volume xxiv no acton ontabio thuesd1y july 21 1898 jprice three cents lj ctoit jtree press is ptjflububd every thursday morning at thk free prcssstcam printing olucc mill street aoton ont thumb of bcubomrrion ono dollar per yoar strictly in ad van oo alt nulisoriritiona discon tinued wiiod tho time for wliloh tuoy bvo boon itttld baa expired the doto to which every lubioriptiod is paid la dp noted on tho addroia libel asvannaina rates transient advertise ments 10 coatfl per nonpaxoll lino or first in sertion 8 cents per lino for each subsequent ubfiltiod conrniot ratka tbo following table abowfl ur ratea for tbo insortioh of ulvoxtlaomenufor specified periods biggut all paper obfob 1 yn no 9 mo l mo solnobes llnoh 60 op 85 00 30 00 em 133 00 90 00 19 00 uw aow 1900 700 900 700 a oo 260 100 advertisements without specific dlreotions will be inaerud till forbid ana obargod accord- ugly transient advertisements must bo paid u advanoe advertisements will bo changed onoe each month if doslred for ohanros oftonor than snoo a month tho composition mast be paid for at regulai rates ohangoifor contract advortlsomeiitb must bo a th offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts raj able monthly h p moore editor and proprlotor fiusituss fiirirtartr days bookstore in closing a successful season in wall paper we find 3 few cnds which will be cleared m a low price the balance of pur stock will be sola as follows 25 o wall paper i60 20o wau paper 10o lbo wall paper 80 10c wall paper 60 and go borders very low combinations a re per fect tho newest and best american goods days low prices win eery time day sells cheap- -thb- traders bank of canada authorized capita 1 000000 an attractive pair j f uben m d o u offloo and rostdonco corner mill afrodorlok streets acton as elliott m p m b acton djuduatk toilonto umyebhirr office cornor mill and john 81rootv aoton d r dryden eye ear tiihoat and nose mcleans block douglas bt near p o guelph oppice eouna 10 am to 1 p m and 8 to 6 p m bondatb 10 am to 1 pm dental l uennett ld8 dentist aionabtowh oktadjo jp c0ghlan d d sl ds dentist woftk cabefdlly jone rillceb moderate ofpipe oven biiown s dniia btoiib honns evkuy day fhom 9 to 6 jm bell dd8 lds s ientibt bnookville hokoh ollxduate of toronto uhivjebsitt work ratio satisfactory prices moderate visiting days monday afternoon camp- bellvillo xuosday aoton offlcoclarks hotel friday hock wood dr o h cook dentist cor college si and spadina ave toronto will vinh acton on tho first and third satur days otoaob month office ur adam cooks residence main btroot m clean mclean uurlalaara solicitors notaries conveyancers sco prlvato funds to loan offloo town hall aoton vvm a moliah jho a- mcleam a j mackinnon bjuuubteo solicrron convisrakckn ofmckmih stroot in matthewa block upstairs b wcleod dahb1stkb bolicitob conveianceix main stroot goorflotown mono to loan atlowostcurront rttos k -j-monabb- olork fourth division court connly ol hal- od oonvyiaar agont fire and iilf o aasuranoe uoaletate agent monoy to loan oxc office lorrymanaulock aoton 0t- miscellaneous hbnbi qeist ottiwl oiviba bollcltor of patents for invention oto prouarea applications lor the canadian amor- leadandkuropoanratontolscba and for the uoglatratfon of trado marka bond lor pam phlet ttairtvtwo yean oxperlaneo pwlanois nunah bqokbindeb wyndhambt ouolpi ontario owwilllamsstore aooount books 0 all klndl mado to ordor periodicals of otortdoaorlntloncarofnlly henna uallafneatlv unit promptly done m arbiaoe licenses h p moore fmnk or minniaqb iiioenaza prlato omoo no witnaseoa muirod iasuod roaldenno in tbo ovenlng froo prasa omeo aoton rrrii hemsteeet lioiicsbd anonoaiea or the oonntlos of wellington ana balton ordoraloftat thefaaa pautsa olboo aoton or atmrroaldanoalnanton will bo promptly at- ondod to feos radneod to b0o for fahm fjajubb also money to loan on the motlaorablo sumatand at tba lowest ratea of interest in anmi of mm and pwards wolllrujton jcotul jfire insurance company batabushbd 1840 tnbdbajfob on cksh and mnlnal llan any 1 oomnauoloatlona forwa to my adjroa biii w or talopnon b w l uromp at ob aoton macliiiie and bepair shops nbnkv qltlmdblt froprlator aiih wall equipped with all tba machinery neeosaary tooxecuto all repair nohln ory and sbgrlooltaral implomonts and to do all kinds of suamfltting horssshoalng stndbeneral slaoasmltlilna woodwork repairs mrtormod in a aatlsf aotory mannor w can xapair ana maoblno or implainont of any nsaao baw gntbmlda and filing dona acton saw mills and wood yards jhmbs brojitfn icamdwaotolua axd dbiuin in lumbar jatb shiagtem wood mto all kinds of wood in itooaanti promptly dolltorsa to ny part of tlistownat roaaonablo prloei nwdioodan slabs oat stove loiitfth 1 on lisnd tslephooocommaalcstlop ilways an attractive pair of shoes add 1 to the genteel appearance of any one man woman or child we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind tlrat wears well and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all stlhs trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general scores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having oyer twenty years of practical exper ience we arc able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing given prompt attention cuelph branch sums olvh and upwards received on deposit and highest oorrent rate of ifttercet paid or compounded halfyearly deposit receipts isaaed for large sums depoaited advauooa made to responsible farmers on their own names no obsrge made for collecting 3aloa notes if payable in guelph a general banking business transacted a f ii jones afanojier jjodrg will you spoil the appearance of your hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum oroilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or i you prefer it st georges square jtmrobs of war and feace ay that is a story thst takes onbs brostb mow tbo inon rowod out in tbe fsoo of doatb how oil as calmly as ftabornmn may wiio haul tbeir nets at tbo brok of day dut xiovor wasflsb not liaulod lu the wcatho tbiot riflo and oanuoo sud aboil logo tb or itaiaod on tboso sailors who drotr from its bod tlio wlao soa sorpont aud oruibtsd its boad ileroei of war aro thoy i sonj tad story dbali addtbolr names to tlio list of glory butwhorols tho story and wbero is the long forlbo bokoes of poaco and tbo martyrs of wrpng thoy flgbtthoii battloa lo shop and mino tbey dlo at tholr post and make no slgq and tbo living onvy tbo fortumto dead an tboy fight for tbo plttanco of butterloss broad tboy lord uko boasts in a slaugbter pen thoy livo 11 ko eattlo and buctor like moq why tot by tbo horrors of suolt a 11 fo like a merry goroqnd soemt tlio battlos strifo and tbo opon sea aud tbo open boat audi tbo deadly cannon witb hollowing tbroal 0b whit aro tboy all wttb doatli thrown in to tbo lifo tbatbas nothing tooao or win tbo lifotbat bas notbidstobopoorgaln ilut hi paid labour and bods cfpafp tamo wheroisiour story and wbero is your aoog for tbo martjra of poaco and tbo victims of wrong t ella wuobileq wilcox kenney bros main street actom dtiinlon boot and shoe store spring is here again cooper n a kins the tailors are prepared for it with a very nttracthe stock of 8prncc suitings 8prlnr overcoatings sprint trouserings in 9j1 the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles n bicycle suits and arc bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooper akine main strekt acton tailors get wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed binding twine full stock best qualities and lowest prices at n0rval georgetown acton robt noble bring your custom logs jn and take the lumber home with you skvers lumber planing mills nassaraweya p sayeks proprietor has constantly on hand a fall lino ol lumber iatb shingle oedar fmu wood jjito cuiloro log anj bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done lo the best ot satisfaction prices very cheap and iruula to salt the customers pocket p sayeks j m bond co hardware guelph headquarters for pure paris green sticky flv paper poison fly paper and insect powder at mckees drug store try mckees kidney pills for lame back inflamed condition of the bladder and all urinary troubles they give immediate relief and a per manent euro price 26c- perbox 5 boxes 100 prepared and sold only by j d mckee chemist aoton telephone correspondence you furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton your portrait have you had one taken lately if not give ramshaw the artist a sitting and you will be delig with the result courteous attention satisfactory photographs prices reasonable call to day this weather just suits h ramshaw acton photo artist m8jsm pttptf q whosroabout to leave r u jt 1uo rubllo or high school should not ovarlook tlia great ad vant age of a draotleal course of inatrue tlonattbs cuelph business college and shorthand institute students rnajrnttrarir urns bonopar basslon kill eomm vrlte or e ii it interested olronlara free j bpajir principal eommesee j jmert jfamilg steading leargirit n w ucnt rosteii tiioroiend ubo to tolling ned said mr stfauge ehaking hla gray bead sadly somehow tho past few roonthb the head had grown very gray indeed it is bad enough ro oilier or nollio aud bob to kuow avoli lot the boy enjoy ilia vacation aa ha alwaya hae theres no need of spoil in it for hirn bat 30a know wbst we bad plaaued to let liim do this bammerand bo baa been looking forward lo it all tbe school 3 ear ah iforgot thutl hewablo go with uncle jos and the rest up to canada to stay till october it will cost tiro or three baud red doilara i suppose im afraid so husband well we most find tbo money eorne where7llikt all declared mr stranger hit cpjoyment mnstnt be spoiled by these bualneea troablos well retrench in some otber way molher lit be boy be a boy as long aii ho oan and eo when ned oame homo from school for tbe two days before uncle joes grand bontipr party was to start tho cloud ot trouble which wis banging over tbe homo waa carefully hidden by all bands otber meo in business ware weathering the hard times and mr strange hoped that he could he did not realize that he was not treat ing bis sou fairly by hiding from him faota witb wliioh everybody who knew him was familiar in truth he was saving ned a great deal of unnecessary worry nd mater ially adding to tbe enjoy ro en t of that famous trip into tbe canadian wilds bat aa it happened ned learned of his fathers reverses in a manner which made the newa all the harder for bin to bear the party were to start from uncle joea homo io philadelphia early in tbo morning ned went over the night before and walked up town to hla unoloe offloe ho was a frequent visitor there for saxton code joea oldest boy occupied a do himself and ned often ran in to s htm when be waa down from school or bad come over from harriaburg bat saxton was going on the trip too and bis desk waa closed mr strange is in his privati offloe nod ha id one of the clerks nodlog to tba door of tbe apartment ned went over and opened tbe door bnt finding bis uncle in close convenatlon with a man ho closed it again and remained oatslde hidden from the olerks by a low partition hes going to canada too it he one ot the cierhb said evidently referring to ned yes lucky chap eh i dont know if my old man was in tbo bbapo bia is 1 wouldnt want to go off for thobommer and spend tbreo or four hundred dollars 0b x reckon strange isnt so bad off as its reported if he is i dont see wbero ned gets his monoy to sport around he goes to the most expensive school in the state and all that i dont know how that is bat im dead euro that his father la jaat on the brim of rain if io weathers this dull season il will bo pore lack and5bthldg clio at that instant tbe door of the private office opened ah bore yon are eh said unole jo cordially flaxtooa joat fijue home dear dear 1 dont seo what perry will do without him hero if i badait promised him so long ago that ho should go with no id make him stick to hla deak i really dont see how he and i can be off all sum mer and tbe busy man shook bia hla bead gravely as he sorted over the paper before him you see saxton looks oat for the details of tbiag ud iti ipnpolblfl to find a new man to take bli plaot at a mo meats notice and another thlnff i would not wont to trast everybody ned looked at bim strangely and caught his breath would yon be willing to truit me unole joo he asked buiklly ob yea youre just the obap id like to have if yon werent going with us re turned tbe merchant carelesalr i sup pose i ah all havo to let things fly this summer aud lose money by id i dont see bat here ktd interrupted sgala uncle joe is my father in bid shape he blurted oat eb whats tbe boy thinking of i want you to jlell me what is il matter with my fathers buslneii what do you know about il demanded mr btraage gruffly notbingt thats why 1 oak 1 never heard a word abouf reverses at borne although i notioed father seemed worried a good deal more than uiual and i just heard something wbloh makes roe believe be fa is bankrupt i tut cut i no as bad as that cried unole jot how did yoo hear bother take those olerka 1 so they were chatter ing were they they pldt know i heard and if its bo im glad they did a cried nol toll me uncle why he is in a bad ah apt theres no denying ft fiat be didnt waat jou to know for be tbonghtltjwopiinekyour and doeanadppoae i wo a id go off to canada and spond a lot of monoy when they are aorimping aad aaviofi at home all summer 7 i wont do it hold on libld on 1 orjed unole joe thats no way to talk young man your father and mother would be very much troubled ii you abould go back to them instead ofolng with roo then lot me stay bore and take bax- tons placo tfimy neednt know but what ive gone with yon i can do his work and be earning something too come say yes unole said ned eagerly why neddie i dont see how ft can be done began the merohant you show grit clear grit i muat say till but within the next half hoar tho whole affair was planned and when the hunting party took the train the next morning for thd north ned saw them off and then went back to bartons desk in the office and he did faithfully stiok to his job all summer he boarded at his unoloa house and kept nts annt company and he really had a very jolly time dodging friends and visitors at tbe house who wpuld be a are to know bim and report bis presence in phila delphia to his father and mother bat tbe latter were blissfully ignorant of his prox imity unole joo wrote frequently to bis brother that ned was all right and as ned never had been muob of a letter writer tho folka at homo ihoukht bis sllenoo due to the boys usual carelessness as long as he la having a good tirao i dont care said mr strange wearily though i dont know but we mado a mis take mother in letting him go i believe i shall weather the rouble but where the money ih coming from for neds next years sohool expenses i dont see tbe money he will spend on lliut canadian trip shonld have gone toward those and nod grinding at the work in the hot city offloe read baxtnna glowing aooonnta of hunting aud fishing excursions some times uitb teara in his ojee stills not once did ho feel eorry that he had eacriflc- ed it and with all hla regrets be had never experienced more quiet happiness how would i havo felt afterward if my going uptbetc had helped to oripple father he thought i bbould norer have forgiven myself when the bunting party returned about tbe first of october ned accepted the handsome bum bia unolo presented him for his services and hurried homo he was not as big and brown as they expected to see him after his summer in the woods but be looked happy aud x tell you bo was happy when at tho dinnor table tbo first night of his return be laid tbe whole onm ho bad earned daring the snmmer with the amount given for bis vacation exponaee on his fathers plate my boy my own dear boy 1 cried hie molher ber voice fall of tears now in common with other fellows of bis age fred abominated tears come mother dont ory ho baid groflly im no baby tho next timo yon and father aro in troable you must not treat me like one our boys and qrl an objectlesson in drinking the country cemetery a farmer outwitted a farmer sold a load of corn tn a town one day wbon it waa weighed ho slyly stepped on tho scales and then drove off to unload when the empty wagon wan weighed he took care not to be in it and congratulated himself that bo had obeated the buyor in good ttbapo the grain dealer called him in and after flouring up the load paid paid him in full as tbe farmer buttoned up his ooat to go out the buyer kindly asked him to smoke with him snd then talked ovor tho price of hogs and the crops and the likelihood of the maple valley railroad building up that way until the farmer fairly squirmed la uneasiness about his chorea at homo at last he could stand it uo longer and said he malt go tbo dealer quietly said that it was not to bo thought ot that he would insist on doing what he pleased witb his own property tbe farmer baw that he had indeed sold himself in one sense at least ho acknow ledged his cheating and compromised the affair now when be markets graft he does not stand on the aoalos or sell him self with bia load a fair test a travelling peddlar of patent ah urns called at a farm house in lewlaton the other day sotloitjng patrouageand learning that the lady bad a churning of cream on handrwas anxions tooharn it tho lady said she bad a patent ohurn already but the man insisted tbat bis was so much better than any other churn made tbat he could get two pooods more buttor from the oream than she could from her obiuro bhe said if you can i will buy it 60 he left the churn promising to oomo and prove it next morning the lady put the oream in ber own ohurn and brought the butter took it oot and poured the butter milk into the venders oburn he came the next morning and oharnedand churn ed bnt got uo batter and exclaimed at last there is no bnttor in this cream yoa are right haid tbe lady for ive oba mod it in my ohara hot i wanted to see yoa get thst other two pounds there was no sale and no further conversation anything qu t that a poor man lay dying and hi good wife was tending him with homely but alteotion- ate oars dont jou tbiuk you could eat a bit of somelhi nv jon n now what osn i get for you with a wan a mile ho aiswered feebly well i seem to amoll a ham aoooklng some wbe res i llituk i runld do with a utile bit ot that ob no john dear she answered promptly yoa oant have that thats for tbe funeral a cheerful giver boms one onoe went to dumas pore for 60 sous to help bury a frivnd what ffmhedomii asked a bailiff sir repli 1 the borrows daoiaveyepht with nvmoriei iln ran to bis desk and returned nith a nolo wbloh be thrust into tbo mans hand you aay it costs fifty sous here are a hundred bury two of cm several lesions bare been taught the world by tbe recent engagements ooonrrlng both in the orient aud the occident be tween tbe navies ot spain and tbo united states those interested in gunnery have received muoll instruction the relative merits of the fast orniser easily manoavred and the mere ponderous and slowlybandied battle bbip have reoeived cansldorablo re adjustment in the minds of experts the- torpedo baat that terror of the hoars of darkness and a biiii cramped harbor has proved to be more of a nightmare than a grim reality many opinions bae beitn changed sure prophecies have been proven to he abaurft assertions and the naval architect ot today has already decided to consign to the limbo of obsonrlty many of the devices fttld plans moet approved of by dook yard authorities three months ago perhaps tho most conclusive faat brought oat by tbe reoent flgbtb on bath the faoifla and atlantic is that the nse ot intoxicants of any kind previous to or during a naval engagement is a scare that to quote the words of holy writ on such oooslona wino ib a mooker strong drink is a brawl er r v and whosoever is deceived there by is not wise when dewey lo the grey dawn of may 1st cautiously felt hia way into manilla biy he bad bis sailors braced ap with a cup of coffee and wakofnl and alert the watobfal gunners who had been standing in their places the greater part of the night were ready to take aim with a clear head and steady hand when sampson opened fire on the fortr of sin joan be also issued to his sailors a libation of coffee bum or other lntoxiaants aro not served out to the united btateb navy but it was different with the spaniards hunted by tholr own authorities from jho santiago trap cervora and his officers for got to oopy from tbo ap todate american seacaptains and following the traditions of tho european navies issued generous supplies of wlno and strong liquors to the desperate sailors in that forlorn hops heavy witb intoxicaute the spaniards fell an easy prey to tho onemy who not only outnumbered them in ships and in men but in seamanship and in that morale which u a better and safer thing in peace or war than an extra portion of armor plate monstor guua or torpedoes had six american vessels manned by a coffeedrinking contingent issued from a long- pent harbor and tried to break through double tbe number of bhips handled by men muddled with wino and rum they would have got through or ehip for ship the enemy would havo gone to tbe bottom or on tbe beaoh the cause of temperance has been aided by this demount ration at sea of the benefits of abstinence from intoxicants when serious work is to be done the coffee cup has knocked out the wine glabb and the grog pannikin goderlch signal praise to the pace i onoe saw a father walk up to a map bis little boy bad drawn and pinned on the wall he stood before it a long time in siloncs and in silence walked away tbe litilo fellow was sitting in the room sod his father knew he was there he was watching with eager childs eyes waiting anxioubly for a word of approval as none came hia poor little face fell unhappily straight into tbo next room walked the father and said carelessly robert has drawn a very olever little map in there look at it when you go in did you tell bim it was clover asked a judicial listener following from the room where little robert sat why no i ought to havo done so i never thou to mention well you ought to be ashamed of your- aself was the deserved reply oo back now and tell bim we ought all of us to be ashamed of oor- selves a dozen times a day for like sins of omlsbion it costs sojille to say nice things and the result in anothers plea sore is out of all proportion to oar trouble praise to the face open disgrace no suoh thing the proverb is wrong praise to tbe face is oqe of tbe sweetest things on earth and there is uo disgrace in it unless untruth enters or unless tbo praise is no- deserved it ib tho moro grateful because no one may ask for open praise and receive it by asking its fine flavor is quite gone and is but flattery harpers baza about some boys in an english dockyard a great ship was to he laonohod an immense crowd gathered to see it glide down the aides that were to oarry it into tbo water tbe blooks and wedges were knookod away but the raabsive sbip did not stir just then a little boy ran forward and began to push the abip with all hla tnlgbtv the crowd broke out into a laugh but it so happened that the vessel was almost ready to move the few pounds pushed by the boy were only needed to start it and away it went into tba water now tbat was a little thing but you sco wbat it did oftentimes the littlo thing you do dont seem of muah scooant but they are one bprihg morning a little boy planted a single seed in a bank of earth it grew budded and blossomed into aweot blue violets unseen by the child planter it also seeded and tbe seed fell out upon tbe bank of earth and next spring more violets grow and so for years increasing every season the boy now a man tn a foreign land deeircd to visit his ohi id hoods home when he saw tbe bank of violets be re membered how years before he had plant ed there a slnglo iced can it be he said that all these have sprung from the single seed i planted i will never waste a single seed oh dear children remem ber the importance of little things exchange the love of children tull mo not ot the trim says mary howitt precisely arranged homes wbero there are no children where as the good gormans have is the flytraps always hang straight on the wall tell me not of the uever disturbed nights and days of the tranquil unanxlous hearts where child ren are not god sends ohildren to enlarge oar hearts to make us unselfish and full of kindly affections and sympathies to give our souls higher aims and to oall oat all our faculties to extended enterprise aud exertion to bring round oar fireside bright faces and happy smiles and loving tender hearts my soul blesses tbe great father every day tha he has gladdened this earth with little children the lovidg care bestowed upon this spot is an index of civilization its absence a mark of ignorance or of do regard for tbo things of this world the fact that a deserted and untidy corner of the town is a cemetery is the greater reason for tho expenditure of labor upon it usually suoh work must be done by a comparatively few ont love or public spirit but if these organized a acmetory association or improvement society their work wool 1 bo more likely to be odutinusd after they too are gone corporations dont die in deoldlng npon the nature and extout of the adornment to be bestowed consider the motives the park the roadside tbe open spaces of the town aro diversified with trees fountain shrubbery and green- award fdr the pleasure of the people and because it is a paying investment to raako a town as attractive as possible it is tbe wish we are sure of the moat roverent of those whose cherished dead he ib the barialground that the plaoo be not cold and awful but a bunny spot where ohildren shall love to wander and none feel a shudder to walk its paths how ehall oar loved onoj bo remembered unless there bo ejea to read the memorials we ereot the fantastic imagination of a hawthorne created for tho oldfashioned cemetery with its urns and oypreascs and weeping willows the phrase deaths pleasure ground no each grewsomo description fits the sensible modern cemetery in 00 far as nature can make it beautiful without ostentation or a suggestion of the carnal it is a park city oemeterios in these days are among the choicest products of the landscape gardeners art and are thronged on sundays and holidays with happy reverent humanity a committee oomponed of persons of tine feeling and sonso of proprioty will know by instinct how far tho ajorument of the rural burying ground can go without the violation ot good tkslo trcex flowers ebrabbery a rivulet or a fountain beuohes where strollers may rent belong there ugene field upon whose grave tho flowers now bloom fancied tho angels loving to linger in these pleasant paths oao of his sweeteit poems contains these lines jut yondor in tbe moonlight whoroln godu acre lies go angels walking to and fro singing tbeir lullabies tbeir radiant wings aro foldod and tboir eyes aro bonded low as tboy sing among tbo bo tit whereon tho flowers love to grow sleouobslaop i tbo bhenbord guardoth bis an cop fast speodotb tbo night away boon oomoth tho glorious day bleep weary ones while yo may bleep ob sleep 1 bearing in mind that the cemetery la gods acre that bis acre belongs to evory man woman and child who would beck its sbacly patbb and that no other plot of ground in the country more deserves reverent care and wise adornment no one need experience any difficulty in deciding bow to dealwith this problem tux rc v cross 00 wbero tlio uoldlor lice upon bis mossy bod under tho blazing skies and raisolils drooling bead oind up tlio blooding wound on hold at battlo riven and lot bim fool around tbe fragrant broatb of hoavou afar from kindred dear and from a motbors caro oo wlpo tbo fallior tear and strolco tlia matted liatr briug baolt ta ctaoek so wblto tbo flush of boaltb onco moro and to tnttoyo tlio hbt tbat klndlod tbaro of yoru or should that eoijpr dlo r ills bravo boart cease to boat liotboro tooloso his yo and mabo bis dying sweat yo lied cross legions 10 wbero war brigs tflro dlstross and lot tbo dirk now glow witb love and tenderness uo follow in tho traia 01 christ your lord dlvlno across tbo battlo plain bonoatb joar crimson sign hib blood your baunor djod on cruel calvary take it and stay tbo tldo of human agony geoltok v cltoftb a mothers kisses a recent traveller to spain writing in slachooods magazine deecribee a touching scene witnessed at tho deparuro ot a regiment for cuba all day long there bad been heard the measured tread of soldiers marching through the streets all day long gaily bedecked boats bad boen passing to and from tho vessel that was to take them to havana tho twilight bad bbgun to deepen when the correspondent saw a startling and pretty sight the impetuous action ot a pertly goodlooking and welldressod lady mho noticed a young soldier walking dejectedly alone down the pier in his over his shoulders all the rest of the men had friends their noviaa mothers relatives and the usual gallant effort to look elated and full of bope this lad had no one and ib might bs divined that be was carrying a heavy desolate heart over tho beas the handsome woman burst from her group of friends took the boys band and said my son has already gone to cuba he is in tbe regiment of anpalusia and sailed two months ago you may meet him pope g take this kiss to him she leaned and kissed bis oheek an english boy wonld have shown awkwardness but these graceful southern ers are never at a loss for a pretty gesture and a prettier word the boy flashed with pleasure and still holding the ladys band said with quite a natural gallantry without smirk or silly smile and may i not take oao for myaelf as well scnora the lady reddened laughed a littlo nervously and boot and kissed him again to the frantlo applauso ot soldiers and oivilians while the boy walked on braced sand happy water system of london tbo water supply system of london cavers 815 square miles sod delivers daily through 5147 miles or pipe 167580233 gallons of wbioh 107000000 gallons oomo from tho thames 51000000 gallons from tbo river lee aud the remainder from springe and artesian wells the per capita oonsnmption of be 5175270 inhabitants 0 35 gallons tho reservoirs 51 in number cover 581 sores and have a capacity of 1- 085000000 gallons and thero are 120 great altering wis snffle of whinh it is said nan readymade answers on the flttp of a tent at one of the camps o united states voluatuord waiting to go to the front id pioned a ojird on whioh is wt tten to vniitona glad lo bee you always we aro npt afraid not yet we know we are liablu to bo ubot we dont kuow how wo will feci until we get hu we are liitblu to bo walk we might bo sick if wo stayed at homo vo aro not dyiog to met into tbo hospital wo may dio after wo get there yes it we havo a cboiice we ehall shoot would wo kill aspanisrd aek dewey we dont know whether wo bhall be glud when it lu all ovor most likely we aro eorrj wo are uoiuu to louvo our wivoa aud our children and our sweet hearts if you aro our wives and children please do not weep and msko a scene in camp we went through that at tho iioubo be- bides it unnerves tho boys in tbe other tent if you are our sweethearts you know what to do but be careful tho officer of tbe day may be a bachelor we were never in the other war if we bad been we wouldnt be in this one on account of our age aud for somo other reasons the tent leaks when there is rain we have had some leaks yes it is cold in here when it rains are wo warm enougb at night not as warm as we expect to be we are fond of war pictures those that reprosont us as facing bursting shells and walking ovor the mangled remains of our corarshdes and dead horses and that have vultures in tho air are especially fascinating to a young soldier lu camp if you havo tears to shed please notify ho guard so that bo may show you wher the abed is always glad to seo you an even exchange cuief baron ogrady was onco trying a case in an assize town wbero tbe cqurt- houso abutted on tbe green a fair was in progress and just oatslde the court a nnmberof asses woro tethered as counsel was addressing tho court one of those began to bray instantly tho ohief baron stopped the mveinsgyrwnhiohapsnicus be said i oant hear two at onoe tbe court roared and the advocate grew red bnt presently when it cams to saramtug npt the judge was in full swing when another as struck in whether by tbe counsels contrivance or not who shall say anyhow op jo raped mr bushe with his hand to hfs ear and said would your lordship speak a little looder theres snob an echo in the court where the miracle came in well undo iusborry bow did you like tho sermon it was a powful sermon marse john what was it about it was bout dem sebon thousand loaves ao llvo thousand fiahos bein fed to the twelve pestles beven thousand loaves and five thous and fishes being fed to twelve apostles bnt wnere does tbo miraole come in uncle basburry soralohed bia bead a few moments meditatively then ho replied well marae john de merale cord in to- my perception ot de oircumstanoes is datdey all didnt hubt dr loriiylers cook bsorh 1000000 gallons of water per minute there are also 0110115 fire bydranta the water system is at present owned by private companies but tbo im mense pressure brought to bear by the peoplo will probably mako it municipal at no distant day this country of ours a united states crossroads editor in addressing the pupils of tho village sohool said tbe possibilities of progress in this oountry are great when they first caught mt and brought me to this town i hadnt a shirt to my baok bnt in two years time x was wearing shirts witb bone collar buttons and it was not long before collars were pot on ma then i climbed into a ooat aud only yesterday my good wife said to me john i am going to order ouffs for yon with gold buttons i and all this io tlio abort space of ten ymvl- atlanta constitution impure blood is an emony to health and may lead to serious disease hoods sar as pari lla conquers this enemy aud averts dtoger wheu i was first married says bov pr lottmor pastor of tremom temple boston i had my etriat ideas about sun day observance mrs lorimer had a 00u ored aunty for cook and on tho first sunday after sho oame i went into the kitchen and told her 1 dldnot want any banday work so she ooald prepare the meals for that day beforehand she didnt say one word while i was talking then strerloo and podn to th exclaimed now look byar marse george yoajnat go in dar and ill tend to ma kitohenl i went and as near as i cau retnembor she had hot dinners hobdays as long as ehe btayed with us it is safe to follow 7he example of millions of women who bve made tbe diamond djrea ihelr chos en and only dyes for domrstlo dyeiog tba faith of all ia so firmly established id tbe potverb and oxoallenao of the diamodd dyoa tbat thoy would not aae any other make eveo if the common dyes were given free of ooat valuable and ueoful rooda should not be oxpirimented on witb poor and untried paokage dyes bain anutosvogt4ila and money will moet tho osora of adulterated dyn follow the aafe eianipla of earlha millions and njo tho diamond dye and aftcess happiness and ploaauro will be- yoor reward