Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1898, p. 2

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iiutlih atbt clair mloh on wsumy 1st up tv mr and m u a nun married santiago in ruins andafl tha amarloan fnrnai t r lan surprise party rev and mrs t r forbes visited byt onl hamilto con tho anhiinklatharlngof boo tvun- fltia afclwrhsemeirtb wan a qiitl to dp littlil lioiibowoik family of two i ouo who could hiuc at liomu jirijlorrod apply at tho pubis lhkss office uoorfiotowu ou pol tohim elisabeth hvkmi yfti1- at tho alanso tiicmtuv muy aoi by tlto ltevl porrin mr dilviii oivoiib of ighqueniiir toll in elisabeth mai boll dinmli tor of tlio latoitiolmrduollof lcbnuoying kitcninfi mikknzik inquolplt on wodnoh- dtvyjuiio lht by itov ulfovrlio erin mr colin j liitohliiq of ntnapirom bo mibb llojmmukonatoououtl on cuban 8oll after a great spa i ah de enemys loss was very qreat died uiant at jortcbo ont on mont3ly fliu juno duncan graut formerly of aotou aged aa illainu itt milton on sunday uay 20th mar- kurt dowtilb rollat of tho latadavid blalklo agedtbyoarb uimcain toronto on thursday juno sod hot william ulrkb formerly of naungiwoy a ogod 09 yours and 1 uiontbg maatken in guoliib on friday jaqo 3rd ciitlmriiio roliot of tho lato junaob moatoor unci moth or of john moatoor agod81 years mjt retort jfm xsb thuksday juneo 1808 notes and comments alttioujjh the qoveruoreoerl and the cunutgbii of aberdeen will not bo leaving canada until next autumn a farewell uddreaa will be presented to xord aber deen oii the occasion of the prorogation of parlimuent wliiob will probably take ptaoe within a tovf dayb with tho visible anppty of oattle many millions short and with a premise of no expo rid from manitoba and tbo northweet this should be a great year for ontario furiucrn it is to bo liopod ihey will be prepared for the good fortune which evidently awaits them premier green way of manitoba was in toronto last week he nye that the proejitota for the farmers in manitoba never looked brighter than they do this benson the population of tha province will be increased by a largo number of a migrant a and orops and prices are likely to be very encouraging oafh haytibn june 8 admiral samp sons fleet achieved aw glorious victory at tho bombardment of santiago on monday from dawn until eleven oclock a terrluo bombardment was earned on then the firing stopped to give ibe float a cfhaneo for dinner at noon the bombardment began again the aral ran wat fired from the iowa ii was directed t morro oaatle bnt dew wide tbo eeoond tore one of the batteries to splinter there were ten american ironclads in line formntion passing back and fortfe from port oabreara on the west to port aguadorr- on the east and not a yard of coast escaped ilia shells of the fleets t the loss on tbounttod states aide the baqtiago report say is not definitely known but is believed to be trivial the bpaqish acknowledge that a great deal of damage was inflloted on the spiulih oruieer ileiua merbedea and they say morro castle uhows great gaping broaches in its wall later in the day it appears the landmg of united states troops was effeoted tbo details seat in indicato that the american gunners are experts that tho aim was direot and the effect disaetrons to the spaniards yotit is stated that rain and fog interfered with the defenders of the forts so that they coo id not get a good shot at the american ships spanish reports as usual claim aylotory for their own side on the paolfio there leema to have been some lively fighting the inburgents are reported to have closed io on malhilla and driven the spaniards back with heavy slaughter meantime thero is no nows of the fall of santiago or tbo capitulation of the span iards in the pbiliapicea suicided at milton mrs george sherrington dlesat her own hand tharongh a dose of parle qreen a large party of members and friends of the late congregational church south oaledon drovo to ta homo of rev and mrs forbos bower avenue last monday bringing with them n liberal provision of good things it was a surprise indeed to see so many friends and they wore all cordially welcomed refreshments were won prepared by theladieband the rienda sat down and heartily enjoyed a good dinner after tbo long drive in the hot sun the following letter was read by mrs john moarthur aud an envelope contain- log a sum of mouoy waa presented by mr gibson late county treasurer to rev mr forbes tc the rev mn poniips vo tbo niembors of tho south culodou con- gregational church biyo xuoc at your homo today to show lna alight man nor our oatoem for you woroallzo tbtvtwliilo you woio with ua as pastor you had many difllcultios to contend wuh and wo fool thattho roroun orations you redolved wero vpry email in comparison with tbo work you did wo ask you to accept this sum olmonoy from tho oharoli as a tohonof tbolr rogurd for ypu wo slnooroly holto that you may bo gutdod urnl tliat jour work for tho maatormay bo richly blosaed by him who ta over ready to aid slguod on bohftlf of tlid clauroh bins jo moalituun boorotory mr forbes was visibly affected by this anexpeoted kindueae but euitably replied thanking the friends for their kindness and appreciation of his services and good work done in the masters cause in tho afternoon the prty through the kind pormiaq of mr storey visited the glove works of messrs w h storey sou thfi friends were shown through the various departments by mr secord who ioiolligently explained the procees of manafaoturibg all wore delighted with the treat and a note of thanks was after ward tendered to mr sooord and mr stprey for their kindness the party returned homo having thoroughly enjoyed tho days outing isters and laymen held at quelph the delegates to general conference rockwood woollen mills 31 years in business tho celebration of tho qaoena birthday ou saturday morning mrs robert brush peace with honor the powers to be asked by spain to intervene for peace at n iagarafaljsftb rapped at thadoorfllajielghbor jajfl a half holiday in the new york town and tho city officials headed a procession that met similar prooosblon from niagara falls ont and joined the latter in honor- ing the day with appropriate exerolies and patriotic mubio on the canadian aide the spirit of good feeling is oertaioly hpe on the border of the two countries a eubsoriber writes na stating that he is frequently troubled with dogs olunior his aheepand asks if he wonld be jnitiflable in bhootiog dogs found worrying them in in reply we refer him to section 8 and subseotions a b 0 of chapter 271 rso of 1897 which provides that any person may kill any dog whioh he sees pursning worrying -or- wonnding any sheep or lamb or any dog withont lawfol permis sion in any enclosed field on say farm which the owner or oacapantthereof or bis servant finds giving tongue and terrifying any sheep pr lamb on each firm or any dog which any person finds etraying botween sunset and sunrise on any farm wherein any sheep or iambi are kept reformer canada ia no longer en the eve bnt in the dawniog of a season of prosperous dovelcpement as glorious as over eame to a eppntry better than all else in the nntlnnlt i th pr oor tha t minnie sherrington and getting no re sponse looked through a window and saw mrs sherrington lying on the floor mrs brush called her husband and walter fitoher and j a mecorgar and as the woman appeared to be dead they sent for dr mocoli corooer who entered the hoabo and found that she was dead an inqaestwas held wednesday night evidence was given a to the finding of the body and the husband of the deosaseif geo sherrington a pensioner testified that he was employed on the john wilson farm 1st concession trafalgar- and had last seen his wire alive on thursday when she appeared to be in good spirits she had not been healthy lately bad been struck by lightning six years ago had had weak spells and slope then occasionally fits dr wickson who made an autopsy of the body testified that it was that of a well nourished middle sged woman there were no marks of violence the organs were all healthy except the liver which was enlarged to about onethird more than its proper size there was green matter in the stoma oh which on being phemioally tested proved to be paris green death was caused by arsenical poisoning tbo jurys verdict was that the deceased bad died from the effects of a quantity of paris green administered by herself champion lodovjuqe7tbgikiadrid correspon dent of the morning port says souor leon y castillo the spanish ambassador to france at his recent conferences with the queen regent and senor bagasta was officially charged to ask the powers to inter vene to obtain peace on snob terms as would protect tho honor of spain the ambassador will urge for a reason for snoh intervention tho danger of a loss of trade to the powers thembelveb in the evnpt of a oontinnance of the war political aud diplomatic circles in madrid believe that castillo will succeed wabdinqton juno 7 if tho queen regent of spain has iustruoted senor castillo to ask the powers to intervene for peace that movement has not yet taken any form in washington either at the state department or at any of the foreign embasbiea jjondon june 4 tho xondon weeklies dwell upon the difficulty of following the war operations through the maze of un certain ties all agree that a prolougation ot the war ensures americas ultimate but costly triumph and spain a utter ruin tebe spectator says the special char acteristics of this war will bo delay and expense the speaker says it is clear that spain is in a very bad way tbo economic oriaifl passob the power of her statesmen to tho annual bcfbiou of tho ilamiltan conferonoe of tho methodist ohnrob adjourned yesterday after spending a week in norfolk bk mnthodist ohnrob guelpb id interesting and important doliberatious and oonneotlonal annirersaries rev e ii nugent was elected president of tho conference and rov t albert moore seoretary revr a i gee ph d and rj tro lea von were appointed abbis- tant secretaries and rev a e smith 6 t l journal secretary this being the qiadrennial session tho business before the conference waa more volumnons and importaut than the regular annual beatifon the statistics were more exteubiyo and there were numerous memor ials to tho general qonferenco which will meet in toronto fn september reoom- mendidg changes in policy and discipline aud tbie introduction of new methods calculated to advance tho interests of tho ohuroh generally tho anniversary services were of great interest the ordination sprvloe on sun day morning was attended by a vast oonconrse of people after a most eloquent discoarso by xtev a o gourtioe d d editor of tho chrutian guardian eight young men wore ordaiuedfor the christian minis try tho oloctlont delegates to tho general conferonco occupied the greater part of tnosday and resulted in the elootion of twentyono mioistors and the same number of laymen as follows revs r wwoods- worthf id kugentw kettleweli j s willumbon id d john wakefield dd jbbossdd w s griffin dd j gj scott w c henderson d d d l brothour ph d john kay geo h corniab lld w p wilson t albert moore j ii hazelwood a e ruse t w jaokson j e howell m a geo riobardsongreo w calvert f a caasidy m a alternates d a moir b d j h robinaoq john piokeriog laymen james mills xjl d w j fawoett john gborgorjoergibsontthobt-hllllbtdr-at-j- donly e misener w mcgibbon john mannh p moore robt kelly r m hazelwood hon senator sanford dr forater w j robbrtson j 8 deaobn s f lazier q c j b grafton 0 a birge jonathan ellis l a cummor alternates r e nelson b s fiohell dr field the number of changes in the stations of ministers were fewer than usual the following will specially interest fneupusss readers ooelph nrstjiicr dublin bt gselpb j s ross m a d d paialey st gael ph j fredkay b a honsonby henry j harnweli eiorartw jackson fergus w- h harvey b a behyood k h flagg b d rockwood samuel w holdon erin edward whitworth and a smtth- erman other mtnlators wellknown to bnr read- era are obanged ae follows t albert moore to zion tabernacle hamilton saronol sellery m a to central church woodstock janicb awde b a to hageraville dr stronkmao to palermo robert dqf to sfevenbville bring its your wool we want your clip you want our goods well pay you current prices for wool youll be asked to pay lowest going prices for your goods tweeds friezes and homespuns f1annels blankets sheetings and yarns knitted underwear of unusual value prints flannelettes shirtings cottonades denims towellings white quilts grev bleached cottons the advantage of doing business with- us is notr alone in the reason ableness pfcmr prices but youre always sure of quality in every line of goods we offer you full weight and fair inspection are the rules that guide us in the buying of all wool at these mills hmrris co eockwood woollen mills rockwood ont sm66pingshle of sijmmeil qo0ids we purpose making a great clearing sale during the month of june of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at a third less than the regular price our stock comprises all the latest in summer wash fabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns english and american dress prints sateens black dress goods black brocaded lustres the latest novelty of the season we have them in the newest designs all these in black are tho famous priestlys brand and confined exclusively to ourselves in georgetown d l brethuu ph dto til james kestle to teoterville victor j gilpin to grand valley a esmith b t l id clifford fred w thompson to ken h worth t l wilkinson to hanover w h garnham b a to arkwright judaon xraax to hepworth a h crosby to dyers bay the brick oburoh will remain on rook- wood circuit and the church at grewsons corners be reoponed tbe minister at rock wood being responsible for the fonr appointments he will be aided in his work by local preachers by this arrange ment hook wood ciroutt is considerably strengthened and the people will bo able to pr oldlandm wit th hallowed memorlos of nearly half a oentary i4mehoase charoh will be added to norval circuit which will give good service there and ho a pormanont arrangement blouse silks in delicate colors and select styles the very latest gloves pure silk taffeta lisc and lace m its in all sizes ribtona laces in all widths colors and prices we are making a specialty this season of ladies white underwear these goods we are selling very close in fact cheaper than the material alone can be bought for a magnificent assortment of ladies shirt waists collars jiitfs ties house wrappers etc ave have a very large assortment of fine lace curtains ladies it will pay you to inspect these goods before making your purchases fine highclass tailoring in this department the stock has lately been assorted in all the latest novelties for the summer trade comprising fine scotch cheyiois casalmeres english tweeds fine trouserings fancy vestings etc tho high standard of the style fit and finish of the work turned out of this estab lishment by mr miller has given it ari enviable reputation throughout tbe whole country- we employ none but firstclass workmen we use none but the best tri til ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to the customer if you are not one of our customers a trial or w yo that w w oa are facts hats linen hats in hnrd the and latest soft and fells coolest straw hats in all styles bioycle suits summer clothing in for all boys sizes youths and and prices men gents furnishings latest in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear for service weltiuitrcdjornoydull at acton tcrmo kloo oash or 10 if ciwkuii odkclutu rubber gtaji ps 171 olt fine llubbor btanipa r ft tin ink otc writo to go curry co kluy st east toronto sheep lambs astray strayed upon tho nroniliica of i ho u ail or- algnod about wo wuoku ago two owes and two lambs marked on tjiu onr wltu wiro ownor eau bavo proporty at lot us con a 13b- naesing by paying oxponsob atmann wanted a qbntsfor tbogroalost of cauadian booka a xilfoof qladntono inomorlal odltton by hopkins canvassers prostioctuk now ready hells to ovorybody kaey to mako 6500 dally do first in tho flold the uuadleygahitbtsom co limited toronto for sale yaouiile brlok homo si by 30 hovou rooms j in oaob roodollars bard aud soft water largo lot no lomalu street acton alio good itable termp easy apply to john cameron architect or to tbo ownjr g wells eyerton p o wanted honest enorgetio young mou farmora bods teaobotb atudente olerka and otbera ibo arc admirers of mr gladitono and would ilk o to spend tho next throo months in telling tuematohlesa story of his life- wo toaoh you how to do the work and guarantee snccqb prom 4300 to 9500 a day absolutely euro thoro la no fear of failure and it will bo oujoy- ikblo work particulars furainbod free jiradleyoabretsok co li tot tod toronto j men and women- who neod to make monoy can do so without risk or capital by sol letting orders for ourmomorlalodluon of tbo life or gladstone by caatell hopkins with lntrodaotlon by- tho honorable minister of education dr boss this book is canadian olaoilo the story of mb liro is told with thrilling intoreat his death and imposing national funeral will both be described and illustrated a13- large quarto na0b it moasuros bzlojxli inoboa itotall meorwortlioo marnlflootttbindlngrprofuse- lf illnatratod lrobpeotua 7 eenta liberal terms dnadleygallretsom company limited toronto aoton ilachine and repair shops henby grindell proprietor a he well equipped with all tbe machinery a noaobsry tooxocato all ropalra to machin ery and agricultural implements and to do all klads of steam fltung bone- shoeing and general blaeksmlthing woodwork ropain performed la a satisfactory manner wo oaa ropalr and tnacbmo or implomont of any mako saw gammfbg aud filing dono w barber bros paper makbbs greorgetgwn ont mil i bfiomtr or machine finished book papers 1hd high qbade weekly news the paper used in thlb journal is from ho above mills m7m babber bros prosperity of canada will not be due to favors from the united state if canada had been blessed with prosperity just after tho trolled stateb bad opened ita doors to freer t rude there wonld have btsn an effort o trace the growth of our prowperity to ila roots in washington bnt prosperity is here in spite of the fiat thai the united statoa has olosed every door whixh should bo cloned and onr american lrieada have olven w no- tariff favors to rmlie donbt as to canadas ability to proipor in the wealthof lerown resonrces county teachers conven- tiow tho poatoffloa bill u bully passed provide for the establishment of branoh tjoa ollloea jii toronto montreal utiltmi- winnipeg and lotbrl au well as ottawa it alio provldss that tbo foat- mabtexaeneral may maket regulations ptovidtiog that where a letter is loeoffloient- ly stamped or incorrectly adjteiied the postmaiter may if the apnderi namels on the on tilde apply to him to complete the postage or correct the addreai iaitead of bmidiomho letter to the deadletter office in regard to the poitago of newipapers mr bdnlook accepted an imendment which provides that all weikly papers shall go free of poetaite from the office of poblicallon to poatoffloei sltrjlted within twcntyjve miles of tbe plaoa where snoh are publlsbed a profitable and interestlnar meeting atoeorsatown last weak a moat enoceasfol meeting of tbe hallon teaohqrsinstitatowaaheldin georgetown friday and saturday lait every snbjeot on the programme was thoroughly prepared and folly discussed it a thompaod b a vice principal 6t the normal college hamilton gave two able papers on arithmetio bu cootts b a gave an iaitcvotive address on grammar airtheotli49r paperiwere given by the pablio 8obool teaohers as follontf bnoklmapinf t mnanrlrnw nhmpntillli tbe loflui of amehoans thii yiar will bo greater than ever before and they ehould be reel by all canadians with etod- ied klddhesb and oourteiy some cana dians rmy disapprove of presldm mokin- leybconraetowardi spaintherimty dpbbt the reoeot protestatiooe ol goorl will towards great britain but snoh disapproval or diatruat mnat not be floo pth aces of l orllioiamf directed lowardtiforeigo viallorsahalwsya enuenee of a boorish nature bat betstttn ameri cans and canadians at a juncture loch as this tboy wonld be almost orimlnat it is nolnecelsary that this politenssa should amount lo a slavish approval oleverything amerlonn bat if we find it rikesury to differ froni on individual tbe opinion should a givon with mlldneia coupled wlth tbo binberefaope thaibettercoddltlons maypromll if suoh a coarse i observed araoricarjb will return to their on oonntv ambaaaadors of our good will towards the nation and with a new realisation of what canadian hospitality really i 1 looks as though both tbe fnnohlse bill and the pleblobite bill bad been killed fortlio present by the senaua imendment to tbo former there is probably nothing in oithor tills amendment or in one whioh senator vidal proposes to the plebiscite bill which the government oonld not aoaept il i waa i a a aplrit ibo senate has however aisnmed funotlorn and responsibilities svblob belong to the government by blooklor vital rneas- nrcs and oftering a polioy of it own it has by this meaosoreated a governrneutal auornalj and impasse whioh obviously oarrles with it the doom of tbe senate as now connituted as it may b taken fur granted thai the canadian people do not pnrjioia lo have their government taken out of ihtir hand by a groop of roan ropomiiwo to nobody corlllnljr io interfered with if glslatlou of lie boats of commom dealing with the fraoolise of thopooplsin regtrd to their hpretenta- tlon in their own obamber tbe senate a purely nominative body whoae abolition would probably be ordered were ik plebis cite as to us exlstenos submitted to the people fail taken ground very dangerous to itself montreal wurcu to 2nd class mils evans history g grabam composliloa to srd class mlaa modonald vertical writing misa talt object drawing misa madden spelling miss byan arithmetic j 3 seamen training the perceptive facdlties miss alioomonalr an ezosllent prograrame of maaio waa ren dered in the town hall on friday evening solos were given by mias andrews mesiri mophail mokay aodf fl deacon j dnotte by mrs inman and mr amokay mils moleod and mr f 3 barber gnltair solos mr sutton eolootlono by the parlor oroheetra the following oftloers were elected for tho oorolng year president t it eamgey vicepresident j moandrew seoretary geo grabard treasurer j s deaocn deal with and the anxiety of tbe continent ii bo great that any disaster to her arms weald at once be taken as afresh ooaaslon for intervention which oonld take the form of oonvlnoing ber publio that her honor in satisfied and that sho may weh dispenee with cuba at least if cot with porto rico an3the pbilippinee yoo a greflt variety in every pattern style and size do not forget our staple department we have specials in table linens towellings flannelettes cottons sheetings etc we extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store aud inspect our stock geokgetowns livest stoee furnish the feet we do the rest prohibition meanssometh1nq how a noted ulquor firm is oaallnrr with the pleblsoltelt fears the suooe880f the vote the dominion alllacooexjoantive offiqera are considerably exorolsed over the faot that a clrcnlar haa been sent out to various charitable inetitutions by hlrarn walker rob block 7thin st cqrgt6 jflin produoe taken in exchange every day- bargain day here the qeneral assembly thla highest court of the presby terian churoh in session at montreal sonfi limited the big firm of diatlllers at wajkervllle whioh bays the impending voto on the question of total prohibition brlnge ns faoe to face with the posaiblo destruction of oar buai- ness sboald the plebieoito favor aaoh a ndioal measure all bur reaourcea will be required for selfdefence under these oir- camatanoes it isbnb natnrsl and prudent that we should hnaband onr roaourcea as loogaa the dangor threatens therefore we feel compelled to dilopnlinuo entirely for the time beingthe sabboriptions which we have been accustomed to give the hnm- eroaa oharitable and other objects through out tbe dominion watake this step with slndere regret and only from the conviction that we are menaced al never before with the confiscation of all that we rjcaseaa found dead on the street abx ewlng a vvellrknown resident of pllklnarton died at salem monireil june 8 the annual meeting of the general assembly of tbe presbyter ian church of canada opens here today the meeting 1a oreatlnjf a good deal of interest from the faot that the gathering ia exported to be the largest ohuroh parlia ment since the anion some years ago there will be over four bondred lay and olerioal delegates yet there doea not appear to be any burning qneallona to come np for diacnaaion t- the election of moderator will otoonrse beof intereat and leading presbyterians slate that the choice will be between bev dr j bryoe of winnipeg and rev dr nee or uuolpb itie place of rneet- ifigwlll be kntncburoh dorchester street trouble threatened newfoundland determined not to furnish frenbh flahermen with bait salku june 8 last nisht about 11 80 alex kwing aged 74 an old and well- lfnown resident of the township of pilkiog- tonwabtonn dead on the str here it cuelph china palace ii aappoaed that his horae ran away and that in taming a bharp dorner he waa thrown from the buggy and alighting oq nil face was inbtahtly killed aa there waa no sign of a struggle an important judqment at osgcpdo hall toronto on may 28th on application of g t eulford 4 co proprlotdra of the dr williams medioine co a perpetual ipjundtlon was granted by chancellor boyd restraining thoodore sweat druggist of st catharines from eelllng a pink oolored pill in imitation of rrwiillarnatpldltpillstorpabpoopi it feme neoessary to again impress upon the public tho fact that dr wllliama pink fills can only be obtained in packages with the wrapper around which bears tho fall lawprotected trade mark dr williams pink fills for pale people lllls offered in ny other form and notwllhitandlng any- thldf the dealer may aay are fraudulent imltatlone and should always be refused tho dr willlama medioine- co will bo gild to obtain in confidence the name of any dealer offering for bale any imitation of their pills as the company ia determined to protect tha public sgalnstthls species of fried for many years tho noted tea store haa bean a familiar and popular point on lower wyudara street guelpb and for its aaperior teas and oholoe family grpoories has enjoyed a wide reputation and a con stantly growldg patronage some bual- nobaea and acme business premises in the city have undergone very little ohange in tbe paat debade but auob has not been the case with the noted tea store to be known more familiarly in the fatore as the china palace and noted tea store slnoo the present enterprising proprietor j a mocrea took poaaoaaion improve- menta calonlated to facilitate tbe serviirg of cnstomorir display to greator advantage the oonitantly inoreabing atook and make room for new and deeirable linea being added have beon made but tbe moat important change has just been oompleted th q devoted to obinai glaaawaro and orockery beoame entirely inadequate to the largely in- oreaaed itook pnrchaaed this apring and to aopommodite it the addition of another flat haa been effeoted the phlna depart ment la cow oonyeiently reaohed by a wide atairoaeo from the ground floor upon entering this department the vlaltor from the first glance at the attractive display of oblha orystal etc immediately agrees that the now namo china palace la appro priate taalefolly arranged on dining and side tablet rare largo varieties of elegant dinner and tea sets in attractive designs ery handioms leooratlsiii there lr also a opmplele aisprtment of china in tea aeta aide and fanoy dlehea table glass ware in the moat ohaato doalgna of both cut and ordinary ware obamber and toilet sets in ill tbo latest patterns and decorations and a oarofully aaaorted ohina department gener tho room 1b well an attractive pair an attractive pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any oneman woman orchild wc keep tho stylish kind the com fortable kind and thekind that wears well and to vhich rough usage may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all qs represented we havo a complete assort ment including boots and 8hoes all sizes rubbers slippers ate allstvles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in tho general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exciusivcly in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience wo are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handlo every- thing saleable custom work anp repair ing given prompt attention muslins muslins chatillon steipes organdies iredesca cordonet we have the choicest goods in town in this line a large stock of dress prints at popular prices a full line of sateens our specials in groceries this week are salt fish and canned fish we are still selling oranges at 15c and lemons at 15 and 20c thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able io offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire v w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton c f gqqke1te co kenney bros main street acton dominion boot nnd shoe store olaring corner king and hnglison sts flamiltoii 1 v 11 you spend in dry goods always e0 tflg e0llr3rs p satisfactory here are some good investments to clear out the balance of the sea- soiis stouk ve are now offering all lines of millinery goods at greatly reduced prices bargains in mens readymade cloth ing and felt hats finest teas and fresh groceries al ways in stock dress goods poillauallnewabartlosreitravlurvber and 6100 sedan bultliigv for tallormado coatumoar in all loading hhodca 7 and 135 chock bultlnna pratty designs 85 76 est vlgoroux sultiiira vory apoolal 39 10 s50 hoavy serscs a inob all wool very apoolal 30 ib and 0o shepherd chocks all alaos coo hew shirt waists lrjntblilrt waists aoperato collars and oulfe seapijudhpaetmjiht sorflsrtdorrot print blilrt walsta full fronts pointed yoke whlto collar and ouna dotaoliablo in polfea dot aliophord oheokr ptatd ota ilss uualln bhlrt vvalats nil front nblto collar and euffa detaobable aneelal 9100 new organdlo mualin shirt walsla white do- uohabla dollar separate enira apeolal albk nlaok lawns and tartan bhlrt waliu dotncli- able or vltb collar and cuffa apeolal si 910 new 1808 tjfholstiires it would take our whole apaoo to doaoiibo tho boautloa to be seen in the largest and most oom- ploto and bost anlkllated upholetery depart- moot in tbla city notoa fowltetnai art velvet psinohos wide s5o sla5 ial05 freneb tapeatrloa 09 inoliea wide 110 0103 189 liacdad strlnos go inoliea wide 830 bilk broaatolto 53 luoboa wido aiwolal aao lot ua uko your ordor now wo ananuteo all work to glvo perfect ratlsraatlon batlraatee furnlaliod rt tlafn bloaohedsboetlng 90 and 9so- oe ilaln bleaobed bbeoung 99 and 9o 104 plain bleached bueeung 9s and 30o 81 plain bleached shooting ss and sbo 01 plain bleached sheeting 19 and soo oxford shirtinas bpoclal line bngllab make grand value 12lo ileat quality doublo wari do soo ype writer price 5500 visible writing in addition to all tho advantages of tho 912000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada e5uxl c st johns nfld juno 0 the colonial government today iaanod a aeries of stringent regulations prohibiting tho export of bait for flab thelntention la to prevent the frenoh from seaaring bait tbe st pierre french binary ia already praolloally a allure for the season everything tends toward the feeling that trouble will lake piece upon the treaty ooaal of this island durlor the snmruer immense fire in india comino from toronto bombat june 2 a conflagration at poih- awer a fortlflad town ofjndls oapltal of a dlstriot of that name iq ilia eaniabwhloh was not mastsred for u bonnjbas destroy ed 4 000 boosts doing damage to tbe amount of about four crores of rapees abonl f 80000000 tbufa atrpposed to be tbe greatest ore on reoord in india persona who are ruptured especially eilrerne caeea that heretofore bava round every means fruitless and parents having children ao afllloted have aon an oppor tunity of oonanltlng free a competent ceolaliet in thla inr thoe y egan of- roroolo will villi aoloa dominion holal saturday jans 18lh the ovl- denoa farntsbtd of his skill iseioeptlonally blh andjn llrrssilgatlon provea bis claim to be wall founded lighted is oheerf ul and attractive and by thp improved arrangement of setts in regular and consecutive order onatomera oan roake examinations and comparisons with every facility and satisfaction an examination ol tha prloea whioh are in all cases given in plain figures provea that ihey are remarkably low considering the class of gooda offered and this is especially true of the scores of dinner setts which await your impaction no place in the oounlry offers better advantages to pur chasers than j a alocrek china palaoe the public is cordially invited to call and inspeot the atook at any time whether desirous of making purchases oa not larje import orders have already been plaosd with tba rnanufaoturera for fall delivery best peatlior proof tloklnga full rnngo of patterns 90 31 and soo sktrtinas mew strlpa 8nmmor sblrtlng fast colon largo range of patteraav9sao and 9bo prtnts 000 patterns all new doalgnaln light dark and medlom colon tbe very beat grade feat oolora late oingthams and zephyrs- full range eheoka plalda and broken patterns faat oolora s it9 and 150 v special saxjo olt white quilts here are trie alaes and prloea t9 x 81 800 al9s 4lss ltl tollet8aunflniabedulltalm 6300 to00 oolcred albamtira quilts lit83e19sl7o circulars and icsllmpnials writo for them the williams mf co d alton mcgarlhy left a lire insuranoe of 176000 aesnntalllo samples free by mall freight orexpresa prepaid to your nearest railway station in onlurio on all purchases amounting to 9500 and upwards maker of cclobratd nfltr williatni hawing mubldos limited montreal pq soo fir3t0uss 16900 bicycles away free lib willing woriterswlin will help h- tdvtriiii mm mh dryounesokldneyllver cut hi ultll ocfllty no peddllnr no experience ocplttl rquirdi work durtnt your spnro tlmev chemical supply co picton ont

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