Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1898, p. 2

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starrjkv kozsxl ac oraniievlllo ou tuontuy wntfnwalfr jauiah daughter of titoplion btauk rttti oiid camrnom at the homo of lior husband lob 20 god a esnuolug nosr acton ot tridy hth july mafwlo vsnvlsik wlfo of tliomna cam oron sno 60 years m tton vtt xzss tnuilbday july 11 1808 notes and comments ibe atatemenl u theflnaoolalooroprniaa that the farmers ero palu ntl the mortgages on their farms aud oiuktols aud giving few new mortgages muilbooheer lug wheu ihe nrraer prosper all will ebare in the good timet am goodumea are surety comiog from the title on the other aide of the hue there will be a great orop of candidates for nomination a the next freaadootlal election among the namoi already mentioned up to date are dewey 8cblor sampson bhafter aod itooiovellallhoroea of the war othera may be added by the time the war la endel mr john waldio lays tint on of 80000- 000 feet of loge oal at french liver 000000 will be lawn in michigan while a very largo quantity ont at spanish hlver la also going aorofla when are the govern ments going to do sometbiog to keep canadian log for canadian mill and the wages for people living in canada 1slar the progreaa of the engllsli langaage toward universal me was aboan when doctor nansen recently addressed the itnieian qeographioal society on the theme of hla arotio adfenjorei he ipoke in eogliah aaylog he knew do rnulao m not sure of german and ooald not nee frenoh with any degree of eaaej bot not odo of hie andienea oomplafnted of not being able to understand english foreign secretary corson told i member of the brillih house of commoni on mon day that the canadian war eomipondent freeman halited of burlington oat might have hla sentence of nine years imprisonment mitigated as it li halited la receiving more homane treatment owing to the representation of the brillab gov ernment halited ii will be renumbered wal arrested at porto bloo for taking photographs of the tortifioatloua tho appointment of william ogflvie ae commissioner of tbe ynkop district la a very popular one throagboot the eomlniod mr ogllvia baa a knowledge of the diatrlct nneqnalled by any officer of hii eapaoity in hla admlnleteation at diwson city he had the oonfldence of both the otaiernment and of the miners he has held bimaelf tree from any entanglements thit wonld impair hia oaefaloeaa aa a pnblio ofboer and he has fnll faith in the development of the gold oonntry mr ogilvie fu make a model admlnlatrator mr joatloe moss has given judgment in the matter of the ontario votera mat aot and ia the matter of the stated oats refer- ed to him by deputy atlorooy qeneral oarlwrlght who asked baa a judge holding a oonrt for revision of a volsrs list the power to place on the list or to remove therefrom the names of persons at voters in respect to whom no notloe of appeal intention toapplr u oo li been given within the time provided by the act that is to say within thirty days after the hat baa been posted by the clerk his lordship hat replied that snob a lodge is tot coder the ontario voters lisas aot empowered to do so gen shafters reports wounded on july lot and 2nd war very quiet at present wahhwoton july 9 tho war depart ment received two despatches from qoncral shatter during the uight as follows pluya del est with army oorps in field july 1 siorelary of war washington cable operators were permitted to go iu yester day morning tho english cable was in working order and aomo of the operators wore iu the oil general toral wanted these there aa they are the piinolpal moo this cable has not been ont and the men i sent in have taken it up again lnglish oable has been working all the time through havana signed shatter plava del este oamp nrar eautimo july 0 adjutant qeneral washington complete report reoelved today of losa on july 1 and 3 killed 23 officers 208 enlist ed men wounded 01 ofnoers 1203 enlistrd men missing 79 enlisted men the re ports giving the names of the killed and wounded are being rapidly prepared and it is hoped to get them oil to morrow signed bhafter wmmvoton july 9 admiral sampson has oabled the nary department that in bis opinion three of the spanish vessels noay be saved the colon is certainly in good condition he reports and there are reasonable hopes of saving maris teresa and the vlsoaya this ia the only news received from sampson today the oablea apparently being interrupted or in had working order it ia expected at the navy department that an onslanght on the forta at the entranoe of the harbor of santiago will begin today washbiotoi july 12 the following despatch from qen shafter was received here at 9 30 a m it has been very quiet but little fight ing a flag of trooe np ainoe 2 oolook considering proposition for surrending now that i have town snrrounded on the north lines were completed at 5 p m by qen ludlow right down to the bay the line ia rather thin bat will have it strengthened in the morning by gen hen ry who has jnst arrived at headquarters only three or foor oasualties no one killed so far aa i can learn expeot to have two of the new batteries in position to morrow great deal of coffering among the people who have gone ont of santiago am doing my beat to relieve it but not entirely auooessfnl halton election protest trial fixed for thursday 1 at sep tember at milton bradatreeta report of business fall ares in canada for the ural six months of the year it a cheering document it contains ovldenoe that lbs dominion is ooniing ont the bloom of bad times and la entering upon a period of prosperity tbo lean ytars are behind ns and ibe fat years are ahead in the whole dominion the number ol rations daring the first six months of 1893 was 818 as oomparsd with 107 dar ing the same period last year tho other illesl5796a81nl808 and 78i8h3 in 1897 assets 12618070 in 1808 98009460 in 1897 ths record for ontario is for 1803898 failures with mai777 ausets sand 13498025 lleulltias for 1897491 f allnres with 11820882 assets and 9087 781 liabilities with another goocl harvest which at pr seems to be assand the record for the second half of the year is likely to prove even mors satiifaetoiy than tho one for lbs first half the following is a complete list of the ontario eieotlon appeals where the trial has been arranged with place and date of trial ballon milton thursday bept 1 n haatinga belleville tuesday bept 6 nlplaelog north bay monday sept 12 n renfrew pembroke thursday bept is ottawa hawkina v lumsden monday sept 10 1 p m ottawa randall v powell monday bept 19 2 p m b wellington and cross petition quelph friday bept 22 w victoria lindsay tuesday bept 37 centre simooe barrie wednesday sept 80 w york toronto monday bept 18 stormont cornwall friday bept 28 lennox napanee monday ootober 10 w huron oodorioh thursday oct 37 s huron goderlch monday oct 81 w durham cobonrg thursday nov 3 n perth stratford thursday bept 1 lpm s perth and oross petition stratford thursday sept 1 1pm n orey owen bound wednesday oat 7 1 p m s orey owen bound wednesday oct 7 1 p m s ontario and oross petition whitby monday sept 12 3 p m n ontario whitby monday sept 13 3rm rev dr carman on japan the isl of cuba the importance and extent of ite produc expo to few indeed are aware of the important plane occupied by cuba in sopplyloar the markets of america and europe with the products of its latitude the commerce of cuba in times 0 pesos amounted to about 168000000 in imports and 1100000000 exports most of the oommerae is with spain united stalest and great britain there are 1000 miles of railroad in cuba and 3304 miles of telegraph lines doing business al 157 telegraph offices and sending yearly 403000 messages throughout ibe island are large areola of land whi still une and the value of which msj not be known for years ibe export and import trade of banna whlob in 1840 amounted to nearly ijooo ooo had in 1891 reached the torn of 181 48107ft spain buys next to nothing in oaba and for that little pays in depreciated siller in 1801 tbs tonnage of ths vessels enter ed in the various ports of cuba waai 1100- 858 while in 1891 it reached the anna of 7773851 accordi to the laat oenana the number e northumberland cobonrtf friday bept 38 1 p m n toronto toronto tuesday bept 37 11 a m kiogaton kingston friday sept 80 8 p m e lsmbton sarnie wednesday oct 4 1 p m e elgin st tbomar monday aug 39 w elgin and cross petition st thom as wednesday aug 81 n essex sandwich friday sept 10 dufferin and cross petition orange- ville thursday bept 23 london london monday oct 81 ocean 8hip8 collide of tngar plantations is 1200 tobacco- pjanta tions 5000 coffee plantations iso 0000a plantations 25 grazing farms for horned ontlio jooo small farms 17000 warehouses depots and factories 95000 oaba contains 32 cities and towm and 301 villages and hamlets excepting aoob as have been destroyed within the last tfaree years the sugar and tobacoo grown on the island are shipped chiefly 10 ths united stales many vegetables mature in twenty days after planting and sugar cans baa lo bo replanted only once la twelve years fiery boose contains m modorn staring machine bat tbsptowearsofsnolentnake iltfclcseratsmoroxsn7cabari plow and s tjaban foor days to prepare half an acre for lobseeo planting 80000000 represents lbs smoonl n takes paid during 184 from cuba to iwell the coffers of ibe spanish qovsromenl and obo man women and children are drowned in the wreck haurax n b july 0 toe ship crom artyshire bad her bow stove ia and was partly dismasted by collision with the frenoh steamer lt bonrgoyoe off sable island today the only officers saved were ibe purser anavthreeedgineers over a hundred man belonging to the crew were also among the survivors the remainder of the 167 saved are passengers there is only one women survivor the catastro phe took plsoe at ft oolook during a dense fog there were on board the la bonrgoyoe 85 first cabin passengers 135 second oabio and 305 second olesn or steerage there were 220 in the orew making a total of 735 only 107 were aavta the oatastro- pbe was appallng the frenoh liner run nlng at a terriho rate of speed orasbed into the port bow of the oromarayahire in a dense fog and bank almost before those on board kpew what hid happened the alexander molotosb aged 17 son of a goelpb township farmer was tenlbly injand by being drsgesd with a mower behind i wm norsee on afondav struck by a thunderbolt and sank into tba foaming deep there was scarcely an instant given to escape from ibe fearfol vortex whloh booked down the trembliog souls that managed to gain tbs dcok but in less time than ii takes to toll it all was over from tbs waters thai olosed about the floundering steamer hundreds of souls were hurled to lbs top of tbs waves with wild despairing shrieks and sorsams they olotobed vainly hi tbs life belts to savs them from tbs awful and cruel torrent of waves that poured oyer them with the fores of a hurricane tba only woman saved was mrs a la cease of plainoeld n j and it was mainly through the qolok action of her h who ws ajtooqe of ibe passengers saved that sbe is notamong ths missing owing to ibe cowardly and brutal oon- duel of many of ths frenoh seaman who forced woman and children back as they attempted 10 eqterjhe life boats ibe num ber pt passengers drowotd was rouob larger ibsn il shonld have been of the the sentlmont of tho flowery kln- aem i ownra tnu ei fu labtthureday tho editor of iho ijiir prbub bad the ploaburoof u trip to dtlle- villo with rev dr carnun general superintendent of the methodidt church nu lifa travelling aoniphinon er carman had arrived from nil flioiul mdit to the mibslonb ulid oollei0 in japan the night before and the fact that lie took the early train next mormug in order to reach belle vlllfl to attend the aunoal meeting of tho board of management of albert oollogp in ample proof of tho vitality energy and physical endurance of thiu hooorodjman of god almost any other mau 111 the oountry would have foil after taking a oontlonoas journey of some 10000 milen aooomplished within three months that a reet for a week or no at least waa an absolute necessity but dr carman was evidently as fretdi and ready lor work aa if he had beou twenty years yonnsfer the oouvcraation was of a very interest ing oharaotcr and mauy points of interest relative to tbe oountry were elicited dr carman arrived in japan on may 8rd and lett the ahoras of tho flowery kingdom ou the 17ih of june bpeaking of his travels there tbe dootoraaid that ho did not know what work wan until he arrived in japan he apoke about tbreo or four times every day and travelled hundreds otmiles every mothodist mibslon in tho island was visited and many mibiions of the other ohnrohea as well hestartod from tokio on may 5th and toured round the north coast of tho island and thence worked 800 or 400 miles east and anally back to tokio the annual session of the japan confer enoe was then held at tbe capital and dr carman was of oonrae the presiding officer there he also attended the mistion coun cil which met after tho conference after hla stay at tokio the dr set oat for kyoto and osaka visiting tbe misbiona of all the ohuroneb sb he proceeded in reply to a question dr carman stated that he visited tbe japan missions with aspecifio purpose but would not say what it was as he be lieved hib first report should bo to tho missionary board bpeaking generally of mission prospeote in tho land of riewers dr carman stated that they were a great deal brighter than five years ago at tho time of ibe great anti- torelgn movement all themasilona were more or lees crippled during this mot ement bnt things are improving he esld on account of the new treaties which aro eoon to come into foroo the japanese are moro favoorably inollned to foreignore the doctor expressed tbe opinion that the ohtneae japanese war had no effeot on tbe mlsbtonb its only noticeable influence was in tbe spirit of tho people who had become very martial in all tbe aohools said dr carman the boys aro being drilled and instructed in the art of war turning again to the anbjeot of missions the returned traveller said that those in the mission field believed that an increase shonld be made in the missionary force of tho country the timo said the doctor is very favorable to enlarged aotion when asked as to what effeot that recant general elections in japan would have on tbe missions dr carman said that the effect would be rather beneficial than other wise count okuina the new premier is most liberal in hia views he said and be has bpoken very plainly in the interests of honesty and civilization oonnt ito his predeoeesor waa not muoh interested in mission affairs he professed to tolerate all religions but the general sentiment of the conntry is yet against christianity public men are largely indifferent the japanese are at present in a transition stage some of tbem are educated and civil ised snd some are barbarous and degraded ths people are very anxioui about the new canadian treaties which are shortly to come into force and everywhere i went i was aiked for my opinion on tbe sabjeot there has been nothing ia their papers aboat an angloamerioanjapaneae alii enoe bot the japs aro anxious to be friendly with groat britain and canada the way their soldiers are drilling and the great manufacturers of armaments ehow that japan is gottlng ready to fight berownbalteirandotndalono there is not muoh doubt continued br carman that what little war senti ment there is is on tho side of the united estates though the capture of tbe pbilli- piues is viewed with muoh apprehension their feeling about the war is one of anxie ty that their trade should not bo injured u japanese are very jealoas of the the movements of russia and germany on ibe chinese ooaat said dr carman they fear that tbe same game of grab may be tried on them however the thoughts of the people of japan are upon their trade interests and they look at for eign countries with vsry little sentiment except as it will effect their commercial interests tbs legislators are also devoting their time to the education of the masses and the cultivation of the countrys reenaroes railways bridges and pnblio works of evsry kind are being pusbod rapidly forward railway travel is very cheap tuere one oan travel thlrdolais for one- half cent a mile second oliss for one cent and firatolass for ons and one half cento this progress is all favorable to missions and we regard japan aa a land of great splrltnat promise neighborhood news n it s fa co pondents and exchanges milton tbo judgoa court of rovielon of thu town ml bo hold in x monday 18tb taut at 10 80 a m our looitl brotliern of tbo orange and blue acoompamod by tbo braes band spent the twelfth in georgetown an en jo able lawn booik under tbo kubpiceaof tha liadiea aid of the mutbo chat ob arch was liold nt tbo frfiqnafe oa tuesday evening cuief justice meredith will preside at tho autumn asaizoi for hal ton whioh will commence on m n lay ooi 8rd dr anderson win has been taking a poat graduate ouurao in eurory at ghioigo ia home again owing to the scarcity of water in tbe reservoir watering tbe lawns is robibitod and as a oonieqaonoe many of tbem are looking very bare and soorohed tbo council has fncreaatjd tbe grant to the band from 950 to 5100 owing tb a leak io one of the water mains the water in tho reservoir has been very low the patit few weeks private pin hios and parties are very popular at present tbo farmers are nil bnay in the wheat harvest some immense yields are talked of anaemia or bloodllissn ess its victims are pale in color sub crewson3 corners the glorious 12th passed off very quietly here quite a n amber from this vicinity attended tbe funeral of the late mrs thos cameron near aoton on sunday a number of onr people attended the garden party at mr obas davidsons on thursday evening laat mr and mrs j sinclair of sarnie are spending their holidays with friends in this vicinity mr jan and miss bortba gamble visit ed friends in georgetown last week mr and mrs r plokott of nasssga weyn spent sunday with fiends here miss ethel maodonald of elora is spending her vacation at her codes mr stas gamble misses aggie anderson and alioe oote man of torooto are sending their vaca tion at their borne here master bert crewuon returned home from the guelph general hospital on mon day much benefitted id health ha speaks well of the treatment ho received while there a meeting is being held this week to arrange for services in the methodist oh arch rev mr holdea will be welcom ed as pastor here georgetown the towns hospitality was extended to 4000 visitors on tuesday the week now passing has been crowded with interesting events la this locality the farmerbareoattlag tbe largest drop of hay ever grown iu this section and the weather ia moat favorable wheat onttlng is now fairly began and in moat oases the crop is excellent the slight frost on sunday aight did no barm the hops in this violnlty are excellent and s ottered notblofi from tbe frost mr clarence bennett one of our george town boys left borne on tho 12th to take a situation with rice lewis aoo toronto we wish him success mr miller pre n ties teacher of stewart- town pablio school left for kincardine to spend bis holidays when leaving the station a travellers heavy traok was thrown against bis bicycle and broke several parts miss powell of toronto is visiting her aunt mrs l l bennett miss powell sang in the methodist oharoh last sabbath evening she baa jajt completed her examinations where she seen red honors in vocal music at the toronto conservatory miss ballantine arrived from the east last week after a lengthened visit mr and mrs ballantino returned borne from montreal aftervislting their daughter mrs pease of preston id visiting her brotherln law mr pease of this town i miss evelyn bold baa passed in piano musio at the conservatory securing 2nd j a fit to ultfllnaaa palpitation of the heart and other distress ing symptoms from tho echo ilatlavlllu ont ad mm in which literally mcana blood 1 earn ess is prevalent to an ularmfng extant among young girls and young voto en of tbo present day and is a fruitful sourco of declinn uudoouhumpiion tbo symptoms of ins trouble am mauy but among tho most noliooable aro pallor of tbofaoe lips and gum shortness of breatb on slight oxertion dizziness severe head aches weakness of the vital oraos palpi tat ion of tho heart and dropsical bwelllng of the limbs the more of ihflvo syrup tonib shown the greater the necessity for prompt treatment among those who have suffered from anaemia and foaud a oars w miss emily webb a joung lady residing near wolvorton ont miss webb says my illness first came on wbeu i was about sixteen years of age my com pleilon was a pale waxy color i wae plaoed under medical treatment but tbo medicine prescribed by tho doctor did not appear to do me the slightest good as time went by i was slowly but sorely grow jog worse i was unable to 3o sny work about tbe house and my hmba would tremble to such an extant at tho slightest exertion that i could scarcely stand upon nay feet then my stomach became so weak that i vomited almost everything 1 ate i grew despondent and feared i woald not recover while in this condition a friend urged mo to try dr williams pink pills and i followed tbo advice after i had nsed two boxes i noticed an improve ment and my heart was gladdened with tbe hope of renewed health at the end of six boxes my appetite bad fully returnod and with it strength oolor to my cheeks and brightness to the eyes i still contin ued taking dr williams pink fills until i hd tsken in all twelve boxes and oan truthfully assert that i am healthior and btronger than ever before i owe this to dr williams pink pills and i would urge all girls who suffer as i did to give them a fair trial br williams pink pills bave done more to make strong healthy rosy cheeked brighteyed girls than any other medicine ever discovered and mothers ohonld insist upon their daoghtors taking an occasional course of this modiolus sold only in bar es tbe wrapper around which bears the fall name dr williams fink pilla for polo people offered in any other form tbe pills are substitutes intended to deceive twentyfive thousand persons have gone to tbs klondike via the cbilkoot paso bo for this season tbe waving fields of golden grain are at present a sight to gladden the heart of every lover o nature mrs john haltzhaueroommitted suicide at preston on monday by drowning herself in her soninlaws oistern her hnsband misted her about 6 oolook and while search lag found tbo oistern lid reqiaved upon looking down be discovered tbe remains of bis wife oold in death con tinued illneb- waa the cause aa bonest man is the noblest wort of god pope the right house corner king and hnghson sts hamilton special july purchases lot no i 2600 yards of fancy blouse and dress silks purchased at about half the regular value fine quality bright finish 14 designs regular value 75c to 85c special price 55c lot no 2 ladies blouses 35 dozen new up-to- date made of fine plaid muslin detachable collars regular price 125 special price 72c lot no 3 22 dozen new up to date blouses fine plaid percal detachable collars regular price 125 special 85 cents 1 special july reductions 17 only colored fancy pattern dresses this seasons goods regular value 7 to 1io clearing at350 each 10 only french pattern dresses very stylish design regular price 10 to 14 clearing at 5 each 8 only white swiss robes and skirts extra quality new designs very stylish skirts made in one piece hemstitched and insertion trimmings- r each regular price 650 for 500 850 for 650 1000 fors 00 1200 for 900 13 50 for 1050 millinery childrens sailor hats in straw regular 25c for 15c regular 35c for 20c 75c for 35c 125 for 75c ladies straw sailors regular 25c for 18c regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 40c regular 100 for 50c leghorn hats regular 125 for 50c 175 for 100 samples on application purchases of 5 and over pre paid to your nearest railway station in ontario hclu aouertificnunts foll service awlms illtrd joraoyuull atacton 81 00 ensb or 1 w if charted tonus 0 dfciutk thomas c watfcins sun savings and loan go head office toronto oint authorised capital 6000000 0o tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 6o 00 paidln maturity value 9ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayablo in monthly instalments on appli- ation io r j mcnabb agent aoton 8avaqe a companys jubilee this wallknown firm of ouolph jewellers celebrate traelr fif tieth year in business tho firm of savage go waa stattod iu ths yoar 1818 near wllcra the lljvi hotel uowstanda bvcrbincethsyliavocarrted on a firstolaaa jewellry bualneip and tbis year belnj tbo 0tli anulvorssry of tho eatab habment of the baalness they will cole- brste iho oeoasion by a bis sals of silver ware oommouoion to day thursday a ftneseleoiion oik wnioh in iho regular way would soli at from i to 10 will be oflsred at 92 mr david savagt founded this business as was already intimated a 1818 sud wltqd abont 1g ycara of age mr ben savago went in with him and grew up with tbe bnsinsss asanmlng boutrol about 25 years ago when bia falher died it is a mailer of regret bat ur baraga la not enjoying rood health he baa bteu on the paeiqo ooaat for loma time trying what a ohange of air would do and is at present with bis sister at a waterloo paoe neat taooma many friends in gnelpb will hope for ur sav ages restoration to his wonted health and strength ibis il tho oldest jewellery eatabliahment in goelpb and by their straightforward bullosa method and thoir hoqofable dealing all times batags a co have buill np an enviable imputation ii goes without nying thai what they gaaunntae ii all right and il la not ibey will make it rlabtaoelpn ierevry eayed 18 were seoond qla stesrage w omadtaio padflo is importing and tbe remaining 105 members of the ann gqldei to lake toariits among the i bookie olasahouor miss lindsay and mill halt oar high school teaohere are spending their holidays tenting on the ehorea of lake ohamplain tbe rev o a mitoholl preached to tbe orangemen on sabbath evening tbe lodges from norval stewailown qlen- willlams and georgetown attended tbe ohuroh wse arowded to tbe doora tbo greatest event in tbe history of georgetown waa ihe 12th of july celebra tion tho citizens bad been busy for a week making preparations the itreeta were tastily and profusely decorated with ever greens bunting and flags 3he business men seemed to rival one another in cele brating the oooaaion early in the morn ing the streets were astir with visitors and eaoh train from eaat west north and sooth brought large exouriiona tbe local lodges and eaoh early arrival met the trains with their bands all viiltora report that they never bad such good epesehea and they have reason to boast above all they never bad a more orderly gatbering hal- ton peel and wellington were represented by 28 banners ae follows georgetown aoton stqwarttown nor val glenwilllams oikvillo hornby erin qburohville four oornere hottonvlllr gampbellvlllo cheltenham mt horeb whaleya corners oookavllle streelsville 2 brampton 2 campbells cqpiera guelpb fort credit tbe bands irons brampton oakville campbellvllle mil ton goelpb gliurchville erin aoton andflgfirgetown with a large number of fife and drum bands made tbe oooaaion very lively tbe day was beautiful 1 tbe atresia wall water ed and in lino order and every one seemed well satisfied with the day eaoellenl apeeohes were delivered by ool kerns m p p u henderso m p aoton john b barber m l a georgetown henry burnett g m b k of i biobard blaln thos boblnson d m g k of i e h orandell mayor of brampton w a mconlla eim p brampton joe burton a g m b k i d m deny west bevs jos fennell b i g a mitchell t h rogers l perrln the effort of ihe committee to mix ihe races alternately between ibe apeecbea wae unfortunate and took away tbo intern from both departmenta advertised the obief interest waa in ths blojolo raoea mr smith of guelpb oarae an easy first in bplb ihe half mile and mile race with john ballantine of georgetown aeoond in lbs mll6frankantbooyof drampkm wan tbe fat mans race aod won arm strong of milton tbo old mauv two hand- red yard running raoe the girls race was also interesting the twoyear old eon of d 3 slater waa operaled on al guelpb tor m supposed tumor iti tho nose tbe tumor proved to be a button that bad got into tho little fellow nose and got oorripletely grown over acton livery bus line the nddcnlgnodroapeotfallysouoitstbftpftivod lfie of tbe public nd iaiormi thorn that well equipped and styltah rigs oan al way be seoored athiutaabloc a comfortablo bna toeotsal fcxlna between ln and 818 p m careful attention given to otery order the want of commercial travel len folly met john williams paopbibtoit for 50 years the firm of savage co having been estab lished fifty years are celebrating the occasion by having a great silverware sale the goods purchased for this sale are manu factured by one of the oldest and best firms in america every article being guaranteed by us to be quadruple plate these goods usually sold at four to six dollars are being sold by us at the low figure of an excellent chance as tbo lolllugioaaou is now priialtoally over i will ioll nltooln on band t actual cost brico tli rot mouolrj only ladies m fn 8 and oyh tills is an uxoeliont olmnco to get a wbool at very low llgurq for caeli w htaiik afioiit wanted agents for tbo rroatont of canadian booh a llfo o ohdatodu mumorlal odltlon by honkintf onvuaer s proepootui now ready bolls to ovorybod isasy to make e5 co dally bo flrt in tho fluid the bradley q auiihtson 00 limited toronto jfoil sale double brick uoaaestby 36 bcvon roomi in oioh rood eollarn hard and toft water largo lot no la main street aotoa alia good table tortus euy apply to jotin cameron architect or to tbo owner o wells bvercoo f o card of thanks in tjodiidoration of the aplendld eitortupat forth by firemen and ostiums during tbo duastrooi fire whioh destroyed our boilneia sropertleilut wodhmday we tbo un6erilned wire to expreu our alnoorett tbanka to all concerned for their efforts we alio dmlre to say that we appreciate more folly tban oan be expressed in oold typo tbe many kind oxprm slons of sjmpatbtln onr loss which hate been so freely tendered by onr foliowcltlsom since this disaster oarae upon ns thomas ebba3e isaac fbanci8 aoton july lit 1kb house and i0t f sal that dulrablo residential property on bower avenue and wilbur btreets opposite tbe ueuiodlst parsouafie on which is erected a comfortable alar roomed roaghoast houu with woodshed detached gocd oistern excellent har den a number of fruit trees well fenced tbe whole in a good state of repair liberal terms to suit porouoser for particular apply to h f moore fbbb pnbsa offloe aoton men and women who need to make monoy oan do so without risk or caapit br soliciting orders for onr memorial edition of the xilfe of oladitone by castell hopkins with lntroduotloa by the honorable minister of bdaeaupn jr boss thu book us canadian classic the wry of bis life is toldwritb thriilfnglntnitbli death and impales xuuonal funeral will both be described and illustrated 518 large qosurto pages it measures 8xl0xl iuebes batail 3j0 wortb a 00 magnificent binding xrrofaso- ly illustrated iroapeotus 75 cents xlberal terms bttadleygatthetson company limited toronto notice to co notice is hereby given by the nndenlgned that tenders will be reoelved until thojbrd day of july 1808 for tearing up the old floor and flooring the floboot boose of 8 8 8 brio with good clear sound maple lumber 1 in tbtok and not more tbsn i in wide tongned and grooved to be well nailed and replacing the desks in the positions found blse of room 30 ft by 98 ft elio of two anterooms 6 ft by 6 ft the lowest or any tender not nooeuaxilv accepted robert johnston it h wansimough bymon hoiiaohlan trustees 8 8 8 erin dated july lltb 1808 ddmebin lake for excursions picnics 0 the guide book may load you to more famous and lesa attractive scenes hot for rest health boating park oomforts and rural loveliness in ererysnspe and form tbla uoon- tain lake of sylvan beauty green as any in tbe emerald isle is replete the beauties of dufferin itake will fondly haunt the memory long after more tbowy places are forgotten crowds of piontckers and holidaymakers throng this resort whloh is convenient credit forks depot ipon notloe in bos the meets all trains irstclasi boats steam itanncbbathadano lng platform summer drinks befreabmenu and ioecrem tbe comfort of our guests is onr care b f connoiu bon proprietors rubber stamps foe fine rubber stamps fads ink etc write to geo curry co king bt east s200 savagbe co established 1848 whtc h 7vm k rs hnd gpticihns guelpli ont executors notice to creditors notice li hereby given pursuant to tba sutfite in out jjphalf that creditor and otioe li hereby given pursuant to tba statute in out behalf that croditon and othera having cltinas against tbe eatste of william hyilon storey late of the vlluge of actonln tba mttntr ls9 j laee died on or about tho sixtt are reojqlred en or before t 1896 to send by pnt prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned ouercf uieexecn tors of the latt will and testament of tho said deceased their mmes addresses and description and foil particulars of theirolajmssadoxthosmiititiesirabvbal th day of marofa 1808 i the 80th day of august psid or to deliver to the mentors of the laitwiir i deoeaaed their mmes tn and full partioulari oecariteslfanjbol tocutora will after the said aoth d tft fljs mpowto oiseta of the de smonsat tbe partiea entitled tbensto and having regard only to the claim of wbfeb be shall then have notloe sud that the said tneeaton will not be liable for tho said assets or any part thereof sodlstribated to any person whose claim he sbtll not have notloe of at tbe time of such distribution dated at aoton the 90th day of june 1898 w 4 storey- exeoutor w barber bros paper makxjbs georgetown okt aunt enauxjxx o machine finished book papars higs osauk wkkkit nxws sawesping ssle of wo purpose making a great clearing sale during tho month of june of summer goods this will be a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at a third lesa than iho regular price our stock comprises all tho latest in summer wash fabrics organdlo muslim swiss muslins victoria lawns f nglish and american dress prints sateens black dress goods dlack brocaded lustres the isuoat novelty of the season we ha them in the neest designs all these in black aro the famous printlys brand and confined exclusively to oursejvestn georgetown blotue silks in dollcate colors s very latest select styles tho oloves pun silk taiteta lise and lace mlts in all sizes blbboua laoea in all widths colors and prices we are rnaking a specialty this season of ladieu white underwear these goods we are selling very close i n fact cheaper than the material alone can be bought or a magnificent assortment of ladles shirt waists collars cuffs ties house wrappers etc wo have a very large assortment ot fine lace curtains ladies it will pay you to inspect these goods b t yuut pu fine highclass tailoring in tbla deparlment the stock has lately been assorted in all the latest noieltlca for the summer trade comprising fine scolch cheviots casalmeres english tweeds fine trouserings fancy vestings etc the high standard of the style ill and finish of the work turned out of this eatab- lishment by mr miller has given it an enviable reputation throughout the whole country we employ none but firstclnss workmen wo use none but tho best trim- logs no garment is allowed to go out unless perfectly satisfactory to the customer if you are not one of our customers a trial order will convince you that what we say are facts hats in hard and soft linen hals the latest and the paper rued isa this journal ia from he above mills vtast babbbr bros telia straw hate in all coolest styles bloyele suits summer clothing in for all boys sizes youths and and prlcos men dents ftinilahlngs the laleat in ties collars cuffs hosiery underwear a great variety in every pattern style and size do not forget our staple department we have specials in table linens towellings flannelettes cottons sheetings etc we extend a cordial invitation to all to visit our store and inspect our stock rob lq pnoduoe taken own ere shoulder braces for ladies gentlemen or children wear them and they will straighten round shoulers and enlarge the chest a t browjs too given away to wlllln worker who will help jit ad j mm dr younvs kldniyllvcr curs in ntlr i cllt tin peddling no expsrisikt or capital r s ured work durlns your spars time t hemicai soaplv co pioton out

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