Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 28, 1898, p. 4

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are your nerves weykp cont you sleep well pain in your back lack energy appetite poor digestion bad bolli or pimples these are sure signs of poisoning trom what poisons from polaons that are al ways found in constipated bowels if the contents cf tbe bowels are not removed from tho body each day as nature intended these poisonous substnncc3 are sure to bo eboorbed irto the blood al- vays causing suffering and frequently causing severe disease there is a common some cure 4- and natural movement of tbe bowels you will flndthatthe use of with the pllla will hasten recovery it cleanses the bipod trom all impurities and isa crest tonic to tbe nerves write lbdooio f onr vftdtaal mmltlnwt fau en l of the uott utmost pbraleuiu in st thovoltod sum tairttuscem i the bio mans toys jubi think of bvlntl ones own railroad and del ok oaea own engineer how delightful it null bo whenever yoa want to tike a train to juat step out and build j our own fire and when tbo steam is up step into onr own tender and atari oq stopping whet yoa like and whore jou like 1 and thu 1b juat what the marquis of lanbdowne ia able to do ue id very fond of engines and railroad and ho has had built an engine wliiob aan travel at tbe rate of forty miles an hoar tbe railroad is complete it baa switches and afguat boxes exaotly afl any railroad would although it 1b but a mile and a half in length the utile engine burns two hundred pounds of coal a day bealdos this engine and railroad the marquis has a model of a grenvt eastern railwi eng no five feet in length perfectly tilted up and tbjia rand through his conservatory a distance of a quarter of a mile you bard ly ever think of a big man having toys but yon bee men do play if they are bound men all their lives a fast bone ia to a good mad what a hwn tennis raoket is to a healthy boy it it a means of amuse mont and exerojse a good healtby man never forgets how to jilaiy when he gets unhealthy then lie does not value play tp know how to flay well good hutnured- ly to play fair la to be bound and healthy in body and on dislike th eir professions the almost an i venal dltsinohnatlon of parents to bring up their ohildren to the trades or professions tbey themselves follow would supgest a large number of workers in uncongenial fields yoa ask a dress maker if her daughter is likely to take to that line of work ma nine times out of ten she will answer ill rather see ber dead than slaving awsay her life as i do no maam she won aba a dressmaker if i can help it and the theatrical people usually say we keep tbe children away they seldom see a play we dont want tbem to take to tbe stage its too bard a life the doctor seldom encourage their sons towards pills and plasters bo it roes and i wonder if its because what you know seems hard and everything else seems easier because yoa dont know new york re corder he 3ttta fxtt ns thubbday july 28 1898 rje 3jottit0 lilttws kisdn bdoan coolddos if yoa woro tolling up a veary hill ioarjrjr a load beyond your atrpugtu to bear straining oachaorvo untiringly anditlll stumbling and losing foothold here and thoro and oaoh one passing by would do so muoh as give one upward lift and go their way would not tbo slight reiterated tonoh ot bolp and klndnrjis lighten all tbe day r if you wore breasting a keen wind which toaaod and balloted and chilled you as you strove till bafllod and bewildered quite you lost tbo power to see tbo vray aud aim and move andono if onlyfor amomenta apace clave you a abetter from tbe bitter blast would you not final it easier to face tho storm again when tbe brief rest was past tbero is no little and there la no muoh wo wolgu and meaaure and define in vain aloofe aword a light responsive touch can be tbo ministers of joy to pain a man can dlo of hunger wallod in gold a crnmb may quiolten hope to atrongor breath and ovory day we ritd or we withhold boino little thing wbloh tells for llfo or death qen grant as a laundryman it is not always aate to play a praotloal joke unless yon are thoroughly acquainted with yoor victim it i sometimes sadly true that the biter ia batten wo were gathered around a bright are in a cozy sitting room tbe colonel to oar great delight bad gone baok twenty four years to his tent at the base ot kenesaw mountain sad wa again as in those paisfc eventful years following tbe banner of sherman suddenly an odd thought flashed into- ihrlmrrtntnduowoto expression in a question colonel i safd i have read and beard a great doal about army life bat on odo point i was never ranch enlightened how was the washing done who did it for the soldiers a smile stole around the corners of tbe colonels rather stern month his black eyes twinkled usually the soldiers did it for them selves but i remember one oaie wbere gen orant did some warshing for a boldler everybody looked up la surprise maoh em wo had beard of general grants old army blouse and democratic ways among his men tbla idea of bts washing for a private was vary novel there was a chorus of questions and exclsmktlons was it really true t bid he wash for soldiers how did it happen tell as about it yoa said the colonel it is really true an3 it happened in this way it was daring oar advance upon corinth several soldiers vrere talking together one day a tall ungainly raw recruit stepped ap to tbem with a bundle ot soiled olothes in his hand do yon know where i can get tbls washing done be asked two of the group were praotloal jokers a bright thoqgbt flashed into tbelr heads and as the neijnal shows unfortunately foandexprewlotk i knbwi just go np there with your bundle point ing to the faeadqmrtan of general grant yoa will see a short stoat man describ ing tbo general who does washing take yoor bundle to him the reoroit thanked them and walked off in the direction indicated be gained entrance to headquarters and stood in tho generals presence what can i do for you said general grant i was direct ed here bv aoonplo bf soldiers tbey told bundle here general grant probably enjoyed the elt nation bat his imperturbable face did not relax he simply asked the question could you identify tboto men again yes sir very well yoa shall have the oh an oo taming to an orderly ha d i re o ted him to call a guard go with tbe recruit to where the jokers were standing ready to en joy his dliootnfuore and let him identify them take the men to the guardhouse i give tbem this mans handle of clothing and make them wash it thoroughly bee that the work is well done i the genoral was obeyed to tbe letter and no mojre bandies of smiled olothes came to goneralgranvn headquarters treantre trove the three famed blacks of the world ue diamond dye fast black for cotton and mixed goods and diamond dye tt black for bilk and feathers the remits that eaoh ot the blacks produce are marvellous and pleas ing yonr faded and dingy dresses jack ets oapes coats pants vests hoso eto that are now bo unless and repulsive look ing aan be made like new garments with the diamond dye bleaks yoar faded resty and dead looking silks and feathers ore made new creations by nalng diamond dye fash blook for silk and feathers do not be deceived by bulky package dyes adulterated with grease and other foreign substances insist upon yoor dealer giving yon the diamond dyes one paoket of which will dye as muoh as three paok ets of any other snake donts for the season bathing captain davis pallon oflloiul instructor ot n y state life saving corpi gives tho following advice aa to bathing dont go in bwimmitir if you are ti rod out bloyolc riding or with a long walk don t go out furlhor than a deptluteqoal to jour own htilit it you aro kipjjo to heart fatluro dont swim uwtty from the crowd if you are not enrtain you aro an adept bwimmor don t stay in tho water a minute aftor you have bocorao fatigued or obiltod don t let your fricndti dare you to swim muoh farther than jon havoawam before dont attempt to rescue another person from drowning unlesu you aro a good swim meryourself don t feel that yonr duty demands that yoa plunge in after every person who is liable to bo drowned remember that a drowning mau ivu lunatic generally and is liable to drag you to year own death unless yon aro capable nf floating with a heavy load under all olrcurabtancof dont plunge into the water to save a drowning person without first shouting for help dont loso your equilibrium bocaoso a fellow swimmer is in dsngor of drowning oonf mad heads oau le more drownings than inability to swim dont throw yourself into the water to resooe another if a rope or bout in wubin reasonable roach dont lose our courage or your bead if yoa happen to find jouraelt too far out to bwimbaok youraolf b imply turn on yoar baok plaoe your hands under your back pad dlo with your feet and above all breathe naturally dont yell at a man in danger of drowning tho best awimmor will drown if bubjeoted to any sadden fright dont get frightened if you havo a ornmp a cramp alwaj e comes in an armor a leg eo simply raise the cramped part oat of tho water float easily and rob tho o ramped part for a few moments when you will be all right again dont stand qrx the bank after a swim until yoa have had yonr self dried off with a towel dont fjo in swimming within three honre after oating don t puah another person into water with the foolish bat popular notion that yon oan thus teach him to swim the beat way is to let a person first get acoubtoraed to being in the wator gradually going a little deeper dont oome in front ot a drowning person to rescue him approach him from the rear and grasp him by both bleeps and the more he struggles the more aid does be unknowingly give yoa to help him ashore see that the facsimile signature or js ok the wrapper of iveey bottle of oattorla is put up la onetlie bottlos only it not sold la bulk dont allow anyone to sell n anything elis on the plea or promise that it jnstas good and will answer every pnr- ifrose m- bee tbat you got oast0 ei a no gripe whenyou take hoods pills tlioblg old fash ioned sugarcoated pills whloh tear yoa all to pieces on not in it willi hoods lusjr totako opportnnltlei ire tbo doors through tfhfoh men reaofat bqocosi if tbey do not shut tbelr eyes to them gastoria for infanta and children faru laus of 2 ilea st wtspysb the oommeroial traveler is the link which keeps tbe retailor and tbe wholesaler in touoh with eaoh other illflttlog boota and shoes cause corns hollo ways corn cure is tbe artlote to use get a bottle at onoo and cure your corns tidetsy to operate is true at foods pills which are ap to date in every respect safe certain and sure all druggists 25c ci nood co xxiwell mass the onlv pi lis to take vtijx itooda 8raanarin borne of these summer young men remarked miss cayenne pensively remind me of dresden china beoaune they are beautiful yes and they get broke eo eaeily i ip yoar ohildren are troubled with worms give them mother gravas worm exterminator safe sure and effectual try it and mark the improvement in yonr ohtld artificial teeth made of paper are furnished by the dentists of germany they are very comfortable retain their oolor are muoh lighter tuan china toetb and deoldedly low priced hollowaysoorn cnro ia a bpeotfio for the removal ot oorne and warts we havo never heard of ite failing to remove even the worst kind it is tho habit of arctic dogo to barrow under tho snow curl np into tho smallest posbiblo bulk and thus sleep summer compliant carries off thousands of ahildron every year mother your childs not safe nnlees yon have a bottlo ot dr fowlers ertra o of wild strawberry in tbo house it is always prompt and effective to oheok and core all bowol complaints modesty never shows up to good advan tage in tbe dark mtlburna sterling headaoho powders oure tbo worst headache in from flvo to twenty minutes and leave no bad after cffectb one powder 5 cents 8 powders 10o 10 powders 25o night thousand oarnerpigeons all woll- trained aro in use in tbo german army how thin you look i do yoa fiko to hear it if not take sootts emulsion twill fill out yoar sunken eyes hollow obeeka and thin hands why not have a plamp flgnre dont let disease steal a maroh on yoa nevertrntrtn in igtlotatioe ofbrtbing when by exerting yourself knowledge tboreof oan be acquired scotts emulsion is not a baby food but is a most excellent food for babies who are not well nourished a part of a teaspoonfql mixed in milk and given every three or four hours will give the most happy results the codliver oil with the hypophosphites added as in this palatable emulsion not only to feeds the child but also regulates its digestive functions ask yourdoctor about this 5x ant i oo all dmgbti scott doarvnta clwmhta tmrnin applicant i m afraid mem icanttake the place lady ot tho bouaa but tbe wages aro liberal and tbe work ia not hard applicant thats all right mem bat theres no place in tbe house to store me bicycle mr t j homes columbia ohio writes i have been afllfoted for some time with kidney and liver complaints and find parmoleea fills tho beat medioino for these diseases theno pills do not cause pain or griping and bhoald be ubod when a catbartlo is required tbey are gelatine coated and rolled in tho flour of lioortae to preserve their purity and givo them a pleasant agreeable taate s in co tho beginning ot tho present war lobsters bavo beoomo unaoooantably aoarco on tho atlantic coast fain of all kinds quiokly rolived by tbe nse of hagyarda yellow oil nothing to equal it for sprains bruises rheumatism btiff joints sore muscles eto ambition ib tho steam which seta the machinery otmanti energy going this is tho commencement season remarked tbe observant boarder at tbo breakfast tabic yes replied tbe crobb eyed boarder and the son is conferring degreob upon the thermometer nearly all tbe bread eaten by the cbineso ib first boiled and then hrowned by baking hagyarda qellow oil cures sprains braises sores wounds oats frostbites chilblains etloga of insectb barns scalds contaslonb eto price 25o dr lows worm syrnpirasafo sore and reliable worm espalier acts equally well on ohildren or admits be tare you get lows the smaller the bole a man gets into the loader be bowls now spt wo troubled was afflicted with that tired feeling and bad no appetite a friend advised me to try hoods baxuparlll wbloh i did and in a short time toy appetite was better and tbe tired feeling was gone slnoe then we alwaye take hoods when we need a blood parifiw mrs s kinob beatrice ontario travellers slould always carry with them a bottle of dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry hoods fllle are the only pills to take with hoods barsipmrllls be sate to ret hoods he is s moat foolish man who imagines ibidcorookod wajn in bnalnsss are tbe most dirot paths to sjocobm coagbs and ooldi ire always promptly oared by haryurds fsotoral bslsam ss srollink lliroali tears mskee the moal beautiful of rainbows one iiajuliver pill every night for thirty nikbls makes a complete ooro of billonsnesa nd oopatlpalion ihsl is jutt m oenii to lie oarid borne people an never so bappy ss when they are miserable anstrsllsn motion orop is a fsllore on aooonnt of drought prospects for good sboepjarlqes an rood bad ia grippe mr a niokeraon farmar dolton enriles last winter i hadiagripptaddltleft me with a severe pain id thsmaji of rpybek and bip that nsstl to caloh toejwheneyer i tied to ollmb sfsnee this lamled for aboii two months wbsn i bourht i- bottle pt ot jcbomm eoleotrio oil and osjed ii both internally and externally xoorting and evsnlbg for three days sir the sxpirstlon of wbloh time i was oorapltlaly enrsd tho ohango of fond and water to whloh those who travel nio subjcot ofton pro- daces an attack of dinirlima tvliicll is as flihctimforling as it may bo dangorons a bottle of dr powlora extract of wild strnwboiry in your grip is a gaarantoo pf safuty on tho first in dication of ornmps olio diairhooa or d5eontery n few douce will promptly eheok f urtlior advance of tlieso dibcases it is on old reli sbls remedy with over forty years of oures to us orodifr wboao merit is re oofjnised overywhero and one that the doo tors recommend in others bold by medioino dealers overywhero st sco a bottle xtifzp always insist on tho genuine as many of tho imitations are nighty dangorons constipation in the summer especially should the bowels be kept free so that no poisonous rrrtiteriil slnll remain in the sjstem to ferment and decay nnd infect the whole body no remedy has yet boon found equal to b b b for curing constipation even the most chronic and stub born cases leld to itb influence i cannot siy loo much in favor of burdock blood bitters as there is no remedy cquil to it for tho cure ofcon- stipaliou we always keep it in the hoiio ns a general f unily merdicine and would not bo without it mrs jacob mosher pictou landing k s b bb riot only cures constipation but is tho bent remedy m known for bilious- blipnook ncss dyspepsia sour stomach mmtt jaundice liver complaint kidney amsij diseaso and blood hiirpnra blood bitters yon may get onatomera into yoor storo by fooling them bot yoa asnnothold them by fooling them cholera and all summer complaints aro so qnick in their aotion that tbo oold band ot death is npon the viotlma before tbey are aware that danger ia near if attaoked do not delay in getting tbe proper medlorae try a dose of dr f kellogge dysentery cordial and yon will ret immediate rollef it note with wonderful rapidity and never fails to effeot a enre disordered kidneys perhaps theyre tho source of your hi health and you don t know it heres how you can tell ifouhavo back ache or lame back if you have puffineaa under the eyes or swelling of the eet if your urine contains sediment of any kind or is high colored and scanty if you have coatod tongue and nasty taste in the mouth if you have dizzy spells headaches bad dreams peel dull drowsy weak and nervous then you have kidney complaint tho sooner you start taking doans kidneypills the more quickly will your health return they ve cured thou sands of cases of kid ney troubledunngtha past year if you are a sufferer they can cure you hook that tells all about donns kidney pills sent free to any addrqss thctfaoau kidney pill co toronto ont tradrjmark john marshall of north keppel attempt ed euioido by takfng posion shooting himself and throwing himself in to a pond he was rescued and will recover there never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono romody for all ills to whiob flesh ie hoir tbo vory naturo of many cuiativea being such that were the germs of othor and differently boated diseases rooted in tho bye torn of the patient what would reliove one ill in torn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine wbon obtained in a sound unadulterated btato a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual jadloions use tbe frailaa toy atoms are led into con volesconao and strength by tho in flu onoo wbloh quinlde exerts on natures own restoratives it rolioves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chroma state ot morbid dcbpondeniand laok of interest in life 1b a diseaso and by tranquilizing the nerves dlspoeea to sound and refresh- ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making aotivlty a neoebsary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to tbe digestive organs wbloh naturally demand increased substance resnlt im- f proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto bavo given to the public their quinine wine at the nsaal rate and guaged by tbo opinion of scientists this wine approaohos nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists bo it tbe right leg of j h twire of inde pendence kanbts wbb amputated four years ago by snrgeoits a short time ago the surgeon took off his loft leg his a is soventytwo if youre ortssod with headaoho send for milbnrna sterling headacho powders thay stop it in a minute teo and twenty ave oents at all dealers in three years the expense of running an atlantic steamer exceeds the cost of construction childrens hlilnoys are often so weak that tlioy cannot retain their water dont scold or punish tbe little onea give them doana kidney fills and soon everything will be all right and the beds sweet and dry mrs naborly so your name is the same as your papas harry 7 harry yoam mrs naborly how do you know when your mamma calls who aha means harry ob she always calls mo kind of coaxing blenheim ont i have been suffering with iieart trouble and excessive nervonsnes ifnoo last spring and became completely debilllaed and weakened so tbat i thought was going to die milburns heart and nerve pills have completely cared me andu c innot bo too thankful for my recovery mrs jas grist blenheim ontario the grocers and botchers ot chicago are flgntfug the foe trust it hey lire able to create enough halloo they oaglifc to melt it sheep thrive beet in a pasture where moles are nuraoroas the moleholes serve to drain tho land dvipepiia and indigestion o w snow a oo syracuse n y writes pleaso soud us ten groia of pi iii we aro selling more ot barraoloou pjils thapany other pill we keep thoy bavo a great reputation for tbo euro of dspepiia and liver complaint mr obas a smith lindsay writes par melees pills are an excellent medlclue my sister has been troubled with severo headaoho bat these pills bavo cared ber a young girra sscape saved from being a nervous wreck by milburns heart and ne pil for tho innellt of canadian mothors who have daughters who aro woak polo run down or nervous mrs bolnngor 128 ridoan btrcot ottawa ontario modo tho following slstemont so that no ono need snffor through ignoranoo of tho right romody to- use my danghtor suffered very muoh from lioai t tronblos at timos ujlen she was so bad that sho could not the advantage ot gl1t1ng your hats and caps colored aud white shirts braces collars and cuffs and summer underwear 1 rom us is that quality la perfect prices arc rilit nnd everything as represented or your money back we make nice clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices lower than nny store in the trade for first cliss goods r e nelson merchant tailor and mens farnishcr guelph tf3lbphon6 10 mens open-faced- mckel cased tstatches pringle has them and they are so perfectly guaranteed that you run no risk of not getting a timekeeper prlpeab 7 12 14- 1 6 and 18 if bought from pringle ihey hae got to run right that s all there is about it h the beams and rafters ore to a building just what the staying is to shoreys readytowear clothes the inside of one of shorcysccats u here illus trated 1 y a dawinj made from a photograph the great advantage of a coat properly stajed is that it leeps its shape until it u worn out ard docs not look like an old garment after a few weeks wear an ordinary ready made garment may look well at i first but it is made to sell not to wear t shoreys riake ell have n guarantee card in the pocket shops and warerooms toot oi willow st eeoe calls atlendeid to 4 day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont i latest styles i experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniti of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i l orders left with j n- 8tin8on roclcwoofj vlll receive immediate attention ohoeoeeeeeooeeioiteie railway time tablb grand trunk railway aoirfo ttkht noimi 1 aht it ail i xnruib mail 10 02 a id i xircbfl z 21 p in i xi rotu 7 1 n in mull ml kit 0 win in loulim 0 lip iii 10 oj p in tiill or llokimj maill going w cbtd 40 a in and g go p ui going 1 aat 10 25 a m and 5 50 i m this tlrao tablo wont into tiflict on moiiduy may kith lmi brhntf0rd calvanized steel wind mills tornsi covflrcdooar bull bourses for power nnd pump- ing witiln- atent hollar ana maple leaf craihcrinders two sizes for any power no x has io inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates relie springs and shak feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use wo make patent roller and ball bear ing steel windmills of allkinds the finest in the market bes material lig h t e s running send for illustrated catalogue brhntfordcan john mcqueen agent for the nhove has changed his wire rooms tp building on w e smith property john street where may bo seen frost a wood binders jlnd mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in nty absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqucen latest and best designs of monum9nts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is tho only direct importer of mirble and g rani to west of loronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in tho dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite qttloo ana worksbamxltoits block wo 01 w2c3 and norfolk sts guqlph ont branoh works now hamburg oat main street planing mills acton ont john cameron madufsvcturcr of sash doors frames monldlu in all styles dressjno matching mud moulduto to ordor on abort notice will oe sorted a took on hand at rlrca torn tho time john cameron proprietor georgetown electric works t spbight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams vlpo and stoam flttlnn and oonoral repair loft uoig oqulppod with agia braslns maonine i im nraparou to do bracing on utoyelfl frames ac wboola couvortod from dtroot to tangent bpolcoj handlo liars bont to anr desirod angle full lino of spokos kopt in stook bauifaouon the buildings walks ind ornamenta tions of tho paris exhibition of 1000 will odt aooooooo speak hub had to sit and gasp for breath tino was so cxtromoly norvous that her limbs would fairly shake and tromblo frcqnontlyjsho would havo to icavo eohool and finally slis grew so woak that we woro muoh ularmod about lior health i gave her many remedies but thoy did not seem to do her nny good then i heard of milburns hoart and norvo fills and rot a box of them and thoy havo indeed workod wondors with her i can rooommond them very highly aa the boat remedy i ovor hoard of for oomnkinte similar to thoso from which my daughter snlforod milburns heart and norvo fillo novor fall to do good thoy ouro palpitation faintnesb dlzzinoso smotliei ing sensation woaknoss nervousness slooplogsnqnfl nnao mla fomalo troublob and general debility bold by all druggibta at 60o a box or throo hpxeq lor 135 t mllburn co toronto ontario otonthe ystein in iral rrjannar itife oqnatlpsf ft iilaoho bllous lbaour tom- mttl liver com- 2bo stflktta

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