Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1898, p. 3

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fhj3 bank of hamilton headoffioe hamilton- capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund 77600000 total assets 111 0014400 noirly tou milllous of dollars board of directors oiin 8tuakt a q bam8ay r lrosldont vtcorroeidont ouo itoaoli joux lliocroli a t wool a ik ieetorouto wmcjiubonmp tuukuuiilcaahlor ii b steven at canhlor n m watson inapector ceorce agency a general banking- business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper csenerally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold 8avingb department deposits of si and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added p principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts- issued for large sums j p bell aijent georgetown- ont the news at home o a u oh cvorv item interesuntf woti ru flms thcrbdar july 14 1808 little local brieflets wjiich caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week model days for picnlos splendibai vesting weather the wheat harvest has begun haying is well advanced and the wheat harvest bu commenced by many farmers the little tpwn of nelson in the kootney hai its uwn eleotrte lighting plant leblibf school trastcea are aebiag for tenders for a new maple floor for the ohool haying audi the barley and wheat harvests ire almost simnltaneons this sampler a larq nomjber of our citizens went to georgetown to epend the glorious twelfth the bill on main street opposite fair- view avenue is badly in need of a few loads of gravel there was a alight froat hero on sun day nifjbt but the orops are too far advanced to e offer injury the fir mere of ontario will require more binder twine this season if crop reports be correct than in any formbr y an enjoyable picnlo was held in browns grove on taesday afternoon and evening by a large number of young people in town tho advertisement is a sun whioh pierces the oload of obscurity that hides from tho public many a good article of merohandlie lbe street sprinkling arrangement la quite sdpcess some of lbs ojoliets think contractor williams does bis work of keeping down the dost jast a little too well at tirnm rev dr moffat of the upper gauada tract society presented the claims of this honored stod venerable jnatuutlon in the freibyterlin baptist and methodist oborchcsod sunday aoton cornet band dibcoqraed a irberal programme of sweet muslo on the town hsiubojasire on monday evening appre ciative nilieens and visitors were la evidence on the streets in the vicinity in urge numbers such uniformly good wheat orops have rarely been seen in ontario in a soomilo trip last vteek through the counties of feel york ontario northumberland and hasting the editor saw hardly a flald of grain especially of fall wheat which was notitopiodh yfl oet tbe oharma of da her in like as a pleasure resort and picnlo ground are referred to in another cotamn the proprietor writes places as far away as aoton are arranging exonriions and pio to this ob arming resort why should aoton people not make it the point for ibeir oatiqgs a ooople of yoang fellows who t hough tv lessly went in bathiag in hendersons pond in prohibited hours the otber day had a qaleft conversation with his worship reeve pearson over the matter they wont do it again numbers of citizens think a couple of public bath houaes should be provided for the ose of the people ob arch anniversary services will be held on sunday next 17th inst at gharch- biil when be v thos rogers of george town will condaot the services at 8 and 780 p in all friends are invited to attend a lawnsocial which all en- joy6q thi lawn social held at the home of mr charles davideon last thorsday evening was a gratifying sneoess lo the members of the lidlea aid of kuox ohurob under whose aoaploes it was arranged this wellhoowrp farm is so convenient to town that hundlreda ot oar oitiaens esteemed it but a pleasari walk thereto and the green palbv bstwetn town and country bordered with the fffigtant sweet briar weroaverit- able romspade daitotf the evening aoton coroutfdjin dissoouised swees melodies viper doag- las gladdened the hearts of the sootoh- tien 0- henderson esq mr p de livered a popalar address hits irtvigliky of toronto miss jennie smith mrs mac pberfcln m waulds m 111116 hall- ted tod oibers rendered vocal muslo which was appreciated rev ha mac- phenon in bis utoal happy manner toted as maittr of oeremonui mrs and mrs davidson did all in their power to make tbe visit of heir guests thoroughly pleasant the new knox church sheds contiaotor forboa la well forward with tho bloue walltiof the new driving abode at knox church the abed will be among the fluent in tho country there will bo two abedd facing each other 150x33 and 451x23 wiih u driveway between of 82 feet anu entrances at tho eastod ebulh bides the stone walls will be twelve feet high mr forbes is making a floe job recalled tho of attld zuog sync the prebenoe of mr ohio e jen per of johnstown ny and mibb emma m moore of toronto in their old places in tho mothodiut church qhnir on sunday was very heartily appreciated by the membortj of tho congregatioo the duet by mr jcrjnor and mies moore in tho sunday school service in the afternoon was also enjoyed those old time favorites will always be weloomtd in musical- circles when they visit their old borno removing to pnioley mr j gkmcbcathwlio has con duo ted a general bueineas hero the paat year la about to remove to paisley daring their residence in aoton mr and mrs mobeath have made many frienda mr mobeath ie a mbdoj storekeeper his bto9k and prem ises always beingkept in most eommend- ible order and so tidy and oieanly that oubtomers always felt pleasure in dealing thore their acton friends wiuh them every sucoebs in their new location our oldest orangeman the oldest and possibly the most en thusiastic orangeman who walked to the gtu depot with aoton lo x no 407 on tbe morning of tbe glorious twelfth as they went to take tbe train for georgetown was mr robt mills wbou also our oldest resident mr mills is 04 years of age and joined the orange order in his native town belfast ireland when 19 years of age he baa consequently been an orangeman for upwards of 70 years we question if at apy other point in tho conn try where the orangemen walked- was so old and enthusiastic an orangeman among them it la being woll patronucrt the public library is evidently filling a long felt want it has been open but a week and already there ate over seventy members enrolled numbers of the books have even within the week been read and exchanged and many kind expressions have been made relative to the character of the books and their interesting contents miss ettie laird the librarian is proving her self well qualified in every respect for tbe position and the patrons generally appre ciate her prompt and obliging attention the library is free to all residents or rate payers of acton and vicinity not under 14 years of age known to the librarian or vouobed for by responsible oitiaens the only oharges for enjoying the privileges of the library are nominal prices for catalogues and membership cards the library will be open every monday wednesday and saturday evening from 7 to 8 30 oolock bard at work again the blackened ruins of the planing mill of t ebbago and the kid tannery of i franols present as desolate an appearance as on the night of tho fire but the proprie tors with obaraoteristio energy are hard at work in the effort to overcome the results of the disaster and build ap business afresh mr ebbage in an improvised shop near the former one is busy attending to the jobbing orders which are oomldg in he has no present intention however of rebuilding and oporatlog a power plsmlog mill feeling that his years are against thai coarse mr franois is busy as ever in anew shop which messrs w h storey bon have generous ly erected for his use in connection with their glove leather tannery on main street here he will be even more conveniently situated than before he will be at tbe source of supply for stoclr and will have thensebf steam and power- without the eipense of independent boiler and machin ery two more splendid butdb jlajacd no county in the province can show more commodious barns of modern construction than halton and the notraber of these fine farm structures is increasing by the score in each township two more splendid the new pavements to be laid and in use by tho first at auffusc j 0 bo a co 8 13 1 00 council met on monday evonlng all tho members in their places at eight oclock tho commiitoo on finance presented their eleventh rnport und reoommendod payment of tbe following acoounte jotinharvoyfroiibtancl cartage ii p uooro iirlutliifl and ndv tbo cray oil co oil tioorgo fltoroy toatntng moved by j a murray seconded by 1 franois that the report of the committoo on finance just read bo adopted carried the chairman of the streets and walks stated tfaat the new block of granolltbio pavement would be laid during tho month in consultation it won decided ao soon as the agreemeut and spocifloationa were prepared tp call a special meeting of the council to examine thorn and eeo that the corporation is properly protected inhe termsofthe contract an inspcotor will be appointed to watobhe work as it pro- gressob tbe work on tbe atreota was discussed theneoes9ityfor repairs to tho maid street bill opposite eairview avenue was pointed out oounoiltor francis spoke of the neoasalty of securing it possible a more convenient entrance to fair view cemetery and suggested that negotiations looking to borne future consummation be entered into toward scouring an entrance from maiu street between the properties of n p mclam and v mcdonald a siduwalk to tho cemetnry wsb also talked of and tho cutting down of the hill opposite georgo wilds property buggested as the means of simplifying the building of a walk the electric ifght question was not dls- cosaod at tbia fitting a good many citi zens think it about time the proposed dele gates were arranging to go out on thoir tour of inspection ot similar towns where the modern inxury of eleotrioally lighted streetb is enjoyed s council adjourned before nine oclock coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes rockwood our local orangemen spent the twelfth bank barns were added to the number in this vioinity dmiog tbe weak on friday mr andrew soott of the fourth line had a fine building 60x00 feet raised this is one of tho tidiest farms la the county and with the new barn witubtabies underneath mr scott may well be proud of bis aurround- ings on monday clover bill dairy farm the property of mr martinflyon present ed an animated scene the occasion was the raising of a splendid bank barn 00x00 feet and the proximity of the farm to town induced many oltirons to go down to witness tho work so well performed by the sturdy yeomen of this vicinity as they were directed in the work of raising the structure by mr m bims the contractor and his men- the frame went together very satis factorily and after a sumptuous repast was partaken of on the lawn tno youug people spent an enjoyable social evening together ttftnely mome with wl found mothergone the announcement of tbe death of mrs thomas cameron at her home near aoton on friday evening was a sad sarpriae to all but tho intimate friends of tbe farollyf mrs cameron has been io poor health for sometime in fact ever since the only remaining son of the family charlie was instantly killed two years ago while work ing in the cobble hill gravel pi she fau rtesdlly deolined in health her principal ailment was heart trouble and for several months it has been evident to the family l hut there was little hope of regaining health mrs cameron was a devoted wife and mother and the grief of the sorrowing family is intense indeed bba was born in whitby in 1847 and early in hfb came to silver creek to reside with her brother here she was joined in matrimony to ber husbandt now bereaved on the 22nd may 1867 and ever since with the british co elections a dead look as neither the govern- merit nor opposition have a working majority vahoodyen bc july 13 the resqlts of tbe general election in british colombia on saturday indioate that neither the government nor the opposition can bavo a working majority the house being so olosely divided tbe latest returns point to tbe dnfeat of the government at the polls definite news has been received from all constit uencies bat cariboo and it ia said that cariboo bat returned two oppositionists on this basis tho figures stand i opposition 10 government 16v independent 3 caislar two members yet to be elected this makes the total 88 sesti giving the two independents and two oassiir seats to the government that makes 10 eaob but when the first want-of- oonfldenco vote comes to be taken tbe government will have its own speaker in the chair and so would be defeated by 19 votes to 18 it is aoknbwledgod hero that the present opposition would be cqnalty unablo to command a working majority even if it wore to carry one beat in cassia r hon job martin and bis followers were all elected the pope rapidly failing many famous physloiane have warned his holiness london july 12 moat of tbe european governments have been confidently advised that the popes health is now so serious that a fatal termination may oome at any moment this despite the fact that his holi ness ooatlnnea to contract busineis and receive important visitors his recent trouble has been woakness of the heart and poor circulation it is now complicat ed by peculiarly obstinate intestinal catarrh which it is extremely difficult to deal with the popes physician dr capon has thought it advisable to call the assistance of tho fanaous doctor marchiafaya and two other experts who have unanirnously warned the pontiff that he must implicitly follow their directions if he wants to live to see peace between the united- states and spain as that happens to bo the popes most ardent wlbh the warning has had some effect the popes latest movo ju behalf of peace was made at the beginning of tbe week when be instructed the papal nnnoto at madrid to urge certain fiery spanish prelates to refrain from advocating the con tinuance of the war 26000000 of gold the years produot of tho- klondy ke qold mines bas fnakcisco july 12 twenty miners from the yokon placer mines at manock circle city and dawson arrived bete yes terday on the aohooner hattie philips from ht mlohaejs the returning miners brought about 170000 with them the passengers from dawson are confident that that the output from dawson will be 125000000 the yukon river ia laid to be higher than has been known for years and overflowed its banks at manock where a number of miners were washed away by the flood kill the weeds there is an abundant orop of weeds along some ot tbe highways which is ready for tbe scythe in the country the weeds are mpldly developing to seed those who are concerned in the suppres sion of weed may be interested to know that a single purslano plant produce 000- 000 seeds one burdock plant 400000 a canadian thistle 42000 one mustard plant 81000 one plant of cless 85000 and o so thistl p 100 ab onetenth ot the values of all farm produc tions is lost by tbe growth of weeds tho pass fnibb invites all its readers tooou tribute to this column if you or yopr friends aro going away on a holiday trip- or if you have friends visiting you drop a card to the frxb piieu miaa foster of milton is visiting friends here miss ethel foster of milton is visiting friends in town miss haley of maoton vidited aoton friends during tho week mrs noble of georgetown visited friends in town last week messrs t j and will kdmiston visited friends at fergus this week miss sarah mcolure is spending several weeks with brampton friends master willie brown of toronto is enjoying bis holidays in aoton mr fred kilometer of fori rowan is tho guest of relatives in aoton mrs west of gnelpb has been visiting mrs jas molotosh tbe past week mr j tushfngbam ana son of toronto wero guests of relatives here this week mr park dills returned to bis situation in johnstown n v on tuesday morning miss brown ot toronto bad been the guest of her bister mrs dr uren the past week missjedna miilar leaves next tuesday for winnipeg where she will join her father mr thomas ajtaew who has been in poor health for some timeis gradually improving x miss edith charles aud bloater george of beelon spent a couple of days with aoton frienda mr john s coleman has been confined to his hed the past week with inflaromaj iqry rheqmatiqrn mr and mrs james moore and miss pottle spent a cooplo of days last week with friends at ashgrovo rev father fennessey of berlin was tbe guest ibis week of rev father feeney at st josephs parsonage misbes jna qlark palsy nioklto and maggie and ada fyfe are home from the gqelph collegiate institute messrs vm gorney sr- and a e gorney wheeled to fergus this week and spent s few days with friends there mr james stark and miss mitre kozell went to orangeville for the twelfth they came baok mr and mrs stark for life mis4 alice obisholm loft on tuesday morning for johnstowo n s to spend a month with ber sister mrs r johnson mrs jennie b cameron left last thurs day to upend a ooqpte qf weeks with her mother and other friends near newcastle mr u p moore attended the annual meeting of the board of management of albert college at belleville last thurs day mrs david smith of kelso and mrs watson and babe of woodbine toronto visited at the home of miss maggie smith last week mr and mrs c has e jenner left on tuesday morning for their home id johns town n y the beat wishes of many frienda follow them miss maggie worden who was operated on in guelph general hospital taesday underwent the operation successfully and ib cow rapidly improving mr a s forster editor of that great uububsidized family journal the oakville star is spending a few tiys back at muskoka hunting for health mayor odonoghne and mr john e sacagan of stratford came to town on monday to enjoy an onling and to assist at the raising of mr martin fly nos fins new barn mr e b jaokson teacher who has a class in vocal musio in aoton secared first blass honors in the ieoond year at the recent examination at the conservatory of music toronto judge hamilton returned last week from h trip n tho raitlgnnoh itlvp looking at georgetown 7110 g t r company have effoctotl a decided improvement at tbe station they have pulled down the dilapidated fence tbal enclosed the flower garden in the front and will have the platform repaired only twentyeight candidates wroto at tho rcoent entrance and p s l examina tions hero mr fauia of elora model bohool presided dt walter r ramsey of st paul is spending a few days at tho home of his father mr jas ramsey george grieve brakeraau on the g t it had a harrow escape from death in aoton a aouple ot weeks ago he got oaaght while ooopling oars and was dragj sd some distance before he was- noticed by the men there wore uq bones broken bat be was oat about the hip and left breast he is able to be around again nas9aoaweya some of tho farmers havo finished hay log and others will bo through before the week is oat if the weather oontiqqea favorable there will bo some fields of fall wheat out this week tho crop is an excellent one in this yloinlty meiirs samuel aqd george agriew thresliers of knatchbull are busy repair- their machinery and making ready for starting out when the first call comes the members of court eden mills i 0 f marched to the presbyterian ohurob lait sunday afternoon where the bsv mr holden of rook wood pressed to them there were some visiting friends fronv guelph and aoton present there were a couple ot very sharp frosts on monday and tuesday nights which blackened some of the corn crop a good many psoplo in this vicinity witneiied the falling meteor last tuesday evening it was something that is rarely seen mr wm dredge raised a fine barn on friday last on his farm at sodom when finished be will have a very fine building with hoods saraspa- rllla sales talkand show that this medi cine has enjoyed public oonfldenoe and patrpnago to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medlolnw this is simply because it possesses greater merit and produces greater cures than any other it is not what wo say bat what hoods sarsaparllla does that tetls the story all advertisements of hoods sareaparllla like hoods sarsapsruls it self are honest we have never deceived the public apd this with its superlative medicinal merit is why tbe people have abiding confidence in it and bay almost to the exclusion of all otfaors try ft frgparod only by ci hood alt co lowell mass hrhnr1c dill aro ui0 0 l to uke rloou s puis with hoods soraaparlua 31 days wall paper up to date is the time we have given j d mckee druggist acton to sell nil our at 15 discount think of it nnd do your house over while such snaps last is our motto and in the sum mer we clean out what stock wo can 31 pays is the limit sec his samples c l melles thblokdeh cublph much the better for bli oattag he was io town presiding over tbe dlviaion oonrt eeslon laet week news of the day qoilleniain tbe mardsrerot la flante will be banged at st byaoiolhe on sept 80th winnipeg bai an agittlion for a byjaw to prohibit bioyoliau oarryiofi ohildren on their wheels oolborne had a 30000 ore monday morning the o n w tolegrapb offiqe being destrdyed a boy named falooner waa drowned at brandon mao on saturday wblle saving the life of bis companion named heuen the ratepayer of soulhmpton have decided to loan tbe soathampton mann faotnring company tloooo for fifteen years there is an unconfirmed report of tbe drowning of hev walter ii lyon tbe first oboroh of england missionary to lbs klondike a woman nnder arrest at montreal in connection witb tbe napneo bank robbery ia alleged to be caroline fan alsler of a notoriona montreal burglar yottrdey the oornar stone of the new bnllding on the onthwes oorner of mellnda and bay atreets toronto intend ed for the offices of the acwtljy- tecoram- wai laid by mrs john boss robertson wife of the proprietor of the joarnal the fall faih8 list of the exhibition already an nounced for the comlntj fall season loillttvely lltfjo plus they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating aptr feet jxmedy for diiiincss nausea drowit nets bad taste in the mouth coated tongue kn in the side torpid ijver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution iho fraud of tho day see you get carters ask for garters insist and demand carters little liver pills another car of ijandsalt just in also one of land plaster on thursday july- 14th our mr bollert sails by tho s s parisian for llio european marltots lo make extensive purchases for the fall trade if any of our friends have any special commis sions they will be cheerfully allcndedlo by mr ballcrt so far as may bo in his power while in turope j the stneral air of prosperity anil the excellent prospects for a largely increased demand for good goods this fall have induced us lo prepare purchase lists far in excess of former seasons these will be filled to tho very best advantage by mr uollert our intimate connection with the very best manufacturers and dealers in britain franco and germany dives us advantages excelled by none and equalled by few retail dealers in canada the benefit of this wo shall show you in the result of our imports this fall in the meantime our great summer sale is going ahead with alt sails spread for thobree2e wc have still too big a surplua in many lines and ore sacrificing prices tbeearthem press goods at a great sacrifice r muslins and prints at clearing prices millinery at half price capes and costumes at half price hosiery corsets gloves parasols at reduced prices readymade clothing at discount prices ordered clothing cloths and tweeds at bargain prices hau caps c at a sacrifice carpets and oilcloths at reduced prices all goods cheap for cash- e r bollert cfe co 25 and 27 wyiidliam street guelph wanted honest eneretle yoang men frmers son teaohertitudenu clerks and others jho aro admirers of mr aildatone and would like so spend tbe nextthre modtb in telllns tlie matohlna story ot hui ills we teaon you how to do the work and bnarantee noeeu from 900 h asoo a air atmolntely sore tliero la no fear of tmaro and it will b enjoy able work partloalirs fornlahed free bradzjeyoabbetboh co umited toronto yoo furnish the feet we do the rest thats all jye ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very siriall expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire windsorand colemans bbl salt at 8105 aw 300 id backs at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer puro paris green 20c perlb dwarf essex kapc seed 18 lbs for ftioo uuckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from fjc up geo j thorp sbbdswnn market sq and maodonnell st cublph the modern grocer being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in rnany styles and tlzes modern in design with best principle of iry cool air clr- lulatlon best in- ulation and tine lined why buy a home lade or poorly t tnade article when yod can gmwoptodato refrigerator for less money ior prices and descripttolt twrtd for catalogue knowlea ham a nott co limited brontford for sale hy john m bond a co guelph wrwiiilamsv boot and shoe dealer mill street acton empire typewriter price 5600 visible writing in addition to all the advantages of the 12000 machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully currknt99d circulars and testimonials write for them mens openfaced nickel cased atclies pringle has them nnd they are so perfectly guaranteed that you run no risk of not getting a timekeeper prlceass 7 io 12 14 16 and sib if bought from pringle they have got to run right thats all there is about it the jfldsrantagre of getting your fiats and caps colored and white shirts braces collars and cuffs and summer underwear from us is thai quality in perfect prices aro right and everything as represented or your money back we make nice clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices- lower than anbtorein the trade for firstclass goods renelson merchant tailor and mens furnisher guelph tblbfhon6 40 gqfckqf honor three oolo and one silver medtl worlds industrial and cotton centennial exposition tfcworteana um and 18j hiahest awards rteamka sbn bsars st aplollm tt7 diploma autaas stall airloltanl stdaj at mtitrnnnr iiu award ctil valkr essnlllm blaabn oa imj highest awards si tw aptallwal sad mttilcil ainclttlw ijt six hiahest awards tu camaa eipmuim okip iiu hiohest awards waters fall ausdaun lmm cisma iim six oold medals mmislcr mr sis frssilko c iwi silver medal trol e tora canti imj aborc honors were received iy tbe steel hotel and family ranges above style ftimity jlnnge is told only by our tvalfznff sotrtmen fromotr own niigont at our uniform vrtcr throughout canada and the united sta made of malleable iron and hrouffhtsteetand icift imtt a lifetime 1 propert umcd 345 584 lo january lit 1697 wrought iron range co limited founded 1864 paidup capital jl 000000 kaitoiiik ra thotthh and llfklctx to tp 78 pearl street toronto ontario canada washington avonue i9th to 20th streets st jlouismoua1 westornsalesrooms and otfleea ibio clonarmst denver coto mgt wo munulitcuire nntf cutty m complolc week nflloivl luiirt- carvlrm tablet sieum iaulca urtillfnt ufim iliitwrmerml nil oilier kllrhan bkmtt uklirtr sole rmmilumurtrnorilie onwiunled homk cunifort hot a ib st ice l ptlltwactis vi lauii ii insi rated uatilocue rfices write or cull m miy or our wtlcarooms summer specials arranged to meet present demand special offer ing during july dkess stuffs 44 in ser incream black and brown e mils llnio benson is boms itonj toronto or a months vaoation mis era brindli who came with her for a few days has returned hits cniilok of gaolpb is vlaiting at wrn jaokaons mlw btunkllo arrived on thursday from toronto to pnd two or three weeks with hshritwwo4totaanee mri john forester of bath near kiogllon with tbree of ber daughters an tipeottd this week to pend a few week will hsr hoihanda friends in and arooddlbo tillage ths ne who sacoeeds rev mr 0blijt i not ber jet on sanday morhltig mr hogh black preaohed and la lhsaornlti mr hocking befb couoh will preach in the msth- odlstohdfohneit boodayotsnlng exception of a oooplo of yers spent in aoton aha baa lived on the homestead where deatb took place her husband and tbree daughters lottie kmma sod joonia sur vive the funeral on sooday aftornoon waa very largely attended tier b a uaopheraon her pislor oondooled the service tho bearers were hoelr albert cameron toronto alfred smith and john oolds qnelpb oliver masilersi berlin and john a henderson and v7n flank aoton among the frienda from a oflstanoe who attended were mr and mn d h van- vlaok toronto mrs warren toby colllngwood mrs gnat ctmeron tjttox- eter mr and mrs thovou christie mrs 3 anderson and mr albert cameron torontomr and mrs alfred brrrllb miss ida smith miss bebeoea sinitli mr and mrs john oolda and mil m willett qaelphg mr oliver master and mis ethel hntohlnson berlin editors table the aoguil number of the dttlntacor 1 called tbe midsummer number and presents any featnrea wblob etnpbatiaa tb interest of tbomsgaaine for all mem bar of tlis household order from the looal agent for the sale of bolterlok patterns or address the delimator poblilh- lng co of toronto limited 93 riobmond st west toronto ont bubswription price ot the delineator fl00 per year single copies 15o industrial toronto aug 30 to sept 10 western london sept 8 to 17 welleeley wellesley bepl 18 14 northern walkerion sept h is southern 3fanuord sept 17 to w hortlonllural preston sept so 81 m owen bound owen boond sept 20 hi centra wellington fergns sept 32 28 north perth stratford berpl 22 28 centra bruoe paisley sept 27 28 south gray durham sept 27 28 peel brampton sept 28 20 garafraxa bel wood bepl 29 80 eramose bockwood oot 11 12 worlds fair boekton oot 11 12 erin erin oct 18 14 the williams mtg co limited montreal pq u akers of oelebrated now williams bewlns vtelilnee c a fir whioh broke oat earlv tuesday morning in tbe factory of iho gaje manu facturing co mlnolog lane toronto destroyed that building and partially destroyed the cowankanatsy co bnllding next door loss 1100600 a urge bulldiag ooaapied by ihe berlin brash company and oelsohlager bro- foundrymed berlin waa destroyed by fire monday morning a frame boudins- adjololng wa also destroyed j e bbants oos foundry and the swedea- borgtsn ohoroh had a narrow escape tb loss ll estimated to be about 180000 to cube a cold in one day take taststlr bromo quinine tablet all dnuulits island ibo mousy it it fail lo oar woenu to c there is no laok of sooallsd oorss for tb common ailment known aa open tb vegetable animal and mineral kingdoms have beta renstoked for cores it i a iraple matter to remove ootn wltbont pain for ifyoa will go to sny droggist or msdlclns dealer and bay a bottle of putnams falgless corn eitraotor and apply it as directed ibo iking is don let falnarovand no other blouses blouses now is your chance take it while you can get it of getting a fashionable blouse at cost and below we are now running off our blouses at greatly reduced prices and they are all this years goods and not shop worn call and see regular price 50c for 38c 40 in cashmere silk finest in pink light green and blue regular 50c special 40c 12 jc light prints best make special 10c blouses all at reduced prices parasols a special collection of handsome styles all marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never was larger all fresh and at lowest prices c f qoojpee co 4rji mill st tfcdo acton s8v m

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