Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1898, p. 3

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che bank je hamilton hbadojtioe ham1ltok capital all paid up 125000000 reserve fund 72500000 total assets 084667845 nearly tuu minioub of dollars board op directors ohn stuakt a g bamhay lrosldout vloorrusldoul ko roaou john iiioctou a t wood a b lkb torouto war glubon mp tuunuull oosblor ii b steven asst casulor h u watson iiiiiioetor george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ihc collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally lj drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united slates drafts 6n grcafjjritain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook is brought inor not- special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home overy itom intereotlna house cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades cuitain poles prices ijow stock the largest give us call geo hynds jcwelcryand stationery- store acton ont mje clow m jim thursday juhe 0 1898 little local brieflets vhich causht the eyes or eara of free press reporters this week qardon parties are bow on the tapis bummer visits are now being arranged haying will be next in order with the farmors the county councilwus in sesaion on tuesday warm weather wauta now emphasize themselves 3hero was attundanco of dust on tho streets tho past week junerobes are now but in their usual fragrance and beauty the hot dry weather ol the past week browned tho lawns considerably thofiiee press comes every week b a welcome visitor w j n gnolpb j t wordon the old reliable hab opened a barber rhop in george adams lata stand the bicyclists dont appreciate tho new mill street roadway between elgin and wilbur streets for present riding itll tain i itll rain i aaya the plovers shrill refrain soft id tho wind from tbo west softer the rainu low sigh 4twentyrtour excursions to tne model farm gaelpb are booked from various parts of tho province for the month of june georgetown has an assessment of 5500 on tho great north western telegraph poles wires etc the company want tho assessment reduced to 830ff another plosaat bicycle run was held ou monday evening the oyolists were the guests of ibe misses bryers whoso hospitality was ranch enjoyed this countys share of tho legislative public school griai for 1898 in tho rural sohoola ia iijbqaeoiob 8103 nabsagaweya 8800 nciiod 8305 and trafalgar 837 looal hatas w stuled that robr campbells houae on litikeaveuae wit bought by tbos perry- raau jr iabtead of thos ferryman ar mr w a storey baa given hamiltons granite worke gueiph an order for a cenotaph ol obovate dcbign in sootcfa granite to be placed on his fathers tomb in fairvicw cemetery tho fact that at the court of revision not a singlo change in the assessment of any property in tbib manidipality on the point of value was found necessary bays much for tho ethoiency of the asaessor landlord bennett of mijtod formerly of acton now controls tbo hotol bueidebs ot the county towo ho owns the bennett and commercial hotels and has recently leased and moved into the wallace house it ia officially annoanced that the grand track las dcoidod that tho new rules anbvregalationa shall not come into force on july 1 a previously annoonced bat that their adoption shall bo indefinitely postponed an nccidcotoo queens birthday to a njneryearaldljiondqn girl mary ann biaokwei teaohoa tho wisdom of sapprea- ion of the sale ot artworks the child loses the sight or one eye thropgh the explosion of a oriioker a dalryballctin baa been issued by tho department of agriculture which may be of great benefit to dairymen the questions of keeping milk properly and bnw u jboold be tested are discussed laoid in ei patents and teachers should initruot their boyi that it is not only cruel bat illegal to rob birds nests the game wardens attention has been called to the destruction in w and ho may make a few- examples spare the birds boyi four ymuu boys were the other day gathered in by tbo stratford police in so dronkon abonditlon that they were unable to stand to tho polios magistrate thoy confessed to having bought a qoart of whiskey for 45 cents nearly sir ofwlifcn they bad drank two hotel fetbpera will be ap in a day or so charged by tbo chief of police with selling tfqnor to boys under 21 years of age there is a great deal too frequent violation of the law ia tbu partloolar way and hotel keeper i should take warning guolph mercury an entorprliing ml forest photo k has now regular babies daye and 4 old people days the repntent- alive says fortylight babies and tblrletn old people were photographod by mr ohfcpman oo bis babies and old peoples days last week wo6l wanixdrhlgheat price in cash ot trado or any qasnuiy of good clean rnerbtianublo ii dowvered at georie tbwtii wmijalwd itjisobiilt match ou saturday a butebuil matqh which promises to be an cxoitirif coutost will bo bold on satur day afternoon between tbo ramblers of torouto and acton tbo ramblers aro corapoaod of the st lawrences of last eeaeon rcnrganizod and compose aetrong loam the gumo will becallod at u30 p m militia appolattueutbaoih battalion tbe following appointments were gazetted la fit saturday affecting halton battalion no 2 company proviuional second liout u matthews baviag failed to qualify bia name ia removed from tbo list of officers of iho uotivo militia to be eecoud lioutenaui provisionally sergt alfred morrison vice matthew a retired norflcompanyr to booaptafd seoond lieut joseph graham langton from no 7 cqmpany vico sahult2i retired rov mr moalpiao in knox church knox church pulpit was occupied on sabbath evening by rov w s moalpino being resident in georgetown mr moaipioe has not bad ofportunity for gotling acquainted with ihe other congregations in town bince his settle ment over tho baptist chnroh bore and this exohangb was conaeijitcntly appre ciated hib eermon based upon st pauls reference to tho olympian games and the christian raoe waa well thoauht out and contained many praotical hints relaiive to tbe attainmeut of vigorous spiritual life itev mr maopherson preached in the baptist charch georgetown an experts advice early to bed early to rlso dont get tight and advertise waa ills motto pre scribed for buainesa by robert c ogden of tbe firm of john wanamaker when addressing the merchants association in new york hefurthensaid a great deal of advertising fails because the advertiser geta discouraged advbrtlaing to be successful bhoald be continuous the advertiser must have courage ivioet men are afraid to go beyond a ccrtala point having placed what tbey deem aaffloient they ehould not fail to put on an extra 8500 if necessary or they may lose the benefit of the whole if a man baa not the money to advertise he might as well go out of businobs how the ynnlccea soar mr john a ewen whosp lottera to the globe from the seat of war aro amongst the moat interesting eays of tho epeeohea at tbe qaeons birthday celebration at tam pa florida tho ohairman col wylie is what is called a silvertonftoed orator that is to bay ho talks about this boaud- leba country whose bilver feet are laved by the golden waves of the paoiflo ocean and whose godlibo head 1b washed in tbe rol ling billows af the atlantic without the leabt conboiousness that that tort of thing has passed into the book of jests- bat i could see no indication that it awakened any humorous thoughts in tbe mind of his hearore when be stated that deweys name would be placed by the historian far above those of nolaon or any other af the eoa dogs of old the english newspaper men jnst looked at each otherand grinned sunday in tbe methodist church tbo seat of conference being in guolph this year a considerable number ot the members oftbe coogregatiou went to tho bity to onjoy the sunday services but those who remained at home had a feaat of g6od tbinga spiritnal rov r j troleav- en of brantford occupied the pulpit aud bis sermonb both morning and evening were able and eloquent and highly odify- ing to tho congregation at the morning service the text was zeph 0 17 and the points emphasized were gods jlreaence power purpose and pleasure the text of tho evening discourse waa e ph 5 18 be filled with tbe spirit results of being in possession of the spirits power were abown to be 1 to have life 2 to have fullness of life 0 to be tilled with divine abiding lovo 1 to b- filled with genuino christian abiding joy 5 to be filled with christian liberty g liberty from the world liberty for eervico liberality 7 loyalty to christ and to his chnroh 8 to bo filled with power these points were given most neighborhood news m ftflma runnllnd by corrna- pondents and exchangoa limehouse tho builders aro at work ou thtsunor btruoture of mr john lindsayii now raeideuoe it will bo of milloti pressed brlok with out etono trimmings rockwood the fifth application of sprayiug will bo made by supt w m orr in hughblaoke orchard ou thursday 20th inst iu the action davis vb talbot brought by albert davis against jamea talbot of everton the jury roturnod a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for 84c- at tbe uock- wood division court ou may 25th an appeal waa held before judge jamiobon on tuesday when the deolsion was oonqrnaod coming and going v iaj anil i aulun anil varlouootherporaonal notes bannockbubn the lollowing la tho honor roll tor may fop bannookbur school v oliflb a modonuld m watnn iv olaaa j iindbrbon f hurdiog b drown ii claso e wolaon i dpanie j dobbio jpt liaj mood b mann ptv i1b b mann 8 cole a hcndor- eon pl ii c j ljwaorj w dobbie t moffat pi i s watson m mcdoiiald mltohell no on roll 32 avoraro attendance 27 a monaik teaober speyside the aerrnona wbro powerfnl and of b moat bolpfol charaoter and rev mr traloav- enbviait was rjqdob enjovad ills elhtyntnth birthday oar honored aad eariieat living settlor cblebrateabia eibtyninth birthday toay on tho olh jqdo 1810 asa hall etq flrat satv tbe lifht of day at st aadrem qae aboat 45 milcb north of montreal mr hall camp to aoton 65 years ago this spring and aottled on tho farm on main street bordering the borthweaterly limits of the proaont corporation boandarlea still in his poaeeaaion he bod purbbaaed bia proporty two years before iron the canada company whoa he earne bore shore wero but two boueoa inthe new ottlemeat ono of which is still standing in tbo roar of tbe rcbidonoe of d hondariaon m p bower avenue the other was on theallebl the resi- donbe of mr adam oook main street they belonred to and were oconpied by the nfosera adams tho founders of abton thoro was no oicaring above the creek on filaln street and the plaoe had neither name nor poet office notwllbttaiidins bis extreme age mr ball is still in good health strong and vigorous attended with mnoh pleaanro theaession of conferenoeatgaolph during the past week and to all appear- anoee bis venerable add honored jpreflenoe will be spared to tbe community for years to aome mr halts remlnieoenoei of evonts in tbe early day of aotona history aro always listened to with genuine interest by tbe riaing generation his personal io- toreet in ohnroh and munioipal matlora have always given him a plaoe as one of the most estoemedand respeoted resjdeiiti tbo fhee pjiess nnltoa with mr halls many friends in congratulations iipon bis roaobing his eightyninth birthday everton quite a number from here went with tho mimosa peoplo plcnloing on saturday to stanloy park they report having a very enjoyablo tiino miss orindell and little sister of aoton are visiting relatives here snnday last being oonfereooe snnolay for disciples and methodists oar ministers wero absent ths slsoiple pulpit waa filled in the morning by mr g wells and in tbe evening by mr j bold preibyurian oipringe in the evening mr hooking preaahed well in the methodill polpil friday is the date of our township sun day bobool convention aod wo look forward to a pleasant and profitable time ibey are giving a one programnie among the speakers are beta qodden and macpborson of aoton kev s hogori aeorgesown and bev 3 a cranston bookwood the singing will be a treat well ae baving the sn mills flhoir we are to bv faviyl withmesira jaokaon and btisonao look- wood and bit mr ifouook bpeadlide mesara tebo wedgo and deforest of nsssastweyb have got into trouble it appears that joseph h gardiner of spbybidp bad jot a colt and he aocneed tho tbreo above named gentlemen with having takon the animal chief bradley got od to their trail and on sunday looatod hia quarry a few miles above brantford where with tbeir families they had gone into camp in true gipsy fashion on orders of the obief tbe camp was broson qp and a fitart matte formilton tbe nbole outfit arriviug boro monday evening xuo stolen horse was with them tbey were all locked ap and will appear beforo mayor dloo at ten oolook saturday forenoon champion oeohgetown tho council talks of passing a bylaw to limit tho riding of bioybles on tho side walks mr jno oane who was elected to ths seat at tbe council rendered vaoant by tbe death of mr tost mot with tho council laat week and has been installed in the variona oommitteea the council is purchaaing 200 feet el pargan hoae for the flro company at 90 centb a foot the llro nnderwfitera want an qutomdtio flro alarm aystem put in rev g a mitoholl b a and br 1 l bennett attondod tho conference sebaion at gueiph daring tho week the fifth viait of supt w m orr iu giving instructions in tbe preparation and application of inscptibldcs and funfioidei will bo made at mrs bradley n orchard en wednesday 15th lust rev h a maopheraon of abtou preached an ablo eermon in tho baptist cbarob last sunday ovoning rev mr moalphine preached in knoi churoli been tbe gaest of georgetown friends tbe last week the pabllo school scholars aro busy rehearsing for their oonoert on dominion day ucarly 300 will take part well put our high school grounds against any in the provinco for heauty thoy are very attractive at preaent tbe work of exreeve barber so faithfully performed several years ago is now bear ing rlob fruit nassaoaweya tho epwortb loogao of the ebenezsr charch hold their aonlvoreary on sunday soth insl the rev w b smith ol f 1 t u pr ths sermoni fever case in tee village j bmalhoin jr gnitajstsmaai tile tnonsr if is falls to can isihe paiienl morning and evening the floral oom- mlttec did tbeir part well in tho decora tioga of tbe ohnroh tho text for tbe morntog was taken from matthew 2grh ohiptor arid laat olause of he 30th verse lo i arn with you- alway even onto tbo end of tho world the coneecration service in the evening waa lod by tho pros john mlrsholl the corwhin loagao joined with bbenezer in tho evoning service ah through tho ecrvlcea were very mnoh appreciated mr blacblook near oampbellville rate- ed a fine bank bam by block and taokle laat week and on thureday evening gavo a soofal dancoto the yoong pooplo who aasiatod the aervloes of the bbenezer ghorch were withdrawn last sunday owing to it being oonfereooe snnday a number went to ouelpb to attend tbo conference bev dr soanlan and mr john maraholl attended oonference last week a iery pleasing event took plaoe laat wedncaday afternoon at the residence of mr david tollon waterloo street ouelpb when mies bella mokenzle of that city was united in marriage to mr colon c kttching of naasagaweya tbe oeremony was performed by the rev mr fowlie of erin tho bride was gowned in a pale blue dross trimmed with white silk laon and white satin and looked very woll the bridesmaid mias alioe toltou waa attired in a pale blue dress trimmed with chiffon and pearls miss hattie toltou the maid ot honor waa aimiliarly attired the wants of the groom were oarefol look ed after by mr j no scott of eramosa tiro newly married couple will take ap housekeeping in nasaagawoya mr john kilohing of corwhin raised a b b on his fa uu friday a the sides wero captained by meabrs dan jones of moffat and fbter mokenzla of cbrwhiai the former won the victory tho atone work was done by messrs wake field of casllnob and the frame work by mr jobo block of pasllncb the size ol the barn la 0x68 feet and 20 foot posts when finished it will bo one of tbe lines in the township the farmers aire busy putting in their turnip awed the fall wheat orop in this stotion promises to be exoehent tbe fruit orop promises to be a good one in this smolion tho fmth pnbbs invites all u readers to con tribute to this oolumn if you or your friends aro solug away on a holiday trip or it you hare irlonda vialtlng ynn drop a card to tbe fjuua pukos tbo laing brolhers are now travelling through iowa mias edna tharaton was home from woodatbck the past week mr chas bamshawof hamilton visit ed aoton friends this week mrs william brown epeut part of last weok with relatives in toronto mr aubtin kelly of buffalo make friends hero a flying visit this week mr aud mrs a eiioklln spent a day or two last week with friends in gnelph miss clara -cloodevo- returned faorna plbaeant visit to cllutorf on monday even ing misbeb duncan of toronto and colbornr aregnestsat the home of 3 t elliott slsq mibb nellio mooro weut to brampton on saturday tobpcnda week with relatives there l mr w p brown of toronto spent a day or two ibis week with friends in the old home dr j f uren attended the seaaion of the ontario medical association at toronto last week rev mr forbes attended the meeting of tho congregational aabaolatlon at toronto laat week mr and mra john b cameron left on tuesday- foetheir new homo in olovers- ville n y mr j m warren of the brampton high school staff waa the gdest of mr a o warren last week mibb mabel brown of toronto arrived irv town last week to viblt her grandfather and other friends here mrs a young aud two children of toronto are visiting at the home of her motbor mra gardiner messrs w dusty j holmes and j fordyae of ouelpb spent sunday at tbe home of mr j holmes mr and mrs o r- beattie of acton wero in tho city on a visit to their friends laat week gueiph herald principal mooro and misses mophail patterson and mcqueen attended the teaoberb convention at georgetown laat week mian clara bessoy of georgetown and tbemtsseb smith of burlington called on saturdny at iho home of exwarden warren dr j ne brown of toronto brother of mra dr uren wss eleoted secretary of tbe ontario medical association at toronto last week mrs fawcett of kimberly arrived last week to- nnrso her daughter miss hattis tburaton who was very ill for a fow days but is now recovering mr b w uren of xogersoll was the goostof dr j f uron this week he waa attending confereuoe at gueiph and oarne down for a day or two mrs goozee and ohijdren whobavs been vieiting at tbe home of her parents mr and mtb jobhna korriehijake avenue tbo past six months will leave for their horns in dakota shortly rev w 8 moalphine b a mr j l localbbieflets couooil meeting next monday evening aoton it b b c m w mr j m m go adams and misses wordeo jennie steel and barbara warren are attending the annual meeting of the quolph association of the baptist churob in session at berlin mr bruce arrived from obeyame wyo on friday evening and spent a few days with his aoton friends he returned on monday accompanied by mrs brnoo and children whose ten months stay in the old home has given them mnoh mora ragged health with which to return to their far western home among the visitors to conference at guolph from aoton the fata piuss noticed the following mr and mrs james moore mr and mrs thomas easton mr and m jam mulauj mi aud mts i francis mrs rev j a molaoblan mrs rev wm bryors misses maggie matthews lizzie mcxtm and bella stepheneon messrs a t brown wm brown r j edraioston asa hall edwin franoia obas molam a eqnrnoy mrs ebbage miss ebbage and mr gbas ebbage lorne tbo honor roll of lome aobool for may ia shown in the reaolt of examinations as follows senior iv iva cleave 7 lexio gamble 78 jonior iv hannah plank 85 clinton svrockhammer 81 harry held 81 third class willie held 71 second class senior dolllo modonald 1k hugh allan 70 i herbert allan 81 junior ii lizzie laaby 78 hazel gibbons 78 senior first class stanley swaok- hamer 70 chester flank 88 junior first olaaamangie dennis 01 jennie allan 72 sabjcotaarithmelio literature spelling j mcdoniij teacher milton inspector deacon and tbe teachers of milton pabllo sakool attended the teachers convention at georgetown last friday and saturday last saturday was oerxsterv arbor day as a result many plots have paton an improved appearance milton has a new drug store it ia run as a branch of zlmmarmans hamilton drag store a garden pirt u lb an nf the movement of grain from owen soond and midland is almost entirely stopped for the reason that ths elevators lontreal arsso full that mors osnnol in the troablo is that the suamers cannot get tbs grain aw4yfsuii ainouh the cry is tor more stmqjsblpacoommbdation tolcijrs a 5oiplbj0nb pav ju the ladies aid of boston chnroh will bo held at the residence of arob modoagall lot 2 4th hoe esrjaesing on taeaday evening jane lath knox ohnroh anniversary will be held on sabbath 12lh tbo pnlpit will be oconpied morning and avanlng by the eminent and learned prof tssor ballanlyne of knox college toronto the wallaoe hoots has ohanged bands mat mltohell who had been its lessee for some years and had mads it very popular moved out on batorday and john bennett owner ot the bennttt and commercial hotels moved id the bombs rommlsslon- err met on friday and related a license to mr bennstj on aocoant ilhls ownsrshlp of tho other two botiramid at p hu is running a temperaooe house caamp- job xhos y egao the specialist wlu visit milton at hartmsns hotel on monday july 4th mr o a heojttreet attended the oooferenoe session ot ginilph daring the week mr i ibjpwstj-jpi- was elected a delegate to us gsneral oon- fsrenoe tbisislho moat duligbtful mouth of tho sornmer haying will soon commenoo in somo of tho luxurlaut clover holds the next meeting of ijie ebcjueeldg township counoil will bo bold ou monday 20th jane indians from tbo vaiioua reservations are flocking to oakvllle to engage strawberry pioklng the st louis book makers who attended ibe gueiph raues last week olear- ed out leaving tbe searotary 947s in arrears tbe caturpillar nuisance in worso than asnal tbisyear trains have been stopped on grades nearowenbound and carleton place by tbe nhmeroub caterpillars wblcb had crawied upon tboraijs j builder an stbe that is the team an ottawa lady applies to or wllllama flnk plile t among rnaoy in ottawa arid tbovioinity who have been benefitted- one way or another b the oae of pr williams fink pills for pale people the journal has learn- ed of the ease ot mrs gilchrist wife of mr t v gilohrist of hintonburgh mr gil- ebrlst keepa a grocoryat the corner of fourth ave and cedar street and is well known to a great many people in ottawa as well aa to the villagers of this suburb of the capitol mrs gilohrist states that whilo in a run down condition during the spring of 16d7 bhe was greatly strengthened ahd built dp by the nse of dr williams fink fills speaking of the matter to a journal reporter she stated that while able to go about at the time she waa far from well her blood waa poor she waa sabjcot to headaches and felt tired after the slight est exertion she bad read at different timea of euros effected by the ubo of dr winiama fink fills and decided to try them sbo was benefitted by the fi ret box and continued theirnse until she had taken five boxes when she considered herself 3nito recovered mrs gilohrfbt says that she always atrongly recommends dr wil- uama piuk fills as a builder and stroogtb- ener when any of her frieada aro weak or ailing this is ths complaint ol thousands at this season thoy have ho appetite food docs not relish thoy hood thetonlngupof the stomach and digestive organs which a courae ot hoods sarsaparllla will give them it alao purifies and enriches ths blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyipeptie can know creates an appetite overeomss thst tired feeling and builds up and anatalna thewhole physical eyetem it so prompt ly aid efficiently relieves dyspoptlo symp toms and oares nervousbeadaches it seems to have almost a maglo touch it pays to buy at bollcrts it pays to buy at bollcrts sarsaparilla laljiebeat infect theonetrno wood fuflher goncent ration of bffbrt has bioughf about tho great lead this storo has in tlio nice ijrcas goods trndo of thiscity the thoughtsbf the buyers of dresa goods turn as naturally to this store as tbe needle to the polo we do not dissipate our energies in encroaching on the wares of other trades we sell jrly dry goods hence the fact that all our efforts arc focussed on strict dry goods selling nowhere is life strength of this more nppnront than in the dreas coods department compare our stock today with any in the city you wi 1 find it larger fresher belter nnd containing mors genuine good value wc have made many recent purchases the price benefit of which we are showing you j mit are the beat nftertlnner flood 3 fuls pills aid digestion aa acton apprepiates liryiese positively little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongnu pam to the swe torpid ltver they regulate tbo bowels purely vegetable small phi small doses small price substitution t fraud o ili day sec you get garters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills for true and pure turnip seed go to thorps seed store guelph ho imports his seed direct from the grower hairs wtwtbary bast lothian elephant buttons olisoiploo osvrtttrs imperfsl 1 davdgbolm raruny bronee hltfbland prilo qreed top boottlsb champlou king of swedoa uarsbaua p top bbamrock bbarpi improvod bklrvlng wtalteltwddo jbtboy navct cow horn white qlobo qreysione ato s ton of dwarf eisox iulo sood hanffaiian uillat uackwheat bood corn of all kinds turnip bod 10c lb or ii lbs for 1 00 llape bood so lb or 18 lbs for 100 boed cora 60o ft bus white or yollow geo j thorp sbbdsmrn market sci and maodonnell st gublph for imyiiicf vour trees and berry bushes we have all the necess ary materials as- r gct88shl ww5 copper sulphate copper carbonate paris green white ilelebore insect powder prices right and mafoglals tfte very boat nice goods those wall paper samples we show at the drugstore of j d mcicee arc nil the rager why i because they are uptodate put ingrain on your walls it is very handsome and new gee mckees samples room mouldings to match window shades send the size of your windows and wo will quote prices any color and every width note these indications at 8 io 12 j 15 is 2p 22 2528 30 35c vie pffer an almost unlfmited variety ot organdies lawns cambrics ginghams and other washing materials perfect geitas- k5crnlce 40 inch fancy mottled and checked spuings extra value 25c alpacas towels fancy brocades serges henriettas and a host of other materials t 40c corsets whijxjords and fancy mixtures fn hundreds of pieces at 75 85 9ioo f 150 2 250 we offer you lines of goods which for beauty and value you will see nowhere else black diess goods- the choicest styles brought to this country are imported by us and the prices commence away down from 25c tdjh5 per yard the stock is unrivalled j flirts our trade this spring has more than doubled fancy blouse silks nt25 35 40 50 75 shot tafteals incy ilaid taffetas black silks colored silks silks of nil kinds till you cant rest make a strong department j for good gopds clieap all knowing people corno here t if you havent done so yet try the forces af this advt e r bollert go 25 aud 27 wyndhain street guelph base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot liall requisites g l nelles the lghder cuslpr i have not taken any patent medicine for years dont need any i only want your work and will attend to it carefully and promptly do not forget that if i cannot make your watch run correctly i wish in all cases to xeturn the money pringle the jeweller cuelph tho m od groc being the larg est makers of refrigerntprs in ca nada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in j many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of idry cool air cir culation best in- sulat ion and zinc lined why jb u y a home maao or poorly w made article wfieo yon can get an uptbdate refrigerator for less mopey for prices and description send for catalogue knowloa ham 8c nott oo iiimitod brantford latest and best designs of monuments m granijli asd marble jit r 20 to 30 per cent reduction jhhamilton proprietor granite marble works gublph is the only direct importer of warble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite qttica mad workshamiltoits block f woolwich and norfolk sts gu6lph ont brmnoh worjcsitewbumtiurroou the campaign prepare fdr winds why not 99 wyndham 8t patronize the store that offers you the newest uptodate goods we show the very newest lines in belts skehters bicycle sox and new furnishings see our new hat 8 justin try our unlaundried shirt at 50c rve njelason merchant tailoi- and mens furnisher gueiph silks and satins special j ii nje offering black peau de soil a double faced silk wear well actual value 125 june offering 100 24 in black satin brilliant finish soft make- special 75c 24 in black satin brilliant finish heavy soft make special 100 24 in surah silk excellent finish special 50c also large range of figured silks shot silks china silks gomplete stock of silk gloves in black cream tan and opera shades 13pee fc qgv jwiill st a6t6n appearance is a sllrevs ready to wear clothing bscomes a necessity who can altord to ignore his personal aearancc a lirgc manufacturer who stud ici the vant of the ixioplc- and whoso insinc5a depends upon supplyinj thcsevants will give liotxrr rest lis thtw afailor wlioc oppf irtiinitirs- arc limited and trade local if your local dcnlcr does nut k r fp shoreys ctothlnsf remember there arc others write ton 1ircrand uiore enterprising nicrclwnt elscvlicu stibthit shoreys guannte cardis in the pocket of etch p arm cm in the pocket of each garment 1 4 1 ui m i ii i ii m t glasgow house s bkqwn wa would call yoot alssdtlon lo tbe faos that n an prepared to supply ton wib lamberof eaitabla langth lor joar barn doors via 10 12 18 or h fee slam sash doors mouxdinos to for bollding storm doons pat ap at aa low a rats aa poealbls iupalr yoor patipa or pot lo new ontt beforts it is tott oold w tut do it shop at foot of jtlvaretrasst aoton wc are showing a full range of venetians broadciouis boxclotlis brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and value the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices

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