Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv 3st0 4 acton ontario thtjbsday july 28 1898 price three cisjnjs t ctoit m itss ib pdblibned every thursday morning at the free prcsbstcam printing office uiijl btneet acton ont tisnub oif souboiiirttos ono cellar por year itrlctly lu advanoo ah subscriptions dincon llnuoit when the time for wbloh tliey havo boon paid has ox pi rod tbo date to which every subscription 1b paid 1 donotod on tbo addreii label adtebtiaina kates transient advertise uicquj jo oonta por nonpareil lino or first in ortioq 8 aonta por lino for oaoh aubieaupnt iiscurtlon oomtbaot iutbb tho following table shows big gat in m paper -thb- traders bank of canada authorized capita 1000000 poetrg tub taitllia turned days bookstore in closing a successful season in wall r r piper we find a few ends which will be zst si period ad i cleared at a low tfricc the balance of our slock will be sold as follows 26 o wall paper 16o 20o wall paper iog 15 o wall paper 80 loo wall paper 60 and 5c borders very low combinations are per feet ihe newest and bestamerlcin goods day sjow prices wip every lime bpaob 1 yit 6 110 s mo 1x1 io inolioa 10 inobob filaohoa 1 inch go 00 35 00 90 00 600 35 00 90 00 iaoo am 30 00 1100 700 900 7 00 boo 8m 100 advertisements without spoolflo diroouoni rill bo ioaortd till forbid and ohargod aocord ogly transient advertisements must bo paid a aavaaoo advert somen ta will bo changed ones each month if deslrod for ohangoa oltener than unco a month tbo composition most bo paid for atrofiulai rates ohangoa for contract advertisements must be o bo offlco by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly hp moore editor and proprietor vusittm ffliwtorp medical t t tjrkn m d o m oldooandroaldonoo gornor mill a frederick slroota acton day sells cheap an attractive pair as elliott m d m b acton ghaduatb tononto univbobitr office corner mill and john btreot actoo d r dryden eye eau tuboat and nobb ololjon a block douglas st near p quelph ornc hocus 10 a m tolpm andatogpm bukxuyb 10 a in tolpm x bennett l ds dentist m obobqktowk ontibio jp coghlan d d s l d s dentist womt ciuevvlvy done pluceb uodeilite orrice ovisn bhown b dnua stobe hod m every day vhom 0 to 0 ju bell dd sld8 a dentist bao0evlxlb ilood gnaduatb of touonto umivedsitt work made satisfactory price modorato visitiko dats monday afternoon camp- bollvlllo tuotday acton offlco clarks hotel friday hock wood an attractive pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any one man woman or child wc keep the stylish kind the com forcible kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented wo have a complete assort meat including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all styles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where tndejs taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty yeirs of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing given promit attention cuelph branch- sums of 91 and upwards reoeived on deposit dad highest current rate of interest paid or compounded half yearly deposit rocoipta issued for largp bums deposited advances made to responsible farmers on their own names no charge made for colleillng saleb notes it payable in guelpb a g on oral banking business tranbaated a f it jones manager kenney bros main street acton dominion bot and shoe store dr j h cook dentist cor collego st and bpadlna ave tobonto wmvhlt aoton on tbo first and third satur days of oou month orrici mr adam cook a residence main street legal m oxean mclean llurmura solicitors notarlos couvoyanwra ao prirate f iwdb to loan ofilco town nail aoton wh a uolus jno a uoiiuit a 3 maokinnon ilaluubteni sowcitdn coneyalce off he mm btroot in matttiows block u8ulrs jb mcleod bioiiibten bollciron convetahobn ualn btroot qoorsetown uonov toloanatlowoat correal ratci tj j uonabb olofnroarthdwinion oonrt county ol hal on oonvoyancor agont flro and lif o ajunranoo uoal katato agont monoy to loan oto oficb iorryman ablook aoion ont miscellanso us henry qbist orrawa oahada bollottor of patents for invention otc procaro application for tbo canadian amor c-ldyn0- irtmnl nmftm and for tbo lean lujdkaropoan patent odvcoa and lor tbo ueblitron ol pbfot unelatraatloii bltrado marka bend lor pam thirty two yoars oxporionco f bamoib ntjnah bookblndbn wndbm st ouolpli ontario wynanauo w j aooonnl booka of all knd made to order perlodlealtof eory deaorjptlonoaref nllybound buunprautlvanil promptly done m aekiaoe uoenseb n p mooue pilvacoofllod no wltnoaaoi required iaiced reildeono in tbo evening freo trail offlco aotomj itj1i hembtbeet iiioiksbp asonohhtm or the counties of wellington and hallon ordsrsllttbeflu oil acton or atmyieaihonobln aoton will be promptly at- ondedlo feel rodnoed to 0 60 fob farm sales alio money to loan on the most favorable unmolai the lowest rates of interest in sums of nop and pwardsj wellington mutual flro insurance company bitabmanzd 1840 nix kb or tolopnone m will bo promptly at- j spnng is here again cooper akins the tailors are prepared for it with a ery attractive btock of s prince suitings sprlncr overcoatings 8prlnsr trouserlnks in all the latest goods our workmanship is always satisfactory our prices are always right we have plates for the newest styles n bicycle suits and are bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock will you spoil the appearance of your hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth j dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or if you prefer it st georges square you bavo quieted xiia qftan and pucalod me louff you bftvo askod mo to cipher and spoil you liavo called mo ov dolt it i answorod wrong or a dunco ifl failed to toll juit when to sty ho and when tosay lay or wbat nluo rontlb may make or tbe loogltuda of kamtaehatka bay i or tlio i forgo twb at its name lake so i tbluk it s about tuy torn i do v to ask a question or so of yon tbo aoa ool master erica b oponod bis evos dut bo said not a word from sheer surprise cau you toll wbat plum dubs meajn i can can you say all off toy boart tbe onery twoery bikory ann l or tell commons and alleys apart oao yon fling a top i winld like to know tu1 it bums ilka a bumble bes can yon make a kite yourself tbat will go most as blgb as tbo eye can see till it nails and soars liko a bawk ou tbo wldg and tbo little birds come and light on tlio string tbo schoolmaster looked oh very domaro but his mouth was twitching i m olmotsure can you tell wboro tbo noat of tbo orlolo swings or tbo color its ogga cniy bo f doydu know tuotltna wbon tbo squirrel brliigs its young from their zioit in tbe troo cau you toll whoa the chestnuts are roady to drop or wboro tbo boat haisol nuts grow can you climb a high troo to tbe vory tip top and gaze without tromblizig below can you bwim and dive cab- you jump and run or do anything olse wo boys call fun 7 tbo master a voloo trembled a be ropliod i you aro right m livd im tbo dnnoo ho slghod b j wheels n sitktt jfamtlu juuing j m bond sl co hardware guelph headquarters for pure paris green sticky fly paper poison fly paper and insect powder mckees drug stoke try mokees kidney pills cooper si akins main street acton i tailors get wall a paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed binding twine- fun stock best qualities and lowest prices aoton macliiue and bepair shops bbnkv dlundblb proprietor aim wll equipped with all the machinery sabwiary toeaeout all repairs to roaown ary ndwknltsral implamanc inj to i jo all kind of iftam nttlnghorsa blaolsmuhlnir woodwork rapalra rormad in ailtuihiitory manner we oaa repair sort sad or lmplomn of any make biw bnmmlnay and nllxift done acton saw mills and wood yards asandfactonkd axd timalbn in umber bhailem wooa ku all kinds ol wood in stook and promptly dollyfred to any part of the town at raaanablo prlo narawooaanoslali ont atovo iontb alwaji on hand tolxpnona oommuolflatlop -at- norval georgetown acton robt noble bring your custom logs i and take the lumber home with you shyers lumber planing mills nasaaweya f sayers proprietor has conslontly on band a foil hne ol planing and matching done to the best of mtlsfaclufn prices very cheap and made to suit tho cualomcla pocket p savers tor lame back inflimed condllion of tho bladder and all urinary troubles they give immediate reliei and a per manent cure price 25 o per box 6 boxes s1o0 prepared and sold only by jd7vjckee chemist aoton telephone corrrcbpondence furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton photographing interiors by plash iglxt hi rainshawt your own photo artist who slays with you tho year around has everything up to date in the i lash light photo linl including a lense which works at an angle of qo degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos such as groups in small room jt can not be excelled leave your orders with mo lor cither interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the ork will have tho beat posalblo attention my prices aro is low as those of any reliable travellers h ramshaw acton photo artist pttptija wlioaroabouttoieato jt urxjuo robllo or niiirj bobool honldaot overlook tha great advant age of a jiraouoal conno of initruo tlon at tfia ouelph business college and shorthand institute btadrati may inter tdy uni bummer fleolon will commence july 4tnt wrlta or oill if lntoreited chretilmi froo j snaitr piiuoii e ridal- wath dy amy itandolpo 0 course 1 11 employ the girl if flhe is protegee of ours- dear aire meriraari aajd valeucia warrfu i do feel anoh a aiucere 8mpatby for the suffering poor i mamma eftya i am foolishly seuiltive ou the aubjeot and ihe rolled up her lovely larkspur blue ejea like tbe picture of st ceouia it was a ebill spring day tbe wind howling id drift of doit down tho street the lead gray clouds piled in billowy llnei across the northern sky and ocoaaional enow hurries obboaring tbe raw air but miss valencia warren troubled herself little about the external atmosphere a porcelain jardiniere richly painted in imitation of sevres extended along the inner ledge of tbe window and was filled with fragrant ntplea violet spikes of hyacinth belle and tangle of mignonette a green and scarlet lory swung in bis gild ed ring canaries uojj as if their little throats wero tilled with fairy bugles and tbe low grateare gtowd cheerfully behind tbe plate glass sorees set in a carved border of gilt fern leavei valencia warren reclined gracefully in a low satmpnffed easjchair with a new novel in bbr lap mrs meriman sat opposite in black velvet trimmed with silver fox furs and m frenoh hat half hidden in oatrloh plunaer not particularly my protege my dear said mrs meriman neinald found her one day when he was looking after some fresco artist or other to decorate his new house artists always do live in such out landnh places you know an artificial flower maker and reginald liked her style so well that he left an order for a hanging basket of pelargoniu md two vases of roaos and really tbeyre ihe prettiest things ive got in my drawingroom and she works so cheap too only three dol lars for tbo pelargonium and you couldnt buy them at miaellisi for fifteen so i shouldnt be surprised if yon got the wreath of clematis and orange blossoms for your bridal tablean quite reasonably what is ihe name 7 languidly asked miss warroo pulling on a little tablet of ivory and tortoise shell madeline gray quite pretty and romantio upon my word said valenoia i think yon said no street fourth story front room didnt yon 7 why do sail snob people want to live up no end of ataari for and why dont they have elevators in those horrid tenement houses madeline gray was buey at work the next day cutting out tfce graduated leaves of a oeaut den batallles rose with her pale little stater helping witb the less complicat ed portions of the foliage and buds when miss warren rustled irs to the room dressed hreteelcolorodsitk wl tb kltmveleisrjftoket of probe blue velvet and aooh great amethysts swinging in her ears tbat they seemed to make purple fliahes through tho room every lime the spin struck them are you tbe artlfloiilflower maker demanded she pulling up her gold eye glasses madellno rose up in m flatter and courte sled assent iara reopmmended here by a friend said miss warren they sell mo work cheaply again madeline bowed while little lqoy crept behind her and got hold of her skirts wbat does make tht child ooagh s6 demanded mies warren petulantly up on my word it quits goes through my head my slater is delloate maam responded madeline her usually pale cheeks flushing a httlo at the grata ito as insolenoe of tbe flno lady may i ask wbat your order is oh said valenoia who had been star ing round at the little pioeoone frames and water color pictures thavt hang around the walls i want a b rid si wreath clematis and orangeblossoms with plenty of long trails and a few green leaves something really delloate and tasteful yon know i will show you some of my work said madeline opening a boreau drawer and taking ont a box of dainty blossoms wbfoh only lacked scent to rivsl natures self very pretty i very nice i said miss warren eying thsm oretloally i want it for a tableau tho btctes doom in which i am to appear two weeks from to night two weeks from to night 1 repeated madeline apparently considering within herself itbluk i ooold undertake lo let you have u hfltt tlms and what will you ofiirg i is will be worth at lent tan dollars miss warren sliruggcaj her shoulders i am not prepared to ay impossible pjriceo said sho say flvo and ill think of 1 i could not make such a wreatb as you want for that price bald madeline gently but firmly six then not leas than ton i thought yon workod cheap i cried valencia pettishly however i suppose one mast submit to just eacljan amount of extortion in tbe world bo bare you arc punctual and of course yon will make np tbe tulle veil and fasten tbe wreath on it that price it is not usual hesitate 1 madohno 1 bat if yon insist upon it very welj interrupted mibs warren i will send around the tulle in a day or two be jure it is artlstlof and true to cat are and all that sort of tbiog for these private audleuoes are eo fearfully critical i madeline oaught little lucy in her arms as tbe door closed behind miss valencia warrens eteel colored silk trail my darling little snow flake the oried oat if this order is promptly paid ill treat you to two weeks board in the country this summer 3he milkmans wife will take you for five dollars a week and i do so long to see the rosea on your cheek i ib tbe country uico asked lucy wijt fully 1 oh my poor darling you dont know now nice to think that youve never gathered daisies nor made a dandelion chain nor played at snow ptorm under the trfos in appleblossom time i bat please god wall teach you the pretty lesson yet and now dear ill learn yon to ont oat tbe leaven by yourself while i go to buy tbo material for this wreath mre warren and her daufritrr were billing logo her in tho boudoir when made- lino gray brought borne tbe wreath and vail oaref oily folded in a flat pasteboard box please mem paid fatty tbo maid theres a young person waiting for tbe money dear me what a hurry these working- people are always in for thoir pay 1 drawled mrs warren an older edition of ber daughter plumper taller and a little more bepowdered and be routed open tbe box valley and lets see upon my word it id beautiful try it on darling and as valencia stood before tbe full length mirror her queenly bead enoiroled by ihe coronal of waxy blosboms and tho vaporlike folds of tulle bweepidg around her sbe did look lovely indeed i dont oaro a row of pins for tbo rest said mies warren as she turned cgmplaa ontly from side to side to view the effect from all points of bight but i do want reginald merriam to think i am pretty he cant help it darling bsh1 mrs warren soothingly hell lose bis heart to morrow night if he never did before dot ten dollars mammal i havent got the money and pjpa fa so awfully stingy of late and grumbles because of the hard times 8b o mubt wait eaid mrs warron tell ber so patty to the stating servant maid sbe says miss you promised it to her today and valenoia turned ahortly arooud and in the motion sho btepped on the trailing horn of tbe tulle vail and tore a long zfg zag rent though its gauzy material there 1 eho cried angrily how boo i hash deartafd mrs warren a our ions green light coming into ber eyes tell the girl patty i wonder what sho meaoa by sending home a torn vail like this she cannot expect to be paid when she mine material in this way here young woman opening t door and call ingover the ban is tew eyes for lucys bako i cannot refuso i dont wonder that you are interested in her everybody loves luoy innocent madeline ij it never occurred to her thatpeoplcmigbt posmbly bo interested in tnr miai vojoocia warren aatod in tbe bridal tableau to a large and fashionable andienoe but mr begioald meriman was not in tbo number and six months afterward as alio was driving in tho park bho met an open barouche drawn by cream colored ateeds reginald meriman and his brldn whispered hoe- companion a pretty eooioty widow why cried vafounia with a stare of utter amazement its tho artificial flower girl well i declare eho hoa vdrawn a prizo in the lottery i sister 1 slater i oried out little luoy pulling madelines sleove there goes the batefot lady who wouldnt pay you for the bridal wreath 1 but madeline meriman only smiled sbe was happy epough now to bo at peace with the whole world the miseries of war why people dont go to church come up here i madeline gray thus summoned survey ed tbe rent with dismay and surprise mies warren bho cried eagerly tle vail was in perfcot order when i laid it in tbe box 1 it must havo been torn ainoe and- 4 tu ore said mrs warron haoghtily tbat will do i have no deslro to protraot this diioubbion it is enough that you bavo spoiled my daughters vail of course we shall have to buy now tulle and you oant be mean enough to expect pay for your work under thebe circumstances hat cried out madeline i have done my work and want my money i know nothing about this hole 1 i i never hoard such impudence in my life aald mrs warren will yon leave tbe boase yonng woman or do yon want me to call a policeman 1 so madeline went away bowlldered deeply wounded and marvelling in her heart that so rlob a lady could be so despic able hflrimld alorriam was sitting fa her utile work room somehow he had got into the habi tf co in to aee sick lacy quite frequently when he was la tbe houie visiting his friend the fresco atuat when madeline entered with tearstained cheeks and eyes swollen with weeping liooy jumped up as she closed the door have you got the money sister did miss warren pay you and through sobs and tears poor made line told ber tale ob mr meriman they are noli people and miss valenoia is as lovely as a plot a re how oao they treat me a bho oou- eluded reginald listened in silonco i know mies warren bo bald bnt i would not have believed this of her little lacy why are yon orying and then luoy unfolded the sahemo about tbe coming may time and the spring violets bot theres no uso talking about it now ottered bho pitepu ly 1 am not so sure of that said mr meriman look here luoy i am not the milkman wife but i have a snug little farm honso with plenty of appletwee and green fields and a brook running close to the door and the old people that live there are very fond of c lldren and will make you welcome yoi shall go there and sister madeline shall go to keep yon company and you iray stay all summer if joa ohoote jdat we havent any money lo pay our board faltered tbe ohill iii aoe to tbat nald mr meriman all yon have got tq do lj to pack your l ranks and gc i am in earnest he added turning to madjine the old farmer and hie sister are lonely and there is plenty of room in the ol i homp they will be lad of your company and it will do xtioy all the good in iha world bow can 1 thank you for yoar kind- nessraeld madeline with tears in ber so you are not going to church thia morning viy bod ah yea f i seo the music is not good tbatdtyhat you go to church for to bear the msbio and the leas we pay the better mubio we demand and the powa are not comfortable thats too bad tbe lose wo do through the week tbe more rest wo clamour for on sunday tho church is so far away it is too far to walk and you detcbfr riding on a etreot ear and theyre always crowded on sunday tbat is indeed distressing sometimes when i think how much farther heaven ia than ohuroh and that there are no conveyances of any description i won der how some of ns aro going to get there and the sermon is eo longalwayb all these things are indeed to be regretted i wonld regret it rnoro sincerely my boy did i not know tbat you will often squeeze into a stuffed oar with a hundred oher men breathing an inconso of whiskey beer and tobacco hang on a strap by your eye lids for two miles and then pay fifty cents for tho privilege of sitting on a rough board in tbe broiling inn for two hours longer whilo id the intervals of tbo game a scratch band will blow discordant thunder out of a dozen mlsft horns right into your ears and oomo home to talk tho rest of the family into a state of anralparalysis about tho mandiest game ever plryed on thatgronnd ab my boy i yon bee what staying away from ohuroh doee it develops the habit of lyinp tboro isnt one man m a hundred who could go on the witpebb stand and rive under oath the same reasons for not going to churcb that ho gives to bis family every sunday morniog if yon dont think you ought to go you would not make any excuses for not going no maq apologizes for doing right yes too hot to go to church was the decided exclamation of mrs doolittle tho other flonday oh hat she went op town on monday to attend a fire ealo of goods and indeed the crowd was bo great and tho weather so hot tbat several ladies well nigh fainted before they oonld get relief but mrs doolittle crowded in and stood for two hours waiting to get a chance to buy two smoked op aoliod haudkerobiera at ten cents apiece which formerly were sold at fifteen cents- and indeed sbe came borne and mode threo calls upon her neighbors to tell them how cheap things are selling up at tho fire sale b j bnrdette acase- 1qnopano wao bliss one of the saddest incidents oonneoted with my services here in many years said an old county prison inspector was in connection with the bangtog of a murderer i believed at tho time of the execution and i still believe that he was insane when be committed the crime for which ho suffered death be wae supposed to be an un married man and uo one suspected tbat in reality ho had a legitimate child whose mother bad laied but a short period after its birth it was on the third day preced ing the execution that the prisoner sent for me i had been doing what i could to preparehim for the end and ho said he wanted to tell me a secret and ask a favor then bo revealed the fact that bo bad a daughter grown to womanhood tbat she did not know be was her father and that he would like to see her before he suffered tho penalty i an posed by law i argued with bim that it was better that she remain in ignorance of ber par- 6dtagerlqt4iepleahetj ao har that i mad a half promise that i would see her and havo her come to him i found the young woman at the address hegave ma a girl who was fair to look upon and of apparent y good eduoatlon my heart rovolted against the bhame that would bo hers if i told hor of her history and i came away without explaining the original intent of ray call i told the condemned man in bis oell right before the hanging of how i could not grant bis last request and though be oried bitterly for a tlmo be said before i left him that it was for the btbi- phila delphia inquirer a qfeat mistake many women become so engrossed with the caretot horns and ohildren as to forget the outbide world and they let their omld ron outgrow them and their husbands must find other counsellors and compan ions because they have failed to keep pace with them this is a great mistake and no woman should let ber life be so crowded tbat in it abe cau find no time for mental growth and improvement it is a duty sbe owes to herself and by spending even a few moments each day she can do something in the line of keeping up to date and tho result will more than repay the effort when hubband and ohildren oome to look upon tho mother as a household drudge a mere machine to minister to their wants her influence iagono and with it muoh of her opportunity for doing good froth ttrlan banner a prohibitive tariff a grizzled farmer down in mississippi went to a newspaper oftloe to bave a notice inserted about the death of a relative wbat air your charges be asked of tbe manager we charge two dollars an inch land sakca i aald the farmer ml cant afford that william he was six feet three ioeber- a correspondent at santiago draws a furrowing picture of some of tlio mtflorlos of war he aays ones preconceived ideas of war mako bloodshed and dashing bravory tlio moat conspicious aapeola of it tho aotual observer is struck rooro especially with the bard work and tho tilth of it a fow moments in the fighting on friday july 1 both at va caney flud sun juan wero all that tho imagination had piolurod in advance tbe charge up tho hill on tho breastworks and finally on the stono fort outside of va ganoy was thrilling as a bpqotaole and the taking of the sun juan fort after a terrible climb up tbo steep b eight in tho face of magazino guu flro was equally inspiring then too the artillery flro was eioitlng when the bhqtl struck squarely the wall aimed at or tbe sbarpnol burst over tbe enemys rifle pits dut beyond these the bitilee of friday saturday and ttanday morning were hard ly from the point ol the picturesque what one sbonld expect the soldiers scattered over the fields and through tbe underbrush firing when they caught sight of a mark and not knowing whether they hit their paan or not somehow did not aeora engaged la such a battle as one bad pictured from his reading doubtless the bmokeloss powder bad most to do with this robbing of warfare of its effectiveness as a mere picture tho uncleanlluess of it all has been ever nrefient however aud eupcaially after a lull of forty eight hours m tho fighting does it force itself on the attention equal ly prominent is tbe phyblcal labor and hardship imposed opon tbe soldier after all mere fighting is the least of his busi ness oven in tbo time of aotatl oompign- ing ho is cook laborer hospital uttendan t and road builder everything incidental ly he fires seventy flvo or ouo hundred cartridges on occasional days xerbape tho long marches through tbe rain nndnud from before dawn all day and nihttand most of the next day followed by anight of trenoh digging aro what the soldier finds of moet personal concern in tbie bueineos of war more sensitive uoe- trils are likely to cauls ono to dwell more especially on tbo attendant dirtand utencb it ia more than unpleasant even to thiok ol bow utterly destructive war is to that quality whioh the proverb ranks next to godlfnesb an opportunity may como for a soldier to wash a garment or a handker chief at tho side of a river but this is only when be is on soma dotachedfiervlc tbe terrible marches in tho tropioil buu have crxeed hundreds to throw away everything they are not actually wearing so as to lighten their burdens with only one shirt there is little obanoo to wash it and even it there were it would not btay clean long the roads are muddy beyond tbo nightmare of tbe good roada advooate tbo roads which were the centre of tbo bittln leading up to the san juan forllqoa tbna is a saturnalia of disorder and disgusting smello dead men and horaca aro in evidence at intervals many were allowed to fester in tbe wet and buq for fortyeight hours before being buritd even thoword burial is a misnomer in many tnstanoes perhapa all tho amen joins had some sort ofgravodug for them aud it is only spaniards and horbes that were merely oovered with earth it was thought apparently that tbe strewing of a foot of earth was a good enough service to do for an enemy or beast tho con se quences to tho living were overlooked hosides all thia a nam ber of tbe slain mast be scattered in tho tanglod woods yonr nostrils are therefore assailed with a succession of btenobea aa you go along kn that a of them co from hnman corpses intensities tbe over powering feeling of diiguat avs you approach tbo mound that dissem inates the odora your curiosity impels your to note whether tbo object below is a- man or a horse the shape of tbe heap tells which it is a leather shoe or tbe knee of a horsostiokiog out in some comer removes all possible doubt myriads of flies buzz about masse a of maggots writho audi orawl about where tho earth is shal lowest or where the decaying flesh ia entire ly uncovered overhead flocks of turkey buzzards are about horrible in tbe ideas thoy suggest bat instruments in tbo bands of an allwise nature that puts to shame intelligent mans horrible callousness in tho american lines the burials were sanitary spanish trenches served admirably for spanish graves there was a certain grim approp riateness in laying the corpboa in the rifle pits in or near whioh tbe men met their death the loose oarlh that bad been oast npvaaasilyhotelbrfacaconberbodlcs tboro was no further use for these rifle pits decaying food yields its contribution slekeuing if not so nauseating as the other in some spots boxes of spoiled bard tack bave been emptied out to fer ment and sour in the wot and heat soldiers have dropped tattle heaps of these and of bacon whioh they did not want to carry along muoh ol the beef served in rations has been in snob largo oans tbat a xnarx oan not eat half of it in one meal evidently there has beon at times a super abundance of rations the road is lined wltbbalf empty boxes of beof adding their efllnvia to the rest besides the heaps of spoiled food there tatenrsdtef articles which w6adiiiv6 been of value under other o iron instances cartridges for the springfield rifles lie in beaps thousands of them could be piokod np ab faat aa the volnnteors oan get a krafl jorgensen rifle that was the property of a wounded or dead man thoy tako it throwing their xtwn aside blankets shelter tents and ololhing of wounded or killed hava been cast away by tbe hundred thrifty onbans have gath ered the moat valuable of these bnt in tbe afaundanoe of the wreckage have left lots behind a marching army leaves a trail tbat is hard to aisooiats with nineteenth oantary olviliaatlon s s s easily overcome bpeaker reed wished to see a man on some pending legislation and telegraphed forblm to oome to washington tho man took the first train available but a wadhout on itta road made it impossible for tbo train to prooeed further toward its destination oolsff to a telegraph station be sent this deipatoh to the speaker washout on line oant oome when heed read the mes sage be sent back this reply buy a new shirt and oome auyway wcrl 81lr as good as sjs js 11 wh liam t 1t1i i know ii jrl a liandaonio lrl ieotnotltnoa tulnk tlio baudaotnout tbat it liuu boon my into to moot biioh qulok amlroajy with ujoat stioat stylish ladyllko uua irlgut bbo a educated and sbos witty my boart would bo hor own to night v oro olio as food as ulio is prutty hut i havo uqeu tl oso bcarlot llpa pisflfurod by o uauor of ucornlnj tjobo uauia swoot lips tbat bin hod at ina with bo much witchery tills uiorului lvoaoou tboin ourvo with proud disdain wbon had thoy worn a emtio ol pity i would havo lovod hor o 1 i wish sho waro as good aa sho in pretty aa a companion for my llfo 1 m buro i would uot aook auothor dut i havo noon bor toaa her hood and spoak unkindly to her mothor yot ono more swaot to liflr young friends you cannot find lu all tho olty and flboj would be niy hoarta delight waro sho as good as bbo ib pretty sho charmed mo so tho other night tbo fateful ytotan wore almost spoken until sho gosslpud of hor friends and thou ah wall tho oh arm was broken a lovor would ho most unwise to wod a vixen 0 tho pity i for sho would bo my boart s first ouoloo wore aho as good bb sho is protty success in farming j oxneiul kshentiaui thoroughness a love for the work adaptation to tha business constant e toady application good business ability and manageraout judgment and oare in marketing farm products a well equipped farm work shop good oare of all farm buildings good euro of nrm implements aqd machinery frequent and thorough cultivation especially in drought as to fertility economy of fertillxera and care in application saving of all liquids in e tables aud hog pan application of manures toon us posbiblo after made consideration of fertilising value ia feed purohased judicious uso of commercial fertilizers in nit uviu comfort aud health of aniraala secured by pure air puro water aaffioient exer cise abundance aud variety in feed shade and shelter from extremes of beat and cold and kind and gentlo treatment at all times care in selection and breeding of dairy oows cleauhneab in atabloand dairy room convenience of arrangement both iu barn and dairy room caro in aoleoting dairy implements and machinery a good aerator for milk a good churn operating by concutslon somo good power for churning is oalldhn ksm okchaiiu careful arrangement with reference to horse cultivation generous plantatious of all hardy small fruits careful preparation of soil boforo plant ing letel culturo of all hoed crops a proper use of mulch as a preventative againbt drought thorough and seasonable qbo of proper insecticides attention to pinning sod thinning of fruit and vegetables storing vegetables for winter use packed either in band damp moss or something that will retain thoir fresh noes flans laid in advanco and seeds secured before tbe season for active gardening operations iis t1ie 1jen ahpand den uotifle grit oleanhnoss ventilation warmth in winter variety in food abundant dost baths exeroiee for fowls constant supply of greon feed fresh water plenty at all times and it me in bome form for shell material freedom from vermin secured by portable nebt boxes often removed and cleaned tansy in nest boxes with lime sprinkled underneath low portable roosts removed each month and scorched with burning atraw and frequent whitewashing o whole lualdo of hen house in the ii0uk wife well willed wee ones wisely warned willing workers wisely wrought words well watched written wisdom well selected wrathful wrangling word a tabooed wrongs un resented wants well auppiod wotkwollplanned wastes woll guarded wood house well filled water well provided for wboleaomo woll cooked food for table worthy gueats warmly weloomed men and women repaired a machine that is constantly and in oeaiently working needs repairs at oertaiu intervals x the hnman frame worn by mental and physical toil and subjected to tbo worries and caros of our modern life has need of repairs and building up in tho hot sum mer weather nervous energy is at a low ebb and as a consequence nervous dobility terrible headaches dyspepsia and a run down constitution make life a burden for thousands taines celery compound is the great repairer and builder when weakness and slokness provail this great medicine ha the power of rapidly repairing tbe tissues and purifying the blood it bestows the proper nutriment to all tbe weakened tissues bringing strength and trae vigor thus averting breakdown and collapse thousands of lives are now fast wearing oat that oan be prolonged and made happy by the present uso of palnes celery oora pound its use today will save mouths of sioknees misery and suffer i ng take no substitute got only palnea tbe kind that cures in the united states regular army about u5 per cent aro foreigners in tbe navy 32 per cent of tbe ptttjttatfar and 48 per cent of tho beam en arot if you suffer from sores or if your nerves are wegfcjmilypar system run down you ihuald jtajjrhooas barsapirilla

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