Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv 3stq 0 acton ontario thuesday august i j 1898 peice threoil cents win ctoit jfm press tus-etijilibiicd- every thursday morning at the free prthasteai i lrintlng oillt e viili stitdet acton on rphithofsuuaoimxioj ono dollar per year atrlotlyin advauco all h ibacrintioub diacon tlnuoil whuu tho tluio for winch tboy liavo boon paid has oxplrol iijo dato to which oytiry aubsoription 1b paid la do noted on tho add reus label advelitibina ltateb trans on t advortieo inonfa 10 conts or nonpareil lino for first in ortlan 8 oontb or lino for each subaoquont aoortion conhaot ilatma tiio olio wine tablo ahows ur ratos for tho ineortloii of udvortisoinouts tor bpoolflod porlodb tl yit i smq j mo tl mo days bookstore hammocks 2 1 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity of sponges at half price tub traders bank of jjoetrij uncte sast to think about it be was drutful uneasy in his sleep last night turned an tossed at muttered authorized capita 1000000 boldohos 8 so to 33 00 20 00 7 00 10 inohos s3 20 00 13 00 800 0 lnataes 2000 12 00 700 cm i inch 00o 960 300 100 advertlsomontfl without bpoclflo dlrootions mil bo loborud till forbid and ahargod aocord ngly translont advertisements must bo paid n ad van 00 advertisements will bo ohongod onao each month if doalrod for chanfioo oftonor than enoe a month tho composition must bo paid for at rogulai rateb ohangob for contract alrertisomobtb must bo n tbo oifloo by noon on tuesdays accounta payablo moxillil y h p mo 0kb editor and proprlotor the store mer reading- hshed and favorites is full of sum- the latest pub- all the old day sells cheap susiptss director binding j r tjrln m d o m ohloo and rosldonco corner mill a- pradorlck btroota aoton as elliott ie d m b aoton giuddate toronto tjnrvensmr otfioecornor mill and john strootp aoton d r dryden eye eau throat and no be moloan a block douglas bt near p o queiiph office houns 10 am to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p m sdndath 10 am to 1 p in full stock best qualities and lowest prices at n0rval georgetown acton l bennett x d b dentist ft obobobtown omta2uo jp coghlav e d s l d s dentist work carefully dose phioes uodkiute of ice o an imow n s dnoo btoue hocnbelity diypiki9to 8 r jm bell dds ld8 dentist brooetviijb honob gltidtjatb of toohto university work modo satisfactory prlcob modorato visiting dats monc3ay afternoon camp bollvillo tuesday acton office clark b hotel friday ltockwoou robt noblef latest and best designs of 7vonu7vtnts in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction d ugh cook dentist cor collogost aadbiiadlna avo toronto will visit acton outhu first and third satur days of each month office mr adam cook a roaidonoo main stroot m olean mcldan buriiton solicitors nomrlob coavoyancors lo prlvatofandstoloan oflloo town ball aoton wh a molkan jno a molkah a j mackinnon baiuubteil bolicitok convetanceb ofiick mill stroot in matthowb blook upstairs jb mcleod llaluuhtkn 80licxtm conveyahcer main stroot georgetown monor toloiu otlowoit currontratos r j monabb glork fourth division court county of hal on coovoyancor agont firo and life abburanco uoal lbtoto agont money to loan oto offjlok 1 orryman sblock aoton ont miscellaxbous h enby grist ottawa cahaoa solicitor of patonta for invontion oto proparoa applications for tue canadian amor lean aud european latent ofheos and for tlio itogutratlon of lrado atarka bond for pam phlot thirty two yoara oxporionco f ranoib ndnak do0kdindeii wyndhambt oaolph ontario ovor wllllami store aooount booka of all icindb mado to ordor periodicals of oyorydobcriptloucarofullydonnd rullncnoatltfnil promptivdono m akuiaok licenses if p moore ipsitfji of mannuau iiicfnbeb prlvata offlos ko wltnmioa roqulrod isaaod rosidonco in tbo ovonlag froo vrbna otqoo acton w rax hemstrebt llcensbd aucnokxbb or tho ooqntlob of wellington and halton ordoraloflatthopnbb ljasso offloo aoton or atmyroaldonooin aoton mill bo promptly at- ondod to fees rodnood to sb oo fob 7ab1c sales aibo money to loan on trso moet favorable inns and at the lowest noes of interoot in biima of n00 and pvardff waulngton mutual fire insurance company bstasusnn i81o insurance on oasli and mntnal plan any communications forwarded to tny address n inn nr mlnphnni fin lll be nrompuv at- johm tattlob agent ouelph aoton machine and repair shops nnmlyonindkcx proprietor j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works guelph is the only direct importer of mnrble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come nnd see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or am en can granite ottlcq and workshamiltoits bz0ck woolwich and norrolksts cuslph ont branch worksnew hamburg oat main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufaoturor of saab doors frames olouldln in alt btyloa and moulding to ordjir on bhort notloo will assorted stook on band at rilec s lo bu tho times john cameron proprietor sun savings and loan co heap office toronto ont authorised capital 5000000 oo ten year maturity shares arc paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 96000 paid in maturity alue dioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton georgetown electric works tj 8pjmqbt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams and general itenlr rgabbraldbmacliino i am propirotl to do breing on bloyole frame so wboolb converted from dlroot to tngant rpokob handle ham bont to any deilred atmlo full lluo olspokci kept in atook 8ttufmuon guarontood jjlcyolob onmoled in aur color t j speioht george to to npoaddbtoaiu flttinc ing uolugoquippod wltt cuelph branch suma of 91 and upwards received on depobit and higlioat oarrent rate of interest paid or ooatpounded half yearly deposit receipts leaded for large earoa deposited advaocoa rondo to respoaaiblo farmofe on thoirown names no ohftrfio made far collecting sales notes if payable in guolph a general banbidr business transacted a f jt jones jldandger twine japanese floor mattings are clean and cool for summer floor covering if put down over your carpets they are a perfect protection from the hard summer wear if used in bedroom or hall they are the most satisfactory healthful and inexpensive floor coverings to be had weve good quality pieces from 25c to 40c a yard j m bond co hardware cuelph j d mckee drugs and stationery acton ontario an attractive pair -actqm- livert aiib well onnlppod wltb all tho maohlnory nocobbary to oxoluto at repairs to maoliln ory and agricultural implements and to do all klndaof btaam fltttnfi liorelbooingandgonoral blackamt thing woodwork repair porforraod in a iat ii factory nianuer wo oan repair and maohlno or itnplomont of any mako saw oumtnink and qiiur dono acton saw mills and wood yards jhmbs brojivcn uakotictuneft akztnieilsbn ih ittxmher znth shlnha wood mto all klndi of wood id atook and promptly delivered to anyparfc ot tuotownat roosonublo prices hardwoovlftiiflslabiout alovo longtli alwayj on band telepbone oonimualoatlov bus line tho undonlgncd robpootf oily aolioiutbepatron ago of tbo public and lnformi thora that wotl equipped and btyluh rlgi ofui al ways be secured at bis htabtoa a comfortable bns raeetial trains botwoon 0am and 8 ib p m careful attontionglventoovoryoraor tilt wants of oommerolal travol lri fully met john williams fztofbixtoil an attractive piir of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any one man woman orchild we keep the stylish kind the com fortablokmd and the kind that wcarsweir whichrohsh usige may be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented we hive a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all stvlcs trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices arc lower than those pild in the general stores where in do is tiken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of pncticat exper ience we aro able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing- saleable custom work and repairing givi n pbomtt attention kenney bros main 8troet acton dominion bl anil shoe slore get wall paper prices 1808 at j ul 1uo lubilo or high school should not overlook the groat adunt- asoofa practical oourso of instruo tion at tbo cuelph business college and shorthand institute students may entor any urns sumraar session will commenco y hv writs or call if interested olrcglars free 3 sbaap rrinclpal waters bros the picture gallery cuelph bring pictures to be framed w barber bros papbb makers aeorgbtown ont kix airiaisxtt or machine finished book papers man aaue wekkit news the paper used in tlija journal ii from lbs above mllli wil bisbbb beos tor tbo tnels tjiehb groat nofgubor u110i0 sara pro eminent iuboniub song lovo litoraturo and art plioiioiuonal in progroaa alnco the tlmo thou did bt from motlior land in oundor part grout untton of tbo south no honor tboo for all thy triumphs in tbo auso of right rorprowobs jutloo and bonlsulty in a tamping out oiproesiou in thy might tliynicco fair canada approclates tho honor of a rivalry with ouo in ovory way as worthy aa thou art with bar earths clvlltalneraco to rua tuy groat and houorod onea wo magnify invontors atatemoa poett ancl dlvinos uubioiada oloctrlolaub artiaana tho luero bf wboaofamo oadurlng sblnos wbat uaraos mora hoaord by tho world than buch aa waali log ton andlincolu groat publlme wl10 guiltless of tbolr country a blood nball wiotd tbo world b doop admiration for all tlmo for revolutionary struggle dire with motherland wo find la tbeo no fault had british rulo boon wbat it la today no qu anal bad ooourrod and no revolt tbino odlflco of btau shall stand if euro as its foundatlone firmly laid and truo by tqon of atorllng wortb pure rlghteoua buob as in tbo mayflower crosbotl tbo ocoan bluo but thou art bandlcappod our stalwart friend for which wo mourn tbo more as uoar of kin wo would not bavo tho race all to oursolvca with tboo would wo oxult should at tbou but win gigantlo obstaolos obatruot thy oouno a foreign immigration vilowo note thy sabbaths deaooratod and thy laws polluted at tbolr fountain with their vote thy natlvob but not thlno adopted bona wo would oxonorato oommlaerato wo know what tboyonduro their offortsmadc go1h holy sabbath to rosusltato 0 how tboy pino for canadas bloat day horbabbatb rostful quiet holy calm con eonlal totbolr pnrltanlo beat to tbolr aoro spirits what aboallngbalm 1 wltb ub thou bast tho ubiquitous saloon iniquitous in ovory phase and form that juegormant to crush our homos abd lioorts but it must go bob old tbo gathering storm wo would oxculpatoroal americans in vonosuolan case of odiotia fame tor tboso wbo pandorod to tboolooaont of moan and foreign birth mubt boar tbo hlatm how vory bad bbould cor wo moet again in bangui nary strife liko demons burled upon each otbors throats exhibiting wbats worso than folly to a mooring world wo ccnsnro not though falls thy mighty blow ou spain s misrule uiy flowery atrand hard not o or much grab but may tho isane bo according to thy aomo of equity wo would not thoo affront our august frlond with much effusiveness on drltalns might tor thou art worthy to bo called her peer so ions as tbon halt hood that whtob is right tor right is might thou and thy motbor join oil tbo stars and strlpoa wltb union jack en twined tbou most potential nations of tha earth could at bold thlno own against the world com bin od it would bo woll that in alliance joined tbo anglo saxon should police tbo world nat war e droftd ooourgo but overywhoro should bo tho hag of poaco and brotherhood unfurled tbon inarch thou forth to conquest not with sword for foars of invasion no occasion glvo but vindicating right id tbo might of truth show forth unto tho world how christians ilva acton w t 5tutt jfamilg ftmittg jvlrs thornapple s rtfal nv manv e q drdhu a bobolink was trilling away in the meadow a fagre of thefaoobe thotfla kettle was singing on the newly blacked atove the maltese kitten lady jane grey was parridg among thotorkey red cushions of tho rooking chair bat ione of these ohoering aoanda bad any e0eot on mrs deacon tfaornapplo bhe was a tall spare woman with bandy hair and a peaked face thickly sprinkled over with brown liver spots hereyeb wero dull her month dropped at the corners and her manner as she walked across tbo hoor was listless and forlorn airs thornapple wasota very lugubrious nrtturo as nor photograph taken by a travelling photographer plainly dieolosed that wsb tbreo boasona bro bat cow on this partfoalar roorniof mrs thornapple was as herself expressed it enjoying an extry epell of poor health dear me i bhe exclaimed languidly as she took np a faded brown 00a t dear mo i i do feel bad enough to go to bed but ivo got all tho mendin to do i never did seoaeob a man as the deacon is for bursting of buttons 1 aqd he aeems to think that i can always and borne to match these oinnnamon brown ones are bo odd i dont believe i can find a single one in the button box no i wonder it he hasnt any in his pocket sometimes hq been though tf a enough to pat em thoro when theyve come off or hes aeon em danglin by one thread loti see mrs thornapple throat her fingers into tho side pocket of the ooat there was no button there dot bhe felt a little rustlo of piper thero i bhe exclaimed with a triumph aut expression as she drew forth a crumpl ed envelope thero i ill bet a cooky tuls tbo reoeipt for box rent aft the poat- offloo that the deacon was fretting about labt woal the brown coat slid from bar lap as she aproad the paper ont upon bar knee it was carious to watch the changing expres sions of her countenance m she read perplexity astonishment 1 cored ullty wrath swept over ft a dull red brick- color obliterated the llverbfots anil this gave plaoo to a pallor that pinohed her features into still sharper outlines bhe leaned baek in her chair with a little fainting gasp 1 cant believe ft 1 i wont believe it 1 she exclaimed in a voice of so high a pitch that lady jane gray thinking herself addressed sprang from ber comfortable chair and fled under the stove l wont believe ill mrs thornapple continued m jet here she paused and lowerou ber voice to a etrained whwper an yet tbo deacou has aoted kinder queer lately 1 bos ben away svenlni when it want prayerxaeotin night he s acted sheepish too an onoe or twice hva tasked me if i didnt think bo was gottin too muoh flesh an k id ever heard that apoplexy was in hli family asked mogrinnln sillylike thowrotoh if i thought ha didnt look kiadedoi ng for hi sue ai now i come egre at rati un groaned in eomothin if id knowod about tlm pointing with a trembhnj flower toward tho paper upon her knee wouldu t i have liutenod though 1 listened to what alviry eaid a sprightly voice mrs thornnppo lancod up with a start ob its jou is it thaukrul sho ex claimed with an air of relief aa hor tear f ul eyes rested on the newcomer her aousiu and nearest neighbor who had just ran over cross lots for a morning call yes its roe rejoined the spinster miss thankful beumger a short chubby spiotor with red ohoeke and boappiog black eyes and i say alviry laying aside her dlat sunbonpet vvhts the matter with you is it your stomach back or that old pam in your left side you aint feverish bo ye seems ab though yonr obeeka n kinder flusbod an why yovre all of a tremble i x gaess anybody d be all of a tremble if tbey had enoh trouble as that 1 said mrs thornapple with a sob pointing to the paper apon her knee why the deacon bain t oudorsed for no ooe haa he taint no snbpoeny or habeas corpus or mandamus or any other of them law papers that makob trouble for folks is it said mibb thankful anxiously its worson them rroared mrs thornapple iieud it thankful i epose you might as woll though its agin my principles i ve always maintained that a body shouldnt let no outsider mix in with a bodys domestio troubles but land 1 if over a person needed help and sympathy im that person cousin thankful so read it tairly ablaze with curiosity mies thankful took the paper and with many an ob dear me t and for pity eakeo 1 read as follows fiuknddick havo daisy roadyformo thlo ovoniog i would uko to tako bar to srlarvlllo hadanawfiil nlco tlmo wbon wo wont to tbo lake baturday only tbo road was too rough i daresay you aro laughing at tho giddlnois of ono as old as lam but woll you know bow it is youraolf lam asobarmod with daisy as if i woro a boy of twonty gooduoie knows what my wlfodiay if sho found it out no dou t glvo mo away old boy yours j d tnoiwarrre f s i wont go boforo half past sovon or when its just gottiug dusk i clout want all creation booing mo mako a fool ox aiysolf tbergd bo a fall from graoo sure enough hat ha 1 j d t well i never did 1 mibb tbanbfal ex claimed when sho had finished reading i know now why i was named thankful i am thankful that i hum t got no husband j yon may well bo 1 em fifed mrs thorn apple from behind her haudkorchiof if jedediah thornapple whom i always considered to be of tho salt of tbo earth kin out up like that there b no trnstin anybody i wouldn b aooopt oven oven tho angel gabriel if bo was to coma down and make me an offer and fltill more grimly who is thie daisy anyhow i dont know 1 with a fronh outburst of tears somo relation of that dick hig boofl thats tho only dick i know of i remember hes boen hero to seo the deaoon onoo or twice lately i thought it was to git him to take an insurance polioy they talked a long whilo togethor behind tho barn oh i know that higbeo mias thank fal observed with a sniff ono of them shok smooth talkiq follows 1 lie aint in noinanranoo business aa i over heard of 1olka said be was agent for somo eportfn good fish rods air guns an eeob but i guess he aint muoh of anylhin to do but gittia in mieobiof an helpiu to git others into it too he has got somo staters an i had such a goneness in the pit of my stomach i coutdu t eat a mito o breakfast only wim men 000 sins if i remember right- bar nose werefl ashed with excitement maybe he a plannln for some one of them named jaisy i wouldnt feel so bad alviry i i guess its a pot up job ko doubt jdlok higbees mora to blame than yonr husband maybo bejbaa some idee o blaokmailia tbo deacon 1 gittin him flighty an bewitched as men is prono to be silly einfal critters and then eoartn him to fork over lots of money ob maybe it it that thankful poor mra thornapple exolairaod convulsively clutching her cousins hand it cant be that the deacons really depraved at hoart i hes always ben booh a kind mon a good pervider au always so ready to bny me any kind of medicine that i seen advertised an thought might do mo good an bos never found fault with me only sometimes cause i didnt dress up more an fio out visitln i an he didnt hko tbo curtains down an tho house kept dark weve quarrelled about that some regretfully adding with a fresh sob bat thankful i never did think that hod be nntrne to me that hed go off ridiog with a frivolous d a aisyl i know she a young oung an pretty i she nooat be a moe thing to lead bis gray hairs down to disgrace and tho gravel said miss thankful wratbfnlly whoover bhe is an whatever ebo ia sho deserves to havo her iniquity brought to light i 80 she does i exclaimed mrs thorn apple vehemently as she rose and walked the door with an eperg that even tbo dandelion delight deliverer had failed to glvo her so sho does i but how can we do it ooasiu thankful bow oau wo doit well replied miss thankful thought fully first of all weve got to find oat who she is an prove that shea trying to beguile the deacon la me boo he wroto that he wis to start for brlarvillo this evenlo boat half post aevou dldn t be well what a to hinder you and mo hi ton log up old vhitenose and tho buggy an takin a little drive aluug the turnpiko road to briarville wo kin drive into the grove by tbo bide of tho read an hitch the horse there then he en ot out and set under a treo and wait ill the deacon cornea by thero uiut n body s eyesight bettarn mine i gues an f tliia dflbiguin daisy comes aloug with him 1 11 find out yes an bo willfn to swear to seem who an what ebo is an what sort of a game she is up to i youre a real truo friend oonsin thankful thats wbat you bo mrs thornapple exclaimed gratefully i sup pose ipiritadl that she thinks that my health is poor everybody in the wholo couutry i nows what lo gone through what wltb this ailment or that i an ahos plan til 0 contrivln to atboriolf up to be the deswjona second wifu i but i wont give ber a ohanoe you oan juaft bet a glogeranap i wont i deolaro i feel an etrougaa cm be new though ihji morn in doughnuts an coffee au now i remember with a tromble in hor voico i remember tho deacon he waan t so syropatlnzin as usual nor did ho try to coax mo to eat more vtttlee as ho most ginerally docs he seemed kinder absent miudod an about aboa all ho said was to ask where tho liniment bottlo was i seen him afterward rubbin himbelf in tbo bed room with somo of tho liniment its tho kind old aunt sally myers used to make an i thought hed got a touch of lumbago whilo pi a ut in corn in the modder ho ftn tho hired man plowed up labt week bat now i knowjt was rhoumattz ho got while qqt ridin id the damp air with that that daibj 1 i wonder cousin thankful that the deacon can bide the name because he is always growlin about tho posky daisies in the medder wilton may be woods but aint sinful onttors ber cousin interrupted in an im presslve tone thats bo thankful ob 1 solemnly oh i if wo oan only resoue jedediah from tho snare lios fallen into 1 wo will alviry i wo will i firmly tho soft spring twilight was just sottling down upon hill and valley when the gaunt form of old whitenoso drawing au anti quated baggy might bavo been seen going blowly along the road leading to tho village of briarville the liogoring rays of tho sunset tinged tho landscape with pale gold and amethyst tho sweet moist 6 moll of upturned earth and fresh herbage filled the air everything was full of peace and oven the expression of old wbitenosos faco was unusually serene as be jogged along at a funoral pace stopping now and tboo to orop tho clover tufts growing by the road side jtho two women did not mind these pauses mias thankful was too bubily en gaged in talking about the depravity of men in general and poor mrs thornapple too absorbed in thinking about that of one in particular to oaro for old whitenoses whims presently thoy reached tbo grove and with muoh clacking and twitching of the roinb mibs thankful induced her anoient btced to leave the highway and follow the grass grown rnts winding among the trees until she found a suitable ono of tbo latter to wblob she might tie him it was a pleabant spot there was btill onough bunlight to ebimmer down in golden light among tho tender green leaves and lie in yellow bars across the curling tips of young ferns mrs tbornapplo stooped to pick somo violets growing large and purple in tho molbt shade twenty years before this on just euoh a sweet may evening sho and jedediah had walked here what a happy time it was i woro my pink dimity gown with short waist and leg o mutton sleeves said mrs thornapple mentally and jedediah look cd so handsome and i felt that i could trust him forever ob dear met seems though alviry i alviry i come here 1 inter rupted misa thankful who was playing the part of sister anne in watching the road theres a black speck way up the turnpike 1 1 dont bear no wheels said mrs thornapple sitting dawn in sudden agita tion tho roads bo sandy wheels dont make muoh noise an besides tho oreek sounds so loud but there i im sure i heard eorno ono talkin or ooughin sorouge back under the hemlock alviry wo dont want em to see us until simultaneous all to oncol miss thankful had a love for tbo drama tic her round oheeke and even the tip of vvhq irresponsible tanuiug her half fainting companion alternately eoolding and striving to olleer ber sho kept her eyoa on the yellow streak of highway in spite of her boasted sbarpsigbtednosb ishe found it of little avail now for tho twi light was deepemog rapidly but several rods away dimly ontlinod agamat the ambor shadows thero presently appeared the moving outlines of something man beast or vehlole it waa difflonlt to deter mine what at times it seemed to blot ont the whole width of the highway then it dwindled down to a dark ekeleton like circle burrrioantod by a swaying atlbouetto pshaw 1 mies thankful exclaimed in disappointed tones it aint no horson buggy i its only a man on a bicycle i ouo of them college fellers i guess must be drunk too for hes toeterin around as though bo didnt know what he was about perhaps we bad bettor keep a little out ot sight mrs thornapple suggested if hes in ligaor ho may bo inclined to be sassy but jnst then miss thankfal sprang to her feet sajmg with a shrill exoited whisper look to the road alviry i dont yon aoo look i that roller on thobicyolois suro a preachln it really ia the deacon i it was deaoon tharnapplo that muoh maligned man being afflicted with tho popular craze waa praotioing bioyolo riding and if honest and energotio efforts deaervo praise tho doaoon was cor tainly to be commended truth however compels me to say that he was not a graceful rider just then it waa difficult to determine wbother the deacon was trying to ride the bicycle or whother the bloyole waa trying to ride tbo deaoon that bit of sandy road was ventablo jordan for travelling sod it was filled with pebbles washed down by a recent freshet as the first faint rays of tho moon bhone down they revealed tbo deacons faco red aa a full blown poooy and reeking wltb perspiration tor a minute he paused with ono pndgy foot pressod firmly in the sand to btay himself and hia recreant bleed while he removed hia hat and mopped hia broad expanse of bald head then he uutlod his neoktle and limp collar tuoked them in his brecohea pocket after which with a grunt of determination he seized the hand lea or his wheel again mounted clumsily and started on with ronowed vigor but when just opposite bis nnaeen observer his maohlne struck a hidden stump tilted op toppled over depositing ita rider among the bramblea by the road side mrs thornapple uttered a shrill eoroam sho could n t help it and rushed forward to help hor lord and paster whoaeaatbnib- moot at seoing her 00 unexpectedly was equalled by the surprise at the unwonted tendorrjosi with which eho helped him to rise and flung herself upon his breait jjtjiolbyriokpiitroloillcqlhqi bpeer made a murderous attaok upon hia wife and believing thit ho hud killed her shot himbelf through the brains and died almobt indtantly tbat is the first aenlonco in a oity news paper report of a double tragedy a little home which might lmvo to n beautiful with tbo boauty of a family life ia horrid with tho blood of a duioido a murderer he had boon drinking heavily when ever bo got any liquor it acomod to mako him orazy v eaid tbo wife lyingjn tho ward of thehobpital after that terrible hour he had been drinking heavily yot tho baloon keoper sold him moro drink to carry home triouds called at the bouse and again and again tho eight year old boy was bent to the saloon for beor tbat tbo chums might driuk while tbe housewife wabhcd i there wits no reason why men should not have a good tlmo even if women mubt toil but at last tho housewife objeoted to the freqaont errands to the saloon and refused to give him money ill mako you miud or ill kill you i ho said with fiendish forethought ho bad looked tho door and tho unanmo with bis pistol is maater of tho hour i driven crazy by drink v who sold him the drink i have asked a useless question ihoro are 10 501 saloonb in tho state of ohio and back of tbom is tbo legislature of ohio and tho congress of the united states collecting speoial taxes for revenue for provision ugainbt evils resulting from tho trafllo in intoxicating drink back of thnm lathe saloonkeepers association and tho ohio saloon league and two great politioal organizations were tbib tho first saloon tragedy enact ed in a home wore thomas speer tbe first euioide craz by w wakey tho wholo system of police and court would bo rous ed to detect tho villain who sold the cruz ing fluid but thomas bpeor dying suddenly aa the newspapers say is only one otmany mot whose hands nerved by drink aro turned in murder upon them selves and graco spoor is only 000 of thousands of wivea tortured terrorized by drunken tyrants who wrcok womens lives in tho name of law drunkenness causas more insanity than any other phyeioal oaubo whatever and yot in tho state of ohio where saloons aro taxed 9350 per annum to provide against evils resulting from the traffic in intoxicat ing drink the hospitals for tho insane receive no appropriation whatever for the treatment of pitients whoso insanity is attributable to drunkenness while moro than 1800000 is appropriated for state and municipal rovenuo and tho hospitals themselves spend thousands of dollars for wino beor and liquors i wallace speor tho eight yoar od boy orphaned by tho dou hlo tragedy is tbo child of the commonwealth he lives in a community infested with 1 097 saloons in a state blaok with 10 501 saloon p in a nation whioh compromises with tho dram shop tho brewory tho distillery for tbe bake of revenue i tor him thero is no recourse at law uo redress his homo has been wrecked by the drink and his iifo bereft of a fatherly care juit whan ho needs a father s guiding graao of strength and knowledge wallaco spoer tho protege of tho com monweath ia aply eporl for the saloon baloon keepers will soil him beor or whia key if he havo tbo money saloon keeper will mook bis sorrow with sneers at his fathors lack of control of himself and the atato the commonwealth tho nation will bay your father should have controlled his appetite he should havo been tetnperato tho eiloon keoper sold him that which he desired and paid for it ia the business of a saloon keoper to soil intoxicants not to give instructions in temperaooe if a man crazed with drink kills hia wife kills himself destroys your homo tbero is really nothing to be done the state has powor to prohibit tho retail taafflo in intoxioating drinks but it really nan not exercise ita powor it oan destroy a still if the distiller does not pay his tax or u can close a ealoon if tbo saloon keeper does not pay hia license but it oannot cloao a saloon booiaae it is a centre of murder pan perl am and degrodation g m hamell in union ingnal iafy suiii idont know ill i oubi- h pi ham hasspaina future probably tho greatest blessing tbat can befall bpain will bo tbo loss of all her colonies they havo been tho source of her troubles tbe aauee of her national deoliuo they havo brought tho curse of gold upon her thoy havo divorted tho onergiea and tho expenditures of borpeoplo from her own noeda at home spain haa magnificent internal resources aa yet undeveloped lot the energies of hor people once be directed within and they will understand what obstacles bavo blocked the way so long reforms will follow abuses will bo awopt away popular onlighteamont will come with the passing of spain s colonial might will dawn tho renaisceco of spain as to commorolal prosperity thatahould oontinno upon truor hnea under the new oonditions spanish commercial interests in moxioo are now on a healthier basis than they have beeu in cuba for long years past for id tho daughter atato tbey aro npt pampered by favoritism and privilege independent intercourse with tho severed colonies will oontinue and linos of trade will shape themsclvoa naturally and legtjti- mately anoient rancor will gradually disappear and spanish commercial en orgy may be depended upou to aeon re room for ita exercise spain regenerate will be tbo mother country for tho nations of ultramar tbat apeak her tongas in the aamo regard that england is mother to lands in the bo von seob and will stand second only to england in tho number of bar children trom spanish trails and tho now world by sylvester baxtor in tho american monthly lienew of jttvtcint for august rapidly losing it stranger you have a very fino ohmate hero suoh a bracing air native gloomly yaae but them durn ed bloyole fellers keep eomln erlong an pnmp tb air inter their noomatlo tires an carry it off up to date at newmarket a publlo mooting voted id favor ot a bonus of 5 goo to tho oflloo specialty manufacturing company toward enlarging the present factory men women and children who aro troubled with sores huroora pimplox etc may flud pcrmameiit roliol in hoodu 8r aaparillfl in tho c joi 1 uacof ul sli 1 lows of 1 0011 drooping will on b wbcro a ailvjr brook ahini t blldts by a dear litttu lannio ai 1 la ldio aro 11 trolling tlicujb lfaskid i coul 1 ncarooly toll why i porohauco it b to hat to tlio loco a row by bum nilng parhnpb to tbo broalitl0 fiweot how or it may bo tboy lmar but tbo birds iu tbo orchard lam ouro i don t know tboy may bo discussing tbo bluo bulla or dalaioe or thu bon joa just ripo on tlio bill or wondering if ciobo to tbo edso of tho wood land wild robos aro blossoming biiii 1 but why tboy should now obooso to walk down tho moadow in tho bu minor eun a warm noon tide glow wbon thero a much buttorshajo rltht undormy window x am suro i don t know i m his bjytho by tbo rip ning grass idly is lying hor work too is jubt laid away avlthiiovora thought of tbo ions uoodod rat in out ortbo fragranca of bvrcot now mown bay i hut why tbolr faces turn ovor tosotbor why thoyrovo hand in band to and fro wbon uo should bo mowing aid sho should bo bowlug i am suro i don t kuow i iv at i lovo at tbo door of tljoir jouug b carta is knocking 1 tolthor loaaio nor lad will say nay lor tl olr druauitj aro of rini8 ami awoot orauyo blosaouifl an 1 a llowory and bllsuful lifa way t will thoy wed doyoiiastt and bo alwayb as happy till tbolr brows shall bo wroalbod with lifo a auow thoy will wod and will lovo in lifu a may ita dooornbrr i am euro i dou t kuow 1 troubles of a credit ness tho guuaiioquo departmental store co limited now doea alt its baaiuess on a cash basis it onco sold goods on oredit and somo of tbo experiences related in con ncction therewith aro interesting three illustrations of how money is lost by credit business nro given in the first lnstanco a young man who had been dealing at tins storo for borne time and pacing cash had parohased a butt of clothes on credit at rat be eeom ed anxious to get paid np but soon he became aarees3 regarding the matter he was offered work in order to get his bills paid up but it waa asoless and bis account is now for sale at loov on the dollar another resident of the town had dealt with tho firm at intervals always paying well circumstances cbaugqil bomowhat and ho wantod larger credit when his bill had reached 8100 he gavo his note while this was maturing his bill bad increased 910 his note was civon for renewal the 910 being added while this note was maturing whiskey poker etc did thoir work and when tho note was due ho paid no attention to it this note for 8113 is for sale for 91 u tho third illustration gicn is that of ono admittedly a good citizen one who was not without means he desired to mako somo oxtensivo improvements and to tho small enoumbranoo on his prop orty bo added more when the time camo for settling bis yoars account an unexpoot ed sickness left him unable to settle up another year went by tho aooountsteadlly growing- continued sickness loft him btill unablo to pay shortly afterward be died his property wont to tlio mortgagee and across bis account is written ono word dead canatiah rocer some naval dffi nations fathom a measure of six feet tilrr6patowei forthc protection of tbo gunnors orowa neat a poroh for the lookout on tho rnaalhom jacob a ladder a short ladder with wood rungs and rope bides capstan a machine used on board ship for lifting heavy weights arraamont a term expressing col loo lively all tho guua of a ship- oablo a long heavy chain used to retain a ship in place at an olio r bow chaser a gun mounted in the bow to fire on retreating vosbbib bulkhead a partition separating com partcaonts on tho samo dock binnaclo tho compass box of a ship with a light to show it ut mgbt gangway tho operator 0 in a ships side where pcrbona outer and depart knot a nautioal milo of 2 025 yards equal to about ono and one eighth statute mios displacement tho weight in tons of tho volume of water displaced by a ships hull barhotto a flxod circular bolt of armour for protecting tho guns in a revolving turret monitor a low noarly ilat bottomed armored vcbsoi with ono or two turrets oaoh oarrying two guns bridge a platform above the rail oxtending across tho deck for the con venienco of tho ships officers conning tower an armorod tower where the wheel engine telegraphs etc are located and from whioh the captain is supposed to direct his men during a battle a new garment for ten cents havo you ever tried to dyo over your castoft garments thousands in canada answer yes and very successfully too to thoao who havo not yet attempted tho work wo would aay there is money in it when yon use tho diamond iyes old drob capca bloubos jioketp coalb pauts vcbtt blockings ribbons and other articles of wearing apparel can bo renewed and fitted for wear at very small cost tho sum of ten cents expended for somo fash louablt color of tho diamond dyca will often savo you many dollars bo ware ot tbe cheap package and common boap grease djos they apoll your good a waste yonr money and rum your temper all up to dato doalem soli the diamond dyea see that the name diamond ia on each paok ago you buy cltios arc tho tombs of nature tho oraoleaof art tond mother of course you dont like babies mr flko mr pike no i do nut mndam i took upou litem aa a crying evil

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