Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 11, 1898, p. 4

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foil feel the blood rushing along but what kind of blood that is the question is it pure blood or impure blood ir the blood is impure titers you are weak and languid your oppetlto is poor and your digestion is weak you can not elcep well and the morn ing iladsiyou unprepared or the work of the day your cheefcs areipale and your com slcxion is sallow you irr oubled with pimples boll or some eruption of the still why not purify your blood will do it take it a few days and then put your finger on your pulse again you con feel the difference it la stronger and your clrculallon better send for our book on impure blood if you are bilious take ayers pills they greatly aid the sarsaparilla tbey cure constipation also ttot hoofom vrritothomfreelrauthotmlrttefdlin on will tooetf a l la your i prompt r tlr without ewt ireplrw adsrou del j wu i3ott3ftwiffl thursday august 11 1898 be itomtjj jfolkfi hollyhocks tbo hot days fold bprlygfl tondcr petals down but oven wbilo we say tho bloomi ro dono lol through the tangled gardoiibconietli ono clad all uncouacloua jo bor quaint old gown porchanoo the oldtlmo days wo mlrbt forgot if hollyhocks noer sot tbatnaotvoa abbw noor libo old dameaand eqalroa movod to and fro irj stately measures of tho mlunet now art thou welcome o tbou oldtimo bloom thou and thy friend tbo fonnol at thy bide our hearts like those in olden timet mo wldo aud la tbls nowday summer is there room 80 lot tbo old flowors and the now join hands in happy gardens through tbo waiting lauds lucyis tillfy in ffarperi weekly few but slick rural life in certain parte 0 indiana is simply incomprehonbible to thoea who have not been it and many phases of it are luootnprobenbible to outsiders who have a farmer drove up to tbe village general atoro alighted from his bnok- hoard hitched his horse and accosted tbe proprietor by calling oat whuta atawbrica today sam wero payin five oenta for good ones frobh picked ooalclnt make it six could ye nope tbe rains bo v brought em forward mightly and the prioea had to tumble the farmer sat down on a salt barrel in tbo eh ado in front of the store and waited at tbe cad of half an hoar he oatne to tbe door and said mndyll be pat oat aboat it sbe reokqaed the be aboat beven n sorry thbhabit of exaqqeration en h life but is fur worao iu rulikioun life we all know gharoh member a whoso weakneaa for hyperbole la bo inveterate that they oauuot coflipe it even in their prayers it colora their expressions of personal exnor- ienoe their account of providences that betel thorn and their gratitude for tho privileges vouchsafed to them thoajhjht- ott departure from truthepcaklug in a ghrfitlaxi grievously compromises with honorable and biraiuhtroruard men of the world tho profflgbion of religion the exsgierated and hysterical utterances of aomo prayers and teatlmonieb 60 jar upon their eenso of reality that tbey are apt to regard christian experience as a bharn or a eutimeat tbey know very well that ofteu a man would threaten to riinplc yu dui if yoo applied to him uu tho street the epithets ho applies to himself in the prayer meeting when tbey listen to rapturous accounts of mountaintop oommuniqatlon with obriat and glowing dfapriptloua of growth iu holiness and tjiiuk about oertafn bniineis tranbititions b- the holy speaker or of the jangnage that drops from hi o lips in the beat o argument they are comoions of an unreality or extravaanoe whioh have a moat pernicious inflaodoe on the aspirations that visit their worldfettered spirits tbe call of the hoar is tot reality extravagance of diction like extravagance of expenditure involves a man in difficulties and shuts bim omj from tbe influence for good he ought to exert the architect of character mast at all times and and under all circumstances remember that it is not bis work to weave a gobbamerlihe web of fancy oolors but to build stono by stone or day by day tho palace of truth whioh bhall abide unto eternity nttbhvlllo advocate a scriptural duel according to a correspondent of tbo london crocera monthly a bakery guild loogago had carved along tho front of their pew in oh arch the wellknown words bread ie the staff of life bat the butchers retaliated by inscribing on the front of theira the text man does not live by bread alone the grocers will agree that the batobera were right and that without cer tain groceries man wouldnt want to live saved from paralysis and death by palhes celery compound wells biohardbon co dear sire i have much pleasure in recommending faines celery compoaad for nervouiness and weakness with which x was sorely afflicted for a number of years and for which my doctor could give no re lief i became very weak and had a stroke of paralysis i was confined to my bed and the doctor requested me to try a course of your medio ne as the last thing that could be done i did as recommended and before i had floiehed the first bottle i cx- perienoed a change i am glad to bay that i am ca rod through tbe aso of palnes celery compound i have recommended it toothers and they have been benefitted by it it baa worked miracles for me yours truly mrs 0 hum toy cobonrg ont the holiest thino alive hawavar ronohmen mid nrhnnn my differ from one another 611 othor onhjeotp in their estimates of tho value of a mother tlioy are singularly harmonious tho kindergarten aagazints liaa collected u number of national provorba showing tbo almost universal adoration of mothorhood 80 roe of tbom are a mother 1b a mother kill tbo holiest thing alive samuel taylor coleridge a mothers love is tbo beat of all wobt afriaa aud illudoo- a mothers love is the best love gods love is tho highest lovo german a mother id tho divinity of infauoy england a child rrinst sbk its mother whether it maybe a wise muu or a fool w l weems a mothers arms aro made of tenderness and ohildroo bleep aouudly in them victor hugo a mothers lovo will draw up from tlio dbpths of tho aoty uueasim a- mothers prayore silnt and gentle can never mias hie road to tho throne of all bounty henry ward becaher a mothers touderuqbs and caresses aro tbe milkof tho heart eugene de gnerin a simple kiss from my mother nfadu mo a painter benjamin wcat yy a wittymothor witlosb else bor son bbakeapearo all i am or oun bo i owe to my angel mother abraham liu coin all i am my mother modo mo john qainoy adams forget not the mother that fondled ther cingalese he that despisna woman dtspisoahis mother indian heaven is at the feet of mothers per sian 1 am indebted to any father for my living bat to nay mother for living well alexander the groat in all lliiri oold and hollow world no fount of deep strong deatblea lovo eavo in a mothers heart it is the mother that cxiauea tho domestio hearth tho nursery of heroes daniel webbter like blllousnoss dyapopsla headache const patlon sour stomach indigestion arp promptly cured by hoods puii ibsy do their work easily and thoroughly br st after dinner pills is cents atl drugglats prepared by c i hood a co lowell mass the onlv tiu to take with ttooda sorsaparlua pills ave8clblcprcparalioaforas- slmllallrig itetoodfliulrcgula- ug the stomachs ondbowcla of ixkw 1s iiiidhin profliotesdifjesllonchecrful- ncssnndrcstcontalns ncluier oprummorphitie nor mineral not naii c otic xavtarauorsmtlltmmb apcrltctremedy for cons llpa- lion sour stomach diarrhoea wonnsconvulsionsfeverish- ness andioss of sl tacsimile signat of ltb exactjcoiitdewraeeeb sbe that the 1 facsim1le signature of is on the wrapper of botttie of oasterla is pnttipln onetlie bottles only it if not soldla bnlk dont allow anyone to sell too anything els on the ploa or promlao that it jnitu good and will answer every par pots x9- see that you got 0abtoeia biifao- ry artist who has pnexpeotedly received a obeok for a portrait he bas just painted ab after all people are not so bad a a we paint them mother graves worm exterminator hoa tho largebt sale of any similar prepara tion bold in canada it always gives satiefactibn by restoring health to the little folks we suffer more from than without the devil within 5astqria fox infants and children nn lmllt lfututj vnppfa a mao can never please his neighbors tbey always think either that he stays at home too much or doesnt stay at borne enough followed husbands advice all dread tho handtohand conflict with gladiatorial life for kino year 8 mr samuel bryan thedford writes for nine years i buffered with ulcerated sores on my leg i expended over 9100 to physicians and tried every preparation j hoard of or saw recommended for such disease but could gt no relief at last i was recommended to give dr thomas eolootrio oil a trial which has resulted after using eight bottlea using it internally and externally in a complete cure i beliove it is tho bebt medioine in the world and i write this to lot others know what it has done for me war is organized marder death is its proper penalty liver complaint i have great faith in burdock blood bitters for livor complaint and constipa tion as it oared me 1 consider thore is nothing equal to it mrs william john- sou balmoral man heaven trubta ua with intellect bat pats irons on our will regular action of tho bowels is necessary to health lax a liver pills aro the beet ocoasional cathartlpfor family or general use prioo 25o any drugriat l temptation ie a spy upon our virtues to bo shot at sight jim replied the storekeeper but im sellin em for seven the farmer aaantered down to the black smith bbop and pitohed qaolts for an hoar thon became back split fiie difference he bald and call it five and a half all right was the rel octant re joiudor let it go at that how many have you got boat fonr quarts and a hulfvho said and theyre just as sllok berries ai ye ever set your teeth into chicago timu- htrdld- thegirland her brother gain your- brothers confidence my dear girl ielso you will have no influence ovor him writes ruth ash more of a siatere lofluonco over her brother in tho august ladies home journal force yourself tobe interested in whatever he tella you let no escort be as obarming to you as ho is make him find pleasure in the samo society that you do and if for bqtrie reason he finds ft tiroborae then arrange togo in another sot bat iways a good ono and one in which be will be 1 appreoiated and wilt appreoiate if you havo nny acosmpiibhment urge your brother to bo a btudentwitfiyod- if ybu are a good pianibt nover refuse to play the tuno ho likes and if you can indqee him to lake up the violin or mandolin with you or oven tbe banjo bo muoh the belter for v you may be companions in melody as inllfo never forget howmuoh man spec ially a young man likes to boreroernbered the tiay token on bis birthday the remem brance on the holiday the little letter of congratulation sent when he has succeeded either in his atadies or in the baaloeis v u s pleasures are waited on brother a brother is very of tea the reproduction of hii sister it in as if hu were a mirror into which whoa tho bister looked sbe foand reflected alt her faults and most of her virtues i was troubled for a long timo with blok headaches at last my husband bought wobottieb hoods baraaparlha telling me this medicine woah cure me ab it had onred him of sault rheum i began taking it and it made me feel like a now woman mrs robert moaffee donr- harst ontario hoods pills care all liver ills easy to take eaey to operate reliable sure hso nature is formless and valueless until reflected in the sonl of man dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial is a speody oure for dysentery diarrhoea pbolora ummer complaint sea siokneis and complaints inoident to ohiidron teeth ing it gives immediate relief to tubie suffering from the effects of indlsoretiou in eating unripe fraft oaoumbers etc it aots with wonderful rapidity and never falls to conquer tbo disease no one heed fear cholera if they have a bottle of this medicine con vonient what is a figure ol npeoob uncle george well it is a 00 pound young man ask- iog a 200 pound girl to fly with him martyr to diarrkoea teus of relief from suffering by r fwlers ext of w1h strawberry a married- man bates the word bopsy bidod becauo big vifs la always tbrow- lnf op to him bis sentimental romatki daring that period that soiling head oan bo instantly relieved by taking one of milbnrns sterl ing hoadaoho powders 1 powdjiroo 8 for 10o lofor 25o olara i see that cynthia has deooratod her roam with gnns pistols swords and the like cora yob she always has been a groat girl for having arms around her dont neglect that nasty congh br woods norway pino syrap can cure it boat cough remedy made 25o all dealers it takes money to win battles these dayi yes 1 understand that even the onemy can no longer be oharged it is only ueoessary to reth the testimonial to be onnvinced that hollo- ways corn cure is unequalled for the renioval of corns warts etc it i a complete extinguisher a bualnes that is born ol an inoapablo and indolemt man hath but a short time to live andlt oeth down to the grave onwept oxbept by the qredllors it is hard to be imagined bow siraul- taueonsly we oan love and hate after coughs and colds the germs of cojisumption often gain a foothold scotts emulsion of cod- livnr oil with hypophos- phites will not cure every case but if taken in time it will cure many even when the disease is farther advanced some re- markable cures are effected in the most advanced stages it prolongs life and makes the days far more comfort able everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic joe and tioo 11 druggist scott at downe chtmlm toronlo thoro aro many people martyrs to bowel complaints who wonld and dr fowlors extract ol wild strawberry a wonderful blessing to them 16 not only checks tho diarrhoea but soolhos andlioala the inflamed and irritated bowel bo that permanent rolicf ia obtained sirs andrew jaokson ifoagliton ont enda tho following letter for tho past two or three yoars i havo boon a martyr to that dread ful diboasediarrhcoa i tried ovory remedy mwwauujyjthl heard of and spent tmsmebinllz2a gooildoal of money trying to rot cured wjwtawsksffti tut all failed until i happened to road of ai lady who was cured by using ir fowlers extract of wild strawberry i purchased a bottle and oommonoed taking it according to dlreotldns and was ourcrl in a very short time i oannot praise the remedy too highly for what it did for nio n-towlers- i xt- or dyspepsia for over eleven years i suftered terribly with dyspepsia and tried every thing i could think of but got no relief until i slarttl using burdock blood bitters i had only taken one bottle when i commenced to feci better and after taking five or six hollies was entirely well and have been so ever since i feel aa if b b b had saved my life mrst- g jbvci stanhope que bb b cures biliousness sick headache sour stomach dyspep sia constipation coated tongue uver complaint jaundice kidney disease and makes the blood rich red and pure it is a highly co ncentratectvege table compound one teaspoonfti is the dose for adults 10 to 30 drops for children add the water yourself what does it profit a man to set ah alarm 6190b to wake him at 4 p m if when the thion goes oq bo only smashes the clook to pieces and goes to bleep again there never wab and never will bo a universal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to wbiob flesh ia heir the very nature of many caiatives being saohthat were tho germs of lithor and differently seated diseaflob rooted in the bye tern of the patient what would relievo one ill in tarn would aggravate tbo other wo have however in quinine vlbe when obtained in sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and jgrievoas ills by its gradual judiolous use thefrailostsystoms aro led into con valescenoe and etronrth by tho influonoe whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of thobq with whom a chronic state of morbid despondence and laokof iotorost in life is a diioaso and by tranqaitlzing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the by s torn thereby making aotivity a necessary result strongtheningtho frame and givlnglife to the digeativo organs which naturally demand inoreauod sabatanco resalt im proved oppetlto northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho public thoir qainino wins at tho usual rate and gnaged by tho opinion of bcientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in tho market all druggists so it the riglit iiier king and hukiisoii sts hamilton best irlues iritlly to bo iiod from tho inmost do alor thats lioro bbonimrs go nboro tbolr intun iittldurod you buu tho practicable aldo of tliat bttitomont noro enyiny our idua in briuk you ticht valuea at tho rlylit tliuo and at tho rlubt prloob millinery lndlov fitraw rtota various now oliaiiob rogu- ur 75oand fl cboicooio rccular i125 to 170 choicu50c lprular i3to 3 oliolco 75o cliildrone ktraw sallorb ribbon trim mint rokulnr 2ta otoarhir at 15 and 18a regular ii3o fnr ioo rnijular 7flo for 40o rccutar liu for 7fio ladlls and mibsos bicycle itfttb and caps roular c0o for mo regular b5a for 50o roaular 11115 tor si itoacon hatn in wblto and baoon leghorn reyular uoo for ho rojularu5o for 20c childrens headwear muslin hat and iloutioth regular 25o for 15a rokular woo for 26 ruyular 7flc for 600 ropular hs foriufi shirt waist sale hul in khltt walflt whlto oollara dutachablo it hub iiui frontii ruuular 125 for7io lurcala khlrt waut diitachabloaolf oolnra roiiular i3tl1 for h9a urundlomuhllii blilrt waist itumilati fronts dotaoliatjlo collarfl rular 3 for i10o odd linos hhlrt walsui in mublln or porcftlo lauttiliablh holf collarb oarllur in ttio saabou tbe mlco imm 1 and 41c0 clearing on haturdav at print blilrt walftta about throo sozon in all regular nrlco 75c saturday price 25c ladies vress skirts in ilack alpaca rtrro cropou and figured lubtror vnlvut binding ood trlmmliifiabpuclal vftiuceu ti5 if7fl i llnoti crash bkirts 7rorod deep boni bpealal at 110 ui25 douftn hkirts in groon groy and tan i115 crojili hklrtfl nnowilako 160 whitomarflolllub bklrt al85 whlto duck skirts l travelling capes plaid cloth capoa friugod with bood regular 12 forj7oauiff8fio hosiery sale 11 itibbod caohmoro hoao ofold knob 001 only roaular 40 arid 45o clearing at s5a 31 ribbed cashmoro hose eplicod knoo hool- r regular 05o for 45o jaabmoro hobs 8 6j 0j regular value 38c otoarlug at 28c mibbob biics at almllar roductlono ladloa plain coahmoro hobo boamloba foot 20o 25o bottor quality full faohlonoa 35o 3 pairs for si dress goods section fivo only fancy droaa ftttorns rogular ftloto 1 oloaring at 5 elovon only fancy bilk aud wool rogular 7 to iy60 clearing at f560 twenty ploccb odd linos fancy dtobb goods regular 00 and 60c cloarlngat 25c fanoy olaak drobaiooxlibdoolal lino of silk and woo effect regular valuo io apuolal mid- summer price mo bilk and wool grooadlaoi 44 in tvido regular c5o apocial 3fl and 0o black alpaca 44 in widuroeular 75c for mo huunnor serge black anuuavy 40 loohos wldo vory bpooialcoc uomnantspf black and colored dross goodn buitablo for hklrtb and cblldrons drvsaoa at nearly half prloo table llnejf s7jctras lift inch twbaachqrokular 25a for 20a 6o ibch ditto regular mx oxtra at 4ua 73 inch regular value scooxtra 40a 23 pieces dark ground english prints regular 1 jo extra at 10 cents kiif ingllbh flaunelattn 31 inchcb tvjdo regular jttoeitro7jo 03 inch boat grado rofiulir 22o extra a bilk otto blilrtlngorobujsr20afor lfjq white cottons frnltof tbu ijoomaoiawidoeio ladd5s nckwear ladlob aecott tioi la hnod plquo canvas and plaid silk 25a 5o 40c in d coo cblldronb bailor gollan in rod fown cadet on d navy 43c ladies iilnon collars 10a and 15o all uizoa housefvrxijsbinas roman strips porttor cgrtains frlngod aldo and bottom rogulards for 8373 froach tapestry portiere regular 8373 for a76 regular 8475 for j3w regular 660 for 8375 regular 9 for 67 araorlcan tapestry curtains heavy tassol friuco top and bottom regular 310 for 87 rcgu- ur860for665 handaomo ohohlllo oaxtlnb bpooii valuo for b50 9460 to 81000 art tjonlms choloo pattornbond oolors regu lar lrto and s0q all ono prlco 12a tblrtvblx inch bllltalioo special 10c and 13jc japanoso art crapo roaular iso oloaring at 6c andloo bngliah corduroy furnlluro covorlng regular eoa ol earing at 50c pigb claea art pbuoip finished la oil very obolco roruiar 87 cloarlug at 5 each thomas c watkins there are more spoiled men arid women than spoiled children only we do not hear bo much about them ihewjicel mand jrlouil y- no bicyclist should bo without a bottle of hagyards yellow oil it takes out all stiffness and soroness of tbo joints and muscles relieves pain and takes down swelling in an instant 25c gratitude is au inveree proportion to iho benefit honoo oar ingratitude to god dr ixiwa pleasant worm syrup is tho nicest and mobt effcclivd remedy for worms of all kinds- never any troublo in getting tho children to take it no woman who thinks she is homely will consent to have her picture taken in a group a flftpllst lllulater rev m- 1 campbell the highly esuem- ed pastor of the baptist oburob embi ont says from my personal n of doan kidney pills i can say thjy are an exoelltnt reniedy for all kidney troubles what we learn by our svoat aud blood iaworth our ink what tommy bald uncle john well what do you mean to bo when you get to be a man liittlo tommy promptly a doctor like pa uncle john qnizzicavlly indoed and which do you intend to be an allopath or a homeopath little tommy i dont know what them awful big words mean uncle john bat that dont make no difference cause 1 aint goln to bo cither of em im just goln to bs family doctor an givo all my patients hoods sarsaparilla cause ray pa says that if he is a doctor bos bilged to own op that hoods sarsaparilla is tho best family medicine ho ever saw in bis life tops aro hoingmanufactured which are span by a current of air dircotod by a blowpipe into the curved ohannols extend ing outward from a central oponing in the top in his vegetable pills dr pttrmelee has given to the world the fruits of long scientific research in the whole realm of mediol soionco combined with hew and valuable discoveries never before known to man for delicate and debiluated constitutions parmelees pills aot like a charm taken in small doses the effect is both a tonic and a btimulant mildly exciting iho secretions of tho body giving tone and vlflor whenever a rirl tells a young man that eh a dreambd of him tho night boforo he might as well befiin to bsvo up money for the furniture slsxy spellh and feelings of faintnoss that como ovor you aro only nature reminding yoa of iho weak condition of your heart milburus heart and nerve pills make the heart strong then all feelings of faintness dis appear children aro naturally ungrateful gods children especially mother akd daughter cured wo aro well aware that death is angling fords yet wo swallow his sweet baits with a ruah arc voii xjobui flesh then something iewrong to tho young it always moans trouble it u a warning to any 0110 unless tlioy aro already too fat scotts emulsion check this wasto and brings up your weight pgniu whilo teaohinga olassin sunday school recently tlio teaoher asked what was noah supposed to bo doing wben the auimls wore going into tho ark she received sevoral answers at hbta littlo girl pat np iter bind well she asked what do you bay taking the tickets miss said bhe mrs lydia a fowler electric street amherst nb tcatifica to the good oitocts of tho now specific for all heart and nervo troubles for so mo timo past i havo been troubled with a fluttering sonsation in tlio region ofiny heart followed by aonto pains which piwo mo groat distress and weakoncd mo at times bo that i could scarcely breathe i was very much run down and foil nervous and irritable i had taken- a great many rcrhodios without receiving any benefit a friend induced mo to try milburns heart and norvo pills i had only iwert taking them a bnort timo when i felt that tlioy wcro doing mo great good bo i continued their uso and now fool all right i can hoartily rooommond milbums heart and norvo pills for nervous prostrntion mrs fowler adds my daughter now fifteen years of ago was pnlo weak aiid rihutownaril oho also took milburns heart and nurvo pills for some timo and is now strong healthy nnd vigorous milburns heart nnd nerve pilla ouro palpitation smothering bcnsation dizzy and faint spoils noryousuchs woaknesfl fomato troubles etc prico goa a box or throe boxes for 9125 sold by all drug gists- t milbnrn ji co toronto ont liadies gfcdld ia has them beauties at 1500 1800 i2000 2500 everyone warranted by pringle which means absor lute security to you to please ton thats what were working for all let us turn out your next job the time good work arid low prices are two of the main things but there are others such as turning out good work promptly and the latest style of job type which are also essential to make pleased customers the free press job printing department acton ont railway tiwb table lrj crand trunk railway ooino wi1ht lolno lialit kail 10 ouftin icxpileh 0 itseiil kxprt mull it s 7 irnn kxiirubu mull mixod 10 50 a ni ni4pm 10 oa p in tlilk ol ciclilnu biaiiu gohifi weet u 40 run anil g 50 p in qolug east 10 ji 11n1 uiid 5 0 pm thin tlnio tublo went into cfffct on monti u may llth lkuij brhntf0rd calvamized stee i wind mills and towers for poyrei and ptimji ioff wjfilzmn tornal covered gear jpptodt roller tuna ball bearing maple leaf grain grinders two sizes for any power no 1 has loincli reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball bearing bu rr p 1 a t e s r e 1 i cl springs and shak feed grind fine and fast with least power alwas guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds the finest in the market besi material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue brantf0rdcak john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building on w smiths property john street where may bo seen frosta wood binders and mowems and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen a great event canadas great exposition industrial fair tofcontq aug 29 to sept i ifi98 new and wonderful attrac tions excellingall previous years the cafe american war exciting naval and mili tary displays the latest inventions and novelties from all parts of the world entries- of-exhibits-cbsc-atikr-gth- cheap excursions from everywhere for prize lists entry forms pro grammes and nil particulars address jjwithiwvi h jhill president manager toronto- bring your custom l gs in and take the lumber homo with you srvers lumber planing mills nassagraweya liuiuliuuluiuiuiuiuijuiiiiuluiuiltiiijuiaiuiui tcaohsr csn anybocly toll mb ntiero spain is oboras in tho soup i anxious motliors and zr lows worm 8rap tho best modldlno to expel worms obildreo ilka it norms dont qol taohos soolslismi msn oleots to lady individ aalism t bis peril aik your grocer lor fortcblo and dotty a healthy woman nino- tenth b of all tho buffering and diacaso in tho world comes from tho kid neys yet how ipvf people thero aro who takoanycareof thcflo dolioato littloorgans backache lamo backheadachobllat- lonsncn all eigne of kidney troublo aro almost universal doans kidney pills xono and regulato tlio kidneys and ltolp thorn to tbrow off tho poibona from tbo bystom utt a urovi o it x coo droedon out kftvi iur yuaim i niifforud from dropslool troublo which caiiflrri ma much dlitraw i beard of doani jildnoy ihlli nd sot a box of them at bwlicora vtua store dftforo aorninonclng to talto tbom i mi unabla t buttou my hoc on ny saeonnt of mybwolloit oonilltlon but fr tbo time i had ilnlshod the first box i ooq dothliwlthoutlronnrailonoe ibttonoi now takon a sssonrt box and lisvo no he- in rooommssdlns doans ktdus fills or mrmallllimlllor onnslort ontario ayal laillor pills mndo a now roan ot mo iwnstroublod wlthlndlrjos- ion and palm in tho amall of mybaok and altor taklnrj laxallver pllla or 4ibon thu s th oo ourad mo prloo 20a all ofruoglats tbo esnsricncod bandlo lifb cautiously thoy drenct ittlnnro hagystds follow oil cures all pain in man or beast for sprains cuts bruises oallous lamjm swolllngs inflammation rhoumalibtn aiid neuralgia it ia a bpeoiflo rtwmwwwwwwhwwtldmllwwtwwwwwwtwtwmmt shops and warerooms cnlls attendcid to x x foot ol willow st ray or night j a speigiit co undertakers and embalrvlers actondhfri latest styles experienced attention moderate charges oor idoal moments aro our boat ones our praotloal momontb aro risky parmoleeb pills possess tho power of noting spcoidoally upon tho diseased organs stlmnltting to aotlontho dormant energies o tlio system thoroby romoving disease in foot no great is tho power o this racilioluo to oteanbo and purify ibnl diseases of almost every name and nature aro driven iron the body mr 1 oarawell cintrell 1 o ont writos i havo tried pormeleod pills and and them an oxoollent mcijlclno and ono that will sell well any klrlqnr or dropsical troubli pries ota a ti it for ana all dmgsuts th dotn eiauy rill co toronto ont i havo a bimllful figure tho camel asserted proudly but a skeptloal voice i ram theorowd orlod hump than hie ointel got ita biok up p sayers proprietor has oonstnntly on hnnd a full lino ol lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood icto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching dono to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap arid made to suit the customers pocket p sayers for twbnrrshlvanistiiars furniture of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i orders left with j f 8tin80n roclcwood will receive immediate atlemion you want the beat j andjlhe choapest mcniullens fencings nnd nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all oilier varieties cheap mcmullens are tho only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poullry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware fer- chant for mcmullens roods if you cannot buy of him write to tbe manufacturers at pic ton ont or to the d gbhfnino wirr co limitbd hamilton snd montreal general agents jambs coorur montreal general agent for dallway fencings dunns thecooks best friend laraebt 3alc n canada iitb dulqmt copvriqmtsac k iklt and deatriptlnn may w inst her a filcn qnloklf moertaln pop opinion 1 ititentlon tiprohiibir imtwnubi ttoni iliipthr onnortapual jhnndbnok on patent itotjublo communlm- ant freeaiftut nabnaj for nocnrlnpjitoriui patantfl takon thronnli alunn ft co rooalra new notion without cnanro in tlio scientific ffmericaii nmbfr lllnmratcd tioklr ijirtrcit hr ef ir biltjitiph at nhr pi ionyitln f nnrmil tcrmimisv rtirt jonr ninirtli bold by nil nowfedaalcn- kaiaftraisrii y m

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