Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1898, p. 1

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ja volume xxiii no 51 acton ontario thuksdat june 16 1898 price thkee cents is published every tiujitsday morning it thz- frce 1rcsb stettin print hip ofllcc milit stheet acton ont tkhmh op sunscniitiom ono dollar per your strictly in adyaiico all rtibsorlntlorib dlncon- tluuod wlion tliotliiio for wliloh tlipyhavo boon liald lias uiiilroil tito ilato to wblab ovory subscription is piiid ib douotod on tbo address label advertising ratbs trannlout -advcrtieo- uiatrts 10 couts iiornouparoil lino for flrat in- ortion 3 coiita per lino for oaoh subsequent asbrtton contract hitkbtbo following table shows ur ratos for tho insertion of advortlaemonts for bpooiaodporiodb 125 packages of new 1st11 thb traders bank of canada r 1 yi 1 6 mo a mo lito 80lnoboa lolnobes olncbob liuoh 6000 3500 2000 3500 2000 1300 2000 1200 700 600 350 200 700 300 950 100 advortlflementa without apoolflo dlrootioua vrlll bo insortsd till forbid ana cbargod acoord- ugly transient udrcrtlbemonts must be paid n advance advertisements tvlll lo ohangod onco each month if doilrod for changes oftonor tban enco a month tbo composition mubt bo paid for at rogulai ratos changes foroontract advortisomocts must bo u tho oluco by noon on tuosdays accounta payable monthly epmoohe editor and proprldtor business uirertorp urn i tjren m d o m opened during lyiay the very lafest and cheapest goods 0 12 to 5c a 1 roll bays bookstore guclpli day sells cheap authorized capita 1 000000 guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards received ou deposit and highobjcurrent rate of interest paid or compounded halfyearly depoeit receipt a- issued for largo euma deposited advances made to rcbpomiblb farmers on their own names no charge made for oolleit io sales notes if payable in guelph a ooneraldanltin buainebtf transacted a f jet jones manager poetry your portrait olflco aud rosldoaco corner mill fc frodorlck btroota acton s elliott m d m b acton gltiduatk toiionto university pk drydlin eyeeah tiihoax- asnoak mclobiib block douglas st noar p o cuelph office houiiblo am to 1 pm and a to fl pm sundays 10am to 1 pm l bennett iidb dentist g oeonoetownontablo jl cogmlam l d s l d s dentist work cnefully done ihiokb modkhatk okiicg oveii linowns dnua btohe iiouiis evjshy dak fuoil 9 to 0 jm bell dds lds tektibt bnookvillb honoii gluduate olf touonto university work made batib factory prices mod or a to visitinb davb monday sftornoon camp- bollvluo tuoadfty acton oluco clorka hotel friday j lock wood g ii cook dentist cor college si and sjiadlna avo toronto willviuu acton 6n tho first and third satur days of oacb mouth office mr aam cooks rcbldonco main stroct have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be deligh with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day thisj weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist spring is here again cooper 8c n akins the tailors arc prepared for it with a very attractive stock of sprine suitings spring overcoatings spring trouserings in all the latest goods our yorkmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles in bicycle suits and are bound to please lie wheelmen call in and inspect pur stock coal oil stoves strike a match going turn a stop out i anctdoes thesunnffcr cooking better than a range no dirt no ashes isnt that comfort j m bond co hardware guelph tuf secr of success one day fu buokloborry tlmo when litllo johnny flalli and lialf a jouoa otborboys wore btartinq with tbclrpftlls to gather borrlaa johnnys pa in talking with him aild thoj be oould tell jilai bow to pick so bod como outalioiid first flud your bubliaold johnnys pj and tliouutloktolt till jj youvo picked it cloau cot tuoao go chasing ail about wh6 will in boaroh of better bubbos but its picking tolls my sou to look at fifty bnilioa doonnt count llko pick ing ono j and johnny did as ho was told and lure enough bo found v by sticking to bis tuah wblto all others chased around iu scorch of other picking twas as bia father said for wbllo all tho others looked he worked and booh camo but ahead and johnny rocolloctod this whou he became a man and qrst of all bo laid hlui out a well determined plan so wbilo tbo brllllruit trltlors fallod with all thojrbmlnsaud push wiso stoadygolhr johnny won by sticking to hiabualiv mckees vegetable antibilious pills relieve and cure all forms of biliousness such as dizziness nausea drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated tfpjue loss of appetite pain in the back pain in the side sallow skin etc these pills are made from pure concen trated vegetable extracts anid contain no calomel or other mineral substance their lull medicinal eflect is produced without even a tendency to gripe or sicken they are prepared from our own special formula and when taken according to direc tions they are a specific for habitual con stipation in cas o n n headache they are unequalled price 25c perbox 5 boxes 100 prepared and sold only by j d 2vciee chemist acton mrs secords block sttutt ifatnilii iuabing 2ord eiia i1y kjtikk ii sweet cordelia haokott was oat mending her baok fence thih vae nothing nnnaaal for the fenoemird a habit of needing mend- ingrftnd7ormantybri6dg therp bad been no one bat cordelia to do it and in faot to do all the mending and tending and babiug and making for the hnnfiry haokett family 8ha had acnoothed the way down into the valley for her pjor paralytic father and bad paved the way op the bill of life and into au education for her brothers aud sisters and was now thinking of performing the aanie office for the motherless children of n older half brother but cordelia aid not look old in spite of the ihirtysndtwo years her faoe was as fair and vivaojooaao the riotous olamber- ing roses that essayed to soften and bide the dilapidottd fnce and her ryes were the same merry bewildering eves thai bad proved the joy and torment of more than ono sueceptible heart in the days of ber girlhocd bat during these later years bbe hafl been too buy for such ihingrt and her brufqne bubinesslike manuer had effectu ally prevented admiring glances from de veloping into anything verbal in ppite of its general air of decrepitude the hacbett pi moo was vtry pretty and homelike bright flowers and olambtring vines had been influenced by cordelia to screeu the ntjsfghtly spots aud it would have been a poor heartless sort of a mortal wh w ba looked b tbemlor- who bad met the world and conquered it two roakloechaxrfl wpfe placed opposite each other on the piuzza and while cordelia was making tbe lemonade tom gazed aroaud with boyish delight the piazza wai boreesed from tho road by honeysaokleb and wistarias and he could count at least a dozsn baltorflics sailing oontentedly about almost in reach of hie baud was arobiovrjeat and as he raised himself slightly to look at the eggs the owner begn to scold him from ono of the rafters overhead jnat eiaptly like it was twelve yeara go he muttered delightedly and on my soul i belie vo thate the batne old bird that used to aoold me bo terribly there there there aa the robin redoubled her crie that fmt tho way to welcome a friend i wont hurt your eggi here cordelia camo oat with the lemon ade and a imall stand which alio placed between tho two- obatrs there help yourself bhe said hospit ably and now tell mo how youve been gettin on out west ob jestolerble as they say out there he replied laoglaldg only in my case tbe iea tolerhb means first rate i started as a cowboy and then bought a few head of cattle and then some jand and after that paabed ahead pretty steady i was always hardworklag and so got on fastor than some of my neighbors after a while a railroad oatne through and a village btarted up leta than throe miles from my place that boosted me right to the top now ive got sb pretty a ranoh as there is weal of the missouri why thats splendid i she oried ber faoe glowing with pleasure im awful glad youre doiu so well folks round here have an idea that youvo been bort of of ruonin out how oame they to get euoh a notion he demanded hia face tlashing wratbfally well iijboliero ed furcell spoke of it in the firat place kd parcoll tom rose to his feet ss though ho would annihilate the absent object of hid wrath then he sat down with a smothered laugh tho mean liar i lie dont know the hirst ihiny of what ive been doing vow didnt believe him cor delia bbe lookoldiatrebbed u could i help it tom uhe fulttr- ed ed said be imd letters from you off and on and i didnt eupposo ho would toil a story tbeu with au effort to ohauge the subjeot did you bring your family along family 7 yes your wife and children he gazed eharply at her for a uioment to see if she was in- earueet then ho threw himbelf back in hia chair with a sadden burst of laughter did ed tall you that he asked bb boon as beooald not hia breath well hes a dandy he is and d it yon believe it she did not ou ewer but he could aee from ber changing countenance and averted eyes that she bad believed it the old meeting hou3e look here cordelia heeaid abruptly what do yoo aappose i osme back for to look around to see ybnr relation perhaps she anewered hesitatingly my rolatjona ore all out west father and brother jako went there soon after i did no it was en account of thia taking a small blip of pakper from his ppoket and handing it to her jake takes tho home paper and somstimes i look it over last week i happened to see this itoro bead it she did so mechanically we anderaland that our esteemed fellowtownbman paul haokett 4iab obtain ed a lucrative position in the city and that ho will soon depart for tbo acomtot bis tbe old moetinghonse of which thia column treats is not in new england but in old ireland it has muoh howevjr in common with its namesake in america what tbe puritanb were in- europe tbe covenanters were in scotland with this difference that theone had its representa tives settled iu the new wide land to which they carried light and liberty and the other remained at home till freedom had been secured and then bent out to the colonies that also unoonscionsly did mis sionary- work one of these came to ulster and aa did the voyagers id the alpuflowcr soon bet up the meetlnc- houao tbe particular meetioghonse above referred to is in county armagh high trees shade the place decent rrave- stohes neat wvlks beech hedges and a high strong wall dividing all from the main street the one street of thevillsge give the place the air of a venerable and honored institution where the living wor ship and where tbe dead repose id the centre of the enclosure along one aids of which flows a rivulet through what was once a glen rises the main building solid in structure if not artistic iu bhape and approached by a fitting gate btone stairs wide and banded avenue with lhogrpyes of people right and left of it yoa may walk straight up the aible with the palpi t on the left and oat of the corresponding door when another wide walk similarly surrounded takes yoa to tbe retiring rootp- close by thia retiring room are tbe tombs of ministers who lived and died among the people and over whose graves substantial monuments with fitting inscriptions invito thn attention and veneration- of all comers and are read and reread io the warm summer days when the peoplo are waiting for the minister to go io where fifty years of faithful service are credited to a pastor whose remains sleep there- wife and several children beside him it is not lo be wondered at it the namo is repeat ed with tenderness and held in veneration it is moro than fifty yeara binoo tbe present writer was taken as a child to the meeting house the minister was to him old for a child counts any uno whoso hair is gray old but he was remarkably kindly and the kfndoesa was all the more touoblug from the gravity of his bearing and the dignity of bis walk i am not sure that all ho preached was understood but it was alt so solemn tender and suggestive of deity and eternity and tho atteutiou of tho people was so reverent that it wai impossible to be inattentive much ia bald nowadays about making the church attraotivo to tho young and tho effort often leads in the direction of competition with- popular institutions that tbrivo by the number of tickets they can sell tho writer may be mistaken but all hu recol lections would indicate that to raako the church and its service solemn tender true to the faota of lifo real aincere aud not a show of things not rendered roal to the young mind u tho best way to make it rnvnrwh nrj hmnvpd hy thpnq tglin b who repreaenta them nobody wull what came of their children they were scattered about t and no one ever hears of them they became a pnrt of that population wbioh ia bo easily tempted in oar oities aud towns who bavo no oonnectiona with whom they wish to atand well no sooial motlvaa to keep them from evil fathers and mothers who read this yon may have hard times close struggles and great sacrifices to keep your children together and to keep them right never mind if you are only fixing principles in their natarca aud backing up wbat you say by what you are and by what yoa do fail la this and some of thoeo for wh6cq yoa live and tuil may get ou in this topsp turvy world but more of them will be fugitives anfl failures and few of thern will riso up and call yoa blessed bov john hall i d all answer a lucky youngster the distinction of being the youngest millionaire in the world belongs to the young son of the duchess of marlborough who was born at spencer house the dukes itondon residence on september 18th last year tbia lucky child will if it survives be heir to millions and will succeed to aome of tho proudest titles in the empire even now he ia marquis of blandford and will be upon the death of his father dake of marlooroagh earl of marlborough carl of sunderland baron speuse of wormloighton baron churchill of band- ridgo frinoe of the holy roman empire and prince of mindelheln in suabiu what tbe childs fortune will amount to cao be only roughly computed even its possessors cannot estimate it with exact nebi so vast is tho figure at tbo lowost calculation ft will amount to 5000000 while some estimates placo it ut double that figure william k vanderbilt u llio present owner of thib woaltii ilis present incomo is said to be 1000 a day aud it is growing rapidly this will go to coneuelo duchess of marlborough and her two brothers willie and harold vanderbilt and ou succeeding to tbo ebtatc tbo marlborough heir will como into a fortune from hie mother alone of a least 115000000 in addition to thia tho heir of tho marl borough a will in time succeed to a share in the following properties a houflo at fifth avouuo and fifty second street valued at 300000 a houbo at newport marble hall valued at 400000 an estate at oakdale l i valued at 150000 a bteam yacht the valiant valued at 80000 family jewels worth 120000 his mothers dowry of 1000000 and the murlborough estates including the hereditary iuoome of i4000 a year who was cinderella cinderella d real name was rhodope and she was a beautiful egyptiau maiden who lived 670 yeara bwforo the common era and during the reign of featnrneliaup ff nf thft tw h nt rcpyp somulxxlyabkid ipo totako a drink wliat df d i toll hhu v what do you tbluk i told him no bomobodygavu mou- clkiirutto au aakedrao to muolo it what did ho cut i told hlna nor souiobody laughs that i will not tmoar and ho anil steal but i do not caru 1 told blmnol bomobooy askod ine to tako a ball on tho b jlbatli day twas of no avail i told hlriinor if blnncisoutido theocotibotit thou net my uiblo qaya and bo on tho spot i told him noj lcanckh e wlliiaild shop mottoes our limo hero is all youre our selling prices sell our goods qureholvea harbor no false pretenbes wo beg tho customer to choose leisurely our clerks must serve you without dic tating be thoroughly rniefled or else refuse to bay see how yoll we back up our advertiac- menta yoa shall not be deceived in any manner bore your mistake as well as oars wo gladly oorrect our ycare of eiporlenco help us to stand at tbe front we toll you tho whoto truth and let you do tho rest a fault may happen here but it is reme died ou notice dointf the best wo know how doacribei our methods we treat you to day with reference lo coming tomorrow do nut healtute to find fault- fur your criticism help us tho worth of our goods makeb praise of them needless we want to do our patrons as much good as they do ub girls who work- philosophers who study mankind ahief- ly in bookn and iew human life through their study windows sometimes full into at ran go errors cue of these lately expres sed his qbtonuhmont that girls should pre- for to work in shops and btores to taking places iii households he said that a hired girl enjoyed iba following advantages a healthy and regular occupation a homo sbieldod from contaminating influences abundant and regular meals fair wagea and constant employment all tbe year round a kindly care and sympethetio con cern for her highest and best interestp freedom to enjoy sauday and a large part of a week day a yearly holiday of two or three wee kp and a considerate allowance for her failing and weaknesses happy man who has had buch an acquaintance with families as to lead him to bupposo t list hired pirla generally enjoy these great blessings i when that ehall be the caao there will not be aby social problem left all will be serene u otairo od dowa ladys chamber vstermary surgeon tames sjoroervs uuaduatk 0v onxjldto vetbilinirt colleok treojta all diflooboa ot domostlcatod animals enquire at joyce qrob butch or shop mill street acton ltooms at ardows ilotol calls promptly attoadod to day or night cooper akins main street acton tailors main street planing mills acton ont ijsoal m clean mc clean john cameron architect and contractor barrlstorssouoiton notarlos convoyancors io prlvato funds to loan offlcoi toirn hallacton wm a molun jno a mclean yoa manufacturer of sabh doors frames mouldlu in all stylos dressinqi furnish the feet w do th broken weatherboarding and totteriqg piokots birds seemed to like the arrange ment for tho vicinity was sure to be melo dious of a bright spring morning and battel flics and beei and fragrant odors sibo appeared to be well salted for ibey oould always be found lingering about the place tap tap tap rang cordelias hammer as bbe went along the fence straightening a slanting picket here and driving a fresh nail in placo of a rasty one there and tap tap tap bounded arm approaching foot- ate pa on tbo sidewalk bat the artist of tho hammer did not notice her thoughts were busy ip reviewing the past and in making plane for tho faturo the week before her ynnnht hrnlhwr hurl grtwn nnt tntn thn future labora ibls will leave bis either miss cordelia to keep house alone i dont seo much in that she said as ahe banded baok the paper well i do anyhow it brought me here his voice bod grown low and in tense and hie gaze was so eager that her own fell beneath it listen cordelia when i wsa returning that night after i bad gone home with sadie adams i met ed parcoll i felt more like pitching him into the bashes than talking bat tho fellow was so friendly and ooftapokon that i was obliged to stop through mere civility no spoke about the weather and the party and then told me that yoa and be were engaged i never ukedtba eoarnp but i didnt sup pose he would tell a ho tbo next day i started west cordelia wti slauding now ber face flushed and her eyes bio zing engaged to ed parcell ahe gasped oh tom i you didnt bolieve that how could t help it be answered grimly repeating her words of a few min utes before i didnt flappose he would tell a story then all the anger and grlm- ness left bis faoe and as be held out bis arms the tendornesi of twelve years repres sion oame tromulously into bis voice cordelia darling will you go baok with me she made a bhyatep forward then boai- tatod therea john and tho children she said bother john and tho children i hes wellto do aud ban liod flomebody else to look after them will you come the flush drew deeper on her face but her voice viae clear and firm as she answered yea tom i not y6t become demoralized by spectacles and palpablo insincerities fifty years ago tho floors were earthen except tbe great double pews at eaoh end which were ascended by a couple of steps of course with a boarded floor and wooden cover like the venerable fourposter beds of the past generation in one of these it was the writers privilege to ait and while flinging was going on to gaze with admira tion at the huge beams stretohed from wall and on which rested the uprights that held up the roof for ceiling the building had none on the angle made by tbe walls of two converging aisles stood the pulpit high and narrow and with a roof over it with no visible support and below it a smaller oue day she ventured to go in bathing in a dear stream near her home and meanwhile left her shoeb which muat have been unusually small lying ou the bank an eagle passing above chanced to catch sight of the little sandale and mistaking thorn for a toothsome tidbit poanaed down and carried off oue iu his beak theubird then unwittingly played thg part of fairy godmother for hying directly over memphis where king peammetious was dispensing jaotioe it lot tho flhoe fall right into the kings lap its sizo beauty and daintiuebb immediately altructed the royal eye and the king determined upon knowing the wearer of bo cunning a shoe a mvsterious visitor new servant pfeaae mum theres a strange lady downstairs and ahe didnt have no card she took off her things as if she intended to stay and she looked around tho room with her nose in the air as if things wasnt good enough for her an bhe rubbed- the winder to seo it it was clean an pecked in dark corners an then looked at thoduat on her fingers and snif fed miatresb i cant imagine who the crea ture can be my husbands mother and bisters are all in enropo a j mackinkon baniiiateb bolicitok convkyanceb ofpick mill btroot in matthows block unstalrs jb mcleod lullilihtkd sowcirob converakceft mslnbtroot qeorgotowu monoy toloan atlowost current rates nd mould jug to order on short notice will assortod stock on band at i rices loin tho times john cameron proprietor r j monabb bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you olork fourth diirlalon court county ol bal- ou couvoyanoorasoac vlroaud lifo aasuraaco itool eatato agout monoy to loau oto orviob rorryman blook aoton ont itlsgelzanxo us h enby qbisi ottwa canada solicitor ol 1atonu for intontlon oto rroiinroa appllcitloiii for tbo canadian amor- lean and euroiioan 1atont olucoa and for tbo itoblatration of tro uarkl bond for pam- pblot thirtytwo votra exporlonco f ikanois naham uookdindeil wvnjliam st guolpli ontario oicrwi aocoant llooka of all kind mado to order roriodicolof ovory dobcrlptloncarofullybniind itulinf aoatw oni promptly dono srygrs lumber planing mills nassagaweya p satees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood etc custom logs ond bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing nnd matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to- suit tho customers pocket p sayeiis thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet vw will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe sealer -acton- livery mill street acton m abbiam3 licenses bus line get ii v moobe ifkukn ol ultlblaok xlcknbhh prlatooitlofl nowltnoesoaroqulrod laauod roltdence in tlio ctanlug preoprou ofqco aoton 7ukdmev t7altubb8 ii yoa lift to xoduce your tntoroat r or aoouro a nntolaaa loan of monoy at lowlnuroat and onmj term of naymont n n o i m a poolalty of lending tbo undorslknod roapootfnllyaolloltathopastroa ago of tbo publlo and inform thorn tt well equipped and stylish riga oan 1 ways be seourod athlditabloa a oomfortablo bus mootaal train botwoon 0 am and 818 nna oaroful attention riven toovoryordor the wanta of oommerelartravel- lorafullymot john williams wall paper prices 1898 at nail f nij1 plouty of funds 1 also louil cau iuj mil j 7 mouoy and bavo ploucy or funds on villago proparty w c jackson convhyahobia ihp uonby ikn0eu ofitioh wynclliam st noar city hall oueliii wot world to miko a place for himself and now she was alone for the flrat time in her life she had thought to remain in her pretty vineoovered cottage and- read and study and do juet aa biib liked bat only this moraine a letter bid oome from her brother john inviting her to live with him and look after hia children well of coarse she woald go bat it vim with a sharp pang aho made the decision presently her nails gave out and ahe rose with tbo intention of going after more bot as she did bo she saw the flgare of man leaning on her gate and a pair of been quizzical eyes wore looking straight into her own an angry flabb coae to her faoe bat was quickly succeeded by a look of pleased recognition u for the land lake tom rogers 1 bhe cried as aho atepped forward and gave him her band who ever thought to seo you here i and with mch whiskers i why i deolare i toircely knew yoa i lots see its ten years sinoe yon went out west twelve cordelia twelve he said smilingly yon remember it was the year after father lold bis farm that was in eightysix lizzie while bad a lawn party the evening before i left yes i remember giving him an arch- look you went homo with sadie adams and folks did say-r- oh pshaw cordelia he remonstrated you and sndle were together and i start- efto go homo with both of yoa bat that little im pnrooll came up and yoa went oq with him ithen with sadden oonbteroa- lion i i beg yoar pardon yoa aint married to htm are yoa 7 not yet placidly be oomesby every fow months and sort o beats roand the hu b hi i had all i oould put my bands to without tblnkln of saoh things then with e gay ringing laugh bat lets tslk sensible tom ijgaye ap marryin ages ttro bow are yoa gettin on oat west when did yoa ooms and how long are yoa gain to stay just got in and youre the first person ive talked to ha answered gayly i happened to oome tbia way and thought id atop for old times sake youve got a mighty flowery plane cordelia yes i like it bat wont yoa oome in and eit down on the plsszy while i make some cool lemonade its pesky hot oat here dont mind if i do with alacrity i aint in no parlloalar hurr sad your plarxy looks rigbtoool and intllingt besides id like to auk a lot ol question about the boys sand girls what they are doing and vtboe married and who aint he opened tho rile and stepped into the yard add aiho did solils ttrong stalwart bare showed to ll full advntsg he wss mote than slifeet in hebrht r his clear ruddy complexion was the picture of health and goool nature cordelias eyes rested on blm appfovldgly as tbey went up the path she oolloed that he walked with a firm oonfldenl tread like a man one for tho precentor whoso dnty it wai tqgive ont each line of the psalm sing it or rather lead in the bloging of it and then give the next and so on these arrange ments can be so desoribed as to provoke a smile but tbey were on the line of tbe life of the people tbey were ot a pleoe with- the ways of other ohuroheti aud tbey were notiooompatiblewtth solemnity any more than with decenoy i can well romember the oommdnion sabbath the long tables covered with white linen stretohing all the length of the aisles and the people psatmbooka in hand alowly and with the most devout bearing moving out of thoir pewfl to their plaoes singing astbey nant 111of salvatlontako tbo eup on goda namp will i call ill pay my vows now to tbo lord beforo bis peoplo all i bavo seen stately prooebsions in histor ic oathedtals and still more moving aspects ol thousands atarting to their feet under one impulse but never anything mora like reverent acknowledgement of the divine than thon appeared in tho meeting bonso of course ft is changed now from its look of fifty yoare ago the floors ato no longer earthen the ceiling ia handsome and for ovoning meetings lamps are sus pended from it the precentor and his tesltnavb giveu of yodnj people who oooupy a large pew en front of the pulpit tbe service is leai prolnuged than in the days when it made up the whole of tbo religious teachings ol the people wbon therowere no sunday schools bible otasses missionary aooieties and especially no religious tteriav literature suoh as now entars every christian borne but persons aro still more intereitioat than places and the look at them is sent throughout all his kingdom in aearoh of the foot that would fit it ae in tho story of oiuderella tho messengers qnally discovered bbodope fitted on the shoe and- carried ber in triumph to llempbis where sbo became the queen of king feammotioub responded to the call an attentive dauohter he after marriage i dont soe why yoa are not as oonetderste of my comforts se you ased to be of your fathers bhe why my dear i am he how do yoa make that oat when i come into the house i have to hunt at roand for my slippers and overythlng else i happen to want- but when i went to court yoa and yoar father would come in from down town yon woold rush round gathering up his things wheel bis easy ohair up to the fire warm hia slippers and get blm both a foot and head rest bo that h he had to do was to drop right down and be oomforlablo she oh you dear old boy didnt you aee that wis only bo hed go to sleep boouor two miniitorial candidates named adam and xiow recently preaohed in a soottish ohurch ar xjow preaohed in the morn ing and took lor hie text adam where art thou he mado a most exooliehtdisconrfie and tbo congregation was much edified in the evening mr adam preaohed and took for hia text lo hero am if new york trihnit the queens belief according to a writer in tho quiver iaeen victoria is n strong believer in the reality andnearpreaenceofthb epirit world she belie vea that the departed loved onca watch over thoso who still atruggle with tho sorrows and temptations of the earthly lire during her retirement at osborne after the death of priooo consort oho found her only comrort in the belief that ber husbands spirit was close beside her for he had promised that it should be so this was told to dean stanley by the queens halfsister princess rlohonloho an official notice a curious official nottoe respeoting a dead body appears in the dutch news papers tbo police gave notioe tbata man has drowned himself in tbe rhine and they offer a reward for the recovery of his body this is the deeoription ago about forty height about five feet- eight inohoa speaks thedialeotof qelder- land which my grandpa bad a perplexity lit yester day eaid little bessie to her playmate perplexity lit 1 exolalmed the other i guess you mean a parallel stroke dont you louisville post let there be light thrown on the subject of home dyeing there aredyeb the woldfumed diam ond dyes that crown our labors and home dyeing work with perfect auccese and tboro aro imitatjbna and wprtbleaa im tint hrlup ruin anil iiiaitr whur dyi weillxif ton mutual fire insurance company batasliankd leso insultahob onoaiu and mutual plan any communications lorwarded to my addross hoi 628 or tolophono 68 will bo promptly at tended o tayi0b arjont guelph acton saw miljs and wood yftds jkjoebs brosnzn iianumtrrusiitn axd ubalkd im lumbar wl sulatlca wooel me kinds of woo lo jxijp dollvorod lo any lrt of thstown at raaaonablo prlooa nardwooaanoalaljaoatatovo lenglli always 011 band telepuono oouimueleatloi georgetown electric works tj speiout proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motor8 and hydraulic rams pipe and btoam pitting and general repair ing ilelnif equlppotlwitu asms braslns maobloa 1 amproparou to do braslng 00 dioyele fraxaos ae wbeolb converted from direct to tansaot rpokes if andlo liars bent to any desired angle full line of bppkes kept iln stock batlafaotlon guaranteed jlloyolefl enameled in any color t j spbioht aeorgetown bros the picture gallery guelph bring pictures to be framed highly recommended applioantii slhe truth i do be sayin nor that i never worked for anywan lu me lolfe that had the laete fault to find wld me tradesman and wh- ror instanoo have yoa worked lor applloautwell er faith yer honor now within 01 do bo thiukin it over its mostly mesili aor sun savings and loan co head office toroito ont broke heb idol 44mamp pitpt1s who areabout to leave x vl1uo public or iligb school should not overlook the great advant age of a nraotloal course of instruo tion at the ouelph business college and slioithand iristituto studonts mdy enter any time bummer session will eor futy 6t write or call if interested olronlsrs free j shaltp principal authorised ctpitnl 000000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of joe per share for 130 months when payments cease 6000 paid in maturity value lioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on oppll- alion to i r j mcnabb agent acton edith mm mauve appears to be a regular lotfnoolast bertha yea jidith you kco ahe used to say her joloiherheart bertha i know edith well by her extriavaganoe that idol is dead brokoboston trantcrtpt a fam ily matter proud dame i do not ro how on oould think of marrying into such a common- plana family u tlitt romsntiaptu8btcroi im not going to marry into hie family hes going to marry into onra buggeetlve here are men and women old and grayheaded whom i know by name for they are the exaot oopiee of their fathers and mothers to whom i looked np here is an elder taking up tbe oolleotlon born after i left but so like hia father that there is no mistaking aim qarmonte aren midernlzed especially among tbe ladies for paris fashions are now known every where and occasionally pushed far in tbe country but the strong fsoes sober manners and conservative ways 0 the sootobirish farmers even when they drlvo jaaotingoars and carpet their houses identify them at long distances both ot time end spsoe but tbere is morebrongbt to the mind as ono revives the memorlen ot halt a oentury than the etthetlo and the sentimental 1 and for the benefit of snob readers as watobt these oolumos i shall try to emphasize tbo praotloa point whloh ibe coarse ot events makes so impressive in tbst remote time there were soma famihes ot course not what they ought tobe soma were careless about the old meetlnfhouse tboagh they counted it their place of worship soms were careless about their waye and their ohlldrerr about nioral principle wbere are tbey clean gone quarrelino how often we are mistaken an enemy gained is a friend won when ono will not two oannot quarrel a vlotbry ovor temper is a victory in- doed to cast oil on tbo fire will not put it out go not to law for the wagging of a straw it ooats more to rnsont injuries than to bear them in a hundred olla of contention thero is not an inch ot love a little explained a little endured a little passed over sod tho quarrel la ended a p mo a boy walked into a merchants office tho other day in search of a altuation after being pot through a oateohism by the mer chant he wss asked well my led what is yoar motto same as ypnrs sir he replied barno sis yon hays on yonr door push he was engaged no other preparation lies ovor done so many peopo 6 hood ssrsaparilla amerloaa groatest medioine oyer thoy are used thero are dyoa the chemically pure and boientiflnally prepared diamond dyes that have brought blessings to thousands of homeb for long yeare and thore are tho vilo preparations and mixtures ot imitators whoi as far aa stylo ot paokage ia oonoernod get on noar the diamond as they dare to go but what shall be said ot the contents the ingredients that tbe women of canada are aakod to dye with 7 little moro oan be added to what has bo often appeared in the press of the country these imitation dyes are bimply deceptions thoy are adulterated and dangerous preparations hurtful to the hands of the nbor aud destroyers of vsla- ablo glrmbiita and materials f the man nlnoture of diamond dyea is reduced to a loionoe and today they are the only dyes that dare guarantee their work that dare guarantee their work- that daro proclaim certain victory for every neer who will follow the plain direc tions diamond dyes have a widespread pipnlarity ether brands of dyes are hard ly known ooliide the greedy long profiting dealers who cell thorn to the unsuspecting public avoid all imitation package dyes as you would avoid spurious coinb

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