Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 7, 1898, p. 3

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che bank of hamilton bead obtuse hamilton capital all nald up 1 260000 00 reserve fund 77500000 total asbets 111 09144 00 norly tuu mlluauaot dollora board of directors ollt 8tuaht a g baubav lreadout ylcp lrcsldotlt quo iloion john lliotrrou a t wood a ii lisa toronto wm oinaon m p tukmjulij cashier ii s steven aunt ooslllor h mwatbon inbfcotor george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to iho collection of sale notls and commcnlal paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canach ana united slates drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of j i and upwards received interest allowed tit current rates and added o principal every year whether pass book is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums agent the news at home mostly of a looa1 character and every item interesting j pbell georgetown ont flhs xtan jfm f xes thursday july 7 1898 little local brieflets which cauffht the eyes or ears of free proas reporters this week a holiday song tbo green xrooi from tbo bill top looke and wftvoa its hundred bands to say now layasldoyour tlrebomo books doar ohudrcd como to mo and play and scamper tlirough my shady nooks tbo lifelong bummor day tbo brook hint by tboscboolboubo rau mow calls yon with a marry shout come pull ruy lilies uttlo man and wado ajid swim aud splash about and catch my flshoa if you can 1 for boliool at lost is out 1 foutita companion holiday visitors were numerous this week probabilities has booked another hot wave for this week molaraa bill on main strent is being gravelled thia week the bay weather has not been very propitious thus far this season sondayu bweltering weather reduced tbe attendance at tbo ohurohea georgetown 1 preparing for the visit of 3000 orangeman on tbo twelfth fie nloj eioarsions wbeeliug tours and ontlogb are now of daily ocourrence the lawyers long vaoalion begtm list friday and lasts during july and august the harvest excursions to manitoba and the north west commenced last week koox oharoh ladies aid garden party at mr charles davidsons farm tbia evening tbe raerenry dropped over thirty degrees between sunday at noon and monday night thu strawberry crop is exhausted it was tbe heaviest for years raspberries will soon bo on tho market rev mr juaepberaon improved he event of tho fire last wednesday in in impressive form on on sunday the fall assises for halton will be beld in the court house milton oa mon day oct srd chief justioo meredith will preside w p o leone holmes aud ada hynda made a very enjoyable trip to georgetown on tnesday evening tbe annua garden party of tbo ospringe presbyterian church was held on monday evening rev h a maouhereon was one of the speakers dominion day was pl spent by citizens generally many went oat of town to enjoy the holiday tbe remainder spent it quietly a homo mr n forbes baa tho contract for loo new driving stud foundations at knox obarch the contract for tbe superstruc ture baa not yet been let mr r holmes drover informs us that during the past ahf months he has paid the farmeri of this vioinlty for stock shipped at acton atation 837000 tbe bcholari of the baptist sunday school were entertained one evening last week to strawberries and oream at tbe home of mr john warren an enjoj able evening was spent mrs 8 a bccord has decided to remove from acton and auctioneer herastreet will dispose of her household furniture eto by auction on saturday afternoon and evening daring the hail storm last thursday afternoon mr allan smith picked up a ball stone od the farm of messrs 0 fe a modonald fourth line whioh measured four inches in oiroa inference a very floe simple of early potatoes of tbe everetts six weeks variety from the garden of mr joshua norriib lake avenue wen left at the fu pxsa od tbe 2nd of jaly they were of good ijz and the finest we have seen this aeason daring the hot summer mntbft we purpose giving yea twentymlnate sermons and services within the hour said pastor moljacnlan la bis sunday morning announcements id the metbodlsb oh a re b no objections to the arrangement were heard the evidecota of tbe united states war tax which went into effeot on the lit jnly a a maulf e on i side of the lines an american express money order for 10 which reached this office on monday bora four cents in war a lamps contractor dynes is moving tbo engineers house at the 0 t r west ud switohes to the nstr site on young street for mr b laird they will require to oroas tbe railway tracks twice the 325 train was delayed 42 minutes in malciog the grossing yesterday owing to a broken sill tfie good work of officer graham in raking off the ronocl stones from the new- lrgravalled roadway on mill street is rau oh appreciated by wheelmen these little attentions will no far in inducing oyoliils to gits the most cireful observance of tbe new bylaw governing bicycles on tbe streets and walks as tbe olroalation of tbe fun paibs grows wider with tbo passing weeks it is our privilege to enter new homes and now communities ami to speak from week to week to new readers prom tbe warns worde of oommddtion we are dally receiving t litre is no doubt that i he weekly visit of the fntapaaas are appreciated a ward lor our gooit tropica a largo manufacturing firm lu braut- ford wroto tho fiike fiiksh tbo other day for sample oopiee aftor receiving them tho following uoto was bent as copies of tho tute pkthh to baud tboy are oor- tainly very orodltiblo but not a bit more than wo expeotod for tbo aoton tath phebb has for jeara enjoyed tho distinction of being tho best printed newspaper in tbe dominion wo appreciate such kind words but foel that they are really more flattering than our efforts to produce a superior paper deserve death of mr henry hotter after many weeks of tailoring mr henry bauer died of canoer oa tbe evening of domintpn day at his home on arthur street in his fifty sixth year mr bauer bab been a resident of aoton the past ton years and has boen witb his family provi dent and respected citizens quiet ami friendly in deposition every person bad a kind word for him he will be muob missed by his family and neighbors a wife five sons and three- daughters mourn tbo loss of a father beloved the funeral on sunday morning at nine oclock was largely attended rev mr g dden con ducted tbo service tho remains wero laid at rest in ivirview dmetery the queen cityb too much for acton a baseball mat oh payed here betweuu the queen city a of the idland league and the borne team on saturday july 2nd resulted in tho defeat of the homo team by a score of 8 runs to four tho homo team oat batted the visitors but on account of some unfortunate error were unable to win thia ia tbe first defeat tho aoton club bavo buffered thia year the game wan fast and very interesting throughout and was not won until the labt inning the soore waa as follows 11 ii e aoton 4 9 6 queen ciiy 8 7 4 batteries oloott and ryder hoott and crews umpire j j ward it is expected the y m o a team from gait will play here next saturday an acton iau at tampu fin a private letter to the editor from mr bobt h watson a nativo of aoton who is at present residing at tampa fla the camp of the american army and base of supplies for the army in cuba has jubt beon received mr wation speaks of the intense excitement which has prevailed in his olty dnnng tho past eleven weeks since the troops began to be mobilized there they are constantly on the move he says there has not been a day since tbe troops began to arrive when there have not been from five to twenty special trains to arrive with troops suppllea horses mules eto thero are camps for miles all around the oity and no person who baa not witnessed the sight can form any conception of whet prepariog for war meaps he says i hope tbo war will soon bo over for if the yellow fever etrikes here this summer it will be a sad thing at present how ever there is very little sickness among tbe troops but this will likely increase witb tho wet season which is now upon ob this hab been the dryest season here since i came to florida in seven months leas than one inch of rain has fallen i expected to have got home to canada to bee my old friends this bummer bat that will be im possible now remember me kindly to all tbo old friqnds afore new postage stamps a new issue of canadian postage stamps was made from the post office department on the 1st july it was found that the lack of a figure indicating the denomina tion on each stamp oaused confusion among english speaking people while among the wholly frenoh the now stamps were troin- telltgible hence a new series has been home frqm the camp company o arrivad bbuk suiuritay aftornoon our company and battalion dlstlnsulsh themselves company fl of halton battalion will bronzed bu with a dei i ledly soldierly beni log mar a bed down mill street from the 0 t it depot headed by the bugle bind about 2 80 ou saturday afternoon thoy presented a very fine appearance and won tho plaudit of citizens ull along tbo lino of marob and well do they deserve the good opinions of tho community for they distinguished thtmeolvea during their two weeks in camp with being recorded at tbe oqqoial inspection as tbe best in oondaot and ability in the battalion the 20 th battalion marched into camp on tuesday 21st ult 317 strong includ ing geen companies with brass band under leadership of bandraabtor croap of georgetown and bugle band under tbe charge of bogle bergt of toronto the officers in command of the but- tallon were col goodwillie major appleby major fox adjt langton dr mc- grimaion was tho regimeutal surgeon squad and company drill occupied tbe first week at camp under instrootjoo of tbe got bergte of companies the second wetk waa taken np with bat tnlion dii in company inspection company g of acton stood highebt in the battalion in the battalion inspection tho 20th stood higher than any other battalion in the iwo brlgideb in the review and march past on dominion day the 20th showed to better advantage tbau any other owing to their excellence in murcbiog and quick paoe and tboy were highly commended by the brigade staff during tho march past old tort george was lined with thousands of spectators a noticeable feature of the oocasion was an unbroken altence as all other battalions paused and voloifcrous and continued cheering as the 20th marched past the samo thing characterized the roue march through tho town at tho butts daring tbe the rifle con test tho 20th also stood higher than any other battalion in either of the brigades coming and going visitors to and from acton and varlousother personal notes tho fnsk fiiebb invito all lt readers to con tribute to this column jf you or your frtonds aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have irionda visiting you drop a card to the fiuus pubs mr percy scoord is homer from buffalo this week appreciated services mibs stone organist of st albana church tho reoiplentof kind words o issued which rernedles the deficiency the maple leaf designs avt the two bottom corners have been replaced by the arabia figures representing the denomination while the centre oval enclosing the queens bead has been made slightly larger in the last iabue the ib 20 an 60 ceni denpm inatfons were never issued bub they will be inolndcd in the i aw ina of tho panaiog variety the sixes and teas will be the rarest as fewer were made of them than of the others the special delivery stamp was also issued on jnly 1 it is now pos- sibe to have a letter delivered from the poelofflce immediately on arrival there by oioyole courier in all tbe cities where there is a free delivery the stamps will be of tbe ten cent denomination daring bad weather the special postmen will use tbe street car system instead of bicycles the third new isiuo for the present the postal notes were also issned oja dominion day they are for tho purpobo of bonding email soma of money by letter a happy june wcddlntjt a very pretty homo wedding waa con summated at tbe residence of tbos t moore esq prinoipal of aoton publio school corner young and mill streets last thursday eveniog 80th june when his second daughter miss nellie and mr chas jenner of johnstown n y were united in the bands of holy matri mony promptly at eight oclock the bridal pair took their positions in the bay window in the drawing room beneath the encirclingfolds of tbo union jaok and- old glory the bride presented a oharmlng appearance in her wedding robes of cream oashmere trimmed with lace chiffon and ribbons carrying a beautiful shower bouquet of oream rotes her little niece miss pearl moore of guelph attended her aa maid of hqnor and wore a pretty gold necklace a present from tbe groom the ceremony was performed by ilev j a molaoblan m a pastor of the methodist church assisted by rev j jreddltt of brampton uncle pf tbe bride the guests were confined to the relatives of the family and included mr and airs t j moore prinoipal of st qoorgtfe baboo flaelph a pleasant social gathering of the congre gation of st albans oburoh took place laet friday evening dominion day at the residence of mr wm smyth who kindly set apart bis booso and grounds for the occasion a large number of tbe congrfgatlon took advantage of this opportunity to meet each other and beoomo better acquainted especially with new members games both indoors and out were participated in by old and young a pleasant feature of the evening consist ed in thepresontation of a purse of money to the organist mibs stone when the following address was read to miss btone for a long tlmo past wo tho membors ot st alban a oburch aud tho sunday boliool hivo dcbiiod to show you our rront appreciation of your valuable services as orfju- 1st in the oburch and sunday school and so tonight wo toko groat ploaauroln expressing our doop gratitude to youforyourvoludtaryborvloo whioh has now for many yoars boon so loving ly rendered your untiring seal and faithful ness in splto of many dlscouragetnants always found you at tbe plaoo of duty wbon often your health anould rightly olaim rout retirement these wltli other causes assure us that you aro laboring not to plooso man but tbo lord knowing that you sorve tho iiord ohrlst and therefore ho assures you tbat your labor is not 1n vain in tbe loid wo ask jou o accept this small but novortho- loss sincere appreciation of your services and may god bloss your labors and niako them abundantly fruitful in his kingdom of grace signed in behalf of tbo congregation and sun day school j k godden incumbent the evening ol6bed willi tho serving of light refreshments and all went homo having spent an enjoyable evening board of education miss rhoda featherstone engasoa as teacher of the third department the board of trustees of aoton publio school met list wednesday evening la tbe coanom chamber all tho members were present tbe committee on finance presented their foartb report and the board ordered payment ot the following accounts vy j q ago a go maps a is 60 supply cornnilttoo for trooo 1 60 j j lawson removing storm sash 1 00 1600 applications for the position of teacher of the third department were received from mioses rhoda f featherstone and lottio ingtebart both experienced county teach ers and holding scoond clasi professional certificates moved by george hynds seconded by robt holmee that tho application of miss rhoda f featherstone for tho position of teacher in third department rendered vacant by the removal of miss patterson to attend the normal sohoot be accepted at the salary of 9275 per annum carried moved by robert wallace sooonded by h swaokbammer that tho oh airman and secretary treasurer bo and are hereby authorized to negotiato a loan of two hund dollar for t term ot three months carried tbe properly committee waa instructed to have tbe school properly cleaned and whitewashed during tbe summer vacation and lo bavo tho closets put into a sanitary condition the board then adjourned everton borne oil he visitors and visited daring the last few days are miss madge day and friends from guelpb at reeve talbots mr it simpson nassagaweya at mr marshall miss wood mount forest and miss oopaland teeswater at mrs r mr frank harris wia latoronto for tho holiday mr lou orr vieited friends in water loo last week mr w p brown of toronto was hero for the holiday miss jennie mcfhail of berlin visited acton friends this week ex iteovo nioklin left on monday even ing on a trip to montreal mrr thos henderson visited friends in toronto during tho week mr jonn wordoa was down from grand valley on dominion day mrs james barry visited friends in newmarket the past week mr frank molntoab visited friends in waterloo during tbo week miss helen symon is home from tor onto for summer vacation misa ettio dills vtnltod friends in hamilton during the week mr and mrs john s coleman vlbited relativeaat arkell last wetk misa lottie ebbsge spent tho paat week with her brother in toronto mr richard ghlsbolnof milton spent sunday with friends ia town mr william monabb spent a couple of da a last week ai southampton miea ida patterson will spend tt e vacation at her home in guelph misa pen nook of stonffville was the gtieet of apton friends tbia week mr kerr brown jolt on tnetday on a wheeling trip to jslora and barrlstou rev dr carman returning from japan passed through winnipeg last saturday mre thomas dunoan ot toronto spent a few day s this week with aoton friends miea meda kelson visited at the home of mrb j w bowe miltoq daring the week mies jessie modouald of lome school left last week for her home in orangeville miss bertha mann visited friends in hamilton and glandford during tixi holi days misa alien stuart daughter of dr stuart of toronto is a guest at corey hall mr obaa h moore ot toronto was home from thursday until monday tils week mies ross of goorgetown spent a couple of days witb frienda lo town last week miss ada franola arrived home from woodstock business college on monday evening rev j a mclaeblan m a attended the prohibition convention at toronto on tuesday mr and mrb john matthews returned from a viuifc to friends in toronto on balurday mr and mrb john p seoordof ortllia bpent a few days this week with mrs b a bo cord miss grace moffat of guelph was the gaest of her friend miss maggie wallace during the week mrp rev j w lue of torfluto junction spont thursday last with relatives fn town mobsra lou flannagan and will swaok- bamer visited friends at hanover and walkertoo laet week mre r d graham and childrenwent to orangeville on saturday to sneod a week or so with friends there mr and mrs p 0 flenry and daughter of gtoaffville were guests this week at the homoofmrcc speight mr john firstbrook and sons of toronto spent a few days at aoton while on a driving tour this week master willie smith of gnnlpb is bpending a week with his sister miss bertio at mr alex seoorda mrs grace tayor and mis hazel of toronto are guests at tbe home of mr j h matthews bower avenue mr o b graham of the detroit jour nal spent a few days laet week tbe gaest of his aister miss bells graham mrs robert carroll and twe children of toronto were guests ot mrs jennie smith a couple of days this week mr and mre thos storey and misses fanny and nellie parsons of buffalo are gneats at the homo of mr john flynn mr walter d beard more hsu purchas ed the bunting residence in q a cads park and will add improvements toronto star messrs peter foreman and a m mc- eenxie of hamilton were guetie at tbe home of mrs macpherson mill street last week mr hugh molaughlanof nsuiagaweya wbo was very iii and in tbe guelph hosp for some time is able to be about 81 loam 1 on soiidiy any fl w rxolrton uomibot to rev j kentle commenced work on the rookwood olrooit at 10 am ho opened his initiatory service at tlin brick oburoh before beginning tho discourse tho reverend gentleman introduced hiniboif in a happy manner he said i am as perhaps you all know tbe new preacher and no doubt the most of you have beard my name it is holden i have been nnmeroualy tnisnamedi some have ealled me hold in hut my name is not holdin although i do sometimes hold in others have ealled me hold on but although i some times hold on tbat ia not xny name still others have called mo holding but it ia not holding simply plain holden he reminded them of tbe diffioolty be would have in remembering them all at first surprise and pleasure were express ed at the large number of boys and girls aud young men and women who were present he askedfor their consideration and earnest coopertlon aa he undertook he work amqprbt thero- tbe exoellent sermon whioh followed was basad upon st john 1 and 42 and he brought him to jesus after a short in troduction of ths theme be divided it and treated it in a very practical manner under four heads or by asking four questions viz who bfaould bring eoqls q jesus when should we bring souls to jesus f where ehonld we bring sonla to jesus how oin we bring souib to jesua mr holden is au energetic speaker and has a name for aotivlty on former charges he showed himself o jjo earnest and anilous that bis ministry on thia flild of labor ahold bo marked with eucqoea in tho salvation of souls cures tolk in favor of hoods sarsaparilla as for no other modi- fin its great cures irdttlasth convincing- language of grateful men and women constitute its most effective ad- vertlaing many of these cures are mar- veloua they have won the confidence of the people j bavo given hoods fiarsapa- rllla tho largest sales in the world and have made necessary for its manufacture the greatest laboratory oa earth hoods sarsaparillal known by the our uhas made cures of mrof he and vcgema onres of rheumatism neural- and weak nerves cures of dyspepsia lire twuble csterrhcuree wwchwve sarsaparilla h tho beatlp he ui qm tn bm1 p mr l g matthew wbo yiu in toronto a coqdio of week raooividk tiaat- tnont for tbs oyei nttunad homo lut saturday county couooillor havlll want to grit jmtenliy to attend ih aaartl ol hi brother inlaw b jaffrajr etrj lata proprietor of the gait btparttt mre b a sword wm mrlokm wllb a rolld atttok ol paralyal hit wok she will remove to orlllla and itvt with hex on mr j p seoord for tbe preset miea honteath of montreal li letting bt inte mm r muma m h b irr n of kollhekladofa cat he thcuabt a youdg bloycllat who wheoed to pres ton last evening had an unpleasant experienoe while wheeling homo this morn ing while paaing tlkqugl a iwamp ho saw bnmething lying on tbe road whioh ho thought to be a oat asleep chinking that he wonld like to see how it would jam ho eteered his njiiobfno that wijr now he u eorry for the oat tnrned out to be a polo oat if anyone wants to boy a obeap wheol tbey oan do go by ohihok on bim ooelph advocate farwew cemetery attractions the cemetery is a neceisity in every oommnnlty and ihoogh it be the oity ol tbe dead there is no reason why it ehonld not be one pf the most attractive points in any locality no greater evldenoe of tender regard and revereot roapeot for the memory ot departed loved ones oonld lo manifested than the keeping of their resting plaoea tidy attractive and veil oared for that thia spirit prevails in acton a visit at present to falrvlew oametery will readily prove not only ire tbe borial plots and sarrouadiogi neatly trimmed and beautified with flowers sad evergreens bat tbe oaretaker has the nomerons walks and drives in exoellent condition tbe gravel neatly raked and tbe aodded edges ont olean and sharp tho oomotary oom rolttee last week added oonvenienoe whioh visitors will appreciate in looating here and there in bbady plaoae a nnmber of oomfortable settees the evergreens planted in tbe new survey this spring bavo done remarkably well only one of tbe lot having died tbo only thing now needed to enhance the oemetery to a still higher degree ia a a greenhouse la proximity to it where flowers may bo readily attained at all times for decorating tho gravee and aorronndings entertaining bevdinq hoods pills wl7i2ua summer skl 31 days is the time wo havo given j d mokee druggist acton tosell oil our wall paper at 15 discount think of it ind do your house oer while such snaps lost up to date is our motto and in tho sum mer we clean out what siock we can i 3i days is ihe limit see his samples c l helles thb l6hd6r cublph july wtnessess an entire upsetting of stock in store the prices are cut from under all lines of goods and the piles come tumbling down what we want to emphasize especially today is the attack on dress 3boods we cant convince everybody by a newspaper advt that good stylish dressxjoods are sold here now at exactly onehalf their ordinary prictr nor do we care to whats the good to you unless you see them we however want to arouse your attention we want you to see the goods and see the dnves we are oftenng and it wont take much blowing that dress goods are cheap here we are mak ing great preparations for fall trade and present piles must be cleared out no matter at what cost e r bollert 25 aud 27 wyndham street guelph co blouses blouses now is your chance take it while you can get it of getting a fashionable blouse at cost and below we are now running off our blouses at greatly reduced prices and they are all this years goods and not shop worn call and see the jnly canadian magazine oontaino mnoh entertaining reading matter there are four stories two of which are by oana dlaue misa jones second artiole on bwisa life and boenery is very bright and beatifally illustrated sir john g bonrlnota scholarly article on t f ers of responsible government is acoom panied by portraits of lord durham lord elgin louis j fapineau william lyon maokenzle joseph howe robert baldwin sir francis hinoks sir l j lafontaine sir john harvey and lord sydenham the frontispiece ib a very good partait o the late sir j adolphe cbaplean palnes celery compound is tbe worlds great nervo medtoine this is the month when overworked men women and girls in tbo borne work shop store and office feel nervous tired dull irritable languid and weak these conditions result from weak and unstrung nerves the nerves regulato the blood supply through tbe body upon the healthy aotlon ot tbe nerves health and happiness depend people wbo have their nerves ont of repair in the hoi weather aro the most miserable of mortals f sines gelery compound is the only true and safe specific for diseased nerves- it is the one medloino for the banishment of all hot weather ills and weaknesses physloiaca recommend it every day it is ths favorite lifegiver with mlltons on this oontlnent take no substitute from your dealer eninos is the kind that cures another car of land salt just in also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at ft 05 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table sail rock salt c f goode ye co hcton empire typewriter price 5600 visible writing in addition to all tho advantages of the 9x2000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully currrnt66d circulars and testimonials them write for the williams mtg go limited montreal pq makers of colobnvted now williams bowing u axilla os shoulder braces for ladies gentlemen or children wear them and they will straighten round shoulers and enlarge the chest bftowk summer specials arranged to meet present demand special offer ing during july dress stuffs 44 in serges in cream black and brown regular price 50c for 38c 40 in cashmere silk finest in pink light green andjblue regular 50c special 40c i2jc light prints best make special 10c blouses all at reduced prices parasols a special collection of handsome styles all marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never w larg all fresh and at lowest prices qtjrnex co mill st acton for boyears the firm of savage co having been estab lished fifty years intend celebrating the occasion by having a great silverware sale the goods purchased for this sale are man11- mr and mrs joe m moore of tbo herald georgetown bar and mrs j j ueddltt brampton mr and mr john aosman of th toronto world mils shirley willis of aaron mr herbert moxerlban tor onto and eov and mrs i a molaoblan alter the oeremony a samp toons wedding repeat wee partaken ot in ibb diningroom aud ih yonng oonpls loll for toronto by tbe 10 is rain tbs namirons end hand- aome bridal tokens maniftitad the popular ity ol tbia worthy yoani oonple they have both been resident l of aoton since childhood and to them am extended tbe heartiest congratulations of tbe entire oommnnlty mr jenner removed to johnstown laat september to the regret of all who knew him here bat he ooonpim very sallefaotory position there and to their new borne in that olty tbe happy yonng couple will prooeed neat tuesday simons henry hanbridxe qoelpb at mr j livens mr campbell and misa chamber goolph at it smellhorns mrs mariball has bad a weoks visit witb friends is nfonnt forest the frlrads and monrnors of the late f simons ilbered lo the methodist obnroh snnday evening when a speoial service waa beld on aooorml ot the tad event here laet week ou people didnt feel like enjoying tbe eacaraion to toronto thongh a nnmber went it yon wih to aee beantlf ul hammock oall at mr sanbridges where they aro on exhibition and made to order bandar the seventeenth rev 8 conch aberfoyle will preach in the methodist ohnrob there wen flie drowning acoidenta on lake ontario on snnday at montreal a middle aged man named edward barns jumped from ihe third- storey window ot his boarding bouse in a fllof dslirlom i remans aind died from ihe effects 1 united btetee ooatoma ofboers have seized 1619 head ol cattle purobased in manitoba and drlveoj over the boundary line into north dakota the oattle were mlireprettnted and tbe imporlors may bars to piy a fine of 16000 eaob ctmeron of aort hope also made mra monabb a ahorl visit daring tbe wakt mr w h hall editor ot use markham an died aaddenly on monday as at result of an opperation for appendicitis mr ball waa the eldest son ol county councillor w h hall ot markham and ocly in hla 25th year he waa oei ol mark ham moat popular and highly respected oltlrens mra ann dnrno mother of heeara aax and john dorno of manutfajoe mich srrlvcd yesterday in town and will spend a oonple of mootba with her daughter and other friends al xlnosbonse mrs durno is enjoying sioellint health and reports her sons at prosper ion in tlnlr mlohlgan home for thb babibs potato dug killer puro paria green 20c per ib dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for i 00 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel tour binder twine all kinds rrovi 6jc up portrait geo j thorp sbabdsrckln market sq and maodoonell st cublph to curb a cold in one dav lake iterative brorao quinine tablta all pratslats reload tb monsj u it falls to our aj seals it i not neoswery to lay eom onto msn and woman should remtoabsr thai fotnama painless corn bairwlos i tbe site ear and painless ooro remote extaot it doea it work qolokly and with certain ty set that hi signature n clpolaon a co appear on eaob bottle beware ol polsoaoa imitations w m hbmbtbekt liesasid acctkonui or tb oonnste of wellington and halton ortlaraheltbfaaui pi ha ojlloe aeton or at myrsudeuoeln aoton pill be- iroiimy at- ndadto kees ndnaed hi b00 fob taubst baue8 also monar to lean on uu most favorable sans and ai th lowest rata ol lntcre1 in auusoiafmoaud pwards have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delighted with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton phottxartltrt tactured by one ot the oldest and best firms in america every article being guaranteed by us to be quadruple plate these goods usually sold at lour to six dollars are to be sold by us at the low figure of 200 avjlqse 6a co established 1848 sazktc h tk k k rs tfcnd opticihns guelph ont

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