Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1898, p. 2

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kkkjhyiii anton mi batiirny tnlv jnd to mi ttiid mrs jobiikuituotvy ntuaufiiitor ma7mni every ship destroyed the spanish fleet at santiago lin- tlrely obliterated by admiral sampsons guns spain hopelessly crippled openep auspic the new public library visited by neighborhood news yuwu ua su nv uarioa- pondentsand exohanges bannockburn sm66ping sjxhe ilchi aoiiktisemcnts scores of citizens on mon- otfefy eyenlnar biunn wilson attlio pftrboiisgo oftkvllto by itov joliu kuv on tiiomloy juno 11 oliarloi munii mid mibh lirkiu wihon both of hborldan lirtblllinu at tllo w0tll0llihtliholl0 llowor avim anton on wofluobdnv juno ltli bv ituv j amoluulilnn ma mr marry litt of nlanaratullh n y to miss katio hilliugr daughter of houry dllllugb quolpb jknnfn mooiih at tho rosldonao of uio brides jianmta outtiursilay 30th juno by itov j a molaeblaiv m a amiutod by itov j j kudilltt dranipton unolo of tlio wide mr 01ms k jonucr of job 111 town n y tonolllo hoc on i daughter or ttios t mooro esq principal aoton public sobool osl of x- auction sale uukn in acton on friday lat july honry iauor aged 55 yosrs 6 mouths coohlan iu eramosa on july th george coglilan t retort jrt fwss thursday july 7 1898 notes and comments tho btste department arid olork of the crowu in chancery at ottawa are busy jiroparlng for tbo prohibition plebiscite itioogh nothing lias bean decided at to- tbo date of voting it is juat probable it will bo sometime aboat tbe encf of october or the oarly part of november the qostoms department iiaa not- yet znsdo oat ita returnb for the year bat when this is done it will show that tbe inoreaae ot imports were so larfjo over tbe proceed- inij year tbat the revenue on duty oollebted will have inoreased by about 82000000 notwithstanding the reductions by tbe preferential tariff sampson at santiago has repeated deweys achievements at manilla it is sow a question whether dewey shall be president and sampson vicepresident or gsmpsonpresident and dewey vioe-presi- dent bat it malt be admitted that sampsons bat in destroying cerveras fleet was not ap to deweys work at slaailia sampson lost one men toronto slar at the big prohibition convention at toronto on tuesday a delegate complained that antiprohibitionists were using the argoment that if tbe plebisqlte went the way of the temperance people the farmer wonld be nnable to msnufactnre or sell sweet elder or unformested wine there were stumpers doing influential names in snpport of this statement president ilaojarep said that the words wine older and other alobbolio liqsors were explicit enough for ordinary intelligence- that meant alboholio wine and older not tbe unfermented varieties mr james innis of- the qnalph juercury is aboat to retire from the actual editorial oversight of that wellknown journal he will be snoceeded by his pephew mr john tunis idolntosli private seoretary to hon d j davis who will assume his new position this week sir molntosh will rjivo the able co operation of mr f w cklbrailh in the editorial management of tho hmury mr galbralth has been mr innis right hand man for the past ten years and has proven himself an able and popular exponent of the principles with which the mercury is identified on admiral deweys flagship olimpia now- at manila a little newspaper is edited and printed by tbe men- called the jjnitncing billow a recent number con tains an obituary nbtloe ot a sailor which expresses the conviction tbat be has imply gone on before to the bright haven woere his spirit will receive life eternal and where please god we shall all meet to be reunited forever tho same number contains this notice floating christian endeavor booietv meet every friday night at eight oalook in the officers smok ing room everybody welcome bear admiral dowey is an episcopalian bear admiral sampson is a presbyterlain and when iu washington was an aotive and in- oential member of the hens club of the charon of the covenant the postal conference is still proceeding at westminster palace hotel but it is strictly private hon mr malooks mission continues to exalts mnoh attention he has moved infavor ofa nniform penny pottage from any one portion of the british empire to any other the british poitoffloe people favor a twopenny poitage but the australasian colonies betitateto adopt even this tbe first step ia supported by cape colony and naui the attitude assumed by hob mr mulook in the conference it tbat in an imperial question of this kind the dominion government will not eulow tits flaanoial question to enter it is enough for them to know that the lower rates of pottage binds tbe empire closer together this attitude gains a warm approval in the press niagara falls out celebrated the fourth of july and inspired the sew tori journal to remark that canadas absorp tion in the american bepnblio is inevit able bnt niagara fallan y oelebrated the queens birthday and yet this evidence of good feeling did not icipire any cana dian journal to remark that the absorption of ihe united states in the british empire was inevitable if a fourth of july oele- bration in ontario indicates ihe diesppear- anoo of the dominion olcanada in fbe american bepublio a queens birthday calebratfop in new york state mast neces- mrlly indicate the absorption of tbejdnited btites in the british empire tbe trotb is that these celebrations on either aide of tbe hoe are signlflcabt of nothing but good will suoh at oan ellst between prosperous basinets rivals tdtgrnn good crops enoouraelnar reports from all parts of ontario an early harvest tiie great northwestern telegraph company has fornianed its annual crop report for ontario all sections of the conntry have been hesrd from tbe opinion is unanimous that in all classes of grains roots and traits the yield will far exceed that of other years in many plaoss tbe acreage it mnoh larger than formerly tbe prospects are tbat in most placet harvesting will commence ten lo fifteen daye earlier than usnal in a few localities hay la not so abun dant as it baa been but this is made np for by the increased yield of wheat and corn applet will be plentiful in very few places has frost bad any evil effects tho paat wook hab been tliq mo9t event ful uince tbo commencement of llie war with bpulu on friday qenoral blufcor moved on smtiao with his land foroce and thoagh considerable advanoo waa mado it was with torriblo lost of life tho united stated army loatover a thousand killed and vonndod general sbifter it now awaiting reinforcements at a point about six miles from the city in tho meantime the spalniards havo been rein- foroed at theoity by some 0000 trnnps on banday morning admiral sanapeon repeated- tho action of admiral dewey at manilla on the 10h may by wiping out general oerveras fleet at santiago at tiiey attempted to get out of the harbor every vessel was destroyed the admiral himself and 1800 men were taken prisoners with the lcsabt but one man by tho united states fleet and not a inanof war seriously damaged ovr bantuoo ji pom antonio jnly 6 rlnthe great sea fight which took place onsunoay spain lost six ships 300 men killed ico wounded and 1800 prisoners the amerioanloss was one man killed and two wounded none of sampsons ships was teriensiy hurt admiral cecvera villain captain enlate and tbe other offioers and men are held as prisoners they will be all transferred to the st louis today and be sent to new xtork admiral cervora la answer to the qdeation why he made the dash out of the harbor with his fleet said he was forced to comeout in obedience to an order from captain general blanco who was acting nnder instructions from the government at mad rid he made a dash for the west be said beoaase- only tbe brooklyn and three anierican battleships were on that side of tbe harbor ho thought he would be able to outran the battle- shipsand if the brooklyn followed he oonld whip her the wrecks of six vessels of cerveras fleet are strewn along the gaban beaoh from a point two mileb distant from tbe entrance to santiago harbor to jnrqnina point fifty miles away tho brooklyn and the oregon chused the obrlatobal colon to the latter point where they captured her and a prize orew vvas put on board before she was boarded how everi the spaniards had opened apall tbe sea valves and thrown all the capos of the vessel overboard the ablp was fil ling rapidly and she finally careened over on her beam enda with ber bis guns pointing toward- the sky she oannot be saved the tth of jnly was gloriously remem bered on board the american ships tbe newest and largeat of the flags on eaob vetsel was displayed from every top and a national salate was fired eff at noon the navy and the army are now resting under an armistloe general linares tbe military camnoander at santiago is badly wounded tbe trace is being niado tbe oooasion for tbe bnrial of tbb dead and cbo recovery of the wbnudod by both aides nxw yonx jnly 6 a washington tpecial to the journal says general uilea reports that from information he has received from general sbafter ho believes that the spanish array has lost folly 7000 men killed and wounded at a remit of fridays battle in addition there are 2000 prisoner in the hands of americans the american lots will not exceed 160 killed and soo wounded the most of those are only slightly injured the above- figures only include the spanish land forces r- wiflmxaron d 0 july a gracefnl oourtesy was today extended to tho captnr ed spanish admiral cervera by the president through general qreely chief sigoal officer permission was tent to cer vera to bommudloate with his family in spain by cable permission was also granted to other captured spanish ofnpera to use the cable to transmit personal messages to friends in spain the messag es will be of coarse oarefnlly censored and nothing will be allowed to pass that would be bf asaistanoe in any manner to the enemy synopsis or wan newb admiral cervera is quoted as saying i would sooner lose my ships at tea like a sailor than in the harbor it was the only thing left forme to do shafter and sampson have been asked by president uoelnley to confer as lo the advisability of enteriog the harbor to assist in the bombardment ot santiago spanish sharpshooters have several times shot into general shatters tent which is several miles from tbe front severe land fighting continued daring the time the spanish fleet was leaving santiago harbor the spaniards do not recognize the red oroat on the arms of tbe sorgoone those wearing the bed cross society emblem have been the speoltl object of attack two british warships are on their wsy from kingston ja to santiago in order to bring away british subjects desirous of leaving that city the army of invasion in cuba received the news of the destruction of cerveras eqasdrcn with as mnoh enthusiasm as if the viotcry had been theirs instead of be longing to tbe navy spanish officials at madrid are laboring under the delation that the spanish fleet successfully elnded sampsons squadron in cerveras attempted escape from santiago the fall fairs list of the exhibitions already an nounced for the comlnar tall season day eveniug was a most encouraging sue- cush tho preaonco of oitikone in largo iiumberd tho cxprebviona of admiration slid balitiftiuuou at the nttruotivo burround- iuge manifested a warm appreciation of tho efforts of tbo board pcanonally tho mem bers of tho board were highly gratiflod with tho interest bhowu and individually tuoy foul that for ibo time they have epout the past three naontbb in puttiug tho library into such oxcnltout shape tboy are amply repaid n the interost whioh oitizons arc taking in the library for nearly twonoarb there was a proocbb- ion of oitizons down tho oorridor of- the town hall to tho library rcorn and the courteous and attentivo librarian miss kttie laird was kept busy in receiving applications for niomborship und regiaterv ing the same after their acceptance by tho membership- contmitteo who w6re in session daripg the evening the name residenco ocoupitlon and age of the appli cants arc nneaioni whioh appear on the membership blank tboee are all readily answered oxcopt the last and to this the applicant odpecjauy it she be a spinster invariably demurs but thodiffioalty soon variiebes when the librarian smilingly explains that tbe question is only intended for use by the committee when there is any donbt as to- the applicant having reaohed the age ol years last evening tho first books were issued and the library will bo open for tho convenience of members every monday wednesday and saturday evenings from 7 to 880 colook excepting on statutory holidays applications for membership may be made at any time and for tbe present members of- tho committee will be present eaob evening the library is opeuto pass applications so tbat there will be no delay in ibsning bookb desired by prospect tive members tho following is tho honor roll for juno for bannockburu s hool v cjasi a mcl maid m wutapn iv olttbh r brown j houdorbon f hlirdlng ii clans 1 denney it wuteon j dobbio lt ii a j mann and s manu equal f briotow j pt ii d b mann a hondoraou s cole lt ii c j liwson w dobble l moffat ft i m modouald h mitchell s watson mihb monaiu teacher summer goobs we purpose making agreit cleaning sale during the month of june of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to gci seasonable goods at a third less than the regular price our stock compriaos all tho latest in summer wash fabrics organdie muslins swiss muslins victoria lawns english and american dress prints sateens black dress goods black brocaded lustres the latest novelty of the season wc have them in the nctvest designs all theso in black are the famous priestlys brand and confined exclusively to ourselves in georgetown rockwooo a nunhber of the young people had a boat ing party on the river laat wednesday evening- about forty went down tho river auil after having innoh returned homo in boats by moonlight a waa held at the piraonage to welcome the dow minister laat week the rev mr holdeu entered uponhia dotieaoa pastor asji 8tmdny mr is j oooqinrla homo from butlalo for holiday a mr and mra daws of woodatook viaitod mr d stewart laat woek tho sunday school excursion on tues day won fairly well attended tbo weather vaa flno and a very enjoyable day waa spent aboat four hundred and fifty boaght tioketa from kookwood and a number at aoton crewsons corners halton county council the assessment for the present year equalized at 9443 at the last meeting of the county conn- oil the members were all present except mr robinson on mot loo mr menzies county treaaur- er waa requested to aot aa olerk in the absence of mr pan too who is away at camp on motion leave waa granted to intro duce a bylaw to levy a rate on the county to defray expenses for tbo current year and part of 1801 the bylaw was read the naqal camber of tiaqoa and passed the assessment of the varioaa mnnioi- palitlea waa equalized alight inoreaae on laat year being made in every case the following tablo gives the assessmeot and for porpoies of comparison tbe equaliza tion of 1897 and of 1808 the farmers in this vicinity have com menced havidtf it is a good crop tbia year oar boys returned home from oamp at niagara on saturday they report having bad a good time and thoroughly enjoy military life tho 20th battalion won tho honors in tbe march past on 1st july quite a no ruber from here took in tbo eramosa sunday sobool exoarsion to toronto on tuesday mr wm grippe wheeled to london on a baslneei trip on monday messrs j and o a ramsbaw spent sunday in ijowville councillor a j and miss florenoe m array of aoton spent tbe 1st with mr and mrs john murray master johnnie ramsbaw of lowville is spending bh holidays with frienda here hok1c1pa1- ab8b6b- nquaxiza- equaliza 1t1sb kent tion 1607 tion 1898 trafalgar ea463690 2m560o 92696013 eaquoolng zxhhc a2s100 2374662 nelaon 1790970 1759400 1701283 nastagewoya 0801100 185600 1005312 milton 406125 300000 307200 oakvlllo 463743 433700 442374 georgetown 315605 310000 310200 aoton 275830 014300 218080 burlington 301175 322000 328440 8gittm8h 89256400 wiugs on motion of mr havill seconded by mr lawson the bum of 8100 equal to the government grant was granted to the milton public school to be applied to continuation olasbea in oonneation with said school for tbe year 16ib tbe mm of 9200 waa granted to the halton agricultaral bocioty for 1808 a bylaw was introduced and read tbe required nnmber of timea and passed auth orizing the treasoror and warden to borrow a sum soffioionfc to meet tbe expenditure for the present year connoil adjonrned to tuesday in august meet the last the bankop hamilton it gives as pleasure to oall attention to the abstract from the statement of the bank of hamilton which appears in another oolamn it shows that well- manag institation i a most flonria lorne the conor roll of lome school for jane is as follows tbo numbers give the per cent of eaob pnpil glass iv senior lexie gamble 00 iva cleave 77 gloss iv junior nellie brown 81 harry reld 78 class iii senior willlo reld 01 wil lie snyder 88 annie quantio 76 glass h senior pol he mcdonald pro moted to glass iii glasa ii junior hazel gibbons 00 edith plunk 81 graoio brqwn 70 herb ert mian 77 hugh allan 70 glass i cheater flank 03 maggie denuia 67 jennie allan 79 herbert brown 78 promoted jane 80th from class iii to class iv marks required 405 willie raid 5g6 annie quantio 514 harriet xaabyjos willie snyderv 448 j mcdonald teacher milton the 13th batt band will play at garden party to be held in palermo oil jnly s8t mr ohsh wi who was op on blouse silks in delicate colors and select styles the very latest gloves pure silk taffeta lise and lace mils in all sizes j ribbons laces in all widths tnlorsiuid prices we are making a specialty this season of lttdleb white underwear these goods we are selling very clone in ticl cheaper than the material alone can be pought tor a magnificent assortment of ladies shirt waists collars cufis ties house wrappers etc wc have a very largo assortment of fine lace curtains ladiesjt will pay you to inspect these goods before making your purchases fine higbclabs tailoring jn this department the stock has lately been assorted in alj the latest novelties for the summer trade comprising fine scotch cheviots cnsaimercs english tweeds fine trouserings fancy vestlngsetc the high standard of the style fit and finish of the work turned out of- this estab lishment by mr miller has given fan enviable reputation throughout the whole country wo employ none but firstclnss workmen we use none but the best trim- ings no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to the customer if you are not one of our customers a trial order will convince you that what wo say are facts hats linen hala in hard the and latest soft arid felts coolest straw hats in all styles bicycle suits summer clothing in for all boys sizes youths and ind prices men gents furnishings the latest in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear a great variety in every pattern style and size eo not forget our staple department we have specials in table linens towellings flannelettes cottons sheetings etc we ex tend a cordial invitation to alt to visit our store and inspect our stock tteokgetowtfs litest store vgibson tutilitto rob block juihin st produce taken in exchange every day bargain day here wester fair london will celebrate its silver jubilee wlththle years exhibition condition attor paying two dividends ot 4 and all costs ofmanageniont oto 95000 wab writtou off bank premises and sco 000 added to beserve fends tbia is one ol tho bost statoments presented b any ot tho banks a good test of a banks position ia tho proportion its reserved fond bears to its paid np oapltal in this retpeot the bank of hamilton stands hlfih and with a oapltal of jl2mo00 roterved food 775000 or 02 ot its oapltal and toul assets ot over 111000000 it offers excep tional seborlty to lis oostomers atiatraot frona etstement ot bank of hamilton may slit 1608 xublzrriju itotes 61 tuo bank deposits ulvtdonda duo jons 11608 duo agonts in great llrltaln 11b7573 7684 j174 60200 105150 10 gold fro the klondike first twenty miners hava arrlvad out brlntrlntt with them s skittli waahingtoo jona the sril ninira lo oomo ont from thsxjondiks tbia soason arrived hero loday from st mloh- aala there were 38 of them and tboy broxjgbt gold datt and drafts ettlmatsd at wm0oo i indnalrlal toronto iog 30 to sept western ljondon sept 8 to 17 wellesley wellesley sept 18 14 northern walkertoo sept 14 is sonthern brantford sept 17 to 23 hortloolloral preston sept 50 2122 ovren sound otrao soand sept so 31 centre wslllntrton fergatsepl 32 33 north perth stratford sept 33 s3 centre bruoe paisley sept 97 38 8onth grey uarham sept 37 28 pel brampton 8opt 38 39 qarafraaa bel wood sept 3080 eramoia bocjcsrood oot 11 13 worlds fair bookton oot 11 is erin erin oot 18 14 onjonssslb the s s umbria of tbe canard list lati nsw york for lifer- pool and anions bar patstngtrt ware 00 canadian and american wholettla rooeri who have aooepted an invitation from lsver bros xlnollad to tlstt the homo of snnllghl soap at port sunlight near birkenhead eng the flrrn pay all expenses for lbs round trip inolodlng railway tiokets flniolaas births and hotel bills for one weak in england to tina sitaiwiioldienh canltal all paid up itosorvo fund reserved for ltobalo of intoroat balanco ironta forward aaskth oaafa and ohcquoa oq band i oovernmentaod pabilo aoouritioa due from otlier banks loans at call itotes dlaeounted oto promisee real ostalo oto other assets u7310 1 250000 776000 u0oou s08s3 11190143 000480 17701170 909481 700938 7047129 360469 49603 11100143 ontarios bio crops more hay than the farmers can care for enoonraslne reports of all kinds the reports of orops in the province whilli ai tu t d o agrlcnlinro are of the most favorable natnroj indeed at the present time the indications are more promising than tbey have been in tbo history of tbe department at tbia timo of the year tbe crop of hay baa been so large tbat the farmers have been noable to bonse ii in certain parts of the province tho farm ers tent for people in the neighboring townt to carry away the hay for nothing a orop bulletin will be published in a ehors time for appendicitis aboat throe weeks ago is rapidly improving and will soon be about again hiram hill who lived atfern np to week ago bas moved to toronto wbero he has been engaged as manager for tbo gon- ger goal co tbo annual exoarsion and sunday sohoolenioforaoeobarohwasheld on- tnesday to burlington a large number of major foxs neigh- bora and friends attended at the raising of his large barn in trafalgar on saturday tbq building was successfully raised but several accidents marred the days proceed ings throngh the breaking of a chain wm stark of esouesing lost his balance and felt frona ihe top of the floor ot ibo barn a dlttanoe of about twenty feet alighting on his feet breaking one leg and some of tho oords- of the other he was badly braised and shaken np and it will be some time before he will able to be about john buasell from bear hornby waa also badly burl by a fall a falling pike pole gashed james cottrell of esqneaing in lbs leg decesltating several ttitobss and neil patterson of esguesing had his hand badly jammed major fox was absent at tbo front with the volunteers clutmpion this great live stock and agrionlturat show is perhaps the moat successful in canada today tbo incroaaoin tbo num ber of exhibits has beon simply marvellous eaob year tbo directors aro called upon to extend tbo baildinga to accomodate tbe additional demand for bpace there has been 79 box stalls added tbia year the carriage baildint has been inoreased by over 6000 square feet tbo main building having been too small for some years past ib to have a muoh needed extension to tbe south of so x so feet which will be nsed aa an art annex being speoially preparod and arranged for tbo display of oil paintings and deoorativo art thia will enable tbo msuugement to rearrange tho bpacea in tbe building proper to accomotethe demands o rjianufaotar ore and inventors tbeoriginul intention was to increase the maobinery hall also bat the directors find it impossible to- accomplieh this and tboy havo laid it over for next year several important additions havo been made in the live stook olasses and a num ber ot handsomo specials offered by breed ers assooiations london the home of tho western fair beiug eitaated in the heart oi an agricul taral and stock raising district has always been favored by a largo attendance of the yeomen of ontario- aa well as their friendb from tar and near tbia year owing to the present agricultural prospeots it is oxpeoted tobe a record breaker tho prize hat to band proclaims this to be their silver jubilee it in now thirty years slpee4be-flret-w6sterp-fair-waa-held- bnt on five oocaaione the provincial asbooi- tion demanded the right to hold thoir fair in london so this is actually tbo tweniy- flfth consecutive exhibition ot tho western fair association tbo dates aro septem ber 6th to 17tb and a general invitation is all tho beoretarybas been notified by tbo railw compan tba eahtbitorsmnsi have a certificate from him to get tbo advantages of the bpecial roturn freight rates allowed and at tbotimeof rebbipping later would not be ot any use exhibitors will thoreforo require to boar this in mind the epeolal features will be advertised in this paper later bnt it goes without saying they will bo good henderson go a canvassers experience bargains in remnants this week we offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be offered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out and assortment of sizes somewhat broken will be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont- wait for the hot spell but be ready for it muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only 15c a full assortment of colored linings hosiery cloves parasols millinery the balance of our spring stock will be cleared at greatly reduced prices all new and fresh henderson fc co suffered from kidney trouble and rheumatism- was beoomlna despondent when aid reaohed him an old journalist dead r jeffrey esq lata publisher of the qatt reporter died on monday jam out july i biohard jaffrky of the lata arm ot jaffray bros publishers of the oall rtparur when lbs firm consist ed of blohard jaltray and th late geoiga j jaffray died at bis rasidenos bar tbit morning in lbs gstb year ol hit age- the deotased wbo baa besn a resident of gait for 54 years and mayor of tho town for two years wat snatly retpeoled by all olatsts of theoomniunlly a widow and tarts grownup daughters saryive htm fromtho journal bt gatbarlnes onoofthe most reoent witnesses about fonthill and vicinity regarding tbe virtues ot dr williams pink pills ib john f price wbo is widely known id the niagara district at he bas been on the road as an advertiser and oanyaassr for six years and has thonsanda of acqnainunoes his oomplote oare bas added fresh lustre to the reputation of this great medlolno hearing of mr prices aatterlng and restoration a history ot his oase was requested his story is i am 36 ysars of age and have been afflicted with rheu matlsm for seven years at times i have been unable to get my olothes on or oil without assistance and have often beenooni- pslled to tiave my food out for meai tabls in tbe wider of 18071 was altaoked with la grlppo which settled in my kidneys t then beoamt so ill tbat i was oompsllsd to abandon all employment at that time my liver and kidneys oomblned in what loomed to be their last attaok 1 oted several medlolnrs and doctored in buffalo and st catbarinea wltliont getting any relief to my oonsdence in medicine wss about gone i was getting no rsst day or nlgbt and was becoming despondsnf finally i was persnaded to try dr williams llnk pills i did so and have nsed in alt sight boxes and am now able to stats that 1 fast better than in tbs past ten years tnese pills are the nearest lo a spsolbp of anything- 1 evtr nsed and they ars tbe cheapest and best medlolne i star letted hawing thoroughly reanhod my oase and effeotada ours i fssl to gratified for thsrellef i have obtained that i think it my doty to pubiloly mass this itatsment if all wbo sirs sofferlng will give dr wiiyms rink pills en bonrst trial i am sore they will be as enlhntisstlo in their praise at lam i sure safe easy to use diamond dyes aro tho popular dyes in every homo of the civilized world they sure sure and tollable under all circum stances giving the phoioett rnoet brilliant end most tasting oolors diamond dyes are tho safest to ubo in tho home no poiaonons ingredients to irritate the hands are nsed in tbe composi tion of theso famed dyes common pack age dyes are largely composed of dangerous materials diamond dyes aro so easy lo uo that a ohild can dye at taccessfally as a grown person bewar ot com and orude dysssbidfor the sake of large profits insist apon having the dlanaond dyes and yonwill have bappy results mens open faced nickel cased istatclies has them and tbey are so perfectly guaranteed that you run no risk of not getting a timekeeper prloee96 7 io 912 tie and sis 14 if bought from prlngle tbey have got lo run right thats all there is about it a special purchase 0 of blue and black serge suitings fast colors no fading always the same if color changes within two years money refunded specially good goods very close prices for io days at merchant tailor affdm giielph mics k a kucoiiimiiiviiflticidtl to raiubvo from aclou tilouco will dlbpono of bur household furniture and otherchattola uy publlo atiolton at licr rciiduncp cor nor of mill am main utrcotn acton out oa saturdayjuly 9th 188 brio from aoo i in to 7 p m and from 8 p in to loiiin bald puaiiituro and cliattola couslats of 3 stoves and cookldk uttmoili htovupipeb tiu- waro dlahou crookory lampo liookcabo cabi net biduboard tables llockero mirrors cot 1loturob uookb btatuottoo draokots proeorvo jars tubs cruel bikjiii stntlontry button ittbbonn trim mm gs blaroh uatcbai coat wood cordon tooln fruit crops of 2 gardoua to tehms cabii wm hbmbtiteet anotionoor for service awelijhltedroiboynullatacton term i100 cash or ilo0if cbareod c dkclute rtibber stamps for firib bqbbor bt-voipa- padb inkrotor write to goo curry tsc co king bt east wajted aqentb for tbo ffrbatost of canadian books litfo of o lads ton o memorial edition by honking canvossora prospootas now ready bells to ovorybodv buy to mako 300 daily beqrstlntboflold thb hradleyoabrbtflon co limited toronto for sale douillib briokhome34by 36 aovotj rooms in each good oellars bsrdand aoft water largo lot no 10 main street aoton alsq good stable terras easy apply to john cameron architect or to tbo ownor gwells everton p o card op thanks in consideration of tho splendid efforts put fortb by flrotnea sad aitlsons duriog tbe disastrous fire wbloh destroyed oor busldess sroportleslast wodnoaday wo tbo nnderalgnod osfra to express our ilnoorost thanks to all oonoerned for tbolr efforts wn also doslra to say tbat wo appreciate more fully than oan be expressed in cold typo tbo many kind expres sions of sympathy in our loss wbloh naye leon o freely tendered by our xoliowcltlzcms slnoe this disaster oamo upon aa thomas ebdaqe isaac francis acton july 1st 1698 house and lot fo sal that deairablo residential property on sower avenue and wilbur streets opposite tbo method 1st panonogo on whioh is created comfortable six roomod roarbcast house with woodabod dotaobod gocd cistern excellent har den a number ot fruit trees well fenced tbe wboto in a good state ol ropalr liberal terms to suit purobaser for particulars apply to h p moore tfube pnzss office acton men an women who need to make mpnoy can do so witbout risk or ospltal by eollclting orders for onr memorial edition of the life of qladstone by castell hopkins tvltb introduction by tbe honorable mlnliter of edacatloo dr boss tbls book i a canadian classic the story of bis life is told with thrilling interest his death and imposing national funeral will both be described and illustrsted oi2 large quarto pages it measures 8x104x1 inches retail c0 worth 400 mawrqlflcont binding profuse ly illustrated prospectus is cents liberal terms bradleygarhetsoh company llmfted toronto notice to credi rors in the matter of the estate of william h adams of the village of acton in tho county of halton merchant tailor notice la hereby given tbat tho above named william h adavnn has mado an assign ment to me for tbe benoflt ot his creditors a meeting of creditors will be bold at myoffloe in the said village of aoton on monday the llth day of july ata oclock p m for the appoint ment of inspectors and giving directions tor tbe disposition of thbostavte creditors are required to filo their claluii with me duly proteu on or before said date bjmonadn paied this s8th dayof jnnelbtw executors notice creditors to notice is hereby given pursuant to tbs statute in that tbalf that creditors and others having claims against tho estate of william hvslop storoy lata of the vlllago of acton in the county of halton deoeasod who died on or about tho aiitn day of march 1896 ostpre undarsignod onaof tbesxeoutors of tholastwill are required on or before tho 90th day of august 1898 to send byposr prepaid or to deliver to tbe and testament of the suit deceased their names addresses aqd description and full particulars of their claims and of tbo securities if any hold by them and that tho executors will after tbo r1 onth ay rtt an imb prnoiafv p rtl tribute tbe assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto and having rtfgard only to tbe claims of which bo shall tben havo notice and that tbe said executors will not be liable for tho said assets or toy part thereof so distributed to any person whoso claim he shall not bare notice of at tbe time oliuob distribution dated at acton tho 30th day of juno 1898 w a storey executor spring is hero again you want tho seat as si u ii ms aasttsataaiastttsiaas and tht cheapoat ins the tailors are prepared for it with a very attractive stock of sprinjf suitings 8prihfr overcoat ings 8prlnr trouserings in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory oor prices are always right we havo plates for the newest styles in bicycle sultt and are bound to please the wheelmen call in and inshact our slock cooper aklns main street acton ta an attractive pair rittio jpiiis tbey also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty ealing a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in tho mouth coated tongue fata to the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tbo day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills mcmuilens fenclnri nhd nettings conn bine these two qualities no others do if hog fencings at special low prices all iotlier varieties cheap mcmuilens are the only good nettings sold in canada they ann ilnrgnnllrrl fnr poultry yards trellis tht ontario wire fencino co l j- platon ontario rlawn fences ask your hardware mer- chant for mcmullena gobds if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at plcton ont or to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and monlreal general agents jamis cooper monlreal general agent for railway fencings bring your custom logs and take the lumber home with you in sikvers luirijipstjing mills nassagaweya aoton machine and bepair shops bbnby obindbll froprlttor a br wall sqnliipaa wltb all tbs maehlntrr xi b all sspalit to maohln- sndstaienltnral impltmsnts ana to oo all btaamflttlnsvhqstvfwosuig atmitbsral vbmwotk jrspaln pmtm an attracllve pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any oneman woman orchild we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wearswell and to which rough usage may be given all styles nil prim all m and a at kinds of blaoasmlthlag- p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol iitxmbar ilh shingles oedaf postal wood eto custom logs and bill stuff cut o order on abort notice planing and mulching dona lo the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayers inaaaumfaotorr mannw w saa matr aaa naebl or implsmant ot any toasit baw lamming and fluns dens 16 will nc worvsrawtrowll htlp ut klvtrllh mj sill dr yount kldheyuvtr cure in idth ikallly nomddllnff no wperltncs or capital required work during your- spar time chchical opflv co piotom ont represented we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers 8lipperseto aelstyles trunks and valises bxtra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes arid having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to aelect better goods and at belter advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and rbpairiwo oivefi prompt attkntion kenney bros main street acton dominion baot nnd shoe sibre vl ifiia2 viiivsjasembksiws

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