is already quite a favorite with the volunteers hero and ho has the reputation of treating bis men well while tbey are in samp jjalton farmers institute the annual meeting ot tho halton farmers institute will be held in tho town halli milton on tueaday 7th june at 130 p m the hosluess of tbo meeting will be as follows 1 presidents report discussion 2 report of the executive 3 treasurer and auditors report 4 suggestions of points at wbioh to hold regular and supplementary meeting- 5- election of director and auditors g suggestions as to how the institute can bo improved or mdo more ueoful at tho close of tho annual meeting the new board of directors will meat and eleot from among themselves a president and vice president and shall finally deoide tho pointp at which to hold regular and supplementary meetings j jj warren president will occupy the oh air pioneer residents pnbslag a way while attending the funeral of tho late mrs holmes at ashgrove last friday a prominent local farmer said to the free frees oar early residents are rapidly passing away this is the fifth interment in this cemetery of the remains of parsons of eighty years and over since the first of january enquiry elloted the named and ages of thoao referred to as follows mr thomas howflon 80 years mr george wrigglcaworth 81 years mrs tboe craw ford 83 years mrs dell s3 years and mrs holmes 80 years bev a blair b a of naasagaweya who waa present at the time batd i was lookiiifi over my bnrial register the other day and i find that during my pastorate of thirteen years in nasaagawoya i have buried fortyflvo persons of eighty years of ago and over tho young may die but the old must die pay dearly far a qticctfa blrtliilny row a case entered by officer graham aribing two bright young lives- lost tommy wallace and john ovens drowned in ut4elphbo wellknown in aoton vr um of a r a thti comme hotal on the night of queens birthday was beard before magistrates pearson and havill last friday county crown attorney mathe- son was present the evidence was considered direct and conolasive and penalties wero imposed as follows- j p mullan flood 915 and coats for porraitting disorderly conduct on tho premiaes of a licensed hotol t riley and it stewart 85 and 2 and oosta reopsotively forbeing dronk and disorderly and a maeen 85 and cobtsfor fighting and dinordfly conduct upon charging the dojpotlaptb reeve pearson spoke etrpnglytlpon the question good order whiob must be preserved in thexmunioipality and statod that the s4feriti peace and will give offenders no quarter hot infiiot the severest penalties espeoially upon any who are convicted on a second charge the fines and costs to this case aggregated abont 930 visit of a native persian a nativo of persia habbi mooshte g danlo late professor of ancient syriao in oroomiah college persia spent several days in town duriug tbo week rabbi daniel was converted to christianity at the presbyterian mission in oroomiah and has given bis life to the work of spreading the gospel iu order the hotter to qualify hlm- belf to influence tho people of persia who aro principally mahomedans sod nestor- una to accept tho religion of jesus christ be is spending several years in ibis country ho has already graduated from mccormlok thcolokical8ominaryiiiohicifio the double purpose of extending liistheolog- ical atudies and earning the riflht of british oitizeubhlp he will bpend a year in canada and take a course in knox college toronto he preached in the methodist church on sunday morning addroised the sunday school in the ternoon and gae an addresa upon rehglons hfo and customs and the influence of ohri a trinity in persia fn tho oveniug hissermon was an excellent one and his addtesees foil of interest and information since coming to america prof daniel has published a valuable work on modern persia strangely jforcwnrncd aid r e nelson is not superstitious he la a good practical motbodiit but ffjuv all that ho cannot deny that some unbeen factor warned him yesterday that bis little girl wasln danger she is a bright little toddler attending miss mevcers kindergarten and a few minutes before tclotbrlritfllokfirns very foroibiy mat he should go after her and take her home ho dismissed tho matter irons his mind s he was rather busy ab the time bat it kept recurring so persistently that he could neither write nor do anything else final ly he picked up his bat and walked out j about three minntobto twelve whe he got near tho bramosa bridgo he could see his little girl coming along at the other end he met her abont the oentre of the bridge and stooped to speak toiler when he was startled by a shout and looking up he saw dr lindsays runaway borae ooming along at a breakneck pace the boggy swinging from side to aids at every step and just about on tbe bridge it did not take him long to seize bis child md get to a safe spot but it seemed an ift ai it was be got out of the way jail in time he is very thankful now that be obeyed tbe inspiration to go after his little daugh ter rette for she wonld have itoodu terrible chance of being run down and perhaps kjued crrielph jfenjaify to cube a cold in one day take laxative bromo qehrlae tablets all drusalata rotund to munvr irh fall to ours a number of homes in aoton andvloln it y were especially nuddoned and the entire communlity was moved with feoliugii of boibdw on itriday moruiug with the boart- rjnding news that tommy wallaco aud john ovfus both drug clerks aud well- known ii acton hud been drpwubd at gutlpli the night before tbe farmer was the second eon of mr hugh wallace ono of tho raoat fisttemed farmers in this vicinity aud tho latter waq the only son of mr william ovetip mount forest ho was a grandson of mrs uakeqwn aud being frequently in acton visiting at tbo homes of john slcpbenhon jamos wilson thos klliott and had made numerous friends hore t b walltiue who had been employed in a ji petrioa drug store and john ovcus in alex stewarts drug store in company with charles clendonnun also a drug olerk bad gouf up the river speed in tho evening on a canoeing trip last thursday evening abont eight oclock all went well on the tyay up and they bad started on tho return trip when the canoo upset belovy the victoria bridgo how no cfne appears a bo able to explain and the three were like a flash plunged intothe deep water charley clendenhan alone was rescued the other two sank almost immediately neither of them could swim tho river in this place ia very deep and nothing could bo done until grappling hooks wero brooght both bodies wero recovered but life was extinct the young men were well known and were general favorites tbo parents of tho young men were noti fied and in compauy with sympathising friends weut to guelph removing the remains to their respective homes by the evening trains next day the young men bad both epent about four years at the drug bubinees and would have completed thtir apprenticeship and graduated iu about three months refer ing to their character tbe guelph mercury says tbo deceased during the period that thoy had been in guelph became well known to many citizens they were courteous and obliging attentive to busi ness and gave promise of living long and ubefal lives their prospests were bright in every respeot in tbreo more months they would have completed their terms of apprenticeship aud were then to go to the school of pharnmoy tho druggists here were confident that both would make a good sbowiug and come but with hltfa honors at their examinaions tho funerals were both held on sunday afternoon that of thob b wallace took place from the residenco of his father mr hugh wallace 6th hue nabsagaweya to fairvlew cemetery aoton tho coucouree of people was tbe largest ever attending a funeral from that district a tribute of respeot and sympathy to iho bereaved father and mother who wero deprived of their son bo suddenly floral wreaths from sympathizing friends oovered tho casket over forty from guelph were preseut and about iso conveyances wore iu the funeral procession the funeral of mr ovens at mount for eat was also very large mrs mckeown sr mr david mckeown and mrs john stephenson were preseut from acton the roll of honor coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes the may examtnajlons at acton pub lie school tho monthly oxaminfttions tools plflco last friday the result kivior the following pupils btuuding in tho roll of houor fihht miiailtmiint clanuv clara cobban edith ntoklid battle oram and gertrude barrie 250 borlio speifibt and eva ferryman 250 benoltiaalv hattio noble 202 jon- riio gurnoy 251 wm liird 230 marks poailblofbr both olabacs 800 jun glasi iv bttie modonaid lj2 george oram 191 lottie ebbago 18 d class iii florence soper 182 annie oram 1b0 bert smith and lena collins 178 marks poailblo for both olasaei 200 f t idrnm principal second pfcrartment third senlormabot llophail 218 may wordoo 188 minnie mopheraon 178 third inltnnodiato ethel coleman 220 jennie hoqneen 21fi j peajl 8towft 211 third junior jennie smith 201 tool moartw 109 ena pearson 182 marks posiiblo in all olasses 225 c mcpuail teaoher tiubij derht3nt senior class vida folbter 200 myrtlo cook and ruby clark 188 annie corrle 195 junior class kov mcvhiil and myrtle soper 102 mamie mauou 100 charlie matthew 183 marks poaslblo 200 ib caukiibon ttachor rounill leiantmiint sr part ii maggie forbes 242 dora ooozee 210 merle frick 23s jr part ii vincent qoodevc 238 laura colemm and florence 8pplrht224 clara moore 221 6r part 1 emma tovell mabol arthurashafrceuian colemau 234 jab aiuqueen 2h0 uretta moltic and johnnie mcdonald 222 marks possible 250 e ii mcqueen teaoher comiinjo and goino mr edwin fianols visited his blaler at woodstouk lust week mr fihercenn harris of dereham paid bis brother mr frank harris a tliortviit this week mrs 0 s bmllh returned on thursday morning from a pleaiant visit with frlenda in walkcrlon mr and aire cunningham and misses clara and htzel of cooksvlllo wero tbe guests of- mn t j balstcd and other friends last weeb mr john s cameron who has been in gloversvllle n x for several months arrived home for a short visit last week mrarcsmoroinrillteturawhrr him tho removal ot this esteemed family from aoton is regretted the fjiee iiiebs extends congratulations to mr peroy 0 socord son of mrs s a seoord upon ills graduation from the law department of the university of buffalo he took very bigb standing in his final examinations and ia now a full fledged barrister auction sale reoister satuuuay 4th june auotlon bale of household furniture and utensils on the property of tn jennie b cameron boss cottage bale at 880 p m wm hematreet auctioneer w j uamrobnd had his third trial at braoebriage on the charge of murdering kails joqjli in week and was aentenoed the fnkr pueaa invitee all its readers toooo tribute to this oolutnn if you or your frlonda aro going anay on a holiday trip or if you llave frlonda visiting yen drop a card to the fnhb piiejib mre a h drown vibited at harriston last week miis jeuuio steele isaain viaiting aotou friende miss lotlio e sjitiht vidited frienda in torouto on tuebday miss nellio hoimea viaited friends in guelph tho past week miss monteiuijnf toronto is spending a few days with mrs orr mre leslie holmes of guolph visited aoton relatives this week mr d mclood of llumilton waa tbe gueat ofacton friende this week mr frank fowler of guolpb was tho gngst of mr t j halated last sunday mibb bella peter of toronto was in town renewing acquaintances during the week mr t j ualuted visited at the home qf her brother it n wheeler o harnilton- laet week mrs a stephenson mrs i frshols and misb stephenson- visited friends in george town laat thursday mr william symon of wisrton spent tuesday in town he was the guest of sirs charles symon young street blebers thos j edmiston and james coleman left last woek on a bioyole tour to london inwood and other points west mr geo thurston formerly of tbe fjiee fnesa ataff is now sut manager ot the whitepold n h publishing corh- piny iviiba helen symon of toronto was home for a day or bo laat week she la enjoying her position iu toronto very mnoh airs peter mcgregor of toronto was the goeet for a couple of days last week of hor sister mrs jamea cobban bower avenue mrs william car acoompaniedhe p to buy at rollcrts daughter mrs william jeana to glovers vjlle n y last week and will spend a month or so there mr lewis d orr who recently graduat ed with honors from the college of fbarmaoy has- taken a situation with mr j d mckee druggiit mr hugh molsurhlio ot nassagsweys nae discharged tcday from ths general hospital where he has been undergoing a gtmrbo of ireatrnent for ptronio rheuma- tlbtn guelph bltrcury j mr thomas momackon jr spent a day or so last week with aoton relatives and friends he and his brother william are about to remove their etave and lumber bosinesa to maxvilleont rev j a molachlan m a went to oeelpb on tnesday to attend the- annual eesslon of hamlllon conference bev yira bryera went yeeterday and messrs jsmoa brown an h p moore will go thia morning mrs jno stephenson mrs jas wilson mrs mckeown and mr and mrs thos elliott went to guelph on friday rnoroing to attend tho funeral of their late nephew john ovens the remains were conveyed tomonut forest and several of tho frienda ncoornpanied them kev xi jlbillipa ot canuold who waa twice pastor of the methodist ohuroh here at importantperiods in its history madea brief visit to town on hia way to the con- feieneo at guelph this week rev mr riiillips addressed the epworlh league on tuesday evening io very encouraging words els reminiecencos of events in years gone by were interesting to all jiytoi they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowal ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pate in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable email phi small dose mall price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand v carters little liver pills sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorized capital 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of joe per share for i ao months when payments cease toooo paid in maturity value 1 roooo money to loan at j straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appll- ation to ft j mcnabb agent aoton with hoods baraspa- rilla bales talk and show that this medi- elne has enjoyed pnblio oonfldenoe aind patronage to a greater oitentthan aocord- sd any other proprietary medlein this is simply because it posseases greater merit and produces greater cures than any other it is not what we say but what hoods saraaparilla docs that tetls the story all advertisements of hoods sarsaparllla like hoods saraaparilla it self are honeat we have never deceived the publlo and this with its superlative medicinal merit is why tbo people have abiding confidence in it and buy almost to- the exclusion of all others tryit freharcdonlfjiyc i hood co lowell mas u ji rjii liie only pills to take nooci s pius wilii lloousbaraaparllla it pnyi fn buy at bolutu- carpet sale empire writer price 6600 acton appreciates nice goods those wall paper samples we show at the drugstore of j d mckeh are all the rage why i because they are uptodate put ingrain on your walls it is very handsome and new 8eo mokees samples room mouldings to match window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot ball requisites c l nelles thb usbd6r cuelph rc for true and pure turnip sedd go to thorfs seed store guelph he imports his seed direct from the grower hulls wobtbury eattxklblan elephant suttons oliuiiinloa cstrtari imperial banobolm hartloy bronco hldblaodprlzo oreod top bcottub champion king of sweden ialanhahb p top b suarpa improved bklrvinb wultobwodo aberdeen s jorsoynavot cow horn wbltooiobo oroya topo otc 6 ton of dwarf esaox itajio good hnnnarlan millet liuckwbeat flood corn of all kinds turnip seed 10c lb or 11 lbs for j 00 tpe bood 60 lb or 18 lbs for 10o bood com 6o0 a bus whlto or yollow geojthoep sebdswhn market sq and maodonnell st cu visible writing ln addition to all the advantages of the j1200 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada jullircvhhktslxed circulars and testimonials write for them we start a special carpet and curtain sale today not just odds and ends or bad selling patterns but the pick ofour entire selection of new and choice goods for one w3ek we will take off a special cash discount of 10 per cent off all carpets oilcloths lace and chenille cnrtains and cocoa and grass mattings tapestry carpels from 30c to 75c nnd 10 piir cent cash discount brussels carpets from 75c to 8110 and toper cent cash discount axmlnster carpets from 9i to 8r 35 and 10 per cent casll discount wilton carpels from si 33 to 8130 and to percept cash discount union carpets from 25c o 45c and 10 per cent cash discount wool cnrpels frpnywjc to 75c and 10 ppr ccritcnsh discount oil ckahs from sjjwo 50c and 10 per cent cash disepuht linoleums fromoc to 85c and o per cent cash discount grass mattings from 20c to 40cand 10 per cent cash discount lace curtains from 75c to 750 per pair nnd 10 per cent casli discount chenille curtains from j50 to 8750 per pair nnd 10 per cent cash discount the williams mtg co makers of colobrawd now wlllifinib bowing machines limited montreal pq latest and best designs of 7vconu7vteists in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works is the only direct imporler of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and sea the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices ipr granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottioe und works- hamiltons block woolwich and norfolk sts blph iranoh wor3cslfer bamhtirg potatoes wanted vaa jrsit rav6a highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware qrooeries boots shoes symon bros cor mill and main sts acton w- m hemsbeet xixokhsid auotioniib or tho couutloa of wellington and halton ordorsleftat tbepnkb fakbb offloo aoton or atmyroaidonoainaotod will ba promptly at- tondodto foearoduood to 600 fob farm sales also monoy to loan on tho moit fardrablo sumitnd at tho lowost rates of interest to urns of rooand pwards aoton machine and eepair shops henry geindbiit proprietor altbwoll equipped wltb all tbo tuaobinerr cooossary to extento all ropalrs to machin ery and agrlouunral implemenu anil to do all kinds of atoamflttlnff horsoahmlng and aeneral blaoksmltblng woodwork ropalrs tmrformod ln a satisfactory manner we oaa repair and machine or i of 4oy miake baw snmminft 4bd bllnri tone n for tlie lads pants 50c hats 25c vests 50c caps 5 10 25c light and easy fancy straw hats with ribbons 25c and 50c for tlie lasses blouses 50c 75c 100 125 130 the best value in town c f gooijeire co hcon- rn oii8e cornet king and hnglisoii sts flamiltoii you it n it juu spend in dry goods always 00 tfl6 d0ll3rs p satisfactory here are good investments w barber bros papbrjflakbbs aborgetqwn ont suss a srscumrr o machine finished book iiioil grade wkz1uy nsw8 tho paper nssd in this journal is from he ibovo mills wm babbzb bros rtjbaeb stamps foil fins jlouder stamps pals ink eta write to oso curry co ktscbi east pre8b ooodb popllna in all nsw sbades extra nluo 7so jd fl ail lasassl obsok baltloa vlifrtrax 8ulluij audfixn mum 1 na3e7m ndll itlosbs pretty deslsna 65 78 btto a 8ullujbs tary apoolal atr mo beary bertfss tflnob all wool terr special jjsssndloo busplird obeoks all sutes soo kew shirt waists pri jbbtrtwalsta wparate colla and outra prlntbhlrt waists full froata pointed yoke wbltqollaranaaunsdetaohabla in polka dot sbombwaobseks plsld eie it9 isnillnbbirt waleta lull iroot wlllts collar and corts astaebabls iealali0o neirorjanaleuoallii shirt waists whits d- taotisbla sollar eenarau ouir apselavlslis blaek lawns and tartan hirt waisudetaob- abl or wit collar and colli ipnlal 1 tlm hsw 1808 uphc l8tbeeb it woald f ak odr wbols si aos to dssoribe the bsaiauas to bs bsu in ttss larisrt and most com plete sad best supulnted itpbojstaffy depart- mont in this city nowa-tewluma- attvaltrm ilnehse wide no tlssthm trwah tapwtrlee a ineun wlds w110 i as llauiaad strips 00 inohm wld 88c wtbroeitille m inohm wide spaolal sfla imtas tsks your order now we b wak to ft perteol aatlaractlon rniitiad ureal xsuniai lu u i b- plain bleaohed bbntloa so andsacv m plain bleaobsd bheesuiifj sad sac 104 plain bleaobsd bhmuntasana soo m plain bleached bbsrtloatb and too bj plain bismhsd 8bmtlss8add soc oxfod buuttlnaa special line bsttlsh make arand rsdoe lc llot quality doublo warp do 90c tidkxhafl best feather proof tickings lull noge of pattsnu so 83 and lso bkiutikob new btrlps bummer sblrtlpf tst colon large range of pattern ts sd and bos pbints goo patterns sit new dsalgnsln light dark and meiitum colors lb vary best grade fast colors iso omohambakdziphths full rang obsess plaids sad broken uaturns fsst oolortb10vu ami mo bpkoiaii baub oswhit jxjiitb bar sr ths shies sad prises f9ielarsljb dsfljtbaunfloiabdtjnlitlh mm sms to m4i01 dolors our stock is larffe designs kev values the best e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndliam street guelph silks and satins special june offering black peau de soil a double faced silk well actual value 125 june offering 100 24 in black satin brilliant finish soft make special 75c 24 in black satin brilliant finish heavy soft make special 100 24 in surah silk excellent finish special 50c also large range of figured silks shot silks china silks complete stock ss silk gloves in black cream tan and opera shades qtoosrarr go mill st actoii glasgow house ririicr es we are showing a full range of venetians broadcldtlis boxclotlis brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and value the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices go yes i see it all now the reason why 1 give pcrfec swwtwil ii better in style and finish than- what i can get from my tailors of course a large concern like shorcys can keep a start of experienced workmen upon one class of work from year to year until they become absolutely perfect while a tailors hands produce a sack coat today a dress coat tomorrow and so on consequently they can tbecxpectodto nllrfcnrthekfidencyof shorcys workmen shoreya guarantee card in the pocket of every garment shows that the firm is bound to give perfect satisfaction in every instance j buy the pridia of canada iolcred albamura quilts im oe 1 js 1t8 samples free by mail freight or espress prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchasm mounting to isoo and upwards v ita the newest stye o ut sfie them at venrtifrn t iinwj gtieiph

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