Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 30, 1898, p. 4

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fljc tum vm thursday june 110 1898 iljtv doting folks pott po my dollvlsbobappy her oyoa are vory bright aud wnon thorob noono looking buo laurlis wltb all bar might bbob perfeokly rldlolun im aaro youd never bugs itfl cubq z put a pocket in borprotty gingham dross dut ive told her that a pocket laut made for peanut ahollb and sho mustnt got it atloky whhdat6s and oaramol j aud if abob pot particular to tnombor what i say shell find ou bomo bright mornlog hor pookota flown away akka m fuatt one colueoe thick that was oood v the pa 8auce it- was a worthy parsob woo bad done a let of work in india and acquired tbat insatiable joravlng for highly spiced foods wmchis the oerlain inhorltanoc of all who libber for any lengthened period in the land of aanahino and shadow one of ths dolioaolts he could never get throurh meal without was tobasoo sauoe vfe we dont know whether youve hod any eiperlodoe with tobasoo sauoe bat anyway it is aboat as warm as anything that is nude cayenne is ioe oream to it and tha old horseradish or the ordinary ohilr of tha pickle merobantb take a leat very far back weil the parson wao stopping at a cer tain boarding house at brighton an 3 amodg the other people was an elderly gentleman from ohioago meal after meal ho noticed that the utile red bottle with the rxetn label was alwaye produced from some mysterious hiding place and put by the side of toe parsons plate and finally onolanchon time the other oould oontaio himself no longer fatting down bis knife and fork ho remarked parson x reckon ill trouble yer to pass the smuoa beside yon this ia my private bottle sir remark ed the minister but it yon wish to par take of it von are very welcome well nan it over then he poared oat on his plate aboat three times as nmch as would have spread a ontario glow throaghont the- whole of klondike then he tore the inside oat of a planer roll and carefully sopped the vermillion mixture up then be bolted he didnt bhriek he didnt jamp he jasl grabbed tbe table iu s convaliive rraip with his two hands opened bis month so wide that the flesh at the comers tore like glazed calico and gasped for air bo panted like forty doge eaob of which had ran forty miles in record time and tbe water coarsed down from his forehead from the corners ot his month arid dripped and dripped dripped on the worn and threadbare carpet at hie written request for he oould not speak the waiter called a hack and drove bfm to the nearest fire station where be bad tbe 9 inch hose attaobed to hie month for an hoar and a quarter he looked mnoh wiser and far sadder when he came down to breakfast next rooming with the oornors of his month tied dp and a patent vulcanized rubber poultice around the inside of his throat bat when he saw the parson all he saidwas parson rye learned sooetbink i knew yon fellers lived by preaphlu bades but i never knew as yer carried it with yer ally soper water oood bnouqh uv itiov r u ihack after a oohneotion of many yonre with various colleges 1 oau oiall to mind but one college triok among tho boys that was un mjatasablj kind and becibaent the year of 1857 was olio of remarkable frultftllnebs in east tennessee and the wheat crop was unusually largo and abun dant as thin waa before the day of mowers and reapers it wit often difqoult at suoh a timo to flod labor anffloient to gather the orop this year i t was poonliar- ly embarrassing and the father of dr jno h bruuner president of hiwaaseeoollego who bad a small farm in the neighborhood found himsolf deflolent io holp to secure hie abundant drop of wheat in his extremity he called on mason dr bnmnor o inquire whether there were not borne yoang men in oollege who might be iadnoed to lend a helping hand dr brnnner made the announcement to tbe boys informing them of his fathers oiroumstaooes and requests ing any of them who might be willing to volunteer for the old- rushs help tho boye after consulting bent in a reply that they would willingly aid the old gentleman provided they could find ihe soy thes or cradles aa they were then called and borrow them from the neighboring farmera and further that they would report at the harvest field early the next morning old mr brannerhad an extra breakfast pre pared and awaited tbe coming of the young naen in eagerness but norseoame finally be received a message from the boys that they had not been able to atonre any cradles from the neighbors that day as they were all busy in the harvest and oould not bo spared from home this was a sad dis appointment to mr drunner who bad no help of bis own but he oonolnded to go to the field and savewhst be oonld of his orop now readytofalrtowrn r hands when be retohed the field to his utter astonishment ho toned the grain all neatly harvested and put op in shocks but no one in sight tho boys bad borrowed the orsdles the night beforo end by- the light of the moon had gone to the field with a large force and bad oanfally done tbe work without letting the old man know anything about it calling smith danger ahead when children are weal and sickly in slimmer time miss kate field relates at tomo length uii eiperlodoowbioli rtlie liafl in iflm ia alecp in a holol in a utah milling town whoro tho jittrthions between i ho rooms wero of boards merely and qoilo iunoocnt of i nth and planter the ordinary going and obmiug of tho early part o he night and thesnoiing of ilia later hours wero bad enough but toward morning wlion at lubt she had fatten heleep a loud voioa all ou tod from ber keyhole smith i smith i as her namn was not smith nho mntlo no response smith i cume tho tbout hain iid time to akip p my iia mo ia not smith blip then an swered wbat ib your uamo then if it aint smith it ought to bq youre down on the register as braith from aorosa the hall came tkaoall of the day clerk who occupied the room there no that aint sinith smiiha at the end of the hall r well this in the end of tho hall camo from the neighborhood ot the keyhole aain it was the voice of the porter j t arent there two eudp to the hull its fhe other endyoa blockhead i who wante smith vloamoaaliarpvoice from the distance im smhh whata the matter im smith oame still another voice- wfiu whiohover smith wantb to jot up at four oclock bims the oue p growled the portor both these smiths elammed their doora with a vehement protebtation that they didnt want to get up its smith in number one 1 screnmed the day clerk the right smith had not been wakoncd at all so he porter found no 1 and pound ed on the door bo hard that everybqtiyi- the house who had not already boon naked waa aroused and several people ruahed out into the hall thinking there was a fire the porter went down complacently to the office on tho door below well hoaaid to the night olerb i waked him up anyhow 1 paines celery co impound hakes them healthy happy and joyous tlie great medicine is blessed by- j thouaanda of mothers the nomination of lincoln for pretdiont ot the united btatea wai qnielly received try it for your boys and oirls wells a biohardson co drsini i think it a daty to write yoa for the benefit of all who have delicate children and to make knowo what painea celery compound has done for my child bhe nas been delicate h her life i have aveectablcpreparallonforas- similating tbetood atidkcg ular mi imrx iromotestoteshoiicheeirul- nessandhestcontains neither ojitirnmorpwiie nor mineral not narcotic atvtfoldoswvzlpjtailj hjutusja- a perfect remedy for consllp lion sour siornachdiaittweaj worms convulsionsfevenshs ncss and loss of sl tac simile signotuic of see that the facsimile signature p is olt the wrapper botole of mu koaitoria la pat np in onoalxe lottloa only ill not sold in bnlka dont allow anyona to it anyona to toll i anything elae on the plea or promlio that it lljttst as good and will answer every por- w wbes that yon got 0abtoeia ewibt copy m wftappcb a botanist arranged in a circle variona plants the opening and closing of whose blossoms told each successive hour it was suggested that the proper movement for a vegetable timepiecp waa to get a potato oloak get up at eight oclock diarrhoea ia troo dangerous to neglect have it promptly cheoked by dr fowlers extraot of wild strawberry coroa diarrhoea colic cramps and all bowel complaints there are now only twentyseven wooden ships in the navy instant relief guaranteed by using mil- burns sterling headache powders no depressing aftertffeot the badk of france is four times as large as the dank ofenglaticl halyards pectoral ilulsfim is the standard remedy of the world for coughs colds hoaraooebs bronchitis and all lung and throat troubles price 25 at all dealers tho government pay oat 9000 a year in pensions to literary men dunn cured him a plckbiinq of vinegar is somewhat obsaaro but bo is a little bit of a nigger bit of vinegar an explanation the reason for tbe great popularity of hoods sarsaparilla lies in tbe faot that this- medicine positively cures it ia americas greatest medicine and tbe american people have an abiding confidence in us merits they buy and take it for jl aa ailmdtt ooafl thiri is to certify that do an a kidney pills cured mo of sorinub kidney disorder i had pain in my back my urine was high oolored with a groat dea1 of sediment poana kidney fills have made me perfect ly well and i highly reooinmend them fhealy amherstburg ont the real difference between men is energy a strong will a settled purpose an invinoiblo determination can accom plish almost anything and in thib lies the distinction between great men and little men fuller hagyards yellow oil- is prompt to relieve and sure to cure coughs colds sore throat pain in tho chost hoarseness quin- aey oto fries 25 how many peoplo there are who get married on faith a london omnibus oarriea on an avorage 2600 passengers each week weak kidjieys always cured by doans kidney pais mr i patterson croft st am herst ns makes the following statement having been trou bled for some time with distress ing backaches and wcik kidneys i decided to try doans kidney pills they acted promptly and effectively in removing the trouble with which i was afflicted and re stored me to my oldtime form it is a pleasure for mc to recommend them to others doans kidney pills are the most effective remedy in the world for brightsdiscase diabetes dropsy backache gravel sediment in tho urine and all kinds of kidney and urinary troubles price 50c a box or 3 boxes for 125 the doan kidney pill co toronto ont remember the name doans and refuse all others henderson m co bargains in remnants r this week we offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be offered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out- and assortment of sizes somewhat broken will be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont wait for tbe hot spell but be ready for it f muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only ic- a full assortment of eolored linings hosiery cloves parasol millinery i the balance of our springstock will be cleared si greatly reduced priqes all new and fresh- mc i i 3 wjp strong healthy boys houd never b put lato weak illfitting clothes bad for the toys bad for tbe clothes bad for the pocketbook is made in almost as many sizes and t proportions as boys are and though ireadyto wear theyare stylish smart and ptoate pintuiup y are for oysn boys for wn f nnvfir yo aeo qp t ulothing good hard wear and will last until tlie boy jjj 1 for boys grows out of them i i shoreys do not ask people to buy at el one particular shop that system makes the garments a- i cost more every good dealer sells shoreys ready ft a to wear clothing aud guarantees it to give satisfaction ft i you will find the ouarnntco car j in u10 pocket f shops and warerooms foot of willow st cnlls allendeld to day or night j a speiglit fe co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest ytyles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnittlle of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight cq qrtlorslo wi j h 6t r wil r eailwat time tabtjb grand trvnk railway no in a whht aoitm liaht mnii lflxirths mall 10 02 2 u 7 ir a lit kxprohb pui exprces niii mall mixed o 15 10 60 0 14 10 03 a iii rain ib t11ik ol clobino aiaiiii going wopt 0 10 a in und i 60 p in goinffkast- 10 23 am undb 00 pm thib tltiio tnblo may 10th lhjh went into cltcct ou blondiy the modern crocer being the iitr- est milkers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers nncl household refrigerators in many styles and bizes modern in design with bes principle of dry cool air cir culation best in s a 1 at ian and zinc lined why buy a home made or poorly made n r tjc le when you can pot ah uptodate refrigerator for less money ior prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott co limited erantford for sale by john m bond co guelph clearing prices to clear out the balance of the sea sons stock we are noiy offering all lines of millinery goods at greatly reduced prices bargains in mens readymade cloth ing and felt hats finest teas and fresh groceries al ways in stock j gmcbeath acton ontario brhntf0rd calvanized st ee wind mills and- towers jof povrer and pump ins wlthlni temsdcoyerqd gear patent roller una ball beardnzs maple leaf w at his home in bpringflold illinois when tha oommittea ttom- ohloago arrived to apprise mr lincoln of his nomination his two boyswlllie and tad were peroisd on tbe fence before the house tad stood erect end weloomed the oonimlttee by shonilng hooray charles csrleton oyfsn desoribes tbe reception ol the com- mlh l 1 mre lincoln will be pleased to see yon la the other room gentlemen you will und something refreshing in- ths lib rary in the library were several hnndrsd volume ranged opon shelves two globes one terrestrial the other celestial a plain tablt a pltehar of oold water and glasses but no wines or liiinors yoa did not dnd any great spread of llqaors i take it remarked a citizen of bprldglleld tha next morning ho i replied thereby bangs little story when we knew yon were on yonr way a namber of as oilled on mr lioooln and said that in ail probability some of the members of the oommutee woald need some refnshmeqt widssor liquors i havent any in the hoaisi hs said we will ornish thsm crentletnen i cannot allow yoa to do wbal i will not do myself was the reply but that was not the end of it soma of oor g6ldrnoortololmnsfeelng that bprlngfleld had been hlgbly honored by the nomination ssnt over some bisksts of obannpagne baturxinobln sent thflra back thanking them for their intended kindnees tried many medioines and have bad her twder allbpathlo and homupathlo treat ment with bat little benefit almost in dtapair and a a lost resort i tried paines oslery oqmpoand and af ttr using three bottle she is now perfectly well and strong i have also osed yonr medicine myself for oomplioationa arising from overwork and los o re and am grcs h fitted dent tbat it will do them good hooda fills core all liver ilia mailed for 25o by o i hood co lowell mm and a woman is jnat aa bolpleaa when she goea to banting for things in a mans pooket as a man ia in hunting in a womans pqphet thereby i would strongly urge all who are in any way affiioted to do ae i have done iry paines celery compound and be convinced of it wonderful anring power yonra gratefully mrs a ltbtinahoombe willlsm st london ont when we were boys it was our ambition to own a candy store and we have never got over it no person dhould go from homo withoat a bottle of dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial in their poasoaaion as ohadge of water cooking climate etc frequently hrioga on summer complaint and there is nothing hke being ready with a tare remedy at hand wbioh oftantlmea aayes great suffering and frequently valuable lives this cordial has gained for itself a wide spread reputation for affording prompt relief from all summer complaints the bhine flows at three- tiroea tho rate of tho thames wcakllenrt my little boyjafred 7 years a 15 months was a victim or scrofula tho faccj which nil tho doctor said was incurable to tell tho truth he was so bad that i could not bear to look at hint at last i tried a battle of burdock blood bitters nnd before it was half used he yas gainings andbythn7time he had three bottles used he was completely cureck tcnnnotsaytooviiie i r mendation or bbb to all whb sufter as he did joseph p labetee mai wako po que there can be no question about it burdock blood bitters has no equal for the cure of sores and ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature through its powerful blood purify ing proper ties it gets at the source of dis- ease and completely lllnnlf eradicates it from iuuuiv the 1 system ss4- hei4avchs oomsu soar stomaeh inalreitlon sua promptly hoids rnis they to tkejlr work an a pu the foliowlnb addition to inaapparebt myetery and the errors of figures is uken from tbe ay nkholat ilaiaiine perhaps some of oor olever high aonool or pnbllo sobbel scholars can f ornish a solution sod tall where the bole in the auoe pan is onoe npon a tinio there wore iwo old men who sat in the market early every mornlog and sold apple foh one had ibirly applet and one of the old mon sold two for a oeni and tbothr old man sold three for a cent in ibat way 111 fit old man got fifteen oeots for hw basket ot apples while ths other old man received tan oents so ibat together tbsy made twentyfive oents each day bat one day tbe old applamtn who told three for a osnl was loo tlok toga to market so he asked bis neighbor to take his apples and sail them for blm this the other old man wary kindly oonsented to do and when be got to market with ihe two baskets of apples he said to himself i will pit all tba apples in one baaksl for it will be easier than picking them oat of two baskets bob pal sixty apples id one bosket and said to himself 1 now if i sail iwo apple for on osnl and my old mud mil thro for on oral thai 1 tb asms thing sseslllog flvppjsforlwooenlsj wbsn be bad sold lb sixty apple bo fobbd hs bed only twsnlyfoar osuts whloh wm right because there in tsralvflm in sixty sad twio twv lswaty four but if lite other old mat had been than andstmhrbad sold bl apples esparauly they woold bay rsoslved twnlynv osnts mow how is ibat sxplalnedr i i 1 a boy arrives at ib age when be take his hat off at tb door a naturally as ba for years i buffered from weak notion of the heart dfzzineaa and watery condi tion of the blood milbnrnb heart and norvo pills havo made my heart strons arid bave enriched my blood botlut now i ftm free from the tronblea that formerly diatresacd me b a boas aiisa craig ont btst after dinner pir oeents all druggists irepored by a iv hoodi the entv rm to take with ltood18 a girl walk on her heels to avoid getting ber feet muddy a boy wobld rather go where the mud is still deeper the never failing medlolne hullnwaya rn core removes all kind of corns warts eto even the most difficult to remove cannot withstsnd this wonderful remedy yon can tell if a drygools window is neatly dressod byiheaize qt ihe orowd of women who cohgregrate in front of it a dinner plf mtny puraons suffer eieraoiatidg agony after pirtaklng of a bsry dinner- the food partaken ol is like a ball of lead on ihe slomsob and instead of being a bsiltbw nutriment il beoomea a poison to tha system dr panneiees vegeiable pills are wonderful oorreotive of sooh irooblss tbsy oorreot acidity open secretions r convert the food partaken of into healthy nutriment they an just tb medloina to take if ronblsd with indigestion or dyspepsia the people who come to tell yoa how yon have offended some one are generally the offendod onee themsolvce many persons cannot take plain codliver oil they cannot digest it- it upsets the stomach knowing these things we have digested the oil in scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phitcs that is we have broken it up into little glob- ules or droplets -1- tho world press is stated to inolndo 87000 newapapera totally deaf mr 8 e crandell port perry writes i contracted a severo cold last winter nhfohroenlted in my beoomlng totallydeaf inone ear and partly so intho other after trying varione remedioa and- oonsalting several dootors wlthbnt obtain- ing any relief i wits advieod to try dr thomas ecleotrlo oil i warmed the oil and before onehalf the bottlo waa naod ray hearing was completely restored 1 have hiaardpf9ilieroapfi3 of deaf ucbs being ourod by the nse of this mediclno lazy to work a puzzle thero never waa and never will be a anivorsal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which uoah ia hoir the vory nolhro of many onrativea boin bnoh that wore thogerma of other and differently seated dibcaaea rooted in tho aystom of tho patient 7what would reliovo onp ill in turn would gravate tbe other v in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unatdnheratcdatajq a romody for many and griovona ills by its gractuotjadiofoue uae tho fcailebtbybtoma are led into con valescence and strength by tho inflnonoo whloh quiuino exorta oh natures own restoratives it rolieves tho drooping spirite of thoae with whom a chronto state of morbid deapbndonc and laokof intoreat in life is a dieoaao and by tranquilizlng the norveb dibpoaes to bound and rofreah ing sleep imparts vigor to tho aolion of the blood wbioh boing stimulated oonrses throaghont tho veins etrengthoning the healthy animal fnnotipna of the syatem thereby making aotivity a necessary resnlt strengttiening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs wbioh natnrally demand inoreaaod snbstanco rosult im proved appetite northrop ds jjyman of toronto havb given to the pnblia their quinine wino at tho nankt rate and gnsgodbytho opinion of scientiats this winaapprbaohea hbareat perfection of any in tho market ah drnggists ee it immediate attention eem6 craincrinders woven wire femcinc you want the pest and the cheapest e oktahio vvirlb fencinci co t plirtoju ontutos mcmuliens fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others d at special low vrices ah other varieties cheap mcmuliens are the only good nettings sold in canada thej are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmuliens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont ar to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings the only nuro was to keep from talking foolish ie to keep still we use machinery to do the work of the digestive organs and you obtain the good effects of the digested oil at once that is why you can take scotts emulsion joe knd 9ioo all dnitxliu scott bowne owmuti torom moat of us suffer a groat deal too much about things we fear mifht happen jlowto ootulcli wo refer to the rlohnosa ot ho blooi if you are pao and thin yoa are poor in atrongth roj nerve power scotts emul- flion drives away thhineia and pallor and brings rich blood and nervo power a fellow wearing an old oollir button is tin 4o be reminded ot it errory lime be vtoftiom unbarne sterling headtmcba fowderi oan bmdapfaein ajlffy trj them they will oontiooe yoa i0a and dfo all deal- en 1 fan ii hmily lathid and boraedf there are awajra people who look aniplotoai f boot u it worriet nearly evory orderly person to see a calendar with the past months page remaining- blok headache however annoying and distressing is positively cured by lan- iilver fills they are easy to tako and nevergrjpb i the chances of life in england are 40 per cent gieaur than in india jellycabe ought to have handles on it for convenient handling mrs celeste goon byraoaso n y writes for years t oould not eat many kinds of food without producing a burning exoruciating pain iu my a to mnoh i took parmeleen fills aooording to dirootions under the bead of dyspepsia or indiges tion one box entirely cured niv i can now eat anything i choose withoat dis tressing me in tiio least these pills do not cause pain or griping and should bo used when a oathartlo is required fjave you boon bm ok- ing a good deal lately and feel an occasional twingo of pain round your heart a10 you short of breath nerves nnliingod sensa tion of pins and needles going throbgh your arm and ling era rtako a box or two of mil burns heart and nerve fills and got cured boforo things becorno too serious iloros wlmt mr john jamos of calodonia out there are eight white men to one white woman in india its so pleasant to take that children cry for h ybuviirdealh to worrris of all hinds dr lqws worm byrup price 25c all dealers ths buildings and grounds of the crystal palace cover 900 acres burdock blood bitters ourei all kinds of skin eruptions from a common pimple to tbe worst sorofuloub sore a woman who ban make her complexion so it cant be reoognleed as makeup may be called an eipert v has to say about thorn i havo had serious ho art troublo for four years onsod by oxcessivo rso of tobacco at times my hoart would boat very rapidly and then seemed to etop beating only to oommenco again with unnatural rapidity this unhealthy action of my heart caused shortness of breath woakness and debility x trlod many modiclnes and spent a great deal of rconoy hut oould t getunykelnr last november hdwoyer i rood of a man afflicted hke myaolf being cured by milburns heart and nerve pills i wont to ropers drug store and bought a box toen i had finished taking it i waa so much better i bought anotlier box and ibis completed tho cure my heart has not bothered mo ninco and i strongly recommend all sufforcrs from heart and nerve trouble oanaod by excessive use of bfooo to glva milbnrnb heart and nervepills a fair and faithful trial tproe sooa box or 8 boxes for 9185 all druggists t mjlborn a co toronto ont we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market bcs material lighj es running send for illustrated catalogue two sizes for any power no i has ipinch reversible burrs no 2- has 8inch single burrs bo have ball bearing bu rr plates relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always truurnntced a trial cjiveri hundreds in rise 0oldj brantforptian if you expect to conquer in the battle of today you will have to blow your trumpet in a firm and steady yay ii yod toot your little whistle and then lay aside your horn theres not a soul will ever know that such a man was born the man that owns his acres is the man that pjowsalday and the man ibat keeps atiumping is the man thats hereto stay but the man that advertises with a sort of sudden jerk is the man that blames the printer because it didnt work hut tho man that gets the business uses brainy printers ink not a clatcer and a sputter but an ad- that makes you think and he plans his advertisements as hu plans his wellbought stock and the future of his business is as solid aa a rock ms the acton free press covers the ground in south wellington john mcqueejn agent for the above has changed his wnre- rooms to building on we smiths property john street whore may bo seen frost ti wood bmdbrs aud mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property wjll dllend to the wants of customers john mcqueen ca

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