Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 2, 1898, p. 4

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do you use it its the best thing for the hair under all circumstances just as no man by taking tliought can add an inch to his stature so no preparation can make hair the utmpst that can be done js to pro mote conditions favorable to growth this is done by ayers hair vigor it rei moves dandruff cleanses the scilp nourishes the soil in which thchair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so bald heads grow hair when the roots are nour ished but the roots must be there if you wish your hair to retain its normal color or if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayers hair vigor 8fl cton 3free rm thursday june 2 1898 jj ruling jfolhs won hodbih steak i used to think my a bc about as ttnpld m oould bo and standing by itself alone it ion t much i can t but own but lot mo toll you thin i think when alphabets aro mlxod with ink and lettorb plain are flxod up bo they toll a story tbon you know tho alpbabot is truly grand a brood and splendid wonderland aud papa bays uo story yot was nrlt without that alphabot and furthermore none oor can bo that is not in our adc and all it needs bo says to make a story luo that 6 ouro to tako la ono who s keen onough to uoo how to arrange our abc bo that thoy 11 follow in a way to uaako tho story plain as day exciiafoe attention gr t bl wi poof mem ories boys or do you ever feel like ouvi intf aome school mato win never aeomb to forget anything jtbo way toremembor ia to glvr attention if you attend to au thing with your whole hourt you can tiot forgot it a boy does not forget who won tho ball name ho dooa not forget tho day of tho pic mo why should he forget who won a buttle or when a btato was settled it is becnudo bo will not tako the samn iutnrebtia these thintfa ho does not fdve attention to them learn togiventtouton and you will hivo good moraorice edward is working in a brokers ofilco w is i la duty to tend a telegraph machine that reports quotations of took a from a central exchange and marking tho quotalioue on tickets to p at limn on a screen beforo the- hroker s ouatomurd from ten till two tho telegraph is cone tint ly reporting and from ten till two edward must steadily watch it ha mast tako down the reports instantly and post them accurately no ono bat a boy with a high obaraotor aa a scholar could bavo scoured suoh a place yak foorteeoyear old ed ward never makes a mis tako an uqqib whom he loves very much oame to beo ba father the other day and was taken to the brokers office he was told beforehand that the boy would be engaged but was eur prised to see bow completely he could beep bis attention on hia work the father and uncle oatne behind the counter edward gave them a nod aud a smile tlcn watobed the figures aud marked the tickets these friends were in hia mind no moro till two oolook that boy a ia attention i a new man paines celery compound gave him a fresh existence misery and agony the hope of canada tlhilfri nmlatu frnm t military flpupfffl at ktngbton it 1b fair to my initio a deeper impression upon thinking poop o thin did any othor fen tyro of tho rtocnt military tournament tjuir rony ohooku broad ehoulderm brawny uliohta and free manly carriage wire those rutber of young qrook herooe than of c inadian sohoolbova people see mud to realua for tho first time tho splendid development of mubole strength and agility of which young canada ib capable and many a mother doubtless thought of hor owu narrow ohebted bbamblin none aud asked herself why aro not my boys like theso pity that all the bchool boards of canada could not havo witnessed that splendid exhibition of manly ntrength and grace uid asked themeelvla tho game quebtion far there ib no good reason why canada shopjd tiot bo a nation of just suoh men as those bob nill beciomo and then biio would bj ono of i ho greatest nations ou earth any country 0 in tho dominion could produao suoh boye ware tho sohool lawb adequate a room u few score dumbibells a wooden horse a bhowfir bath and a sohbalinautor who has been taught the uboa of his arms are the only requibitoa they would come cheap and tt is to be hoped that beforo long and if neccbsttry by compulsion thoy will be added to every echool in tho land toronto star commonplace workers commonplace things are the worlds greatest treasures in the sphere of mind and matter air and light aud heat and cold are commonplace helps to human life but none of ub cuu ot along without them they aro worth more than oooaeional meteors and aurorab and eolipees and oj donee oveu though theae attract moro attention for tho time being common aim so and ordinary sympathy and average ability do more for mankind than great talent and surpassing genius a hundred persons can be reaobed and understood aud ipfluenced by an average man whero ono can feel in his heart tho power of a mighty mind if we arapothlntfmor6 tha common let us getablefrcparationfor as similating thetoodandregula- tlrg ihestomochs andbowels of imanis uiuiti that the ifacsimile signature qrf the jvvost hon the mauculss or duff erin and ava no otllj 111 oh lion but iin fromotesdieshoncheerful- 1k3s andrest contains neither opiummorphine nor mineral ot narcotic jlyn saj- apcrfccthemedy tor constipa tion sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsionsfeverish- ness andloss of sleep tac simile signat of exact copy of wrapper llfillll i i usasil is on the wrapper of eveby botttje of iwstoria oaatoria li put op in onoilio bottles only it u dot told la balk dont allow anyone to cell yon anything elso on the ploa or promlao that it il jnrt aa good and will answer evory jnr urn hi c iii inn soig cmipc 1 id ihii i ii n 1 n i vit i inl cf c iniild uid wlio li full uul li lnil hint tm i mm lluu jib viuroj of in i i utiil nil i hidir to lin t i luu uf 1 uuij i in in hl tnticil liinch n- t w tlit hokt of autokniih coiilcioim will bt intiud in the follow i u mi u kl ipli ittt i nv of our suluiilttt enn t tci il nni c iiti mi rtfcrrnl t uid li tli iol 1 in i toi nwit the mk cv fill f mi 1 1 t jis 1 nil i uliliilum i f the li inili iint ni iiity plum o fluid h tlit mil- i r tli hist cimadnui jmiiiomii oiih tin no- d mbt lie h il b addrt it mt uri lolin uoupiu i son mmitit il 1 ho comjctition clifl in ii 1 ii tit id if may 1 us pieidur h iiiumihi ml wc unlcrstuid il i j ii to ill with tut nitriihl fe 1 h jll 1 i il h i itiiotic ct t lie li i iw in on en a piinttr lio- f i mini i metiill unuersity lon ii ml iuf clail of liinity univir- e loionto ho me to a tl c let leu r in fioiu wluei iirl dufftrin will 1 i juo met on the three best poio sbftfu- tltaiie sjcutnn rbco that you get 0 abt0 e i a mbs clevelands one offic ial favor all daring mr clovelnnija two terms aa proaident mra clovolanda mast inti matobsooiteb were those whom she knew before marriage aaya a writer io the jaoe loilica home journal one ol them was toe wife of a olork in the trsssury depart ment who hveb in one of the moat modest little homes in one of washingtons moat nnfmhionable dibtrlot th made no had given up all hope and ex pected to die is the medicine for you poor sufferer you cannot be disappointed if you use paines celery compound difference to mm cleveland often the while hodbo oarnage called to piok op the friend for a drive another of ber intimato friends in washington waa a young woman who taught mnsiotoaopnort herself mrs cleveland obtained many pupils for ber another waa the wife of a straggling lawyer and eaoh week a bonqaet of wbito house flowers came to cheer the boms of the friend of schoolgirl daya a fourth was the teacher of a email kindergarten who when the cleveland children reached a suitable age transferred her school to the white hoose and the families of mrs cleveland friends and of the f rienda of the president became her pupils the only official favof which mrp cleveland asked ol her hnsband wbito he was president was the appoint ment to office of the husband of ber college roomtziate blind mens dreams odo of the most intelligent inmateb of a blind asylum who came into the world blind says that he never dreams of the thiifca he haa read about and never dreams of anything or person that he has not in aomo way come fnto personal contact willi lie dreame of mosio of the voloea of per son he know of suoh incidents aa might happen at the home orin aome place in whlohhe ha aotoajh been but never of iooldenta in other places or in other lands even although he haa read descriptions of localities of natural beauties of the appearance of a street or city no idea of whit they look like becomes to him in the fanolea of hia sleep tlhere ia a olass of blind people who booome blind when quite yonng such bl ind peoplo never dream of any scene or object exoept those wliioh have remained ia the memory from what they actually saw before they became blind ptarmict hnlly bicycle shoe clerk loses a customer a denver shoe etoro recently employed a yotlng man for olerk who had been in the bicycle bnslnnsa so long tbat he was an enlbbelaat a yonng lady called at the etoro for a pair of shoes i want a pair of shoes she remarked demurely what goar he ioqoired bowing sir i m wbafralga about sj what model er what labl a c last i think 4t yon like the aad the high heela t just medium lie got the shoe ahe aeemed to want and after fitting it carefully remarked absent- -nolndedly- you can wear loose bloomers with tbat f rime and it will never pnnoture keep it well greaaed and tbe lady called for another clerk fooled the t tbe sunday school teacher had reaobed a point in the lesion where she was dwel- ing upon the future reward of those who bebaved properly here when the audacious sdiiu boy who frequents most sonday oliooli epoke op and asked if all good people went to heaven certainly replied his teacher well haa my grandmother gone to heivon persisted the youngster sorely she baa my boy if she waa a good woman i no ab hasnt deelaredtb fun loving youngster there sh is over there i the eober turned to other phases of tbt lesion wella 4 richardson co dear sire i oan conscientiooaly reoom mend fsinea celery compound to all who may be suffering from dyapepbia and liver trouble for years while living in black brook i suffered from a complication of troubles and was eo bad with dyspepsia tbat 1 oould not tonoh a morsel of food i fonnd it difficult to bleep and what little i did get waa often broken with horrid dreams intense sufferings from liver com plaint added to my load of agony 1 alio bad diainesa pains in tbe book and was pale haggard and despondent i kept doctoring and doaing without deriving the slightest benefit and finally gave up all hope of getting well one day my daughter who had read of a wonderful aura by paines celery compound begged me to try ono bottle of the mediolno i told hertt was no use to throw away money but she pleaded so bard that to please her i bongbt a bottle and before ii waa need up i felt better encouraged eo much i continued with the medioine and improved every day i am now cured tnaokb to iameb uoiery compoond yon cannot wonder that i consider painee celery compound the greatest medioal disoovery in the world i nrge all who are suffering to try thia grand medicine and test ub virtues yours very trnly charles coroeaa neguao n ii thank god that wo can bo goda meseen gers of love aud help to th6 greater mass of onr follows 5 s timet fred to the sideshow man i thought yon aaid thavanake waa thirty feet long side show man so it is sonny fred no it isnt i can see it isnt side ahow man 0 that la because yon dont know how to naeasuro that snake is fifteen feet from hie head to his tall and fifteen baok again we have no hesitation in iiyfng tbat dr j d keliogga dysentry cordial ia without doubt tbe beat medicine evor iotrodnoed for dysentry diarrhoea cholera aud all summer complaints sea eicknees etc it promptly gives relief and never falls to effect a positive oure mothers should never be without their children are teething a bottle when wn tontm10rlui1artinr somnja eta hoods pi eureeonstlpauon and an i results easily and thoroujnjtfw prepared by a i hood so tho only rills to take with boodfl most men think they would haws been well off it they hadnt been so liberal look out for tfie engine we mean your heart keep it strong dont let it flutter or beat with a weak stroke bootts emulsion feadt tbe blood it makes the heart beat stronger and greatly imprnves the oircnliauiin f j urn was watting a i oould not eat sleeptalk nor alt down for any length of time i wai always in pain and was wasting away i grew vary seek eudad a bad ooogb i triad many ffewuirarosdlesv btik did not gel relief sine taking hoods saraaparllla howevsr nraujbto to 4hh d tf burtj note jqoesjh8npont 1 y if you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence if you need a remedy you want one that has been rested for years not an obscure un tried thing that is urged upon you or on which you save a few cents that is no consid eration as against health for wasting in children or adults scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypo- phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen tyfive years 5oe and i oo u druggists scott downe thcmlsu toronto moat peoplo imagine that doing unto others tvs tboy wonlil tbat others do unto them means to favor them lnalanljfiieleftl burna sterling headache powders no depressing after tffeot ttaero aro only a few women who know how to cook in his vegetable fills dr par melee has givpn to the world tho fruitb of long soicntiqo research in tho whole realm of medical science combtnod with now and valuable dleoovorlee never beforo known to man tor delicate and debilitated oon stilutioiib parmoleos pille act ikon charm taken iu email doaeb tho effect la both a touic aud abtimulant mildly exciting tho secretions of tho body riving tone and vigor flombtimflh n nrinn vfpnra t hnnkw wfft aide oat for lack and eomotimeb booanee he ia drank and dont know any better when all other preparations fail try hoiioway a corn care no pain whatever aad no inconvenience in using ft if women had more pookota in their clothes thoy woaldn t lose oo many things hagyarda yellow oil 19 prompt to relievo and sure to core ooufiha oolda sore throat pain in the cheat hoaraenea qnin boy etc prlco 25 an expert hoube cleaner is lu a groat deal more demand than a poor preaohar l spring purificatson the clogged up machinery of the system requires cleaning out after he wear and tear of the winters work nothing will do this sq thoroughly and perfectly as the old reliable burdock blood bitters it cures constipation sick head aches feeling of r redness and all the evidences of sluggish liver and impure blood winch are so preva lent in the spring it makes rich red blood and gives buoyancy and strength to the entire system a rirl estimates other girla agon by the length of their drebiee thereneverwas and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature of many ctirativeh boui buqii that were the cor mo of other and difloreutly nested dlseattcb rooted in the system of the pationt what wonld relieve ono ill in tarn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound on ad a iterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judtoioua mrrthf a lod i con valescenoe- and strength by the inflnenoo whlgh quinine exerts on nat ores own restoratives ik relievos tbe drooping spirits of those with whom a chronlo stato of morbid despondency and look of interest in life is a disease and by tranqaillzing the nerves diiposeb to sound and refresh in gjlecp imparts jdgortothn aollollof tbo blood which being stimulated ooursos throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotlons of the system thereby making sotivity a nooessaryresalt strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbiob naturally demand ioereauod rabstanae result im proved sppetite northrop a lman of toronto have given lo the public their quinine wine at tho aiual rate and guaged by tbe opinion of scientists this wine approaches nesreik perfection of any in the marvel all druggists se it applicant cap t jcr help an old boldier mam benevolent lady poor fellow heros a dollar for yoa were joa wounded applicant pocketing the bill no mum but i wuz mung th missin twice benevolent lady how totriblel wl on was it applicant jebt afore th battles of antiotarn ad tho wilderness mum blessed xs that man who to his a0 has preserved tbe freshness tho simplicity and the purity of youth w upon earth there is ono bight more refreshing than another it ia beholding of a goodareat man bring health then beauty follows they dear the muddy com pi ex i o i chaso away sick headaches and bilious spells cure dyspepsia indrcutoveall poisonous matter from the system mrs addfo thotrialt 016 braflbcla street st john n ij nays loxa- liv o iadlfrchtion and bill ni hcujnchca thoy nine corrected the irrepnlnfftica of ltvcr and btomnch and restored my en tiro ays to in to h althy natural action a follbwashoe string never break except when ho hiu a hurry and already late in the morning its eo pleasant to take that children cry for it but its death to worms of all limdb ir lows worm bjrup pnco 2o all dealers wo can t uuderutand why ehoctj that look voll aro always so aficomfortahlo thousands like her toua moleod severn bridge writes i owe a debt of rratitade to je thomab eoleotnooil for oaring me of a severe cold that troubled mo nearly all last winter in order to givo a jnietna to a hacking cough take a dose of dr thomas eolectrio oil thrice a day or oftencr if tho cough spells ronder it uccesoary disordered kidneys perhaps they re the source of your ill lieilth and you don t know it hcrcs iiow you can tell if ou have back ache or lame back if you have puftiness under the eyes or swelling of the feot if our urine contains sediment of any kind or is high colored and scanty if ou have coated tongue and nasty taste in the mouth ifyouhae dizzy spells headaches bad dreams feel dull drowsy weak and nervous then you have kidney complaint the sooner you start taking- doans kidney pills the more quickly will your health return they ve cured thou sands of cases of kid ney trouble during the past yeir if you are a sufferer they can cure 3 011 book that tells all about doani kidney pills sent free to any ndurpsi the doau kidney pill co toronto out a kidney trademark when peoplo want a story scattered thoy preface tbeir tolling yoa by enjoining beorooy upon you stck headache however annoying and distressing is pobitivoly oured by laxa- livor pills thoy aro easy to tako and novor grlpo shops apd warerooms i toot oiwillow st calls attendeld to day or night j a speight co without tho friendly exchange of kindly words and doqda without tho eunabine of lovlog looks and smiles of wolcomo and encouragement a houae may be a habita tton but never truly a home farrxiolees pille possess the power of aottng epeoiuoally upon tbo diseased nrflimn nlimnlnttng fn mitnn ths dnrmitn energies of tho system thereby removing disease in faot eogreat ia the power of thia mediaineaocloanee and purify that diseases ofalmoafc eery name and nature aro dnvoa from tho body mr d garb well carswell j o ont writes bavo tried parmoleos pilhi and and them an oxocllont raedioino and ono that will eel well when a woman misses a uocial gather mt tbe rest of the women wonder if she didnt hive olothea to wear undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock atreasonable prices your inspection invitedt j a speight go orders left with j n 8tin8on rockwoofj will receive immediate attention j iaaa444lthflt mull 1 xpi mnll grand trunk raliwy ioisl hi i 1 loiml 1 a 1 11 n 111 i i xi iibh i pill 7 1iii 1 jll iib 1 xi rirt mull i mixed 10 ron 11 h n 10 i i 1 11 ini ji ciohhel in thia thi afay 11 tti 1 i 11 01 ci ohlfml 31mi hit m liiri i 0 in 10 il 111 mi 15 i 1 1 tublo mllt into iflltt i your portrait had if one not the have jou taken lately give ramshaw artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits 1 h ramshaw acton photo artist 1iilsl you 1st ant worth wear stle strength choice cheapness the combination is offered in our stock of new and i ashiomble goods which in cludes all things new and desirable in the line of boots shoes and rubbers lxaminalion will show that our stock is especially strong in stjlc besides being un equillcd in variety nnd fint in faor because of the hifih gride qunhty nothing will convince like pcrsoral inspection that for seasoniblc goods ind reasonable prices ihc best pace is it williams boot shoe store mill street acton yon want thn baal best teel wiri woven wire fencing wirg aopb 8bva0b and the cheapest tmi ontario wins fencing ca f lotoa ontarto mcmullcn i tenclnrs and kcttings com bine these two qualities no others do hog tenants at special low prices all other vine tics chcip mcmullcn s arc the only good nettings sold in canida they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn tences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullen s goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton onb or to the b greeting wiuc co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway tencings soino folks idea of playing a good gama of obeckers is to bo real slow thought my head would burst a frcderlcton ladys terrible sufforingr mnh go dotikiity folia tho following imarlittblo ktory of roliqf from eufforintf ird restoration to health which aboala 1 gmwfvf1tf1tftrnf1ff11ftfw1tntfwwtfttrww1mtfwwmnrwwwtfmwfwk i clbyelhnds1 h the success of 98 i having the experience possessing the facilities incurring the expenses justified by volume of business and inspired with an ambition to construct the worlds greatest bicycle accounts for the extraordinary increase of cleveland sales in every civilized country brhntf0rd galvanized steel wind mills and towers for power and pump- n with in ternal covered qonr patont roller ana ball bearings maple leaf grain grinders two sizlb vor an power iso 1 has 10 inch recrsiblc burrs no 2 his 8 inch single burrs both iijao ball h n r 1 n g h n rr plates relief springs ind slnkt feed gripd fine ind fast with least power always cu irantccd a tml iven ilundrcilsin use we make ptteiit roller and hill bear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market ucs material lig h tea running send for illtist rated catalogue ooldj hapley mulri go limi3 bbantfohdcan 8000 cleveland bicycles 8000 i he handsomest in demgn and finish most perfect in its lines and bearing the best in material and workmanship the john mcqueen agent forthcaboe has changed his ware rooms to building on w l smith f property john street where miy be seen frost woob binders and mowers and a complete lino of tarm implements find all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t llliott who resides on the property will attend to tho wants of customers john mcqulln itcar nway all doubta as to tho offlnaoy ol hi burns heart and ncrvo fills from ui ii in da of the most skeptical for several years i havo boon a oon- itant hufjerer from nervous hoadooho and llio pain was bo intense that sometimes i wan nlmobt orazy i really thought that mj head would burnt i consulted a num ber of nlystcanb nnd took many romediofl but without effcot i noticed milbnrns heart orfd nervo pills advertised and as lliey seemed to suit my case i got a box ftnd began their uso before taking them i waa rery weak and debilitated and would some times wnko out of my sleep with a die- iresawiil smothering feoltnif and i was fro- jiitully seised with agonising pains in tho n gjou of the heirt and often oould ocaroely muster up eourago to keep up the straggle jjbr lifo in this wretched condition mil- burnfl heart and ncro tills camo to the resouo and to day i state with gratitude i mt jam vigorous and strong and all this ipprqromopfc u die to thia wonderful prowmcpl msdy 55 cleveland bicycles 55 70 cleveland bicycles 70 our enormous facilities permit us and we do sell better bicycles for 55 than others sell for 75 and 80 10000 beautiful and great contain points of superiority not included in the highest priced competitor 30 inch wheels represents the highest ideal in the art of bicycle construction short head long wheel base 4inch drop crank hanger cleveland improved bearings and numerous other new and beautiful improvements make it the easiest and smoothest running wheel in the world agents everywhere write for catalogue sole representative h a urn hct0n thebwsbest friend largest sale n canada 50 year8 experience a nulaklr ittvanttc fjirfwrtirt geiiv for ivocirini fioffof wutobsnterntbo snnc amen ijtj

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