Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1898, p. 2

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y n makrieik pilt mtf aitkinh attliiircaliluiicucrtliohrtiloh liurtiits hi kviituohii on wodniiulnv 15th lurio iiy lluv mr kowllt ohiviin mr ucorno lanilti to miuu j ailhiiia klikkhanvimlhon woiliioailii juiicj liili ill jj titiriliiinl htidtit unlit turontu by tho ilovhr wliuiium mfrh initio wllllh of tor onto tu pr willinni kroiiimti formerly of icorkulowii hiiykiih dickinson on wudiiumloy jinio lflti uv lluv mulviliu m ohiipnmii at tho rualtluiiao or iho briil uu umit now york alico laiiuhtur of mr i q dickinson of now jirivyii conn to morloy t bryflra of 8t paul ftliun noil of lluv win ilryoraof acton out jatcoimson ijivinobtoni in st jobtia cljuruh hocbwoodon wixluosriny u2iu1 tiilio by lliv 1 1 loddvn m a of acton tutalbt- ihi liy lluv lturnl duau foil noil of goorro- towu mr j malcalinaoti of chatham to hoii- ivt ttauuliltir of h mlivinrbloiiu esq laio tiiuiiucur ltuuk of hamilton goortjotuwn luimin livinohtam- in bt johita ounrcli llockwood on wodnoflday 2jml juu by hov 1 k lbddunm a of aoton assisted by kov kurd duun feuuoll of ueoifiilowu mr iiunuo llnrbor jr of uuoryotown to mibb iiviukstomi dilukliter of ii m llvukhtona kbci into mmiayur ilnnk or hum i hon george town the war with spain med how eh on monday tho 3lu lust willi dm y howuh rrttfuljjar ugod ill yuuib 4 luauius qmiiir in hsaucttlufron monday tho fltl intst tnnion jatinibull ogod 03 yuaru 0 moutba joyce in e8jiioait on monday tho 13th lust abrnham walker joyooagod as years ji inoiitba mcdonald at liriu 6u saturday tlicj 11th iiit of coiisuinption alio mcdonald v s eon of tlio lato malcolm mcdonald t xitixx jfrw fjjns thursday june 23 1808 notes and comments tlio jutuicc for the- prbtuuu in the ontario contested electious will bo justices oalcr iti i con bridge ferguaon arfti rose thsy will lmvq a big coo tract if all the protostb outcrcd go to trial arrangements have been mad a for a onfcrenco today of tboreprebentativpaot several of tho provinces with the minister of murine and fisheries at ottawa as to revising of tho control of the fisheries as between the dominion and tho several provinces in pursuance of the judgment of tho privy council recently rendered at tli 6 synod meoting of tho chnrch of england ut toronto last week a atronxdeola ration was made againsk the lease of church lands for hotel or saloon purposes in the debate on tlio question bishop sullivan said lie would hold up both hands for the nation and that the church bhould do right and truat in god the declaration was carried almost unanimously two months have already passed since hostilities commoncod more troops for santiago at tho present moment thuro are build ing for tho britieh navy nine flrstolasb battleships twelve firstclass cruisers bis seodiid and ten tbird-olaea- cruiaore two sloops four gunboat and forty- ono torpedo boat destroyers torpedo boatb it io- remarked have no place in the programme the value of ihefte- ships when completed is estimated by mr ooachen at s115000000 the new pro gramme in addition for tho present yoar is llirco battleships four armored cruisers and jfonr bloops mr w j bryan the erstwhile freo silver agitator has raised a regiment to free cuba and tendered his services to the it- s government president mokinloy has mudo mr bryan a colonel and some people say ho intends to ship him off to the philippine islands in order that ho may bo out of the way when the next eleotiod conies on be this as it may mr bryan lias pome out flatfooted in a roceat btjcccli jffndn at fmahs noh against fat united states holding outside territory or retainiug what it may gain in war at the meeting of the liquor license association at loudon on tuesday in reply io an address by mayor wilson mr uaversobftbo associations solicitor said thla unsocial ion is no more the friend or udvuema of rioilig abd drunkennesa than tlio greatest antiliquor man is there is no man more objeotionablo to the liquor dealer ihnn the man who gets drunk tho earnest desire of the association is to have the liquor traffic of the country conducted ou fair and honurable lines and all the moro because wo are upon the verge of a vole being taken by the plebiscite wahhinotow juno 22 two months ago ycstertluy war broke out between the united btateb and spain according lo tlio procla mation of the president and the declara tion of congees tho cud ol that poriod tlods uoarly 10000 u s troops lying off santiajja preparing to land and it tin da oublo oomniunioation eetabliaticd bctwaen tho governnieiil ut wasliington and tho advanco guard oftho expedition iu cuba it finds cuban territory in llo possession of united states marines backed by a squadron and noriy all thn commercial ports of cubti blocided till- iu al puri from doweys great victory at muuilluaud tho splendid results rchioved in organizing several arroiaa in tho camps therefore tho oftlcora o tho administration fool that they have a tight to look back with pride over what hsa been accomplished in the short bpaco 6f two mohthf working iu a large purt with raw material- in both the army and usvy tho government haa determined to sond heavy reinforcements to general shatter at rantiago for this reason the first wil leave newport tomorrow morning carrying brigadiergeneral doffields separate brigade of the second army oorpa mads up of the ninth ma as- aohueelte the 83rd and 31th michigan and tho 3rd virginia regiments in all about 4000 men expeditions will follow rapidly by way of tampa for while fernandina and miami are considered to havo many good polntb for concentrating troops army oflioials are now satisfied that turn pa can bo retained with advan tage as the main point of embarkrnent the next forces to go will innludo those of brigadiergeneral garretson of the second brigade of the first division second army corps embracing the sixth illinois sixth massachusetts and eighth and ninth ohio regiments bear admiral sampson says that the general landing of the troops of gen qhafters expedition on the coatt of the province of santiago de cuba will neces sarily bo delayed several- days disfatcii boat molu st nicholas juno 22 it was nearly dark before tho officers returned to tho seguranaa after arrival of the transport from tampa fta aud thou bho et niiod back to the flagship and took up her position for the nighl beforo nightfall alt tho transports and the convoving warshipa had drifted nearer to tho ahoro aud the spanish eoldiors watobidg from tbeblnfjd on both sides of tho entrance of santiago harbor must have been impressed by the great array of vebielsstandiugoo shore there were nearly sixty of them including the troppbhlps aud the menofwar compris ing bear admiral sampsons fleet and the squadron of commodore schley the eight rbousand spanish soldiora and perhaps two thousand sailors guard ing the oity and harbor of santiago doubtlcas conoluded that there was but a small ehanco of overcomlug the force of american warships and some 20000 american soldiers and sailors which will bo hurled agftinst them before the present week is over according tj the naval regulations established at the outbreak of the war not a light was visible on any of the ships and the cordon of men of war lying ooder the spanish guns near neighborhood news supp byfl porijento arid exchanijos crewsons corners a largo number of farmora anj uthnrs in thid vicinity intend taking iu tho halton furmera institute txourwion to the oao at guutph ntxt saturday mebsrx charles gamble and tliomus collins loft on tuosday moruing with no 0 company 20th bxttlion for camp at niagara muster albert cruwsou wad taken lo guulph general hospital on sunday buffur- ing from an iuturnal ailment llo id ink ratliur orittcal condition masura norman und john campbell of buffalo apont a few daya hat week at their auuta mrs jas gatublurf mr salter canu of luther visited- friends hero ou sunday mr und mrs jih lumbhuvy visited frionda inlowvtllu inut wetk v mr edgir uid misn eihel gaon and master georgh berry uf erin spejit sun day at mr geo oanua 1 georgetown free library opening the annual sermon to tho volunteers was preached last sabbath in st georgub ohuroh by rev rural dean fennell tuesday was a busy day for the vblun teers and their friends early iu tho morning tbe fiual preparations were mado for going to camp at niagara every ono was iu his place at the drill bhod at 900 a m and tho battalion band in full force was prepared to head tbo procession with their lively musio when to tho surprise of every one all tho school ohildren headed by principal earngoy and each waving a union jack came marching through tho town arid took tho head of the procession to the btation crowds were gathered at the train to give tho boya a good send off tbe garden party at mr robert mccol- loabs on friday evening last was a success both as regards attendance and the pro gramme tho rov hilton pelloy ba of japan leotured iu tho congregational church last monday evening mr and mr gordon of toronto have been npeudiu a week with their nieae mrs fred barber messrs holmes and wetherald are buoy collecting hogs and oittlo for efaipment from week to week ti t i wtth- more than nmal oaro during tbo dark hours of the night to guard againbt the approach of a destroying torpedo boat which might attempt to run out of the harbor london juno 21 the oorrespondont at paris of tbe af mall gazette tele- graphs thia afternpon that he learns from milton judge hamilton loft last weok for tho realigoooho river quebeo whero he will enjoy a weeks salmon fishing tho faro to guelph on the farmers institute excursion ou saturday is 50 centp tbo junior bnse ball nino played the juniors of acton in a closely contested game- on saturday aftoruoon in a ten innings match tho score etood 13 to 11 in favor of our boys couuty council meets again tomorrow tho second session tbia month mias florence e deacon has passed her final exam at victoria uuiverbity except in one subject for tho degree of b a which will bo oonferrod shortly wedgar robertson of milton and j p frank williams of georgetown have passed their second year exams in the toronto medical school and b a gohoo divinity etudeut in victoria college bon of rev b l cohoo formerly of palermo has received tbe degree of ba no 7 company of tho 20th batt par- adedon church whero rov d w snider preached a special sermon the boys left for camp ou tuesday morning workmen are engaged on tho repairs ordered by the license commisbioners on the wajlaco house which will be greatly improved when they have been completed the library will be open to tho public on monday evening 4th july spuendio library and very attractive quarters for a mouth or two thero has been frcqueut euquiry on tho part of the reading public as to tho date of opening of tho new free library for nearly three months tho members of the board have been ttssidlously engaged in assorting repairing selecting classifying and cataloguing the booka and in puttiug tho library room into u dominion highly attraotive and oou- veiileut the work i now so far adiahoud that at tho meeting on mondy ovoning tho dato for the opening was hxud for tho oycniogof tho 4th of july on that evening tho liibrwrian uud members of tlio board will bopraticut to give information as to tho ayatcm under which tho library is to bo opera ltd to receive applications for incm- borshlp and to diepoao of catalogue and membership cards that tho pooplo of aoton will bo surpris ed when they see tho extent and excellence of tho library and its very attractive jnartere goes without saying the obair- man and member b of tho board tako a pardonable prido iu vthat has been accom plished andthoy feel opnfident the citizopa generally vjiill appreciate tho result of their personal efforts and tako a lively interest io making the library a popular institution and a lastingbeucfit to the rising genera tion j tbo now catalogue ia a volume of forty pogoa crowded with a wollolassified range of loji volumeb made up as follows hiotory including historical tales and romances 213 volumes biography in dividual and oalleotivo ifil volumes voy ages travels and adventures 121 volumoa science and art 130 volumes general literature ancient andmodern author- bhip political economy moral tale3 eaaayb romances temperance and juven- ileliterature 218 volumes poetry and the drama gl volumes religious literature natarol theology christian and nonchris tian ethio3 christian literature 19 vol umes fiction 128 volumes works of ref- eronco 20 volnmcs tho standard authors and poets biographies of tbo leaders of the present and past centuries the histories of the nations and of canada and great britain io particular are all well represent ed while tho latest works of tho most popular authors of the present day are on the shelves the meetings of the library board will in future be held in the library through tho considerate attention pf the town hall committee of tho council excellent acoom- rnodationa have been provided tho regular monthly meoting of the board was hold on monday evening every member being present chairman pe called the meeting to ordnr promptly at bight oclock with a view to systematizing tho work of the boardth following resolution was presented and passed moved by rav h a maopherson eeoondiid by h p mooro limb tho standing committees for tho current year bo as follows financut t moore chairman j b pearbou rev j k godden and tho treas urer book coiisirrrfie rov j a molachlan chairman rov j k godden rov h a jk baptism of death fif s d ct t lnunohlng of the now bnttloshlp albion ijukwon june 22 during the launching ot tlio new british first clae baltlcbbip albion ofl2jjjo tonp atbuckwall yeittt- day by tho duchose of york the displace ment of water oaueod au immense maea of water to riae ou all etdep completely aub- morning ono of iho lower atnges of the yard aud immersiug hundreds of people it ia estimated that fifty persons were drowned xlis victims aro mostly workiug people on a holiday who had trespassed on iho shipbuilding yard whero iho launching tookplaae they crowded upon a staging from which they had been warned off but tho force of polico ou tho spot was in adequate lo control tho immense crowd tlio bodies of livo men tihioen women and oteveu children have boen recovered at the scene of the dia later the election petitions sick placoa for holding fifteen trials have been fixed by the court of appeal tononto junelilmr justice olaor mr jastice ferguson and mr juatics rose three of the election codrt jndgob sat in the conrt of appeal at oagoodo hall lastffeclc to receive auggostions from the counbol and fix tho places for hearing the petitions thopotitions with which the coausel ate prepared to go on will be heard as follows at the date to be selected by the judge which will at tho rf quest of the counsel be either in september or october north perth stratford centre slcnooe barrio east lamb ton sarnia sooth wellington guelph north hast ings belleville hatton milton west york toronto -east- northumberland gplborne d u fieri n orangevillo south perth mitohell west elgin st thonma booth ontario whitby north waterloo berlin north renfrew pembroke newsof the day six young meu of napaneo were fined in tho neighborhood of sco each for obstruct ing ft police officer private i thomas robertson bc i st johns que has become insane through tho use cigarettes xho oustonib collections at lake bennett aln co the opening of the season have amounted to 9125000 an addition costing a quarter of a million will bo made to tho c p r windsor station montreal charles oke a school teacher agod 29 was killed on monday iu a runaway aocldent at boissevian man atfreeltou on friday flro started from ab exploded lamp destroyed the general btoro poatoffice and furniture factory mr lucius preffer killed at a st thomas crosaing a few days ago leaves his fortune estimated at 48000 to endow tho thomas williams home the jiojal templar has been sold tp tho publishers of foice of nw york the leading temperance paper of tho eastern statci and it will bo run as a canadian edition of voice positively cured by tlicso little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the jjowels purely vegetable small phi small dose small prlqev substitution tho fraud of tho cloy sec you get garters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills empire typewriter everton ma and th be retary w memiicnsiin coimittke rev h a maophereoo chairman john cameron j b pearson thos t moore the financo committee presented their report recommending payment of aooounts aa follows win brigkb 4 vol in his btona ilniip bt ais ci ou times vol 1 and 2 2 13 tlio acton piiebh vrkhx 1000 cata logues membership cards labels fco b9 73 0288 moved by rev j k godden seconded by rev h a maopherson that the third financial report just read bo adopted carried suffered for years joints and limbs were swollen three times their natural size the sufferer in bed for a year and a half l price 5500 visible writing in addition to all the advantages of the u 12000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully gukrhntsed circulars and testimonials write for them from tbo echo wiarton ont mrb wm thow who is well known in iho town of wiarton was a sufferer from heart trouble and articular rheamatlbm for period of fifteen years lately her condition haa so much improved that a reporter of the echo called upon her to a c th ch was duo lire tbew while not courting publicity consented to give a brief state ment of her case in hope that some other sufferer might bo benefitted shoboid my joints wore all swollen up to three times tbeir natural size and for a year and a half i was unableto leave my bed i seoarcd medical troatment and the doctors the williams mfg co limited sshasf 8owin8 montreal pq iktu afiljrtircincnts foit service awklijmibdjwrsoyhullfttaoton tiima mioocasli or 1150 it cliargod o dkuluti3 shoulder braces fop ladies gentlemen or children wear them and they will straightep round shoulers and enlarge the chest a t mown latest and best designs of 7vxo n uments in granite and marble at 26 to 30 per cent reduction v j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of marble arid granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite oulce and worksbamiltoirs block woolwicbanbhobtolksts cu3lph nt bruaah works new bambtzrgr ont bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with yqu- shvers lumber pl m i i is naesaka wey a p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand ov full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts woodj etc custom iogs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to tbe best oi satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers t furnish the feet we do the rest should always carry with them a bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry tho change of food and water to which thmwwli traynlnra bllhjwit often pro- jttjbbeit- stamps 1joh flno hubbor stamiin vnit ink otoj wrllo to goo curry i co kiug bt kant torouto boys and girls eaunp1 tofiuvr a9at liomo oay pluiut- ant work af tar hohonl boiirt 10c nnbtnnu foltbamptofi outfit and full pnrricu i ura golduu mfp co2a front btroot e toronto shekp lambs astray stuaybd uiion tlio prorulnoo of iho undor- blgnod about two wcoka agotwo owes nntl two lambs marked on tho unr with wlro owuor can hnyo proporty at lot id con 4 kb- qucslng by payliin oxnenaor at mann wanted 4 oekts forthoftroatost of oanaamau books xl lire of tiladbtono memorial edition by honking canvabaors proapootns now ready bella to ovorybodv easy to mako 500 daily do first lu tho hold tht3 dltadleygarrlstaon co limited toronto- for sale douiibe urlckllouoo 31 liy ati bcvou rooms idocb rood collars hard aud ioit water- largo lot no lomula btroot aoton also good btablo torrnieasy apply to john catnoron archttoet or to tbo owner g wells evertonp o men anj women who tieod to mako money can do so without risk or capital by soliciting orders or our memorial edition of tbo life of gladstone by caatoll hopkins with introduction by tbo honorable minister of education dr itass tbls book u a canadian classic the story of liiu lifo is told with thrilling lntorost ris death and impoildr national funeral will both bo described and illustrated 512 large quarto pages it moisuron 8x104x1 j inches retail 8260 worth h0o magnifloont binding profuse ly illustrated prospectus 73 eonts liberal terms bradlgvganubtfion company limited toronto aoton machine and repair shops hbnby gbindell proprietor are noil cquippod with all tbe machinery eccossary to oxocnto all repairs to machin ery and agricultural implements and to do all kinds offlteaxndttloghorbebbbfllngandgeneiml blaekstnlthinff woodwork repairs performed in a satlifaqtory manner wo oa repair and maehlno or itnplomont of any make saw gummidfi and filing dona executors notice to creditors noticb fe hereby civea parauant to tho sututeln that behalf that creditors aud others having claims against tbe eatato of william hyolop storey late or the village of acton ia the caanty of hal too deoeaaed who died on or about the sixth day of march 1s98 aro roquirod on or boforo the 30th day of august 1s0r to und by post prepaid or to deliver to tbe undersigned one of tho executors of tbo last will and teauunoxu of tho said deceased their names addresses and description and iull particulars of their olalmit and or the securities if any held by them and that tbo oxecutors will after the aid 30th dayot augatlb38procoodto dls tribute tho assets of tbo deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto and having regard only to the clsims of which he shall tken have notice and that the sld oxocutors will not be liable for tbe bald assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person whoso claim be shall hot have notice ofat thetlmoofsuchdistriuation dated at aoton tbo 30th day ot jnno 1898 wastorey exocqtor binding twine full stock best qualities viand v l low pric the rn oat ardont supporters of the war policy in the united states are veering steadily in favor of president moeinleya otrenaoua struggle for peaco as a politi cian put it last night vl was mad for war in the beginning but binca i came down to florida and saw what war means and met tho oflioera and troopers and saw what magnificent yotmg men they were im not so keen on having them shot to frag ments or dying like dogs for toe reliot of a haudful of thoao dark little follows cubans humanity i a good but charity bagioe t homo mokinloy was through ono war aud i guoss ho knew wbathe was talblug about when he tried to hold ua in kit io mall and empire at tbo andual seasion of tho grand lodge or good templarff at pelerboro last week mr f 8 spenco fleorotary of the dominion alliance for the suppression of tbo liquor traffic said that in tbo coming plebiscite the cause oftemperanco waaanre to win it had already made marvolloua ddvancoment in canada canada already used onefourth loss iirjuor than the next best country in tho world in leas than 22 ycurs toronto had reduced by ono third the number of 1 icon bob in the city oot- aitlo of tho temperanco lodges there are 20000 women in organization against the traffic in a oharaoterlatio phrase mr bponso declared that tbo lomperapoe pooplo had got a grip on tbo liquor traffic and that even if tho plebiscite wero lost the tompertnee oaose was sure to win owing to tho failure in tj ilia ago last week o inciter tbe broker who aimed at cornering tho wheat supply of tbia conti nent the prices for wheat have declined an authoritative bource in apito of denials that the question of negotiating peace between the united states and spain has been for bo mo days tho bobjoot of lively correspondence between the chan cellories ho adds that some of the ambassadors in paria were inbtruoted yesterday to remain on tbo alert and in readiness j co dan t- ngtbsr-saya- it is expected that an event of importance in- opening negotiations with tho united states and spain will occur within a few days m httnotauit the french- minis- tor for foreign affairs in tho melino cab inet backed by the csyir has it seems boon tho principal promoter of the peace negotiations hence president fauroa desire to retain m hanotaox in the foreign office first match of th season aoton defoatb the ramblers of toronto i n a scoro of 1 2 to 6 at four oclock on saturday the harab- lera of toronto and the actons met each other at the park for tho first match of the season aid james clark the hon pres ident pitched the first ball and showed that be is no novice at this popular game the match was a well contested one and was played with enthusiasm by both teams the victory remained with tbe home club in a score doable that of their opponents asbhown below acton am n iht u po a k bcattlo oti g 1 1 0 0 0 jagourd a 8 1 3 0 1 mills bb 3 4 0 17 8 eitydor 2nd a 1 2 3 0 0 frydor 0 12 0 10 olcottp so 3 13 0 harwood lstrb l l n i holmoi rf a 1 0 010 molntoib lf 4 1 1 0 0 0 tho district meoting of tho dleoiples was held here last friday afternoon among the representatives wero revs e 3 bambcr of toronto junotioo mr charlton hamilton mr hopp erin mr carey grand valley mr martin goelph miss mary riqcb who hab been in japau nea a y was aloo ptcoon r can c a plusbu the groat flour miller ot minneapolis says that loitcra operations affected tbe price of 100000000 bushels of whoat and that he handled at leabt one third of that amount himself ho thinks that the present prloo which is 25 cents lower than it would have been if loiter had not boen forced out is only temporary and that wheat is selling at 25 cents below its actual value this is good news for the farmer who generally gets tbe wont of it in a wheat corner it will reaisuro him to know that dollar a bushel wheat will prob ably agdu bs tho order of be day by tbo time tbo present crop is ready for marktft farmer gored by a bull robert blythe may have to have his lear amputated gubliii june 20 robert blyth a wellloov farmer aud reeve of goelph township was gored by a shorthorn boll y oiler day morning a neighbor a mr jeremiah write who was with him at the timo was thrown by the ball but not injur ed mr blytfae fa now in tbe general hoipltfalaafferingfroni a very badly dislo cated knee it feared that tho leg will hava to bo amputated itamdlhna- ilamilton o doioo rf droham 1st trowbridge ei orr p uloyuos lf ilartnett and hartnott cf 31 13 11 ft7 91 b an n 1st 11 po a e 1 a 8 0 0 0 o- 1 a a 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 were a goodly number from the neighbor ing churohes at all the sosslons rev mr bambcr proachod friday oven log rov mr martin saturday evening and on sun day morning mias riooh addressed a filled bouae giving her exneriehco in japan sunday on monday evening mr martin gave his lecture on bis vogsgo to and four years residence io england to my mind it was one of tho greatest treats evortou has had for years he is aeoond to nouo on the loctnro platform histieboriptivo powers are fine giving everything in tbo most interesting btylef the audience wero delighted and felt that mr martin had ehrichod their lives by his delivery of thatleoture mits rioch and family aro intensely missionary she has a brother going to india and a sister a medical missionary going to china great credit is duo rev p baker for the management of the meeting throughout as well as tho visitors to the june meet ing who wero numerous wo havo bad in tho past week mrs grieves- from near guelph mias watson toronto mr o mooullodgh montreal mr aud mrs geo mccntloogb druggist hamilton mrs abbott has been with her bister mrs duffield at oustic tbe past few days the village folkareenjoyinglho beantu ful weather while the visitors are being hospitably entertained by all we hope thoy have enjoyed the eoonery of our pretty hamlot uoudotto urd u rd 1 its wd i 111 15 i messrs h jeans manager jmckinuon and i franoia took relays at umpiring a cood dictionary for three cents a dictionary containing the definitions of 10000 of the most useful and important words iu the english language u publish- ed by thejjr williams aledibino jo brockville ont wbilo u contains some adveriising it is a complete dictionary conoibo and correct in compiling this book care has been taken to omit uono of those common words whose spelling or exact use occasions at times a momontary difficulty oven 10 well cdaoatod people the main aim has beeu togivoas mqch useful information as pos sible in a limited space with this in view where noun adjective and verb are all obviously connected in meaning usual- ly ono only has been inserted the volumo will thus be found to contain the meaning of very many moro words than it professes to explabs to those who already have a dictionary this book will commend itself because it is compact and convenient to thoao who have no dictionary whatever it will be inval uable ono may be secured by writing to the above concern mentioning ibis paper and cnolosing a threecent stamp movedbyr a ed by thos t moore that the secretary be authorized to furnish the necessary pads motion blanks writing materials to and a rubber stamp for use of the librarian carried moved by ii p moore seconded by rev h a maopherson that tho regular meet ings of tbia board bo held on the monday evening following the last meeting of tbe municipal counolhin each month at oight oolook carried uoved by rov j k godden seconded byrev h a maophorson that the dis posal of the old books culled from the old library bo loft with the caretaker of tho hall carried moved by john ca moron seconded by rev h a maopherson that tho library be opened to tbb public on monday evening jaly 4th from 8 to 10 oolook when names may bo registered and catalogues and membership cards bo boo u red carried moved by john cameron seconded by rerv j a molachlan that the secretary ba authorised to present to each member of the municipal oounolf and the public school board a copy of the library catalogao and membership card in oon- sidleration of their courtesies to the freo library board carried it was dooided after discussion that naitntiobrastherearenombmborbhipfees in connection with lbs library that it be an instruction to the librarian to require each person registered as a member to purohaso a copy of the catalogue aud membership card tbe interest of reeve pearson as ohalr- manof the library board in superlntend- ibglhe repairing deooratiog and furnish ing of the library room was referred to in word a of appreciation by mr h p moors joh cameron r m they moved a voteof thanks to mr pearson for be keen interest he had taken in the matter referrod to and the valuable aid he had afforded tba board in seooring to the town eo excellent a library housed in quarters so suitable and attractive tbe motion reoeived the approbation of all tbo members wr pearson thanked tho members for their kindly reference to his efforts he said that owing to tho unsatisfactory outcome of the movement to maintain a public reading room some j ears ago he was not as enthusiastic in bis hopes for tbo success of the library as some of the other meoberaof the board bnt in bis capacity as a pnblio sorvanjl he had always given the work on any committee or other position to which he was appointed the very beat attention he was capable of he was satiifled however that if a public library could hamado asucccia la aoton the members 00m posing the library board bad the energy and all other neoeiiary qualifications to accomplish the end desired moved by rev h a maopherson seconded byrev j k godden thai the board now adjoorn to meet on monday july uh at 790 p m garriod told me i would never bo able to walk again i took medicine they prescribed but it failed to give any relief i took patent- medicines but they did not help me having noticed an advertisement in a paper for dr willfams pink pills i con- eluded to give them a trial and they gavo mo xolfef from tho time i commenced nee- ing thorn abont the first of january last i have taken ten boxoe and am now able to go round without abbistanoo and do my own housework dr williama pink pille oure by going to tho root of tho dis ease xhey renow and build up the blood and strengthen tho nervep thus driving diaoasofrom thesybtem avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purohaso is enoloflod in a wrapper bearing th trademark dr williama pink pills for pale people thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in- mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape style any quality you desire duces an attack of dlarrhooa which is as unpleasant and discomforting as it may be dangerous a bottle of dr towlcrs extract of wild strawborry in your grip is a guarantee of safety on the first in dication of cramps collo diarrhoea or dysentery a few doses will promptly chock furthor advanco of these diseases it is an old reli able remedy with ovem forty voarb of at noeval georgetown actojf robt noble euros to its credit whose merit is rey cognized everywhere i and one that the dooi tors recommend in proforonoe to alt others sold by medicine dealers everywhoro at 85o a bottle always insist on tho genuine ows many bf the imitations are highly dangerous clearing w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton blffvn fsl 50 firstclass given away free to willing workers who will help us odverllss rnd sell dr youncs klilneyllvcr cure in their locality no pedjiing no experience o- capital rciiutrej work during your ipare lime chemical supply co picton ont of t wo purpose making a grcnt clearing sale during the month of juno of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at a third less than the regular price our stock comprises all the latest in summer wash fabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns english and american dress prims sateens black dress goods black brocaded lustres iho lfitest novelty of the season we have tbem in the newest designs all these in black arc the famous pricstlys drand and confined exclusively lb ourselves in georgetown blouse silks in ilqlicatc colors and select slylcst the very litest qloves pure silk taffeta lisle and lace mils in all sizes blbtons laces in all widths colors and prices wa are making a specialty this season of ladies white underwear theso goods we are selling very close in fact cheaper than iho material alono can bo bought for a magnificent assortment of ladles shirt waists collars cults ties houso wrappers etc we have a very large assortment of fine lace curtains ladies i wi pay y ins these- goods before rnahingyour purchases pine highclass tailoring in this department the siock has lately been assorted in all the latest novelties for the summer trade comprising fine scotch cheviots cassimores english tweeds fine trouserings fancy vestings etc the high standard of iho style fit and finish of the work turned out of this estab lishment by mr miller 1ms given it an enviable reputation throughout the whole country we employ none but firstclass workmen we use none but the best turn ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to tho customer if you are not one of our customers a trial order will convince you that what we say are facts hats in hard and sott linen hats the latest and- to clear out the balance of the sea sons stock we are now offering all lines of milliiiery goods at greatly reduced prices bargains in mens readymade cloth ing and felt hats finest- teas and fresh groceries al ways in stock j gmeath tact on ontario an attractive paf r an attractive pair of shoes add to tbe genteel appearanceof any ono man woman orchild we keep the stylish kind the com- forublo mnri and the kind that a noted dubolar convicted david irvine sentenced at ouelph to 14- years irv penitentiary tbe conviction of david irvine alias howard at the ouelph assizes sends the leader of a daridg gang of safe crackers to the penitentiary irvine was oonvloted of the burglary el the grand trunk elation atelorain bliroh last bis arrest and the recovery at tho goods were doe mainly the ilatanant of jhl bi diehard thompson who was apprehended shortly after the bnrglary and lent to tba cen tral priion for a year thompson was prodaoed is a nitnees bj the grown bnt wantbaekon his pravlons story altogether and took lbs whole responsibility pf the elora burglary thompson seems to bays rememberer honor among theives too lata to do bia pil any good mr james f iilittr q o m p haa beenppolnted jndgo of tho court of appeals of oalulo after iwlmming aoroas tbe notlawaaaga river aud baok a man named biebardson of nottawasaga township blmcoe coauty attempted to prow again despite tbe warn ings of friends and wis drowned on taei- day straw hats in all styles bioyole suits summer clothing in for all boys yc sizes youths and and prices men gents furnishings latest in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear a great variety in cvory pattern stylo and site do not forget our staple department wo have specials in table linens towellings flannelettes cottons sheetings etc wo extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and inspect our stock geqbget0ot8 lives i v yiptd6eirm0sbi evany l3abaiisainbay hare v iivtvtfentsittiiysft v- i wears well and to which rough nsmga may bo given all styles all ppces all qualities and all as represented s we havo a complete assort ment including boots and shoes alu sizks rubbers slippers ere all styles trunks and valises extka values we are prepared lo guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper- ience we are able to select better w goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom wobk np repairing g phompt attention i main street rofv dornlnloa b jj alsuji swrafso

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