Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1898, p. 3

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ule bank of hamilton head office hamilton capital all paid up 1 25000000 reserve fund 77500000 total assotb l 110014400 noaily tou millions of dollars dirb0toe8 a q boaed of 01instua11t a q itamsay 1rubldodt vieorrosidont geo hoacii joun ruoctoit a t wood a u lee toronto waiaiuaonm tuiinbtjil cashier i b steven a canlilor h m watson iubfootor georget agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special nttcntion given to the collection of sale notes aad commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at ail principal points in canada and united slates drafts on great britain fyoughtand sold savings department deposits of i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates arid added o principal every year whether passbook is broughf in or not special deposit hreceipts issued for large sums j pbell agent geohgetown ont the news at home thursday august 111808 little local brieflets which couffht the eyes or ejara of free press reporters this week- what about civio holiday hal too fair will bo hold at milton on sept 20lh and 80ib our civio holiday wan held latt year on monday 2brd atigutt mount 1orebta rate of taxation will be 224 mills on the dollar the heavy showera on sunday and monday did incalculable good can yon realize it toronto exhibi tion opens two weeks from monday drover holmes shipped a oar of hogs on monday dud another yesterday tho tonu of clinton has btruck its rate for tho present year at 21 mills tin new pavement was inaugurated last friday afternoon without ceremony tho new pavement is very popular with- the nursegirls and their baby carriages monday a windstorm cracked ono of the large panes of plate glaes in havlua store front let us have a civio holiday and an excursion lopenttanguishene goderloh or niagara falje a p symou will bell his stook ot watches clocks jowellry etc by auction on saturday night tho store front or lb nelson co baa becu much improved by the paiulu ilia week about thirty of pur lacrosse enthusiasts went to georgetown on saturday to soothe big lacrosse match tho carpenters aro busy on tho new addition to tho leaqh bouse at the aoton tanning cos works mr john l kribbs has sold his property on arthur street to mr norman p lambert or 8c50 f at many points in ontario city and town oouncila are preparing bylaws to abolish the ward system a in gait from tho first of augubt tho price of telephones in private residences wju be saoayear instead of 25 president sir charlea bivcrs wileon of the g t it passed through aotori yesterday naorning on a speoial train theeflrb jjj and jm warren hove jubt bold their pair of light bay drivers to mr p j smith of toronto at a good figure ratepayers get your money ready i thoiirbviiialalmentqr taxeaia dpoon ujq 8rd september the second on the clb november mrgeoslovel lao of toronto has opened a ihpemaking and repairing business in the btore lately occupied by w h admp tailor peers licence commissioners have re fused to renew the license of the old american hotel brampton wbtoh has been licenced for 4g yeard mr arch mcnabb got an ugly fall at the tannery last friday afternoon he bruised lis neok and right shoulder badly and has- been off work over since ooo of w h speights houses en willow etreet has been in the hands of i bo painterb the past week and it now presents a very bright and attractive appearance lacrosse will soon be the bporfc of the day in milton it is reported that a team will be organized very soon baseball it appears will bo a dead letter reformer tho widening of mill street contin ues to be tho oorrent topio of conversa tion the oonoensns of opinion as expressed ia that it should be done without delay j mr p t bmitb formerly of aoton has tbe contra shooing the 2v eaton cos horv- iii audi lion to his general bliokfrnitbiog business v eaton co hav over 100 horses mr bmitb employs five blacksmiths in hia shops the splendid monument referred to in a recent isine of the fneb piibss was erected at tbo head of the grave of the late w h j3torey by john h hamil ton goelph liet week it is admired for its excellent appearanca and workman ship by all who have seen it coohfc done tbrf co t i introducing tha permanent pavement on yourstrcetsf and discarding the laying of any further wooden sidewalks said alex mcmillan esq of the treasury depnrt- raeut toronto city hall to the fbkb pussa whilo on a visit to acton tho other day miss addison who has been on the publlo bchool teaching staff of gait for over forty years has sent in her resigna tion to the boardu three generations have come nnder her tutelage- she was a faithful worker and retires with the highest esteem of the townspeople guelph mercury a couple of young men in town be longing lo resectable families were seen by a number of cltlbons on snnday tnorn- iog lying drouk on the aide of the street tho result of a saturday night debauoh surely it is lltno prohibition was enacted in our fair latiot to aisiat young men thus qnablo to control themselves and to spare tbo outngedi feelfaga of tbeir families who are liable lobe that humiliated at any time first oissji second band bfoyoles for sale it symon bros at very low prices btuok boon aclon m o a lpija c ano every item interesting a gruud demonstration c a grand demonstration will bo celebrated in aotorx on tuesday augubt 23rd programme of sporls will bo given during the day among which will be caledonian fumes bicycle races and laorosse matches in tho evening a grand concert will be given for further particulars soepobtorn furious driving hi mt be discontinued a couple of rigs containing reckless drivers rushed maily downbowor avomia abreast on tuesday evening tbero wero a dozon little children io tbo street at tha time bomo of them on wheels and their lives wero ondangored a bylaw of tho municipality prohibits farious driving under botore penalty and the authoritiee will lay heavy lianda upon thosa who are so rccblosb as thus to endanger tho lives and property pfoitlzeua ifxcursloa to niagara talis the a o u w of georgetown have arrangod for aghoap excureiou to niagara fall d for next thursday 18th inst georgetowns oivlc holiday the excursion takes in aoton tho fare being l10 tor adiilta and 55 conla for children exotfr- sionisfaleayp hero on the 035 a ra train transferring to tuo exouraiotf- train at georgetown eeturniug the train leaves the falls at 780 and ia timed to arrive at aoton at 1020 p m tiokets are good to return the following day our annual civio italldny the proposal of tho sous of soollaud and crokinole clnb for civic holiday on tuesday 23 eeenn to havo fallen through some other arraugomont sbuold now be andertaken it has been suggested that the reeve bo asked to proolalm thursday next 18th inst civio holiday and to unite with georgetown in its a o u w oxourflion to niagara palls if this were undertaken no doubt georgetown would generously reciprocate in some future excursion arranged by aoton not helpful to a town an exchange states that tbero are seven classes of peoplo who aro a detriment to a oommunity l tbose who go ont of town to do their trading second those who oppose improvornonta third those whoprefer a quiet town to one of pubh and business fourth thoao who think they can do business slyly and without adver tising fifth thoso who deride public- epirited men sixth those who oppose aoy public enterprise that does not appear to benefit them sovemtb thoso who seek to injure tho credit of any individual one of actons bin gera abroad whilo on her recent visit in the north west miss jesbio nicklin was prevailed upon to fling in aoverul of tbo bhnrohea respecting her ability the portage la prairie daily qraphk says at the baptist churoh last evening a new soloist was introducedto tho eongregration mibb nicklin of aoton ont in tho conrae of the service she sang saviour i come with much expression and mubical finish pleabing the audience vory greatly bho also bang in a duet with mr o s b bar ley and tbo combination of voices proved agreeably hanrioniou tbo brandon daily sun says miea nicklin of ontario bang a very pretty solo in the baptist ohorch last ovening bho possesses a blear aweet voico and her artionlation ia perfect would soon save been a centenarian mr mcgowan blackbtook of terra gotta whose approaching hundredth birth day was referred to in the issue of the free press two weeks ago died at hfs home on bat ur day had ho lived until the 18th inst he would have been 100 years of age qe was a man estcomed by hlb neighbors and a good citizen mr blaokstook came to canada from kadytown coanty armagh ireland in 1831 being tfaon 33 years old bringing with bim a wifo and two obildren and- bottled on a farrain cbinguaooasy peal county after a usmbsr of yoars he pave up hia farm to his only son james blacketook now deooaaed and retired to alloa removing soven years ago to terra gotta until very recently mr blaokbtock has been quite aotive and could work in his gardon last summer mr blaokstook was married three times and at the time of his death bad two children living 87 grand electric ligritaqai n iqnored the regular sosalon of the munlcl not tne munici- sooted routine pal counoil trans business but nothlnsmore tho counoil mot on mondavy evening in biwookly bobbion tho baeiness which had aqoumulated received curcful oonaidur- atloo a oouple of deputations were hoard but nothing olso wau done it was expect- od that nation would be takea to advance be elcotrio light movement a stop but no buqh move win made and tha matter rests in oboyanoo for anothor period counoil met in regular session at eight oclock reeve pearson and councillors francis murruy and cjarko wero present the poramittce on finance presented their thirteenth report and reoorntnouded ptivmontdf the following accounts j a bjioiblit luriiituro for public library 8 60 goo hyiidb btationory a 03 joho cameron work and wood for 1 library la iff itcook work 1 g5 duiiib eravolcto i g3 go cohingand going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal imotes 89 43 moved byl francis beoouded by j a murray that the rcport of tho- finance committee just read bo udop ted carried an application forpermiduion to remove andercot lo dwelling on miss steels lots corner mill and willow streets was receiv ed froth mr j cameron contractor moved by john clarke seoondod by j a murray that the clork acknowledge rcoelpt of mr camerons application of the 8th inst to remove and ereot a dwelling house on miss steely lots on mill and willow streets and to inform him his application is grantod providing the byla wj for fire protection is fully complied with representatives from the crokinole club and sons of scotland requested that they be allowed tho uso of tho public park and town ball ou tuesday the 23rd inst moved by j a murray seconded by i franois that the uso of the town hall and public park du tuesday 23rd august 1808 be granted the entertainment gommitteo providing they fix the traok suitable for the occasion and to the satisfaction of the municipal council carried moved by j clarko seconded by j a murray that the firbt instalment of taxes for 1898 beporae due and pay a bio on the 3rd of september 1808 and the second instalment on the 5th day of novo rubor careied messrs j l kribba and e bowers represented east end ratepayers and re quested that the counoil build a sidewalk on the west side of arthor sreot the matter was left over for consideration chairman murray bad a lively tiff with ono of lhfl workmen whom ho bad engaged on btreet work who claimed tho account thoohairman had put in was fifty cents less than it should havo been the chair man gave reasons for cutting down the bill and aarao out ahead in tho fiery debate the workman refused the check proffered in pay moot of his olttitn council adjourned at oso pm children 74 great grandchildren and th ree great great grand obildren a serious runaway accident on tuesday evening last weok a runaway accident occurred oh tho silver creek hill which was disastrous in its resulta mrs j p mullin of acton was driving down the bill going to georgetown when another rig following her ran away and in the descent ran into her buggy knocked her out and the fall rendered her unconsoioati bho was brought homo and in a few days recovered from tho tflfeotb of tho shook the runaway rig containod mrs mo- m array of hornby and mrs fox and two boys of toronto who wore driving home from aoton a a baggy after spending the day with frlonds here the ooonpants were thrown out and one of the boys bad bis arm very severely fractured the remainder of the company received a bad shakingup but did not sustain any serious injury the boggy and harness wero badly smashed and the 7 childs arm was broken by tbo bogey falling upon bim a gentleman who was driving through from toronto took obarge of tbo baggy load and took them all to oodrgotown whero tbelrneedfl were- attended to important frofebhioanl change for a week past there have boon rumors current to tho effect that dr j f uren had disposed of bis practice hero and intended removing to toronto little credence wab at first glvon the report tho opinion being pretty general that the doctors practice here was too extensive andjproo table to forego we havo it upon reliable authority now howover that dr uren will make toronto bis future homo his brotherinlaw dr j ni e brown tjablaavtektoriuff ot administrator ofiiwvs stag and dr pavements in acton the guelph daily advocate cays a short stretch of granolithic pavement waa reoontly laid in aotoji by the gnolph pavement co and tho residents of that plaoo are delighted with it there will be no more plank walks laid in this town- said an aoton man to an advocate repre sentative on monduy the granolithic walks bave made a wonderful i nip rove monuntbeppearanco otthoatreetaof uren has concluded to take his praotloe in toronto arrangementsi aro now being made for drvmodonald to tako over tbo praotloe here hebadobargoof itduring dr urens vacation last year and this the doctor will spend acouplo of weeks hero in introdaping bis suoccssar and settling up his sutairs mocu regrot will bo felt at dr ureas removal daring bis eight years of residence hero ho has proven himself a skilful physician and won a very large praoteo boolally dr and mrs uren have been held in high esteem and in variourf relations the bootor has made himself a aeefnl member of tho community at the present time he holds tho position ot recording steward of tho official board of the methodlsfc church is a mem ber of tho pabllo sohcol board and is the worshipful master of walker lodge a f d a m last week be received the appointment of coroner for the county his removal will consequently be regretted in many quarters in br mcdonald he leaves a very worthy suocesior if all the rood things we hear mra anlhentlc he has already won many filondeblpi and lis conadenoo of those who havo required his profeislonal servioei local brieflets country schools reopen next monday the root crop will bo lighter than ugnal this year dr j f uien has been appointed a coroner for the oounty of ha ton the long summer vaaation ia almost at a olose only two weeks remain monday was toronto and hamiltons civio holiday a number from both oities spent tbo day with friends in acton contractor oripps has the frame of tbo new 200foot bark bbod at tho tannory welt advanced thore are eighteen bonts in tho frame the second crop of weeds flourish at some places on tbo streets as well as on various private properties they aro unsightly and should bo removed at one 0 guolpb and we do not wonder at other places folio wing the example of the royal city tho ontario mr uit croph it is eipeotcia f rom the reports gathered from the varioub fruit districts of ontario that the banner orop this year a mong tho larger fruits will bo tho pear crop tbo majority of districts report that- almost every tree promises excellent returns tho apple orop is also expeoted to prove a largo one especially in western ontario peach es will not bo abundant a fair crop of plums is looked for but favorablo condi tions may result in a crop worthy of being called a goodonc fruitmon are confident ly looking for a large growth of canadian tomatoes reports from most bootiona being excellent this fruit is so tender however that a little frost may materially alter tho complexion of affairs olndatoae also n xctntlve a reader of the fiuck fiuebs sends as tho follow nig information in addition to being a relative of lord minto dr elliott of aclob oan also olaira kinship with tho illustrious gladstone whoao mother as well asdr elliotts mother was a descendant of the robert bo ob of perthshire whoao cblof is robertion of strnan so eminent an authority en dan history as dr skene has this to eay ot that family tho robertsons of btraan aro unquestionably tho oldest family in scotland being the solo remain ing branoh of that royal house which ocoopied tbo throne of scotland during the euvontb twelfth and thirteenth cooturios and from which they can distinctly traoo their descent in the male line gladstone was an honorary member of the clan jroberjson tho messrs john duncan robcrtboo of nasaagawoya are irisirwo of tbh renow clan tito new postal notes postmaster matthews has roooivod a supply of the new canadian postal notes tho notes consist of six toon denominations ranging from twenty cents to live dollars tho government commission vvlll range from one pent up to forty costs being at tho rate of two coots on notes up to 92 co and threooenta from 8800 to 1500 notos only three denominations have beon lasuod as yet beoause the equipment of tho american dank noto company does not appear to be equal to furnishing tho whole iibqo as boon as required by the govern ment those postal notos will bo issued by postmasters through out the country and will bear tho date sump of tha office of issue they mail bo cashed within three months of the date of their liane if 4lroo of remitting oddments a remitter is at liberty to affix to the face of a potul nolo canadian postage stamps to the valoo of bntnoxcedldgnineoents to cmft e a cold in one day take eaxatlvo bromo qnlnitie tablau all drauusis refund tbo money 11 it falli to cure us ovals tha fjikk piikbs inyltos all its rodara to oon lributo to tlila column if you or your friends aro olng away on ft holiday trip or ht yob have frlonda vlottlug you drop a card to the fuss iitksb mrs v u walker waa very ill during tho week miea dura e moore is holidaying at abbgrove mr allio brown of torouto ia visiting acton friends mrs jno miphle of toronto is visiting ac corry hall miss hodgeonsof guelph visited friends in town this week the mieaca dale of toronto are quests of mrs jennie smith mr charloa taylor viaitud his daughter in hamilton this week mr a e gurney is holidaying at braeebridgo this week mrs james goodall of chatham visited aoton friends thia week mr lcnnel smyth is spending a week with relatives in toronto miss tiny craine of toronto is spend ing a weok or so in aoton mr jamek brown returned from a vibii to toronto on saturday evening mr and mrs w t stone of toronto visited aotoo relatives this week mr h t lepage of toronto was a guost at moorecroft laet week mrs b t h ambers ton of newtoobrook is visiting aoton friends this week mies annie gilmour of guejpb is a guest at tbe home of chief mcqueen mr w p brown of toronto ppent sunday among the sceneg of bis youth mr and mrs h p moore visited friends at miltou trafalgar and hornby lost week misses florenoe and mabel robtnion of toronto epeot a few days with friends here mr and mrs h c davis and babe of dundaf were guests of councillor clark this week mrs h strasser and obildren of berlin have been guests at the paternal homo tbe past week mr wm lowry of guelph wheeled to town on tuesday aud spent the day with friends here miss meda nelson was in guelph over saturday at the homo of her brother aid r e nelson mr jodn bogan of rooh ester n- y spent a couple of daje this week with relatives hero mr aud mrs p j smith and miss queen io of toronto visited the old borne here this week principal t james moore of guelph bpont several days during tbe weeii with friends in town miss ida mcnabb of toronto general hospital bpent a couple of days this week at her home here mr and mrs alex mcmillan of toronto spent several days this week at tbo txoroeof councillor clark mrs aid hamilton of guelph was tbe guest last thursday of mrs w h storey at sunderland villa miss teua moartbar and misa ada campbell aro the guests of miss annie campbell this week miss cassie mcphail returned hurt week from a pleasant trip to lindbay canning- ton and other points mus mina walker was called home from berliq ou saturday owing to the borious illness of her mother mies eliza mcqueen has returned home after a three weeks visit with friends at guelph and other points mr w a christie proprietor of the guelph advocate favored the fbek fresh with a call tho other day mrs wynn and master archie of port ryerse visited at the home of her brother mr geo dills last week mr will kennedy foreman of the gravenhnrst banner made the fb pass the plebiscite vote tho form o th q a it u reach the electors the fqrra of tbe question to boaubmittod to- the eleotora of tho dominion is are you in favor of the passing of au act prohibitiiig tbe im portation manufac ture or ealflof bplritu wipe ale beer eider andallbthsr alcoholic liquors for use as bev erages yes no the persona entitled to vote shall bo thdss who have the right of the provloclal franchises or those who under tbe domin ion franchise act paeced last session would have the right to vote in a federal election in rod oral the proceedings wilt follow those whioh are prescribed ia dominion elections returning officers will appoint agents for the yoaa and naya to attest caoh poll such officers not to be entitled to renumer- ation inthe abaouoe of snob agents one elector representing each inferosc shall be admitted to each booth to watob thooouni- ingof the vote 0 t merit talks tbe mmtm intrinsic value of hoodssarsaparllla merit in mcdiolrio means the power to cure hoods barssparllla possesses actual and unequalled ourawve power and there fore it has true merit when you buy hoods sarsapariaaand take it according to directions to purify your blood or cure any of tho many blood diseases you are morally certain to receive benefit the power to cure is there you are not trying an experiment it will make your blood pure rloh and nourishing and thus drive out the germs of disease strengthen the nerves and build up the whole system it pays to pjt at bollcrls it pays tojuy at ttaufrts good tims friis fkll the fall fairs list or the exhibitions already an nounced for the coming fall seabon sarpaftjla in th best in fact- thoqm true blood puriaer pienafcd only by cf i jiooii co low hoods pills ot nurgo mid ot grlpo all ilruggfiti aw indwitriil toronto aug 29 to bcpt 10 weatern london bopt 8 to 17 welioiiey wellealoy sep 18 14 northern wslkertoo sept 1415 soatlioro draottord sept 17 to 32 hortioallnral preaton sept 20 21 22 owen bound owen sonnd sept 20 21 oentro wellington ferffna sept 22 23 noilb ferlh btrutfotd sept 22 23 centre eruoe paisley sept 27 28 sonth grey durham sept 27 28 fel brampton sept 28 29 oarafraxn eel wood sept 29 so ermobnbockwood oot 11 j2 worlds fair biookton oot 11 12 erin erin oct 18 14 talk of the day trip to a ploaaant oall on xaeaday ltev j k tjnawortb b a o flootuod ia bpendlug bis vacation at tha home of mr o swaokhmcr ohurohill mr robert storey ot olovolanol and miss diokey ol nffalo apent ibe paat two woeka with frlendald aotoo mr and mra 1 h thprnpion of toronto aperit a few dayb at tbe homo of mr w p gumboil tbia week mr a 0 seardmore aaila on saturday for england and will apend a month or ao in groat britain and tbe continent mr charlie bmyth and mill ttl ot tor5hto apent a few days thia week at tho homo of tboir anole mr w t sroyth mr a t brown is away on vtcalion and willspenda ooaple of woeks with friends at harriston teeawater and other fointi weat mrjohn dunn ol the aoton tanning co returned on monday from a pleiaant ten days vitit with friends at montreal and qoebeo if- mr alex graham of arthnr wai tha gaoatofhis unole o t hlllsqon tuesday while en route to hamilton on a bioyole tour mr ii ramghaw is attending the annual session ol the qrand lodge of oddfellowe at dalt this vreok as the delegate of aoton lodge no 201 mr qoore coombea and mr jbmest hillman wbeoled up from hinilltoo on saturday and spent a few days atl the home of mr ilarry jeans miss llezie williams ot qnelpb and mrs p z niion and master auitln of dundsllr were nutate of aigonothior williami daring tbe week misa cober and miss pannabeeker of heapoler and mils koso dennll of ooolpb weregaestsat the home ot mr a o pannabeokor daring tbs week mr a e nicklin has been etsotal the dolegato from the methodist obucoh to attend tho financial meeting of guelph district to be held at bookwood on friday 19th aid and mrs it e nelson of ontlph have bpont a week of great anxiety owing to tho serious lllneas of their only son ela life for oeveral days seems to have hang by a thread mr j o matthews retained home friday evening from a twoweeks wheel ing trip making presootl kingston and ottawa principal objeotlvo points lie reports vsry enjoyablo oolldg a preu diapatoh aaya m r 1 d maun hasjuat returned to winnipeg after apend- ingn week in lha port arthor district where he went over the proposed rodlo of the first 25 miles of the ontario and bainy lake railway with tbo ohiot engineer it is staled that work on this pine ol the road will be started in a few days sir wilfrid laurler who is on tbe northwest is at winnipeg reports from all parts ot manitoba in dicate excellent ripening weather for grain harvesting is now well nndor way in many sections the tbirlyfirst annual meeting of tbe canadian alcdioal association will be bold in tbe reception hall of laval university que on aosaet 17 18 and 19 last friday a wellknown farmer named wm eaton who uvea about four nillefl from lyp was strnok by lightning the stroke was not fatal and be will recover a orop report will be publibhod by the department of agriculture summarized it will say tbe orops in tho provinoe are very favorable in fact more promising than has been known for some time it la reported in connection with tbe angloamerican movement that strong endeavors aro boing made to get the frinoe of wales to visit the united states and canada next snmmer and it is added that euoonragement hae been gtvon tho idea in responsible quarters a fatal aooidont occurred at clinton saturday morning at tho residence of j c qitroy two little boys wero awldging when littio konneth gilroy about 3 yoars old unseen by them got in the way and the beat board etrnck him on the temple killing bim instantly advertising is a 8clence another car of ijansait justin also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at 105 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c- dairy nnd table salt rock salt potalo bug killer pure paris green 20c per lb i jwajlessexrape s eed 1 8 lbs jf or 5 1 90 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from cjc up geo j thorp sbbdskhn market sq and maodonnell bt gublph an attractive pair an attractive piir of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any one man woman or child we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usagemay be given all styles all prices all qualities and all as represented we have a complete assort- rnent including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all 8tvles trunks and valises 1 extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than tlu5epaiixlnuiegencralslores where trade is taken for goods and dea ex in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable 1 custom wqrkanq repairing given phohpt attention kenney bros main 8treet acton dominion biat nnd shoe store hitvpl fq 800 firstclass gieniaway free vtoillliiivatjjrlioirlll helpni wwilaj md sell dr ymieafs kunnuvir cure in raslf n mptrime or apltal locality raqulrei chcuical tlirplv co piotoiij oht no ptddtlns orc darrk your sparattne mbejgstamps fob pine fiubbtr btuopi fodi ink to writ to geo curry ft co klog st but tnmtnfrt anj piys when you are qualified and able to tell the world what you have that they should havo we wish to impress only the fact upon you that we sell books wall paper vvindow shades motldings etc just now probably you doni require any of the above wrtenyou do kind ly bear in mind the name and address c l hel1es thb lghder cuelph wall paper samples at jd mckees acton this seems to bo the general cry and we will join in as we have every reason lo believe there will be extra qood times this fall and winter the crops are generally good and the indications are thai the prices will be jood then pur manufacturing industries have hot been so busy for years and the result will be lota of money in circulation avc are therefore making great preparations for a big trade this- season mr bollert who is at present in the european markets is doing some shrewd and courageous buying especially in the better class of goods such as this store is noted for keeping how often customers are heard saying if they want anything extra good in dry goods they always go to bollertsfor it we can assure such that they will not be disappointed this autumn as wewill undoubtedly have the finest and most uptodate stock in this city and we vvlll have it in abupdance as mr boiler t is buying just about double the amount ho usually does with the exception of an unusual large trade we have already received and placed in stock a consignment of frehch and german goods thus saving the cusionisexlra duty of 25 per cent this means that you will be able to buw such goods from us 25 per cent less goods well bought are half sold is an old and true saying wherever we see the best goods at the lowest prices is our market we are limited to nowhere and to- no x person lookout for big things at bollerts this fall now in the meantime pur big summer sale will continue as we have many lines of summer goods that simply must be cleared out as we do not wish to carry over a single yard orarticle of sucb goods so out they go regardless of cost e r bollert fe 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph co fevl ir ar a ei iort the modern grocer being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern in design with best principle of drv cool air cir culation best in- s ul ation and rinc lined why buy a bom e made or poorly made article when you con get an uplodale refrigerator for less money for prices anddescrlption bend for catalogue knowlea ham nott co limited bran tford for salo by john m bond a co guelph yoo furnish the feet we do thq rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will 7rtorii3rdo the rest butwe will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style arly quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton typeizsrriter price 6600 visible writing in addition to all the advantages of the ftiaooo machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully guhrknteed circulars them and testimonials write for the williams mtg co uakers of olbrtd m your eyes how are they is it a pleasure for you to use them or an effort there is probably no reason why you should not see clearly and with pleasure spectacle fitting has made a great advance within the past few years and now you can be suited satisfactorily at remarkably low cost try our optician he is well qualified he i well equipped he has had much experience m spectkcles eyeclhsses of all descriptions scientifically fitted special attention to filling oculists prescriptions spec tacle repairing etc sjlttilgie cfe co -piftyears-ih-business- whtchmkkers hnd opticians quelpli ont glasgow house acton is there anything in this list which you are in need of parasols millinery shapes and trimmings trimmed hats cotton hosiery and gsloves muslins etc if so you can find what you want here at prices which wjll make you buy some very special clearing lines in childrens and womens shoes the advantage of getting tfo uk hats and caps colored and wliito shirts braces collars and cuffs and summer underwear from us is that quality is perfect prices are right and every thing as represented or your money back we make nioe clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices lower lhan any store in the trade or firstclass goods ft e rstplson merchant tailor and liens famisher guelpli tblbphen6 4 o

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