Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1898, p. 3

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che bank of hamilton hbadowioa hamilton capital all paid upl 1 250000 oo rsorvo fund 775000 oo total assets i 11 os 144 oo noarly tou miulowi ol dollars boaed op directors 0hn8toaut a q ramsay president vlcofroaulont ko iioacii john puoctou a t wood a 11 lhh toronto wu giuuon i tuunbull caautor h h steven anc caentor h m watson inanootor george agency a general banking business transacted notos of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ihe collection of sale noils and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 9x and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not spechl deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell aeont georgetown ont lis jetton fxtt vtss thursday august 4 1898 little lo b which caught the eyes or ears of free preaa ho porters this week the news at home m uf a luc a i o an evorv item interesting new wheat la now bem offered council meeting next monday evening harvest apples are uow in the market laoroese m bo popular garoo in town now there wore four runaways in town laat week- the people of guelph enjoed monday as their citq holiday do ibcfiiee piiebs a favor by banding in the damo of your visiting friend lawns and gardens have buffered con eider ably from the long continued d rough i fenny pontage will go into forco on wednesday nov oib the prince of wales birthday rev j g chejne of knox college will occupy the pulpit of knox church next habbatb mr robert johnston is improving bis reside nee on main street by the addition of another storey rev father feonessey of berlin celebrated mas in st josephs church last sunday morning the rmh of harvest is over and the fall wheat and considerable of tho eprlog grain are eafely housed rev mr loch of trinity college toroulo conducted the services in st albans chnrob last sunday a bloyclo party comprising a score of young people took a wheeling trip to georgetown on monday night no more plank sidewalks is the almost universal verdict of ratepayers give us the permanent pavements rev t w luxford will preach a special sermon on prohibition in tbe diaoipiea ohtiroh on sunday evening tbe financial district meeting of the guelph district will be hold at roqkwood methodise church on thursday 18lh august are yon a reader of the free library yon are welcome to the enjoyment of the privileges if you are a ratepayer or a resident of aoton mr nelson mcliaohlan has the distinction of having brought the first new wheat to aoton market sixty 11 vo cents was the price paid the triple tenement being constructed from a part of the old knox church is in tho hands o the p the exterio will be roughcasted tbe members of knox church sunday bohool enjoyed themselves to the full at their annual plo nio in mop be r sons grove on tuesday afternoon quarterly communion services will be bold in tbe methodist church next sunday love feast at the close of the morning service sacra meat in the evening tbe exterior of the clark house has been rendered very attractive lately the stone work h u been cleaned and re pointed and tbe woodwork painted throughout tbe new pavement will be opento the publio tomorrow or saturday the eontraotors stipulate that it be closed until the explrsvtlou of ten days after completion prospect park presents a very lively scene these evenings between base ball and laorof se prsoiices and bioyole riding tbe warm weather does not appear to be a deterrent contractor qripps is laying down tbe umber for another bark shed 50x200 feet for messrs beard more co ik will be located on tbe lot recently acquired from j a speight 4 co the foundation at tbe rear of the lot totfbichlli6old dwelling on tbe corner j mia and willow streets is to be removed is about completed the additions to tbe mafn building have been torn down arch motavuhs uifor shop is being repajnud and improved the premises wu- transformed in appearance with ufa improvimenu and tbv removal of tbe old verandi the new pavement did it messrs gibson millar it co of georgetowns live t store announce this week a great midsummer clearing sale in nrnf to nubs room for fall impgrtahona bargains are quoted in every department mr fete bayers of kaisagaweye ie to be congratulated upon hie success in ths breeding ol stock auitable for tbe old oonntry market be sold a fine borse last week for 200 which is to be shipped to england tbe oikville town oounoil has by a bylaw fixed the assessment of messrs marlatt a armstrongs tannery at the sum of 10000 for tbe term of ten years the firm contemplates large additions to tfaelr tannery premises several esteemed oitlxena in the east end who are successful poultry raisers have latey suffered considerable losses through thodepredstlons of hungry polecats- the fourtu otttheae odoriferous visitors was shot early on rooming laat week near a poultry yard on george street tbe street and walks committee is doing a work ibis cek wfaiah not only oltlzsng bal all who come to own by way of ttie second line south will appreciate the road bed is being heavily gravelled from a polo on jtalrview avenue over tbe hills to obarch street tie people sny widen mill street many citizens have expressed theraaelvoa favorable to tbe augobtion relative to tbe widenlug o mitt street from john to main street da riug the week tho columns of the iukk pnbsh are open to property owloru oud especially to those directly affected a general expression of opinion on tho subjeot is desirable julys beat and rrougbt tho moau temperature dnrlug july was higher than the average of 67 years though it did not cnnal that of july 1807 tbe rainfall was tho smallest on record except for 1qc8 and 1887 there waa only one day completely clouded the hottest day was the 20tb when the mean temperature was 78 47 there has beon no rain of any acaouut la aoton or vioinity since the 80th juno five weeks ago to day yeiterdaye showers however mark a now date for dry weather computations relatives of the xfetr governorgeacral one of tho oldest residents of gait is mr robert msnto tbe manager of the gait baseball glob is named mloto the new governorgeneral is lord uinto gait is in the fashionable swim this year gait reporter acton has residents who come nearer still to the governor general elect mr john 1 elliott is a deaoeudant from tho elliotts of the same sbiro in siotlttnd mr elliott anj his sou dr elliott have been the recipients of frequent congratula tions since the appointment of the governor- general was announced saturdays tacrobhe hatch a fast and exciting laorosso mat oh was played on the aoton grounds between tho aoton oreecents aud the gnelph victorias resulting man easy victory for tho cres cents score 8 goals to 3 considering that the boys had only four nights prac tice pre ions to the game they are to be congratulated on tbe splendid bowing made following are the names and posi tions of tbe 0 respects goal w bwaok- hamer point t mophinl cover point e stathaxn 1st defence j barry 2nd deface a smith 3rd defer w mur phy centre p mcpherson brd home g williams 2od bomoe ryder 1st homo r molntosb outside home w guroey inside home l willi a dob a crack jrural reiment the report of tbe inspector of infantry on lbs lor do rifles tbe sotb hal tori battalion gives the following figures showicg tbe relative ffioiflnoy of tie com panics no 1 capt mcdonald ioc 64 no 2 capt noble 00 76 no 8 capt moore 10171 no 4 capt seattle 118 66 no 5 capt galloway 12160 no g oapt langton 07 52 no 7 major pantoc 118 84 battalion drill byco g battalion figure of merit 184 12 remarks of inspeotor phyaiqco very good drill very good clothing etc good arms very good books very good dleoipline good general remarks a very good battalion almost up to strength of non commissioned officers and men though short in officers a very good spirit exists in this regiment the free library eightyeight members enrolled and t h hfe books taken out tbe regular monthly meeting of tho preo library board wan hoi 1 in tho library on monday evening members present j b puureon ohatr man rev j a molaohlao m a rov h a maopberaon thoa t fklooro john cameron aud ii p moore the mouthly report of the librarian was presented and proved comprebeublve and satisfactory it ehowod that during the month 88 members had been enrolled and 264 volumes had beon issued in tho following olabses history 51 biography 7 voyages and travels 25 science art 1 general literature 12 rnug ioue liters turo 12 poetry and tho drama 0 fiction 105 the receipts for tho mouth were catalogues and membership cards 810 05 fines 15 centb moved by thos t moore seconded by john cameron that tbe report of the librarian for july be accepted carried the committee on finance presented their acoond report and rocornmondetf piyment ol the following accounts a piir6wn ntaucmofy c t 60 supilv account account books fllos rubber stamp o 2 8 goorgo bynds clock stationary 5 co tho acton froo press printing 0 10 hid 05 moved by john c moron seconded by j a molaoblan that tho second report of the committee ou finance just read bo reeeived and adopted carried tho librarian and membership com mit tee referred to tbe faot bat there havo been a number of applications for enroll tnent by persons residing outside of the municipality and requested instructions as to the course of notion the board deemed it desirablo to pursuci after considerable disouaaion tho conclu clone of the board were looorparated in the following resolution moved by j a mclioblan seconded by john cameron that families residing outbide the municipality bo permitted to have tbe benefit of the library upon pa ment of 91 00 a year and that temporary non residents bo granted tho same pmil ege at the rate of 25 cents per quarter all non resident members being subject to tbe rales governing tho library can led the board then adjourned coming and going visitors toand frora aoton and varlousother per reevt al notes an oldtime concert in yo goode towne of burlington by ye lake yclept ontario on thursday july ye twenty eighth at an hour after sntiset an old time concert was holden in ye towne hall a goodly audience hid assembled for ye entertainment in ye preparing of which many of ye menne and wymonue of ye knox kirk quire did interest themselves mlghtilie with 30 result that ye qulro fund for ye purohaee of an organ waa exceed ldglio increased menno and wymenne from yo oity of hamilton were seen in large numbers in ye hall dr o l m harris bravely attired in knee breeches ruffled shirt and velvet coat did play ye accompaniments assisted by ye maids dotfglas greer and crosby all yesyngers were ii coetaroos of a centnrle agoue and made a brave sbowe hamilton times a fletoe harm fire a spark from a locomotive sol fire to a stubble field on mr hugh manns farm last wednesday and it took a score or two otcitiz2natobubdaotbeflames which threatened the farm bnlldlng 80 rapidly did tbe firs traverse the field that mr mann was obliged to drive his team away with all possible speed to avoid the flames word was sent to town and many willing workers harried to the scene with spades and other implement and reeve pearson had mr williams go out with his splnkling tank a boars bard work was necessary to overoome the flames a small quantity of wheat and 108 rods of fencing were destroyed mcr mann thinks if the fire had not been promptly discovered and attacked his standing grain and farm buildings would have been consumed the gtb will have a considerable contract forioolng ou mr mannj farm now a well xcnowa joaraut cbaagea htsutdm on monday 1st inbt messrs innjs ft davidson who have for over twenty five years controlled tho destinies of tbe guelph mercury retired from the baeinees having disposed of il to messrs molntosb and galbraitb in tho hands of tbe former proprietors tho meroury baa enjoyed a wide prestige and been regarded as one of the molt influential journals in the provlnoe messrs james innls and john a david son are both men of energy nd influence and to their personal efforts the success of the mercury is largely due their efforts were hot confined to personal interests however far they have both found time to serve in publio capacity io varioca chan nels mr innls served through several parliaments as a representative of his cons tit uenoy in the house of commons he is president of the dominion life assurance go and ocouples various posl tioqs of trust both mr innls and mr davidson have occupied tho honored position of president oe tbe canadian ff ms association thefornwiu 1u77 and the latter in 1886 they have in their business enterprises honorably earned a oompolenoo and all who know thorn unite in tbe hope that they will be spared many years to enjoy it messrs mcintosh and qalbraith are young men of energy and practical experience and are well qualified to succeed the gentlemen who retire an important advantage to them la ths faoi that they both have been connected with the mercury for years and are not strangers to the business nor to their constituents they take positions at tbe helm of tbe meroury with tbe inward consoiousnets that they have the know ledge necessary jto successfully govern it and enter upon their new duties with- the beak possibl wlsbos of ths community and all their confreres of tbe t fourth estate robert littles pupils sec ond reunion proposal to hold it in 1 90o and ereot a suitable monument to mark the revered teach ers resting place bunng tbe visit of bev c a cook of bloom field n 0 a couplo of weeks ago while spendlug an hour with the writer the conversation naturally driftod to tho old school days and the happy event consummated at tbe re uulnn of the pnpils of the late robort little held hero on the 14th july 1b04 the proposal to arrange for a similar gathering in 10o0 was dls oubsed and the desirability of making tbe resting placo of tho long departed teacher a part of the programme of proceedings was again referred to upon returning to bu home the matter evidently continued to bo a ourrent thought for by first mail monday tbe editor reeeited tho following letter which emphasizes the matter in a way wbioh will no doubt impress the old pupils with the desirability of putting it duty into effect first baptist church paraonago loomaold nj july sotb 1808 mr dear old fdied at tho dollrhtful- gatherlng in 1804 of old pupil b of aoton pobllo school of tbo days of tilt jato robert llttlo it was sugroatad that it would bo a qtudg tribute to tbo memory of our rovorod taachcr for us to ereot soma suitable monument to mark bla last resting placo lo falrvlow coniotory ah it was also proposcdto havo another ro- union of old pupils at somo futuro dato would it not bo well for the monument movement to bo formally inaugurated and carried on aotuatat tbo next rcunlon say in jooo tho dedication of tho mon nmont might be mado a special feature in the programme of oxorclsos it may bo said that thero la plenty of tiina yet but unoo flics very tspidly and as tbo circle of old pupils is so widely scattered the workr of securing tho practical 00- operation of all intorestod will take oonalderablo time and should bo ontorod upon soon i shall be heartily fjlad to do my sbaro and i know others wbo will i would suggest nthtrotortflftata committee ho organized in tbenearfatare and plans formed lor carrying out the suggestion which met with suah general approval four years ago wo bad a royal good time then and i havo no doubt wo may bavo quita as good a time again it would certainly ba a dollgbtful thing for old eohoolmatos to meet onoo mora and spend a day or two to gether with very kindott regards yonr oldjsoboolmate chaxlie coos on the occasion of tho visits of otbors of the old school mat oa from time to time tbe above suggestion has been discussed and the opinion invariably expressed that it waa a worthy suggestion and should be acted upon indeed in several oases sub soriptions bayo been proffered to this end tbe thought expressed by those referred to is that tbe effort should not contemplate anything ornate elaborato or costly in a monument but a plain shaft or block of granite suitably inscribed and of such a character as wonld accord with the well- remembered tastes of our departed friend and teacher tbe fans pheub will bo pleased to receive suggestions from any of tbo old pupils relative to the matter coming and goilnci- mr robort j gurney is spending a few days this week at hilleburg master clarence fernley of toronto is holidaying with acton relatives mr and mrs joseph tushmgbam and three children of toronto vlbited relatives in aoton during the week mr and mrs t h thompron of toronto spent a few days this week at tbe home of mr w p campboll mrs melvlna a mann and hazel left this week 0 visit relatives in niagara st catherines and new york state jhhvjobnm b is v themerohanlsand residents along mill and main streets have had more pleasure in doing business this summer than for yean contractor williams stress sprink ling has ttttn so well ptriprmedl that the duslfbas got ths asoeotfanoy at maf time ill as a result of an operation for growth in the nostrils guelph mercury mr john craig m p v of tbe fergus jveuu record whose life was despaired of last week is some better and able to sit up rev dr diokson of gait will sail for liverpool by tbe white star line this week he will be absent abont a montb president mills of tbe 0 a 0 guelph is at presont attending a mooting of the dominion educational association at halifax mr and mrs fred royce of hillsbnrg with master ernie and allan were guests at ths homo of mrs orr and mrs t j halsted last week mrs ales f smith has been very hi lately an operation was successfully performed on tuesday morning when a growth of some twenty years formation was removed from tbe right side mrs smith was fully as woll as eon lit ba expect ed yesterday tho faeb pnsbs invltoi all its readers to oon iributo to this column if you or your frlonds uro going away on a holiday trip or if you have frlunds visiting yon drop m oardto the fobs piuus mr holland ferryman is visiting friends at flesherton rev r b cook visited relatives at norval on saturday mr fred storey is spending a week or so at grimsby park mr tred ryder left last week for sarnia ou a holiday trip mrs aroh motavish is visiting at her father a home at seaforth mr charles ebbage was in toronto bevoral days the past week mr and mrs jarqos 6tsrk are visiting fr ends in the bootoh block mr charles oreilly ot montreal visit ed acton friends on tuesday miss lona mcqueen of gait is spending a week or so with ber ooaslns mrctaarlio moore of bob th amp too is bpondmg his holidays in aoton dr j r bryden of guelph spent tbe civic holiday with aotog relatives mtea lottie rae of toronto junction is visiting acton relatives aud friends miss mary watson of gaelph is a guest at the home of excoanoiltor denny mrs thomas hendersjon is removing wuhtber family to toronto this week miss mablo peer ot toronto has been a fiucat at tbe home of mr daniel smith rev father rennessey of berlin was the guest ibis week of rev father fesny mr and mrs robert boots and babe vieitcd friends at glenwihiams tbts week miss emma ahem of toronto is a guest at the home of mr john a mcgrsil mrs dr dryden and children have been guests at sunderland villa the past week mius nettle noble id spending a couple of wooka holidays with friends in brace- bridge mrs samuel laird baa been iauiog relatives atfnagrrfulb the past two wetka miss annit e ilalliday is visiting friendd and relatives m oakviue and vioinity misses ndtte and loio molachlan have been visiting relatives at both say the past week or so mrs m a christie- went to toronto last week to spend a week or eo with her sister in tbrft city mrs frank harris and daughter came up from toronto on saturday and remain ed several daje mr clancy and children of rochester are vlbiting her father mr james gibbons and other friends mias maggie h mtatthewa went to toronto on tuesiay to bpeud a few das with her sister there miss lilacs of newmirbet was the the guest last week of her slater mrs brown willow street mr and mrs c dimpsoy and daughters of st thomas have been gnosis of aoton relatives the past week misseb martha and emma noble are spending a week or so with friends in rock wood and bel wood rev h a macphersoa attended the funeral of the late rov j 0 smith d d at guelph last thursday mm finlay mccallam of sarnia was tbo guest laat week of ber sister mrs d henderson bower avenue mrs a n mowat ot winnipeg bae been tbe guest of mrs 0 b smith at fair view place the past fortnight mr powell of gaelpb was a gueal on monday at the home of bis daughter mrs t e m seoord bower avenue mr and mrs alfred soper left on saturday to spend a few weeks with friends in dowmanvllle and pickering rov h a macphereon left on wednes day to spend a couple of weeks on a holiday trip this week be is at grimsby park rev j e godden m a left last week on a holiday trip to oarleton place mrs godden and children wont down en tuesday miss edna millar arrived safely in winnipeg where abe was met by ber father and brothers she is how completely made and merit maintains tho confidence of the people in hoods sareaparllla if s medicine cures yon when sick if u makes wonderful cures every where then beyond all question that xnedlolnoposseeses merit advertising lstv that is just ths truth about hoods bar- saparills we know it possesses merit becausolt cures not onco or twice or a hundred times but in thousands end thousands of cases we know it cures absolutely permanently when nil others fall to do any good whatever wo repeat sarsaparilla is the best in fact tbe one true blood purifier j n cure nausea indlgestlonv noods vllls biliousness 25 cents w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont huesla bkolalitt of machine finished book papers and hioh grade wekkia news tho paper used in this journal is from the above mills wm babber bros 1tjbber stamps fob fine hubbor stamps pads ink oto write to goo curry co king 8t east toronto bf r vti fsl m firstcuss iv i llliv 6500 bicrcus given away free to willing workers who will help us advertlss and sell dr youna s kidney liver cure la their locillty tf peddling no experience or capital required work d urine your spare time chemical supply co picton ont 8clonce and piys when you are tju i lifted and able to toll the world what you have thit they should have we wish to impress only tho fact upon you that wc sell books wall paper window siiauls motldinls ltc just now probably you don 1 require any of the above when you do kind 1y bear in mind the name and address c l nelles thb iejncder cublph wall paper samples at j- d mckees aclon pays to buy at bolkrts it pays to buy at bolkrts the modern grocer being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modem in design with best principle of dry cool air cir culation beat in- aul atiotf and zinc lined why buy a nome made or poorly made a r tide when you can get an uptodate refrigerator for less money por prices and description send for catalogue knowles sam ft nott go limited brautford tor sale by john m bond co cuelph all this week black dress goods the black dress gooda department will have to suffer the bargain day cut price system all this week we have an exceptionally fine stock of black dress goods no old stuff all uptodate goods but the fact of the matter is the stock is a little too large and will have to be reduced before the fall goods commence to come in and dtjbing this week we will offer the following special lines lot 1st consisting of black brocades crcpo lfllcts regular pricl oc and coc for 36c lot and consisting of lllack wool henriettas 1 rench douclcb serges rnd 1 ahc broches regular price 75c for 49c lot 3rd consisting of wool qrctihos henriettas lustres and solicit regular price 90c and 9x 00 690 lot 4th consisting of bluk crepons and grenadines in silk and wool at 49 69c and 99c in the better and highclass goods the prices will be from 10 to 20 per cent less than the regular prices ladies this is a grand opportunity to buy a nice black dress for very little money is h bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyudliam street guelph bottled and beginning to f ml at borne mr george beardmoro returned from a trip to great briulo m monday and pent tneidy in eompanj with the other members of the firm inipcoting the worka here mifb jessie nioklin returned home on tuesday evening from hat three months visit at brandon man she was aoaom- panled home by mrs bobt nioklin and master karl mr n weber was in town last week be is now employed in qnebeo and took baek with him meisra- thoa campbell and thos riley who will work in a tannery in the anolent oity misses may and mand molaoblan of bothsay wheeled to aoton on taeeday and are the guest of their brother be 3 a molaoblan at ths motbodlst parsonage they will also take a trip to barllngton to visit dr molaoblan there binoe bev t albert moore assumed the pastorate of zion taberniolo the oongrega- tiona have greatly increased by unanimous consent of the offlolal board mr moore will enjoy holliaye for a few weeks with mrs moors he will leave on august sib tor a trip up the lakes visiting sunday bohools in algonoi and maniloulln island as representative of the sunday bohool assooiation of ontario hamilton tillies another car of land salt just in also one of lanu fl windsor and colemanebbl salt al i 05 1 bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 30c per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for i 00 buckwheat hungarian millet etc teed corn 43 to 45c a bushel summer specials arranged to meet present demand special offer ing during july dress stufjs 44 in serges in cream black and brown regular price 50c for 38c 40 m cashmere silk finest in pink light green and blue regular 50c special 40c iic light prints best make special 10c blouses all at reduced prices parasols a special collection of handsome styles all marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never was larger au fresh and at lowest prices qqmfqwil roll of honor three rjolo and one silver medal world a industrial and cotton centennial exposition new orleans 1881 and ltlj hiarlest awards hcttmu stts bmrt at atrkiuirc ij17 diploma alasaaa slihr arrkaltara saddjr st mootroacrr isu award taaiu viucy erfehlha crirabw ol ims hiarlest awards u lea apfcatoal sai mectaalcil aneculba u six miahest awards wsry tetaettse eistilllw ua ml htohest awards waters fair auaclallm laasea cloxfi i8m six qold medals mllalaler fair saa fraadip cat ills silver medal taraala camilla tofsala ciuaa lts above honors were received by tbe gurney co mill st acton ladies gfcold stat cites pringle has them beauties at 15 oo 1800 2000 2500 everyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security to you new goods lust been to toronto and bought a large stock of staple and fancy dry goods which you ought to see will be opened saturday also fresh groceries new cneese just opened a lot of toilet soaps old brown windsor may day castile and other soaps all very cheap c p gboodeye co hcton binder twine all kinds rrtom 6jc up to curb a cold in one take laaauvejdromo cjnlulo tablets jdroaauts refund tbo money 11 ic fails to cure day all geo j thorp sbbdstckn market bq and umdonnell bt oubuph you want the ett antftka ctieapeet mcmuileoa renchiks and settings com ifne these two qualities no others do hoj fencings at special low prices all other varieties cheap mcmollena are ihe only good nettings sold in carudsu they are unequalled for poultry ysvds trellis ft lawn fences ask your hardware fier- icliant for mcmullena goods if yem cannot buy of him write to the haiinfactanra at plcton onl or to the b grauxitia wtas co limited hamilton and montreal general agents james coorbu montreal oencrai agent for railway fendnjajs steel hotel and family ranges attnve style fa lly range is tofd only by our traitlfng sirtrnnen from our oun uugont at one unijonn price throughout cunatta old the united sta made of malleable iron and u roupht steet and wilt latt c ltt time ty property utca 345 384 sola to january lit 1897 wrought iron range co limited founded ism paidup capita l 1 000 000 kaltojdkk halekhthihh and i fkkhj 70 to 76 pearl street toronto omta bio canada washington avenue 19th to 20th streets st louis mo u sai western salesrooms and offices i5ib clonarm st denver cofcos s9 wo munul tcitire a 1 1 carry m comrlolo block r llolpl raitrt cflrvlnrt table filwim lablcn urollem urnn imttiiwnrnurw nnl nil tlicr kllclibii r wln and arv aole mumirutaunn orilic uneqmled homi comionr hotair stkel fultnacks or latm illustrated ctiauocuc anil prices wjllo or call at nny or u ir wilcarot ms a 1 1 july rsth 1898 wrought iron range co 70 pearl street toronto we the undersigned have been using a home comfort range 4 years and find it just as salesman represented a good baker and a great saver of fuel john v snelgrovo wm gitfen snellgrovo t s archdckin mayjicld t j horan mayfield john spiers may field jannett black scotch block james mcdowell limohonae w e wheeler milton mrs smith awrey osprjngo mrs d matheson conmgsby mrs w bingham conmgsby geo dodds alton mr warner bolfountmn john wiggins snelgrovo mary dnlnnii allrtn w o davidson alloa t s mason lisgar clins olaringo grand valley oliver torfect orangovillo jas- coopor orangeville mrb gb wallace nnsaagawoy a j b bonclior acton john may lisgar joseph justice lisgar win thonopbon ashgrove mrs swaikuaracr huttonvillc robt lostio glenwilliams john graham glenwilliams david p copelnnd georgetown kl your eyes how are they is it a pleasure for you to use them or an effort there is probably no reason why you should not see clearly and with pleasure spectacle fitting has made a great advance within the past few years and now you can be suited satisfactorily at remarkably low cost try our optician he is well qualified he is well equipped he has had much experience spectkcles rnp eveoi7sse3 or all descriptions scientifically fitild special attention to filling oculists prescriptions spec tacle repairing etc stgb co fifty years in business ji htc h vm k6rs hnd optici7ns guelptt ont

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