Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv no c actozf ontabio thubsday august 4 1898 price three cents ije jutott jm fress ib ptjblishxo every thursday morning at the free press steam printing ofuco uilii btnpelt acton ont thumb of sobaomption ouo dollar per your ltrlctly in advanoe all subscrlptlona diacon- tlnuod when tbo tlmo for wbloh tboy havo boon paid iim expired tho dato to wnlob every subscription la paid is denoted on tho addrosa label astbirtibind ratss trauslbnt advortlae- ubdta 10 oonta por nonpareil lino for first ln- ortlon a oents por line for oaohsubsecjuent asertlpn i oohtbaot bate tho following tablo shows ur rates for tho insertion of advortlsementafar poolfled period space solnahoa toinobea blnobea llnob 1 1 xn o mo a mo imp t moo 8900 oo 3500 aom 1900 aooo 1100 700 800 3b0 soo 700 800 s00 100 advortuementa without peolfto directions will bo lniorud till forbid and charged aooord- ngly transient advertisements must be paid n advance advertisement will bo changed once etch month if desired for changes oftener than eftes a monlh the composition must bo paid lor at regulai rates ohangei for contract advertisements must be n the ofqoo by noon on tuesdays aoeoanti payable monthly h p moore fidi tor and proprietor business btoctnrp j medical p urkn m di o m office and residence corner mill frederlok streets acton- as elliott m d m b acton qniddate tobonto univeflsiti offloecornor mill and john strootf acton d r dryden etb ear thboat amp nobk jlolioana block douglas st near v o guelph office houbb 10 am to 1 pm and 8 to 0 pm scndatb10 am to 1 pm dental l bennett lds dentist m abobohtowlf ohtasi0 j p coghlan ddslds vw dentist work cabbrbiiv done paiges modebatb officb ovanbnowns dnua stobb hodbseveby dat fbom 9 to 6 j mbell dds lds i dentist bsooxvxujb honor gdadatb or tonowto university work made batiifactory prices uodorate visitinq datbmonday aftornoon camp- bollvillo tnesdaji acton ofllco clarks hotel friday hocltnrooa db gh cook dentist cor collogo bl and bpadlna avo tobonto will visit aoton on tha first and third satur days of oach month offioe mr adam cooks rosldouco main street legal m clean a mclean barristers bolloltors notarlos oontojncen so privatofunaito loan offloeitown hall aoton wm a molm jho a moliah a j mackinnon diiuiitmn soliciton contetikcbb oviloemul stroot in matthows blook upstairs r b mcleod p sumlbtkb bolicitob coicverahcen mftin stroot qeorgotown monoytoloanatlowestoarrontratol r j monabb clerk fourth division court county ol hal- on oonveysncer agent flro and life assuranco ileal estate agent money to joan etc ofmohporryman ulook aoton oni mzscbzjamco us henry gbibt oltiwi canada solicitor of pstouta for invention oto prepares appllcatlona for the canadian amor- loan and european patent offloes and for too uesiwatlon ol td mark bond for pam- phrol thirtytwo yoaro oiporlonoo tjlranois ntjnan bookdindeh wyndhambt qaeipb ontario wyd 6or wllllami store aoobunt book of all kind made to ordor perlodlcala of every deaorlntlon oaref ally boand buunrnaaslmnil promptlrdone m akbiage licenbes h p mo0be jprukn 6y muibuais licenses prlatoofflob no wltneuei required iuaod roildenoe in uie tvenlng free preu offloe acton tm hembtreet tjiownuratjcnohmm- or the oonotlee of wellington and helton ordera left at the pm pmaaa offloe aoton or at mrrealdenoe in aoton will be promptly att ended to pm redaoed to boo for iabm saijib alu money to loan on the mojitfayorabl urn and at tbs loweat rate ortntorat in nmofis00and pwarde vtolllinton mutnal flro insurance company bituiunxb 1m0 ih8uran0b on cub and mutual plan an j ooinmnnteatloni forwarded to my aaaroaj nor 698 or tolophono 06 will bo prompuy ot- l jolltl qoilnb aoton machine and bepair shops beney qbmdeijti proprietor anb well eqnlppto with all the maohlnorr neieiiary toemeote all repair o mtobln- rv andagrioultnnl implemenla and to do all kind of iteamnttloil borboelng and ginral blaokimithlng woodwork repair nerformod in a eatlifaotory mtnner wo can repair and maoblne or impkmant of any make baw gamming and filing dope acton saw mills and wood yards jhtutbs bfjoanlls mamurictunkn axd dbauid xh lumber lath bblnglwi wooable all kind of wood in atoek and promptly delivered to anypart of uie town at roaeonablo prleea v hardwooj oo alabi oat stove length sliraya on hand tlrrbono oommonlcatlop days bookstore hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a lojv price a large quantity of sponges athalf prices the store is full of sum rher reading the latest pub lished and all the old favorites tub traders bank of canada poetrn a hivdhlh man authorized capita 91000000 day sells cheap binding twine full stock best qualities and m lowest prices at norval geoegetown acton cuelph branch sums ot 91 and upwards received on deposit and highest onrrent rata ot interest paid or oompoanded halfyearly deposit beceipta ibbned for large bams deposited advances made to responsible farmers on their own oamesl j no oharfle made or collecting sales notes jfayablein guelpb a general banking baiineis tranoaoted af st jones manager robt noble latest and bost designs of in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction jhhamilton proprietor granite marble works cuelph is the only direct importer of mnrble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and beat imported stock in the dominion prices tor granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottico mud works majoltoirs block woolwjca and 2forfolk sts guelph ont branch works no w hamburg oat main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor mannfaotnror ol bstb doora frames moaldln in all itylea dressing matcnara ami movldina to order on abort notice t7nll assorted itook on band at trices torn ths times john cameron k proprietor sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont aufaorfseot capital 600000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease s6000 paid in maturity value ioooo money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to rj mcnabb agent aoton georgetown electric works t j speiobt proprietor manufacturer of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams bpokes handlojjars boncto any desired angle fall line of snokii kspt in stock batlstaouon guaranteed filoroln wnsnaeled in any color t j bfeight georgetown acton- liveby bus line tbounderslgnodrmpeotfollysolloltauiepatron age oftbepnbllo and infomia tbem tnat well equipped andstyllah blga oan si wsjs be beonrod at bis stables a oomforaable bns moots al trains betwoon am and 818 pm cardial attention siren to everyorder the want of oomuerelal travel lers follf snot john wjlliams faorauxtob ptt pt i h wbosroabont to isavo r vrxua p or mgb sebooi should notovbrlooktbesreatadvant- age of a nrsouoalooairsa of lnstruo- j lion at tfie quelbft- business college and shorthaufetititute btndenta rosy snlortrpy time summer bassloii ssril oommenee jnlfltbt tt write or otll if tntsretm clronlars free v j j bba9p principal will you spoil the appearance of your hall with a common cheaplooking linoleum or oilcloth dont come here english scotch and canadian linoleums and oilcloths a splendid range entrance wyndham st or if you prefer it st georges square j m bond co hardware guelph jid mckee drugs and stationerv acton ontario photographing interiors by fla8wiglit h bfujqbhaw you own photo artist who stays with you ihe year around has everything uptodae in the flash light photo line including a lehse vhich works at an angle of 93 degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos auch as groups in small rooms it can not be excelled leave your orders with me lor either interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work will have the best possible attention my prices are as low as those ol any reliable travellers h ramshaw acton photo artist wall get prices 1898 at waters the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed spring is here again cooper fc lins the tailors ana prepared for it with a very attractive stock of sprint 8ultlngs 8prlrfr overcoatings spring trouflerlnffb in all the latest goods oar workmanship is always satisfactory oar prices are always right we nave plates for the newest styles n bicycle suits and are bound to please the wheelmen call in and inspect our stock cooporakins main strut acton tailors it looms t mo joat loti o ua wue bom t ipend our davv an boti 0 mlddjin folki wliftt gets not muoh 0 blamo rpratie whon i wuu jost a little obap what oouldat talk t all it pears like i wui back f ike bout loarntob bowtorawl but thou ivo board my motuer lay w fattier hbd arroo at lota o other llttlo ebaps wvl lackarderthniiiio- n hon i tried t ln t wlk though no groat knack i ihowed tho nelghboxa lay i wintflo worao 4d balf tho oqob they hnowod i t nl whontoome tlayin tiling wtib sort o mtadlinqulck biat plloa o ohapttbat othor pttos ytentbeat mooleoa8llok n then at lait i went t aobool n larnod f read n ipoll boat balf th olait aoua bettora mo bout half done not bo well i rooolloot at one wbolo term my olabs jost numbered three t ono alas got lots bottor gradoa thoothor woraoo m0 twee jest tho flame bout boin sood tlio toaoberd brag on lomo k eooio bod hok ntll tboy wlabt tlioy didnt balf t ootae flo didnt lick ino very maob hepraliod mo loss perhaps 0 a ps i want morjg tbo orgorvnat nr modg tho nicest chaps k nilooo ivobon aerbwedup man x tboagh l balnt out no bwou 1 guoea at i bov alaa dono a kind o modert woll i nlat a man wbata vory poor nr one wbati got muoh wealth im tnodort happy modert good n blosood ith modert health n of ton when i atop n thiok 0 what my life baa boon i joit obnoludo at i was mado odoo tbosomlddlinmdn for aeoms t mo joat lots o db wua born t spend our days ab aort o middlln folks what goto kotmucb oblamorpralbo wleel w johnbton sthct jfamilu utabing e tirriqg cif tlarrroh ny mat v nitcn deflo bonoa shall rise arglut dose bones abalt rise arglol von know i know dcse bones shall why hopey yose not rwine to bkalo in dat rig for sho the eicger who bad been oroooing to herself over her work iu the back porob and turned her head at an spproaomng step dropped her hands limply white a look oc aba a zq meat borderiag on horror stole over ber placid black fefttnrea certainly i am pogy why not i oannot rido comfortably in anything else peggy bbook her head gloomily x ciqddo mibb jesblo she said i dutino nobo of de btyles norf bnt id feel mighty bad if colonel prestons mis imogen or mis pay eon smith meets yo on do road lookin like dat noaeoaeo peggy i 1 am perfectly will ing to meet the whole ooaotry at onoe and it ia not a question of style but i ques tion of comfort you must remember that she spoke indifferently bat she was con scious of a slight inward- nhlver fct the thought of tho geeeral disapproval her innovation of riding to the lohoolhodae on a bioyole might be met with ia view of the fact tlat it had begun at ber very door she was a trim weetiooking girl with pretty brown eyes a fresh color and soft brown hair of a sunny oeis thai was refleoted in her eyes emd ibe wore a modest darkbine frook that fitted her slight ago re well reaching joat to ber shoetops tan legginftindbh6osbk thedasa of the road and ft blue sailor hat to shield her face from the warm aogrist sun she wheeled the new bioyole the first tho only one in harmon oat into the yard and mo noting it easily ibe was off like a bird down the country road with the inn- light oatobing the bblnlng wheel and peggy watoblng her anxiously and matter- ing renewed hopes that she would not meet above all the oolonels family jessie tathill was a northern girl who for the year past had been employed by a dozen of tbo old families of hsrmod vir ginia to oonduot a small school for their children j3efore the war harmon had been a fiiy spot noted for its beanliful places amd hospitality but slnoe then it seemed to have fallen i sloop awaiting some royal tonoh to awaken it again jessie was distantly conneoted with the payionsmitbs one of these old families and so with that reoommendatlon and letters from several distlngnlshed northern ers vouching for her ospabiuty as a teaober she had secured the position wbloh the dosen families had found some diffi culty in oreeng upon flllipg spdahe bul soon won the confidence and love of the ohildren and the gratitude of their parenfi for her gentle influence upon them and for their progress her mornings were devot ed to the younger scholars and the alter- noon st9tq tort ng class of half a dosen boyi preparing for college she had bsen homo north for july and bad jost return ed how she had enjoyed that month of freedom among her old frlsnde in the dear little bone she bad grown op fn on the hudson which if it was small bad aooh a big view of river and misty hills and whioh she wai so loath to leave but that she would not atay and be a burden where there was not always enough and the position south was a very good one while she bad been gone she bad tried one day to ride a girl cousins bioyole and learned sjo quickly and enjoyed it so thor oughly shat her nnole who would have done more for her if the girls indepen dence would have let hlro presented ber with one for ber own use as a parting gift and now this morning she was riding it for the first time to the little sohoolhonse three miles away from where she lived finding it a great relief from harrylngaloug on foot s she had been obliged to do all the year before and yet with all the exhllar- tlon ot the exercise in the fresh morning air still dreading a little the orltloism tbis innovation might meet with for ai har mon was less wealthy than in the old time it wai proportionately nje formal and woe betide the injivfduaqiwd eapanlilly an ontslder who arcd to do anylhlog for wbloh he or she oould find no former ahin- ing sxample the oountry road was hard and smooth and in spite of her feats she was begtniildg to be quite- happy when aba beard the sound of a carriage coming behind her she glanced hurriedly baob peggys worst fears wore realized it was the oolouels wife both of whoae daughters known as the preston twine attended tbe school jeesie slowed up to let the carriage pass she oould easily have out stripped the lumbering farm horses draw ing it but she coneldered the moment was not favoroble for the display of her raoiog powers and efae emiled a oheery good- morniugi trying to appear ae unconcerned as possible hough her wheel was wobbling horribly from ber nervousness and it detracted from liersonao of dignity in the brief morpent of passing mrs preston regarded her with astonishment and favored her with a bow that wis blood ourdling id its frigidity the whirling dust from the horses feet otibked her foe an instant and then tho carriage turned into another road and she was alone onoe more in the sweet virginia wooded country feeling the soft air grateful to her barniog cheeks a number of the children were gathered about the door of the sohoolbouse waiting for her as usual and they greeted her rapturously it comforted her a little and- tho morning passed by pleasantly though there was a suppressed excitement noticeable among the children still that was to be expected j a twentytwo pound safely was an unheard ot event in harmon at recess they all delightedly examined it the boys in the afternoon were equally enthusiastic and before nigbtfall there was not a man woman or child in harmon that had not hoard ot the eohool- teachers wheel late the next afternoon when ebe had returned quite tired from ber work she was sitting out on tho veranda of the little house where she made her home talking with mrs hadyn with whom she livedv when a carriage drove into the yard its mrs preston said mrs hadyn hastily rialog ill just slip in and see if peggy has that cake done i will be back in a moment so jessie was left alone to meet the formidable censor of harmons social laws she assisted the lady carefully from ber carriage is it not a lovely day she said mrs hadyn will be here in a moment will yon come indoors or do you prefer the ver anda tho air is so lovely thank you said the lady i will not go in i just stopped by for a moment they seated themselves in the rockers on the porob and in tho bilenoe that fol lowed jesbie longed for mrs hadyna arrival i suppose i may as well tell you what i stopped about said miss imogen as raoet of tbe county called her thoogh she had been married for thirty yearb yes indeed raarmnred jeasie 0an i do anything for you i should bo like to no but i have been talking with sev eral of our friends abont your riding that that sly bicyole supplied miss jesbie an mrs preston did not seera able to bring herself even to pronounce tbo objcotlonable word yes mrs freston answered in a relieved voice and we think it is hardly ladylike so to speak my dear miss jessie for yon to use it going to yonr eohool dojiea or anywhere else iu faot holding the pos ition that yon do i would not do it for the world if i thought it undignified mrs frestoo jessie answered straightening her little figure and ceasing to rook now if it were a faorse said the lady it would be different tho women of the prestons the phillips and the payeon- bmlthshave always ridden but not one of them has ever been seen on a a bioyole jibntiyouseericsaunotafforda horse or to keep one if i bad it and my ucole gve me this wheel particularly to use in going to school for the walk is very long for me twice a day of course of couree but ono nonbt think of appearances a woman iontist always consider them and we decided that someone bad better speak to you and advise you to give it up if yon wibo to bold yonr present position in our soboot i dons think i shall give it up eald the girl slowly until i can see the harm in it the lady roso and just then mrs hadyn appeared with peggy hovering in the baokgronndi bearing a tray of tea and bakes but for onoo the oolonels lady did not wait to partake though she thanked mrs hadyn effoslvely and she left not altogether satisfied with the impression she had made the little aohoolteaober wsb so gentle that bitting on her did not seem to affect her at all sho was aa plaold and sweet afterward as before but it did affect her although she rede to eonool again the next day and when tho lessons were all over and she had dismissed the olaas she was tutoilng aha laid her sanoy brown head on the deakbefoi orled softly she waa afraid she would have to give it op after all she could not afford to throw away the position she held and ahe did not see any chance of convincing the soblal leader of harcoon that riding a bioyole was entirely com patible with her bohool dalies and the dignity other position it was one of the greatest pleasures and it seemed hard that from simple prejudice she would bo depriv ed of it of course it waa foolish to cry but she was vary tired as she sat there alone some one oame in th room a s thehtl teachers distress went softly up to ber it waa gary phillips one of the boys getting ready for college a tall sturdy fellow- of seventeen afraid of nothing always in some scrape but with- a big generous beart and unable to eee anyone in trouble without offering his help and symyathy come miss jesuit ho said standing a bit awkwardly beeijo ber wont you tell a fellow what is he maiur she looked up emiling ashamed of her tears i have got to give it up i goesb ahe said what do you rnoan your bioyole she nodded bar lips quivering a little she was scarcely snore than a child hefswlf what for v be asked i thought they had been badgering you a boo i it it f a shame then hho told blrn of the call see bad received and that it was particularly a question of losing her po it ion if she per- slsted in rdlng he stood angrily beside her knitting fall brows and drumming impatiently on tbe desk everybody la riding north men women and little ohildren and if someone else would only do it here they would not notice me the big fellow stood lost in thought seeming not to havo beard ber wordb but in reality thoy bad given him an idea suddenly bo burst out laughing misa jessie if you wiltgtve me that wheel for a month in ex oh an ge for my horse butterfly and bis keep i will promise to let yon have it back at the end of that time to ride undisturbed for the rebt of youe life aod if 1 fail to keep my promise yon can keep batterfiy vob bow good of you i but what areyoa going to do she said nevermind is it a bargain he put out his baud and they shook hands on it and gary carried the wheel off promising to sond butterfly around that night and that one of bis rnon ehond take oaro of him for her gary waa riding the bioyole well by tbo next day and the report had gotten about without any one seeming to have started it that he bad taken it- from mies jessie in exohange for his horse butterfly whioh most people thought very foolish though high soolety in harmon slept onoe more in ooubciqub satisfaction that the dignity of its educational institution had been preserved it was early one evening a day ortwo after gary had- had- the wheel that be suggested to his sister and several girl cousins who were taking tea there that they should try it as no one would see them at that hoar of course they were ready to do bo and they had so maob amusement out ot it and tbe girls were ao enthusiastic about it that the next night they camo over to try it again and the next and then every night taking turns at the condemned wheel and constantly growing more obarmed with it cary bad sent to new york for a mans bioyole and as one by one the girls became expert riders tbe fever grew even the preston twins oatohing it and mrs pres ton having been persuaded one evening to go over and bee them ride anxiously watohed not to see if they should appear with unruffled dignity but that they were as olever about it as the others so clever were they in faot that before tho evening was over she had promised that they should each have one of their own if gary would attend to the getting of them in this manner did caryd plan prosper and he would report progress to misa jessie every afternoon i shall nover be satisfied till i have the oolonels lady herself on a wheel he said roaring with laughter for the lady was very portly three weeks had passed when one after noon the twins bioyoles appoarcd at once they aent over for gary to come and inspect tbem and when ho arrived ho found the family all out in front of tho house trying tbem and diaoussing their rheritp t the twins raped around the circle of bard road that surrounded the lawn and then insisted upon cary trying tho wheels and raoing with them now mrs preston baid gary aa he dismounted you must try one dont be afraid no ono has ever dared to bay that a preston was afraid of anything eho answered proudly- bnt i am too btouv it would make yon thin if you would stlok to it he answered bo ybu really think so said the lady bioyoling was developing a new interest for her i have not any doubt of it at all just try it once around the oirole come now i promise you on my honor not to let you fall and with tho twins nrgtog too the coionelsiadyfinauyyieldedr there was the clatter of a horses hoofs p tbrjld and between the two long rows of trees that led to the bouse came a chest nut horse with tbe little trim figure seated on it sharply outlined against tho glow of tho setting bod tbe colonels lady intent upon keeping her balance though garys strong arm was about her heard nothing of it nntil the rider drew up in front of the door and sat immovable in amazoment aa the lady came puffing aroocd the other side of the oirole gary oast pne triumph ant look at tho rider nd jessie who had come to oa11 slipped lightly from the saddle while she was herself tying the horse under a troo mra preston bad also dismounted and very muoh flubbed oame forward to welcome her dont you like it said jessie is it not lovely oh i am so glad yob are riding now no one will care if i do and arent they beauties 1 ahe finished to the twins mr p preston regarded ber sharply but there waa only frank pleasure in the girls face and ahe made up her mind to graae- fnlly accept the situation and just then theobloneltiimbelf came6ut look out girls he raid if your mother takes to riding i reckon you will have trouble to keep np with ber they wanted jossio to try the not wheels but ahe said sho could not in her long habit so she admired the twins while they showed her how expert they were already thanks to gary and she too had a ohanoe to give him one gratefnl look when she was ready to go cary helped her moupt and whispered be thought he coald safely return her wheel in a day or two andthon with a happy heart she rode owardthe mil evening s the profit of warfare viotorious nations do not suffer financial loss there are many bioyoles today in har mon although the colonels lady has not ridden since that first time perhaps it is because gary has ceased to urge her to ride i really nover believed she would try it ho bald to jeasie tlio day he took her bioyole home to her bat i meant to do my best to make ber anil when yon oame olatlerlng into tbe yard that day and saw her on it i oould bave thrown my hat in the air only it i had let go aho wonld have fallen off i a splintered face why clara bsid tbe mother of a bright little miss nped three years arent you going to kiss rjipi good by iio will be gone a week i dont wike to tlbs him waatheroply toz hima dot epwlnters in hima face yon will pot know bow muoh good hoods saras par 11 la will do you until you try it buy a bottle today and be gin id take it por a time it was the disposition of tho oonqueror tq repay himself by any thtug that he oould lay bis hands upon in 1790 t bo pope was compelled to give up a hundred of bis moat precious pictures us the price of an armistice venice that same year surrendered her bronze horeo in repayment for tbo blessings of poape it was only when napoleon carried bis levies to the extent of filling tbo louvre with tho raaaterpieoeaof italian art that the world called a halt on this kind of indemnity now compensation is called for in money or- in tbe cession of desirable territory england affords the mobt illustrious example of what can be made by war she wrested canada from tbe french and british guiana from holland gibraltar the key to the mediterranean v took from spain british dominion throughout india is tho reanlt of conquest british foothold in south africa was secured by forcing a barrendsr of cape town after it bad been settled by tbo- dutch egypt waa invaded by war und it was tho bom bardment of alexandria that enabled england to work down the nile toward the heart of africa the britiuh west indies were acquired by war and in all ber vast poabesbions australia is the only one of any consequence that wsb secured by peaceable colonization after her brief and oucaided war with china japan demanded a money indemni ty that was three limes what she had expended ae shown by the report a of her own officials ab well as by ber war loans and bond issues in addition to this she demanded that the lisgotung peninsula apart of manchuria and the island of formosa be coded to bar as a result of negotiations there was a compromise whioh gave japan 9240000000 and formo sa as she had expended but little over 9100000000 it is apparent from this mon etary point of view that she made a splen did investment in whipping china half of the enormous indemnity has been paid and the remainder is being settled in aemi- aunual instalments japan has paid her war debt has a full treasury and cannot find in the markets of the world tho ships and other modern sooroes of national btrengtb that she is willing to buy at spot cash after her victory over france germany exacted the largest flora ever taken by a victor iu money she demanded a round billion doltara what fa even rnoro sur prising is the faot that this enormous bum baa been paid and without apparently impairing tbe prosperity of the french people in addition germany took alsace and lorraine easily worth another billion to say nothing of the humiliation inflicted by snob a loss france paid for the expansion of the gorman army and navy brought about the unification of the empire and paid mooh of tho money that is now in the emperora treasury there oould bo no more bitter irony of fate neither coatd there be a more telling illustration of the money to be mado by war when bufibla bottled with turkey attor their last war the government of the gsar received 9100000000 in money and carved the principalities of boumania bulgaria addservia put of turkish soil the mon ey has never been paid but failure to meet the obligationhas been worth far more to russia than the value of tbe debt because of the hold thus given her the black and caspian boss are hors for commerce she has advanced pasttarkoy crossed northern persia through the vast regions of central asia and is now at the very gates of china her territorial acquisition covering an enor mous area ndjiqwiarieyas3he war with greeoe is enabled to pay arrear- sges ot interest and a portion of tbe prin cipal due bubbis in bis settlements with greeoe the bultan received millions in money and an extenbion of turkeys fron tier to the southward he has learned the dangerous lesson that one war indem nity may be paid by another and that it is floanoial prudence to pick out a weak opponent a battleships destructive w a twelveinch rifle is tbirtyolght feet long with four feet external diameter at the breeoh and weighs fortheigbt tona its 850ponnd ahot driven by a 430pound charge ot brown prisnutio powder leaves the muaslowith a velocity oxceeding 1400 miles per hour and would reach a targot at its effective ranro of five and onehalf miles in twentytour beoonds while h would take the report of its disoharge twentyseven beoonds to traverse the same distance at a range ot a mile and one half this bbot would perforate nineteen inohns ot solid steel the 250pound projectile of the eigbtinoh rifle will penetrate a foot of armor at the range of one mile tho six fonrinob rapidfire guns within tbs superstructure eaoh delivors eight fortypound projeotiles in a minnte while tbe twsntysixpounders distributed over the vessel can be relied upon to clear an enemys decks or to dis able torpedo boats by maintaining a terrific hail of explosive shell capable of destroy ing any unarmored poaition the final offensive resources of tbe citadel are the four torpedotubes eaoh prepared to lannob automatic and dirigible destroyers aon- tainlng one hundred and fifty pounds of gnnootton the vitals of a battleship by richard leo fearnia the kfiautauquan for august farmers can make good roads john gilmer speed writing on how to have good country reads in the august ladle home journal proposes that in eaoh county there bo founded a boad im provement association whioh shall have a one or two days meeting in tbo autumn of each year to the membership and to the meetings alt the farmers should be iovited while all those in the county aoting as road overseers or road supervisors should be urged eipeoially to attend at these meetings speoial definite practical instruction should be given in maintaining and repairing dirt roads competent men to give auoh instruction oan bo secured without cost to suob soolotles for the government baa a competent boad com missioner to tell the people just exactly what they need aod bow to do tho work as it shoutd be done mr speed also orgoa that school children be interested in the work and taught the rudiments of road- building and road-keeping- the burden bearer o tbe buirogliir borrowful people o tbo sinful buftoriuu pooplo hoarta that aclio boar to that break hearts that algb boartu that cry forrollof o tbo loving gracious ejavjour o tbo loving sorrowful bnvlour how bo taught how ho nought iiow ho elghod how ho od for thu joat 0 tho bltiful suftorlng pooplq 0 the loving gracious saviour this their noatl this their dood him tboy sought thotn bo brouftbt tohiafold 0 tbe joyodb qlorlaod pootiio 0 eho gracorodoomodpqopla no mora tears no mora oars no moro crobb moroloss poacoatlaat i sue v boiitow kansas city mo wanted all the frills of course it didnt happen in chicago it happened in a town where they have fenders on tho fronts ot their trolley oars- fenders that are designed to pick np tbe inoautions pedestrian throw him np into the air two or three times and tbeu toss him over the platform ralliou of course they dont do that but that la what the agent always insists that they will do and some of them look as if tboy might any way the old fellow with the oarpelbag evidently thought bo he was standing in tbe middle of the track when the car came alougigolrig at a rate of a rnlle a minute or less and clanging its gong at a terrible rate but he didnt move consequently there was nothing for it but to put on tbe brakes or take obanoesof having to defend a suit for damages the oar slopped with in about two foot of him get out of tho way 1 yolled the motor- man come on oouairn ye i roarod book tho countryman get off the traok i bbouted tbe motor- mao angrily not much rotorted tbe countryman determinedly im waiting for ye why dont you come oo do you want to be killed demanded tbe conduotor coming to the front of the car to see what waa the matter no sirree returned the countryman i want to git aboard yer blamed car well oome on then baid the oonduc- tor indicatrug the stepat the side of the platform but tbe countryman only shook hia head ye oant work it that way ho asserted doggedly im down here to see the hull town an yo bet i want all tbo frills como on and hist me nowand bo quick about it hist you i exolaimed tho conduotor are you crazy no i aint was tho indignant reply bnt i reckon i know my business an can not be pnt upon by any dern street car man that lives ive heerd all about your luxurious way of dolo things in tho city an while i have money in my pocket im goin to have all i he frills and flxins there are ye jest como ahead with that there scoop and pick roe up and pat me aboard jest tbe way you do for swell oity folks or ill report ye to tho bose ding me if i dont tn another minute he waa lying in the wire netting yelling like a comanche whilo the car continued its journey still at the rate of a milo a minute or jobs chicago posu a word of comfort a wellknown clergyman gives borne pertinent instances of the nuexpeotod to bo mot with in preaching he says at my time of life i ought not to be stunned by anything but ono day after service a good woman of- my hock managed to take my breath away i was preaching about gods wisd in oariugf 677naflrodlaidthat 4be father knows best which of us growa better tn tbe aunligbt and which most have the shade you know you plant robca in the snn and holiotropes and geraniums too but it you wantfnsoiaa to grow you must keep- tbem in ashady nook r i hoped the sermon would bo a comfort ing one and after it was ovor a woman camo up to mo her face glowing witb a pleasure which wab evidently deep and true oh doctor i am so gladl for that ser mon j said she claeplug rny hand and shaking it warmly my heart warmed as i wondered what tender place i had touohod in her soul but my joy lasted for a moment only xtb stlo went on fervently i never knew before what was the matter with my fuohblas the interior wise children first small boy we got a new baby at our house game down from heaven last night second small boywe had one but it died and went to heaven first small boy bet ohcr its the same kid teacher what do wo learn from the story of sambon tommy with un pleasant results still manifest that it doesut pay to havo women folks cut a fellows hair teacher of coureo you understand tho difference between liking and loving pnpll yes marm 1 like my father and mother but i love pie aunt marys timely visit tbo othor evonlni aunt mary took i bo olcbtrlo cars and rode eastwsrd to tho hoaflo of her ufooe who a few woeks previ ously had joat commenced boasekoeplog witboat ooremony tho old lady entered the hoaso and found her nieco in tbo kitohen looking very dejeotcd aunt mary soon discolored that her nlcco had fiei to dyo an old orosm oporrt shawl a cardinal red witb some poor cheap dye tho result was certainly enough to test the patienoe and goodnoas of an angel a miserable mixed color half rod and brown was tho result of her labor aunt mary deeply symnsihized wilh nor borrorstrioken niece and advised her in ths fntnra to uso notblntf but tbo diamond dyci that had given her such statisaollon and profit for over twenty years the unsightly varie gated abwl was then washed in eoveral waters iu order to get rid of tbe horrid colon and waa then put into a bath ot diamond dye fast cardinal lied for wool it ta now a thing of joysnd bciuty moral to achieve success in home dyc- ng bo sure you use the diamond dyes

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