Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 4, 1898, p. 4

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good country roads th g seo o s in rn what does it do it causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active making thehalrsoft and glossy precisely as nature intended it cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of thp great causes 9f baldness it makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out 11 mots ml ft cures imess aycrs hair vigor will i surely makp hair cow on bald heads provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs it restores color to gray or white hair it docs not do this in a moment as will a hair dye but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darkercolor of youth takes its place would you like o copy of our book on the hair and scalp it is free- it ynu do nnt obtain nil thobenefltt f you oxpected from tliofiioot the meor wtlto tho doctor about ll mftkiur ft nil roadkeeping in to drain the road a and keep the roade drained by keep itift the ditohea open writes john gilmer speocl od flow to have good oouutry ramie in the august ladies ffopic journal tho old method waa to run a plow through the aide ditohea aria throw the disturbed eoil sod and all in the middle of the road there it would stay till a heavy rata came to wash this soil back into the ditches and all rhom up again it there waa money enough this eindof thing would be done ovor and over again aa often ae oar limes a year where there were wet bpota broken stone or gravel would be placed in the road and left for tho passing wagon to wear tola metkl into rati the m noj pprnt wua absolutely thrown away by the new process all the road mender needs to do is to provide ditches and out lets for them and ahape the road that the water falling in ft rainstorm will rap off at onpelnto ibeditohes the water must not be suffered to ran in the road but off the road tho rainfall being thus simply and effectively disposed of becomes a moat beneficial instead of a distrnotlve agent jt oleans and shapes and hardens the road way inetflad of washing it away and deepening the rats when there are wet places snoh as springs in the roadway gravel and broken stone will not oure snob things the water most be drained off underneath the roadway and into the ditches by means of pipe or blind drainb the whole thing is so simple that any one oan easily master the principles and pat the details into praotical operation a merchants shrewd scheme u- a flour merchant in imgtr lot tho etory got out that while ho was b looping over his flour bin a 1150 duuoond ring had blippod from hia tinker into tho flour iio appear od to ho greatly exercised over tho loss got a notioo in llio local paper but finally announced with a nigh thai ho would have to givo it up that the ring was in tho flour eomowhero that ho supposed it wouipv turn up m a naak of flour but hobad no idoa what ono woll you ought to have eeon tho boonvllmt guileless men had in tho flour tradt tor tho next wook ho had to hireoxtm help to fill eaoks out of that bin ooo man who never bought a sack from him before oumo and laid in a winter supply and tho btnooth merchant whistlod softly is he filled the aaoka and winked ins other eye gladstones adviceto young men- a doqs adventure thubsday augtj8t 4 1898 ffifc foung jfllha aunt zvc cookiss 0 baker yon haven t in all your shop a cookie fit to be tried for tho art of making tbem oamo to a itop when my aunt luolnda died 1 can boo her yet with her sleeves oprcuod as i watch her mix and knoad tho hour and eggs with their yolks of gold tbo butter and sugar just all theyll bold and spice thorn with caraway seed oh that caraway soed i i soe tho nook whoro it grow by the garden wall and just bolow is the utile brook with tho laughing waterfall boyond are tbo meadows swoet and fair and flocked with the sun and shade and all tho beauties of earth and air woro in thoso cookies so rich and rare my aunt iiuclnda made so add ono more to tho worlds boat arts for tho cookies you make are utd and thoy havent tho powor to stir onr ho arts that aunt luoindvfl had for i soo hor yot with sleeves oprolled and i watch hor mix and knead tbo hour and eggs with their yolks of sold tho butter and sugar just all theyll bold and splco thorn with caraway isod ii a w bulletin dorothys dog jack had a friend of bia in the garden for a romp the other day a lively little fox terrier named tlppie jaok and tipple were rolling on the grass barking lustily at each other they finally became so engrossed in tbefr play that they did not notice just where they were rolling to until suddenly with an awful howl tipple fell down an open cellar window tbia greatly surprised jaok and he stood at the open window peering down into the cellar with a very pnzzed expression on his face it bo happened that he saw a very funny sight below for right under the window were the stationary washtubb and in one of them the girl had been bluing the clothes into this poor tipple had tum bled and instantly bis nice white ooat waa changed to a wishy wasby bine the girl bad to go down fish him oat and givo him a rood wash jaok and tipple were soon romping away on the grass again but they were aaref at not to get too noar the cellar window be euro hat every ono of you had bis place and vocation on thlsearth and that it rests with himself to unci it da not believe thoso who too lightly say noth tag enooeeda like success lffort honebt manful humble effort succeeds by its reflected action especially in joutb better than success vrliloli indeed too easily and too early rained not seldom bervee like winning tho throw of tho dice to blind and stupefy get knowledge all you oan be thorough iu all yoa do and remember that though ignorance often may be innocont pretonemn la always despicable but you like men be strong and eieroiae your strength work onward and upward and may the blessing of the most high soothe your oaree clear your vision and crown your labors- witb reward what is castorla is dr samuel pitchers prescription for infants and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it is a harmless suustltuto for paregoric drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothers castorla destroys worms and allays feverlshness castorla prevents vomiting sour curdy cures diarrhoea and wind colic castorla relict cs toothing- troubles cures constipation and flatulency cawtorlft assimilates tlio food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is tho childrens ponaceathq mothers friend gems of irish literature ipiokedap two delicious literary ouri osities daring my stay in ireland the following notice was posted in a pleasure boat belonging to a steamship company on the sour the ohalrs in the oabin are for the ladies gentlemen are requested not to make use of tbem till the ladies aro pen ted the timet waa in the country was just after the visit of the duke and bucbosb of york i clipped the following deliolous advertisement from a kingstown paper james omahony wino and bpirit mer chant kingitowo baa etlll on iiib hands a small qaantltity of whiskey whfoh waa drank by the duke of york while in dublin x x in london spectator oastoria caatorf fa on excellent medicine for children mother have repeatedly told iiiq of its good effect upou their children ia o c osgood lowell afali oastoria castorla is so well adapted to children that i recommend it as superior to any pre scripuon known to nitf ii a aucuim m d brooklyn n k the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper thk bkiitaua cotlwo tt murmav bf ncct hewtnhltbttt the man who makes np his mind that he will retire from business when be has money enough keeps on working until bo dies beoaubo beuever has enough dr iiowa pleasant worm sjrop is the nicqbt and most effective remedy for worms of all kinds mover any trouble in getting tho children to take it when the honest physician balancing accounts i ulled upon to presoribe for a weak debilitated nervous and rundown man or woman in the hot weather he never hbsutes to recommend palnos celery kimpoond that extraordinary and popular medicine fait yean of truly astonishing work in life laviog baa drawn the attention of the beat medical men to fainee oelery compound tnd they have not been alow in reoosuising its powers and virtuea for the banishment of nervousness sleeplessness debility dyspepsia rheumatism and all diseases of the kidneys and liver are yoa seeking health are you sigh ing for freedom from disease and suffering it yoo are bio psinos oelery compound a modiolus that will give you prompt and oheerlng results after your long experiences of failures with other medicines elderly gentlemen seem to have penohant for youngerly ladies much in little is especially trns of roods fills for no medl cine ever contained so great ouruvo power in so small space thoy aro a whole medlolna ehest always ready al ways efficient always sat- isxactoryt prevent a cold or lover cure all liver ills sick headache jaundice constipation eto 380 tho only fllli to toko with hoods samparllla a thick bet ugly looking fellow waa seat ed on a benoh in the publlo park and boomed to be reading some writing on a shoot of paper whioh he held in bis hand you seem to be muoh interested in your writing 1 said yes ive been figuring my aooount with old aloohol to see how we stand and he comes out ahead i suppose i lkvorytime and ho has lied like sixty how did you come to have dealings with htm in the first place thats what ive been writing ton see he promised to make a man of me but ho made me a beast then be said he would brace me np but be has made me go staggering round and then threw me into a dltoh he said i must drink to bo social then be made me quarrel with my best friends and to be the laughingstock of my onomles he gave me a blaok eye and a broken nose then i drank for the good of my health he ruined the little i but and left me siek as a dog of course he said he would warm me up and i was soon nearly frozen to death ha laid ho would steady my nerves hot instead he gave me delirium tremens he said be would give me great strength and be mads mo helplesb to be sure ho promised me eonrsge then what followed then he made me a coward for i beat my sick wife and kicked my little oh lid he baid bo would brighten my wits bnt instead ho made me act like a fool and talk like an idiot he promised to make a gentleman of me but he has made me a tramp a sh ser tlin shortost sermon ever presobed was porbaps the sermon which ur whowell was fond ofropoaling from the text man is born into trouble aa the sparks fly upwards tho sermon oooupied barely a minute in delivery the following being a verbatim report 1 shnll divide this dlsnnnrsn intn thrnn fate oan tie a knot bnt only folly oan knit it that aohlng head oan be inatantly relieved by taking one of milburns sterl ing headache powders 1 powder so 8 for 10c 10 for 23c patriotism begins at homo but does not end there castoria for infante and children fksfs kstvy 3s she can yonr friend do any trioka with the bioyote he i should think eo ho succeeded in getting the one bo rides on oredit liver complaint i have great faith in bordook blood bitters for livor complaint and constipa tion aa it cored me i consider there is nothing equal to it mrs william john- sou balmoral men fire is a good thing in a merohant bat it is a bad thing in his store mother graves worm exterminator has the largest nlo of any similar piepart tion sold in canada it always gives satisfaotiod by restoring health to the little folks grumblingsrver onltivales business it koeps it from f rnotlfying sunday huntsman boasting hardly had i been hunting a quarter of an hoor when a dead hare lay at my feet doubting friend bo hareb over oommlt suicide some persons have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and havo to use groat precautions to avoid the disease cbango of water cooking and green fruit is sure to briug on an attaok to snoh persona we wonld reoommend dr jtd kellogge dysentery- cordial as being tho best modlolno in the market for all enramor complaints if a few drops aro taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced when a man is too bharp in business he dulls trade conosit is superior to small anvies and jsalousies a strong nation consists of strong men and healthy woman and health and strength depend upon pure rich blood which is given by hoods saraaparilla a nation whioh takes millions of bottles of hoods sarsap arllla every year is laying the foundation for health the wisdom of whioh will surely show itself in years to oome hoods pills are prompt efficient always reliable easy to take easy to operate 20o scrofuu my littles boy aged j j cars and is months was a victim of scrofula on the face winch all the doctors said was incurable to tell tho truth he was so bad that i could not bear to look at him at last i tried n bottlo of burdock blood bitters and before it was half used he was gaining and by tho time he had three bottles used he was completely cured i cannot say too much in rccom- mendition of fi bb to all who suffer as ho did joseph p labelle mam- wake p o i que there can be no question about it burdock blood bitters lias no equal for tho cure of sores and ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature through its powerful blood purifying proper ties it guts at the source of dis- nsinsastsasi ease and completely burdock eradcates u trom n l the system blood bitters what does it profit a man to bet an alarm clock to wako him at 4 p m if when tho thing gooa off be only smashes the olook to pleoes and goes to sleep again there never wab and never will ho a nmvoreal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh la heir the very nature ofmany cmatives boing suoh that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what would relieve ono ill in tnrn would aggravato the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadnlterated state n remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioious use the frailogtbjstem aro led into con valescenoe and strength by tho influence whioh quinine exerts on naturea own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic slate of morbid despondent and laok of interest in life is a dibeaso and by tranquilizlng the nerves dispobos to sound and refresh lng sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of tho blood wbiah being stimulated oourses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a neoeasary jesuit strengthening the frame and giving life to the dlgestivo organs whioh naturally demand inoroasod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to tho publlo their qninino wine at the usual rate and guagod by the opinion of boientistb this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in tho market all drnngists ee it man without a will like a cart without wheels makes no headway are tou losing flesh f then something is wrong to tho young it always meanb trouble it is a warning to any ono nnless they aro already too fat scotts emulsion obeolis this waste and brings np your weight again there are promises it is more honorablo to break than to keep tlio wheelmans friend heads 1 man s ingress luto the world 2 his progress through the world s bis ogress out of the world firstly his ingress into the world is nak ed and bare secondly his progress through the world is trouble and oaro thirdly his egress ont of the world is nobody knows where to oonolode if we live well hore wo shall live well there and i can tell jou no more if i preach a whole year hiqh lights ijtfe is si oraxyquiit arrangement in flesh and blood anxious mothers find dr lows worm syrnp tbs best medioine to expel wormv children like it worms dont hioks hello wloks stopping at hotel 7 wloks stopping 1 hot a bit it ever sines i got here ive been running around for somebody to look after my things babies havo more sense than grown poople they will refuse to kiss unpleasant parsons a boy is always eager to go to the grocery for any purotraso whioh ho oan nlbbleron tbo way home the man who truly loves a woman will sometimes give op tobaooo for three weeks after they are married no one oan ever be great all by bifaaelf somebody always pops op and tells what a good mother he bad when a girl tells a young man never to darken her doors again be sometimes finds her ont on tbs plana next evenlog chicago llieord i nature makes the cur after all now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out thingr get started in the wrong direction something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil with hypophos- phitc8 can do just this it strengthens the nerves feeds famished tissues and makes richblopd socaadtioot all toajgtes scott bowub cjwnwttco no bloyollst should bo without a bottle of hagjards yellow oil it takes out all stiffness and soreness of tho joints and mueolob itelfeves pain and takes down swelling in an instant 3so ouly single men know do you know how to manage a woman why of ooureo not im married dyspepia or indigestion is occasioned by the want ol aotion in the billiary dnots loss of vitality la the stomach to seoreto thegaslrlo jaioes without whioh digestion cannot go on also boing the principal oaute of hoadaohe parmelees vegetable pills taken before going to bed for a while never fail io give relief and effect a euro mr f w asbdonn ashdown ont writes t parmelees pills are taking tbo lead against ten other makes whioh i have in stock photographs are so cheap now that even peoplo of moderate meanb can afford not to havo tbem -tqmco-heartt- c5 ejviilburnsp nerve tjave yon been smok ing a good deal lately and fool an oooabional twingo of pain roundyourheart aro yon short of broath nerves unhinged sensa tionof pins and needles going through your arm and fingers bettor tnlto a box or two of milliumbheartand nerve fills andgetourcd boforo things bocomo too serious horns what mr john james of oalodonia out a salesman sboold havea good oharaotar aawell aa good goods hagyards yellow oil oures all pain in man or beast for sprains cuts broiaea oallous lumps swellings inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it is a bptoiqo brownleigh visiting friends in tbo mntry i dont often get suob a good snpper johnnie son of host neither do nansen is alleged to have made 1100000 out of his book on arotio exploration to say nothing about hia earnings from leo sympathy as well as money is often thrown away regular solloo of the bowels is necessary to health xiaiat liver pills aro the best oooaslonal oatharilo for family or general ate pries 9to any druggist fools are see nnlojue and blsarre so be olassifted tures exoellent reasons exist why dr thomas eolsctrio oil shonfd io used by persons troubled with affeotlons of tho throat or langs sores upon tbo skin rhenmatfo pain oorns bunions or external injuries tbs rossons are that it is speedy po and unobjeelional whether taken internally or applied outwardly merobantswbo have many prices loeo both oaste and ouatom a baptist hlnlater itev m p campbell tho highly esteem ed pastor of the baptist church essex ont says from my personal nse of deans pfdney pills i cansay they are rui exoellent remedy for all kidney troubles a brainless man is about as uaoless as a trainless railroad for tabic mid ualtv dnluratlodi never calces weakkmneys always cured by doans kidney pills mr i rattcrson croft st am- hera ng imikes ilm fol statement having- been trou bled for some time vfith distress ing backaches and weak kidneys i decided to try doans kidney pills they acted promptly and effectively in removing- the trouble with which i was afflicted and re stored me to my oldtime for n it is a pleasure for mo to recommend ihem to others doans kidney pills are the most effective remedy in the world for brights disease diabetes dropsy backache gravel sediment in the urine and nil kinds of kidney and urinary troubles price 50c a box or 3 boxes for 135 the doan rhdnisypllicot toronfot ont remember the name doans and refuse all others to say about thorn i havo had borious ho art trouble for four yoars cansod by ozccselvo ceo of tobacco at timoa my honrt would boat very rapidly and then scorned to scop boating only to ooramoncc again with unnatural rapidity this unhealthy aotion of my heart cansod shortness o hreath weakness and debility i tried many medioinob and bpent a groat deal of nonoy but oonld not get any help liast november howovor i read of a man afflioted liko myself being cured by milburns honrt and nervo pills i wont to ropers drug storo and bought a box when i hod finished taking it i was so much bettor i bought another box and this completed tlio cure aly heart has notbothored mo elnco and i strongly rooommond all sufforors from heart and norve tronblo oahsoil by oxcessivo use of tobacco to givo milbnms hoart and nerve pills a fair and fntthfol trial prioo suo a box or 8 boxes for 125 all druggists tmilhnrn a co toronto ont laxauvbr pills cure constipation biliousness sod dyipcpjhl price 2ac an ounce of practice is worth a pound of theory dont neglect that nasty eongh dr woods norway pine syrup can cote it best cough remedy made sfto all dealers some men overwork themselves trying to live wltfaonl work wbon a slangy dude says i dont think i every ono bolioves him oat of sorts symptoms hoadacho loss of appetite furred tongno and goneral indisposition thoso symptoms if negleot- ed- develop into acute disease ii is a trite saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of oaro and a little attention at this point may save months of eiokness and large dootors bills for this oomplaint take from two to throe of parmelees vegetable pills on going to bed and one or two for throe nlgbts in bnooes alou aud a oure will bo effcoted tlie riglit house cover king and hurxlison sts hamilton special july purchases lot no 1 2000 yards of fancy blouse and dress silks purchased at about half the regular value fine quality bright finish 14 designs regular value 75c to 85c special price 55c lot no 2 ladies blouses 35 dozen new up-to- date made of fine plaid muslin detachable collars regular price 125 special price 72c lot no 3 22 dozen new up to date blouses fine plaid percal detachable collars regular price 125 special 85 cents special july reductions 17 only colored fancy pattern dresses this seasons goods regular value 7 to 5to clearing at 350 each 10 only french pattern dresses very stylish design regular price iq to 14 clearing at 5 each 8 only white swiss robes and skirts extra quality new designs very stylish skirts made in one piece hemstitched and insertion trimmings 1 each regular price 650 for 500 850 for 650 1000 for 800 1200 for 900 1350 for 1050 millinery childrens sailor hats in straw regular 25c for 15c regular 35c for 20c 75c for 35c 125 for 75c ladies straw sailors regular 25c for lie regular 50c for 25c regular 65c for 40c regular roo for 50c leghorn hats regular 125 for 50c 175 for 100 samples on application purchases of 5 and over pre paid to your nearest railway station in ontario railway time tablb thomas c watkins maua strong healthy boys bouid never tw pat lata weak illfitting clothes bad for tie toys bad for tie clothes bad for the pocketbook qli amwe i made in rlmost as many sizes and f ivi c d proportions as boj s are and though ready to wear are stylish smart and iiptcdate they are made for boyish boys for ulothinu good hard wear and will last until the boy g for boyss e out or them i shoreys do not ask people to buy at one particular shop that s3stem makes the garments cost more every good dealer sells shoreys ready to wear clothing and guarantees it to give satisfaction you mill find the guarantee card ii the rocket crand trunk railway ooina ufht aolho east mali 1 10 2 bin i fxprcbb 0 an a in rxprois sqlliui i xprefil 10 w a m mail 7 10 1 111 mull g 14 p iii i mliod 10 1 i in tuii of clou11 mails going wont 0 40 a m and 0 co l in qoiur east 10 2j a in anil g 0 1 dl tbls tltno tablo wont into cflcct on monday may 10th 1898 bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you shy6rs lumber planing mills nassaeaweya p ayeks proprietor jttas constantly on hand a full line of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jeto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done io the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customer s pocket p sayers an attractive pair an attractive pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any oneman woman or cfiild we keep the stylishkind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usige may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all stvles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those piid in the general stores whare tnde 3 taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty yeirs of pnetical exper ience we arc able to select better goods and at better adantage than dealers who handle every thing saleib0 custom work and repaihing gives prompt attenxio kenney bros main 8treet acton dminiot bjo anj sislora os0000o shops and warsrooms foot of willow st cal3 attendeld to day or night j a speight co undertakers and embalmers actojqrit latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges p r jj of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j ft 8tin8on rockwootj will receive immediate attention 1 iiii to merchants and business men generally the cjrsr free pgress is rehd by the peope who buy the people who have money to buy bythe peoplo who pay cash for their purchases by tho people who make desirable cus tomcrs by the people whom the advertiser is in qucstof iy mo people who know a good thin when they seo it by more people in acton and vicinity inan are reached by nny other paper circu lating iu ihe district by everybody who wants good fresh crisp spicy local nows ind reading matter by the people who are possessed of en erprlao who are progressive and who believo in a bright original progressive iocnl newspaper that fieeps its constituency and its interests to the front brhntford calvamzed steel wind mils and towers jror p0wi and pump- tng vrith in temaj covered ooat patent holler ana bmll benrings maple leaf inlqrinders two sites for any power no i has 10 inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball be ari ng b u rr jatc3 rail springs and aha it- feed grind fine and fast with least povier always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of allklnds the finest in the market besi material light es running send for illustrated catalogue ivilji brantforoxam john mcqueen agent far the above has changed hia ware rooms to building on w 1 smiths property john street where may be seen fjtosta wood binders amd mowxrs and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john wcqueen yes said tbe veteran mind roader i can read a womans mind bat dont pretend to be sblo to understand l dluy snelli and leellngs of falntneailliat oome over you are only nature reminding you of the vreak condition of yonr heart milburns heart and nerve fills make the heart strong then all feelings of fslntnoss dls- sppcar it if possible of course is get too muoh of a good thing bnt most ol u seldom do that is why the free press- should receive your advertisement

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