Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 16, 1898, p. 3

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i cr f his bank ojt hamilton t o hamilton capital all paid up l 25000000 reserve fund 72booooo total assists so s4b 67845 noarly tou mlllloua of dollars board of directors ohn btua11t proaldont a q itambay vloorrooldent 3so uoaoix joiin puocxou atwood a i leu toronto wm qibbon mp tuiinlliriil cashlor 11 8 steven aaat oaahlor h m watson inspector george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper ijenerally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states droits on great britain bought and sold stlngs department deposits of l and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home lyiontiy or a local unahaetor viu avorv item interesting were pisousaed at mondays coun house cleaning time has now arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain poles prices low stock the largest give us call geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton- ont mbi u ton if vet tes thtjbsday june 10 1898 little lo b whloh ccuisht the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week wheat is down to 86 cents again tendors are asked for the grass in the ppbliopaxk tbs fats pness to the 1st january 1800 torllfty cents the county couucil will next meet oarlday 2mb june the now btreet sprinkler has not been o mnoh in demand the pabt week the councillors- talk of pausing a bioyole bylaw similar to that of burling ton xhreo uaelph lada were fined 9245 echino other day for throwing a ball on thestreet the painters have mnoh improved the appcaranpe of thefrontot hynda jewellery store ou aiill street oar boys the noble volunteers of the 20th battalion will go 0mp at niagara next tuesday 21st insl messrs wyh storey ds son will oiobo the canada glove works on saturday aterno3ns daring the summer tbe editor of the burlington feeord was ilia u tu ha flued fur v tioaot the new bioyole bylaw of that village mr fred deitoh the nineyear old son of mr frank deitch of toronto formerly of aeton was drowned last week inihe glrand riverat cayuga beroro there will be any comfort in ridibg dnthe nowly gravelled mill street roadway cyolists will require to make a bee and rake off tbe round atones left by the roadmakera the travelling bag department of messrs w- h storey ay son is orowded with orders and has work enough now ordered to keep the entire staff rnshed op to the and otaognst slues offloer grahams lemodelled residence on willow street haa put on suah a tidyppearanos the band stand on town ball squire looks very rusty a ooat of paint ahoald be given ths cornet band rendered several elections i torn the stand on town hall bnuaroon monday evening but the programme was suddenly terminated by the alarm of are at ihe tannery mr t h harding has been appointed agent for cbo new life of gladstone by j- gsstell horjklna this is a very fine work and should find a welcome in every home in the community ask mr harding for a look at hia prospectus 7mr samuel laird has purchased the dwelling at the o t it pumping house and will remove it to a vacant lot recently purchased on xoong street opposite the residence el archibald campbell esq the foundation is being built this week the grand trunk railway bat settled the claims of mrs holchioson and mrs diarkywldowe ot the engineer and fireman respectively who were killed in the oldint atborllngton nn matnh 1 mri hutchinson was paid 88600 and mrs clark a0o0 barely ia tbe munn of june do we have anon ooplons and continued ahowers as ban fallen daring the past week the most of tbe orops are much benefited as a rtsdll tbe olovsr and all wheat have in some pieces white tbe crop is heavy lodged prsoiyliadlyi l vt p campbell has completed bis net dwelilyig on church street and is now at work on another a double tenement on- tho lite recently occupied by adam cooks steam laoudry when these are oumpletcct mr campoeit will hve built i full more o houses in town willis block co coniiitiog of popular artlsta from the leading dramatlo oragnlaaliona of the united states and canada will present byrons famous comedy oar boys in the town ball tbhr evening tbe company is spoken of in the toronto papers as a strong and capable one tbs programme for the season at grimsby lark bas been issued those wbo sojourn at tblspopnlar and delightful nmnier retort will be entertained anal edited by a programme of rare merit the list of canadian and amsrloan speakers embrace a number of tbe neat able pabllo ipsakers oh the oontlnent wooi wutnn highest pride in oaah or trade for any quantity of good olsan merebantiaels wool delivered at george town wm mclkod hits king of oraugevillr agent for ihe bobldawn corset co of london oct wishes totlsnk her oastomers lot their past patronage and to sollolt thslrfatare ordsra alsw to say that tbroogh lllnsss this opting hst will be unable to be around aotbnuiiilneflrsiweekjo jniy v couuty council grants the raeoliug of the oouuty oounoll laast weokwaa largely taken up with hearing doputatiolb and making grants for varloaa pnpnlar objeots halton farmers loall- tuto waa granted 825 milton model school 8200 halton battalion lorno rifles u2o0 tho government grants to the high soboolb for the year aro george town jcj2 10 4 oakvillo 917904 fiirniors institute excursion tho third annual excursion under tlia auepioaa ol the halton farmers institalo to the model farm guolpfa will take plaoo onsuturday 25th inst otfaersbeaidobagri- cultmibtti wu find a great deal to interest thonj at tho model farm and none should mitfl this opportuuity o visiting it ohep exouraiou rates have been seonred retain tickota from aeton 85 cents childron 20 cents ttio scflsoaa firat hutch tho inaugural baseball match announced for last saturday afternoon to open the season waa not played owing to the heavy downpour of rainj the ramblers ot toronto wero present but the unprbjbi- tibus weatliecheceasitated the cancelling of tho ganio tboloool olub have how ever arroboged for a matoh with tho same toam next saturday afternoon tho ram- jblers aro a strong team and while here lawat week talked loudly of the mauner io whloh they would annihilate acton an txoil- iug game ia likely to be been promptly at four oetook the hon president aid jamea olaib will pitch tho first ball the wllfowa of willow street the willowb planted by the adatna and the lato william steel between tatty and fifty years ago on willow street gao that thorongbfare its namo the willow is not considered a very enduring tree but on the street referred to have beea- landnfrulu for threo generations only one of the original trees now remains it marks the corner of the steel property on mill street and is nearly four loot in diameter at the ground its companion thirty feet farther op the street fell with a crash yesterday morning one side having deoayed to tbe heart it has been cut op and carted away and this iongatandirjg landmark has gone goodbye to duaty business streets aoton is now in a fair way to have wellwatered streets during the summer months the merohanta and bnsinesa men eoveral weeks sgo oiroulatod a sab- bcribtlou list with a view to covering txta cost of the muoh needed servioe they were suoceasful and entered into an agreement with mr john williams to perform tho work required mrwllliarxit uever does work in a blipstfodwky and at onoe plaoed an order at grindella maouioe shop toravnretolabs sprinkler the new aprhjikfer was on the atreeta yesterday for the first time and wllhmr williams in control tho streets will be nw sprinkled io a most effeotivo aud satxa- factory manner jfr swaolthumors tannery project mr uarum swaokbamer again iuter- viewed the gnelph board of trade hvat friday he has upwards of 820000 of oapilal bjook bobsoribed towards the estab lishment of a sole leather tannery in guelph the mercury says mr swaci- hamer of aoton wob presont and presented the proapeotos of- the proposed tsonbry the matter was talked over in a dssnltor way and mm left over for the coneldera pavements and sewers oil meeting but eleotrlo llfxht was not on the dooket 7 60 0 03 3 00 a 9t tlon of the full board at the next rneotlog mr bwaoittiamnier has made oonsldorabla progress with the subscriptions to hia stock list and is prepared to open tbe list hero with stools already subscribed of j200o0 expeollng to have tho remaining 30000 subscribed here aeton tantttng cos hstr bouso gutted aboht nine oolook on monday evenlxig the fire alarm bounded and from the vivid refleotion it was at once soen up town that some part of the works of the aoton tanning go were on fire tbe nremen woro promptly on tho spot with their steamer and other apparatus and in very few minutea bad two streams playing opon theflamea whioh bad been kept to some extent nnder cofilfol by tbs oonjpuuy hoio acid firepnmps theflre wasoonflned to the now hair house a detached building about 24x90 where tbe hair from tho hides is dried and pressed and was extinguished in about half an hoar the interior of both flooraof the building was badly bnrned and tho roof wat bnrnod off but the iron sheet ing saved the exterior the origin of tin fire is supposed to have been spontaneotii combobtlon there bas never been any ftre in the building since its erection thodryirj being done entirely with steam pipe fed from the main building ajorgsqaantlty of pralied hair was stsckon the ground floor and fjpm tblavtfis thought the nre origlnoita la ahsuf 500 1 there wasno insnranoe pot on this new building cltttensl bo you do your duty r acton bat as brave a lot of flremou as ever volunteered to do duty in saving the property of their fellowoitizsns and they are invariably prompt in responding to the call for aervloo when the fire fiend istraglng as well as in spending time at regalar in tervals in praotiee caloalated to ensare welldlreoted and satisfactory effort in tins of need it is due to our brave firemen thararmtna upon ablebodied oitlsens generally soattered as they necessarily are through out the town it is impoaslble for all tha firemen to reaoh the fireball immediately upon tho ringing in of an alarm but it la neoestary that the steamer hose reels and book and ladder trook be immediately dispatohed to the sqene of the oonflagratlon tho breraen invariably hasten to perform this duty the citlzona almost invariably rash to tbe soene of the fire leave the hsu- score or so of firemen vbo bava arrived at the hall to haul the fire apparatus to tbs point desired and then grumble b they are o few seapnds longer then thorji- selyes in stalling there and having steam up a lias of nose laid and water ready to play opon tbe flames if cllhens of mqsole inlteod of ruahlng to the fire aud tben oom plaining about alleged urdlneaaof the firemen would harry to the fire ball instead ant lend a helping hand to ihe dauntleas orefighters who by tbe way are working neither for honor glory nor oaah bat to save the property of oitlsens whloh at tbe urns ia in jeopardy they would be sating with rare common sense and would ensure increased effiolenoy sand promptness in tbe work allotted to the fire brigade while the steam engine oao be esslly hauled to any part of tbe town by twenty men almost superhoman effort is neoesaary to do the work when only ma are on hand and willing to pall cltisentl think ot this and in future do your doty io yoaraolvea your town and ypar nolle firemen this said tbs man wbo bad his arm in ailing is tbe result of taking a tfirop too mooh wbatl exolaloiad lis frleudi i thought you were a piroiilbltlajn- iaji sol am replied the first man i took a drop irom my wheel tbe counoil ware in eeseion for about an hour on monday evening when their deliberations woro suddenly interfered with by the alarm of lire tho ruembora were all present and reovo pearboncdlled the counoil to ordor prompt ly at eight oolook the bylaw exempting the properties of measrs james brown wm lynd wm allan aroh mopherson jamos russbu jumos barry aud hujjh maun from taxa tion for tho purpose of lire proteotlou was read tho required number ot timos and passed tho oommittoo on finanoe prosented their ninth roport and recommoudod pay moot of tho followiiiiiaocountb d mills toamlns andv gnwvol dlu210rr noah sunloy ipruoe troos for cemetery a mason tbamlns andlabor j 3 ijawson plana forhoso tpwor b v moore advertising o h bwaokhanlor labor 1 65 1x131 movod by i franoin aeoondad by j a murray that the ninth rbport of tho com mittee on fioanoo juet road ho adopted carried the matter of laying permanent pave ment and of a permanoht drain on mill street was considered but after general dlsoubbion it was decided to leave tho matter for further investigation capt langton iu bebalf of company 0 of the 20th batt requested through coun cillor murray a grant of s1500 to provide batter aud milk for the members of the company while ia camp moved by i franoib secouded by j a murray that the sum of 91500 bo granted to company no 0 of tbe 20th bate for the purchase of butter milk etc white in camp at niagara carried moved by john clarke seconded by j a marray that tenders be advertised for the sale of the standing grasa in the public park said tendera to be addressed to the municipal clerk and to be in hia hands by 20th june carried application waa made through councillor clark for the use ot the park for the base ball glob for tho season moved by john clarke seconded by j a murray that the publio park be leased to aoton base ball clab for the season of 1808 subjeotto the terms and conditions of the park bylaw carried a letter from mrs jennie smith advised the counoil that tbe mill street sewer passing her property ehould be put into proper repair stating that if beroellar was again flooded she woold oome upon the counoil for damages mr john warren had arisen to address the oonnoil upon bomo point in whioh he is interested when at this junoture the tire bell rang out an alarm the word was passed around that tbo works of the acton canning company were on fire and the counoil summarily but in regular order adjonrned upon motion of councillors franois and clarke services reco the aoton tanninscompany send the firemen a donation through reeve pearson on tuesday reeve foareon rectivod the following letter from the aoton tanning company with a ohequo for 925 enclosed in recognition of tho splendid services rendered by the fire brigade in snbdning coming and going visitors to ana from aoton aria varlousothstr personal notes ibs fla al 11m tauuary fire lb nigh before orrios or tub acton tankiko co lwrxbd acton out llth june 1896 j c psxnsoh esq itsava or acton dbalismwo bog herewith to onoloao yon bur oheolt for 1500 in rooognition of tboaor- vloes of the aoton fire brlgado rendered to us last etentng when our hair drylnghouso was partially doatroyed by nre wo wish 15j of this amount applied to tbe gonoral f and of tho brigade and the balance of imooq handed to piromon thoa campboli who waa acoldontly bnrt wbllo working with the brigade thank ing the fireman fortbelr timely aid and tho vory hearty way in whloh the worked wo ara yoara very truly tub aoton tanmiho co xjiihtbo for k o bbandhobr seorotary the reeve acknowledged receipt of the kind letter and donation in tha following reply rkevks omor acton june luh 1808 acton txnnino co gblttlbhbn i i have tbo honor to ao- knowledge rooolpt of your eateomod favor of tbia date eontalnlng tho abovo ehequo and in behalf of mr campbell and the flro drujado of tendering you their alncero thanks and express ing to you their pleasure in tho faot that they areio a position with tliolr proaont oompleto equipment to render you algual sorvtoo la tlmo of danger i remain- tours truly j b fbxdhon keovo this thoughtful and practical recognition of their services ia mnoh appreoiated by the members of the fire brigade lord wol5euey oovernob- oenera1 the lateatnomlnae for canadas viceregal 8uooessor to lord aberdeen london kng jono 11 the britiah government baa had an nnnanal trouble in filling the vaoanoy for tbe vioeroyalty of caoaia namerbas oandidatea for tho succession bavo been mentionod bat no appointment haa been made the good relations now existing bbtweent isngland and amerloa make it important that the new governordeueral of canada ahould he an bffiotal ot reputation boss to impress tbe imagination of the whole engllshspoakibg race in amerioa the appointment baa not beon ofiioially annoaneed but it is geaerally beliovodin tho war oflloo that wolseloy la the man who has been soeoted for this important post nothing has yot appeared in print about it bat it maybe stated with the atmost oonfiirnce that overtures have been mode to him the3rown is not in thehablt otoftarlng appointments for high places until tbe willingness o those proposed for profer ment to accept honors is ascertained there la adequate reaaon to believe that hord wolseloy lias been approoohed end asked whether he will aooopt the post ol qovernorgeneral of canada and that he ia now considering tbe expediency of accepting it he now occupies the offloo of oommanderlnohlef of the army and is the man best fitted by experience and military capacity for retaining il he would also be a candidate for governor- general of canada ot exceptional prestige and authority and would be welcomed both in the dominion and the united states ss a brilliant saeosssor to ihe long line of illustrious vioeroys bev j b grant ot river john plotou n swas killed by a street oar at montreal on friday nearly one tboosaod more people left tbs united kingdom for canada daring april than daring tbs earns raootb last y to curb a cold in one day taks tixaurs broma qallitns tablelat ao dnutists rafandtussnoneylf it falls to care weints tbo pabh pnssa invites all its rssders to eon tributo to this oolumn if you or your trlouds aro going away on a holiday trip or it you have frionds vjaltlug you drop aboard totho fasus 1beaa v mrs bittor of winufpeg is the guoal of her sister mrs c swaokhammor mrandmrs tbomaaeaeton are visit ing relatives at markham this week mibb addle beaooby of hamilton is the guest of bet bister mrs george agnow mrs t b ward weut to liatowsll yobterday to spoud a coople of woeks with friends there mr and mrs riubard hematreot of trafalgar epeut a couple of days last week with aalou frioudti misabeesie cameron of owen sound ia visiting aoton friends and tbe aoones of her early girlhood d honderson iseoj m p is home from the capital the hoase bstvlng pbrogued on monday miabcs ettio and maggie laird went to fergua on monday to spend a week or so with relatives there dr j p ooghlan dentist had the degeee of d v 8 conferred npon hlmat toronto university last friday bev 3 w pedloy london formerly of georgetown was elected president ot the congregational union last week mr j b nixon of ashgrove has passed hia final examination in medicine in the univerelty of toronto with aratolass honors mr john folster who has been in poor health for aeveral months is at present undergoing treatment in toronto general hobpital mr g b byan ooelph left monday after noon for new york where be sails on thn majestic tor the old country to parofaaee goods in tbo britibh french and german markets lieut alox itobertson of the 77lh batt formerly of no 7 co 20th lome biflee haa auooeoded in making arrange mehtstogoto england next month with the bialey teamt7aampo a very agreeable anrprise was given the bev mr boab one evening isat week by the wardens of si pauls ohurob norval when they presented him on bebalf of tbe congregation with a well filled puree as an aid in parobasinga bioyole mr murray madohald left on monday to take a situation at sohtbamptoh with messrs bowman a xiuken tannbrs murray will be missed by the acton friends aud especially by the baseball team wboao firat baeeman he has been for several years rev frod w goodevr b a son of our townsman 0 f goodeve esq merchant wan ordaiued by the bishop of toronto in st albans cathedral in that city last sunday itev mr goodeve has been appointed to tbo oharge of the maimer west miabion mr chab w morton who has ooflnpled a position with messrs e b bollert bkoo guelph tho past tea years left last week to take a situation in new york before his departuro tbo firm and employees presented him with a beantifol gold locket and gold peu and peuoil aood r they may be secured by the co- local brieflets dont forget 10 spray if you want your iruit to pay r the corporation haymakers are mtk- ing their annual trimming of tho streets there are a few farmers who wish they bad sold thoir wheat when it visa lis a meeting of the free library board will bo bold on monday evening 201b init to arrange for opening the library and other bueinobb the metal drum of hose beel no 2 was smashed in roing to the ttnntrr fire monday night in the darkness ihe reelmen ran over the end of the bridge mr w s hall hornby san jose sosle inspector says he bos examined a great many halton crohards this season irrfrolraoeofthishpeatinto ot them twelvo hundred exonrstonials from north ontario passed tbroogh aoton abont noou on monday to the ontario agricul tural college gnelph they oooapled two special traina a very fine aample of homegrown straw berriea from the garden of ei- warden warren waa left at the fbex fnxas ofnee on tuesday the berries were superior in size and flavor while hauling atone for the foundation of s lairds new house young street d milla teamster broke an exleandamaahed a whiffletroo while orossing a ditch with bib load on monday mr h p moors has reoeived notitloa- tion that he has been elected a member of tho board of dirtotors of tbs wellington fire inanranoe company of guslpb to fill tho vaoanoy closed by tbe death of ihe late w h storey esq while ongagel in handling lbs noaxle of oneot the lines of hose at tbs tannery flro on monday night thoe campboli a member of ihe fire brigade was overoome with the smoke and gas from the burning bair and tell down the stairway ho boa been unable to work slnoe an appreciative aubaerther dr j w darby of fort plain n y writes in remitting his subscription for another year we ibink the pass puss improves each year and even if it were not oar home paper we would oohtlnoe taking it onr boys look for it eaohweek and the eldest who is only twelve reads it to the younger one wishing yon the snocess yoadcsene i am yoars respeot- fully jwd a promising btrawherty crop oanbdlanatr g nnuaually abundant orop of trawberrles this seaeon the first pioklng of borne grown btrswberriss for the sssron were plaoed on ths msrkela of this stotlon this week from the loold dbttrlsv i the apply ap to this date has been from ihe united butef but the lascioas oanadhtn berries will wtlbttaerai3be iotxshif season is the most promising in dsayyhrav so the dsolsrs slats and bsnlss wtii bs oheapinawteatiums tos f rmi wnousd by the local dealarsi will b lastly from tbs niagara ditlriot bat blpdmisi will also bs made from barunitoa oakvllle taminaton andou joints sir joseph adolphe ohapteau sx-llaus- govsrnor of qoabio died at the windsor hotel abcrlly afterohsoilooklto of ternoon in tbs ih yarof bll sg fwsaifssfe nmtfrdwwriliwtf or ioliamiyrkim bj u dragjuu nd d1tre mery whtt operation 6t ch6 muhlolpal authorities and the drlvlnff public thotollowing urtlole from ooo of our foremost agrlonltaral jotunliot tho con- tloodt will bo read with inriit good roda attraot popolatlon cohools aud oharoherdeoremo ooc ot traniwrta- tiou looreue valae of property tbas eaoonrage exchange of profita are- feeders for tbo railrqada bring distant plaoi more closely together promote interoourse betweda one seotion and another and develop commercial lifo a good rod in always to be desired and ib a tiourcti of oonifort and oonvenienco to every traveller a good road improves the valuoof property for a farm situated only five miles from a market cooueoted by a hid road is ot less valae than anjerjaally goodfarm alla ten miles from a market and connected by a good road a larger load cd be drawn by one horse over a good road thaa by horse over absd one good roads mean more buninrss tbey enooarbkorldidk and driving the farmer needs good roads to e successful he oarrles ibe srodaotr of the field to the market and retprning brioftt weighty and balky miterial at a coat of labor and wear and ter on horses and wagon- greatly dimidieliod as tbs become better the price of wheat and grain is increabed in a looallty having improved roads if it costs s far mer 91 to hanl 100 boabela of wheat one mile on dirt roads and by maoadamlzlng tho roads this can be reduced to 20 beats per mile the cost of wheat is raised accord ingly one mile saves bo cents tea miles 18 per hundred bushels or 8 centi per bashol inorease in price beiidea he is able to hanl a larger load good roads facilitate rapid travel rapid travel means saying time lessening the time to reaoh the market and brings the farmer cloie to the market tranaporla- tfon of country prodoots should bs done in bad weather or the rainy season when tbe farmer oannot work outdoors if be has good roads be can go any time winter or summer rain or shine and when the market is particularly favorable to the disposal of hia prod ace common dirt roads however compel ths farmer to remain at home for four or ave moctba in tbo year as they are impassible bo can not goto town or buy or sell il he wanted to it must be olear to any roan with the most ordinary instinots tbat good roads mean thrift liberality wealth they moan good farms good valae to real estate better buildings better horses wagons and carriages better fobool houaes oh a robes easy interoourse with neighbors the miller or country rherohante good roads mean more bnsenes for all of us ii pays to buy at bolkrts i i pays to buy at bolierts is essential health every nook and corner of tho system isreacbodby the blood snd on its quality tho condition of every organ do ponds good blood neans strong nerves good digestion rpbnit health impure wood means scrof ula dyspepflla rheums- tbmcatarrhorothejfdljieaseb thesurest way to have good blood is to tako hoods barsaparflla this midlolne purifies talizes snd enriches the blood snd sends the elements of health and strength to every nerve organ and tissue it creates s good appetite gives refreshing sleep snd cures that tired feeling remember e r bollert fe gos smismit sarsaparilla la the best in taet the one true dl puriniir ituuusrllls takeeaayto operate soo lock the england setter sold by richard bingham to parties in satr franolsoo took flrat olaases and has been sold for one thousand dollare jnat fonr times what he cost positively nttlepuls they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per- feet remedy for dizziness nausea xrcrtrst tiess bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable mall phi 8mall poses small price substitution lid of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills another car of just in also one ol land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at 8105 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bus killer pure paris green 20c per ih dwarf essox rape seed 18 lbs for fi 00 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 10 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from 6jc up geo j thorp sbbdstckn market bq and maodonnell stt 6uf3lph spring is here again cooper 8c ffp the tailors are prepared for it with a very altractlvo stockjlil prlns suitings iplwijywr6oatlng sprlnlttrouerlnkb yp l afftleiatbst goods our workmanship is always aatlaloctory our prices are always right we have pates for the newest styles in bicycle cults and are bound to please the vrbeelmep call in and inspect our ttock actori appreciates nlcetgoods those wall paper sainples we show at tho drugstore of j d mckeli arc nil the rage why i because they are uptodate put inghain on your walls it is veryjiandsorhe and new see mckees samples room mouldings to match window shades send the size of your windows and we will quote prices any color and every width base ball lawn tennis lacrosse and foot ball requisites c lmelles thb l6rpeii guelph prices the to clear out balance of the sea sons stock we are now offering all lines of milliaiery goods at greatly reduced prices bargains in mens readymade clntkr ing and felt hats finest teas and fresh groceries al ways in stock jc acton ontario the modern grocer bd est makers of refrigerators in canada ye rnftlce several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation best in isolation and zinc lined why buy a homo made or poorly made article when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less money for prices arid description send for catalogue knowles ham so nott co llrnltod brazitford lor sale by john mbond 4 co guelph latest and beat designs of 7wap n u7vcnt s utgitoiieandjmrble at- 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works gueupihi is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can- nrilan nr amrrlcsn eranile office and workmsamjltoirs block woolwich and tforrolksts gu6lph ont branch works- jmwbmjnburg oar the campaign prepare for winds cooper it aklnsa main stukbti acton lailora we would call yoar attention to the faot that ws are prepared io ibpply you with lnmher of suitable latigsh for yonr bsro doors vis 10 19 la or 14 feet also sabxa doqhsnrrr tt- i prawiis motjldinas eto lor bailding ssorm doors pnt op as low a rate as poaslbls pm0 hepalr yoor parnpsor pol in new before it fi tojooldj tmc j th08ir there aro difierent ways of doing things one plan is io keep up the prices during the season and then at the end soy in july and august tiust to a sudden spurt to clear out a few lines the other is to watch the markets pick up bargains crowd in great values tatfe tho stock on your shelves and bring it down to meet these bargain pur chases and then right in the height of the season when everybody wants the goods and is ready to buy make them prominent and force tfiehiby the very trrcsistnble values which youoffer the former plan may mean a little more profit the latter means largerbusl- nesa and ihe guarantee of a thoroughly clean stock to commence next seasons business with 1 ms is the plan we are following in this instance and therefore announce our c r fct j u n e shle of dm goods clothing millineily cakpf s curtains etc r to cotnmmence oh wednesday june i 5th 1898 this will be in force until after the first week ih july extra help in our staff will serve customers with promptness e r bollert fe ca 25 aud 27 wyndlmm street guelph tlie riglit house r 1 corner king and huglison sts flamiltoi the special june sale affords an unusual opportunity to secure tho highest class of goods at unusually low firices today we place on sale the folowing goods which will indicate tho reductions n the various departments uhbleaohkd table linen 50 to 66lnches vvldei heavy- damask reg ular 50c kind june sale price 40c 72 incrj pure damask regular 55c june sale price 10c regular 65c for 55c bleached damask f58 inch slirhtly dam aged regular 8 5c for 65c 68 inch grass bleached perfect regular 75c for 65c 71 inch extra quality bleached damask regular i 25 special jl j135 special ji 10 enqlibh flanelette extraordinary offering 31 pieces of the best english flannelette 31 inches wide regular value 10c special at 7 25 pieces best english flannelette 33 inches wide regular value x2c special 8c 36 inch white cotton special at 5c per yard 36 inch grey cotton regular 7 jc special 6j cents milxinery department all our colored trimmed hatb and bon nets to be cleared at tho following startling reductions all hats and bonnets regular s2 and 93 clearing at it 50 each regular 150 to 5 clearing at 250 each regular j5s0 to 88 to 4 regular j850 to jtc clearlngat 86 each tadiessailor hats fancycolors at the following prices regular 25c for 18c regular 35c for 20c regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 30c t regular 75 and 85c for 40c regular 81 for 50c regular ji25 for 75c regular vi75 iorf 1 childrens muslin bonnets embroidered trimmed tegular 35c and 50c for 25c regular 45c and 65c for 35c regular 75c and i for joe regular 8125 and it for 750 colored dress goods ten pieces all wood tweed effects 46 inches wide regular 6oc special 25c 250 yards all wool plaid regular 36c- very special roc 100 yards fancy plaid reguar 65c jorajc 15 plces fancy silk mixtures for suitings repular 8116 and 8125 for 50c 45 yards fancy plaids for blouse waists rsgular 8125 clearing at 60c 19 only fancy dress patterns regular price was from 8h50 to 81350 choice while they last for 500 each samples free by mail freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario oa all purchases amounting to 8500 and upwards tlioixias g tstiakiiis glasgow house for ijadies es we are showing a full range of venetians broadcloths boxclotha brocaded satins etc in excellent quality and alue the balance of our madeup capes are being cleared at selling prices y ixisiims mijsiiins chatillon stripes organdies iredesca cordonet we have the choicest goods in town in this line alargestockofdress prints at iinpujarprices a full line of sateens our specials in groceries this week are salt fish and canned fish we are still selling oranges at 15c and lemons at 15 and 20c c f goodeve go vtluv5- anager you want the btist and the cheapest mcmullens fencings and nettings com- iblne thetso two qualities no others do 1 hog fencings at special low prices all i other varieties cheap mcmullens are ihe k only good nettings sold in canada the are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn rvstees ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods lfyottcannol buy of hi n write to the manttfacturers at plcton onl or to tub b greening wise co lijuited hamilton and montreal general agenls am coorta montreal general agent for rnilway fencings

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