Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1898, p. 2

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px lriit kit in nassnitawon pu humlay 13u juno to mi mid mrs john hooker a aaugbtor tirukitat knatoubtill on tuesday 7th juno to mr mid mrs loroy jmokott a son maxri12d oauvin iakkuii tuonclay tlio jitb ult by tlti huv j jr iluidlu josuph garvin to kllkiibiuh imkr botliof ooorgetowu amxankkumuunowflat bt- alliftultfttwir ncc pii mopdnycvonttik 13th juno by hov cioddonuaholjrt aloxandor of ahum struot to mlus hamuli burrows cimiky aiikliia on ved41cnuy hlh juno bv tlio kov q a mitoliollmr itobt ourlnv of mt foroat iorjibimkchiu amtolb ilamili tur of mi lioroo apiolbv of ktjiuiiluu llajiiiton mkhviu id limielor at itio rl luticu of the brldub sister on wtkhwimtikv jtmu nth by itov d hocrs mr wm humtot- hoii lliiuitlton of lumtlton efty to ml nuttlo dominion mount t of llmihlrr jo i el jaudink at noibou oa mouday juno will johujardluo bijed 7ji years camiiibmi in eiauoaitiir on monday juno6tb himou campbell aged 03 years 0 months cohtioan suddenly ot georgetown on monday morning lkh juno junes oostlgau ogod yearn fflht retort jfree tas thursday jotte 16 1808 notes an dqomments tlio senate w friday pasted ibe third roadiuga of the plebiaoita bill and the fre- well addres9 to the govern or jena raj the bill to credit the manitoba debt account with the bums due bidco 1685 was alio adopted an exchange jooaltrly reraarki in peak- ing of the recent obetrnotlonb in the senate that if the home of commons bad sent up the ten oomm and merits in tbe form of a bill sir mackenzie bowel would have had an amendment reatlyaa leaderof the senate canadian trade wilh the weak indies haa received a big boom binoe the outbreak of the war a letter from a merohant to the montreal board of trade aaya we believo that canada can and will supply all our food htoffe the prices received for canadian flour bo far exported to the went indies his been all that could be expected leaving qaita a handsome margin to the exporters the growing popularity of canadian meats was dover better shown than now says a london eor report a few days ago happily for them their floe quality gives them a lead and they are filling a breach canaed by the itok of quality spoken of they have grappled with the continental trade and are b e as good if not better prices than the larger portion of the arrivals of that care rev dr robertson superintendent of canadian home miuious aft the barrie presbytery urged the importance of payiog more attention to the fact that western canadas population oontains an increasr iogly large foreign element and that the effort tuqst ba made to assimilate the foreigners with canadians and particular ly eastern canada or the stability of the dominion may be impaired wa nqww earnes the american soldiers in hand -to- hand conflict with spaniards on cuban boll mr a w campbell commissioner of rada has returned from a long campaign throughout the province to his offipa in toronto since the middle of march air campbell has held sixtythree meetings be ia very much encouraged in his work and bhb that now the people of ontario are thoroughly aroneed on this good roads question and have adopted the new feature ol forming local associahbns the wheat area in manitoba has reached 1500000 acres an ioareaiq of almost 200- 000 acres oter last year- the total aore- bgo nnder oropi of all kinds is 3212000 acroa whioh ia an increase of more than a quarter of a million acres this goes far to defeat the prediction of the peasiraiatio scientist who fonnd the worlds population growiogso ma oh more quickly than its food supply that he saw ultimate starva tion blaring mankind in the face great britains budget for 1b9708 shows an immense surplus of revenue over ex penditure notwithstanding great outlays of money on army afifr nairy and a larga the contingent to manilla oami mocai1 guantahvmo bay juno 14 tio unitud btaleiniarlnea whioh arrived here uit friday found tliecamp loo expo ed and with aonte thfljulty auaaeeded h removitig to a more aholtered position the rflyota of the guerilla motliod of war fare followed by tlio spaniard who have injru atuukini tho foroo of marines who lauded im friday has proved uvat tlio seleuiion of hie oaoip silo was not a good one under the oiroutnatanoe and accord ingly orders were riven on monday that the camp be removed to another and leea exposed position tho work nf tmnbfi ing the oamp was accompli ah ed under tbe greatest diffloultien but american grit and pertinaoity wop find the marines are notv located in a spot where bey will not fur nish soon fine targets for the enemy the stare and stripes was raised over the new camp by lieut jen kin a and ensign ains- worth of the collier abarenda after tbe hottest days work tbat amertaftft soldiers or marines have seen sinoe the eliding of the war of tho rebelllun throughout the day sheila and shrapnel draihed and bteel bnilets whistled all round the oamp whlto at intervals tbe air waa rent by thunder ing roars from the uarhtebead and texas out in the bay as they ponred their fire into thocbapparal oouoealing the enemy the hills around the bay echoed and re- echoed with the ripping crash of exploding shells which fell in the hollow where for thirtysix hours the spanish riflemen bad lodged and made life a burden for the marines wbo esoaped their bullets it was the spaniards concealed in this hollow wbo mutilated in the most horrible man ner the bodies of the three americans tbey succeeded in killing the original oampwaaon a knoll near the shore of the bay ordinarily snob a location if the opoapanta have field pieoea is an ideal one bat the braah is so thiols near the camp and other mountains and hills so near it that it was a fine target for an enemy sneaking in tbe grass the men saw the danger to which they were expoaed bu they fonnd no fault they were deter- mined to bold the position so long as their officers wanted to but before the day was very old some of the officers were quite ready to eay that the site was untenable and that it would ho abandoned this conclusion was reached after the marble- head had shelled the entire neighborhood the strain on the men ever since they had landed had been so great and they were so fagged ont that they were bardlv able to bt and their watoheabut not a bingle word conld be heard expressive of any deaire to leave bantfaoo jane 14 tbe military expedi tion to santiago which had already made several starts was delayed because nobody bad thought of getting a pilot it is now expeoted the vicinity of santiago will be reaohed by sunday sam fsuicxsco jane lfi another con tingent of 3600 united slates soldiers is ready to leave san francisco today for the phillipines german advices eay tbat the insurgents in tbe fhilllpines are making a deter mined effort to capture manilla before the americans land suicide at geoftoetown a formal farewell both m u par t leave of lord and lady aberdeen redaction of the national debt the finan cui strength of britain was never greaur than it ia today and it is believed that her resources and tbe soundness of her financial policy would enable her to bear successfully any strain that might be pub upon the endurance or patriotism of the country the st jamci gazette says it learns that a proposal mado in inhoential circles and backed by tbe liberal leaders is afoot wbh the object of conferring a title on the widow of the late willlarn e gladstone it is suggested that mrs gladstone be created countess of liverpool and that another member of the family be created vieconnt hazard on gladstone himself however at the height 6f his power was repeatedly offered and refused a title preferring to be the great commoner of the day the freabyterao choroh is united on the prohibition quastioa the rev dr mooro speaking at tbe general assembly of tbo ohnrcb in montreal admitted that there was room for difference of opinion as to tho best means to core the liquor evil that prohibition waa only an experiment tbat remained to be fairly tried but the general assembly tfae supreme court of th e otfurobttbaviog decided in favor of it tho time for debate waa over and what all should strive for effective legislation now was to obtain a wide tire bill is to be introduced at the next sitting of the boose of commons the idea of adopting wider tires is one which will have a banefioial effect on even tbe worst of rosdi tires harrow as they are at present only serve to cot opt rqtf in the highwayaud rapidly spoil the best of roads on the other baud it is alleged by advocates of the new messdra tbat wide tires act as rollers panlttag down the top ping of tbe road and leaving a perfectly smooth surfaoe over which heavy loads maybe drawn with tbe greatest of ease we o innot have a wide ire act too soon ottawa jane 14tb at the conclaeion of the ceremony of prorogation yesterday afternoon his excellency the governor- general was presented with the joint address of both honsea of parliament tbe address was read first in the french byiilcjarjm jeelieiierjbpeaksr of the senate and then by sir james edgar speaker of the commods in english lord aberdeen replied in a very cordial speech oonbludlng with the following in conolbaion gentlemen allow me to exohange felioitationi with yon upon what you have referred to witb snob juateatis- facli a to t uiatka of pf and prosperity for canada in various depart ments of the national life in alluding to one important featnre of tbeae i am tempted to qaote the words of a dlatin- gnlabed predeoessor ottered by him in response also to a farewell address from the two houses of parliament in tbe course of his eloquent reply lord duf- ferln said i have found yon a loyal people i leave you the truest hearted subjects in her majestys dominions i found yon proud of your descent and anxious to maintain yotir connection with the mother country i leave you more oonvinoed tfaan ever of the eolioltude of great britain to reciprocate your affection and of her dependency on your fidelity in every emergency and when 1 have had the privilege in aooordance with the mission entrusted to me by yon in this address of presenting to our graolons queen the aisuranoes of yonr unswerving and patriotio devotion i shall again quoting the words of that former yioeroy be able to assure ber that not a leaf has fallen from her maple cliaplet and that the lustre of no jewel in her transat- ian i lo diadem haa been dimmed job slater caretaker of the hgh school hanffod htmaalf on monday mornlnar on monday mbrningtho high school pupils from aoton wont to georgetown as una i on the eitmy morning train moasra 13twin francis wm somcrvillo and arthur smyth were the first to roach tbe xllnh sohool one of tho threo entered the bultcling for a drink aud his oonaternatlon may bo imagined when he baw before him hauriug in tho doorway of the boya hat room tho lifelesn form of joseph slater who has for hearty two yenra been tho care taker of the lehool the reovo and coron er were immediately uotiflid by the boys of iheirjghaetly find und the entire town was exalted over tho event slater has had a bad and chequered catoer he berved for 00 me years as a british soldier and served in the indiau mutiny for bevqralyears he worked in barbers paper mill while there fn a fie bfpaeelpn he a hot hid wife and almost killed ber forthis abhauit with intent to kill ha was benteuovd to kingston peniten tiary for seven years bat on account of his good behaviour luff sentence was shortened tofive years after his release he returned to georgetown and through the influence of some friends obtained the situation of caretaker of the high sohool many people questioned the wi adorn of the appointment at the time since tbe first of the year he haa been drinking very heavily and being in danger of losing his situation it is thought he in deipair ended his life no one noticed anything wrong witb bim on sabbath he was at ohuroh twice bat eome timo during the night he committed the deed the coroner deemed an ioquebt unneces sary ne news news items supplied bv correa- pondenta and exohahatcb na88aqaweya aro mr who the senate backed down the franchise bill passed without that bodys objectionable amendments ottawa juno 11 the senate last nighfe withdrew from tbe position it took of hostility to the house of commons and the government on the franohise bill and on motion of sir mackenzie bbwell resolv ed that the senate do not iobibi upon the second and fifth amendments to the fran chise bill and that they do inbiat on tbe seventh eighth ninth and tenth amend ments becauae they are nooesaary to accomodate the bill to the oiroumbtances of prinbe edward ialand where there are no voters libtb and in the manner provid ed by provincial law- the clauses abandoned are the objootion- able amendments effecting the principle of the bill which were flrat made against tbe pro teat of the government this motion fpllowod the suggestion of mr mills the leader of tho senate that tbey sfaoald abandon the appeal to the judge amendment and insist npon the other amendments described by tho solicitor- general in the house ot commons as unnecessary bat harmless otherwise he said the government would insist upon the bill as it originally came from the house of commons regarding the appeal provided for in tho amendment to the jadge from the final revision of the list mr mills said he would urge the throe provincial governments to provide such an appeal by looal legislation in the honae of commons mr sifton said manitoba was about to make auoh a provision so that new brunswick and nova scotia are the only two provinces concerned speight brady of georgetown buitdifig n watt r motor for adam alexander ut nabeajjawnyn has jmt constructed a oomftnto ayatem of farm waterworks with a fall ot 120 foot mr alexander may put id an elec tric iiht system alao during the thunderstorm oil saturday evening lightning atruok a balsam tree at the retiilouca of mr wm malean kdou millu thou it rtin along three or four yards to the root of auqther balaam tear ing the roots up and hilling two aheep a abort distance from tlio tree sweefing smltr of summer goods ilcln aatitrlif for sefevice awelrjlluebjcimioynunataotou 6100 oasb or l if ahargud n dkclutk speyside the horse oaaa was dismissed at milton last week m aglet ratea dice apd hartley heard tho evidence which attracted consiid- erable attention- the evidence for the grown bhowed that the priscfaers with their families were travelling as gypsies and tbat tbey picked tip the coll near spey- aide and took it with the in to brautford wbere twoconstables overtook the en i the priaoaera pleaded that the colt was at ray ing on the roadside that it followed them although they tried to drivo it back several times the magistrates concluded that the priaoners were innocent of the charge and acquitted them mnph to the joy of their friends who crowded tbe court room everton dr torrance moderator tho general assembly honors this venerable divine with its highest office at the election of moderator for the geileral assembly of the presbyterian cbnroh at present in session in montreal rev- robert torrance d v of gaelpb waselepted to this honorable position br robert torrance is an irishman born in armagh in 1825 he moved to scotland with his parents while still a boy baring his divinity course in the united seoesslonal oburon scotland be was accepted as a mlaaionary to canada the conventiou on the tenth iost was very well attended tbe building was paoked in tbe evening some think it was one of the best of the sovon annual gatherings of the association tbe maalo was fine died in hamilton friday 10th inst mrs white sister of mrs g wells here we bear there is uttlo or no hope for the recovery of miss carrie osprlnge who has been very ill kev p baker is leaving evert on this month having engaged at colfax molean co illinois beginning the flrat snnday in july we are borry he is leaving as he is suoh an earnest worker along all lines and especially in temperance work sunday labt rev mr simpson who js on bis way home to p e 1 preaobed morning and evening in the diaoiple oburob and was well liked he appears to bo a promising young man the methodists were pleased to have with them in worship- mr j norria arthur wbo was spending sunday with his ooaain mrs robt talbot wo purpose making a grcit clearing sale during the month of june of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at a third less than the regular price our stock comprises all the latest in summer wash fabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns english and american rress prints sateens black dress goods black brocaded lustres the latest novelty of the eeason wc have them in the ncvest designs all these in black are the famous priestlys brand and confined exclusively to ourselves in georgetown blouse silks in delicate colors and select styles the yery lowest gloves pure silk tafliila liso and lace mits in all sizes ribbons laces in all widths colors and prices we are making a specialty this season of ladies white underwear these goods wo are selling very close in fact cheaper than the material a kme can be bought for a magnificent assortment of ladies shirt waists collars cufts ties mouse wrappers etc we have a very large assortment of fine lace curtains ladies it will nay you to inspect these goods before making your purchases fine highclass tailoring id this department the stock has lately been assorted in all the latest novelties for the summer trade comprising fine scotch cheviots cnsflimeres english tweeds fine trouserings fancy vestings etc v the high standard of the style fit and finish of the work turned out of this estab lishment by mr miller has given it an eriviable reputation throughout the whole country we employ hone but firstclass workmen- we use none but the best trim ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to the customer if youarenoj one of our customers a trial order will convince you that what we say are facts hats linen hats in hard the and v latest soft und fella coolest straw hats in all styles bicyctesnits in ill boys summer clothing sizes and prices youths and men gents furnishings the latest in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear a great variety in every pattern style and size do not forget our staple department we have specials in table linens towellings flannelettes cottcns sheetings etc we extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and inspect our stock georgetowns livest store gibson mlllukr s robblockmhinst gbrgetown prod tice taken in exohange every day bargain day here nassaqaweya and finally aooepted call to qoolph in 1840 that charge bo held until 1882 wken he reaiftced it ha bae fiince bold do stated charge counterfeit two dollar bills hal-ton- farmers imtitutbr the new offloara eiotd at tho annual maotlns lait waok tbe annual mealing ol tbe halton farmara inatildtawu bald a milton laai week there waa a fair attendanoa oe membera in point of membenblp halton landa 7th in tbe provlnoe lavioit 830 on tbe hal the xrsaannra report abowad a balanoain the treaaary of h87 the eleo- tloo of offloera molted aa follow i in commenting qpob llio threat to dli- oniinao their oontrtbatiooi to obarltabla objeata oontalned in tie letter of hlrant walker a bona the biff walkerville wbli- kay diatlllera tbe babf rear hercury aaya this intimation will very probably oaneo mdob ieie coaeterflttibn tbanueaara walker a bona imagine it doee not take very heavy intellect- to work- oql the problem that if sfeeeri walker 4 son do not get the chaooe t make inordi nately big proflte oat ol mlllng wblakay good many other people will have enough with which to dittribate gltte and charity themaalvei loilead of doing ii uoondband through three benevolent dletillere fonr trainmen loat their live ta the dtrallmenl of a gravel train on the ottawa a new york railway at embron laet weak prealdent david htrtloy neleon vloepree br botxrtion wlltoo seoytreae j i warreo aoton direotora trafalgar jamoa boberteod w h bpeera john diokln a b mc- dongall john hope etqoning f bod- dell 0 p preaton j l watreu 3 b llndaay 1 brownrldge alei waldle kaaaagaweyathoi wileon a o mo- mlllau jamea erwld john borna bobt aklnf nelaon jamw iviloon george gaalle arthor newell w p wpiiber tbomae wataon milton dr bobertaoo aoton john t elliott oakvllle- george andrew burlington george f fieher norval alex noble aodltora johnton uarrliori and wil liam clamenta the regular meetingi of tbe initltato for next winter will be held at hilton and georgetown i the aopplamenlary onee at bronte naleon and brookriija 7rnae taylbf a farmer ining near ayl- mvr waa fiwljlnlafed by bull eleotrio bajiway oasw nday tbeflnt crop balletlo of madllob for the year if treriav0ninglm there are ww tbotft vaoree of wheat nnder cultivation than leek year new twodollar counterfeit dominion baink bllla arc olroalatlngin montreal and variooe parte of the province of que bec they are exceedingly good imitatione and difficult to deteot the greon ooloring on their baok ie not dark enough and tbe worda britieh amerlban note company montreal are in larger iype than on the gexidine note a distinguishing mark for the nonexpert ie that tho iv aro not dotted summer literature mr james nlonaghac who had his barn burned gome time ago at sodom haa raised o fine barn in its plaoo the raia log took plaoo on friday last tbe aides wero oaptained by blesses wm crawford and stephen barbaree tha race for victory waa a very close ods but the former captain came out viotorlonav tbo raining waft a heavy one aa most ol the timbers wero green elm or tamarao there was a tag of war after tho rafaieg oaptain ed by meesra john irving and joseph lelohman the aides were very even- ly matched in the flrat poll joes aide pnlledthe former but when they changed endd for tbe eeoond pull neither aide oonld poll tbe olber oyer tbe line bo that lel6h- mane aide olaims tho victory in the evening there waa a eoolal dance in tbo barii7- tho aize of the barn ia 0 x 80 ft witb 20 ft rjoats mr and mrs wm kitchiog left laet wednesday for elncardlno where tbey will apend a low weeks visiting relatives and friends john f wilson and hie mother mrs bobt wilson of eden mills left monday on a vioit to wawanosh the recent heavy rainacauied a good deal of the wheat crop tobe lodgedandit is very doubtful whether it will rise the performance of atatdte labor is now the order o the day crewsons corners the fine raina of the i paat week have given the orope a beaatifal appearance the metbodiat people of thia violnity feel very grateful to tbo hamilton oonterenoe for the reopening of the ohnrch here wo understand that it ia to bo opened about the flrat sunday in july mr geo cann was on a hasineeb trip to lather last week on saturday last while returning from aoton mrs n forbes bad the misfortune tobave ber borso runaway sho met a farmerwith a load of wood on a narrow piece of roadj and fn passing him her road cart was upset throwing her oat tbe horso getting away ran home fortunate ly mrs forbes was not hurt and the horbe and rig did not reoleve any damage we extend to mr colin bitohlng one of nassagaweyas farcmost young men and hie bride oar hearty congratulations and wish them many years of happinoea and prosperity we are sorry to hear that mr h mo- langblln of nasaagaweya has had to return to gaelpb general hospital oacar crowson of iiulher eon of mr lorenza creweon orpocrly of this place received the ead intollizenoe at gaelpb on taeaday while berilog on tho jury there that bie little fouryearold daughter bad beeo drowned in tho cistern at homo milton oeoroetown apropos of tbe ooming vacation time dora m morrell writea for tho vhaulauqium a practioal paper on a trip abroad for light pooketbooka among tbesnbjects of espeolal inierest to womon are cbioago women wbo hold important pnblio offices by antoinette van hoesen wake- men domeatlo bervioe by luoy m salmon and greek oradlc songa by ltac m salmon and greek cradle bongs by luoy m j garnett sarah k bolton oontrlbqteb apoemqnpoverty and iuohee jutthodist maaazine and review for june this strong number oompletea the forty seventh volume of thia magaitine the timely article on mr gladstone haa eleven enfcravinga of hawarden castle and park portraits eto a weuilliiatrated arlioleon a great canadian industry describes tbe haaseyharrls factory wbloh turneout cca m e t m other urlialea ate full of interest toronto william brigga montreal o w goatee halifax s f hnestis 13 00 a year llofl for six months while the startling rumor of ibe anlcide of caretaker slater excited the townspeople on monday morning the report soon spread that another aad boourrenoe had taken place during the night that morning mr jamea ooatigan did not rise for breakfast as oaual his alsterlnlaw knocked at bis door and receiving no answer entered to ftod him lying in his bed as it in sleep but it was the sloop of death he was in his usual health on sabbath and it it tuppoaed bis death was canaed by diaetie of the heart bla father died when he waa quite young and he nobly assisted his mother who now mourns his loss and tbe younger membera of the family he wat 45 years old and bad worked at dayfoota shoe factory for a number of years and waa highly esteemed aa an indoalrions and worthy alllzeu the bev w s moalpine b a preach ed the f nneral aermon on babbatb morning of mr campbell of stewarttown who was buried istst wednoeday in the george town oemetery a very urge number attended the funeral mlaa itohneton of minnesota spent sun day with friends here after an absence of two years teaching in the west she haa retained to bpendbervaoatlonwltllir8 mokenzio her aunt in milton tbe boy joaeph feunell preaobed at hornby last sabbath mrs clark from brandon is on a viait to her aiater mrs george kennedy and other eistera in georgetown tbo boi g a mitobell b a returned from conference last week and preached an appropriate aermon in starting a new year as pastor ot the methodist chordh he tooh la text this i th thi li i the tax arrears from 1b97 must all be paid by the 20th loot tbe council voted company v halton battalion 815 for milk and- butter supply wbiie in oamp the garden party at tho residence of george gaatle jaat week realized reoeipts of 100 the open air concert by tho band on baturday evening wao appreciated by ohizena generally dr 0 wrmbooil orwyandottormiob woe on a visit to bit old borne in the scotoh block and hie brother dr h a mocoll milton laat wank silks arid satins special june offering black peau de soil a double faced silk wear well actual value 125 june offering 100 24 in black satin brilliant finish soft make special 75c 24 in black satin brilliant finish heavy soft make special 100 24 in surah silk excellent finish special 50c also large range of figured silks shot silks china silks complete stock of silk gloves in black cream tan and opera shades mill s act dw john featheretcne shipped 100 hogs and 20 head of cattle by the 0 p b laet week paying therefore t25o0 last mondays shipment waa 170 bogs and a oarload of battle abeep and calves for whloh 92000 was paid years of sueferinq brought about by a fall in which the baok wao severely injured the pain at tlmoe almost unbearable the july number of the delineator which ia balled the summer number ia now out a rlanoe at the tabic of oontenta will give a hint of tbe wide hold covered by the pop ular and moat useful ol ladies magazines hones furnishing and decoration fanoy walati for summer wear new effecta lu skirts the beatons bathing salts styles for ladies illustrations and descriptions etc make op a fine number subscription prioe of the delineator llooper year single copies 16o order from tbo local agent for iho biitterlok patterns or addnn the delineator publlahlog co or toronto limited 88 biobmond st waal toronto out r the doited stale is now begluning to count ibe ooat of witr and tbe result ie abpajing tbe eenattinr in tbe senate oonsjdtrmtion of the war revenue measure to mea laitt friday in speakjng of the nattanre jmr pale gave it aa hi opin ion ttjm3 vfat ati a year it will ooat thetlojtdbtata goverumanl between 1700000006 and 800000000 am coming to you his people are giving blm a hearty welcome back forathird year mr w w stall of the 8th line near- georgetown haa juat completed the oonrae at the sohool of applied science and secur ed the title b a so mr cd mitchell b a so town engineer ot niagara falls son ol rev g a mitobell has received the title 0 b at the tame college mr j b nixon of asbgrove reoeired the degree m b the bass ball match between george town and hilton on baturday wataoloaely oontetted game nothing daunted by the heavy olaab of rain the ball waa tltrted at five oolook the toore stood georgetown 12 milton 11 a garden party nnder the anipioea of the preabytaxian chnroh will b hed at mr it o mocuilougba on friday even ing tbe programma will be given by willie tbaln the noted highland piper of the floelpb caledonian booletyi mr j fraser bvaos elocutlooitt toronto the sqlh bait band and other mr geo f everett a highly respeoaed and well known farmer of four falls victoria co n b makes the following tatemeht bomeyears ago while work ing in a barn i lost my balanoe and fell from a beam badly lojarlnr my baok for years 1 suffered with tie injury and at tbe same time doing all i oonld to remove it but in vain i at last gave op bopca and stopped doctoring my baok had got so bad that when i would stoop over it was almost impossible to get straightened up again when i would mow with a eoy the for some utile timo without slop ing it would pain ms so tbat it seemed da if i oonld aearoely endure it and i would lean on the handle ot my soythe in order to get ease and atralghten up at other times i was laid np entirely after aome years of buffering i waa advised to use dr williams pink pills and decided to try one box before i hod finished it i saw the pills were helping me i bought six boxes mors and the seven boxes completely cured me it la three years ainoe i took them and my baok bae not troubled me since dr williams pink pills are an invaluable medioino and i oan highly rec ommend them to apyperton buffering like- wl i consider that if i had paid 10 a who a few years ago boasted to his i friends cf the liigli prices he paid his tailor lias seen the error of his way and now delights in showing how well he can dress upon half i the amount he used to spend he i a t g 5horeys ready to wear clothing in every fabric style and trim ming that the so called swell tailor gave hiift but costing very much less because tailored in advance of his order in quality make finish and fashion just as good in short everything the same but the price in the poicket he finds sborcya guarantee cnrd whicli means that if his a clothbs arc not satisfactory in every way he may hard his money refunded s rubber stamps- ip oh fioo itubuor stanipa tadi iuk etc writo to goo curry ot co kitio bt pant toroiito l buys am girls iparn41 to 8a per day at homo ouay plou- j out work uftur bpliool 8oud loo pnstiufo forbatupieb outfit and ull pfirtloulam golden mrg co 28 front street e toronto sheep laos astray stuayed npoa tbo prorulnoe or ho undor nlgnod nbout two vrooks ago two own and two lambs msrlcodl on tho anr with wire ownpr oan tiavo iropotyatlotkw con quoaldg by paying oxpoaseo atmann wanteq agents fortbeflcoatobt of canadian jfcooki life ot qlatlitono msmorlal edltun by hopkltla canviusorb proopootui nowroidy solli to everybody easy to malm i500f bo flrat 111 tho flofrj v thi2 dbadleygarnkt30n co limited qoroatoj tenders foe grass at t pa rpendeits will bo rccolvod by tbo undcrilgd- x ed up to monday mth judo for tbo rrasi at tho farb tnilorera to rem ova tho ame at timo to bo e breed npon thos t moore aoton june 18th 1896 municipal clark eor sale double brick homo 3 by 36 aevon rooms lnoachsoodaolltn hard aad 10ft water larno lot no 10 main fitroot aoton alao good atable tormaoaay apply to john cameron arehltect or to tbo ownor g welxs ever ton i o wanted honebt oncrgfltlo voang mon farm en sons teachers btudonts olerka and others who aro admirers of mr gladatono and would like to apend tbo next three mpnths in tolling tbe matohleaa atory of bia life we taaoh you bow to do tho work and gnamnteo auooeat from 300 to 9300 t day absolutely euro tborola no fear of falluro and it will bo enjoy- ablo work faruaulartrfarnlabed free bradley- gar rets on co limited toronto men ayjwomelff who need to mako money can do io wlthoat risk or capital by bollcltlns orders for oar memorial edition omtbo life of gladstone by costal 1 hopkins witb lotroducuon by- tbe honorable minister of education dr boas this book la a canadian olasslo the story of bla life la told with thrilling interest hla death and lmpoalns natioaal funeral will both be doaerlbed and ihuatrtod 512 largo quarto page it measures 6xloxl lnabes retail 2b0 worth mafiolflcont binding profuse ly illustrated prospectus 75 oonts liberal torma bbadleygarhetson company limited toronto aoton machine and repair shops henry qrinsslit proprietor are well oquippod witb all tbo machinery necessary tooxocnto all repairs to machin ery and agrloultaral implomonta and to do all kinda of steamfitting boraesboelng and naneral blaoksml thing woodwork repairs performed in a satisfmtory man nor we can repair and machine or implomont of any mako saw gamming and flllug dono binding twine full stock best qualities and lowest prices at norval jeorgetown acton robt noble an attractive pair box for them they wooia be a obcap medicine bheomatlam acialloa searalgia partial paralysis locomotor atteutle nervous pros tration and phseatefl depflodjnff npop hnmora in the blood saoh as sorofola chronic erysipela eto all disappear before a fair treatment with br williams pink pills they giro a hralchy glow to pale and sallow oomplnions bold by all dealers and poet paid at floc a box or six boxes for 180 by addressing the dr wil liams medicine oo brocaville onl do not be peraoaded to lake tome aabatllote oo q v inoe of ottawa en route lo nelson b 0 died anddenly shortly slsr tbe itfin lait wbltawood apopliry wae tbe oaoao ol death cqmi fb peruns who are rqptqred especially extreme eases that haretoforo have foopd every means frnltlaas and parenta having ohlldren so afllioted have now an oppor tunity of oonnllin free a competent spaolallat in this lint that it egan of toronto will visit aoton dominion hotel saturday jone 18th tho evi- denoe fornlabed of hi skill is eicepuooally high and an inveatlgailon proves bis claim to be wel foandsd an altncllve pair of shoes add lo thcgenlecl appearance of any oneman wornonorcbild wo keep ihe stylish kind the com- fortable kind and the kind that wears vell and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented wehave a complete assort ment including boots and shoes alu sizes rubbers 8llppers etc all styles trunks and valises extra values we arc prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoos and having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantogo than dealers who handle every thing salcthlo custom work and uppairing given prompt attention i have not taken any patent medicine for years dont need any i only want your work and will altcnd lo it carelully and promptly do not forget that if i cannot make your watch run correctly i wish in all cases to roturn tho money are typewriter kenney bros main street acton dominion boot and shoe store a are at 011 destroyed boorqots mill and 70000000 eel of lumber and also damaged fourlean homes last friday w barber bros papbr muudbbb eordit0 ont price 5500 visible writing in addition lo all the advantages of the 12000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada puuly currrnteod circulars and testimonials write for them 7r the jawoller cuelph for rajring your trees and rry bushes the williams mtg co giiiiiited ml uakers of oelobratea ni william bewini afiohlum flloh gttadi wkiyffw8 the paper naed in thia jonrnal ia frora ho above mills wm bahbxa bbov we have all the necess ary materials as copper sulphate copper carbonate paris green white helebefe insect pbwder r lit 11 11 eau atttitt prices right and materials the very best puijwn f 1 i

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