Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1898, p. 3

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hie bank of hamilton nnmnii hamilton capitol all paid up 1 26000000 reserve fundi v2booooo total assets s9 846678 45 nearly tun aiiiuoub of dollars board op directors ohnstuakt a q ramsay lruuldtnt mco1roetuout ko iuucir jan 1iioeroii a r wood a d let toronto wal gibson m p tuumilll caoblir ii b bllvia amt oashlor ii i watson inspector f georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsibio farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale- noils and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canadi and united slates drafts on greatdntam bought and sold savings department deposits of 8 1 and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether pass book is brought in or not speciil deposit receipts issued for largo sums j p bell agent georgetown the news at home m p a l o a every item interesting ont house cleaning time has now arrived you 11 want paper for your rooms or new shades for the windows no where else can you find such an assortment of wall papers ceiling papers window shades curtain poles prices low slock the largest gie us call geo brvnds jcwelery and stationery store acton ont thursday june 80 1808 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week last num of vol xxjil reader do not forget that the fueb piiebb byatom relating to anbgoription s discontinues the pa par when the tmbacrip- tf on expiree anleaa promptly renewed this in the laat numbof of the present vol- nme and hnudreda otanbaoriptiooa expire with the end of jane if yonra ia among the nnrnber kindly renew at once we cannot apare yon f oar liatu and you wo bo sorry to do without the weekly visits of jour h paper theaa probperonb time d iiniiiod day tomorrow bihuute out for the eammer last number of vol xxiii brampton pablio library baa 73 members the latest dodieh fad ia to havo your ooataleeves creaaecl a meeting of tho pablio sohool board was held jaat eveaing hand o your fufts aod bunting to morrow canadas natal day rand what is bo rare as a day in jnne then if ever coma perfect days the next issue will open tho twenty fourth volume of the f nlus pbxbb w h walker of company 0 halton battalion is now a aargeant dont von want to boy a canary visit of a athhiouary to india rov j g brown lato raibalonary to india occupied the palplt of the baptist oh u roll laet sunday ilia references to the prjreatf of christianity in india aa a result of missionary effort were interest ing and iospirin mr browo la at pres ent occupying the pulpit at orange v hie but lutenda eliortly to return to india itsv mr mcalpino preached in orange- ville last sunday tho horao got frightened l while workiog in the lumber yard at ebbaroa planing mill labt thursday about noon mr charles ebbage nar rowly escaped vorj tferioue injury qo wa3 changing a box to the lumber waggon when tlio horso boo time frightened anj rushed out to willow street mr ebbaga was flotiiig lbrj box in place and hit feet bloanie entangled id the lines ho was in ud instant jorhotl off his feet and dragged up street as far aa st albana oburoh when tho hues gavo way and ho was libera tod ono of tho flagorq of his left hand was broken aud bis right foot badly sprain- ed it was a narrow escape the horse was stopped at rozzella laundry by com ing ioto coutaot with theienoe there the wooden leggett hans x oes laat friday night policeman twohoy of londoo was ebot by a tramp with a wood en leg who escaped sinoe the news of tho shooting and tho escape of the uhooter has been published wooden legged tramps have been arrested lu all parts of the province and lbo london authorities have been kept baby answering the telephone and telegraph oalla of polioo officers and others who had taken woodenlpgged men into custody on subpioion acton had her share in the excitement with other townsjind cities on monday a stranger with a wooden leg was in town selling lead pencils from door to door and a couple of gentlemen who had read the description of policeman twoheya murderer shadowed him until they had telephoned tbe london chief of police and found that he was not the woodenlegged man who was wanted the aame man bad been ppottod three tlmos he said byener- getlo amateur detectives since the london ahootidg the heart of the uosbandman is glad undpr the above oaption the world last friday pdbliahod reports from thirtynino counties throughout the provinoe whtoh almost unanimously give excellent pros- peots for an abundant harvest prospects brighter ban for many years past the country looks beautiful indeed the grain has developed remarkably daring the past two or threo wctka haying has oommencod in many plaooe and the yield ia very heavy the early spring and excellent weather will enable the farmers to com mence their fall work much earlier than usual tbu year the world a report for halton county eay s fall wheat medium bpriog wheat flood barley peas and oata away above tho average hay orop excep tionally good pasture good all roots promise well email fruits very abundant apples and pears dropping badly cherries and plums fair in the neighborhood of aoton tho fall wheat is exceptionally good wellington reports from different sec tione of the county indicate a large yield in oil kinds of crops fall wheat ia excep tionally good peel fall wheat good spring grains lay and roots fair oar farmers mnfoy m vellghtfal outing for a number of yean the yeomen of the coqnty of halton with their wives sons daughtori and friends have enjoyed an annnal outing in the shape of an excursion to the model farm at gaol ph these ocoasiona have been much enjoyed by the participants imsmuoh as they have afford ed opportonitietrfor the reunion of friends from various parts of the county a pleasant disastrous fire yesterday ebbases planlns mid and francis gltjvfi leothur nmtt destroyed try at fifteen mi nil tog to threo joatorday afternoon tho tire alarm souuded und in a few scoondi it was ascertained that the planing mill of thomas ebbage at tho head of water street v as ou lire within flvo minutes tho flames spread through the entire two floors of tho factory and the t anno ry of oonnoillor fran o is ad joining and by the timo ilia firemen and oltuseas begin to aruvo the flitnoa woro burttlog tbroagh tho roof tho usual itnpatienao at alleged duluy in getting a stream from tho steamer was raanifotton tho pait of numbors in tho assemblod multitude but when it 13 known thul witliln itiu minntosof tho sounding of tboaiarm tliofiro brigade had two streams playlog on the tire they really deserve credit instead of censure the flromon did signal service in cou fining the fire to the buildings in whioh it originated they also saved tho lumber and cord wood plied in close proximity to the mill aa wall as tho lumber shod twenty or thirty fott to the south the planing mill contained a largo quantity of dressed lumber and everything about the premigeb being very dry the heat was intense the value of the are engine was olearly demon strated bb without its aervico the realdenoe of councillor francis and the barn of d henderson u v woald in all probability have been ignited in a few moment and perhaps been destroyed the fire originated from tho furnaco mr ebbsge whose son was laid up ia9t week by an accident was alone in tho mill and was oalled into tho yard by a ouetomor he had not been oat more than a minute or two when the blaze was noticed and ho hurried to eztlngniah it the flames ehot over the rail as though by a train of powder and the proprietor bad cot even time to gather up tho loose toola from his work bench everything was destroyed aa were also the entire con tent a of coun cillor rraacis building tho loss on mr ebbages building and machinery will be about 91200 and on lumber tools eto abont 9500 mr fran- ois loss on building ib 9850 on boiler drum and fixtures 150 and ou dyes and stock about 910a mesare w 13 storey a son will also lose abiut 8100 worth of btook the iobb is total in each case as owing to the hazardous nature of the risks the insurance companies hae lately refused to write polices for the owners except at abnormal rites much sympathy is felt for both tho patties in their loss and especially for mr ebbuge who is in a very poorttnto of health mr ebbaga has been a man of rare mie- fortuuc ono loos has succeeded another in rapid eucaeasion until it ia no wonder he la now totally discouraged thid is tho sixth fire in whioh hehas lott nearly if not entirely hia all but kind friends have always willingly asbuted him upon his feet agaio and no doubt he will ttill find them true coming and going isitors to ana rrom aoicm ana vnrloueother pergonal notes another victory for acton last saturdays exoltlng match gave aoton a sooro of 8 to hespelers 2 tho bafleball match placed here on stit nrday last between tho hoftpolcr toam and the homeolub reeulted in a vlotory for tho latter the match was well plajed all throogb especially by the home team and was won by tliem with a sooro of 8 runs to 2 partioularaof whioh are given below acton an n in e n r o e a bnttyof- 6 1 a 0 0 0 0 jago3b 6 1 1 0 4 3 1 millies 3 8 1 0 1 3 a e byderab 111011 f bydero 10 117 3 0 olloott p 3110050 harwoodlb 1 1 3 0 10 0 0- holmes rf 3001111 motntogli 1 i i 0 0 1 0 0 0 tho friek fubby invito all its roadora to oon tribute to ttila oolumn it you or your friondi ftro roldg on holiday trip or it you have frlondsvllttueyoti drop a card to tho fmu pugso mist amelia iluebaud ia visiting frionda in butlington mr end mm w h bmitb of ijramosa spent friday in town miss footer of bmmptou visited friends iu town during tha week mr park dills is borne from glovcrs- vlho n y for a short visit mr dr uren left last week on a visit to tho old home at bt marys mrs a wenham of xoronto visited aatou friends daring tho week mr c v stafford of flngal spent a few days last neck in the old home mr tod mrs david ryder of gaelpb visited acton relatives laet thursday mies vanallao of georgetown has been spending a week r so with friends here mrs w j nellea and babe of goolph liave been visiting relatives here ho paet week mrs ajfrod soper and mtss edna miller spent friday and 8atardsy with georgo town friends mr tad mrs a h hemslroet sad their little diaghter of agerton visited friondi here thrweek mrs n f moore and johnnie were gnoatetc the parental horns near oonnlogs- by the past week or so mr sanmel bayson of brampton spont monday with bis father inlaw john kcuney ejij and other friends the congregation of the first baptist oburcb guelpb hasextended a call to itev w morrell of fori william mr henry bauer who bas been ill for a coniiderable time is not able be around at preeent but ia oonflned to his bed the rev t w laxford visited bort orewson at gaelph general hospital on tuesday be is rapidly recovering mr william qorney bas been laid aside from work the post few days owing lo a eeverely sprained hand rov arthur h crosby was in town on tuesday was on his way to dyers bay bis appointment for the coming year mibb cdna miller is visiting friends in hilton and hornby this week she will eborllyleave to join her father at winnipeg rev victor j gilpin spent a day pr two ibis week with aoton friende wbils en route for bis new field at grand valley prior to leaving for hie new oharge at woodstock bev s sellerys bible elasa at ouolpli prcsentod him with a gold headed oanr it is rumored in hamilton tbat bishop bowlinit may be appointed bishop of pdicrboro and be snooeedid by mgr moevuy as bishop of hamilton miss alice ijealie pupil of miss laid law lias been eacccseful in passing the first year cxarairation in piano harmony and theory at toronto conservatory of muelo mr unas e jonner arrived in town on tncbday evening from johnstown n t lie will spend a couple of weeks ia visiting oanadlan friends and a little bird whispers tbat bo will not return to johnstown alone at tho recent meeting of halton teaobera aesuoiatiqp miss jessie mcdon ald of lome sohool was honored with appointment as one of the two delegates from the county to the ontario medical aeaoom ionwbioh meets lu torouto four of the editors of halton journals allouded the farmera institute exonrsion to guelph last saturday i messrs b white reformer milton b d warren htratd georgetown fred b elliott neighborhood news news items supplied by corres- pu and dfc aeorqetown tho oraogo lodges in lio counties around are making arrangemontb to come to georgetown on lbs 12th of july the lateit dietrlot to be heard from 1b derry woii from whioh a largo oontingeqt will come 8000 people are expeoted mr bert barber and miss daiiiy barber went to atlantio city last weok for a holiday outing juiss mabel mobetb has gone to walters sanitarium pennsylvania in the hope of improving her health it pays lo buy at bolkrls it paya in buy at ballcrts rockwood sdtr w g bragg of bookwood returned borne on friday evening from british colombia rev jamea eestlo proaohed his farowelj lerxnon here on sunday as a result of hia pastorate here be leaiea mitoy warm friends oh this otrouit bev s w holden ther new pastor le expeoted to ooonpy the pulplneit bauday xbe eramosa sutlday schools oxouraion will lake place on tuesday july fltb to toronto and banians island the fao to toronto and return wljl be 6co for adrxlli and 85a for obildreo boat ticket will be qo and go the train will leave bookwood at 8 80 a m and returning will leave toronto at 7 pm temperanoe lectures were delivered in the town hall on monday and tuesday evening they were well attended a young man named simons committed loioide at everton on sunday evening tha body was fonnd tuesday morning mrs and mlas boatledge have returned bonne to richmond mich after a abort visit to mrs barry a meeting of the directors of the era mosm agrloultoral society was hsld in the liwn hall bookwood laat friday afternoon thers were present john kitohing pres ident john monabb vice president geo j ihorr a e bamiay kobt talbot james gray thoa lush g t wilson matthew loree norrie blaok james keoorb and colin cnmoron secretary- treamrer the object of the meeting was to revise tha prise list aud appoint different ooromitteoa and judgoa for the fall fair this work was satisfactorily oompeted quite a number of the judges it is under stood will be from guelph the dates of tbe show are oot 11 and 19 mestt intrinsic value of boodsssrsspsrilla r merit in modlolno meant the power to cure uoodsbarsaparlllapossessesactosl and unoquulted curative power and there fore it bat true merit when you boy hoods sarsaparlllsand take it according to directions to pnrily your blood or cure any of the many blood diseases you aro morally certain to receive benefit the poner to cure 1 there yon are not trying sn experiment it will make your blood pure rich and nourishing and thus drive out the germs of disease strengthen the nerves and build apthswholesystem pi sarsapanlla lathe beat in fact tboonetnto blood purlber prepared only byc i hoosco lowell mais hoods whs jviirassvffiws great orotfvds dominion day week ve thron th store daily since the opening ot our great june sale this week there aic only 5 selling days but we mean to crowd 10 days business into them all over this big store the inducements stick out its your loss more than ours if you dont take advantage of this sale erin the large bank barn an tho farm of alf barren lot 15 4th line erin wbb destroy ed by fire ou monday of last week the are consumed a durham bull a sow and twelve 3 oqng pigs a new binder thayt had jaat been brought homo a quantity of hay aod about two hundred bushels of oats beaidob nearly all iiib farm implements thero were also a number of store hogs badly burned that wilt probably have to be slaughtered the origin of the fire is not definitely known a tad fatal acoldont happened at tbe raising of a barn list friday afternoon on the nufm of mr duncan oameron 8rd oonaeision of caledon it seems all went well until the putting up of tbe plater when in tho heat of the raising and shortage of help a plate was allowed to fall when partly op striking the bead ot a young man named joseph flaherty splitting his skull in two and oaosjog instant death mr flaherty was a well- todo young man a son of tbe late john ftatierty on the erin side of the townline between erin and caledon an event wbioh caused a great deal of iotereat especially among the fair sex took place at the hospitable home of mrs j aithcd 2nd line erin on wednesday evening last when mlas jennie ogllvie aitfctnaw uc p t o 31 day wall paper up to date is ihe time we have given j d mokoe druggist acton to sell all our at 15 discount think of it nnd do your house over while such snaps last is our motto and in the sum mer wo clean out what siock we can 31 days is tbe limit see his samples look at these faots 35c dress goods for i2jc 40c dress goods for 20c 50c dress goods for 25c 00 dress goods for 50c 125 dress goods for 730 j95 dress goods for 09c 50 fancy silks for 25c 7jc fancy silks for 50c washing goods iac mualini for 8c 130 lawns for toe aoc organdies for 15c 35c madras for 25c 37c swiss spots for 25c 10c prints for gjc 15c percales for 10c 18c ginghams for 12jc 18c crepons for 12jc staples x2gc shirtings for 10c 13c towels for 10c 1 35 white guilts for si 00 8c bleached cotton for oc ioc bleached cotton for 8c 85c sheets for g5l 25c pillow cabcs for 19c ioc rlanoclcttc oryc fancy goods 75c pnrasols for 50c 81 00 parasols for 75c 9i 00 cprsels special for 50c 15c cotton hose for ioc 25c belts for 18c 50c ribbons special for 20c laces at cut prices white wear at cut prices blouses ar cut prices lidies suits at cut prices millinery at cut prices men band boys clothing hats and general furnlsnlngs we arc offering great bargains during this sale carpets bto all carpets curtains oilcloths etc at reduced prices during our great juno sale g l neiles thb l6hd6r cublph another car of land salt just in also one of landtpiaster windsor and colemansbbl salt at j i 05 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green aoc per lb dwarf essex rope seed 18 lbs for ji 00 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds trom 6jc up e r bollert 66 co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph for 50 years the firm of savage co having been estab lished fifty years intend celebrating the occasion by having a great silverware sale the goods purchased for this sale are manu factured by one of the oldest and best firms in is a popnlar qaery in town this week the goderlob signal has been enlarged to tbe extent of foar oolamns of additional matter every citizen mil bo welcomed at tbe opening of the tree library next monday ovemng g hynds jeweller bas plaoed a very neat glldod clock sign over the entrance to bis store the next sitting of ibedivision court in aoton will be oa wednesday next oih july no more aoorohlog on tbe streets boys tbe oops will ge you if yon dont watoh out miss garlloy of georgetown bas opened dressmaking rooms at mra cooks lake avenue bev s w holden the new pastor of bookwood circuit is expeoted to preaoh in the brick church next sunday morning bev john le fevre of hiram college ohio will preach at be disciples church next sunday both morning and evening free library open to the publio next monday ovoning show your appreciation by calling and regislerlng as a member i duly received with thanks the forms you printed tbey are satisfactory n every particular xouri very trnly t gm many of the bills stolen from tbe dominion bank at napanoo have tnrned op in montreal and tbe detectives there are hot after those who are passing them the a t it have plaoed a very flnp vestibule train on the main line between toronto and london for general panenger traffic it pastel tbroogb here eaah morn- logvsnd evening ma gsrdon party under the auspices of tbe ladies aid of knox churoh will be giyen bext thursday evening 7th lmlat tbe residence of mr charles davidson aoton cornet band will be in attendance and an inteteetios programme provided tea will be served from o to 8 oclock princip v t m se s ol halt a score of candidates to the examina tions at georgetown this week they are as folloas for entrance benie wallace and jennie ourne for pablio school leaving berths speight clara cobban isdltb nloklln gertrude barry eva perrjman eatflo oram frank moore and tbos henderson a travelling ojoliil oalled opon a dotsn erioof our ottlusniontnesday with a couple of yellow birds wbioh he alleged be was taking homo to his wife in si marys but oonld not carry tbem on hia wheal my farlher the two birds multi plied to about a down before be left town and bis pocket wai 10 or sis rioher certalocltixena have canaries tbey would like to tell a note to the pi as pnxss front an officer at lbs niagara camp says that company 0 ot aoton baa the honor of belngtbe best drilled neates and most orderly oompeny on the field tbe boys are all wall and living hearty good for onr boya wort prottxl of their dla- tlootlon the review of tbe an battalions on tpomlnion day trill be an interesting wrroinatlort to t ari i lo oainp aay ot rest irom tou detore the oommenoo- ment of baying and harvest and a profitable examination ot the systems of farming dairying and atook raising as carried on at ontarios model farm at gaelpb the exoursioa last satorday was the largest yet held nnder tbe aosploea of halton farmers institute tbe regular trains over tbe q tb and o pb tonohlng the various sections of the county brought in large orowds of happy excursionists while a special g tb train from oakville and the south ot tbe county added several hundreds to the nornbers already arrived in tbe boyal oily ocbe college authorities esti mate that their guests that day from the county of halloo numbered over 1500 tho weather was pleasant and tbe day was delightfully apeot tho courtesy and attention paid by president mills and his exoellent staff were much appreciated and added materially to tbe profit of the visit in the praotlcaj addresses and interesting exhibitions of the various departments perhaps tho moat attractive feature ot the visit was tha hour spent in the borne dairy where prof dean and mias bose revealed all tbe secrets of tbe prodaotion on a small sosle of giltedge farm butter of the highest grade the kind attention ot president 3 l warren ot the farmers institute and hisfollowoffloeri was appreciated by tbe exounlonlila tho croilaolcclubb awn social daring ihe last six monthb tho orokinole club bas been ranch la evidence in tbe matter of popular entertainmenia these occasions have been almost invariably suoceaaf al and enjoyable thli result being aooompllibed for two reasons jfirstthe object has bees a worthy and onaelflah one and second tbeefforts of the members have been indefatigable in their various enter prises the evening apent in the fork last friday was highly enjoyable tbe music by acton cornel band piper dong- las and tbe juwee waa all tbat could be desired and tbe bloyolo raoes were exciting the leading svent in the latter was ihe two znlle race between j barry and e 3 moore two of onr speediest am th l t th lead a tb 35 8 0 j 27 16 a nkarxlen ah n lnuuroa n billing p s010000 elli 3 b 5 0 10 2 0 1 butborlandlb a 0 a 0 14 0 0 morruou ii 3010330 henderson 9b 3 0 0 0 0 a 0 uarkle 3 100001 olbaonlf 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 queenef 3 0 0 0 10 1 taylor r i 5 101009 33 a 5 1 31 13 5 acton 00090130 x 8 heapeln 0000100103 earned runs aoton 2 btolon bases aoton 0 heapeler i struck out by olloott 0 by billing 3 liases on balls off olleott 5 on billing s umpire i francis tho next match will bo played on satur day at a oclock between aoton and the queen ouye of toronto jtecorcz burlington and h p moore ffibb pnes aoton mr and mrs arthur balls ot petrolea who twenty years ago were respected reeldenls of aoton were in town last thursday renewing acqaaintanoebhips they declared tbat aoton has marvellous ly improved in twenty years daring thei eti t w the guests ot mtsv our most popular young people were nnlted in the bonds ot holy matrimony ths oereutony was performed on the lawn benemlh a large bell of roses and ferns in ihe presence of over one hundred invited gueats from toronto milton aoton qnslph gait heapeler monnt forest parry sound barrio and tbe surrounding geo j thorp sbbdsotkn market sq and maodonnell st cublph america every article being guaranteed by us to be quadruple plate these goods usually sold at four to six dollars are to be sold by us at the low figure of local brieflets james ryder tho many friends of mr j p dunn for eight years station agent for ihe 0 p b at si thomas will be pleased to learn thai he has been promoted to tho position of travelling freight sgent for ihe 0 p b with headquarters in this eity mr dunna distriot includes tbe m 0 b west ot st tliomas the l e fc b by the e t h and chatham district st thomas fanner tomorrow is a statutory holiday a new tile drain ia to be put dowu on mill street irom willow to main street shortly the public sohoole closo this after noon wont tbe boya and girls have a jolly time trie next two months now oyclists retrain from riding on ihe sidewalks tbe new by law applies equally to officials ladies and children tbe flra tank on young street was pumped oat for ropalrs by the brigsde one evening laet week tbe repairs havo beon effected georgetown will bavo an orange walk on ibe 19b july all the lodges of tho urroundloft country sro expected to gather there that day permisaena pavements aro tobe in- aogarated in aoton by tbe laylog ot a sample block on mill street between john and elgin street during ibe paat two months b holmes droyer has paid the farmers of this aeotion from t20o to jb00o a week for stock shipped b blm a dno throogh the surrounding country iai any direction from aoton discloses soctiq of lbo finest oropa that have been seen for years start aud had tbe task of setting ihe peso tbe race was a lively procession until the liomeatrelob was reached on the laat lap when batry mads a successful sport and won by four or flra yards in the boys mils rase there was a plnoky contest between charlie holmes john moore and harry blatham who finished in tbe above order in tbe juvenile half mile spurt johnnie mullen won in a olose race against george hynds jr the slow raoe was tbe most amusing ot all nearly two doien riders entered but only one contestant was able tp keep his mount to tbs finish e 3 moore won on a moat anallliko pace refreshments were aertad16 tbe drill abed whioh waa tast deoorated for thejwoasioo jths tables and boothswera presided over by a host pf charming young ladles who in their maty costumes and with alluring smhsslrini socres at patrons anxious tb bo stys4 lonioni frnll tioh loss land toolbsowevpsutry at their bands ths twmji large and ths ooflers ottlie olub pittainoalsalltfaoiorly tbs town tall d fond a oonserjoently swelled to a oobsloj agertoai xtaar uiiice tn xraiaigar township will be closed on tbe ural of july owing lo lack ot patronage on the pari of residents of ibe tloinlty if you would like to seo ihe new free library in lis exoellent arrangement and classification pay a visit at any time between s and 10 oclock next monday evening the midsummer rally and review servloe in lbs methodist sunday sohool laat sunday afternoon waa a very interest ing service the solo never alone by miss emma moore of toronto was much appreciated the weian beardmore have leased for aterraclyeura ihejarge resldqos of mrs robert little at tbs oorner of church and wllbor streets and will make it tbs temporary teaidence ot members ot tbs fitromd thelrtatnlllerwlro may from time lo time be iq town tbe house is being sot in a iborongb slats ot repair and tt at present irs the bands of oarpentors plasterers painters paper dangers and plumbers new at home 7so stoutfiotjaaoanaorangoblomomb june was tbs month wbioh ibe romans considered tbe moat propitious season of tbe year for contracting matrimonial engagements and tbe young people of these modern days evidently esteem the month of roses equally propitious the conductor ot the 015 trsln going east on wednesday bad three bridal parties on board while on ihe 100ft p m train there were no less than four newlymarried coup lei bound for tbe east on honeymoon tonra happily bettlodticuracloa tha kincardine reporter deaoribes tbe johnsteubtmshaw nuptials at follows a very pretty wedding took place al the the reildcdoa of mrs bamabaw sweat biiarfarmnearbervfsr on wednesday evening 25th may when mr b l john ston of aoton was united in marriage to ofiss yersna bamshaw tha spaoions residence was all illuminated and at tha appointed hour mra e a halloommsnc- tbe wedding strains and ibs bride and groom were soon in their positions bev geo mckay m d wss lbs officiating clergyman after tha osremony and ccngralolaliona bad been ahowired opon tbe bappy couple the guests bumherlng n be b f t the nnptnal knot and mils fowlle played the wedding marob the bride who was given away by bor brolher mr t aitken was attired in a oream henrlelta trimmed with ohlffou and brocade silk and carried a shower bououet of oream rosea tbe brideimsld miss annie aitken wore a pretty dress of white organdy trimmed witti pink ribbons and carried a bonqnet of pink roses tha gowns worn by seme of the guests were as worthy of description as many ot those worn at fashionable city weddings the groom was ahly supported by hia brother mr j edward pearen congratulation being over the party sal down to a table laden with seasonable dainties and beautifully decorated with flowers ferns and vines short speeches conveying congratulations and kindliest wisfah were made by bev mr fowlle and messrs john blaok hugh blaok j 8 lores jas kirkwood exm f p boost of gall and others to whioh the groom made a suitable reply tbe esteem in whioh tbe young people are held by all wast attested by the nnmerooa and opatly presents among whioh is a handsome clook irom tbe ohoir of tbe ospringe presbyterian chnroh where the bride bas been organist tor the last six years tberroungeeupleiettbere vis aoton on the ten p m train for toronto and points east amid showers of rice and good wishes from all present your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give raftishaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits 200 sattage fe co established 1848 hnd opticihns guelph ont h ramshaw acton photo artlat the campaign prepare for winds literary paragraphs to curb a colp in one day i brmno qntuua tablets all tllsnod lie money ii it f alia to cur about one hundred sal down to a rioh repast nnder tbs beautiful orchard trees all aglow with varied oolored blossoms ths odor at whioh filled lb sir ud lighted np with lanterns of all shcdc and ooforx a most entertaining program was plaotd in rev mr mokaya bands and engaged the attention of the company until after mid- night among ihe guests fronia dlstanot ware was johnston of aoton mrs frank itamsbew and daughter mary mrs wm agnew and son george of knatchbnll mr thoa bamabaw ot lobo mrs e poole ot london mrs wads ot oalf6rnia tho bride locked charming to an elegant watanie ot cream csshmsrs irlmmsd wilb laoe and oblffco and wore a floral wrsalb the presenla reeelved-by- tbs brlovwere magoltoent end inolnded the useful oil ornamental tbs friends tbos testifying tbolr high esteem for bar ths following morning mr and mrs johnston left for ihelrtionhe in aoton the publio school examinations wsre held y iitarday and not ibis itlsmoou as previously annoqnqtd ailfcrfjjfndniber ot patot and others aundubttf alarm ul firs habn three tfolocfnaasauro- roary liffcluatlon tt tbs prortthjaa the jltvlew of jtcvtewt continues strong on war topics in the july nnrnber ihe editor reviews tbe whole campaign op to tha landing of tbe troops for the sdvsnoe on 8ntigo showing the precise part which lieutenant hobtons exploit bad in the general scheme 1 dr william hayes ward areata ot hobsons oarear as that pf the lypioal young american atudent mr edwin emerson jr ths brilliant young newspaper correspondent gives notes ot bis adventnroni journryogi in porto rloo list month 1 snd dr msx west the itatlitiolad and economist summaritea oar new war taxes in arr interesting article international cartoon com ments on oar war with spain and ihe record of current evci ta also cover ths situation up to ale tha subjot of the wax ii given due protnlnenoe in the july hautauqan wbioh ahcrwi a paper on ths managsmsnt ot tbewar with spain byedward o wil- llami with portraits ot tbe men occupying tha moat influential positions under the goweroment cuban settlers in america by day allin wlllay the pries spain has ud for cuba by felix ii oswald and by john a oafcotnerealsooftn lylnteresl t xbe wellknown c if ion hj al niagara kails was cetroyad by fir ou banday morning lisa 1160000 far ilally inland ws woald call your attention to tbe fact that we are prepared to unply yon with lumber of suitable length for yonr barn poors vis 10 13 19 or h feet also sasb doors pbabttes mouxdinqb e fur buildi stor d pat ap a as low a rate as possible bepair yonr pumps or put ib new ones before it is too sold wxoxudoit shop at foot or river street acton thos ebbacb manager bring your custom logs in andjtawiwfuinbwr homewlthydu wmiji l l p sayer3 atcb iasavmsavi 1 tu falue justnow weare ofleririg great value in stvhtches by buying for cash we are enabled to sell at the very lowest prices call in and inspect our watches we have them at all p gt d pringle the jeinteller cuelph a spdciaj purchase of blue and black serge suitings fast colors no fading always the same i f color changes withintwo years money refunded specially good goods very close prices for 10 days at jftjsj m ifxji i kc

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