Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1898, p. 2

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at lot a con b nabborawoya on lriday 4 hi aurust to mr aul mn nelson mulauaiirin lriday 4lli mclaughlin n hod thursday august 11 1898 notes and comments tho liconecd vlotuallera aro organizing for thnplohifloue oampa a dia from ottawa bab uu imraedbo sum of monoy has been aontribuiod by the won financially io tares ted in the irafflo and a lot of work has already been accomplished sfr wiator fremior of newfound land had a aliort interview with hon joseph dhaniberlttin hat week in which tlioscarotary of sato for tho colonies suggested thttt nevitoundlaud would gain much ad vautago by becoming a pro v moo in tho dominion confederation ijd a pleasure to talk about canada in the old country dowcuuiytf a few yearn ago if ou wont into a mans offioa in lon don and bogan to talk to him about canada you would havo to tell him where canada was and point it oat on tho map bat that in all changed the name of canada is on everybodys lips over there the canadian ia sure of a hearty weloome wherever ho goes von see canadian goods everywhere and wherever the canadian goea lio ia sure to bo abked something about tho dominion tueso are the words of mr a j king of the ktagdartell produoe company of elm street toronto star at the dominion educational associa tions meeting at halifax last week the afternoon of the 23rd ot may in each year was adopted as tlsg day or as it will bo officially known empire day in oase the 24th of may falls on a monday or a sunday it will toko place on tho friday preoediog there will not be any holiday in the eohoolb bat la place of the ordinary exeroises the scholaro will recite patriotio beleotiono and the old flag will be con- spioaonaly displayed the function is to be open to tho parents and friends of the eoholara in view of this arrangements ehonld be made for the creation of a bojt- ablo flag etaff on tho publlo school grounds bore the reace proposal spains answer received at wash ington on tueadayshe yields to force very complimentary references have boon made to the speeches of messrs fettypiece and clarke who respectively moved and seconded the address in reply to the bpeeoh from the throne in the provincial parliament in vigorous and eulogistio terms the former took exception to the proposal by the opposition to disenfranchise peace officers the attempt to deprive the constables of their right to vote was insolent ik was a discreditable party move made in several instances by a number of irresponsible figureheads the coarse of the leader of tho opposition bdoo the special session bad been summoned the speaker termed noisy and blustering tho present postmastergeneral set out npon assuming office in 1890 to reduce the deficit which year by year bad been grow ing larger and finally to produce a state of equilibrium between the revenue and expenditure of his department the accounts of the department for 189798 which are now being being closed show tbab wbilo the deficit baa not been entirely wiped oat it has been reduced to such proportions compared with its original magnitude that it hae practically ceased to eiidt when mr malock took charge ot tho department there was a deficit of 9700- 007 this ear tho deficit is only 97-1033- 00 a little over one tenth barely with this ah owing twooont postage may be oxpected to be introduced forthwith tho ontario government has perhaps aatod wiboly in declining to follow the precedent set by sir john macdonalds government in passing a bill declaring legal the votes of constables oast in an eleotion already hold and which had in oertain oases been protested mr hardys bill provides for aoearly decision or bit court of appeal in a teat oase to be submit ted nnder the law as it stands and it legal izes the constables votes in futare a eootion of tho bill which will be fought by the opposition is cno providing that in oase the constables votes are declared illegal by the court ot appeal tho elections reversed solely on account of this decision shall instead bo hold ae voided and the seat rendered vacant this will of course deprive the conservative candidates of the frnit of the victory in the courts unless they can carry the elections it is ques tionable whether too eight ministerialist members whose seats are in question will bo able owing to the regulations governing the proccduro of the assembly to take part in the debate or vote on the division over this bill the bill alsoproteots constables from tho penalties of casting illegal votes in oase the decision of the court is that their votes were illegal montreal wit ness did wot provoke the war wxfliiinoron aug 10 spnlnd reply submitting to americas terms has boon received in its final form as carefully revised by the foreign minister and reap- proved by the queen and oabinet it acoeptb without discussion the four prellm- tnsiry conditions ofpeacoimpoiedbylhe united slates but care u taken o ex plain that spain gives way to tho forco ot ovents again asserting i fa at she had neither so tight nor dono anything to provoke the war into which she was driven by tho conduct of america nothing is eald about a cun dfht this note suggests a ccceutfiou of hs tilltioa in order to facilitate the sub sequent negotiations and offora to appoint commissioners to act with the amor loan commissioner a to deter mine what shall bo done with reference to the philippine islands the madrid governments re sponse to the american ultimatum was sanctioned in bubstance by the queen- regent yesterday and the flr draft ot it as submitted to ber by premier sagaita was approved by the cabinet monday night it was then referred to the foreign minister for careful revision and to be pot in conventional diplomaticform and phase bfawb 1uu80ns fonaccemnce madrid aug 8 the news from porto rico was received with great disappoint ment the spaniards ore disfubed with the welcome the natives have given the americans and the news that the volun teers have thrown down their arms the general opinion ia that itio not worth while to risk uvea and spend millions for the eako of territories whioh are worse than disloyal to the mother country it is seamed that tbero will be no internal troubles over tho evacuation of the west indies the war has cost bpain 9350000000 tho liberal moderate republican pub lishes an interview with marahal martinez campob who is quoted as saying i openly favor peace everything that has happened in this war oould have been for- beon bat be most pessimistic could never have imagined that oar misfortune would be so great the destruction of montejoa and oerveraa bquadrons tho surrender of santiago and the rapid and unresisted occupation of porto rico no one could have imagined it even taklg into consid eration the superiority of the united states neither the presents government nor any other oan change our situation it would be madnebb to think of rejeoting president mckinleys conditions waqxotoh aug 9 rear admiral sampson expresses the hope that the peace negotations will cometoaouiokoonolablon he is anxious to take aggressive action on the south coabfc without delay or in the event of peace being concluded to immed iately relieve the suffering imposed by the rigor of the blookade throughout the campaign admiral sampsons keen appre ciation of the sufferings of the halfbtarved cubans and hia endeavor to afford them relief have been a marked feature the history of the war ia condensed as follows hostilities begun april 21 1808 peace proposal accepted aognat 2 1808 number of days of aotual war 103 cost in lives to bpaid about 11000 killed no offlolal report of spanish casualties published coat to the united btatos about 253 men killed and about 1824 men wounded what the u s lost the maioe with 26g men what spain lost montojos fleet cer- veras fleet cuba porto rico one of the ladroneaand poabibly the philippines strength ot the united states army when war was declared 27d32 men strength now 278500 men strength of united states navy when war was declared battleships and or raisers 14 monitors 10 on armored steel vessels 16 gun boats 19 torpedo boats 28 strength now battleships and crnibers 89 monitors 10 un armored steel vessels 31 vrun hoata s craft 45 interesting experiments with elffht varieties of wlnte wheat ot the ontario agri cultural collogo 1sos 53 flbub 4uo 9 167 ono hundred and thirtyeight varieties of winter wheat havo beon grown in tho experimental dopartraont of tho pntario agricultural oollogo wilhiu tho past nine yours seventy of theso have been care tolly tested for at least five years tho eight varieties whioh havo given the high est yields of grain per acre in the averago of live yearssxper infants aro asollows- wolglit yiou varlotlos per liuo lior aoro oyora oyoara 1 dawious ooldon chaff ft 7 lbs 2 early qoncuoo ol ant fio 8 u kgyptlan 00 0 i imperial arribor 6 8 5 early had jlawson m j 0 koltablo 61 q 7 go dot drop dl j 0 llubslmi a rubor g3u ot the bo eight varieties tlio following fonrgayo the largest ieldb in 1893 daw sons golden chaff 40 2 bus imperial amber 47 7 bus reliable 13 3 bus and early geneaeo giant 13 2 bub among fort- four new vurioliea grown in 1818 tho largest yields of groin wero pro duced by tho gold coin white golden cross silver d pilar pedigree gcneaco giant and orrgoq and the heaviest woights per measured bushel by the diamond grit 05 8 lbs mcphereon 03 5 lbs arnolds hybrid 05 2 lbs andrew no iti5 lbs and red may g5 lbs dlbtmllution ov bkkd koil lefatlncl iublobbtt the following threo bou of winter wheat varieties will besont free by mail in one half ponnd lots of each variety to farmers applying for them who will carefully test tho three kinds in tho sot which they choose and will report the resullb after harvest next year the seed will bo sent out in the order in whioh tho applications are received aa long as the bupply lasts bet 1 bot 2 dawsons goldon cbaff dawoonsgoldou chaff early g cno boo ulant imperial awlior early lied clawon goldon drop set 3 dawsons goldon cbalt bearded winter tiro siowarla champion each person wishing ono of theso eetfl should apply aa early as poaslblo mention- inff which see he desires and ttie grain with instructions for testing and tho blank form ou which to report will bo famished free of cost to his addreb until the supply of grain for distribution is exhausted all communications should be addressed to o a zkvita experimentalist agricultural college gnelph aug 8th 1898 constables to vote neighborhood new news items supplied bv corres pondents and exohangeb nassagaweva mr robert fulton thresher has purchased or now separator from the watorloo manufacturing co and commen ced threshing with it on monday last at mr jan ramseys near eden mills lio6bro plokott ot milton have the contract for painting tho ebonezer church missarmorlandrof galtrspentafew dajslabtwoek vlfitinc at mr jae linde of kuatohbull mies m oondorson of st marys was the guest of mr jue liud of knatohbull last week mrs iloase wife of rev mr hesse of illinois m visiting ruutivos and friends in nassagawoya crewsons corners tho fine rains of sunday and monday havo put an end to tho drouth and have refreshened everything to a great extent mr robt vansborough was first to complete harvesting this season ha finished last saturday at the rjaarterly business meeting of this oiranit held in rookwood on monday it was decided to have services in the metho dist church hero evory sabbath morning at 1180 oclock rev mr holden to con duot services every sunday the sunday sohool in oonneotian with tho church will shortly be reopened miss lottie oann spent sunday with frieuds at eden mills mibs ethel mcdonald of elora who has been spending her vacation at her nodes mr jaa gambles returned to her home on friday mr chas gamblo spent a day labt week with friends in elora mr p h stevenson of molanotbon visited friends hero for a few days last week grht 7vildsuyvz7vier clekrrtsg skle we purpose clearing out all our spring arid summer goods to make room for our fall importations it will be to your advantage to grasp some of the great bargains we are offering here arc somcof our specials limehouse ontario officials and theprorilbltlon plebiscite vote a speolal provincial oonfereuoe of leading officers and representatives of provincial prohibition orders and of church bodies oalled by the ontario alliance in conse quence of the plebiscite date having been fixed was held in toronto on tuesday dr j j maolaron q o chairman ex plained tho object of the conference to be to take action with a view to completing the organization ot tho province to the extent of polling bab division committees bo far the organization has beep on a coanty and municipal basis and sn that form tho province of ontario is almost completely organized tho secretary mr f s sponce read a number bf communications bbowing activ ity in all parts ot ontario he also laid before theraecting a serieb of suggestions for the concluding weeks of tho campaign with respect to eeoanng large majorities as bare majorities would not bo oi much value as a ralo to tho temperanco cause the question of tho voters lists was brought up the correal legal view was considered to be that in addition to the voters on the hate election ofiioiala na well as the raaohtalked of county constables would bo en titled- to vote on the prohibition question when tho plebiscite vote is taken androw sharphas taken op his residence in aoton and ia supplying the natives there with ladders mr and mrs john moore limohouee spent sunday with aid john kennedy who is keeping company with mr w w macalister at tho camp in hia bubh at guelph mr thomas marshall met with a painful acoident one day last week as the result of a fall ho fractured three ribs ho goea about very aantiously at present tbo grain is about all in now and nearly every barn is crammed with tho fruits of the harvest dave kennedy son of aid kennedy and frank moore of ltmehouse were up the river in a canoe the other day when they made a rather peouliar find they were paddling slowly along gazing at the bottom of the river when tho antlers of an elk were plainly eocn on fibhiug them out a perfect pair of horns was brought to light with five prongs mr moore is going to take them home to limehouse and have them polibbed np as a memento of his trip guelph mercury a number of rosidente will take in tho exoursion to tho falls next thursday fare 9110 all w66lsiif saleprice zzjc fancy brocaded dress goods regular price 50c sale price 25c a large variety of dress costumes regular prifco 85 50 sale price 84 00 dress costumeb regular price 8800 sile price 85 75 ijress costumes regular price 812 00 sale price 8h jo a great assortment of lrmbllys mack drcba goods in plain and fancy brocade from 25c a yard up lancy piqua muslins regular prile 20c sale price 12jc crums best english prints regular price 124c sale price 10c a large aricty of prints wide widths and best cloths for 5 7 10c checked muslinb 5c worth h to 10c ladics cotton hose guaranteed fast colors at 5 10 15 20 25c ladies cptton vests in cream and white 5 10 is 25 35c ladies white underwear cheaper than the material can be bought for laches coiscts all sizes all prices all makes a few print and mtlslin blouses to bo cleared at halfprlco parasols a good variety to choose from to be sold at 25 discount bargains in fine highclass tailoring wo have ft number of fine suitings trouserings etc to be cleared at cost of production style 1it and finish posilivefy guaranteed hargains in oenjs furnishings hats caps etc fancy straws at haftprice bnrgains in summer clothing bargains in mens youths and boys ready to wear clothing bicycle suits etc specikl we liae a number of odd pants regular price 81 25 81 50 and 82 06 to bo cleared at 85c 81 00 and 81 25 this is a genuine bargain sale our space will not permit us to enumerate jurther but call and see for yourself the prices have been cut in two in every department we extend a cordial invitation to one and all to come early no trouble to show oods whether you purchase or not remember the place g georgetowns livest store gibson 7unll7r st co roe block 7uvkin st gofsotoifln produce taken in exchange every day bargain day hera 4t a for service awiju mtddinroyllullntaolom f100culi ormlmlf cliureod o dkolute acton roller mills choliinq by bujbhi or low water ou tuon- day thursday and saturday 7 coutn ior bar cash or toll james clark iropriotor a sist help brouoht renewed health to a despondent brother hia health had failed and medl- olne8 seemed to do him no good where others had failed dr williams pink pills met with great sucoess everton britains irm attitude in china has cleared tho situation of serious complications pekin aag- 9 groat britain it is fierce fiqhtino at manilla qeneral news aronbtebop daliamel is mentioned m a probable aaocsisor to the jut cardinal tasobereao hon itlobard iobeil has been appointed honorary iiieutemntcolonel of the 8th royal rifles quebec oat of 60 candidates who wrote on tho publio sobooi leaving examinations in peel 2t woro aoeoesital ifahn mooann iwfldtyeight years of age had liia legs both est os jast below the knees on tbo railway at st catharines cbris stewart lias been arrested in llupid city man on a oharge of being implicated in the murder of james henry the death is aunouhcod of john noble j m i l cutel u tu caps colony parliament jtfr noble was a uative of inverness and began bis oareor as a journalist tbo annual fall seed fair nndor the auapiceb of the pualinoh farmors olab and sooth wolllngton farmers institute will be bold in the masseyharris ware- rooms guelph on saturday aug 27th tboro sboqld bo a good eibibit of grain this year the indefatigable roblnetts the toronto lawyer who defended mowherroll tho elayer of thb aged williams oonple is at it again in en effort to seonre a reprieve for the rcnrdiror who ia aafely honied at kingston mowborrell ia in for life and this effort is to get lotll aberdeen before qnlttldg canada to oomnole the sentence to a term of years an engllih tourist with a ticket for cataraot got as far ai i nglewood the other day before be met a man who told blm that canadas great cataract was not ran thronh a flame in the calodon hills the kuglishmsn wanted to sse the cataraot at niagara and when he asked for a tloket to oalaraot was handea one for cataraot peel co the englishmen trailed for tba next train for toronto ley- ida things lo himself molt of tba lime 3000 spaniards attook the amer icana and are repulsed with heavy losses london aug 9 a despatch irom hong kong aayi the spanish forces attacked the american oamp at manilla on the night of july slat the spaniards wero over 8000 strong they charged the american lines several times the american fire broke the spanish oentre and they retreat ed they made a sscond oharge on tho amoricanj hut again retreated eleven american were killed and 87 woonded the spanish losses are reported to be great the rebels remain central sjutfiuncibco ang 9 a manila des patch dated joly slat rays a heavy engagement took place to night between the americans and spaniards at malate after an hoars flgbiog tho spaniards were replmed american loss 0 killed and 44 wounded spanish loss upward of 200 killed and 800 wounded american volun teers mode a glorlons defease against 8000 spaniards the battle lasted three hours the plebisc pro write issued last week for the vote and returnable on the 3rd of november ottawa aug 8 the canoia oazelu oontalns the following proclamation whereas we are desirous and resolved as soon u may he possible to asoerlaln if the psopls of our dominion of canada are in favor of the passing of an sot prohibiting the importation manufacture or sale of spirits wlneale beer eider and all other aloohollo llqnore for qae aa bsverages we do make knon oar royal will and pleasure that a plebiscite be bad on the question and do farther declare that by tho advice of our privy oonnoil for canada we have this day riven ordsrs for issuing our writs in due form or the pnrpose of having snob a plebiscite laksn in onr said dominion which writs are to bear date on the fifth day of august 1808 and to be returnable on the third day of november h98 to retu thb favor motion to ba made in the british commons olvlng canada fiscal advantages losdon angost 6 now that the new canadian tariff is in full operation the subject la roach commented upon in the bngllib press the olobe voices the gsneral sentiment when it says that sir wilfrid laarier is to be heartily congratu lated upon bis triumph whioh however could only have been aohlared through the earnest loyalty ot the canadian people as a whole col howard vlnoent will move shortly o the hoose ot commons that in view of canadas patriotic action like fit oil advantages be extended in oteit britain and ireland jo alldallabls nrodlnpta raised assorted hae adopted a hrm attitude in tho matter of railway conoosalons in china the situation is now aloarod unless roebia makes a oounter move tbo is general satisfaction in tbo british settlement the firm attitudo adopted by great britain in obloa which is giving general satisfaction in tbo british settlements j maintained sir claude m nacdonald the brlllah minister to china was present at the meeting of tho ohlnobo foreign office offlolala yesterday and he reltorated great britains formal promiao to support china it threatened by any foroigu power on account of a ooncebbion granted to a british subject the fronoh minibtor m goran has oomplalnod tc the chiaeso foreign odloe that owlbg to germanys representations china has compelled ynong wiuge ticn- tsinchinkiang railroad to build while ho has the support of an english syndicate willing to advanoe 825000000 to pais webt of shan tang than it is olalmod endan gering tho proipeotb of the haneou pekin railroad concern given to a franco- belgian syndics to rev g o slaak was listened to on sunday for tho last time during his visit this summer all have onjoyed his sor- mons very maoh while with us hs and family left monday morning for their home in hamilton ohio mr baddella sermon in tho olbtho- titst chnrch was very much appreciated sunday evening he was filling eov d sharpos place mr sharpe is absent for a two wcous vacation next sunday ovening tho congregation will bo addressed by mr broadfoot a etudont for the ministry in tbo presby terian ohorob mr and mrs david mitohell of meaford aro here to visit among relatives and friends for a fow jveeks x mr horlop bad a visit fromhls brother james on sunday mtv-ar-veneljfof- toronto and mrs- sharps and daughter mrs anderson of hamilton spent sunday at mr t boobons a number of vibiting frieuds were noticed bore this week among them wero mrs goo copping and bister of tdronto mibs dower mus thomson mibs matbeson mr david tovoll aoton and others mr woolner ot grand valley assisted in the service in tho disciples ghurou on sunday dr williams modiolna co gentlemen a few years ago my system beoamo thoroughly run down my blood wab in a rightful condition medical treatment did no goad i surfeited mysolf with advertised mediolnes but with equally poor results i was finally incapacitated from work booamo thoroughly despondent and gave up the hope of living maoh long er while in tbifl condition i visitod my fathers homo in tars a eister then and now living irj toronto was also vibiting at the parental home her haaband had been mado healthy through the use of dr williams pink fllle and oho argod mo to try thern tired of trying msdioines i laoghod at the propoeition however later on she provided me with soma of tho pills and begged me to try them i did bo and before i bad uaed two boxes i was on tho road to restored health i am com mending their good qualities almost every day i live beoauso i col bo grateul for my restoration and i havo conoluded to xvrito yoatbls lottor wholly in tho interests of buffering humanity i am carrying on business in otven bound as a oarriago makor this town has boon my home for twentyeight years and any ono enclosing a reply three oent stamp can receive per sonal information of the foregoing this maoh to satisfy those who oannot bo blamed for doubting after taking bo many without being benefitted you may do just do yon like with this lottor i am satisfied that but for dr williams fink pills i woald not bo able to attond to my business today perhaps i would not have been alive yours very sincerely xakuknlck uloveu our silizbr jubilee western fair london september 8th to 17th 1898 entries close 7th september space allotted on receipt of entry our attractions will be gland and exhibits unsurpassed you can see all that others heiferastral a two your old hollo r with calf strayed on to tho iromleou of tlio uudoralfjiiud ou sunday 1 owner may uavo uamo liy paying ox- altcn moeaohbrk llallinafatj po lotli inst poiieoa for sale douhle brick botua 31 by jfl aovon rooms in oacli rood cellars hard and soft water larco lot no 1q main btjroot actqn also good btablo torino easy- apply to john camorou architect or to tlio otruor o wells f evorton p o ageflts w4rpbb btoryor mraiadbtonosliffiiaof tl jl groatobt man ot tho ago and ointtrtvcob tbo history of tlio alactootfui century tho most tvondorfal century sinco tttno began it has tho offtotand tho tasalnatlo old in eloquent simplicity tor your outfit before you sloop and bolldity of rfaot and tbo fascination of fiction ifltol opand the field capital uddoccssary dig hotter soad and bo first in ty dig wacob paid for tbo book solli to everybody this bitadleygariut80n co limited tbronto house and lot f sal that desirable residential property on bowor aveuuo and wllbar btreots opposite tbo motbodist parsoqae on which is oroctod a comfortable six rooxnod roughcast house with woodshed detached eoca clstoru excellent gar den number of iruld trees well fenced tbo wbolo in a good itate of ropair liberal tortus to suit pureuaior for particulars apply to ii r uooite frsb fnkbh office acton wanted bright mou and women who aro not too proud to work and would like to tuako eoiiio money durina 1i10 next three mouths in tellinii tho wonderful story o g lads tone to their neighbors il story of tbo life of mr dlgbbors 63 00 a day oaiily mado some make tliroe times that earn no risk no exporlonco no capital necessary write qulokly for par t leal aui bbadleygaihet80n company limited- torouto ltcol w m gartshore pbesidcnt roydl jdragoons prince okabes japs sie hassan ben alts ruffins and many other specials the best in the country fireworks each evening blowing up the maine assisted by all the ring and stage attractions special excursion trains leave london at xo pm and after so that you can stay to the fireworks auction sale of booths and privileges wednesday august 17th on the grounds at 2pm prize lists programmes etc apply to thos a beownh secretary white goods halton prohibition associa tion con v ention c alu qeoroetown milton mr wm j king and his sons cary andltiohard of guoversvillo n x was over last wcok visiting hia father at pern mr and mrs b f moors of aoton visited friends boro on saturday afternoon a oonvsntias of the temperanoe vorkers of the county will uo held bcto ori satur day 20 inst the eov mr mahaffy paelor of knox ohnroh loft last week tor a months holiday la masboka dr boborteon is making fast strides in recovery frqno tho operation recently psr- formed on him jadge mocllbbon of brampton nil attend to oar judges dutioe daring the latters vacation judge hamilton ia en joying tlio ocean brceics at old point oamtort tuesday was a delightful day for our olvlo holiday the cheap excursion arranged to niagara falls by tho hoyal templars waa veil patronlzod and tlio town waa alunoat deserted tho iron pipa services put in when the waterworks ware introduced show sarioas signs ofdscay dmo predict that the whole of the aurvioo pipe may have to be taken up and now pipe substituted gal vanised iron or laad should haro base used at the outset a serious firooocured last friday night in tho bsllding occupied by the milton champion and barrys saddlery i in fire originated uador the atairs at tbo blob of the building in barrys saddlery shop and completely gutted the back part ot the building tbs front part being pirtly avd by tho flro oonopany mr barrys family wbo lived upstairs in the baildinp baa a narrowmoape irom the are having to be let down from the upstairs window lo the the tooumseh kim and aetnsu was one of tho hardest games of laorosse ever played in georgetown it was scientific through out and at times exceptionally brilliant the teoumaohelma bad oh their best team and so had tho aetnab and tho result shows very noar tho proportion of tbogama each played tlio flrbt threo games went to georgetown in 5 5a and 2 min the teoumsehelmd jot tho fourth in 10 min and georgetown won the fifth in 20 min notwithstanding ibey were playing 11 men to 12 tho sixth and ssventb games wsnt to tho teoumaohelms in 12 and 11 min very hard ohooklog prevailed throughout and tboreloreo had to send a number of players to the lenoe tho astnas play another home game with seaforth on fri day if tlioy win tbia game they will bo very near the top of the league foatmaslor henderson is away for his vaoation deputy foblmastor matthons of aoton la fllling the vacanoy glenwilllsms will have a big day ot sports on friday august 10 its their olvlo holiday there wore scoros of visitors hero on monday the toronto hamilton and brantford olvlo holidays opened the way the following call lor a convention for this coanty has boen issnod by the ocqoors tt is intonded to bo addressed to every prohibitionist in the coanty i- yoa will havo noticed that tho day for the taking df the maoh talked of plebiscite on tho straight ijaestloa of the prohibitioa of the liquor tralllo has beon eet by tbo dominion government namely septem ber 20tb 1803 in visw of this fact a con vention ot tho temperance workers of tbo oounty is hereby called to meet at milton in tho itoyal templars hall on saturday august 20th at 1 80 pm wo oount on your presonce at this convention and your most aotlve service throughout the cam paign no suoh opportunity was evor offered to the sooisl reformers of any country as that which is face to face with the prohibitionists of canada today wo must not fail to do our f nil dnty may we aount on you to make tbib mooting widely known see that it it announced in your oharoh and made known through the press dr bobsrtson president w j armstrong secretary the following are a few of the lines we have in white goods spotted muslins from 8 to 25c a yard victoria lawns from jo to 20c a yard checked muslins from ro to 25c a yard book muslin ioc aynrd white cottons from 5 to ioc a yard pillow cotton best quality 46 in wide 33c we have in linens butchers linen irish linen japenese linens etc a full line of white and shade cro chet cottons and lil cottons a full line of groceries always kept on hand agmts the onlv cannaiavn life of gladstone ii by caatoll hopkins hem g w row and sir wilfrid lfturlor a listing monumoat to the brent man andtociiulian lltornture bewtro ot amoriean cktebpnuny books handled by canadun honioe our book baa boon in prepa ration for yean handsomely bound prolaae- ly lhattratod bla com mission prospectus freotooanvassor kroisbt paid books on tlmo with this book you can down thorn all bradleyualwetsoas company llmltod notonto boots and shoes made to order and repaired c p gboodeye co rcton bivr the isarl and ooanteas ot minto will sp6nd part of tho automn at minto houso roxburghshire nnd will not loavo for gon ad till november roll of honor three gold and one silver medal worlds industrial and cottea centennial exposition new orleans us and 1s5 iiiaitnst awards wctrnlia ssic bnrt l airiartms 111 diploma alabama stale actlaltanl society at malar iim- award omla villty eiawlllw cslnatm oi itu iiiqmust awards si lauta arlculturil aad metbaalcal aiuclatlop iw stx hiohest awards worlla coliaalaa eianllloa ctltlrs i1u tilartest awards wcstcra fair atsoctalloo leodon cassas ibf j six gold medals mllnlalcr fair saa frastlka cil iw silver medal tonota eiaxltlto tanale caaaia 1845 george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill all orders in he neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stovel cor mill and main streets acton 7 nobby suit for fall and winter steel hotel and family ranqe above style family range ts lorf only by oun traittfnp stileimen rom our own ufoonj at onr u 11 lor m pnee ihroltffhottf canada antf at united state cooper akins the tailor8 now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall and winter as we hae just opened up a fine selection ol imported tweeds serges and worsteds and aro prepared to tako your order at nglit prices fit and worimananlp guaranteed flrbt- olass and uptodute overcoatings a good range of tail overcoatings call and inspect our stock before lca ing your order cooper akins main st acton above honors were reccjyccr by the made 0 mallwbte iron and wmuljht stttt and 1 if lit xatt a jltcthiie j property trira 348sm sold tc january lart 18m wrought iron range co limited founded ism paidup capital lo000oo ractoiiikh aaldthollhlf ahd orfftkh lo z n street tobohto otitario c a n ad washington avenue 19th to 20th street st iouts- wosternjbalosroqms and otlloes ibis clanarm st dei j3 w inuoumctiirv itnil enrry m wmplol atock ir itolcl iuur17 lvrvltiff to amm 4afuiaaaav nun iaaiy mt iiisiiiavic aiauk iiuiri atvsaaaa- vail tiiih tnbltrsii ftmlilnt llrotlcrn orni ffmliwiirmeris ncl nil miter kiirhcii dv1 and art fwilc nmnnrm4ur rx nt llic uneounlftl humk cowkort 1iotair itkel puitnacis tir ifttcii illiminnctl ckuioeue nil prion writ or cull at any of our luitcsroiima in canada or any british colony giving rom the npalalr wi similar advanlaie belo for many homo comings of aourso yoa will take in the a ou w excursion lo niagara falls next thursday the showers at the beginning of tbo woek bavo given tho lawns a decidedly improved appoaranco our rnombor is attending parliament theso days and hell keep his seat thsro warm after ibe lit september too mr olareuce dennett has secured a good position with rioo iwowls son toronto complaints havo been made by- farmors along the silver greek that tho georgetown waterworks takea so maoh water that thero is none left tor their farms the rains this week havo riven temporary relief the oouuoil will apend 18 00 in having the hook and ladder wagon and ladders painted mrd doarnnbellqn the staff ot the bank of hamilton bore for seme time has been transferred lo hamilton principal t r earngoy and mr j p boll manager bank of hamilton left last woek for a two weeks stay in muakoha mr fattcrion baa mr bells plaoe in the bank daring the latters absence summer specials arranged to meet present demand special offer ing during july bargains in wall paper before stocktaking and in order to make room for new goods we will sell our wall paper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as slitl n dg folbs and snillsdosrihttdes the department of justice announces that there will be no registration prelim inary to tbs vole on prohibition positively cured by these llttlo puis they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness dad taste in the jloutli coated tongue pain in the side toriid liver they rcgulato tho bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills dress stuffs 44 in serges in cream black and brown tegular price 50c for 38c 40 in cashmere silk finest in pink light green and blue regularoc special 40c i2jc light prints best make special ioc blouses all at reduced prices parasols a special collection of handsome styles all marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never was larger all fresh and at lowest prices photographing interiors by flashlight h romshuw your own photo artist who stays with you the year around has everything uplodalo in the flash light photo line including n lenso which works at an angle of go degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos such ns groups in srmll rooms it can not ho excelled leave your orders with mo lor either interior or exterior views to bo taken whenever lt may suit your convenience and tho work will hate tho best possible attention my prices aro as low as those of any reliable travellers acton- h ranshtaw phot

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