Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1898, p. 4

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mw juton gfw if rm tuuubday june 28 1898 ije oung jolhs twffrj s up through tho soodt o clovers bloom tho gouton dunks now fulling itp from the foroata soft greoti gloom i boar tlio birth low calling up from tlio brookrj white mlaty fog low clouda oor long wot graroon i hour thonyilloworoftktng fror on sopbyrs light it passes tho crickets chirp where dalblob grow and hat to boos lata bummlnb aud under bridges waters flow with rippling lnubiocotnlihj alown tbo road a song afloat 6udr by a village maldon comoa soft on brooios laden aud in the wooj with fragrant breath tbo murmuring pines aro olahlug upon the bosom of tuo grass tho hilvor dowdrops lylrir and as tlio day fadoe into night and closos tho snoot flowers tholr purfumo bungs abovo ttyotn light ab uusoon fairy sbowors thoro aro no strain b iu music llfjiit that quollfl tho boarfcfl sad sorrow as when all nature call a goodnight and loaves wltb god tbfj morrow punishment in schools opponents of corporal puniohmont in the publia schools will be interested in learidg that it was a kood sound trounolng that made a man of admiral dewey the hero ot manilla previous to that welfmerited cabtigatfon bewey waa one of the tougn- est boys that ever drew breath and tinder his leadership the schoolboys of montpel- ler vt had compelled tho registration of three masters in quo term at last a new teaoher came who met the hustling of a achoolboy mob with fleticafn and when deweys father refused to discipline his eon the master did it himself with a black snake whip five feet long young deweys olothes were oat to ribbons and stained with blood before the flogging was over and it waa seven days before he oould ait down bat there was no more mutiny in that school and dewey says to this day that it was the flogging that savod him from state prison corporal punishment may not be a good role to follow bet there are boys in every school to whom a lloklng would coma like gods bdniwn in disguise schedule of cqnvifiti a returned to the office of the clerk of the peace- for the county of halton during the quarter cndfng the fifteenth day of june a d 1898 william meadows sarah meadows thomas a reynolds richard tobln stinson bradley do do do do do do do do do do do do j m field emerson colling jr thomas lioss s r 13ewa r d graham do do do do do do e search james l willson dliflndant charles evcrson michael tracey m e mitchell john staley william mccargnr lorno mckcnzic john richardson david dcforcst john richardson george moir david doforest alexander mccutcheon john wesley colling william ceder james thompson ohn stewart homas riley anthony mason james mullin william sutton edward burke nat url of chaiki wilfully damaging property assault violation of liquor license act assault breach of town bylaw f do do drunk md disorderly do do do do vagrancy drunk and disorderly vagrancy assault illegally piding on railway train vagrancy drunk and disorderly v do do t fighting c t permitting disorderly conduct on licensed premises violarion of liy law 120 georgetown vagrancy datk of convict ion 1808 march 19th 19th 10th 23rd 6th 6th 7th 7th 7th 20th 7ih oth filh nth 2oih 27th 27th 27th r april may june s7lh 16th 3rd i hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct schedule of convictions returned tomy office for the quarter above mentioned milton 15th june 1898 nami 01 jusnci v ami 01 1 isi will n pmij to whom paid hi maiiks g ii kennedy and wilhiqi wclcort do do do do john mcdonald and 0 h patterson john llrquhart and w ii yountf samuel dice ft i oo i ot 20 00 1 00 1898 f march loth 23rd lictinsc inspector sentence suspended 2 00 2 00 2 00 time given for payment do do pnd on conviction formerly rclurned do do sentence suspended on his leailm ibwn 2 00 1 00 ip 00 10 days given for payment committed to jail jo days in def uilt w h kthrs 2 00 5 00 5 oj 15 00 v oo 5 00 t ar- f 111 f a 1 27th 1 r commuted to jail 30 thys in default t g 72dtthlspn clerk of the peace county of halton women of every age more than his share in the summer of 1804 says a writer in the southern bivouac several wounded officers and two or three privates were going up the valley of virginia a rain oameon and all hands took bhelter for the night in a aohoolhoaae it happened that in the course of the night a skunk found its way nnder the floor and by and by anooonoed its presenoe after its wellknown effective manner the officers all waked np but being gentlemen and ouch supposing that the others were still naleep they kept silent at last one of the privates a german could rostraia himself no longer my 1 my 1 ha exclaimed diih ish too bad 1 day bhleepsonl i wakes nnd i ish got to ahmell it all 1 that broke the obarm and officers and privates bnrat into peale of laughter who suffer from weak ness nervousness and dyspepsia should use paines cel ery compound his busy day it la katures true medicine for all suffering women avoid worthless substi tutes paine a celery compound ts your only hope a death trap among the btrongeat influences toward prohibition are each oiiea as the recent death in toronto of james odonohae ttrnnrhr np in nnmfnrt th nn nt thrlv ingjoitizen and the nephew and namesake of a dominion senator odonohae began life with every prospect of aacoeas and prosperity hot early ia his career be fell a victim to drink i he filled office after office and lost each through drink 1 ho inherited a smalt fortune and dissl- pated it in drink 1 heljecame a tramp vagrant and a wanderer through drink i at last staggering along the utreet sop- ported between twodiaeolate and abandon ed women he stumbled feu belpletsly upon his faoe frao tared hta tkall and died through drink i toronto exchange wells a biohardaon qo gentlemen 1 feel it my duty to let the pablio know what palnes celery com- ponnd did for mo nnd trust it will be a benefit to other naffer era i waa much rodoood in flesh and in a thoroughly brokocdown condition result ing from dyspepsia snd nervoubnebs 1 was reoom mended to try tho compound i did so and three bottles have made me a different woman previous to taking your compound i bad different people have different estimates of the value of time abraham bean a resident ot some small village ou the coast of maine did not think a day of any espec ial value when he was on shore but if he was getting ready to go flshin an hour or two were almost bepood appraisal what yon fioiu to do today uuole abe asked bis niece boeing him leaning against bis boat looking down the harbor dont bother me times money to day he answered sharply ive got to keep my eje on tho wind looks to mo as if fore noon i might jot a fair wind for eastport but it iaul nino oclock yet and youll have time to pick the peas for dinner argued the girl well anyway unole abo yo hadnt ought to go fishin with your new coat on said the girl painting to his re what is this why thia didnt cost me nothin be replied iu a aoorufal manner why i paid tar this dlggin squire masonaoiatorn last week yon jest ran into the hoase im baay now and cant bother with yon and abraham leaned baok in a more comfortable position and resumed bis watch it is not necessary that a merohant ehonld live to advertise and yot it is necessary that ha should advertise if bis business is to live how to oct blcli we refer to the riohcees of the blood it you are pala and thin you are poor in strength and aorve power sootta emul- aion drives away thinness and pallor and brings rich blood and nerve power cudtomer id hardware store do you sell the golden bale clerk we dont even keep it taken medicine from some of the bast doc- tors in the city bat with no good results xheretore i liave every reason to be thank ful for paines celery compound and take great pleasure iq recommending it lo others yours truly mrs m thompson gxoisastarruavfti tnrnnln historic srlcat- tho london journal ol education pnb- lisbas the following schoolboy answer whioh aro warranted tannine what do yon know of lord wolsnliy the answer was given he was a minister ot henry viii who exclaimed if i had served my god as i have served my king i bouldt not have been beheaded 1 the confusion between woueley and wolsay is perhaps not remarkable bat a post mortem speeoh ot tbis kind deserves notice a better story however is of a definition of tithes wbloh will be ot special interest to the church and stage guild things worn by ladies in oironses asd pantomimes castorla la dr samuel pitchers proscription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is a harmless substitute for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oh it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers eastorla taesttfoys worms and allays feverislmcss castorla prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relieves teething troubles cures constipation and itlatuicncy castorla assimilates tho food regulates the stomacli and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is tho childrens panacea tho mothers friend castoria caatorln is an excellent medicine for children mothers lime repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children xr p c osgood lowell man castoria cantorla is so welt ndaptcd to children that i recommend it as superior td nny pre scription icitown to me ii a aitcukft md iltaoklyn jv y i- tstliy not 99 wyndham st patronize the store that offers you the newest uptodate goods we show the very newest lines in b9lts swehtsrs bicycle sox and new furnishings see our new hats just in try our unlefimtlried shirt at 50c renelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher guelpli hiduk3utulu the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper tmk cgwrouhoomwnt ft unnv mthtrr hkw vowk pity perhaps theyre the source of your iu health and you dont know it heres how you can tell if ou have back ache or lame sack the merohant who is just to himself as well m to bu coatoraera is a man whom tbo goda cmile anon much in little herpectauy tree ol hoods wis for n sins 6fw mnulosftiirsjreal eursllie uuirey la o small space rur are a wooto m varieties fanaticism is faith inroad sonr spiritual hanger is heart prayer good works are he voloo of faith fatisnoe is the barometer of faith truth is the dymanite ron of revolution a lifeboat costs 70 tin annum to main tain there are 270 officials in the queens household whis andranaway uamsmake the breakups tbo word dad is pure welsh and means father stormtried faith is better than fair- weather belief r to put work against faith is to oontras t tho tree with its roots to define is to limit 1 a finished theology would make cod flu te ones faith shows lesa what he is than what be is trying to be if a man walks upright ha may be able to avoid the pavements made of good in tentions a taste for glass is a tnacter ot oulttvsr tion the same as a tasta for olives or lira burger cheese every experienced being can look baok regretfolly to soma period when he was a trifle foo clever for bis own good ghioago record holloways corn cure is the medleine to remove all kinds of corns and warts and only costs tho small aum of twentyfive oeute lagsrdslectoral llalsam is the standard remedy ot the world for coughs colds hoarssnan bronobllls and all lung and throat trouble prioe 36 at all dealers no business roan is folly acquainted with the news of the day until be bse read the adteriising oolomna of hi paper diarrhoea is loo dsngeroqa to neglect have it promptly oheoked by dr fowlers fiatrsat ot wild strawberry cores diarrhoea colic cramps and all bowel oomplalnu beware of prosperity inxory waa the deatbknell ot homes vigor ways efbolent ahrayi 1 fafactoryi prevent a or fever care an llrer hit tiokheadaeheaundlee constipation etc joe the only mis la take with hoods baraaparfus iiyou have pirfflness under the eyes or swelling of the feet if your urine contains sediment of any kind or is high colored and scanty if ou have coated tongue and nasty taste in the mouth if you have dizzyspells headaches bad dreams f6el dull drowsy weak and nervous then you have kidneycomplaint after tho united states gets through withbpain it will have to fight tho battle for sonnd money the sooner you start taking doans kidney pills the more quickly will your health return theyve cured thou sands of cases of kid ney trouble during the past year ifyouaro a sufferer they can cure 6u book that tells about doani kiai pills sent free to any address the doan kidney pill co toronto out independence lo individuals is a good thing as long as it does not interfere with the liberty of others ohrcnio derangements of the stomaob liver and blood aro speedily removed by tha active prinolpal of the ingredients entering into the composition ot farmelees vegetable fills ties pills act peoincauy r gt emotional christians like jelly flab action the dormantsnergie of th system float wilh iha tlae it is impossible to livo pleasurably wlthont living prudently and honorably and justly or lo live prudently and honor ably and justly without living pleasurably epionrus weak ilenrt for yoarb i suffered from weak action of the hearb dizziness and watery condi tion of the blood uilbarna heart and nerve fills have made my heart atrong and have enriohed my blood so that now i am freo from the tronblea that formerly distressed me b a boss ailaa craig ont its ao pleasant to take that ohildren ory for it bet its death to worms ot all kinds dr lows worm byrup prioe 2bo all dealers tilo industrious man may got tired but ho does not like the lay man tiro others lis y0u0w oil is prompt to relievo and sure to euro coauhs colda sore throat pain in tlio chost hoarseness quin- soy etc prico 2fi thore would be fewor grocerb cleaned ont if more btores were kept cleanod up coughs aadcolds neednot be endured they can be cured and that quickly many mixtures are tem porary in effect but scotts emulsion of codliver oil ypophosphites is a permanent remedy the oil feeds the blood and warms the body the hypophosphites tone up the nerves the glycerine soothes the inflamed throat and lungs the combination cures this may prevent serious lung troubles 50c and 1 oo scott dovv ne all druggtltf chcmits toronto thereby removing disease and renewing life and vitality to the afflloted in this lies the great secret ot the popularity ot psrmelees vegetable fills love has amulationwlthont strife unity wlthont uniformity messrs northrop t lymsn co are the proprietors of dr thomas eoleotrlo oil which is now being sold in immense quantities ihtonghoot the dominion it is welcomed by the suffering invalid every where with emotions of delight beoauae it banishes pain sod gives instant relief this valuable speouo for almost every ill that flesh is heir to is valued by tbe sufferer as more preoioue than gold it is tbe elixir of life to many a wasted frame to the farmer it is indispensable and it should bo in every bouse luxury mates at man so soil that it is hard to please bum and easy to trouble kim so that his pleasures at last become bis burden luxury is a nice master bard to please msokenzie successful at last i was a sufferer from neuralgia in my aide and hsadaohei i followed nnmeroos prescription wlttiont benefit and was persuaded lo try hoods sarsaparllla when i had taken only one bottle i realised it sissdoiag me good and i con tinued taking it onill i was oared mrs carrie price ocorgttown ontario hoods oalhartlo gfio fills are the favorite family ussy to take easy to operate undoubted merit and thorough advertis ing are both tnieutlal to permanent sneoess i burdock blood bitters euros all kinda ot skin eruptions from a oommon pimple to tbe worst sorololous sore it ia to the soldiers interest to watch his enemy but it pays thernerchan t best lo mind his own business constipation in the summer especially should the bowels be kept free so that no poisonous ntt1teri1t shall remain in the system to ferment and decay and infect tho whole body no remedy has yet been found equal to bbb for curing constipation even the most chronic and stub- order is as mnoh a basin ess quality as la tho ability to bny and soil sick headaobe however annoying and distressing ia positively odred by laxa- llver pills thoy aro easy to take and never gripe thona who worship wealth will how in adoration before good clothea mother graves worm exterminator doca not require tho belp o any purgative mediome t completo tho onre give it a trial and be convinced advertising ia tbo basineas prosperity corner atone 6f a young girls escape dishonesty may save one customer but honesty will earn a score as parmeleea vegetable pills contain mandrake and dandelion they enre liver and ktdaey complain tot with unerring certainty they also contain roots and herbs which have epeoiflo virtnon traly wonderful in their aoton on the stomach and bowels mr e a oairnoross shakespeare writes i consider parme- leosi fills an excellent remedy for bufoai- nesa and derangement of tbo liver having used them myself for somo time the epenial pabtimo of yellow journals is to paint tbe conn try red born coses yield to its influence i cannot nay too much in favor of burdock blood biltcri ns there is no remedy equal lo it for tho cure of con stipation we alwnyi keep it in the liouio ns a general family medicine and would not bowithout it mrs jacob mosher pictou landing ns bbb not only cures constipation but i tho best remedy m m known for bilious- rlllnafsk nose dyapepaia mu dyspepsia sour stomach wfljljf jaundice liver biooii complaint kidney disease and blood hiimnr ers a man without a purpose n lire is liko onto a ship on the ocean without a destina tion if attacked with cholera or summer complaints of any kind send at once for a bottle of dr j keljogga dysentery cordial andomit according to directions it acu with woqdetm rapidity in sobdo- ing thatdreadfol disease that weakens tbe strongest man ajtdtbftt destroys the young an4deljtfvo whfjtavenied this and for infants and ohildren 1 he- ucs mry av man needs to use his brains as well aa his boots in business instant relief guaranteed by using mil- borni sterliog headache powders no depressing aftereffect saved from being a nervous wreck by milburns heart and ne pil for tlio benoilt of canadian motliors who havo daughters who aro wtmk pale run down or nervoun mm b clangor 128 bidonn street ottawa ontario mado tho following btatamont so that no one need euffor through ignoinnco of tlio right remedy to uso isiy dauchter buffered very much from hoai t trouulos nfc times often sliowns bo had that sho could not bponk but had to sit and gabp for broath bho was so extremely norvoua that her limbs would fairly oh alto and tremble frequently sho would havotolcavoachool and finally sho grow bo woak that we were muoh alarmed about hor hoaltli j gave her many roincfliea but thoy did not seem to do hor any good then i heard of imilburns heart and nerve fills and got a box of thorn and thoy liiwo indeed worked wonders with hor i can recommend them very highly as tho best remedy i ovor hoard of for complaints similar to those from whioh my daughter aufforod milbnrns heart and norvo pills noror fall to do good thoy euro palpitation faintno8sdlz2ino3b smothering sensation woaknosnorvonanoss olooplcsanesb anae mia fornalo troublos and general dobihty bold hy all druggists at fiooftbox or throo boids for 81 c t milburn oo toronto ontario laxflrliver pills z an aay and natural manner romovlng all poisons and lm- puritlsu they aura constipa tion sink hoadacho bilious- nets- dyspepsia sour stom- aoh jaundloo and liver com plaint prlco 26o iuiiimiiada the beams and rafters are to a building just wliat the staying is to shoreys readytowear clothes it- the inside of one of shoreys coats is here illus trated by a drawing made from a photograph the great advantage of a coat properly stajed io that ic keeps its shape until it is worn out ard does not look like an old garment after a few weeks wear an ordinary readymade garment ivay loo well at first but it is made to sill not to wear shoreys raako ell have n guarautoe card in tio pocket kftwt rvvv rvvvvvtw shops and warcrooms foot of willow st calls atlendcid to day or night j a speight co under and em balm ers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse mo cha furn1t of all glnds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i orders left with j n 8tin80n rockwoofj will recoue immediate attention cstssssos railway time tablb crand trunk railway ooinq wlist ofllno eaht mail 7 15 pm exprosb express mall mixod 0 85 d ni 10 soam 0 14 p in 10 03 i in tiul 01 cloblnii maiib going woet0 oa to nnd 0 go pm going east 10 u5 am and 5 co pm thin tlmo tfiblo wout luto bftcct may 10th 1698 on won do y r brrntford galvanized steel wind mills and towers fqt power and pump- ids with in ternal covered gear patont bailor ana sail bearings maple leaf grain grinders two sizes for any power no x has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- be i ring burr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills llkinds tlr-6n6t- in the markef beg material ligli t os running send for illustrated catalogue imuiri folimls brantfordcan j0en mcqueen agent for the nbovo has changed his ware- rooms to building on vv k smiths property john street where may be seen frosta wood bonders and mowers and a completo lino of farm implements and alt kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers tlie right house corner king and hughscmi sts hamilton milbari sterling headache powders onre tioadaohe in a jiffy try them they will convince yon loo and 25o all deal er coitom may bo killed aa easily with a look is with a olob dunn cnreil ihm tii ii to certify that doaus kidney pills oared mo of borlnm kidney disorder i badpalo in my back my arlne was bkh oolorad with a groat deal of ted i men t doanb kidney pill havo made mo perfect ly well and i highly recommend them f hetly amheretburg on i trub rre bless hga in dirgude there bever wait and novor will be a universaj panacea in ono remedy for nil hoir tho very iiatare of many oarativen boinr audi that were the germs of other and difforcntly seated diseases rooted in tho flyatom of the pationt what voold relieve ono ill in torn would aggravate tho othor we have howovor in quininp wine when obtain od in a eound unadulterated state a remedy for many and griovona ills by its gradual judlolous nae tho frailostsybto ms sro led into con valescence and strength by tho influence whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it rellevoa tha drooping aplrita of those with whom a chrquio state of morbid despondence and laok of intoreat in life is a dlaeaao and by tratkiailizing the nerves dispoaos to sound and refresh ing sloop imparta vigor to tho aotlon of tho blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins btrengthoniny the boat thy animal functions of tho yatem thereby making activity a necessary results strengthening the frame and glvlcg life to tho digctfvo organs whioh naturally demand increased substance- remit im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to tlio pnblio their qulolno wine at tho nsnl rate and goagod by the opinion of icientlsta this wine approaohoa nearest perfection of any in tho market all drukgiala so if the special juiie sale affords an unusual opportunity to secure tho highest class of floods at unusually low prices today wo place on sale the following goods which will indicate the reductions in the various departments unbleached tablb linen jty to gc inches widcrheayy damask reg uhr 50c kind june sale prico 40c 72 inch pure dnmask regular 55c juno sale price 40c regular gsc for 55c bleached damask 68 inch slightly dam aged regular 85c for 65c 68 inch grass bleached perfect regular 75c for 65c 72 inch extra quality bleached damask regular si 25 special 1 8135 special 9 1 10 john mcqtffcen w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hake a erecults ol machine finished book papers ann high grade weekly news tha paper uaod in this journal is from ho above mills wm baebbr bros millinery department all our colored trimmed hats nndbon nets to be cleared at the following startling reductions all hats and bonnets regular 8a and 3 clearing at 81 50 each regular 84 50 to j5 clearing at 8250 each regular 85 50 to 88 to 84- regular 3 50 to 816 clearing at 86 each ladles sailor hats fancy colors at the following prices regular 25c for i8 regular 35c for 20c regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 30c regular 75 and 830 for 40c regular gi for 50c regular 8 25 for 75c regular 8175 for v childrens muslin bonnets embroidered trimmed regular 35c and 50c for 25c regular 45c and 65c for 35c regular 750 and 81 for 50c regular 8125 and 81 or 750 r- enqlish flannelette extraordinary offering 31 pieces of the best english flannelette 31 inches wide rrgular value 10c special at 7c 25 pieces best english llannelctlc 33 inches wide regular value rad special 8c 36 inch white cotton special at 5c per yard 3gjnckgrcyj2ollnrcgular7rlcapccial 6j cents colored dress goods ten pieces all wood tweed effects 46 inches wide regular goc special 25c 250 yards all wool plaid regular 30c very special 19c 100 yards fancy plaid regular cjc for 25c 15 pisccs fancy silk mixtures for suitings regular 8110 and 8125 for 50c 45 yards fancy plaids for lilouso waists regular 125 clearing at 60c 19 only fancy dress patterns regular price was from 88 50 to ji 3 50 choice while they last for 500 each samples free by mail freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 85 00 nnd upwards ttm hembtbeet xitoxhskd adctzohbkb or tho counties of wellington and halton orders loft at tbo pttkbprntas oflloo aoton or btmyrositlonooin acton wilt bo promptly at- ondadlo foosroducod to 86oo por fabm sales also money to loan on the most favorable sums and at tbs lowest rates of lntoroat in sums ol 8500anil p ward a uro in for twawctbhv3bk yjbabs thegooks best friend utttokst sale in canada tomas c watkins you want the beat q and tha cheapest mcmullens fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do- hog fenclnrs at special low prlcos all oilier varieties cheap mcmullens nro urn 0nly good nettings sold in cnnidn the ore unequalled for poultry ynrds trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens roods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers st itplclor ont or to the b greening wiki co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamis coopes montreal generll agent for railway fencings bo years bxperieipb aritoiisl qulflklr asc invntlmi lwlmulpcnmmi tbl xtanilfkkiltqn p itrforaociirln mwmu without diann in tei linn strictly nounrlontlii snntrroa uluottsironrrforaociirlribpnunita paunta taken uiroiish alunn alio raostr scientific hnterican dsomety illnmtnlm wohr ifiest jr jrrtir tnomli tl bolu by ail nswadeilsn

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