Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1898, p. 2

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liultcnin hookwoodon huudtty sfltli juno to mr nntl mm ii uoltou a daugiitur married mlnn wiihon at tho pamoiiftro oakvlllu iy ltov john kay on tuonduy juno illtit uiae munnand mlbalisrlo wilaou botu ot siiorl- dan honinhon mck4t attlioprobbiftorlaiinhurc oakvllle on wodnoaday j una hid by ttio ilov p b craig notion j itouluiou of oakvlllo to wilbolmlnn miunlo youdrut dughtor or wm makay nan mlddlo road tovnuliip o trafalgar kioblysn dlakcowbld at bfc potots ohuroli oubuc on wednoidayssail juno by father kloopror llorltn atuutod by ltov fatbora oloano ouelpb aod foonoy aoton mr jacob kloeufor guelpli totoroe daugb- tor of john iilanobfiold etq ouitlc cmsnolu boott at the reildotioe of tlio brldiib nroota on- wednesday juiie 8tu by tho bov dr king of gait ml bb hub an b cblrholm only daughter of tboa cblabolm m anno wood to win soott of botrboro town ship co york and lata of nasbagaweya ciunwiok dick at qraoo oburcli milton on wednesday 02nd juno by ltov w h white assisted by revs o a soagor and h hgwyn ltov froderlok austin pakenbam oliadwlok ma rector of arthur son of tho laur-fred- oriole j chadwiok of qnelpb to boru eouuo dausbtor of bamuol dies en mayor ot milton mttiavi xtixtm thursday june 801898- noth3 a co literature is to be generoualy distributed by the canadian hotel men daring the coming few months bat it is only anti- prohibition literature to be distributed in their campaign aftalnsfc the plebiscite the executive ot the hotelmans associa tion meeting at london decided to throw its weight flaanoial and otberwiio into the contest the delegates to the convention expreba tbemseves as eatltqed with the outlook the oorrcspbiutencla of madrid on satur day published a report to the effect that the- peaoe conditions euggeetod by the government of the united sutee in clude the possession by the united states of the island of forto rico the indepen dence of the island of cuba under the protectorate ot the united states the establishment of a naval station for united states warships in the philippine islands and the establishment of a coal depot for united states warships in the canary ialandp improvement in the timeb is becoming weekly more manifest even ibe religions journal are notioing it saturdays westminster commences an editorial wjith the following paragraph tho signs are multiplying and are becoming more meaningful so that even the pessimistic are beginning to believe in the predictions of prosperity for canada ii tarried so long that some were becoming diaooaraged but now there is a quiet hopefulness per vading the business world reports tell of revival in nearly all the industries the probpeota are good for the miner and manufacturer the crisis in the war tho assault upon santiago likely to bo now in progress id view of the unsettled condition ot the moneymarkot in coneeriuenoe of the amer icanspanish war hon mr fielding minister of finanoe hab decided to pqst- pono the proposed redaction of savings bank interest until the 1st of qotober if the state of the money market is then favorable the redaotion will take effect on that date and in that event arrangements will be made to provide a 8 per cent inveat- ment for such of the small depositors as deelro to avail themselves of the privilege for this purpose there will be issued a dominion three per cent stock ia sums ot 25 and mnltlplee thereof fluoh atook will be ran for a period of 5 years bat will be redeemable to the depositor at any time on one months notice this privilege will be confined to such depositors ai have 91000 or less in the savings bank these arrange- menta are framed in oousenuenbe of the assurance given in parliament by the minister that an effort would bo made to gi s d sp oone tion a us fleet to qo to spain biiioxsy cuba via kluguon jamaica juno 21 on the very eve ot tho great oght wbioh lo to lake place for the possession of santiago the ihreo commandors upon whom devolve the leadorahip ot the attacking forces have eiproseod tho otmost ooh- fldenoo in tho reanlt tho three- are generals slifier and oalixto garcia and admiral sampaou the army nnder tho command of the first two have driven tho spaniards bok nntil tuoy now rest in the trenches about tho city in which thoy are to mako their last btand before the en- tranos to tho harbor ho simpsons rim warehlfis assuring his half in the uouiiiig victory and making the escape ot corvorao squadron irbpossible tlioarmyrof coarser will bosr ibeireater bhare in the work that is to oomo bat to the navy remains tbe glory of lowering the spanish admirals flar while confident of vlotory garcia declares that tho spaniards will fight desperately he and gen shatter are campaigning together in the utmost har mony it wis feared that tbe cuban leader might decline to cooperate with the amer ican forces nnleoi shatter formally recog nized thocubap republic dot when the generals met garola with tearb in hie eyes took shatter by the hand and said vyou have ooraa to fight the enemies of my country and we wilt servo you with out qaestlod the olty of santiago and tbe spanish foroes within the fortifications are now virtually at tho meroy of tbe ooban invad ers tbls is doe to the f aot that tbe citys water supply aside from that famished by oisterns bae been cnt off and the situation of the spaniarde rendered more desperate than ever there have been no rainb of mnoh oonbequonce bere of- late and the water in the olty oisternb must be very low if not altogether unfit for drinking purpos es two hundred feet of the water mains were taken out carried baokacd relaid in another direction from the point ot supply and the american army ib now securing fresh water la large quantities by this means it required the entire night to complete ibo work not a man was injur ed in the undertaking wasuihotoh june 28 the president has iuned a proclamation extending the blockade of oaba to tho southern coast from ospe france to gape ornz inoluslve and alio blockading san juan forto rioo ziondon june 28 tbe st jamcit oazetu this afternoon commenting upon the proa- peotof a u s fleet attacking the coast of spain save the reception of tbe news ovidencob a change in nubile opinion whioh at the oommoncement of tbewarthonghtenrope should notify tho united states that the war most be confined to amerloan waters it is now recognized that tbe americans are tally enthled to make war in their own wayand tbey are indeed driven to retaliate upon bpain lo this manner owing to the taotlos spain bas obosen to pnrsne kikaaton jamaioa jnno 28 it devel oped today that general linares person allyplaoed tbe ambuscade into wbioh tbe bough itidera fell on friday and be personally led tbe spanish in the attack oh the american forces this informa- tion was conveyed to general shatter by a spanish duorter from bantiago who burrendered to qeueral sbaftor at sevllla monday he laid 200 spaniards were church aqainst prohibition dusd a tj h fr hih od baldwin the synod of h uron sodoolarus lonion june 21 tho synod of huron anfthoau oamo but nainbt prohibition at their annual moolinn a warm debato was precipitated ly iio report of the temperance committee tavorlug prohibi tion whorb it oould bn enforced but recom mending meanwhile the adoption of tbo gotlienburg system or itbcqnivlont tbo dean of huron ltov w t hill rev j o fdrlhitik rev canon ijann rev oauon- younf hnd others epoko aaipat prohibition as oppoaod to pcreonulljbnrty mr t ii luscombe barrister of this oily said tho epooohos ot soma ot tho olergy would have greatly pleased tho liotol mens convention tho bishop of huron eaulit was not rightloatandandflbribycry f aoil ity fdvon for the destruction of thoubanda of people by atrong driuk without protebti ho woald aetaccording tohib conviotione and give astraight lovol voto for prohibition tho prohibition oisubo of ttio report wab straok ont milton senator mckludsey is residing in town again the senator is improved in hoalth siuce last winter mrjohn mcgibbon of jgeorgolown has leased tho wallace home the house is beidg well repaired the commibeionera nave grantod mr mooibbon a license for the lloaee misaee mclean m l wbito and bowes havegone to new york tomorrow the yoang ladies with some hamilton friends sail for groat britain whero they will spend a couple of montha a pretty wedding took piaoeon wednes day morning of last week at grace ohurob which was tastefully decorated the bride no riding on sidewalks nor rid i ok or drlvlnflrat em i m mod erate speed ort the stroota a block of permanent pave- ment oustic a pretty wedding followed the morry peeling of the bells at st pe tors chnrah oostto last wednesday morning 22nd inst when mr jacob kloepfor traveller for mr o kloepfer m p gaelph was married to mibs toaaio fitancbflold daugh ter o mr john blnohfteld ouatic a large company of invited gaesta from near and far filled tbo church when mibq gay preaidioff at the organ filled the building with the bweet strains of tbo wedding paaroh leaning on thojirm of her father the ibride entered the eaorod plaoe looking resplendent in a beautlfnl dowo of white duoheafl satin trimmed with pearla real ntlrtnn and nviffnn rho worn ft vmi monday ovoningv sossion of tho council was bomowliat more extended than usual and a couple of items of important icki lation characterized it a specially prepared bylaw to refltilato vehloles on sidewalks and the drivio or riding on highways or public bridge was introduced and passed the provliioua of the bylaiy nittot ull citizens who rido or drive und they ahould be acquainted with the variotra olauset it prohibitb tho use of ull aidowalkp pathways or footpaths uaed by or eat apirb for tho uho of pedea- triuna by any pertou ubiny drawlnf haul- inf or propelling any carriage wagon v sleigh or other vehicle excepting baby ourriages uud hand carts propelled at a modorato rato of speed it also provides a penalty for irnrqoderato driving orridlbg on any atreot or highway within the man- icipality tbe penalty shall not eiceed 10 and ooals at the dlbaretion of the con victing magistrate a very important matter inaugurated was the perndieipu riven to the com rait teo on streets ahd walks to oontraot for a sample blook of permanent pavement to bo laid on mill street between john and elgin streets after due consideration the council decided at prosont to provide for tbe laying of such walks out of the regular funds of the current year having no recourse to frontage tax the purpose is to commence at this blook and if aatiafac- tory to extend tbe permanent pavement along the principal streets instead of re- layingithem with plank existing walks will be temporarily repaired with plank taken from the parts to be laid with the oemeht walks but itia expected these will mon- wasuias bertha dice daughter of ursrf be laid uniformly with the per- dioo mayor of milton and tbo groom was the tlev pakenham ghadwick of arthur brides proverbially look pretty but mibb dices sweet face and girlish figure with the usual bridal adornments was bome- tbing exceptional her ooa tame was a dainty affair of wbito organdie and valen ciennes lace her veil was held by a wreath of orange blossoms and a pearl orescent the gift of the groom she was attended by mies amhroeo ot hamilton attired in a lovely dreas of pink organdie and a white chiffon bat mr jack chad wiok of the bank of commerce toronto accompanied the groom tho ceremony was performed by rev w ei white rector assisted by rev 0 a sender and h b gwyn friends of tho groom the ushers wore measrp h djowburn of hamilton j m campbell of milton and clare mcgibbon of brampton 605 360 3 45 100 qh manent walks council met in regular session on day evening reeve pearson in the chair and members all in their places the tenth report of the financo commit tee recommending payment of the follow ing accounts was presented as follows grant to fubllo library so 75 d mills 27j yards gravoll 13 75 j b pearson paint o for library 7 vt w h walker painting etc in library w h walkor pointing in town hall g havlli repairing street lamps d liuis ploughing id comotory bymon uros chlmnoy 45 80163 moved by j a murray seconded by i francis that the tenth report of the- finance committee as read bo adoptod carried the following tenders for grass in the park were opened and read w p campbell agreed to build oc feet ot sidewalk on church street in front of hib lot to the estimated valuoof 9350 edward dynes cash 9560 tames matthews oaah 9500 stephen rqssell cash 9325 moved by j a murray seconded by i francis that the tender of w p camp bell to the value of 88 go for hay on fablio park bo accepted as per hia tender carried the bylaw governing vehicles on the sidewalks having perhaps special refer ence to bioyolea was presented moved by john clarke oeoonded by j a murray that leave be grantod to iutro- duoe tbe bylaw for the pnrpoae of regolat- sweeping shle of sxjmmeb goods titia abertieemeiith for service awkfililfltkdjurbuylmnntacton torus loocftbl or lfi0iahrul o diiclute wo purporo ninking arcit clearing sale during tho month of juno of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to rct seasonable goodh ut n ihlrdicsh than the regular price our stock comprises all tho latcsr in summer wash fabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns- icniish and american dress printb sateens black dress goods black brocaded lustrcs ihc latest novelty of the season we have them in the ncvcst designs all these in hiack are the famous priestlyrt brand and confined exclusively to ourselves in george town blouse silks in delicate color and select sjylca the very latest glovea pure silk tnffuta lisc and lace mils in all sizes eibbons ltices in alt widths colors and prices we arc making a specialty this season of lodloa white underwear these goods we arc sellihg very close in fact cheaper than the material alone can be bought for a magnificent assortment of ladies shirt waists collars cuffs ties house wrappers etc we have a very large assortment of fine lace curtains lndlcs it will pay you to inspect these goods before making your purchases fine hlghoiaas tailoring in this department the stock has lately been assorted in all the latest novelties for ihe summer trade comprising fine scotch cheviots casdimercs english tweeds fine trouserings uancy vestings etc the high standard of tlie style fit and finish of the work turned but of this estab lishment by mr miller has given it an enviable reputation throughout the whole country we employ hone but firstclass workmen vc use none but the best turn ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to the customer if you arc not one of our customers a trial order will convince you that what wc say are facts hats linen hats in hard the and latest soft and fells coolest straw hats all styles- bicycle suits summer clothing in for all boys sics youths and und prices men gents furnishings latest in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear a great variety in every pattern style and size do not forger our staple department we have specials iri table linens towellings flannelettes cottons sheetings etc wc extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and inspect our stock georgetowns live8t 8t0re gibson wllrb st 06 in sid and or riding on highways or pnbllo bridges and that said bylaw be now read o first time carried the bylaw was read the required nana- ber of times oonaided in oommitteo of tho whole and passed mr john warren addressed the cotmoil bituated within the limits of the corpora tion bo exempted from taxation for fire purposes on the same grounds as tho farm properties already exempted the counoil discussed tbe matter with mr warren it was the gpinlon of tbe the council that the statute governing this matter did not apply to mr wrrons iatmmborsequestedthatiriii rob block 7umils st produce takepi in exchange qedrgetown every day bargain day heie positively cured by tlioso uttle pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ncss bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid 1jver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi 8mall dose small price substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get garters j usx hrfzhated another crate of crockery also gem jars jelly glasses flint and glass tumblers goblets c 2 crates stoneware i 2 3 and 4 gallon butter crocks j and 1 gallon croclcs flower pots and saucers and a full line of groceries c fw qoodette fc co kcton ask lor carters insist and demand carters little liver pills ii silks aixd sat itis sfe dressmaking misaciaittmsy la iroiiirou to do ilruihiiiak- ioa oithur by roiiik out by ttio day orlahlnu oruorn for work to bo done at homo at rms ny cookhlako avonuo 1 shei lamas astilay strayrd upon tbo iiromlnoa or tho imdor- difjnod about two wuokii ago two owts and two lumba marked on tho oar with wire owner can uavo nroporty nt lot iw ooa ea- qufibing by paying expoiibop a t mann wanted aguntij for tho rroatoat of canadian booke llfo of gjadntono momorlol odltion by honk ins canvaaaorb proapoctua now road y bolls to ovorybotlv ioojiy to mato soo daily do art in tboflold j thib mladleyaabbutson co iilnmed v toronto for sale douhle brick ijoubb at by imj bovon roonu id oaob road collarq bard bud soft watar larco lot no 10 mai 11 btrcot- acton alio good btablu tbrmb oaay apply to joln cutnorou arcbltoct or to tbo owuor q wellb evcrtop r o house and lot for sale that4osrablo residential proporty on bow or avonuo and wilbur htrueto oppoalto tbo motbodlat parsonoko 011 wbioh is erootod a comfortable bix rooinad rourbost bouia ultb woodsbod dotachod gocd clstora excellent rar- don anumbor of fruit troes wall foacod tbo wbolo id 0 good state of repair liberal terms to suit purcbaaor for particulars apply to h p moore ftteepnkbbofflcoacton notice to cediroes in the matter of tbe estate of william h adams of the village of acton in the county of halton merchant tailor notice isborobyrlvon thatthoabovonamod william h adams bas mado an osalon- mont to 1110 for tbo boooflt of bia creditors a mootinn of creditors will bo bold at my omco lu tbo bald village of acton oa mootlay tbo lltb day of july at a oclock p m for tbo appoint ment of inspectors and giving directions or tbe disposition of tbfl estata creditors aro rot aired to nlo tboir claim b wltb mo duly proven on or boforo baid date rj ucnadll assignee datod tbls 28th day of juao 1808 executors notice to creditors notice la hereby givoa pursuant to tbo statute in that bobalf that creditors and others having claims against the citate of william hyslop storey lau of the village of acton in tbo county of halton deceasod who died oa or about tbo sixth day of mnjxb 1996 aro roqulrod on or boforo tbo jmth day ot august 180fl to sand by post prepaid or todollvor to tbo undorsigood ono of tbo executors of tbe lu twill and teatamont of thoaatddoaeaaedthairaaxuoa addroasea and description and full pnnttculars of their claims and of tbo secnritlas if any held by them and that tbo oxecutors will ftltor tho said aoth day of august 1b06 procoexl to dls trlhuto the aosetb of tbo deceased amongst tho parties entitled thereto and having regard only to tho claims of which ho shall tuaa bavooouco and that the said executors will not bo lliblo for tho aaid assets or any part theroof bo distributed to any person whose claim bo shall not have notice of at tbo time of such distribution dated at acton tho 20th day of juno 1893 s w a storey executor w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont k1es a spe0umt of machine finished book papers killed and eighty worihded ono hundred and flvs bodies ol the dead and all the wounded wars brought into santiago on saturday tho united btatpa loss was 11 killed and 50 wounded an evbrton youth suicides crewsons corners rankslmooaaa his life with a revolver bullat btatnle labor is the order ol the day at present all schools close on thursday aod tesoh- ors and oholars are looking forward to a good rest daring vacation mrorrogtorlrwho-harorbtmnd- yon fel ing some time with friends here was called last sunday evoning frank simons son ol lbs late robert simons of ever tori committed ahloide by shooting himself in the right temple the yonng man lived with his mother a short distance west of kvertop on tbe 7th line of eramosa and home last week to the bedside ot ber son who is very ill her daughter mrs v lamb aooompanlod her home a nomber from here attended the brick ohnrob on sunday to hear bov mr kettles farewell sermon it is expeoted that the ohoroh here will be opened ip a oonple of weeks on monday morning while master hoghte allen was going to school along the railway traok he aooldently got the fore finger ol both hands badly ordsbed between two iron rails dr mckeagaa dressed the wounds wbioh aro very palnlol bnt ho bones wsre broken mr and mrs w y oray spent sunday with mrs drays brother in or loa who is very ill at present everton the seventh annual ezcarslon of the enmoia sunday sobool association goes to toronto and banlane island on inly sib train leaves rookwood at 880 a m going direct to yohge street wharf whero passengers take boats for the island the fafif is very law being oo oeou fordnlts and 26 cent for oblldren beturiilna the train leaves toronto at 7 p m wilbert bobertson of oakvllle who has been in poor health lor some time bas come to oar healthy village to reorait we wish him immediate recovery his mother oamo with him the many relatives and friends are all glad to see them nod have their company for a few weeks on sunday mr mfm daffleld and mr kmi mrs gow and oblldred wero at mr hortops and mr tames frenehi and henry his nephew had tea with mr and mrs benson james it mrs bensons bi iruiu ou to eev mr baker preached hia last ser mons ae pastor here on sandsy hit many friends and aoqoalntanoee gathered with tbe oongregation and tbe hooto tras filled both morning and evening tbe evening discourse was very appropriate he read part of tbe 30th of aots taking for bis text the 83od verse pleading wth all to study oodm word and make it the man ol tbelr oonnsel in closing he cdmroeoded all to god and the word of hit grace on monday evening the ladles gave an excellent tea with lot oream for dessert during the evening dr moouiloagli read an address and jatnet blank presented si nloely filled purse on behalf of the oobgre- gallon to ast nd mrs baker to which mr basst replied after kind words of appreciation from a member ol tbe brethren good bye was said tbey left for illinois tnetdty rporning ojbe tad tulqlde of frank simons whose remains were hand at tbe booka iqtt- day morula has fillad the beartti of all wttbjirltf andtympatby for the sorrow- lag rnbth farajly i mr bobsrtblytb beevt of onsdph towalhlpj who was injured by an lufari- stedbnuiall week died t ths omeral hospital last thursday physique he had engaged for the summer with mr bobt talbot who lives three- quarters of a mils from the village and worked up to saturday night on sunday he was in tbo village and between talbots and hit mothers borne the last teen of him was when he left mr cuttings hoaeo about 7 pi m going towards hit own hpme hitbad been visiting the family espeoially one of the daughters for whom it is said he had a very- strong regard it was generallunaertood that tbe young lady did not favor hit snlt mr talbot expected him to work on monday morolng but as be did not come to the farm concluded that he was at his mothers mr talbot went over hit mothers in the evening to find out why he bad not been over and both were very mnoh surarlted to find that he had not been leeo their- susploionvwere at onoe arouse beosiute of a ohanoe remark be bad let fall that be wouldnt be hore long bis brother went upstairs to hit room arid found that his revolver was missing from his trunk the boys were fondol hunting aud had soms firearms with orange blosboms she vaa assisted by miia susie kloepfer of mlldmay and misa nellio hcffernan ot kverton who looked lovoly in gowns of wbito organdie over pink eilk with picture bats and bouqiieta of pink roses little miss kath leen ooghlan ctueiph townablp mado a very eharminr maid of honor tho groom was supported during the trying ordeal by mr jtiok blanohfleld brothor ol tho bride a feature ot the marriage scrvloo wae tho matio whiob was rendorod by misses gay and wagner and messrs daignan and gallahor memberaof tbo oboir of the obrtrob of our lady guelph tbe ushers for the ocoasion woromesarb w a gay and greg frank the interesting oero- mony was performed by ltov father v7m v kloepfer ssb of berlin nnolo of the groorn assisted by rev fathor feeney pasior at oustlo and aoten ber father oloane s j guelph and bev father fenneasey o b e of berlin solemn high mass wae bong by ltov father feeney with rev father fennostcy deaoon and ltov father kloepfer sob- deaoon at the conoldelon of tbo oere- mooy the happy gathering roaisomblod at the residence of the brides father woodj land farm where all tbo dpliotoleb man qonld wish for were fobnd in tempting array for the wedding breakfaat about 100 eat down to tho foist needless to atate tho gifts to tho bride and groom were numerous and valuable and bome magnifi cent man grade weekiy news v a blacksmiths story it was too uiothat night tolrntitnto a aearofa bat early tueeday mbrolng a nnmber set est on tbat mission after a couple hoars had been spent mr- talbot and mr boberlioni blaoktmltb found their worst fears realized by the discovery of poor simons body ttwhat is known as tbo books tome 200 or 800 yards from the village and jutt nn the edge of hit mothers place the rocks- are thinly covered with a oedar aornb add othtr growth and are comparltively open and easily teen from the village the body had fallen forward and both handa were nbder bis breast the right hand grasping a joadod aye obarnbered rorolver with one chamber discharged the shot had entered tbe right temple tbe face was rjnlte discolored especially around ths wound at the body bad been lying there for so boars the body ms taken op to the village an an inqoset was held by ooronor mao- klnnonln tbe evening the etna of the terrible aotappeartto have been unreiiolted love tbatfoumtn planing and lumber mills burltngton stsre oompletely destroyed by are tuesday erenldg of last week loss about 11000 partially covered by insur ance beotnte ho opald not go to a plonlo one day latl week johnnie powell a thlrteen- yearod orphans borne boy living near winnipeg shot and killed charlie wheeler tbe four yearold son of bit employer and then committed sulolde nineteen adltorslftd members of the ohambsrofctpqmjfelijctd with having teen mqptcttri with tferteenl revolution try estbmk mknltfur trial by oonrtmartlsli bavrbeid sentenotd to lerrai of lmprliooment varying from one month io six tears he became so run down that work was almost impossible his whole body rooked with pain prom tbo brldgowatorbntorprlte mr anatinanoy is a well hnowo black smith living at baker settlement a ham let about ton tuileb from bridjovvater n br thrfanoyit well known jnlhejooality in wbioh he llvos he is snolhnr of the legion whose reetoratlon to hetalth adds to the popularity of dr wiillarhef ink pills mr fancy related his story of illness and renewed health to a reporter of the jiter prlae is follows durlngthelast winter owing i suppose to dvorwork and impure blood i became mnoh teduoed in flesh and had severe paina in the mosoles ali over my body i felt tired all the time had no appetite and often felt so low spirited that i wished myself in another world somsof the time necessity comrol- edmeto un a little wnrk in my blacktrnlth thop but i wit not fit for it and alter doing the job would have to llo down indeed i often felt liko tainting i wae advised to try jit williams pink pills and after using ait boxes i felt a decided relief the pains began to abate and i felt as though life was not all dreari ness by the time i had need six boxee i was well at ever and able to do a dtyt work at the forge without fatigue and those who know anything about a bltoksmltbt work will know what thit means those who are not well will make no mistake in look log for health through the medium of dr williams pink pillt dr williams pink pills cure by going lo the root of tbe disease they renew and build up the blood and strengthen the nerves tnns driving disease from the tys- rr avod imlatlont by ineiiog that every bos yon purohato la enclosed in a wrapper bearing the full trade mark dr williams pink pills for pale people qublph china palace muoh as be feels he has a griovauoo that he lay the matter before the county jndge for his decision in tho matter moved by ot a murray seoonded by i franois that a permanent pavement 376 feet long 6 feet wide be laid on mill street frpm john to elgin street aooordlog to the specifications in nae by the oity ot gaelph for tbe oonetruotion of snoh walks and that the ooat ot same bo met from the appropriation to the stroota and walks committee for tbe current year carried a letter tram john cameron contractor asking permission- to remove and enlarge the bouse at the borner ot mill and willow streets to the rear ot the lot etating that the provisions of the fire limits bylaw would bo oomplied with by rpnghoaitlng the house when removed and rebuilt was read moved by john clarke seoonded by 3 a murray that tbo clerk be instruotod to acknowledge receipt of mr john camerons letter of 27th intt and to inform him that the bylaw for fire protection will not allowany roughcast dwelling to be ertoted wilhjn tho limits and this counoil it unable to grant the request see section two of tbp bylaw carri counoil adjourned at 1080 oofookr an attractive pair of shoe3 add to thegenteel appearance of any one man woman orchild we keep tho stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as rcprcscntctl- we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sues rubbers slippers etc all styles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared lo guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goodsr and dealing exclusively in boots arid shoes and having over twenty years of prnctical exper ience we aro able toselcctbetter goods and at better advantage than dealers who hondlo every- thing saleable custom work and repairing given prompt attention black peaude soil a double faced silk wear well actual value 125 june offering 100 24 in black satin brilliant finish soft make special 7 tho paper used in this journal is from ho above mills wlot babber bros 24 in black satin brilliant finish heavy soft make special 100 24 in surah silk excellent finish special 50c also large range of figured silks shot silks china silks complete stock of silk gloves in elack cream tan and upera shades mill st acton e jt corner king and huglison sts baniiltoji kenney brgs main street acton d1mlnl31b1yanl sli starj toronto industrial exhibi tion the prize list for the toronto industrial exhibition which is to be bold this year from the 29th of august to ths 10th ot september has boon issued a copy of which we have reoeived the eiblbillon is to bo formally openod by tho governor qenoral and the ocuntets of aberdeen on tuesday tbo 30th aujust and this will probably be their last offlolal nnhlln act in joel reoeived three crates of elegan japan china and other goods direct from japan mutt be teen to be appreciated call el j a modreai doled tea store guelph tbe dominion previous to their departure from owr shores tbo exhibition this year promises to bo more interesting than nsual on nooount of great britain and france each eending large exhibits it is his favorite spring lslloro again cooper akins the tailors are prepared for it with avery attractive stock of sprins 8ultings spring oyercoatings tlie tpeoial juiie sale affords an unusualopponunlty to secure the highest class of goods at unusually low prices today we place on sale the following goods which will indicate the reductions in the various departments bnuirron out jane 37 1898 tbe greatest popularity of hoods saratpaillla as a general family msdiolne it well merit ed it is a grand ttomaob tonio and creates 8 tppelite deorge qoddard of this place tays 1 would advise everyone troubled with bllloosness to take hoods sartaparllla i am feeling real well alnoe i began taking it and i always keep it in the house at it is my favorite medioine a oood corn sheltefffor 2bc a marvel ol cheapness of efhoaoy aod of promptitude it eonlained in a bottle of that famous remedy pulnama pttnletf corn extraotor it gees right to ths too of the trophic these acttqulokly but r ptlnlessly tbat nothlog h known of lla operktlon nntil the corn it thslltd bemre of subttltotet offered for putnampainless corn extractor atte tare and palnlssa bold at drnggltts s yious in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right wo fittvo plates for the newest styles in bicycle sulta and aro bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our slock tjnbtjsaoheb table liken 50 to 60 incheswide heavydamoskj reg- ular 50c kind june sale price 40c 7a inch pure damask regular 55c june sale price 40c regular gjc for 55c bleached damask 68 inch slightly dam aged regular 85c for 65c 68 inch grass bleached perfect regular 75c for 65c 72 inch extra quality bleached damask rcgularlr25spec1il i 35 special jr 10 kmoli8h flanelette extraordinary offering 31 pieces of the best hnglish flannelette 31 inches wide regular valuo 10c special at 7jc inci 35 pieces best english flannelette 33 ches wide regular value lac special 8gc 36 inch while rnltnnjprylnl at sc nnr yard 3g inch grey cotton regular 74c special 6 cents millinery depabtmbnt allour colored trimmed hats and bon nets to be cleared at the followingtjtaftling reductions all hats and bonnets regular s2 and i3 clearing at j50 each regular t j50 to i5 clearing at jaso each regular j550 to 18 to f regular s850 to tls clearing nt 96 each ladles sailor hats fancy colors at tho following prices regular 25c for 18c regular 35c for 20c regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 30c regular 75 and 85c for 40c regularsi for 50c regular fx25 for 75c regular 9173 for f 1 childrens muslin bonnets embroidered trimmed regulnr 35c and 50c- for 25c tegalarttjoiaodcy f 35 rftnnlar y and ji for 50c regular i125 and 750- irc ljoi cooper akins main street acton tailors aoton machine and repair shops bbnitt owndeli pnipriotor abb well equipped with all the maoblnarv neeeatary toetebute all raptlra to machin ery and agricultural implements aud to do all kinds of steamftttlng borsssboelng and general blaoasmlthlng- woodwork repairs performed tn a satisfaotorv manner we earn repair and machine or implement of any make saw gumming and nltnit done jlu i lvrll0 t8m bioy0u8 1 given away free colorei dress goods ten pieces all wood tweed effects 46 inches vide regular 60c special 25c 50 yards all wool plaid rcrular 30c very special 19c 100 yards inncy plaid regular g5c for 25c 15 plsces fancy silk mixtures for suitings regular f xxo and f iajfor 50c 5 yards fancy plaids for blouse waists regular lx25 clearing at 60c 19 only fancy dress patterns regular price was from fho to i1350 choice while they last for 500 each samples free by mall freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to i500 and upwards shoulder braces for ladies gentlemen or children wear them and they will straighten round shoulers and enlarge the chest a t brgwjst tkpmteo watkins men and wom en to vrllllni ai sill sr workers who win help as tsrytrtlse yo ceqalrad work during your spereumf chimicl oo iflcton qt ad sail or voungt kldnoyuvar cure in flvtlr ocallly no peddling no experience or capital ceqalred work during your spare time who need to make rnonav can do so without risk or capital br lollolting ordere for onr memorial edition oftbeldraoi gladstone by caauii hedklru with introduetion by the honorable mrnltter of dneatlon dr bote this book fa a at olaaale the ttorv ot bu life u told with thrilling interest nie death and iraooalnii national faneral will both be deaertbao and illuattated all larot quarto it measures bxl0l inebea betall ly illna worthtmoo lbotlneenlblndlnsdrofuee- ly illustrated proapeetus h nests xlberal terms bradlktaaiutrtsotl company limited toronto w m hembtbeet iiloshtsd aootloluib or tnt ooantlet ol wellington end halton orderalsnattbevaab passe oboei aotorrr ot atmyresidanoelnaoton will tie promptly at- ended to fees reauoed to j tooo voi taem tuuis also ropney m loan on the noat favorable sumsanelaf thteweal ratesi of loteressin 10ms olmooand pwards rubber stamps ib mot bobber btarnn vtrita to oee ourrjp g lorotato f pads ina ete king st bast price 5500 visible writing in addition lo all the advantages pf the 12000 macliinos the onlv typewriter manufactured in canada pully cuhhbnt96d clrculnrs and testimonials wrlto for them the williams mtg co m makers of colobratoir- wtif now williams bowlug hi alaontoea irl

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