Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv no 7 acton ontabio thursday august 18 1898 price three cents lje ttott fvtt f iesa ib pusubuzd every thursday morning at the free proeisteamrrintlnpofuce uiltj street aoton ont thumb of soaeoniption one dollar per yoar trlatlyin advanao all subscriptions discon tinued when the time for which they hva boon paid baa oxplred tlio da to to which evory subscription it paid is donoted on the addrosa label advebtisrwo rates transient skdrortlse- monui 10 cent per nonparoll line w first in sertion a cents por line for each subsequent aiortlon contract iutks tho following tablo shows or rate for tho insertion of advertisements for peolflod periods 1- 1 1 rq 6 mo a mo 1 1 mo days bookstore bolnobes 10 inohos 60 00 35 00 oooo 7 00 39 00 90 00 1jo0 3 00 slnotan k 8000 3900 too uk 8 00 3 b0 aoo loo advertisometits without speefflo dlreottons will bo imortwd till forbid and charged sqqord- ngly tranauent advertisement mmt bo paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoo eaob month if desired for change oftener than enoo a month the composition mmt bo paid for at regular ratei changes for contract advertisements must bo n the offloo by noon on tuesdays accounts payable monthly h p moore editor and proprietor tfusitms fitrectory medica t f ubkm m d o m office and rwldenco oornor mill frederick street aoton hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity of sponges at half price the store is full of sum- ijierreading the latest pub lished and all the old favorites day sells cheap photographing interiors by -thb- traders bank of canada authorized capita 1000000 guelph branch sums of 91 and upwards reoeived on deposit and high oat current rale of intercit paid or compounded half yearly 0trg deposit receipts issued for largo bums deposited ad van cos made to reaponsiblo farmers oq their own dames no charge ma do for collecting sales no tea itpayable in quelpfa a general banking business transacted a f h jones manager as elliott m d m b acton gludcatb tobonto umiveiuitt offiobcomor mill aud john fitreots acton pr dryden era ban thboat amo nose moloans block douglas st noar f o guelph opfiob houbb10 am to 1 p m and b to 8 p m bondiis 10 s ex to j p m dbntal l bennett lds dentist qiobobtowh ohtixuo jp coghlan ddslds dbhti8t woiut cadbfoxlr done pnicbb m0dehate office oyer drown s dbuq btobb houns event pat fboh 0 to 6 j mbell dds lds 4 dentist bbooktiue holtofi qnaxuatb op tononto univxb8itt work msdo satisfactory prices moderate viiitit0 dats monday afternoon camp- bollvlllo tuesday acton office clarks hotol friday hook wood- br g hcook dentist cor college 8l and spadina ave toronto will visit acton on thu first and third satur days of oaeli month orfice mr adam cooks rosldonco main street m olean mclean barxibtersolloltora notaries oonveyancera so private fnnds to loan office town hall acton wh a mclaw jho a mclean j mackinnon bakubtbb bolicttob convktahceb oniosmill street in matthews block upstairs rb mcleod bannibtbtt bouoitob oohvbtakcbr main btreot georgetown money to loan at lowest current ratos k j monabb ulerk fourth division court county o bal- on conveyancer agent flro and life assurance uoal kstato asent money to loan etc ofjrioe pcrrymansblook aoton ont xdlscellaneo us h j3nry gribt ottawa qahadi solloltor of patent for invention etc prepare applications for the canadian amer ican and european patent otocm and for the itegtatratlon of trade mark bend for pam phlet thirtytwo yoars experience f banois kxjnan bookbindee wyndhimst oaolpb onurlo 0r wlllliinfltoro aoaonnt book of all klntfa mkdo to order periodic of try deforlptlonearefolly boond bnunpnmilvitid vromptlydona m- arriaoe licenses h p mooue jcmifi or mahbiaqb lioenbz prlvatsoldoe ko witnesses required juuod resldsacfl in the evening free press office aoton w m hembtreet lloilffibd aucxiokma or the oonntles of wellington and hilton orders lefl at cfasfbsm pjubss office aoton or at my residence in acton will be promptly at ended to faesroddoed to fl5 00 for farm sales also money to loan on the molt favorable sutnsiand at the lowest rates of intenit in sums of wo and pwardi wellington mutual fire insurance company brrabxjshbd 1640 insuitamob ou cssh and mutual plan any communications forwarded to my address 6 wi b prompt at- tended o john taylor agent qnelph aoton machine and eepair sliops nhnuiobindbll proprietor abb well equipped with all the machinery necessary to exeonto all repairs to machin ery and agrlodliaral implements and to do all kinds of steamfitting horae vboelngand general blaeksmlthlng woodwork repairs performed in a satisfactory manner we oai repair and machine or implement of any make saw gumming and nllurdontw acton saw mills aridwood yards hakuvaorvben akd dbauib ix lumber mntb shiagtem woorf ta flashlight h ramaliaw your own photo artist who stays with you the year around has everything up to date in the flash light photo line including a lense which works at an angle of 93 degrees and is specially constructed for interior photoa such as groups in small rooms it can not be excelled leave your orders with me ior either interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work will have the best possible attention my prices are no low as thoao of any reliable travelled h ramshaw acton photo artist hn0bbvsuit for fall and winter cooper akins thetailor8 now is your time to geka nobby suit for fall and winter ns we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rjs prices fit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- olau and up to data overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before iea ing your order cooper a akins main st acton latest and best designs of monuments in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction jh hamilton proprietor gublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north 0 hamilton come and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granito imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottlca and worksbamztotrs block wool w1cband hortolk sts cu8lph ont branch worjcsnow hmmburf oat get j wall paper prices 1898 at waters bros the picture gallery guelph bring pictures to be framed bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you skyehs lumber planing mills nassajraweya p sayees proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath blinglod cedar foats wood jtto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to suit the customers pocket p sayers all kind of wood in hook sdil promptly dollvsredl to ny part of tbatownai simonblo prioei hardwood mieilabs cot stovo longtli alwajs on hand teinpliono oofntnualestlop wboanabout to la iublio or high school should not ovarlook lb surest advsnt- ka of a prsotlosl eotin of inalrae- in st the ou8lph business college aud shorthand institute valii session 1111 oommenc tuesday bepiainbar skb write or call h uuamtad circulars fra j 8hahj7 rrlnolra tttssamstmrttgsttls japanese floor mattings are clean and cool for summer floor covering if put down over your carpets they are a perfect protection from the hard summer wear if used in bedroom or hall they are the most satisfactory healthful and inexpensive floor coverings to be had weve good quality pieces from 25c to 40c a yard j m bond co hardware guelph jd mckee drugs and stationcr acton ontario boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stove i practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h arlams tailor he has had large experience in city work and is consequently able to fill nil orders in be neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george stov1x cor mill and main streets acton georgetown electric works tj speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams tlpo and steam fitting and gen oral repair ing bldtfeqnippdwitsag4ubrlnbmavchln6 i am prtpared to do bnutag on eloyclo frmea c wbeli oonterted from direct to tsvngant bpokaa bandlatiijiitmnttotuitdailrodaviiiila foil llrjo of spoke kept tn stock batlsfatotton gaarantood bicycles enameled in any color t j speioht aeorsetottb sl an attractive pair an attractive pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any one man womflnorchud w- keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the hind that wears well and to whch routi nssige may be given all styles tyle sin all pdccfi ail qualities and all afl represented we have a com pie lo assort ment including boots and shoes all sizes rubbers slippers etc all styles trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the general stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing givhh prom pt tcienttoh kenney bros main streot acton da minion boot and shoe store two s tbo wore two playmates atnrdy boys who quarrold aomctlmoi in tliolr play and bomotimoe with nnsoemly noiao droro elder f olka away gloat pajtunrs in tbo caroi and joys of many t aummors day it ono wore mado to linger late whoa aohool was oat in sore dlaaraao tbo otbor faithfully would wait with s3 depending faco and share ills comrade baploss fate and murmur at his caoo 1 whatever learning olther bad in truth it was a slenditr store at loaioni tbo j wore always glad toibaro tbo scanty loro and seldom ftottod orworo iad booaubo itwa comoro ono tattorod book waa good for botb tbolr ponolta owned a mntnal sway tnoy wore cqppanlons in their aloth and followi in tbolr play ranfl splto of finarrola they wore loth to part a iluglo day ono rohon aumtnor noon it ohanooj that botb wero truant from the aokool thoy rambled wliero the innahlno glanced upon a lonely pool along the alopjog marge they danced and laogbed at learning rule and ono baa launch od a wooden bblp upob tbo placid silver tide when suddenly fala footsteps slip from off tbo znolatenod sldo a atlflod cry upon bis up tho pool la dflep and wide with frightened gaso the otbor stands a mom on ton tho shelving bank then plunges in with ontatretohed hands to whoro bis playmate tank hib playmate pinioned by tbo bands of word and herbage rank o mothers neither boy can swim and bo who plungod into the wavo is bold with frantlo grasp by him whom bo bad triad to save they struggle la tbo waters dim tbo pool become a grave acrobo tbo tide the wooden boat swims gaily and tho sunny air is cheerful with tbo thrushs note that knows oot any care two boylbb cap a crumpled coat how sad a talo is there 1 and far away each mother says horboy is safe at bcbool and faraway tho maator sways nia kingdom from bis stool and aobomeaof blrohon vengoanoo lays forthoso beneath the pool anthun it silicon select jfaiiuiir 3uauing a wadding it wab a dreary focgy day i tried to read but ooald not i threw the book away a card fell out 1 tuesday november thirteenth at four in tho afternoon in the ohurob of the trinity was engraved upon it and below writtfn in a girlish hand gome at least to the weddldg dear aunt i shall expect you i looked at tho olook it was a quarter to four and i bad forgotten this wedding from which i had not the least wish to atay away but i ooald not go to the festiv ities afterward oa account of recent illness i had just time to change my dress hastily and to throw my bel f into a carriage in order to reaou the ohurob in season the fog did not seem so dense the sky was less heavy i was already cheered by the thought of seeing happy faces yes hedwig must look happy happier than ever to day sbe was the daughter of a lifelong friend and my favorite from the day i had held bor in my arms for the first time and she bad looked into my faoe with her large blue eyes i had seen her grow up a sweet goodobarmldtf girl and the sunbeam of the houso in her harmless playfulness then came a lime when she grew very quiet and pale and when those same large dark bluo eyes had a deeper expression as though thoy shed seorofc tears she said nothing bat we knew her carefully guard ed secret and yet wo could not bring him to ber feet the roan she loved who stub bornly kept away bdt her troubles came to an end it proved that be bad been too proud to ask for the hand of the rioh mans daughter before he had obtained a oertoln position hedwig was happy i had not met the groom during their short engagement bnt what i hoard of him in the family circle was well adapted to increase the good opinion of him wbioh his proud reserve bad given me tho carriage stopped tho ceremony had already began when i entered the church aud xxixed with the inquisitive apeotatori i ooald se only part of ths splendid guests bat the bridal couple were in fall view hedwig with a serious thoughtful ex pression on ber sweet face and a happy look la ber bine eyes looked quite as 1 had pictured her bnt the bridegroom did not plea so me quite io well it seemed to me that he had something intense in his faoe and closely knitted brows something reck less searohlngrta his eyes in short not at all the looks or s happy man to be sore 1 bad a friend who maintain ed that there wu no being more miserable than a bridegroom on his wedding day why he used to say the poor fellow slmplyldwindjfi jmlda his brtde for her the day is the most beautiful of her whole life on wbioh ahe la received like a queen ho does not only play a sab- ordinsie part dub an entirely miserable role is the one he has to act and one can easily tee how uncomfortable be feels bat my friend was a confirmed baobelor and i never bel lived what he said about these things and do not yet believe him the longer i looked at the groom the less i liked him his uneasiness seemed to increase and he heard as little of the sermon wbioh was pretty well spun out by one of our preachers as i did his eyes i ooald have sworn it seemed to be direct ed in tbelr uneasy search to jast where i sat and yet i oould not possibly be the object of his disqaiet even if he ooald have seen me wbioh he could not for i was bidden in tbe shadow of svptllar- but for whom were those eyes searohlogt i began lo look at my neighbors beside me sat a stoat woman with a good natured faoe and a hat covered with bright flowers and ribbons and a little wayfrom as sat a yonntf girl who was dressed prettily and with taste and who bad a remarkably fine profile bat nevertheless gave me tbe im pression that she was a scams tress in her sunday clothes when she tarned i found that she was exceedingly pretty the pew lo which sbe sat was at right angles with our seat so that i oould easily look at tho pretty fa en and large gray eyes shaded by long lashes wllhoufbeiog observed particularly an the girls wholo attention see mod to be ri voted on the bridal pair or perhaps on tho brtde groom and his on her tho thought went hfae lightning through me and would not leave me agaiu and now i notiaed how palo she wap and that ber lids with their long lashes were somewhat red tho boaotiful faoe told a story and i seemed to understand it she bad been crying and for him who just npw was giving his hand to another bid he know- it had sbo older per haps too batter claims on him and ooald it be that hedwig father the clever man of tbe world had not bafiloiently searohed the past of his son in law or wore auoh things so usual that be did uot attaoh much importance to it f my heart grew heavy and i thoogbt of all bat might happen if he were indeed unworthy of my iqnoaent trusting favorite aty imagination paiuted the moot terribo pictures would she when the newly married pair were leaving the ohurob step in their path and thrust her aconsation in bis face wab she going to write a letter to lied wig or would she wait until the couple returned from heir wedding tour to thrmt tbe poor wife out of ber dream of eden whatever i had heard or read of snoh caaefcrame now into my mind and the worst was tbe story that i had not been able to finish that very afternoon aud now it all came back to ma and made me reatlosa and unhappy i lived onoo more through those ugly scenes but tbe actors were no longer tho oharaotors in the books but hedwig ter husband and the pale girl who attracted me more and moro so that finally i could not take my eyes from hor in spite of everything i felt sorry for ber i saw tbe increasing emotion in her face and her large grey eyes i oould no longer doabt it were wet with tears at times sbo turned and pulled a handkerchief out of ber pooket with all that she appeared energetic as though she wero ablo to do something desperate if oooaeion demand ed it i grew hot and cold i should have liked to speak to hor comfort hor should have liked to beg her to have pity and to be com passionate to my darling for fear of undertaking something nnusua i re mained seated and only clenched nay fists in weak anxiety tail then tbe couple exchanged rings my excitement grew my stout neighbor too seemed to become restless bba fidget ed abont in her seat felt in her pooket and then quietly moved toward the young girl she pulled ber sleeve bent down and spoke softly bnt earnestly to her ajthongh i tried hard i could not under stand a word i only saw that she made signs which evidently oonoornod the bridal pair and that tbe girl answered her by shaking her head there was still some time of painful expectation whloh was in realty short but which seemed an eternity to mo while i tried in vain to fathom tho mystery then tbe- ceremony ended and a11 orotvded toward the door i ahead of all hastened to approach the bridal oouple that j wishod to con gratulate hedwig had entirely escaped my memory at this moment i mubt not loeo a moment to turn away tbe threatening evil altbough my vague fears drove no on my two neithbora were ahead of me tbe older woman pushed herself forward with an elasticity which was surprising in one po stout elbowing her way along and leav ing tbe younger woman to follow i now tbe bridal pair as quickly as i conld followed her and gathering all my ooarago andl strength together i took hor by the shoulders she shook herself free without looking aronnd another step and she stood olooe beside the groom and stealthily gave him something wbioh she bad taken from her pool et my heart beat madly and things bfgan to swim before my ojes then i beard my name and hedwig threw her arms aronnd mo and hid hor isagning faoe on my shoulder just think auntie sbe whispered in my ear he had forgotten bis handker chief anddid not nottoe it until wo had entered the church and my lino one tvaa wek with tears and oould be of no mo to him yon oan imagine bow terrible it waal only just now his housekeeper brought it to him she might have got here a little sooner said the young husband who stood beside her there was no trace of anxiety on his face now he was the picture of hap piness and laughed heartily as he shook my hand while i oonfused stammered out my best wishes i was like one awakened from a dream who is not able to erase the terrible pic tures when i stood a little later under the aroli of tbe door and looked at the row of carriages driving off bnt a feeling of suspicion had still remained with me who was tbe beautiful girl in the oburch 7 had i been deoelved after all 7 thats just the way said a voice brside me it belonged to the stout old woman with the flowered hat when pbopltrsrrerin lover- otherwise be iwqnite enalblo as good aqd sensible a man as oan be found but since ho has known tbe lady1 meib his wifehobks lost hti bead entirely jast think of gftngto bis reduced and down marked wedding and leaving his bandkerobiet at home and particularly with auoh a oold it would have been wise for you to stay at bonne turning to tho young girl who stood as x peroelved a few stej s away ibis is my niece she explained to mo she too wiube married soon and woll marxied and what do 301 think is tbe reaswn she came today simply lo see the wedding drebs su tha she oan copy it for herself bo it is whn vanity baa taken poeshiiion of ueople i an i sbe oan hardly see ont of her ejes she auoh a oold tbe young girl had listened to tbe speech with indifference sbe btood in tbe full glare ola lantern now i abderstsntl the red lids the tearful glance of the large grey eyes at tbla moment there came again over tbe beautiful face that look of painful emotion it again seemed as though sbe were going to burst eat in weeplngi but now i know she sneered ths qtrman help is wanted when the nerves become weak and appetite fails hoods satupi- rilla gives help by making tbe blood rich and poire at a reoont meeting at tho association whilo its president was addrosaing tbo audience of 000 unfortunate discoaragod men most of whom wero wrecked and ruined by ram after tolling them of tbe utter folly of carrying their hardearned money to tbe saloonkeeper among other things ho said manufacturers and mer chants hke to display their products in their windows millinery dresses cloth ing of all kinds and of tbe most beaut if ol styles and patterns hats caps neckwear musigat instruments hardware in faot every conceivable kind of nunafaotaro ex cept one are thus displayed and men and women are as a ally proud of their prod uot s not so with the place commonly called a saloon a better came rs the ram mill not that they manufacture ram but that they manufacture drunkards why not have a large show window in saob places and pot therein six or eight sarnples of drunken debauchery and rein and pat on a large showcard samples of our work these are what we make here these have been reduced these have been marked down from sober men to miserable drunkards from a life of honor to ono of shame from a life of health 0 one of disease from an upright life to one of disgraoe and orimo from a life of respectability to one of dishonor from a life of ease comfort and plenty to one of privation hardship and squalor from a life of sweetness lo one of bitter ness from a life of rejoicing to one of mourn ing from a life of blessed hope to ono of hopelessness and despair from everything that is good to every thing that is bad theso have been reduced and marked down and aro now valued at soooo less than nothing the rescue auaweit thr farmer should cjount the cost blest 6ethe tie that binds a pathetlo and yet charming story is told of tbe origin of the wellknown hymn blest be the tie that binds which was written by the rev john fawoett an english baptist wbo died in 1817 having spout nearly sixty years in the ministry it was in 1772 after a few years spent in pastoral work that bo was called to lon don to succeed eev tr gill hisfarewell ecrmon had beeu preached near mrjinsgate in yorkshire six or seven waggons btood loaded with his furniture and books and all was roady fdr departure but hie loving people were heartbroken meo women and children gathered and olung aboathim and his family with sad and tearful faces finally overwhelmed with the sorrow of those they were leaving br fawoett and his wife eat down on tho packing coses and gave way to grief ob john i cried mrs fawoott at last i cannot bear this 1 i know not bow to gol nor i either returned her hosband and we will not go the waggons shall be unloaded and everything put in its old place his people were filled with intense joy and gratitude at this determination br fawoett at once sent a letter to london explaining the case and then resolutely returned to his work on a salary of less tban 9200 a year this hymn was written to commemorate tbe event interiors some samples of spellinq a jersey city druggist is making a oollec- of tbe queer orders he receives from people who send children to the store for things here are a few samples of them 4iiahmiid4siryltlegirlieent5 ou five oenta to buy to sitlebs powders for a groan np adult who is aike another reads dear bootor pies glf barer five sense worse of auntie toxyqe for to gargle babia throte and obleage an anxious mother writes you will please give the little bol five cents worth of epoao for to throw np in five months old babe nb the babe has a sore btummlflk this one puzzled the druggist i have a oute pain in my childs dia gram please give my son something to release it arotber anxious mother wrote my little babey has eat np its fathers parish plaster bend an antsdote quick as possible by the enclosed littlogirl this writer was evidently in pain i haf a hot lime in my ineldes and wbioh 1 wood like it to be extinguished what is good for to extinguish it the inclosed quarter is for the prloe of the ex tinguisher hurry pleas a nice little order a man who bad got on in lifo and rapidly amassed a large fortune on famish ing a new and luxuriously fitted house suddenly discovered to fals great distress that he had omitted tha harmless neces sary library he went to a local shop and ordered a supply of booki what are your particular tastes asked tbe bookseller ob ive ho bideatt about tbe matter was the reply youre a book seller you ought to know all about it i simply askyon toprovfde me with a library and you have no preference v no hot watt a second i have a prefer- enoe theres a man whose books i ought to ave now bless me whats is name f shake shakes shakes something shakespeare suggested he bookseller thats im mr shakespeare get all hes written and see that any new books e rmy write are ordered for me immediate ly pearton weekly an easy one anothor problem has been handed in for malhematlaans to struggle with no answers wanted at this offloo we have problems of our own tell tbe answer to tbe policeman a man owned fl and had but 75 ceule h went to the pawn- ahon and pawned tbe 75 cents for 80 cents he met a friend and sold him ths pawn ticket calling for 76 cents for 60 cents he thus had two fifty cent pieces 91 in faot with which he paid his debt jwse any body oat end much f knows how but cant he know how to manage my wife she why dont you then ho shes so obstinate the wont 1st me in conversation with so iotollijent farm er from weatorn outarh lie stated that some years ago bo bad an opportunity of routing bis farm and going into some otber lino of business before deoidlngdefiultely in the matter be oonoluded to experiment a little while and find out what he was really making out of bis farm he accord ingly kept traak of every itnilhat was spent upon the household anil wbvat it cost to live with the result that bis farm was not rented and he has had uo desire to leave ib binoc though ofterod a good rental and in addition a good salary to travel la tbe agricultural impleaxent line this farmer oonoluded that be would make more money to remain 00 tbe farm there is a valuable lesbon in this for every farmer in this country a great many wbo leave tho farm to engage in other pursuits never stop to conspire the cost of living on the farm and away from it as a rule the farmer dceb not uiiss what he and hie family eat aa tbe bulk of ib is grown on tho farm but ifoavah bad to be paid oat for every item of food as well as clothing many a farmer would bo more contented with his lot than ho is at ths present time the man living iu the city even onji fair balary is not as well off as tho average farmer if everything ib taken into account bent heat water light food etc have all to be paid f 01 in tbe oity while tbe farmer can get tbo larger share of these without any cash outlay it would be well therefore if everyone wbo contem plates leaving the farm vroutd stop a moment and count the coat famuikj a3 tiw svn went down two blondes a sallow little blonde ontered an eleotrio oar and sat down very effusively beside a very handsome blonde with brown eyes ob harriet i im so glad to soe you ive had so many engagements lately that i see nothing of you how havo yon been dear 7 muoh as usual answered tbe brown eyed blonde are yon going to tho a lenten dance 7 no you arent 1 why everyone ib going it will be a very popular dance but why arent you going a shade of annoyauoe passed over the brown eye blondes faoe bat sbe answered simply because im not invited ob thats too bad 1 im ao sorry you were left out and they seemed to have gone into tbe highways and hodgs too from what i boar im going to wear violet silk i thipk you mhjht wear violot silk said the brown ejed blonds gently but distinctly turning a searching glance upon ber companions complexion if 50 put on plenty of powder yon aro determined to wear violet silk the sallow blonde did not say another word bnt sat over ostentatiously and gave a newcomer a seat perhaps elie had not meant to bq rude with her highways and hedges and sorrow but people were smiling around her eeorotiy glad as we cannot help being of witnessing tlo neat pat with whioh a skilled boxer drop a a roistering and bullying antagonist two boldlora lay on tbo battlullald at night when tbo bun wont down ono hold a lock of thin gray hair and ouojjuld a lock of brown ono thought o his awcotlioarl back at homo happy aud young aud gay and ono of his mother loft alouo fcoblo aud aid and gray each lu tho thought hat noiuan tared murmured a prayor to god lifting ihlagasojo tho bluo abovo 1 herb on tbo battlo sod each tn thojoy of a womans lovo smiled through tbo pain of death murmured tbo sound of a woman a uatno thotjsb with bis parting breath valogrew tho dying lips of each thon as tho sun wont down ono kissed a look of tbtn gray hair aud 011b filssad a lock of brown how not to do it a rebuke to the rich tbe prince of wales upon lay ing the foundation stone of buildings in now bead london on july 16 to be used in connec tion with the duchess of albanys philanthropic schemes adnainlatered a rebuke to tbe welltodo classes of london for not assisting tbe wretohed people of their neighborhood more than tfcey do among other tblogs he said th is apparent- indifference appears to be due first to the genulue ignorance on the part of many ooonpying comfortable houses in the district of the poverty and suffering endured by their nearest neighbors and secondly to an aversion bo often entertained to visit poverty- stricken alleyp and an unwillingness to admit even tho existence of soobi miser able districts tu oiobc proximity to their own homes perhaps they have an onconsoloas dread that publioity may involve discredit but i would remind those who reason thus that many of our moat rosplondent streets in london are contiguous to the most wretched localities it pay8 to be concerned young men wbo have no ooncern for tho welfare of their employers have not enough concern in regard to their own affairs to make their own lifo a success a clerk behind either tbo oonntez or tbe desk is only of value to his employer when he exerts himself in behalf of that employ er and tbo measure of his value is the measure of bis exertion therefore the more a young man does for his employer dlreatly the more he is doing for himself indirectly by honest effort and honest effort is doing all he oan he young man not only becomes entitled to higher wages but he is at the same time acquiring more knowledge and skill whloh shall fit him the better to carry on business on bis own acoooawwlien opportunity offers it pays to be ooncernod about your em ployers business it does not p to bo unconcerned canadian grocer overdid it i like the building well onougn said the house hunter to tbe agont wbo bad spent half an hoar showing him over the premises but i am not certain about the surroundings is it a quiet neighbor hood 7 quiet said the agent yon cant find a quieter place in ths whole city still i suppose the noweboye come around here bright and early sunday morning jdtt wheu a man wants to sleep the soundest with tbolr yells of zmornln paaaper i no air newsboys never come on this street at all then i think ill look a little farther i want a quiet neighborhood but i dont want one that dead i told yoa so said the putnam avenue resident after the hired girl had burst in upon them to announoe that there was a rat 10 tho trap you people were fooling around hero trying to oat oh sewer rats with this now fanglod trap ono of these big fellows goes into such a trap cats whatever there is to eat lays down on his back and kiobb his way out iu less time than ono of us could open a door good thing you had eomeono who knows a rat- trapwhen be sees it gome on now and well get rid of this fellow it was a lively procession that hurried to the barn here dont open that yet as jhe girl held tho trap and tho pot poodte ki yeyed and toro around as though it had a fit fat this thing around it we are here not to amuse tho rat hold still now till till i get this btring aronud his tail that is it now wure nearly ready give me tbe grass hook you stand over there jake and yoa had better go into the bouse grandma hut grandma deolared that sbe had killed rats beforo ho was born and sbe hitahodhar sleeves up as bbe swang with both handb a heavy mop stick with a large wot mop rag on the ond letor go shouted the boss then there was something like a football rubh one swoop of tbo grabs hook cut the string and removed tho dogs tail so sweetly there wasnt enough left even to bbow a trace of a wag the girl wont backward into a tub of boapsuda and bluine grandmas mops tick caught tbo boas on the back of tbe head as ho went down tho oat leaped into tho bamow jake made one great kick that bpained a ligament and then tripped over tho boas and foil against tbe washing maobine breaking a rib and the rat scurried undor the barn just what i expected aa thoy bathed his head with oold water and sent for tbe dootor for jake youre a fine lot of yahoos set that trap again and leave the next catch to mo understand detroit fiee press varieties a man riding in the mountains of eastern kentucky was passed by a runaway mule the washington star says and soon after met fragments of a wagon and tho owner of the outfit tbe owner after making inquiries remarked protty cheerfully that ho waa sure bo had cured bis mule of balkin you aeo i heerd that a grass hopper put in thasto boss or mule d oure im from balkin so i tied a rag over the critters ear so it couldnt get out ootobed a grasshoppsr pnt im in an stranger its the best remedy i ever seed tb mule didnt give mo no time to get in the wagon i never seed a mule so spright ly i reckon tb hoppers got out now an ill go and ootch the mule the following notioe is tacked to a road side tree in maine straid or swiped a youcghog sboto wihttholeft earbroptand talo gono also black spot on left hind hip and hole in other oar said hog shoto dis appeared from premises of the underoined ouner at nile under aurcumstansis pointing to him being stole said hog shote being a pet and not apt to go off of his own accord said bog bhoto answors to the name of nellie and ho will eat from the hand and can stand ou bib hind legs like a dog and is of affcokflhanate nature any ouo re turning said bog shoto or lotting me know where ho is at will confer a benefit on a invalid lad whose pet said hog shote was exchange conscience beats the tempter a lady while giving the finishing touches to a tablo spread for a dinner party heard tbe patter of naked feet upon tho stairs surmising that hor little daughter was probably bout upon plundering the dessert she bid herself behind tho ourtains and watobed tho proceedings tbe ohild in her nightdress oamo into the room climb ed upon a oh air and helped herself deliber ately to a floe peach and went off with her booty tho mother felt very sad and began to consider how she should punish her little girl presently alio again heard tho same patter of feet and bid herself as before the ohild clambered into theohair replaced tbo fruti triumphantly ejaculat ing that ouo ou you mr devil 7 and trotted off to bed fraud unmasked and how to make scandal take one grain of falsehood a handful of runabout about the same quantity of umber tongue six sprigs of baoltbite and a spoonful of dont you tell it add a few drops or envy and a little discontent and jealousy strain it through a bag of misconstruction cork it iu a middlesome bottle hang if on a skein 0 slreat ym and shake it well before taking ew be lo htm that ovil thinks exp for some years tho ladios of oanada have suffered muoh loss and inconvenience from tho uso of deceptive home dyes put up to look like the popular diamond dyes theso imitation dyes were sold at very low prices to retail merohants who in turn made immense profits on them when sojd to women who wero influenced to buy tbem these imitations 0 diamond dyes wero never sold more than once to any woman tbey possessed no foundation qualities or good points to make them valuable or popular tiiey wore made of the cheap est ingredients the colors were dead mud dy and unsightly aud they ruined all materials tbey came in contact with thebo common dyes are now so despised and shunned that storekeepers are glad to sell tbem at half prioo to get rid of tbem the diamond djos are still marching on to new victories and have always maintained their position by true merit alone a the imitation and cheap dyes that aro pushed on the unexpeatlng by so mo dealers if a storekeeper values yonr trade he will recommend ou to uso the diamond bye b

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