Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1898, p. 4

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before retiring take aycra pills nnd joii will sleep better anjwakeiilbetter condition for the days work ayers cathartic pills have no equal ns a pleasant and effect ual remedy for constipation biliousness sick headache and all liver troubles they are sugarcoated and so perfectly prepared that they cure with- out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on themarket ask your druggist for ayers cathartic pills when other pills wont help you ayers is the pill that will the country aravevard bhut iu by a large overgrown btouo wallorlobs idoturerquely guarded by long thursday june 0 1898 t oung jfolhs the ic tuesb she bail little of earthly beauty she bad loss of earthly loro blio climbed by a path so narrow such woariaome burdens bqro 1 and bho came with a hoaratramble to tbo wardtr at heavens door and bald tboro woro hearts of horoes sbo said dpliorovoro hands of might i had only my liltlo oblldron tliat called to mo day and night i could oaly sodtbo tbolr sorrows tbolr ehlltuah hearts make light and aha bowed bor head in flllcrjco 8bo bid her faoo in sbamo wlion oat from a blazo of glory a form majeauo oamo and bwootor ttoa all lioavons muala lo soma odd oallbd hor uamo 1 dear bonrt that bath self forgot ton thatnovor itiown hassought who koonoutlio weak from falling to tlio king hath jewels brought lo what tbou hast done for tbo ohlldron for tbo lord nimsolf won wrought 1 lin o i f ma b hid ij a littlo qoautry viulags it not olwiiya attractive to the eyo at llio llrat jfluuco often by comparison with the rrent iiardcn cemeteries such aa lie upon the outr skirts of our aro oities with their velvet lawus and brilliant bid of flowera tbo quiet lopely place appears neolected and forlorn true there is sure to be eomo one oornorof it very uewnndbaro in aspect laid out tcoordiofc to tho modern plin with a few whltftikaftfl gleaming frooa among yoqdk sbjoba and newtored plots of groan but beyond this all is a wilderoeaa of graib vines and wild plants shooting up among the slanting hetnlutin a t i licit own sweat will man has indeed neglected but only look a little oloaer and you will nee that mother natoro doca not forget overlajiny unmarked gravea creeps a tanglndf bindweed abovowbicfia hupdrod delioato pink bldenoms pouo like guardian epirlta every morning rliiiening with drops of dawr ond- stirring gontly in the breczo a ponderous monument is snr- rpanded by plumy ferns aud ground sparrows nyebt ahieqesth it often a motberbirtle small feet move lightly upon the moaagrowd letters as she ahtrps to the little onets below coaxing tbera to their 6rat flight- to oome and join her near by the royal goldenrod nods against a uu gray blab of slate the eulo gistic versea below which might else provoke the visitor to smile are made venerable by a olidging growth o gray and orange moan diaoreetly permitting only an occasional work to be eeen quaintly out with ye lor ric and fool fomoiiv the grctdb waves over paths and graveb alike and where old tombs tones have fallen on tbeir facoa tho blackberry vines are wreathed aoroia them in lovely curve on curve preen fa spring starred with white in su deep red in autump andt always beautiful the belli of cowp returning lazily from their pastures tinkle softly from the road f and the little graveyard so out of the world although so near it seems less a place of sorrow than a place of fcoace water drink1nq f a wonderful letter from a grateful man when it is couhiderrd that the body h made up larguly of witter it can readily bo trmjotbtooa now irnpanunt iu huaiih id it conatant supply of this fluid many peop le havo u notiou that tho drioking of water io auy utnoupt beyond that actually npoeearryto rjuonch iliirut u injuiioua and acting on ihid bidiuf thoy undarivor to flrinli au littlo ua jiodaiblf tim notion however id wido of tho truih drinking freely of puro water i u moat tflloacioiib rnoana not only ofreatoriog it wheu fulling all tho ttsaucu of tho body need wattr and watpr in abundanco ib dcceseary also for the propar pprlorrnanco of every vital function cleanliness of the tissues with in the body ia as ncoobsury to hoilth and comfort as cleanliness of tho ekiu and water tendt to insure tho ono ns truly aa it rfoea the other it dissolves the waste material whiob would olberwlso collect in tbo body and romovca it ia the varioub theao waato rnateriala aro often actual pqiaons and naaoy a bead- aohe many rlicumatio pains and aches many alcepteas iiiguta and listless days and many attaoks of the bluoa aro duo aojely to the olraulatiou in the blood or deposits i nt bo tissues of these wasto rnator- ials which cannot tse got rid olbecoufloft an inaufficionfflupply of water water ia acousod of making fat and people with tendency to corpulence avoid it fpr that reaeonv but this ianot strictly true it does undoubtedly often incroabe the weight but it does so because it improves tb6 digestion aud ihetetore more of the food cuten is utilized and tamed into flesh aud fat but excessive fat what we call oorpulence id not a nixn ol health but of faulty digetition anil atimilution and syntematio water driuking is often employed ae a means of rtduciug the soperlloub fat which it bomotimes docs with astoniahtng rapidity trvth what is castorla is dr samuel pitcliors prescription for infants uiul children j it contains neither opium imorphlno nor otlior ntircotlc substance it is a imrinless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it lu pleasant its gimrivntio is thirty years uso by millions of mothers castorla clcatxoys worms and alliijs povcrisliiiehs castorla iircvents vomiting- sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves tootliing- troubles cures constipation and flatulencj castpria assimilates tlio food regulates tlio stomiifli and bowels glvinir healthy and natural sloop castorla is tho childrens panacea tho liotligrs friend castorla vclmtorlais nn excellent medtclne for cliililrcii motlicra liave repeatedly lolit itic of its gcxxl effect upon their children 13k gc ouaoob lowelt man castoria mlnhtarla ia ho well ndnptctl to cliildrcti that i rtcotuinciitl it aauiilrlor to any prc- acripliou known to me ii auciilih md brooklyn at y the fagsimile signature of cleelhnds railway time taiblb the success of 98 ilaving the experience possessing the facilities incur- ing the expense justified by volume of business and inspired with an ambition to construct the worlds createst bicycle accounts for the extraordinary increase of cleveland sales in every civilized country cleveland bicycles 5500 7000 8000 model ii 10000 30inch wheels agents everywhere write for catalogue sols rbpresentktiyb k tt broiazn v kgton olsn- h axozier co factory toronto junction ii yon wish to bo well you must fortify your eyatttn aguiuat the attaoka of disease your blood must be kept pure your stomach and digoitivo organs in order your appetite good hoodd barsaparuia ia tho medicine to build you up purify and enrich your blood aud givo yuu htrength it creates an appetite and gives digchtivo power hoods pills are the favorite family cathartic easy to tube easy to operate appeafis on every wrapper thl okhrauw oommwy tt muhhav yiictt ntw vowx qtv it hss beeu established that wo do not wax diviner by dragging down tbo gods to our levpl its so pleasant to take that children ory for it but its death to worms of all binds dr lows worm syrup pries 25o au dealers rubber band omnipresent it is surprising tho number of rubber bands that aro osed in the mercantile business these days said a downtown druggist a few nights ago an he quickly snapped ono around a 5cent paokage of sodium bicarbonate for a worrtan oustomer weuao handreds every day whereas formerly wo used twine the manufacture of rubber bands has beaome an enormous industry in thfa coaotry partiaulerly dur ing the past few years it is not half a dozen years ago hardly that rubber bands woro used a so f and documents and you seldom saw them used outaidaof a city hall or court house now you will find eoarooly a drug store or grocery that does not uso them more or less in place of twlae in putting up the email packages in tho drag business the rubber band has become almostna indibpodsablearuole a band may bo adjusted about a pabkago in onethird of the time that it takes to wind the twine around and break it ouas pained oelery compound sabd his life physicians medicines and min eral springs failed him in his time of need we are very apt to divide human life into the pleasant and the unpleasant the sweet and tho bitter joy and sorrow good and evil and to bupposo that oat of the former springs all our buppine8a and welfare out of the latter all oar misery and failure in bo doiug however we entirely ignore the faot that contrast is a necessary and valuable element in life and happiness biliousness 6oiised by torpid liver which prennti dlges- prerenl uonond penults food to ferment and pinfy in tho atomaeh then follow dizziness heai wellj i eloherdbod co gentlemen i think it mydnty without olloitatlon from any one to writo in the intereita of other aofforers and give you a testimonial in favor of your to me almost miraooloai remedy paines celery com pound for mora than a yer i wig ajaffer- ingfrom the akoniiicg piim of niatloa and after trying all that medioal skill ooold devise and oilng many remedies patent and otherwise loonbladed to try tbo hot in the old way tod thon the package i springl at sanff i took ths treatment oau bo made moro symmetrical than by lthorooshly aind oaretully for six weeks and tho old method often in using twine came homo at tho end of that tlmo racked a prominent drooqi8t vouch es for the truth of every statement tispsja losomina nerrousness and 3 if not relleted bilious lever or blooil polsonlnff hboda pins stlrhulato the stomach rouse the liver cure headaot stlpatlon etc 2 cents sold bjrauilrurelsti the only pms to take with hoods amrutnarlua dlrzlness eon- trao resignation which always brings with it the oonfldenoo that nnoharjgeable c will niaka even the dliappoint- nientaof our hopes and the oonlfadiotions of life opnduotivo to some bonofltoabtfl a grave bat tranquil light over tho prospects of even a toilsome bat troubled life sick headaohe however anaoyidg and distressing is positively cured by loia- zjivcr fills thoy are easy to like and never gripe a mptupbor ie tho deus ex machina of an argomeot caonmbers and melona are forbidden fruit to mauy rjorsons ao constituted that the least indolgenoe is followed by attaoks of cholera dysentery griping ao these porsons are not aware that they can indulge to their hoarts content if they have on hand a bottle of dr j d kellogis dysontery cordial u medioino that will givo immediate relief and is a sure odre for all bummer complaints friendship i fanoy means one heart botween two differences of opinion regarding tbo ipular internal and external romedy dr tbma eoleotrlo oil do not so far known exist tho tostimony is positive and concurrent that the nttlolo relieves physical a cures lamonesb oheoks a cough la an excellent remedy for paiub and rbaumatxo complaints and it has no nauseating or other unpleasant effect when taken internally womon dont caro uucommonly for the men vilio ovo thorn thcugh they like prooioua well to bo loved liook out i tlio engine wo menn your heart koop it strong dont lot it flutter or beat with a weak strobe scotts emulsiou feeds tha blood it makes the heart beat stronger and greatly iainroveb tho circulation tho youdg who avoid tho region of komanco csoapo the titlo of fool at the cost ol aceloatial crown thought flies best when tho hands aro easily busy package gotaalloatofahane and a olerk who ia interested in bis work does not like to allow a pnnlibgn lo leave his handa-ln- suoh a condition btillit cant be avoided when one is in a hnrry women partic ularly like the robber band and try to save them it may not be generally known that rubberband is the best article for cleaning the leotb i mean for removing tho aocnmalationa between the teeth and whorotho brush will not reaob did yoa ever try it no well try it and see if what i say is not truo the elasticity of rubber makes it much eaaior to penetrate between teetb that sire closest together and is far superior to a silken thread whioh is used by many women alao find rubbef bands bandy for elaatia moatha in work jbagsjuui bmall ponohea washing ton contagious it wab on oorowi3edaabarbad oaroat of washington one day last summer that a middle aged woman carrying a fretful baby was forced to tqaeeze herself into a small space left vaosnt beside a dapper youth of possibly twenty years whom the baby ib its restlessness woold tonoh with band or foot finally ho turned towards the woman and iurjuirod in a tone quite audible to those near him an beg pawdon rnadame but has thia ohlld anything ah contagi ous olnnoing oornpaasionately at him through her gold rimrned spbotaolea abe remarked meditatively vwell ndw idont know young man but ah it might be toyon shes teething i harjuri drawer could always prove his inno- cence tho ilev sam jones the georgia evan gelist waa holding a series of meetiogs ata ohurob whoso pastor was noted for bis laok of good looks ono evening at a revival service as ho al taltllrlg about the sin of hypocrisy and duplicity he in a sadden gleam of charaoterlstio humor turned round to the pastor aittiug in thp pulpit bohidd him and said amid a whirlwind of laughter woll john your congregation oan never aoouse yon of being a twofaced man oan thoy for the lord kuowa that if yon bad another aoo youd wear it wouldnt yoa laditt home jovrml with pain and weighing 43 pounds less at this juncture when hope had almost fled i seemed suited lo my oase and i aen to my druggist mr j w bigglnbolham of this place and asked about it herecomnxend- ed it to me and i took a bottle i soon began to feel better and after taking the second bottle i was a oared man and threw away my ora tones i keeps bostlo on hand in oase of any return of the complaint i am now 68 years old and i eel aa spry and bsaltby and free frora pain as i ever did in my life i was born in norfolk england and cams to canada when only 8 years old i was brought up in the township of ooruwall ontario and osnae to manitoba eight years ago have always been a farmer and am aa able to do hard work now as ever i was with a heart full of gratitude ior the benefits derlvtdf rem the uaeofyoar rem edy and a wish to influence others wbo may suffer i gladly and freely indite tbia letter yoon gratefully tiamea leverintod vlrdoo man mr j w hisgiubotbam the successful and extremely popular druggist of vlrden vouobes for mrtieveritlgtona atatements aa follows i have known mr leverlngton for two yeara or more and can confirm whit he says in regard to bis cure by paines celery compound ever since bis bore lit has been sounding lie praises and he is a perfect ehtbuasast on the subject bffaioos celery compound i believe him to be thoroughly reliable j w higginbolbaro druggist willie smith waa playing with the jones boys dis mother called iilm willie dont you know thohc aro bad bays for you to play with lea mother said willie i know that but than i am a good boy for them lo play with fagged out none but those who bavo know whata depressed miserable feeling it ib all btrenglu is gone and despondonoy has takexi bold of the sufferers they foil as though there is nothing to live for there however lea oure one box of farmeloou vegetable fills will do wonders in restoring health and strength mandrako and dandelion are two of the artlolee entering into the composition of farmelees fills old trolles hard for tie old folks to move nbout constant bn c kac hes io bother them in the dnytimc urinary viahivssto disturb their festal night doaus rtd plhfi d3 woods pine syr u r the most prompt pleasant and porfoot curo for congba colds asthma bronohltis hoarbonoas sore throat cronp whoop lng congh quinsy pain in the chest and all throat bronojhialfljltrjuric disoasos tho healing anticonsumptivo virtuos of the norway floe aro combined in this medicine with wild cherry and other pectoral herbs and bal- bmnmro atmn npnmfin nf nil forms of disooso originatingf romcolds price 25c and 50c two hearts that make one sbal do not separately connt their gifts gossip is a beast of prey that does not wait for the doalb of the croatmo it dejours it wasnt funny i dont oall that runny i call it tragic he said somebody had told the woman who declared that lotemaklng was not what it used to be that yoa never bear of mentearing their kslr and going down on their knees nowadays and that i know my bnsband didnt go down on his kneea when bo proposed to me whereat the merit of hoods sarsanarilla is literally written jo blood it ia traced in the vital fluid of millions of the human race it cures all diseasea arising from or promoting impuro blood by its inlrinsio merit aa the one true blood porjoer ftrenglhrn ihokldneys and help to mako the declining years comfortable mr w g mugrord chestnut street cliarlottetoun p e i writes j for trie pn two years i have had much trouble with dlaenso of tlio icitlneyn mid nonrctcntlon of urine wns dropnicnl and urtored a grent denl with pain in niy back cneliti maaouiino ideas are ono thing hut let femininopver be feminine or our civiliza tion porlaheo thoro nover witb and novor will bo a univoraal panacea in ono romedy for all ills to which flebh is heir tho very naturo of many ourativos beinj bucu that were tho gormb of other and differently fioatod disoases rooted in tlio systotn of the patient what wonld relievo ono ill in turn woald aggravato tho othor wo have however in quinino wine when obtained iu a sound unadaltoratcd btdto a romedy for many andrmvdna-lllsbytereuajtjudicrous- omist son and assistant of j y eoani heriila specialist new private office 326 west richmond st toronto mfrj y egan retiring from periodical visits to this section bxistness having so increased as to deinnnd jiia time at home office his soil t y ejan hns been for many years mid is now associated with him as active assistant will continue visits this young centleinniis exceptional experience under the direction of the most eminent trynecblogists sur geons and lending physicians ami being fully qualified in all details of tlie profes sion enables him to diagnose all forms of rupture select the correct appliances and adjust the same for any case with assured success 2000 treated personally the largest most cohplete assortment of instruments ever shown outside of toronto he will carry a full line of his fathers highdnss curative trusses also a full line of his own latest in ventions viz the duplex pulsator and the retentive these instruments have proven a revelation in mechanical surgery and a haven of comfort and security special low price visit afflicted persons- even those of limited inenns have now an opportunity of procuriiik n firstclnss instrumental the spllest possible cost ns object is during this visit only to nrlvertise these lujliknnle instruments and will therefore plnce them at nil exceptionally low firure within the reach of ill a question often asked con rupture ire cured wceinphaticrfly saythat this part of the body should offer no exception to those physiological laws governing the whole physical economy and it matters very little lie the age of the afflicted one or fifty yenrs because the in- stcrtitiul changes are forever at work and so long as there is a spark of vitality left nature exerts herself to remedy the evil we have the evidence you demand namely your own neighbors testimony do you want permanent relief if so now is your time lo procure nil instrument that may he relied upon with tile services of nil expert remember we liave the most coniplcte facilities mid a repu tation to maintain amongst our own people call an0 interview hlfl have your case scientifically diagnosed free examination an ounce of prevention better than a pound of cure f if you suffer froiu nny form of rupture varico- fcele varicose veins displaced kidney etc corpu lency or weak back consult at once and obtain our advice nnd mechanical assistance stop experiment ing with foreign electric belt fakes lind socalled patent drug quackery mdthers look well to your chilornen remember delays arc dangerous ladies so desiring can bring their own measurements nnd be supplied instruments suitable for case following instructions fit same personally hermotomkt will visit hcton pq7nnion hotel crinti trunk llailvvav nftlsli wlht flolnd kaht m locjnni i kxiircbu t yr otn h lii- kxiufbh 10 50om m vir iiu mail ti 14 im mixed 10 wj iin riiii or clohinu iiaiic goln woft a io am and g fio p in goiiib kubi 10 2 uni ami 5 w ji in tiiih tiiiio tftljk wont into tnyct on aioudiy may lfitu ihm brhntf0rd calvanized aw steel wjhd afiiils and towers tar power and pump ing wjth in ternal cdyerod goar patent jiojjor ana ball rearlu3 maple leaf grain grinders two sizus iou any power no i has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- be a ring burr pi a tes re lief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always cjuarantecd a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of allkinds the finest in tjfcrrurkct bes macr1at ugfcts running solid for illustrated catalowuc brantfordgan john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware- rooms lo building on w k smiths property john street where may be seen mtqst wood binders and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t kihoit who resides on the property will attend to die wants of customers john mcqueen robt bmoble the highest trice for hnvo bcn krently bcl d uso ocjoona kidney pills ted by la observation is tho most enduring of the pleasures of lifo there is nothing equal to mother graves worm exterminator for destroy ing worms no articles of its kiud has riven snch satiatactldn all life is a fetson that wo live to enjoy but in the spirit mrs thos mccann moorcsvilre oiit writes i was troubled with biliousness headache and lost ap petite i could not rest nt night tiiulwris very weak but after using three bottles of b 13 u my appetite has returned nnd i am better than i liave been for years i would not bewithout burdock blood bitters ft is such u safe and good remedy that i am giving it to my children castoria for infinite and children obo tho frailostsyflto ma aro led into con valesconco and strength by tho influence whioh quinine exopts on natures own restoratives it relievos the drooping bpirita of thoso with whom a- chronio atato of morbid despondonc and laok of iutoretit in lifo is a diaoaao and by tranquiiizing tho norvea diepoaoa to aonnd and rofroah- ing eleop im parte vigor to tho action of tho blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy anitml functions of tho system thereby making activity a necessary result etrenglheniag tbo frame and giving lifo to the digoatfvo organs whioh naturally demand inoreauod bubstanco reanlt im proved appotilo northrop a lyman ot toronto havo given to tho pnbliothoir quinine wino at the usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of boiontiats this wino approaohoa noareat pcrfootion of any in tho market all druggists no it one day only ah day and evening saturday june 1 3th wiltoisij bnnbtt h0use saturday july 16th read the following testimony from your neighbor is it not convincing p dhah sik i write to inform you that the instrument that you so carefully fitted on me during your last visit here was in every way successful as h cured mo of a long stand ing painful and difficult case o double rupture in a fow weeks although troubled for years and all previous efibrts even to retain the rupture were unavailing i va in a bad way being unable to do the slightest work without a fear of danger hut after you did your work i felt like a new being and could do tho heaviest labor in comfort and security i have to thank dr a ii campbell vety surgeon of this town for recommending me to you and now i also would advise all sufferers not to postpone their case but to go to you at once for i feel assured when you cjmpd me insuxn n hr ti ynu ran h nt1 wheat peas oats barley at the warehouse actori station john kidder berlin ont flour bran shorts sheds all hindsoffeed at acton flour and feed store try- norval flour the hcst pnrnlly flour in the market frank harris manager rowwhimtmwmmwmmmhmwtmmtmtwtlm shops and warcrooms calls attendoid tos foot of willov st day or night vraifss barnobtnobs works out itb own curo moru surely thall frodgy ilngyarda yellow oil ia prompt o relieve and auro to ouroaonklis colds soro throat pain in the oliost hoarseness quin sey olo price 2c iiosband said lis w tfomen mils lira only when wo hts never met the man to rovorenoo no won d t roared a man wbo rsoontly went lo niagara falls on a bmal trip saya tbat be was considerably tahsn aback by the old golds whom be bad birsd the golds had several times appeared displeased at the louisville mans rather open lavlshment of afffotlon upon lallnaw found mate bat he said nothing till ho found a ohanos to make bis slrokoa telling one what a roar tha falls makel said tho brlderroom xi is wonderful i tp ilaart hkslh pcr old faili listen to all tbe stuff these here bridal oouplefget orfyood roar loo louleillle dltpatch that small motives are at tho bottom of many illustrious aotions is o inodorn disoovery mr thomas xlullard syraauae n y wrilea i have been a flliotcd for ucsrly a year with that mosttobe dreaded dlsesso dyspepsia and at times worn out wi tb pain and want ot sleep and aflor trying almost everything recommended i tried out box of farmeleos vegetable pills i am now nearly well aud belle vo they will can me i would not be without them for any money there is nothing the body suffers that tho soul may not profit by instant relief gsararteed by uaing mil- burns sterling headache powders no deprosslonjifterelfeel bnthubiabm is a heavenecut steeple chaser and takes a flying leap of tho ordinary barriers ii nurses story j a speiglit co undertakers and em balm ers acton ont litest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges tells how snowss ourod of heart and norva troublos tim onorouu ilnlirn that full tb tlio lot of a lliuho tlio worry euro iohh of nlccp irregularity of iiiouih boou tell on tho nervous ayatcin and uiidorniino tlio health filru 11 lj mcuziu a profcsxiutiul nurso living nt tlio corner of wellington and king stroots brantford out ntutos her spcqoh is the aaiall change of silence psrry fatettio ob well they say that kortune knooka onoo at every guys aloor wy vyatoon thats a great lot at consolation for a guy i hat aint sot no door i purest niiafetfortahtantoalry no sdtitterollon never cakefl fat is absolutely neces sary as an article of diet if it is not of the right kind it may mt be digested then the body will not get enough of it in this event there is fatstarvation scotts emulsion supplies this needed fat of the right kind in the right quantity and in the form already partly digested as a result all the organs and tissues take on activity 5oc nd m all dniliti acottadownb chsnlaiatdioi s furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices ypur inspection invited lj asjkeigtht cor r orders left with j ft 8tin80n rockwoocl will receive immcdlato attention potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at svmon bros acton we carry a full line of handware grooeries boots shoes symonbros cor mill and main sts acton buy th pride of canada its the newest stye out ixm hisltstreet lloenskd adoxioneed r j 2 wellington ana hulton onlorflloflat tho fjibb pnbbb omoo actoiivor atmyroildonoola acton will bo promptly at- tondodto fooaroducel to 5oq for fajeim 13aibs aibo mpnoy to loan on tho moat favorablo pmaand attlitt lowoit ratoh ol intoroat in tn ottijo as follows for tho past throe yearai i havo fluftorcd from woakncha flhortucfia 61 breath and pnlpitation of tlio hoard tho least oxcitomant would niakomyliourl flutter and at iijjhtl ovon found itdlflloull lo fllcop after got jrulmma ii oar t nnd nervo filla 1 oxportoncod croat relief nnd on continuing thoic nso tho improve ment 1ms been marked until now all tlio old sy nip ton b aro ono and i am coinplotoly ourco millmrnfl itoftrb nnd nurvo pills caro an no m in nervonanchu wunknouu sloop- jehnoflb lalpitfttion throbbing fnlni spoils pizfinosu or any condition arielna from imirovorjflliccl juiood ljaordoroa norvefl pr weak heart lazauver pliisoloangoatod tongue see them at r b nelsons 99 wyndham street guelph best mm wlhiii woven wire- you want the best and the cheapest tjwohtah vlotsochitano mcmulleqs fencinffs nnd nettings com bine thesp two qualities no others do hog fencines at special low prlcos alh other varieties cheap mcmullens aro the i only good nettings sold in canada they art unequalledfor poultry yards trellis lawn fgncesr ask your hardware mcr- vchant for mcmullens roods ifyoucnnnoi buy of him write to tlio manufacturers at ilcton out or to tun b creiintni wrat co liuttbd hnmilton and mluiilreal fi general agents jaues cooper ml ontreal general agent for railway fencings thjecodieswlfnb larqk8tsale in canada bo years experience dtiamsiv copvntahtt o upsa aksteh and neaerlntlon mar alii oar opinion free wfauttier an tlotinjnlrlcurconndoiitfiu rinnfl er an av lu reoelra ouloklr aaosrtallionr opinion fres inrontjnn i prombltlwtonuiliio i vnmllwitlioutonrolnliio sckntlfic jlitiericati handaonlolr lltnstrater woeair r-nrqstelr- sruojijionw i sold bratuonsdealm inn co rmnoti oops b st waahlnstou o

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