Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1898, p. 3

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hie bank of hamilton head uijloiu jiiuail capital all paid up 1 6000000 resorvefund 72600000 total assets 984667845 nearly ton millions of uollora boaed op directors ohnstuaht lrcaidout ag ramsay ylothlroaldout ieo iloion joun inocton a t wood a b leb toronto wu gibbon mp tuunuull caelilor hb steven asotoablilor ii m watsonlubpeotor georget agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada ana united slates drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook iszbrougnt in or riot special deposit receipts issued forlarge sums j p bell agent georgetown c ont the news at home montly of a looal character and overv itom interesting house cleaning time has nqw arrived youll want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain jpqles prices low stock the largest give us call geo hynds jewelery and stationery store acton ont thuksday june 28 1808 little lo b which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week cool weather isnt it dominion doy a week from tomor row june weather baa been remarkably oool wheat ia now selling for 60 cents in toronto the new street sprinkler has worked to perfection this week the rev william robe rf bod of -mojiiaton-prcchedid- knox ohorchlaal sabbmb every subscription in advance is ibo fasb pniesa plan and all par subscribers appreciate it a yvm ngo yesterday every portion of the british dominions celebrated her majestys jubilee oar fire laddies really presented n bandeomo appearance in their now rmi- forme on monday evening the mtwone are at work on the foundation for the now doable dwelling of m rob br o m midsummer examinations the usual midsummer examinations in conncotiou with aoton publio school will bebeld on tbursday afternoon next uolh inat tlio principal and teaaliere will bo pteasid to have the parents nud friends of their pupild visit the school during ths afternoon tho school will close tbit afternoou for tho long bummor vacation the new duptist church site a cellar has been excavated unci tho stone id beiny laid down for tho foundation for the old licuao on the steel property corner mill aud willow streets tho house wo understand a to bo bricked and put into kodj coudition tho property on the corner ia to bq utilized as site for the new baptist church to bo erected in tho course ot a few raontlia rose cottage tensed by mr a mcnubb mrs jennio b cameron hag rented- her handsome residebo hose cottago to mr aroh monabb far a term of yoara this ia orio of aotona beauty spots tho gardens and lawn surrounding rose cottage always being well kept and attraotivo and invariably admired by travellers going to and from the gtit- dopot mrs cameron will reside in future with mrs b nioklin oornef mill and main streets acton whero she will bo plonsod to see her friend a a bare variety of blooming cereus numbers of friends enjoyed llio rdresixht of a nightblooming cereus at mrs c b smiths oonstrviitory five or sis years ago mrs smith now has in bloom a rarer variety ot tho cereus in full bloom she has had this plant for eoven or eight years and tho firbt flowers are now open i ieof tho bamo family of cactus as the night- blooming variety bat the jiabitb qflbq plant are much different and tho flowers remain open costinnously the flowerb have rare boauty both in shape and tint- ings and the most ctrjomte perfume ie ex haled the plant mast bo seen in bloom to be fully appreciated a happy june wedding in nassagawoya a pretty home wedding was celebrated on wednesday evening june 15th at tho residence of mr and mrer george currie naaeagaweya when their daughter sarah enpbemia was united iu marriage to mr thomas benj wallace also of naseaga- weya tho rev f w jjuxford of acton disciples church officiated the cere mbny took place under a honey locust treo on the front lawn a reception and sapper followed over a hundred friends and relatives were present the gifts were shown in the parlor and consisted of many splendid bridal offerings af tor a western trip mr and mrs wallace will bo at homo in naasagaweys garden party aud strawberry festival the first strawberry festival of the seasoa will bo hold la tho park tomorrow friday evening heproceedinga will bo antlihoorokinoleclab uudcr whofle auspices it iseionheld areendeav- oring to make it enjoy alneoxall a feature of the evening is a series of btcycte races for whioh suitable prizes will ba given tup racoa include raend tworailo raae ladies ono roilo boys 16 years and under ono mile girls 15 years and ander onehalf mile and bebt illuminated and decorated wheel aoton cornet band and arthurs string band will furnieh muaio for the evening btrawberrio ion cream and other refreshments will ba served the admission is only ten cents this week 21 years ago fl gleaned rom the columns of the free press of june 2 1st 1877 make no other engagement for to morrow evening bat go with your boat friends to the garden party in tho park single fareb are offered over the rail ways for dominion day tiokota aro good to go on the 80th inst and return on the 2nd july the carpenter a have co operations on mr george mbllbollands hew front lo his residence on the first line eeqcebidr a large number of the fdex press baboriptions expire with the present month prompt renown will be ranch appreciated il v flnejaojklnlwuflqiifltrgz berries from tho garden of mrs tboa g moore was sent to tho fiiek pdebs office on monday a namber of the compapionb of tho late thos wall boo and john ovens in gnelph are arranging to erect a monument to their memory the bind act of acton cornet band in mastering to lead the volunteers and 3irei mens parade on monday oyening is apprec iated by all concerned oomplainls have been sent in to the provincial board of health from oakville that a slaughter boose has been opened near the pnblio school an investigation will he made a large nnmbor from this section will attend the farmers institato excursion to gnelph i od saturday the low rates 85 oenti and 20 cents tor children are quite an attraction the entertainment given in the town ball laat thursday ovening by the willis stock company was thoroagly enjoyed by those who attended the event doberved a larger house than assembled james rialiardeoo a g t ii freight conduotor fell from the top of his van when bis train was in the yard here and injured bis thigh one day laet week he was taken to his home in toronto the milton reformer reports an interflow with mr h swackhammer who exhibited the proiiotu of aoton bole letber tanning co milton wai referred narer in the history of this eeclion wew strawberries sold at to low a flgnre on the 16th jane at this season poor cents a basket was a common price utt week ttntiiy tha first weeks berries bring 10 to 13oeou rev j g brum returned miitlonry i wllli jirwob n the baptist obaroh nexk bootfay at 0 p rn mr brum baa been among the moat auoeessfal men in the for eign field and preaches with great power air are invited a mr h p moore sent yesterday to albeit college belleville bit an anal gold inedaf awarded for gonertl profloieacy in ike pine arts deportment it wu a very handsome medal and was procared from savage a co gnelph tjhemoirnt forest confrafl sat in nother column ot this uiae will be teen the nof birth of a son to mr and q9omm monol poreeloihu ratkes the 2rd bbid of irwch mr mcneil 11 the proa4itr- hat been twictmarried his flf 1if bfciofl had slsven children and bia present wife twelve jspeolol core looqld be taken by tbe owpere ot tattle and other eolml to avotij uieif roaningj t targe at hie utne of poaw m 1mb it u ag of their ift5ftmpl poitto ptoh btins libftfuw v 8to mid ioiilsn ol uwui t bow witb6n fom have your aiiiitcbs on your envelopes tho new post odloo regulations ro into effect on the first ot july and it ia oxpeotoil that a great deal of the work now imposed anon the deadletter otsoo may be obviated if the pnblio wilt pay attention to the re- queet whioh the dppartment ia makiagby means of poatets at all tbe pabtofuoes k4ng4hat4aenmo anrl nridrfian nt tlia ilng- wrlter or sender ehall be placed on tho upper left hand corner of all envelopes or wrappers if thlais done the postmaster will at onoe commaniqate with the sender instead of sending the letter to the dead- letter office in addition to the saving in time and labor tlie pahlla woold in thisbe relieved ot tho nnpald postage oharges now made f t retotootmailmaherthrongb tbe deadletter ofoce a neatly printed envelopo giving name aod addresb of those sending baninesb or friendly letters oan be had at the fiusb fdkss at rory low prices in quantities of 100 or over two store fine bottle barns last thursday two more fine bank barns wore raised on farms inxbjs neighborhood on thursday mr d alcmnroby on lot b con 0 erin bad a raising when his new 40 1 m atraoluro went np without a hitch about 160 neighbors and friends lent their aid for the event messrs hen ry denny and angns tfckeohnie were tbe oaptaina the latter aoooeeded in getting first to tbe bountiful anpper provided on friday afternoon ono of the finest farm hnildings lo tho ooudty wab raised by mr eobert vattoo on bis farm lot 26 con 4 eaqnttlng it is mxhb and stands on a vory superior fonndation of ot quarried atone the aides on this ocoa- bion wero oaptsined by meases peter molmao and peter qibboni jr both sides did tbelr work well bat mr molsaaos aide was first to llniak in raising tbe plate on one side one of tho timbers alippod and several of tbe mon received painf nl bruises mr watbon may woll feel a dogreeof pride in hia splondid barn ben it ia completed njr nobl veie not siooe the days when go allen and oapt shaw were connected with company 6 when lha red coats mastered oh parade and won the hearts not only of tbe pretty girls but of the popnlaoo generally by their natty appearanog and sioldierly bearing have onr soldier boya presented snob a fine front and received so mbny enconlams of praise as was tho oase with tfio company aa tbey paraded on monday evening and marcbod to tns depot to emoark for niagara on taeaday morning to join tho 20th battalion at tho brigade oaihp oapt langton la every inch a soldier and bis kindly treatment of the men coupled with the aid rendered by ooisargl moore borgl sutton and corf walker have pat tbe company in splendid form and enthuiiaitlo spirits and engendered a fair modionm of prldo in them on tbe part of our bltiieni they will no doubt give a good aooount of themselves while at camp tbe parade on monday evening was very oredltable aoton oornet band iedtbol parade the military and popular airs dls- ooaraed potting rytbym into everybody tbey were followed by a bugle band brought from tba olty by- oapt langton at considerable pereooal expanse then oama the men ot company 0 followed by a mnater of thirtytwo memhera of aoton fire brigade in tholr natty noil fitting new uniforms tbe town was pretty wll oovered by tbe line of mnroh and tbe oltisens were oat e mauc to enjoy tbe parade and give tctai to the occasion in turning the tlloa ot tho fiiee pukhs of twontvono yearo ago tho local newa in tho ocpy fur juno 21at commandod pur alten- rioni aud wo conoludad that a number of the event recorilud then minlit be repro duced to doy with interoat to our readers tbq following giuuniugs will boupprcoiuted b l peer dentist will viall aolon next thursday loo cream by thquiirt or olherwiao ut o w hilla a liberal coat of cold gruvol is being put on mill street b ov e nioklio offer tho hiijhebt mftrliot prieca for whoat tlio bona of temperance will hold their usual atrkwberry feaival ou tlio lat of july mcnaira old auud is beiug romodelled aud fitted up as a drug etorn for j e me garvin isidjcr andereou will dv preach in the diaoiplo meotiug ilouao next lordb day at 11 am the baptist chapel will bo roopenod next sunday after improvornenta which coel about moo p et bayera sell tho bebt quality no 1 pine shingles at their spoyelde milla at 81 go per equare miss rebecca cummingr daaghter of mr john onmmtnga died at her homo last saturday evening g cc e tolton have thoroughly repaired tbe olenlaweon mills and put iu a now middlings purifier mr robert agnew of the dominion hotel now has the noatest gravelled hotel yard iii the county michael speinhtasteam wsgijon and carriage works have a good block of car riages and wagoqb for dibpoaal actons milnioipal aaaebsmodt for thhi year is w8285 the county connoil equalized it last week at 85090 tho apiro of tho new coogrefialional church was slightly damaged by a stroke of lightning laat uaturday morolng graine a son aro now prepared to enpply their oustomers with all sizes and styleb of boots and shoos fronube beat makers byan and thompson are doing a lively business with tlieir feather renovating machine iu their bhop next to 8ecord bros caution 1 any person fonnd treapaasing on my atrawborry field will bo proieouted without reapcot to pcraonp j h smith a bylaw will bhortly bo voted on in georgetown to raise j7000 for parebasing the matbet square aud erectink a town hall for fans blaok blue pink wllitb brown all colors call aud see george hynds watobmaker and jeweller poat office store aoton mr p s armstrong inrorrae ua that if he could eecuro a few more customers for his dairy he could reduce tho prioe of milk to four cents tbe county council hjb prepared a by law to issno debentures for tea thousand dollars for orection of a oouoty jttil and other buildiugs oton plow cu are nuuufiiotaring tho 6olebrmeastpiienbon plows and tho bosa gang plow tbopobuoja invited to viait the factory peolconaervatives are to havotheir nio on fridoy when sir joho a dr tup- port ngibbsanddallon mccarthy will deliver addresses araro curiobity may bo been in major allans garden agraltwaa made to an coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes apple treo mis spring and lb id now uuitiuk two goodsized blossoms pig atrayod from tbe farm of michael kaleylot 21 con 2 esqdoung word might bo left with kobt ajnow of tho dominion hotel if found tbe aoton livery and salo atablo of j allan supplies flrstolabs borats and oar- riaflos and ho ia determined nnt to bo flnr- pasaod by any city stable wo would suggobt to the village counoil that an appropriation be made to py sonno one to riuruio now congregational oburoh bell at btated boars every day mieses m and m s mann respectfully announce to the ladies of acton that tbey have oommenced the dress making bnainess inthehooao an extraordinary aizad load of tan bark passed through town to tho tannery yester day it measured 22 oords and belonged to allan mcdonald 4th lino eiruesing mr biohard hobbb a newly ordained minister was appointed at the conference last week paxtor of tbe methodist chnrpb here mr calvert goea to london eabt john maney has fitted np the largo stone hotel on the oorhor of milj and main streets in suporior blylo and is prepared to entertain travellers and the general public with entire satisfaction wilson it johnson tinsmiths bog to thank their numerous f rienda and custo mers for past patronage ihoy accept sheepskins cotton rags old popper and brass inexohange for goods christie henderson co have during thopasc weektaken advantage oftho im- monio blaughter aalea at toronto and are enabled to offer the oheapeat ldl of season able goods ever brought toaoton tho government bos established a new post office on the premises ot bey mr qillesple esqnoslog which will be oalled maneewpod tbe people of that vioinity are mnoh pleased with the oouvenionoe flonr is quoted this week at 8375 to 1400 fall wheat 4160 to 1165 red ohaff wheat 9140 to 160 spring wheat glas gow 1 co to tlm barley qoijjiats 47 to 60o peas 76 to 80o potatota 8100 por bag the laslimea baieball clnb played a match on the moplo leaf grounds gnelph last saturday with tbe silver creeks of that town soore acton 21 qaelpb a tho poatimeb players were jaa nioklin stevenson cfamer dave momaokon al bert nioklin w williams fnd storey t smith joe speight obarlie lasby scored to curb a cold in one day taks xisxatlvo brpmo qelnlns tablets all drauuls rafand he mossy it it xalli to core mosnts foe tho jasumea r at the mooting of the coonty connoil laat week tho olerk read a notloe signed by geo h kennedy president of hal ton temperance aaioolation that at a subse quent meeting of the council petitions would be paceented praying tbt tho don- kin act be submitted to be voted en by tbe ratepayers of the county at the same meeting mr waldlo moved seconded by mr oiy that this counoil having heard thos oblsholm in certain obstges made by bim sgainat b little eiq pnblio sohool inapeotor find the oharges are not proved and should not have been mads a epeolal meeting of tho oooucil was held at tho call of the reovo on monday ovsnlogtmessrt henderson curlnioland smith were present tho reeve and mr nioklin were absent aocouots to amount of 124708 were pasied w allan esq was present and wanted lis council to open the ilderoid between lots jt7 aod 98 as ttie property wu snllrely pallid the mdilolpallty np action wu taken p malonjiy asksd to have bs dlob oppptito bis hodie totaled it was deemed prudent atthesnggestlonolmr pniareon not to grant the request at present aa it would establish a precedent for otbir parlies xnlrpnak pja ebb invitee all ita roadors to eon tribute to this column 1 you or your frlonds aro going away ou a holiday trip or it you have iriuuds vlaltlufi you drop a card o the fiwn pnxaa roeveund mrd wilfrid of blylb wero guests at corey iiall this wcok miae kmma m mooro ia homo from torouto fora few weoka vaoalion mias filzgorald of chicago was a gueat at fairvlew piaoo during tbe week mr b n thurtoll of tceswater made aoton frlenda b brief viait this week mrs h j hall of berlin was the guest- thib week of her sistor mrs p monab mias moleod of hamilton is a guest at tho home of ur anthony stopbonson mr will harry returned to barrie laat thursday to takb up hib old situation mr john johnston of toronto made the fnkepneha a pltasant call on satur day mrs kate wair of chicago wab the gaebt of her relatives at fairviow plaoe during tho week- mr j i mckoe let t on tuesday ovening for teesnater to bpood a few days in bis old home mrs t w laird of hamiltoo 1b visit ing hor daughter mra h a macphhrson at knox manae mra john berne of toronto has boen a guest the past week of mrs o ti smith and mrs col allan mr and mrs b f besaey of george town yialted at the home ot mr john warren on thursday miaa may groso and mrs j r todd ot barrio spent a couple of days laat week with tbo mibseb barry mrs a m mokenzie and family of hamilton are spending a few days with her mother mrs janet maophereon mr and mrs w h gillrie and daughters of arthur were gaesta at the methodist pareonage soferal days during the wcok mrs frank harris who bab been attend- her mother who is ill in toronto for somo time waaupfrom tbe olty a couple ofdays this week mr paul kounody miaa patterson and miss campbell eujoyed tho garden party at mr 0 mcguliough0 georgetown on friday evening mibb alice leslie daughter of joel leslie eq is at the conservatory ot muaio this week attending tbe annual examinations iu mubir rov p baker of evertoo who leaveain a week orao for a new charge in illinois oalled on aoton friends to say goodbye on monday all wub him godspeed in his new field mra eli snyder of elmlra passed through aotou on tuesday ou route for north buy whore the children of her son mr l p snyder managor traders bank aro very ill mrs alex fawcotc of kimberloy who was called hero a couple ot weeks ago through the aerioub ilmesa of her daughter turned homoon monday miaatborbton is slowly rccovcriug mrb john matthews and miua maggie spent a week at tbo home qt mr j m fernley toronto olarence the son of tbe borne fell from a f euco ono day laat nas8aqaweya mr edward djrby has put a new root week and broko hts leg mra wp brown toronto mrs a e wallace st thomis and mrs alex irwin gure bay have been gueata at tbo homo of their father alex grant esq the past week mrs irwins children are with her bev william bryers and family od mill street are enrerttirilffftlbe ocopft sonof their home mr moriey t bryers and bride who wero married in new york laat week mr and mrs bryers wilt spend a few days in town prior to leaving for their now homo in st paul minn mrs j s bittr ot winnipegwho-hss- visitlng her sister mrs to benne and mra c swaokhammer and other ontario frlonds for soveral months left last week tor hor home in the west mrs biter is a uativeof aoton her lather being one of the first settlors his farm is the property now owned by james brown esq on which browns mill is located mayor odonogbar of stratford and bis littlo daughter mary helen spent several days daring tho week the guest of georgo mulballand esq and other friends none of aotous sons are more loyal to their native town than mayor odonoghue and no one appreciates a visit to the scenes of bin boyhood days more than he the mayor is having a very successful tenure ot office in bis adopted olty tho epworth league of north st cburch qoderfcb tendered bev j edge a farewell at home the other evening mr edgo bade them all an sffeoting farewell the signal says he has been in goderloh for four yean and no man ever wonfor himself a better record he leaves a host of friends behind him inside and outside of north st ohoroh and the beat wishes of his many friends will accompany bim and bis estlmsbte psrtner to their now home mr edge snd family remove this week to london aniateurgardenerijm generally- regarded by those who make gardening a business as unable to make tholr efforts more than an indifferent soeosss had they seen the sample of new potatoes and green peas exhibited on tuesday by alderman john clark the products of bis own garden and skill as an amateur tiev would sorely have felt that hogrowa vegetables to win he is certainly far in advaooe this asason the victors crown should adorn the brow of tbe inventor of the great oorn oure putnams painless corn extractor il works qulokly never makes a lore spot and is just tbe thlug you want sso that yon get putnams painless oorn extractor tbe sure safe and painless cure for corns on hie barn whioh greatly improves its utility the womens mission oirole haveorgan ized a branuh oirole at corwhln tbey held their first meeting on buuday ovening 12th inst we wish tbem success iu their work several of the young pooplo from nass agawoya took part in the ic-mo- at tbo model farm on tuesday it was tho oxoursion day of west wawauobh haltou exoureion will bo hold noxt saturday and thore ia a good orowd golog from nisbagawoya miss minalangrill of kuatuhbull has opened a knitting shop at her rosllenoe mr david aguew the cnergotio aiient of tbo farmore binder twino compauy of branttord its hustling urouud ecouriag orders for thib boaboulu work the performance ot statute labor id tho order of the day sergeantuajor ooorge loekqr lott for guelpb on tuesday morning logo to camp with his oompany at london mr david w locker went with the campbehvilte cforps to camp at niagara we wish them a good time and fine weather- while at oamp made and merit maintains thoconfldenos of tho people in hoods barsaparillsi its medioiho cores you whonelokj if it makes wonderful oures every wkcro thou beyond all quostion that medicinopoedessea merit sviade that is just the truth about roods snr- baparllia wo know it possesses merit becauso it cures not onco or twlco or a hundrod times but in thousands aud thousands of cases we know it cures absolutely permanently wbeli all others fail to do any good whatever wo repeat 1 1 pays to buyatbollcrh jtpavslobnv at tiollerts e r bolleirt cos limehou3e the bricklayers on mr lindsays bqaeo have been roaoh retarded ihroagh tbe failure of the briok worka to supply brlok sb oon traded a very iatereetink evening was npont laet thursday at the home of paul kennedy esq by a number o the members of the pretbyterlaa oougregatlon miss iiry kennedy one ot the daughters of the borne who hsaprfltided at the organ with mnoh aooeptanoe ever tlnceit was introduced in tbe church service u about to remove to dry den to join her brother in bis now home there and found it neceiaary to resign her position the friends gathered in the evening and after the usual prelim inaries bev l perriq b a tho pastor addressed miss kennedy in vory fitting and coraplimeniiry words thanking her on behalf of tho congregation for the valuable servioeso oheer fully rendered daring the years of tho past at tbe oonclueion of hia remarks miss kennedy was preaenecd with a purse oontilnink a considerable amount bbe thanked the donors very tunoerely for the words of kindness epokeu as well as for the generous gift bestowed iu her capac ity as organist alio felt that she had btmply done her duty her father also made a brief address adding his ibanbe for the kind sot of the church in behalf of hia daughter the evening was then spent i a pleasant social intercouree excaraiouiata to the model farm on saturday will tako tho regular 951 train fate from liraehoaao 40 oenta rockwood last friday- evening bev j a cranston who was recently appointed pastor of tbe presbyterian oharchea at rook wood aud izlexx mills was tendered a reception by tho congregation of eden mills at the reeiidencoof wm argo the atteudanoe was laro and a veryplealant time spent tbe ladles of the congregation provided a sumptuous lunob which came in well in its place the childrenb day bcrvico in the metbodiat ohurcb isbi sunday afternoon was qulto a euooeps tho programme carried out by the scholars was very oreditable and the address by prof reyooldo of the a j u gaelph ffs praotioal and interesting the energetic superintendent mr u clancy predded with niucb acceptance tbo church was decorated with flowcrp fligband cages of birds a pretty double wedding was held at st johns church yesterday miabjliiviug stone-was- mar r rt o georgetown and mies renzio livingstone to mr maloolmson of chatham the ceremony was performed by the hev mr god den the pastor assisted by rev mr fehnell georgetown tho churoh was decorated with torn a and marguerites and the altar with bridal roses mios j aithiuandmr geo perrin wervmarritlafc need ay by tbe bev mr fowlle of obpringe a great dumber of the friends of the parties wero present at the ooremony there is an attempt being mado to have a sunday sohool excursion this summer bat nothing definite has been decided upon oe the railway arrangements aro not satis factory the conucil have been busy viewing road machines lately and will likely settle as to what mako will be bought lb a day or two local brieflets the armors are making preparation for haying the gravelling of maiu street has been completed to the a t r orosstng messrs beeudmore a co have gravel ed john street from the bridge to cuorch btreet there aro indications of rust in fall wheat and oats on some of tbe farms in this neighborhood rev h a macpherson oohduots annlversory services for tho society of united workmen of aberfoyle and morristou last sa6day the methodist sunday sohool sent their entire library ot nearly 500 volumes tohhalf adozed poor sohools in newlv settled teollons lastweek another car of just in alnn nnn off teameoting by the baptist congrega tion on ilia 3oib a bssar and social will be given by ths english ouarob on lbs sstb g ii deardmoro will pay f 600 per cord for all well savntbarjt delivered at aoton tannery before bee isjt two ot james mcqulres flngsra wuru badly dimsred in a atave maohluo at coates faotory on tossday mr john p seoord went to sarnla yesterday to attend the grand iodgs k of p as dslegtta from oalantho lodge aoton last tuesday the ceremony of laying the comer lone of ths new congregational oburofa ghwrcetown was performed by mr jos barber land plaster windsor andcoiemansbbl salt a ti05 jk bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy nnd table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 20c per lb dwarf essex itapo seed 18 lbs for ioo buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 10 45c a bushel june sale sarsaparilla is tlio beat i n fact t onetruo bleed rurlner hirtrlo dill eiiro nausea indlgestlos rloocl s hhis blllouiucss 25 cents 31 days wall paper up to date is the timo wo have given j d ixokee druggist acton to sell all our at 15 discount think of it and do your house over while such snaps last is our motto and in the sum mer wc clean out what slock we can 31 days is the limit see his samples g l neiles thb l6kd6r cuelph i have hot taken any patent medicine for years- dont need any i only want your work and will attend to it careiully and promptly do not forget that if i cannot make your watch run correctly i wish in all cases to return the money pringle the jeweller cuelph -owrjtoble- tho highest prlco for wheat at ihe peas warehouse oats aclon barley station flour at brak acton shorts flour and 8bedb all feed kinds of feed store try norval flour the best fomily flour in the market frank harris manager binder twin all kinds from 6c up geo j thorp sbbds7vcrn market sq and maodonneu st 0btfh the modern crocer teliig the larg- cat- makers of refrigerators in canada wc make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in lhany styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of drycooralr cir culation best in- aula t ion and tine lined why buy a home made or poorly 5pniade article when you can get an uptodote refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham 6b nott co limited brantford for sale by john m bond a co quelph iheroarediflorcnt waysofdoin things ono plan is tokcepup the prices ciurine thoseason and then at the end say in julynnd augusttiust 10 a sudden spun lo clear out a few lines the other is jo wntch the markets pick up banainsfcrowd ill crcii values tako the stock on your shelves and bring ic down to meet ihcse bnrinin nur chases and then right in the height of the season when everybody wants ihe coods and ii ready to buy make them prominent nndfbrce heni by ihe very irresistihle values which youoffer the former plan may mean a little- more profit the latter means larger buii- neasnnd lie guarantee of a thoroughly clean slock 10 commence next seasons business with 1 his is iho plan we jire following in ihis instance nnd therefore announce our f dey goods clothing millineiiy ijakpkty curtains etc h to coinrpmence on wednesday june 1 5th 1898 this will be in force until after the first week in july extra help in- our staff will serve customers with promptness 32 b bollert co 25 and 27 wynflliain street gtielph henderson fc co bargains in remnants this week we offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be offered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out and assortment of sizes somewhat broken iwill be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont wait for the hot spell but be- ready for it muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only 15c a full assortment of colored linings hosiery cloves parasols millinery the balance of our spring stock will be cleared at greatly reduced prices all new and fresh henderson co silks and s atins special june offering black peau de soil a double faced silk wear well actual value 125 june offering 100 24 in black satin brilliant finish soft make special 75c 24 in black satin brilliant finish heavy soft make special 100 24 in surah silk excellent finish special 50c also large range of figured silks shot silks china silks complete stock of silk gloves in black crearri tan and opera shades gltmey fe co jvjst hrrlwed another crat of cr oefcer y also gem jars jelly glasses flint and glass tumblers goblets c potatoes wanted highest price paid in trade for all good potatoes deliver ed at symon bros acton we carry a full line of hardware groceries boots it shoes symon bross cor mill and main sts acton 2 crates stoneware i 2 3 and 4 gallon butter crocks v and 1 gallon crocks flower pots arid saucers and a full line of groceries x fgqode hcton spring is herd again cooper the tailors s are prepared for it with avery attractive stock of- spri s 8prln lroi4tlrik8 in all tho latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we navaptues for the newest styles in bicycler jbgtsjind re bound to please tlio csjllin amd inspect our stock i m cooper aklns main stust apfow tailors the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tbo fact ibst we are prepared to supply you with lumber or suitable length for your burn doors vis 10 13 19 or u f cot also bash doors frames mouldings elo for building btorm doors put np at as low a rate as possible pu3wps repair your pumps or pus in now ones before it is too cold wa out bo it shop at foot of river street afcton thos ebbace manager

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