Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1898, p. 4

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n u jvrfnn ffvtt gg thursday july li 1808 sije ijbiing- folks- wit a t liauy is avs wlio cttu toll what tlio baby bays and ho ohattora and lauijba aurt orows and toaaca his head with its taaaolml fue and plays with lilsaiualliink tooav what le bo trying so hard to tom ab bo talks iu bla eraoit way como put your oar oloso and lihton well what doob tho baby say all day long tbo bright litttoelf with bis obeaks llko a fullblown roso chattora and latighi and talks to hloisolf iu a laasuago that no buo knows hoot bo spoilt iu turklsb to match bis fee or the laugubkoo hindustan t who can toll what tbo baby says wull his mother tuiaka the can christian advocate miss whit ach do you see that woman adriviu by asked mr yerriok of hu nepaaw who was rotating biro in bpliuiqg kindling wood voa sir- responded abner itrf mlfli luoretla white on her way to the station i jreokon x know luoretia white i didnt aak for information bat jaak to impreea apon you whit ft woman oan do when alio aeta out replied mr yerriok rosting upqg his axe handle for a moment ai he watohed the white horde and covered wuon crawling op thohiu taiat no great set oat to drive miss whites old billy remarked abner with a giggle there aint rauoh danger of him ruuuin away mr yerrick looked at hid opptiow reprov ingly 1 want referrin to her driviu i was referring to the time when she waa the moans of savin a portland bank from bust- in i lnoretia ia a thrifty woman and she puts by a considerable and when she gats what ahe considers a boltable anno she goes to portland and putajt into the savings- bank and takes occasion to do errands and boo the folks well two years ago ihe wont to the bank in good season bnk there was a largo line ofpooploalla crowd n an a push in to put their money id aa lucretia b posed so bhe bad to stand and wait for nigh onto two boars at last her torn came and she was pretty nigh wore oat bat she bpoke up sharp enongh aa ahe always doea and she eaya i declare yonre doto oonilderable of a business here ive beep awaitin oonaid- erable of a spell to pot my money in well if youll beliovo it tho folks that was awaitin heard her and it set em all aback a good many of em began to think that everybody waa apattin money in so they concluded everything was all right and went home and let well enongh aloha the president he jest stopped outside and spoke with lncretu and told her that ber money would be perfectly safe but that a good many people were soared and was atakin their money home lnoretia listened to him an says she ill risk mine i oiat afford to como traipsing down to portland to got money in an then not do it saye she juat b2causo some fojka aint got no sense the bank folks was real pleased with her and there was a piece id the paper about it thais why i called yoor attention to miss white abner and mr yerriok bagap splitting kindling induatrioasly maybe the bank wodldnt a busted anyway suggested abnor when opportun ity offered dont have snob meanspirited ylows bout yonr neighbors reiponded mr yer riok mis whites allaysi had oredit far doin what she did and i dont want none of my family to set up qaeetiooio it you tend to piokin up that wood is ir a sin togbtdrunk ju is a btn to drudh i iu a alu kkaiobtseu against the family aainut tbo state and tho nation it i u rin ngainet god ho drunkard bhall inherit thoking- dom of ood tho word of gji eaya fo it is a bin to get drunk but more it la a bin not to bay so we fall if wedo not tako advantage of every opportunity offered to aay bo thousands of our fellowmen aro asking tbia question every day it la a vital oiio aud its answer will bavo much to do toward makiug those who ask it better or worse thoro ought not therefore to bo- auy uucertalu eound in our replies everyman who indulges in intoxiaating llqoora la fully persuaded fn his own mind that its effect on him as an individual are evil and only evil he is not fully persuad ed that he is injuring his family or hid neighbor he cannot however quiet his conscience as to his god and bo after each indulgence that depriveshlm sf bla senaes the question forces itself upon him is it a bintogbt drank what a day pt thanks giving thaw wonld be in many hearts if the answer should be a strong ojear yes two opportunities present themtelvea by whioh no may answer this question that deserve i special notice at this time our qeueral assembly at its last meeting answered it in the affirmative by resolving that it la the duty and privilege of christinas to set an example of total abatineuoof for the use of all proper means legal and otherwise for the loosening of the power and for the total destruction of this evil andl that to this end sefisionb of churches presbyteries and synods should appoint standing committees on temper ance where it has not been already done to co operate with the aesemblyd op ra mi ttee to quicken the church and to unity and direct the energies of the church in this matter which moans that as individuals and as cuurobei we havo not spoken out aa dear ly aa we bbould and that now we aball array ourselves in one solid phalanx to aay in worda and ip deeds it ib a bin to got drunk and the only safe ground to stand on ia tottl abstinence oar general assembly has also recom mended m the endeavor be made to combine the friends of temperanco in their efforts againai the saloon aud there la presented to us in the american an ti- saloon league the crowning opportunity of this oentnry not only to aay that it 11 a sin to got drnnkbnt to lessen r the number of places where men are made so it lia ein to get drank lot ub say uowai c lille y in prttbytcrian banner fun and fancy i his ah op and posted tho following notice on tho door to the public this bubsrnhop will bo otoaed for a brief period ub tho proprietor lias gone to help a few of uuclo samd bnrbore better known at fwmiorp bcrupo the fnae of tho wchtern ilcmiupboro olear of uu obnoxious growth of whiakorn com monly called spiniurds i bhall not bo gone long ai djway and simpnon aro applying tho lather and everything points to a qulok job and a clean one i wuh to thauk tho public for paut patronage and on my return hopo to bavo a sharaulao tho troy timna tells of a little girl who bad been naughty when bedtime carno ber mother eaid to her now mabel whoa you say yadr prayera bo aura to nok god to help you not to bo a naoghty uttle- gtrl mabel promised that ahe would add this petition todier prayers wo whnn ebe had finished her usual form she epoho db follows aud now o qod ptoaao keep mahel from bdiug a rmughty little girl tbero waa a piase then ohe conoluded nevertholesfl thy- will uot ralue bo dond 1 theroe a good deal of human nature in nwuppy remarked the profebaor oalnaly wavcbiag fido tearing bla best hat to pieea almobt as destructive aa one of nw little nephewb it mrs bounder why professor gujl you bco hes got your hat i tho professor thunder i ao ho has i thought it was one of the boardere hate take that you whelp boston transcript the following story of mrb horace greeley and margaret fuller ia revivolf by tba interior mre groeley hada htrong antipathy to kirl glovee aud noror wore them upon any occasion one day it is biiid bhe met margaret fuller on the btreet and instead of greeting her with any udual bilatatios sho touohed margaret hand with a ebadder exolaiming ifj1 skin of abeabt i skin of a beast 1 why what doyau moan aaked mar garet iu surprise what do you wear v silk returned mrs groeley silk alwayb margaret touohod bor handand bhiidder- ed saying entrails of a worm 1 entrails of worm 1 aefielablcprcparatlonroras slmuaunguteroodandregula iiimiim er6mbibstigcsii6nchmtfih- liess and restcontalns neither optummorphlnd nor mneral kot nahcotic a perfect remedy forconslfpa- lion sour slomachdiarrhdea worms convulsions feven sh- ness andlossof sleep tac simile signature of i him wtotj wact zorfot wrapijeb t see thatthe facsimile signature is on the wrapper of evebr bottle of twha outorla la pnt up in one slxo bottlca only it it dot sold ia bulk dont allow ravens to sell you anything olso on tho ploa cr promlso that it ill just as good and will inswer overy pur pose bco that you pet 0abtoeia atog jfjfc i sir ioa it makes people well miss willards childhood a peep at the tioins in which mias witlards early life wis epent leaves no joom for doubt as to where and how the character of the woman was formed it was in a rtpiqtphp of d drivnlion to doty that the girl learucd her first lessons of life there is nothing in all miss wil lards childhood says a writer in christian work more bentifol than the love and harmony that existed between the elaterts frances and mary one of theplssuanteat expres- aious was a babit early formed of nighty abking forgiveness for- apy word or aot that might have been unsisterly aud thanking cnuh other for the kindoasa of ihe day a hubit oonllnued till the yonrger said good night to earth tho home life was almost exlnslvely the educator in mies willarda case until she was twelve years old her mother waa her only teacher and even after that 1011001 waa jimlteav but tba homo waa one where books were loved and while aba was btill young franola learned not only- to road bat to study and to pat ber thoughts into writing better than all for the yoanj girl was the faot that the home she loved so well was a christian home in it sonday was observed with almost puritan strictness miss willard lelli of a- christmas that foil on sonday in order that do woaur nauorsmlghlidrslorb tbo peace of the day of rest the obriatioaafl preaenta were given 011 saturday evening and then with praiseworthy selfdenial laid aside until monday fortunately for the other two young members of the household olive and mary their presents included a sunday book for each while instead of the book frauds had a long deairad bat trlouy weekday slate tbat slate was a treasure but tomorrow waa sunday nd it wis a treasure unavailable for more than twenty- four hours a happy idea finally oame into the longing little mlsd francis ask- painetf celery compound is the one true specific rooognized and prescribed today by the most able praotltioners for all dis eases aritlog from a debilitated nervous system that eminent medical professor dr phelps gave it to his profession as a posi tive core for bleeplessness wasting strength dyspepsia biliouaneaa liver and kidney troubles rheumatism and neuralgia and in every oase is has triumphed over sioknem and disease when all other medicines failed painee celery compound works wonders in the season of oppressive beat it glvea- vim energy and btrengtb to the weaki languid irritable and morose it banishes all tired feelings and enables men and women to go thrbngb the routine pf daily toil with heart soal and energy let us urge you to try this marvelloufl medicine tbat mi lions are talking about the use ofpaloes celery componnd means vigorous appetite good digestion happy disposition and continued good health paine celery compound makes people well never despair but if you do work on in despair barke a newly married lady who was tolling another how nicely ber husband conld write exclaimed ob yon should bee some of his love letters 1 yea i know was the friendly reply ive got ever so many of tbemln my desk doan curca backache i have been troubled for sevoral yeata with kidney disease pains iu the back dbszmebs and sleeplessness and at times i oonld not work doane kidney pilla which i started taking about two months ego havo made mo all o k p j mc- glnnis belleville out it is a beautiful thing to bco a husband and wife of one mind remarked the sentimental mrs blogg yes snarled the praotical mr blogg but it makes a great deal of difference which of them oarrles the mind i one laxaliver pill ovory pight for thirty nights raakea a complete ouro of biliousness and oonatipaliou that ib i just 25 cents to be oared elbow grease mkea the wheels of for tune run easier summer weakness if you feel weak run down easily tired languid have yoor system strengthened and invigorated by mubums heart and nerve pills thoy make woak people strong tbo memory is a treasure to whom wo must give funds if we would draw the assistance wo need howe constipation cmmtfuhr bill the hoknom in tho world ii ntduttullswtnl food too long in tooboweti nifiisi lituuiuneu turjild lltor lull geid hii tato aoouttf todcmriftktwwiwilioi tri- toonli etc hood pflu enroeoostlittclod andftu lti kiulljeaillf ndtnoronbhlr 38a jjuiunfia prepared bf c i rood co lowell ma tho ouljr tllla to toko with hood suuparuui the flril dollar made in amblinf is often the srat ttop toward poverty nwiu celeb with tbinkfalneii their reitoralion to bealthby the nae of hooda bariaparila they bate tried to obtain roller thoy triej hoods sariaparllla and it did them rood they persevered in its nee and it did them good they persevered in lis use and it eoooiiipnehed permanent oares do yon wonder that they praise and recom mend it toyon civility ooels nothioi and bnya every thing litdy mary montague summer colds are often tirdost to get rl of try dr woods norway fine byrnp pleasant to take atmys effective price 25o had a diatresslnjr pain famy sldeand was also tronbled with severe headaches my blood was ont of order and my con stitution was generally ran down head ing what hoods barsaparilla had done i began taking it aftor using two bottles i was oared may flannigan manning avenne toronto ontario hoods pills care naasea elok hoadaohe bilipasnesi indigestion price 25 oenls a man may wear tailor mado clolhes and yet not know what to bay -dyepcshn- for eorne time my atorhaoli haa tronb led me and 1 tried mostf everything bat nothing did mo any- good till i blorlod taking vafovuilt blood bitters wo bot tle have mado me qnito well urp lizzie sanboinbaldwind millf que wo always feol sorry to seo folks teseo a widower about tbo girls milbnrne sterling headache pondera enro tbo worst headache jn from fivo to twenty minutes and leave no bad after effeota one powder 5 centb 3 powdora 10o 10 powders 25o condemning others is justify yourself b poor way to a wise roan is never less alone than when he alone swift holloways corn cure is a epcoiflo for the removal of corns and warts wehavo never heard of its falling to removo even thowort hod ed hor mother might i have my new slate if ill promise not to draw anything bat meetlng- hoaies t tbo plea was so natnrtl and so well- snstained that francis htd the elate her mother even drawing for bor a pattern oliuroh routha companion time draqqed little johnny having been invited ont to dinner jwith pit mother waa oommanded not to speak at table except wbsn he was naked qestlons and promitsol to obey the command at the table no attention was paid to johnpy for a long hme he grew rery restless aud his mother saw tbat he oonld stand it no longer maosjma i be oalled oat when arts thoy going to begin asking me inesllons ao extraordinary baste to diwharge an obligation 1i a sort- of ingraliludsrf- jtooliefoupauld ji k- a raiser growsrloh by seeming poor an exiravagaqt man growl poor by seeming rioli bhonslone beware otblm who hates the laughing of a child lavator no one needi fear cholera or any sammer complaint ii they bavo a bottle bf dr j ptksttb pv wine c ready far use ii oorreots all looseness bf the bowels promptly and causes a healthy and natural aotlon this is a medicine adapted for the young andl old rich and poor and is rapidly becoming the most popular medl- oino for obolera dysentery etc in tho market castoria for inftnt and children the gcrm of consump tion are everywhere there is no vvay but to fight them if there is a history- of weak lungs in the family this fight must be constant and yigprous you must strike the dis ease or it will strike you at the very first sign of- failing health take scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypophosphites it gives the body power to resist- the germs of consump tion joe and gioo all dnif gllta kidney trouble for years nothing did mr r e pitt any good until he got doans kidney pills throughout the county of leeds and the town of brockville there ia no medi cine spoken so highly of for all kinds of kidney diseases as donns kidney pills as c nnadas pi ofivcrkidncyplll introduced by mr james doan of kingsvillc ont in 1885 they stand today far superior to nil the imitations and substitutes that have been offered tho public in their stead mr r e pitt the wellknown con tractor and builder voices these senti ments when he sqys ihaviiriad kidney trouble for years 1 had tried numerous remedies without much relief and had given up my back as crone for pood but since using- donns kidney pills tho result has been marvellous i the pain is nil gone i feel like a new man and can jghly tasuyfouo virtuca of boons morality is often used as the pariuao bottjo of oooioty tbero never waa and never will be a universal panacea irj one remedy for- all ilia to whioh flebh ia hoir tbo very nature of many cniativeh boink aaoh that were tho germa of other and differently eeatfld diseases rooted in tho ayetoca of tbo patieot what would relieve one ill in tarn would aggravato the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievqna il b its gradual judicious use the fraileetaystomb ere led into con valeacenoe and strenfth by the inflaonco whioh quinine exerts on katnrea own restorativob it rolieveg the drooping spirits of those with whom a cbronlo btato of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a dieeaao and by tranqailizing the nerves disposes to soand and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aot ion of tho blood whioh being stimulated ooursoa throughout the veins strengthening the healthy anlmtl functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoreaaod snbstanoo result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the ppbllp their quinine wino at the nsdal rate and guaged by the opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists so it kidney pills doans kidney pills are sold by ah dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price 50 cents a box or 3 boxes for 135 the doan kidney pill co toronto ont it is more dihioult and oalls for higher energies of soul to live a martyr than to die one horace mann paintyonr checks not with paint on the outsido that ia oasily washed off but tho nolor on from within sootts emulsion illle the oheoka with rich red blood it h a color that stays too reputation is hfao an obi a blippery thing to handle death to worms my little girl 7 yours old need to grind herteoth at night and had pain in her btomaoh igavo her dr lows pleasant worm syrup and it aoted promptly and with good effect mrs joe doty port uilbertlsr s trnth and facta atwaye agree error and lies aro associates hagyarda qellbw oil cares sprains brnibes sorep wounds otite- frostbites abllblina stings of inseots burns aoaldp con taaionsieto p good sonso kindnosi of heart and a proper selfrespeot are the elemonts of the beat mannerb lyon edwards a carriage maker suifered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness cured by milbums heart and nerve pills no trade or profession is exempt from dlseaso or derangement of tho heart arid nerves tho prepbiiro of work and tho mental worry nvo bound to produce sorioas oonsoquoncca sooner or later eduostioa has boon sabatitated for oobsearation id tho modern pnlpil how id care hoadaobe some people saffor niitolil misery ilsy sfter day with headuoho thsro is rest neither day or night nntil thu nerves sirs hii onstruu tho ona is generally a dlwrderol btomaoh and a oare oan bo etftwted by using paroiulees vegetable fills oonuin- intt mandrake end dandelion mr finu ivark lyssnder p q writes i buil purmejoos pills a orstojiss sttlole for nillons headaoho hlol 1 et duwnt chemtila toranln pla ot all kinds rjulokly rollvcd by the use o hagyarda yellow oil nothing to eqqsl it for sprains bruises rlioumstlim stiff joints acre tndsclcs elo tlio shortet way to do many things is to do ooly ono thing at a time ceoil dr lows worm syropis assfe earoand reliable worm expeller aels equally noil on children or adnlts se surs you get lows slander is tlio moral hydrophobia u1010 who aro bitten generally ran mad and could no cure me i fr bss wcjt k who falls lew the lovo of god shall rise a star ben jonaod haitaitiwit mr john anderson klnlou writw i tsntnre to say law if wjijrt liwt benwui from tba daniel webster was very fond of salmon one day a pretentions little man sitting oppoilte him at table exolaimed why dr webster i didnt know that yon groat wise men liked good things no muohl did you snppose that all the good things are made for little foolish men quietly said ibe glgantlo statesmen askyour grocer tor had salt rheum of the worst kind as our family doctor called it get iinything- to rend of burdock blood bitters and determined to try it i got 0110 bottle and be fore i used half of it i could tell it was doing- me good and after inking six bot tles i was per fectly cured and today am a happy woman at being en rcdof that terribjedisense mrs macoalena vcrciandont 13 b b is- tlio best remedy in the world for eczema salt tetter scald hcatl shingles boils pimtj pics sores ulcer nnd all blood and skin disease mr donald campbell tbo wollknown oarriago maker of harribton ont saidt i hevo beon tronblod off and on for ten years with weak notion of my heart and nervousness frequently my heart would palpitato and flutter with groat violonce alarming me exceedingly ofton i had sharp pains in my heart and could not bleep well at night i got a box of milbums heart and norvo pills and from thom de rived almost immodlato benefit thoyro- etored vigor toinynorvosandbtrengthenod my ontirdbysternromovlngevory symptom of narvo or lioart trouble and enabling mo to got restful healthy sleop milbnrna heart and nerve pills onre palpitation throbbing diasy and faint ilpit ielts 2bc bloc apclls nervousness bloepleegnebs wealt noss femalo troubles aftor oftcots of grlppo oto prion soo a box or8 for 125 alall druggists t mllburnaco torontoont lxliver pills ours oonllpa- tlon bllioaanasa siek hesdaohe and dyapepala thsy do not qrlpe slokn or weaken evory pill aots perfeotly mm mksm it is said that an ambitoub poliliaan who recently died in missouri conld not be mado to believe he waa going to die this is not at all strange there are several ambitious persons in this plaoo who cannot be made to believe tbat thoy havo been dead politicians for soma time the propletors of parmeloea pills are oonstanlly reaelvlng letlora almilar to the following which explains itself mr john a beam waterloo onl writea i never used any medicine tbat can eqoal par- melees pills for dyspepsia or liver and kidney oomplainti the rcliel experienced aftir using them was wonderful as a safe family medlolno psrmelees vegetable pills can be given in ail oases requiring a oalborllo henderson co bargains in remnants this week ve offer all our dress goods remnants at exactly half price there are some good lengths in this pile and some bargains are to be had which cannot be offered later job lines of shirt waists lines of shirt waists partly sold out and assortment of sizes somewhat broken will be cleared out at prices below the cost of production dont wait for the hot spell but be ready for it muslins a large assortment of colored muslins at greatly reduc ed prices genuine organdie muslins only 15c a full assortment of coloredlinings hosiery cloves parasol9 millinery the balance of our spring stock will be cleared at greatly reduced prices all new arid fresh henetersoii fc go hw when appgarance is a consideration i shoreys ready to wear clothing becomes a necessity vi10 cav altord to igngrf- hi personal appearance a lirc manufacturer who studies the want of the people and whose business depends upon supplying those want will give better results than a tailbr whose opportunities are limited and trade local tf your local- denier docs not ki shorey8 clothing remember there arc otucra write to a larger ami morccterprisinginerclimtesewheic see tufltshoreys cuarantea card h in tho pocket cf each garment qw04w9e i shops and warerooms foot of willow st calls attendeid to day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalrviers acjtonpnt- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnit of all kinds a weljassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j 8tin8on roclcwood wl receive i immediate attention it ail wat time tablb grand trunk railway cloino wkht- 0oiho kaht moll 0 02qhi kxiiroen fl a5ivni kxiiroia 2 ai pm exurubb 10 co nm moll 7lfl p 111 mull 0 14 pui i mixix 10 03 iiut tlilholctominoliailfi going woiit 9 10 am anil g h lni going raat 10 23 11111 ami s 50 11111 tli i a tiuio tablo wunt into u fleet on monduy blaylctb ibm brkntfsord galvanized steel wind mills and towers for powex and pump ibwithin- teraal covered qenr paioxxt roller ana ball jboairines maple loaf crain grinders ivto sizes for any power uo 1 haa 10 inch reversible burrs ho 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- boari ng b u rr pla tea relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least po vor always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use ave make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the fines in the market besi material ligh t cs running send for illustrated catalogue ooldj brntf0fhcan john mcqueen agrat for the above has changed his wnre rooms 10 building on v e smiths properly john street where may bo seen rjiost wood binders mto mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in ray- absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen latest and best designs of oven wire fehcinc thk ontario wire fencinq ca l flfitoa ontaria you want tho beat and the cheapest mcmulleris fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencipgs at speul low prices all other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada the are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your- hardware mer chant for mcmullens poods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at picton ont or to the b greening wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james cooper montreal general agent for railway fencings wonukent in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j hhamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of marble and granite westof toronto and north of hamilton come arid seo tho largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can- adlanor american granite otttea and worlcsbalizjctoirsblock voblwiobandn01irolksts guelph ont branom worksmow mimbure onu main street plan inc mills acton owr 4 ohn c short talk on advertising beipoqdenoy unuerven a roan hopo invigorates him uy charles austin dates people generally read advertisements more than they did a few years ago ihd teasonisjobefound in he advertisements themselves advertisers are more careful than they used lo be thoy iriake the advertise ments more readable some of them even become in a way a department of the paper and people look for thcrn every week with as much zeal and pleasuro as they turn to any other feature this is true of many department stores all over tho country in many places there is just one than who appreciates the value of such interest he breaks away from the old set atyle he lolls something interesting in his space every week there are lots of interesting things in business look over the miscellehy page of any papet look at its local news columns and its telegraph news for that ma and y o th the m of the items are more or less closely related to some business fact dress these facts up in a becoming garb of words and they will find readers even though they be in a mere advertise ment let the merchant come down of his pedestal and talk in his ads he neednt be flippant far from it but let him not write as h ho were addressing somebody afar off and telling him about something at even a greater distance the newspaper goes right into its read ers house goes in and sits down with him it is at the table when he eats and in his hands after his meal it reaches him when he is in an approachable con dition thats the lime to tell him about your business clearly plainly convincingly as one man talks to another architect and contractor manuffictuxor of saab doors frtxiuoa mouldlu in all stylos dressing matching os moulding to order on abort notlbe will tssortod stock on liond at j licta torn tho timet john cameron proprietor georgetown electric works r j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams impy and btoam pltuni and- donoral ilepalr tug uolnsequlppedwlteagaa lirasing niaonlns i am rroparad to da brajlng on lllajolo rramos s o tangont twfll fsi u who mr daalrod ansla fa atoak batlstaollon knaraatoad blogsln nmjihi in any eolor iisiigifl snnlwijitjvsssifs a v j aetbroaim r8ttraah j alias 1

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