Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiiino 5 acton ontario thubsday june 0 1898 price tiilljse cen1s ss ib ludllhiild uvery thursday horning at the vreopross steam vriutliigolluc uiltibtkcet aotqn ont ticnumoi suuaoitinios ouo dollar nor year trlitlylu advanco all huiib or lotions dlacou tlnuod wbon tlio tiuio for ulilou tboy liavo boo a paid lias oxiilrod iho data to wliloh ovory subsorlptlou 1b paid la donoted ou tho addrons labol advkiitiblno itafks transient advortlao moata 1u flontd por nonpareil uao for ttrut la orttan 3 coats par iluo for oaoh bubsoruont oaortloa j oontkact uatkb tho following tablo bbowb ur ratqa tor tho insertion of advortlboraonta lor epooiflod iiorioda bpacfc i n roio b mo luo zolllclldb 860 00 933jm 820 00 7 0o 10 luolios 35 oo 20 00 12 00 aoo 8 itlcllob 20 00 12 00 700 soo 1 inoli 000 3 ml 2 00 10o advertisements without spociuc dlroofcioofl pill bo iosortod till forbid and char rod accord sly transient advertlh omenta must bo paid a aavanoo advortlaomontb will jjo changed once each month if doslrod tor changed oftcuor than tmco amouth tho composition must bo paid or atrogutn1 ratos changes for contract advortlbomonta must bo n tho olllco by irooii on tuobdaja accounts pajablo monthly n p moore editor and 1 roprlotor business shraiarp medical 125 packages or nlw paper opened during may the very latest and cheapest goods 12 to i5ca 1 roll days bookstore juelpli day sells cheap tub traders bank of your portrait authorlzod capita 1000000 cuelph branch sums of 91 and upwarda received on depobit and bigliobt carrent rato of interest paid or compounded half yearly dopoait recoil tb issued for lurje earns deposited advancob mado to responsible farmera on their own njnea no ohargo mado for collootink 3tilea notes if payable in guolph a gonoral banking buainebb transacted a f ii jones manager 0tr j r tjrlnm d c m olllcoan i roaldouco oornor mill 1 rodorlok btropts acton a s elli01t m d m b ci acton ollauuatl touohto univi iui1tt office coruor mill and john btrcots actgrj d r drydln eye eau ttmoar and nose mclean o block douglas et near p o guelph ofpicb uouna 10 a in to linn andstogpm bundayh 10 am to 1 p m l bennett l d 8 dentist oeonaetown ontario jv coghlan eds lds dentij vollk caiihuily flosl pllices modldjsvn on ilk oven diiowns diiua btonk hotiib e llly day i- h0m 0 to 0 jm bell d d 8 l d s plntiht linookville honor gjiaduatl or tohonto umveuarrr work made satisfactory prices m odor ate visitisa dayb monday aftornoon camii 1 ollvillu tuobday acton olllco clarks hotel trlduy rock wood deg h cook di ntist cor colloga bl and si adina avo toronto will visit acton on tbo first and third satur days otoacli month orficl mr adam cooks rosidoncp main stroot veterinary surgeon j awes b joyce v s itatl gha tailio vetkmsaty colleof treats all diaoasoa of domostlcatod animals enquire at jojco bros butohpr sbop mill btrcot acton rooms at agnow n hotol calls i roraplly attondod to day or nlgbt at olean mclean ilarrlalors bolicitors notarlcb convoyancors so frivatofundb to loan offloo town hall acton vfu a giclkan jho a mclean 4 t mankinnon uamubten bolicitou convlyahceil olllcl mill stroot in matthowa block upstairs jd mcleod uajioibteb soiiictxon conveyiscuh main stroot goorgotown filonoytoloau at lowest current raloa r j mcnabb olork tourth division court county of hal on oonvoyancur agont 1 iroand llfo asaurauoo ltoal itato agent money to loan otc office iorrymau alllook acton ont miscellaneo us h xnby ori8t ottawa canada solicitor of patonta for invention otc proparoa applications for tbo canadian atuor- cimk ntid european latent oiucon and for the ltogistratinn of trodo mark bond for pam i blot thirty two yoara oxporlonco f ibanoib nunan bookbindeit wvadbanast ga6lph ontario f j ovorwilltama btoro account books of all kinds mado to order i oriodloaj of ovory doaorlption carof ully bound ilulinpneftfivnnrt promptiydon tvi arriaoe ciloenbes h v moofte fkhiikit ov m annua fe licenseh 1 rl valo omo no wltnossos roauirod issuod rusidooro in tho ovoning froa trass oulco acton tcoisiev 1t viisieiis ii you wlu to roduot your idtorost or nocuro a nnitolui loon of inonoy t low lutcront and on iui i of pwf sail on mo i innko i poliiuy of loading noaat and ho plonty ollundi i l lon3 -dinrnibirproporty- w c jackson convlrancen amd money lendbil orrioa wyndhamstnor01tyhal1 oublih weulngton mutual fire insurance company eitimiimtn imp insuiiange on oau and mutual plan any communication forwardod to my adarmj hoi cm or toloiibono 68 nil bo promptly it tondod o taylob agont quolpb acton saw mills and wood yards jjc57u5es brojacn manuractuiuih akd dbalkh is laiulier 7nift slilntfe wooif ft uinls of wood in atook and promptly dollvorod to auy part of tho town at riaaonablo priqes hardirool a aial out nlovo longtli nlwy ou lionl tolrpnono comuiuuloatloo have jou had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this just suits weather h ramshaw acton photo artist spring is here again ooper 8c n akins the tailors are prepared for it with a ery ittractuc stock of spring suitings spring overcoatings spring trouserings in all the litest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we hive plates for the newest stycs in bicycle suits and arc bound to please the wheelmen call in ind inspect our stock cooper 6c akins mais strekt acton tailors main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saali doors frames mouldlu in all stylos dressing ma tohing mnd btouldjno to ofllo on auo n wtli asaortod stock on bind at iriccs icsu tho times john cameron proprietor bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you shy6rs lumber planing mills nassagaweya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood ifito custom logs and bill btuft cut to order on short notice planing and mulching dona to the best ol satisfaction prices cry cheap and made to suit the customer s pocket p sayers acton- livery bus line thonuilornlgnadrospeotfuliybouoluithapatrod ago of tho publlo and informs thorn that well equipped and stylish hlgs can al ways be scoured at his stablog a comfortable bui meets al trlus between oam and 18 p m careful attention given to ovary order the want of commercial travel lorn fully mot john wjlliajis raopnueton georgetown electric works t j sfbiout proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ripo and btoam flttlna and oenoral itormlr idr uotqg equipped with akubrmtlnsmaohlno i am jpropared to do bracing ou bleyole pramea o wheels oonvartod from olreot to tangant bnokot handlollarabodttoanr dealred annle full lino of spokes kept in itook batlataotton guarantood jjloyoloa onameled in nay eolor t j speight georgetown pttptlfl who araabout to feave j ux xuo lubllo or higti flohool liould not overlook the great advant- ago of a practical oouna of joatruo- tion at tbo guelph business college and 8iortliand inatitato btadentu may eotor any time aiinimer session will aonuneoce jutinitir write or call if interoited clroulari pruo j pttaw pxlnclpaj japanese floor mattings are clean and cool for summer floor covering if put down over our carpets they are a perfect protection from the hard summer wear if used m uedroom hall or bathroom the are the most satisfactory healthful and inexpensive floor coverings to be had weve g qualit price at 2oc 25c and 30c sq yd they are all excellent value tub new w my wlfo s bin roadin lately au bho said tbo other day as how tho brand now woman had moat liko como to itay sho gooa to oluba and auob like an abo jluoa iu i olltlca n01v z don t bpprovo osaotly of tbom iminly kind of tricks i alu t got much objootlon if alio llkoa to rldo a whool tho it did tshouflratl soon it give ura a quoorlsli lorof fool but wbon it oomoa to woarin suite and qollara just ilko ub than i think it a time for mon folk r to make a roualn fuaal ijklwaya did aay woman know moro thanall tbo mon tboy ro just a hoop above ub an i ii say tho batno again tboy rogontloau tboyrolovlo tboy ro bravo an rood an truo it a tho good old sort i moan air got uo ubo for tho now hahoikt itlty j mbondcoa hardwarl guelph mckees vegeta ble antibilious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness niusei drowsiness bad 4aste in the mputh coated tongue loss of appetite pain in the back pun in the side sallow skin etc these pills irmade from pure concen tratcd vegetable extracts ind cuntiin no calomel or other mineral substance their full medicinal effect is produced without eicna tendency to gripe or sicken they arc prepared from our own pecial formula and when taken icccrdmr to dircc tions they are a specific for inbituil con stipation in cases of neunlgia nervous or bilious headichc they are unequalled price 25o per box 5 boxes 1 oo prepared and sold only by j d mckee chemist acton mrs secords lilock trsjtrsbtr 1898 spring 1898 milliimery the newest designs in 8hapes shades fowers and trimmings we have also some nice lines in prints dress goods gloves hosiery corsets neckties collars cuffs lace curtains underwear ready- made clothing hats caps c j c mcbeath acton ontario get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bfinglplctiires to be framed sun savings and loan co head office toronto ont authorised cajntal 6000000 00 ten year mmturily shares are pild in monthly instalments of 50c per shire for laomontha wbn payments cease ftcooo paid in malurily aluo 10000 money to loan at 5 straight loin or rermyable in monthly instalqionts on appli a tion to r j mcnabb agent aoton stehtt yamilu huabing a strong jaq ti10 weekly coaoh waa dne at south city and all the inhabitants wore eagerly await ingita arrival the diggers arms was as usual crowded and afloat its hoapit ablo walls lounged thoae unable to get in suddenly a crack loud and reverberating sounded in the otear moon tain air and with whoop and a rattlo the jreat coaob lumbered up thqdriverd cheuryyankee who knew hie men as well as he did bia hnraoa ehout ed have yon heard the nana boys nftl well i ii tell yoanorth city has imputed a paraon i a what i ahontcd tho mtnpre jealom of their own town a real live paraon and what a more tbev ve turned the old baloon inta a rneet- in bouse there waa a long btandinj feud between north gity and south city which dated from the first gold rush nod many and useless were the buildinga that the rival towns had erected to oone batter than the other aw looked toward texub joe an old and tough rniuer who by a brevity of apeeoh and a quick use of hid run bad long held the perilous position of dictator to the neighborhood no one epoko indeed uo one qnito cared to at length the oracle sbiftinr his plug from one cheek to the other baid pass the word that therell be a meeting here of all the boys at 0 sharp it aint to be tillowed that a young shove ahead village like north city is to take the ehlne out of us no fcir it aint likely x0or before g tho whole adult population was collected near the ealoon and it was clear that no room would hold the crowd iaistadopodtair uibctij and carried motions moved by texas joe generally wore and tho dictator took tbo barrel mon ot south oily he began you all kuow why this hero meeting 1a called wo havo been made fools of by the people away yonder waving his band northward and it aint to be tbey have been presarop tuono enough to get a pamo as if the in habitants of those parts want either doctors or pirsonr and are oraoktng on about it no end now i aiut more rellgioni than moat atill i say kicking lua heel in tho barrel to empbabfza bio words that ita a real disgrace to as that we aint got a par son too now what i say la this north city hnvpgnt n pamnn rnwtth fill havo one too they have got a traveling cusa wo will have a man of our own a ohap wota got some- education thatll fix em up you bet aredhalred cornish man who bated joe ventured to say i vote we have a good cbapol man hell be a slgbb cheaper and will be more of our own way of thinking now treleaveo yon dry up pia copals i know catholics i know but i know nothing and care less about fancy religions and well bavo one from tlis biabop or well havo none at all a choras ot approving voioos showed that joe bad the ear of the meeting and the cornlahman sulkily drew baok now it earn t be dono without money i ninc got rnoob still ill givo 920 aald the chairman ill give ol ill filve 13101 here take my daatl qerva for be skyscraper 1 were heard on aril pidoa and amid a scene of wild eioltement texas joe after ooantlng the colleation on tbo barrel head said well have be best there is to be got weve got 400 he beamed on the orowd ind iw genuine satisfaction on every face in front of him then with a queer smile on hla face treleavan pushed bli way to the front and said i call that flwod start and now all we ve gv4p do is xovwrile to frisoo tot thercrigvure to bo s boas there who will aend us upabo man wa wmnt i vota tbattbe chairman writo and see to the whole job a dead pa ubo followed this for almost every man knew that joeoould neither read nor write he rose slowly with his pistol in hia hand now look here mates therea a kind er nasty twang about the last speaker a re marks that i dont like i aid t a pushing man bat of course ill writo if mr trelea vafhtir v w m t h j yo no t h asked looking intently at the oornlabman oa ho did so the crowd fell away on all lides for the air seemed a little heavy no praps yoang green the last tenderfoot bad better write it we ought not to pat it all on yon joe no offense be mattered ab said jot juit n yon like now green get paper and a pen the orowd gathered again give the boy room now just yoa write with admiration tbo minora listened while joe dictated the following letter south oitt gal u 8 a iiononbd bin north city have tfot a ohapol panon and south city felt that the tlmo has como to have a real college paraon uvlsg in the town a weak man aln t no uieooa we want a strong man flt to run thaihow proper woaoud moo for oxea yours truly tua nuaiutastb or sootu oitt 1 now boys said jon its nay about south city was en fete tbo miner unusually clean were waiting or the arrival of tbo man who was to fairly knock north oity thalr faopti had been raiaad to 1 high pitch by tbe rtoaipt of a lettaf from sn f rtno 100 iuformtog them that a real atroog man was o6iblng m to pat them in tbe way they should go joe had bopgcatod a eolvo of pistols as a weloomo but it was felt that each a recef tion was open to miscimooptiou and tho subject dropped tbe empty saloon whioh hidbecn taken as a temporary ohurob was oloan aa white wash and boap could muko it and only wanted tho prcaonco of tbe pareou to mako it complete the excitement grew intense as the hour drew near wbon tho ooaoh waa due cu minating in a mighty choor when the driver finally pulled up opponito tho eioon bev oral passengers got down but no one answering to tbo description ot a strong man left tho ooaoh finally texas joe said to tbo driver say whore b your new paraon there sitting on bia tranki roplicd the man with a grin on hia face all eyes turned toward a jouog blender looking man who with eves twinkling with arhnaement waa watching bis new congre gatfon seeing that somethingwas expect ed of him be oarao forward and held out bis hand men of south city he began in a clear mubical voioe i bavo been sent op here to act if you will bavo mo as your new parson something tella me we are going to be good friends and it wont bo my fault if wo aren 1 theres lots for mo to learn from you and perhaps i can do a little for you too his face was bo boy 1 bo his hair so curly and saoh an air of siucerity and truth seemed to surround him that tbo miners although deeply disappointed felt their hearts go ont to him one sultry afternoon tho parson of south city wab bitting in bis room a pre to the deepest deprebaioi with all thoeagerness that youth and zeal could supply be bad done bis best to raise bid people and bo failed and he knew it ho saw his minerb first shamefullyand then opeulybtay away from hia little ohnrob and bia heart was sick within turn he waa wonderidg if it wore worth while staying ou when his door was suddenly opened and a woman dis beveled and wild eyed rnbhed in oh parson save my boy i oho gasped and bank on to a ohair breathless with her haste why mrs maco wfiat on enrth is tbe mattor is your son ill he asked eagerly no uir ho aiat ill but hes woree nor that the men are going to hang him 4 what for surely bo liaaut been tried what has bedone well bir wailed tbe woman hos got into bad company late and a man accused him of horse btealing aud aud looking fearfully around its true sir young and inexperienced aa he waa in the nays of a frontier camp the parson knew that borne stealing was one of tbe deadly eiqp and hie faoo grow pale as death i m afraid mrs mace that it tho men bavo deoidjd to hang your bon no word of mine would otay them inioter 10 say a mother i why its none the lees murder and you know it 1 ob sir eho pleaded theres yet time to oat oh up i tor god a bake whose word you speak tr and save my boy i will no ono help a poor mother she wept bitterly wbilo tho parson in imagination saw himself defying the mob and also in imagination eaw the ghastly tragedy that wonld ensue on hia interferenoe come mrs mace let ob go and hurry and perhaps we may doeoindkood sciz ing hia bat he ran from the room and followed tbe orowd of miners whom ho baw were making for some trees about half a mile out of town when ho finally caught ihegnmpreparaliona -were- made for the execution tbo rope was around tbe shivering youths neck six stalwart men bold tho ioobo end roady at a signal to laanoh tho rrimlnal into eter nity with bia boyish faoe flushed with excitement tbo pamon pressed to tho front and btood side by side with the man about to dio a silence fell ou tbe throup broken by texas joe who said now parson this aint no place for 3 on judge lynch has hod his bay and jim mace is going to be hangod and thats so and who aro yon to take it upon your self to judgo and to execute dont ecrowl at me and finger your gun for i m an un- armed man and you know it havo not yoa enough blood on yoar bands already without killing this boy who has broken your laws givo him one moro obanco and yon may bo glad our bo it of it one day the fury that occasionally comes over men of quite meek dispositions waa 00 the little man who stood defyiug the whole mob his look seemed to duant even the men who hold tho rope and it hung loose about mapes neck joe saw bia authority trembling in tho balance and with pistol raised said clear bim oat of the way boys or ill shoot him where lie stands no you won tr joe saidl tho parson undauntedly yoa know that would be murder aud they dont love you too muoh even here to stand that no ono spoke for a moment then the cornishman troleaven shoated 6n a life for a life if the parson wanta mace to live let him bo hanged instead the mob shrank from this cold blooded proposal and seizing the psjahqlogioal moment the parson slipped tbe halter from natures kaleidoscope bid 300 ever go rowing on a lake or stream in lato september or oarly october when tbe shore was lined with maples beeches and oaks in all their glory of autumn colors the maples are crimson bcarlet and gold tbo oaks are a deep maroon and the beeohes are a bright warm beautiful brown tbo silvery white featheryfrutt qf the clematis covers an odbroken stump and the mountain aah is loaded with its oluatord of red berries hero and there are evergreens soft vet voty cedars dark sombre hemlocks and spruces straightand slender and pointed as ohnrob oteepoa every bush and tree has its reflection in the water and tbe forest beneath you bo a ma almost as perfeot as that abovo then a breeze comei alpng and rufilea tho surface and tiie picture breaks and vanishes but in its place is a shifting mosaic of color always changing but nover disappearing the white of the oloimip the eoarlet of tho morple leaves and the aah borrieb tbo brown of tbe bseohes tho darker colors of tho evergreens and the bluo of tho sky are all there but mingling moving and melting away again wo rapidly that we oannot follow them tbe white sunshine strikes a oluater of berries and something in them stains it red and sendd the ecirlet rays flying in every direction upward downward and to right aud left so that wherever yon may be you eee tho colorod light and the berries appear rod some of tho downward rays strike the water and ovory ripple catohes one of them and bends them living in a new direction one little wave throws its beam of light straight into our oyes and you seem to catch a glim so of something red fur down beneath the water it is go no again in an instant for tho ripple has moved and tbe red ray bhoots past you and goes wandering off into apace losing itself in the great glow of light that goes radiat log off from par earth as tbo moonlight does from tbo moon perhaps at last it enters the eye of a dweller on some far distant planet who never dreams of the mountain ash berries and the gleaming water that it has visited before it reached him perhaps too tbe tiny twiukle of light that comes to ub from venus and marb and jupiter has glowed in the hearts of robos or strange other world flowers sparkled on danoiog waters or glittered and gleamed on hoar frost and ice and snow who can tell the strange sights that tho bnnbeama ano ab thoy ily from one end of the universe to the other and back again but to come back to our ripple the light is falling on it from every tree and bash iu sight and from tho sky and tbe clouds overhead and now instead of the red light from the ash berries it sends you a glimmer of white from the clematis gold from the maples or bine from heaven itself every wavelet gives you something and tho surfaoe of tbo water botween your boat and tho bhore is a shifting changing i vslor that gleams for an instant on tile ltresta of tho rlppieb and then makes way or something ohm you hardly have time tp recognize the different tints so qaiokly do tbey como and go but for tbo brief moment that it remains each has its part in this kaleidoscope of water and light it is so with tho little acts and scenes of oar daily lives tbey last bo short a time and then we forget them jet each does its sbaro in making up the mosaic ot life brief bb it is it is apt to mako some impress on our futnre it it is only to strengthen or weaken some habit already formed and just aa tbo beam of light may leavo this earth to visit other worlds bo our aotions may reaoh out to other lives long after we have forgotten them w d hulbort t youvo got to put yourself out at times to win trade said a clerk what a tho ubo of saying that if youve tbo goods they will boll themselves i know bettor givo mo my plok of olerks along tbe street and with ordinary goods and ordinary prices ill sgreo to put a new store on its feet in any oity in a years time tbo clerks i would select are people who bavo learned how to forget their likes and dis likes and oater to the whims of the people who buy and make those whims valuable for their employer a disagreeable sales man who feels it his duty to consult bia own preferences and pot forward bia own personality at all times is a bad man in a store he will not only lose sales he will drive trade oat of the store never to return tbe olork who suooeeds neednt bow down ta a customer and saoriuoe bis own respect but ho cant lord it over purchasers and inaist on doing their buying for them and he cant pick and choose customers and deal pleasantly with this ono and be sharp and qfabbed with one he doesnt like kfyatonc the poet in the country what a perfeot place for a poet jou biy the right person in tho right placo for onoe yon plotnre him in a flowery bower or on a vibe draped piazzt with a blno aby overhead and birds singing iu tbe treos writing epios and sonnets in a fine flow ing hand on gilt cdictl paper all alone anybody could write poetry nnder auch oirpumstuoea you bu in very truth however it u not all plain sailing for the p3otinto country for poets aro sensitive and tho moment tbe inkitand cover is lifted a ucrable bog with fourloen legs commits sutcido in tbo depth of the sable pool under the shock occasioned hy this occurrence tho poets beet line departs never to return again but another lino ocuurs to him ho jots it dowd when a mvetenous aud awtul thing occurs scrabble bug recovers from bis inky sulofde walks along tho line torn a the letter intogcoac truohh and then witl a sound like a creaking door hinge lie lights ou the poets nose then goes circling round potobea on the cornice aud creaks thero until evicted by the force of brooms tho poets then oitt down to h fresh uheet or paper and writes ob bolovod arauolla und thero stops ho wantb a rhvme for arabella and bo oannot think of any bnt umbrella whioh bosidos boing forced 1a not appropriate he begins agaiu arabella oh my arol thoro is no rhymo to anol either with a groan ho trios another arabolla boat bolovod i willi a littlo twisting that docs better und the poem in proceeding finely wheu jeruuha oatore crying mr william 1 mibbu bjb tliu buiktt is down tho well and will you ploauc try and get it up where s the man 7 auk a tho pool 1 its his day off and he b gone a court 10k tho poet thinks would it were mino but he is a filial son and goeb to work to get tbe buobet up tlis dono bo returns to his study bat a gentlo brccsh haa neon aud bis manuscripts aro strewn about tbe five acre lot whore a pet ferocious bull is careering tbe poet pursues bis flying mnnusonptp but a bellow of awful volume startles him littlo neptune ho remembers has an aversion to scarlet and be wears a oap of that lively buo he retires babtily and watches neptune trample his poems into tho earth and oomes to the conclusion that be will try arabella another day he will writo bomething for music and call it tho laborers holiday he begins littlo tbo rich can knqw ot tbo bliss of a poor man a holiday wbon a voice at bis window cuts tho verso in tpo and mr clover beta hia elbowb on tbe bi1 and says seein you sittin here an you looked bo kinder lonesome 1 thought id btop and bpcak hev yoa hearu bow tho cattle bala turned out in tbe country one must bo social or go to ofiventry tho poet sau9en mr xovrxty and uicues clovers cariosity aud in half an hour more turns to tbe paper again ho has promised tbo editor of tho htemng ortule flomothinjj for his poets corner next week so he beglnb ilvomo tbo woods tbo holds tho dolls tbo rippling brook tbo ollver spring his mother looks in and says my dear im so sorry but tbe misses brigga and mr clipper have ruu over to play lawn tennis and jou wilt have to come in to tho garden the poet rises in his wrath consigns a pound or ao of his paper to tho waste basket and offers himself a sacrifice to tho lawn tennis fiends it is bis opinion that tho country is no p to w lu olvu 1 a ul hac room far ap staus in a city housebq aaya when i oourt tbo muses and bo 18 right sr h i odds and ends maoos neck placed it roond his own and said go nay lad turn over a new leaf and leave this town g and god bless you p tbe crowd opened and mace stumbled away looking neither to the right nor left isaving bia reaouor btanling with moving lips in hia nlanp then texas joe aaid with an odd break in hla voioe for whioh ho could not aocount say boys there aint going to be no funeral today joii bell take off that necktie parson and i oak ulau south city will havo to do without uln the future we wrote to frisco for a tttroag parson and may the almighty strike me dead if yoa aint a bit too strong for ub give us yer flat parson and significantly good be st paula an unique invitation put a cork lo eaoh ear and listen to no other invitation for thursday evening eto tula la tho craft way of calling attention to the society nalal adopted by the second presbyter i n endeavor re of dubuque io twojitilu corks were tied by yellow ribbons leujhe corners of the invitation card a shoemaker says we wear away qolte two inches of ehoe leather iu a year a pair ot boots tbat would last a lifetime would couaeqnently have to be providod with soles froa eight to nine feet thick good advice my son said the a god politician it is better ebpeoially when you are talking about tbe enemies in your own party to use only soft and honeyed words tbey are much easier to oat should 000a sion arise dumtoy how muoh do you ask for that piece of land robinson ill soil it to yon for a mere song dnmley to the tune of robin son fivo thousand dollars dumley oh 1 ono of melbassodgb then tho premier fainted sagaat a well yoa majesty we have one hope left the rainy soason is about to begin in cnba the queen regent ah senor itlookatomej m na if th rri season was about to end there dont dmt olasi liens as vegetables because of thei crops dont insult a girl by begging her pardon aft re kiibiug her dont think blank leaves aro desirable in the volume of business dont think because a man is an ice dealer that be is oold hearted dont expeol to meet a man who geta discouraged trying to live without work dont forget to remember that there are some things that should be forgotten dont strikes man below the bolt unless you are aiming at his pocket book dont doubt the veteran who aaya ho was always where tho bullets were thickest he may have been hiding apder tbo ammu nition wagon the traveling pedlar the itinerant poddlar is otnooarthly ubo to a town he gives nothing to ohtirohos or public expensos he has nothing in oommon with tho peoplo in a towu he pan bwindle aud be often doe getting into tbo next town or county baforo bis victims fully realize how badly they have been takon 10 tho home merohant has a reputation to sustain he bears hla share ot tfip expenses of the town wben a aub scrlpnonia paased he la tho first to be approached he builds a house and makes other permanont improvements that en hance the value of our property he helps pay for tho churches in whioh we worship and tbe schools to whioh we send our children heoauoat afford tspisropre seqt hia goodb or swindle bis customers self interest atone prevents this it is not difqouu to decide whioh of tho two classes of merchants should receive the patronage of the people tte storekeeper oladstone looked his part a farmer came iqto tbe office of an attorney ab law with whom i was atadyiog a tow yeara ago nays an english correspoo dent and in the absence of the lawyer x invited him to bit dpwu and wait a few minutes while waitiug tho old gentleman aroused himself with walking arouud tho room and looking at some pictures of em lnent jariata and statesmen whioh adorned tbo walls a particularly fine portrait ot mr glad stone attracted hia attention and after re gardiaftitxorafw rainuuehe inqnirad- wbouthlsr that la mr gladstone does he live here in tawn bo asked ioh no sir ha is an englishman he la prime minister of england so responded the farmer i thought ho looked like a olergymau of present interest wt on all lay lon footaoio and tirod wo eook for work but hook in valu and wau ojod children cry for food ah 1 mothers htillo nobs of pain wlillo other hoinuo aro bright aud warm and tables laid without rogard to hungry iiouioiusb alilvoriug poor oh t kooi ub lord from fooling hard wliou rial os ha 0 boon won an 1 llfo is full olluxmy and caro with ooetly yachth or btloudld hotnor r aud boats of filoudh our joys to aharo wo tm 11 o ir facts from m10 alums i aud holflauly our tlmo wo guard lost want annoy ua with us calls lord kcop us ttion from botnc bard sarqlt k bo t ton in the vhautaitquun for june business catechism do jou seat ha nittn i do seo the muu who fa tho man iio n a busiucb3 muu whut id a luhinose rnau i ho is a man who inuktb money by supplying tho wa la of people doos ho always make money if iiob a good business man ho doo how does ho do it by advertising what a aaurtiairt itti tho bit cat thinj ou en r ill 111 a bus nohp la it biier tbuu tho buainoaa yes because tho buuiuess couldn t live without it iu it bigger than tho buuiuess man yea for it keepd turn humping himself veryuood but whut id this wonderful thing i it is the evlrlusiing tiud perpetual pro sentingof thoso who wish to buy a ctehr statement of what there ie to soil why must it bo so everlasting and per petual becaosa pooplo s wants aro that hiud and tbo advertisements must match tbo wantato tboso to whom it appeals is thero no let up yes when the pooplc let up on wanting to buy but isn t it expensive not at all my i do they everlastingly and persist ently present and ohargo nothing for it oh no i they charge of course but for every dollar paid out from ten to a thoua and oome baok how is this advertising done there are ways and ways of doing it all good yes but some are bettor than others what is tho beat way of doing it the newspapers why newspapers because they go farther and hold on longer why do they 7 their subscribers make them do al business men advertieo thobo who know the most do but bo me fire successful who do not yes just oa there are home peoplo saved from a wreck in which ninety nine per cent aro killed its their luck not their vrtfftfptvrot rtiotruwu tffurlb fami business bars the drunkard drunkenness today ib deemed disropu ablo in the very quarters whereonly a little whilo ago it waa looked upon simply aa a misfortune writes edward w bok in tbe may ladtc home journal every line of business shuts its doorb absolutely to tho drunkard it has no ubo for him basi- nessioompotition iibb become bo keen that only tho men ot etoadiest habits can find employment this fact the habitual in dulge in alcoholics haa found out and tbe different cure establishments for drunk- cnnesb and godsends they are too to humanity ure to day filled with men who bavo come to a realization of the changed conditions tho man ot steady habits is tho man of tbe hour aud tho drunkard realizes this in tho social world tbe same thing is true tho cxceasivo indulgence ot eveu a few jers ago would not be tolerated at auy dinner to day society has become intolerant of tho behavior whioh inevitably results from oxcoaaivo indulgence in drink ing aud men realize this it is bad man ners to day to drink to exces good taste ib spreading and moderation is necessarily following the reason why ot the cities of cuba havana tbo capital of the island is obief it is a oity of about 220000 inhabitants with fine promenades boulevards and streets first olais hotels with restaurants equal to tbqjq of new york parle buenos ayres etc three theatre in whioh first ol ass oompanios perform one of them the tettro ticon being one of the largest in ths world and olobs and social and boientiflo institutions the other cities of tbe illstnd are of muoh lesa importance the principal an matanros puerto prlnoipe and santiago do cuba with aomo 40000 inhabitants oaoh and oiofnegos with about 35000 it ia economy to profit by the experience ot others thousands have been cured by hoods sarsaparilla why uot you tho sheep of afganistan are famed for the groat eixo and fatness of their tails a lot purchased by the oomissarlat in india having been brought into camp to be slaughtered for the soldiers two irish men stood regarding them im think in larry how do they bo gettin them big tails exolaimed one ot thorn aiay enough me boy answered larry dont you see they do bo alwaya graziug uphill in those moontainoua coun- tbriea and by coorse all o the fat runa down into theirtaiir the kind you need the true reliable and easy- working diam ond dyes when tho diamond dyes are used the work of home dyeing is a pleasure to every woman doubts and fears regarding results are never entertained there la a oonfldence in every woroaba heart that perfect work will crown her efforts it is an established fact that all colors of tho diamond dyes come ont in fullness rich nose and beaut v for long long years diamond dyeb havo been the favofitatamily dyes jo over oivilized country and although imitation package dyes are now bcidg offered for sale by dealers who think moro of big profits than of giving satisfaction to tho publlo tbo grent inferiority ot these imfta tlona dyes in strength fastness beauty and brillianoy was boou discovered and they aro now avoided and condemned by all who priro goo i bright and durable colore thonbauda of testimonials are coming in from all parts of the country testifying to tho exoellenco and aat superiority ot the diamond dyes refiiso all poor worthless and imitation dyes whon they aro offered to you ask for tho diamond and eeo that the name is on eacb packet book of directions and card of 48 colors free to any address wnto to wells a richsrdaou co montreal p q

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