Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1898, p. 3

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che bank of hamilton huaijufj hamut0 capita all paid upl 1 26000000 roserve fund 77500000 total assets 111 ob 14400 ncsrlytou miiiiodb of dollars board op directors ohn stuakt a o itamsay irpstdont vlooiroolilont ubo116aoi joun rnocton a t wood a blbb toronto war giuson mi tuhndutl caahlor us steven abstcaaulor h m watbon insriotor ceorcet agency ageneral banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points ia canada and united stales drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 8 1 and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home u ttan jfoe teas thubbday august 18 1898 little local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters thla week and i oiyio liolirlay next tuesday a good harvest baa beeu boosed the farmers are thankful mr james brown farmer iacnlarfliog and improving his residence a number of oar oitizena attepdod the sangerfeat at berlin last week t rev james boss of norval officiated in bt albana oh arch on sunday erin civio holiday will be held on the 20th inat demonstration will beheld in the village ball players smashed one of the btroet lamps at the corner of mill aod main streets the other day anton will entertain you royally if yoa accept ber invitation to be her goeat next tuesday civio holiday rev mr mo alpine will preach the anoiveraary sermons iq the bantibt oharob erin on sunday 28th inst the country eobools reopened on moc- day with teaobera and nopiia in excel leu t spirits after the summer holidays the bylaw to raise 835000 for the installation of a municipal lighting plant was oarried at barrieon monday messrs a k woodyntt co guelpb manufacturers of lawnmoners are consitl- erlrjg indaoemonts to remove to brant ford there should be a btrong rally of the prohibit ion lot s of this section of thoconnty at ibo convention in milton next saturday the old orchards lacrosse club of toronto will cross stioks with tbe oreaosnta at the park on saturday at 480 the juniors played the juniors of georgetown on saturday in a gam or baeebajl and won with a score of 85 to 11 mr and mru thomas easton enter tained the mothodist chnroh choir at their residence ou river street last friday evening tho civio holiday concert has a galaxy of superior talent miss mocollom mrs mccarthy jim fax mias kilgonr mian clark and othore the anrroat convention of quel ph dlstrlot epworth jjeogue will be held in acton on tuesday and wednesday 22 ni and 83rd november the lacrosse match between the tuecarora indians apd the creaentsy of aotou promises to be an attraotivo feature of tbo civio holiday programme tit albana sunday sohool picnio waa held io mophcreona grove on tuesday afternoon in the absence of rev mr qodden rev mr boss was superintendent in chief tho widening of tbe narrow section of mill street uniformly with the roat of the atreet is still a live topio of conversation amp thoeo interested in the improvement mostly of a local character arid every item lntereatlna excurslou to jlurrle and take simcoc a cheap ejoaraion under the auaplces of tho waterloo musical sooiety will bo ran to barrio aitfl lvko bimoooon monday august 22nd special train leaves aoton at 810 am ctlokets only ogots good for two days the societys celebrated band will acoompany the excursionists sold xvblkcy on sunday another whiekoy case oame up for trial hereon saturday as a result tbe pro prietor of tho commercial hotel parted with something like 30 with oobts inspec tor reynolds magistrate patterson and lawyer cameron came up from oakville to ofdoiato at tho proceedings gailt was admit tod and the witnesses were conse quently not culled x700 cords of baric per year zfaed the proaont seasons peel of hemlock bark js now being shipped bore in largo quantfties and juesera beard mo ro eft ooa bark gang and ttmb are bubily engaged in handling it very fow realize bow ranch hemlock bark our big tanneries use they grind an averago of 00 cords every working day qqual to fauraod onesixth oars per day thebo tanoeriee received laatyear 1300 oara of barh equal to jl7p0dbrdb fire jn tho milton chawpioa office the office of the milton champion was partially destroyed by fire on saturday oth inbt with characteristic energy and enterprise the champion immediately contracted for anew building and a new outfit of typo wae ordered tbq champions friends of the press everywhere will regret thelossandtrouhlo occasioned by tho firebnt trust that phooniillke it will rise from its aahea with ah enlarged degree of pros perity another taudtnark removed contractor dyrjea has removed from 11b original foundation on tbe corner of mill and willow btreetb to the rear of tho lot the steel cottage the building was erected fortyeight years ago by the late william steel and his brother the late george steel both of whom were carpen ters and removed from toronto to acton nearly fifty yeare ago mr thomas ferry man or plaetered tho cottage and is b till able 10 do a good days work at bis trade though past four score mr william steel had this building as his residence nntil his death the widening of mill street full pnwnrn flluflin tho munlnlnnl council to undertake tho improvement of out town the treasurer of the free library board has received from the provincial treaiarer acheqne for the books recontly parobased the cheque haa been handed to the municipal treasurer a numvberof boys and young men in town evidently overlook the fact that ball playing on tho streets is prohibited by by i aw the authorities desire it to be nnderatooi that the bylaw is to bo enforced twenty of tho new leeenfield rifles have arrived for the use of the 20th battalion they are built on tho moat modern principles and will kill at 2j mllei in iu course the ballot rovolvee at the rate ot2000per ecoond aoton fupila are evidently studious jeverypopil t rom this place who wrote at- the first and lecond form examinations ai georgetown high sohool and gnelph collegiate inititute was sncoesafnl were proud of oar young men and maidens abibalous cltieen who was overootxo on town hill sqaare one day last week fopnd himself chained to a ladder lo tho reat of the tewn ball when he awoko from hltn il required conbidarable pemaiive eloquence to induce constablo graham to n him free the gnelph pavement co have cora- jleted the fint aeotipn of the paiswy atr walk and have made a splendid job of it big bicycle event at guclph the programmer for the opening of petriee athletio park bloyole track on labor day monday sept 5th has boon issued as followa rone mile novice three prizes half mile open tbrco prizea one mile boys race under 10 two prizes two mile district champion eh ip prize gold medal value 15 one mile open three prizes two mile lap race three prizes porsnit race limit 10 miles one prize all amateur events thetraok is said to bethe finest in canada and sls the abovo events are for the central diatriot championship much interest will be taken in tbe programme by the wheelman of tbe diatriot tho new special delivery stamp the publio beeou to have a vrrbog imprea- bion with regard to tho speolal new delivery btamp they apparently think that by putting ten coots of ordinary poatago on a letter that letter will be given qufok deliv ery this la a miatake they most pat the epeoiat delivery stamp on in addition to what would xiave been the ordinary postage for tbe transmission of tbe letter tbe idea of the apecial delivery eta nap is to have something that will at once attract the attention of the mail clerka and the postoffice clerka henoe if the special dolivory stamp ia not ueod tbo intention of the departmont to give quiok delivery will be largely defeated a little innocents tind master david henderson mceeague the twoyearold son of dr 8 a uckeaguo and grandson of david henderson mc p knows a good thing when he sees it and aots upon the principle that ft bird in the baud is worth two in the bush last friday afternoon a number of tennis players were having a game on mr hendersons tenuis court one of the number a wellknown young ladles man deposited his coat at the bide of the court with his hat on the coat and his gold watch glittering in the eun- ehlneon top of the bat in the oioitomont of the game the aarrodndings were for gotten but master david happening along spied the watch took peaceable possession and started hntnnwnrfl wit tlm pria tho interest taken in tho proposal to widen that flection of mill street from john to main street to make it unitorm in width with tho remainder of tho btroet is so general among oar citizens that ques tions are naturally being asked with referenoo to details and to the oworo of tbo municipality in the matter of acquir ing the property necessary to secure the extra width of aix foot or bo bootlon 631 cbap 203 h fi o ivon tho powct required lu the folio wlug olauaos bylawb may bo pained by tho councils of tho municipalities and for the purpooes in tho auction b reltloy tnoatlonod that a to iy obtaining property by tho councils of count ies townships oltlos towns and villages 1 for obtain log bucij real aud personal propotty as may beroqulrod for the uso of tho corporation ia tbo matter of compensation for lauds tub on or lojurod provision is make as follows bootlon 437 clmp 13 evory council shall rhojeo to tbo offlnora or occupioro of or otbor peraoon interested in roal property outorod upon taken or used by tbo corporation in tho oxoralse 01 any o its porrero or injuriously affootod by tbo exorclso of its powsrs duo coin ponsatlou for any dauiasos nooooeorlly rcouulag from tho exoroiso of suoh powers boyond any advantftgo which tbo claimant ujayrdorivofrom tho contemplated wflrl and any claim for compensation if not mutually ogroed ujipn flbftll bo dotortufuod by arbitration undor tills the act further requires the co an oil to file with the clerk of the municipality certified copies of tbo plana of tbe property proprosed to- be expropriated upon receiving the plans tho clerk will idiue notioea of the councils intentions and that such may be inspected at his offlco aud that all claims for compensation must be filed within sixty days from tho eorvlco of such notice then arbitrators have to be appointed each party being entitled to seven days notice the municipality has the privilogo let tender tho amount the council deems the land expropriated to be worth and if the arbitrators do not allow more than tbia amount then all coeta have to be paid by tho parties putting in olaima agalnat the corporation possibly in view of the fact that the feeling in favor of tbia improvement is so general and whon the now permanent pavements are laid in front of the properties affected tba vatoo will be very materially enhanced the publio spirited owners of thefio properties will dbnato tho few feet required from caoh to the corporation in recognition for the councils laudable purpose of so materially improv ing tbo appearauco of the town the writer was muoh intereatod yester day morning with thoexpreesion of one of our oldest residents when asked what he thought of tho proposal why he said it ehonld be done at once without quebtion tho btroet ehonld have been widened fortyfivo years ego and would have been had it not been for tho niggardly spirit of one of the eurly bottlers when it was proposed by the gentleman who erected tbe storo now occupied by hender- aon fc co tho authorities abonld lose no time in having the widening done how with- out fail coming and going visitors to and from aoton and vnrlousother personal notes successful students who passed in the examinations in forrrjo i and ii in the high schools the oompuij smta determined id ileiervg tha jimirtoyhmalaswfcousijbrprliu ibtjiri now engged on the pirt in front ol tbe colleglle grounds quolpb utiikry we bnvs pleunte in oongraluutlng mlm mggie walloe duoghter ol ilobl wi1k e opon hersnooeii at qaelpb bailneii college borne month o sho rduted nd received a diploma for gnoml prouolenojr in tba commerolal oapailment 8be haa tinoe taken conn in abottbaad and type wrlllng anil laatifstk received a diploma with trie hlgheit hooore monilar exoarlon to barrio analake bfmooe ou monaaj aogott 22nd fait from aoton only oft aania flrtojil necorid band bieyelei for aalaai byraoii bros l vefy low prloer siuoa bno axlon torom mttoh raaiio by waterloo slncipel grd band oonoart in tb opiri hou lo tbe etenlng are the big altraollom ol tbe obaitp axoqriton to ibkrtiaon afjsiia 82od fa only ocott i sorno tinio afterward one of hi nudles net him triumphantly parading tbe new pave ment on mill street carrying part of tbe walob in one hand and the front oaie whlob ho had wrexlobed off in tbo other he rolnotantly parted with bia- treasures which wore restored to tbo owoor later lightly the worse for near civio solldoy demonttrallon usually on0ivlo holiday onr oltizenago ont of town to seek pleasure but on tbia oooaaioq nait toeaday 38rd ina a programme lb varied and attraokve is being arranged tbmt residents will feel tbat there is no plaoo lilo home for the day and outsiders should bieattraoted to participate in the events provided in vary large nam- bers tbe prpgramms will open with a oalitbnmpiau prooeuion at 900 am rsms will bo followed by a baseball maloh at 10 oclook between the victorlavr of ctnelpnt and tbo beavers of aoton tha forenoons proceedings will terniinate with a deeoratod bicycle parade the event of tho day will bo a laorosse matab at 180 in tbe af ttr- noon between the taeoarora indiana and tbe oreaoenti of aoloa this is the first matoh ever arranged for aoton with an iudlan team in their national game tbe oresoenta are now ia splendid praotioo and a lively exhibition ol this lively game may be expected aaarleaof intoteating biayele and foot races and a tug of war between tbmaaeloteahotthearieiiand leather tanneries will follow a five mile matched bioyolo raoe between dalian tine georgetown and barr aston will be of the reports of tho boards of examiners in oonnootion with tho high school and matrionlation oxaminatioob held in july have been considered by tho kdooatlonal conncll and below are given tho namoa of the snceobbfol candidates in this county so far as concern forms i and ii it la oxpeoted that tbe reaulta of the examina tions offormb iii and iv and for com mercial specialists commercial diplomas and domesho doienco will bo published this week begarding tho valoo of tbo certificates it will be understood that a form i certifi cate has the aamo qualifying valno for a teachers certiuoate as a fnblio bcbool leaving certificate whiob together with a form- ii certificate gives primary stand ing and enables tbo caudidato if eighteen years of age before the end of the year to enter a connty model bchool vonit i georgetown m l allen andrew arthnrs i barry j h bingham edwin francis m kennedy j kidd f xahe w d litzer b mountain a molood p e bem w ff reid arthur t smytb j tnrnor honors wm g mioklin j wepsholt tho fjtur fnusa layltoa all it readers to oon tributo to tlitb column ii you or your frloud aro going away on a holiday trip or if you have trlonda visiting you drop a oard to the foes pxibbb miss ida uay is visiting frienda in london itev b b cook is at preaenl in very poor health miss a sharp la vuitlng friends in georgetown mr edwin frauds ia holidaying at southampton mies annie monabb visited relatives in toronto this week mrs b aitklnb of hamilton visitod aoton friend tbia week mr john ooobe of guelpb made acton friendb a brief visit this week mr alfred watson of choboyganmiob la tbe guest of excouncillor denny master freddie eastwood is spending his holidays with bia oodilos in toronto miss nellie matthews of berlin enjoyed a shortvisit to her old home this week messrs miohael gibboni and angus koitb left on tueaday for ijorth pakota eov mr maopherson has retnrned from bis vacation wbioh ho onjoyed very muoh the misses ovens of mount forest were guests of acton relatives for a week or so sir edison srnith of hnnnon spent a oonple of days with friends bore this week aire oolley of ilracebridfie arrived on tuesday to visit her danejhter mrs waller mr james gordon of aookwood wae a foest at the homo of mr jobepb jsolmes last week the little aon ol aid it e nelson gnelph is some better and slowly improv ing tbia week mies ada clark of gloversvillo n y ia a welcome guest at tbe family homo on bower avenue messrs arthur tyrell and ed dissett of toronto wheeled op to visit aoton frienda last week mr walter arms of toronto spent a week at tbo hpme of his nnole mr thomas cameron misa lily nelson and mlba beasey of georgetown are enjoying a trip np the lakes to mackinaw mibb m j gibbons itavea thia week for buffalo where she intends spending a fortnight with friends mr and mrs cook of toronto were guests at the homo of mr william gnrney and other frionds this week mibb maggie warwick of qloveraville h y arrived here on baturday to spend a week or so with former frienda rev t wluxford left lait thursday on a trip to miohigan he will spend ten days in the upper peninsula messrs allan mann and ochornas storey left on toebday rnoruing for brandon llanitoba on tbo harvest excursion talk ofthb day bllt a m a a boa fastoi interest acton comet band will enliven tbe days proceedings tbe oonoert in tba evening will bo deserving of tbe patronage of tbe countryside the array of talent comprises superior artists in their several department mias mooollom elocution ist gait mrs mccarthy soloist toronto jim far canada greatest oomio toron to miss kllgonr piano soloist quel jb misa clark acoorapaniii aoton and others the oommltteo is anxions to make the day enjoyable they look for tba presenoe and support of oitlaons and extend a cordial invitation id visitors the object ia a most laudable ona tbe town ball piano fund and tbo proowilogs of tbo day tare under the snperlntendenoe of strong oom- mltteea appolutedjj the crokinolo olob a sad fatality oocarsd toesday after noon two miles from berlin on tha arm of oliver belaosr brsiaa raid hla jsnrtfiiebtolfootbo sailon xalwllitl6boyboopsyearsoidhaa ib tbe barn yard when a largs bun door whlob was left open broke loon owing to the blgb wind and the little fellow waa pinned between it and tbe ground b was killed almost instantly f oakville baandrew h g askln 0 a biggar a j falan d fleming a h griffith m k hill ml langtry f b lnoas m m mason a l milner j orr e 0 parrish a picket lil sheridan a l wellwood at gnelph ina clark maggie fyfe and daisy niok tin of aoton wero buooesafnt the latter pabbinf with honors yonhu georgetown m bennett a braobeo m campbell w b somorville a e wooding ii 4 andrew arthurs e bradley o p cross a o holmes h g mitchell p h mitoboll b mountain maggie mcqueen p held l t rntlodge g steel malrloulatlon 4 a barber belle barry howard f oram a slnolair matrionlation 8 e e shortlll at guelph ada fyfe was snocoebful in matriculation 4 itnn the reanlla of the examinations in forma iii and iv wore handed out yostorday and are as follows rojim in georgetown j p bellslc j cole p b harrison minuio holmeb s j littlo w mcgregor honorr w n mclean l m momorohy m w pasmord g steel williamblewarl j j wetherald matrionlation ii i cook oakvillo ida austin j brady e brown j a coots km dousloy w a bhmfckvblone matrionlation w xsalberts6li palled in fronob latin abd greek mrs i franois and mies anniebtepnorp boo wheeled to georgetown on toesday and spent the day with friends there rev w s motavlsb of deseronto vas the goest of bis brother mr a motavish and other frienda thia week dr and mrs uren retnrned to townon monday evening and will remain a couple of weeks prior to tbeir removal to toronto- mrs boss and children ofttoronto have boen pending tho week at the home of obairman mclam and otbor frienda in town miss anna oneil of dimhooae who bat just roturned from visiting friends in elora and vicinity bpent snnday at mrs sbarps m ra e b collins and daughters luna and mandie ate visiting relatives in buffalo tonawanda and port dover for several weeks mrs cavanagb of lookport n y leaves today after spending a week very pleasantly at tbe borne of rov b b cook falrvlew aveinne mr john warren exwarden has been oonllned to his bed with a severe attaok of lagrippe the past two weeks he is slowly recovering mr thomas davidson of teeswater a genial and well preserved old gentleman tlin gnmt dnrlng the week of his at cboaley wero destroyed by tiro on sat urday mrs ilngh fiddis of north gowor township hanged herbolf to a door knob on sunday an order has been issued rnubtoring out of service 00000 of the united stales volunteer foroes mr miohael purcell was driving near cornwall on friday when a train struck bis wagon killiqg him instantly mr frederiok dewey locomotive fore man of tbo m 0 r was killed by an engine at niagara falls on monday j j corbetts father shot and killed bis wife at san francisoo on tuesday and thon turned tho weapon on himself ho will not live p pire did 868000 damage atmadoo the molhodist cburoh and several of the beat buildings of tbe ytlage being byrned on sunday nisht it is anqounood that xieutcol mao- callum governor of lagros weat africa wilfsnooeed sir herbert murray as gover nor of newfoundland west huron liberals will meet on sep tember 15th- to nominato a candidate jkmongit the narflos rnentloried ia that of mayor holmes of the clinton hew era gen shatter sdya he expeots tbo last of the troops of bis oorps will have left santiago for the united states by thuri- day and that be will atart for his homo sunday mr hurray crawford is the loser by a tire at campbeilville on saturday last he owned the store and contents wbioh were destroyed there was an insurance of foj on the oontontb it is lo bo sir william molook pretty soon it iibb been definitely decided that the canadian poetmabtergeneral is to he knighted for distinguished service to the empire bo will sail for canada on the 20lhinst at the meeting of the quarterly board of the methodist oburcb dandas on mon day an invitation was extended to rev- j e hszlewood of paris to asbnme tbs paitorato there attbe expiration- of rev dr wokeflolda term a daring highway robbery took place near tbamcavillb on saturday night when messrs maurice caste and jnline bteber were relloved of 977 dollars botwoeu tbenu and mr steber who atlemptod to refiist got a bnllet tbrongh hia hat on snnday forenoon mrs w bowman of upper colborno atreet kingston gave birth to font ohildren ono of thorn a girl being stillborn tberowere two boys aod two girlb the boys are active and good- aise mrs bowman is doing well extensive preparations are being made for tbe provincial snnday sohool conven tion to to held in poterboro october 25 20 and 27 already a score of tbe ablsat speakers in the united states and ctnida have been secured to give addresses the longbairod fakir reoently in toron to styled himself divine healer soblatur basbeenthe gaeet of the cllyof philadelphia for the past two weeks in tbe police cella- the honor wab thrust upon him in recognition of a bad cake of dronk cures talk in favor of hoods ssrwpoxhiai as for no other medi- olno r great cares recordsd in truthful convincing langange of grateful men and women constitute its most effective ad vertising many of those cures are mer- velons they lave won the confidence of the people navo given hoods bsrsapa- rilla tho largest sales in the world end havo made nepessary for its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hoods barsoparills la kao by the cures it has madeouresolscrofnlasalt rheum and eczoma cures of rhoumatlsrn neuralgia and woak nerves ouroa of dyspensis hver troables -i- w wo- it pa i buy a b it pays to buy at dollerh fffll troubles catarrh- sarsa par ilia is tho bestin factule one tmo blood rnrlner hoods pills xeavora advertlslne is a 8clonce and pays- when you are qualified and able lo tell ihe world what you have that they should have we wish to impress only tho fact upon you that we sell books wall pper window shades motldings etc hrtlj hf ii i bc l fic y ft wll jon in as wo llovc every reason to s 1 w cx soo tisfal1 nnd winer p fe rcnernlly good and the indications ore that the prices will bo good then our manufacturing industries navonot been so busy for years and the result will be loin of money in circulation we are therefore making great preparations for n big irade this season mr doli iut who is at present in the european markets la doing some shrewd and courageous buvini especially in the better class of goods such as this store is noted for keeping how often customers are heard saying if they want anything extra good in dry goods they always gix lo pollens for it wo can assure such tint they will not bo disappointed this autumn as we will undoubtedly have the finest and most uptodate stock in this cly and we will have it in dbundanco as mr bollert is buying just about double the amount ho usually does with the exception of an unusual large trade we hayo already received and placed in stock a consignment of french and german goods thus saving ibo customs- extra duly of 25 per cent this meins that you will be able to buy such goods from us 25 per cent less goods well bought are half sold is an old and true saying wherever wo see tho best goods at r is market wo are limited to nowhere and to no person look out for big things at bollerts this fall now in ihe meantirne our big summer sale will continue as we have many lines of summer ooods that simply must be cleared out as wo do not wish lo carry over a single yard or article of sucb goods so out they go regardless of cost e b bollert go 25 aud 27 wyndham street guelph just now probably you dont require any of tho above when yon do kind ly bear in mind tho name and address c l nelles thb lendsr cublph wall paper samples at j d mckcea acton acton- livery bus line r corn sowing lea prooess conducted by the agency of light boots all tbe year aronud corn reaping ia best conducted through the agency of putnams painless corn extractor tbo onlvsafeand hurepop corn cure putnams extraotor is now widely imitated bewaro of all poisonous and sore producing substitutes ronixiv georgetown part i m e norton v steele mand norton local brieflets eleotrioal atorma havo been frequent here tbe past week or to tbe ladies of st josephs hospital guelpb bad a atrest car day on tuesday it was very snooessfal it is rumored that genera skiddelma- dinkbaroddelbumjamk will be in town on tuesday morning to command the call tbnmpian parade mr john whitehead organizer for the canadian order of oddfellows was in aoton on thursday in the interest of thai order he says that ho has good prospeoli ol itddlng a large number to the member- ship of ths lodge there guslpb4dpoca hrruioi town oounoll at its last tngwardd4hsoontiaocilylbg4he gtaiblltbio lkt to ihej bllioabafylo btotlv wetfent cta of inksrsoll tor the tetaarkably low mm of len osnts per square foot his ihlendsd to lay about two miles oj ihe walk lhl season grandson mr j d mokee druggist mesbra john sod henry mellon were called home to onatio on tuesday by the sad news of the death of their mother the funeral will be held this morning mass jennie hobbs daaghter of bev b hobbs london is spending a week or so with friends in town mias hobbs is a native of acton and takes a lively interest in tbe old lahdmarks- mr husband principal of oakville publio sohool made acton friends a brief visit this week he always has a kindly feeling for acton hia birthplace being bat a few miles ont in namgaweya there has been considerable anxiety at tbe methodist parsonage tbe past week owing to the illness of mis winnie tbe seoond daughter an operation for an internal ailment was per formed on toesday tbe little daughter is doing well nnder the olroo instances and tbo many friends of tbs family hope for a sjjeedy roodvery a girl kill by liqhtnino twkkd aug 10 bella baker the h- yearold daughter of mr w s baker of huntingdon lownehip was itruok by light ning laat evening and inatantly killed the family were silting at tbs tea table when tbo stroke cams in none of tbe rest ol the family were seriously injured althongh all ware mors or leu stunned rhobtorm was quite savers all over this section but no other serloas resnllo are reported the fall fairs list of the exhibitions already an nounced for tha comlnat fall sanson industrial toronto aug 20 to sept 10 western london sept 8 to 17 wellealey wellesley sept 18 1 northern walkertoo sep u 16 sontbsrn brantford sept 17 to 33 uortioultural preston sep bo 31 33 owen bound owen bonnd sept 30 31 oentro wellington fergus sept 32 38 ncxth perthstratfort ssrpt 3 33 centre bruce paialay sspt 37 38 bonth gray durham sep 97 88 rel brampton sept 38 so oarafraxa belwood sept 30 80 eramosa rockwood oct 11 13 worlds fair rookton oc 11 13 erlb efrrn obirin to curb a cold in one day imtiemmr they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for di22uics nausea drowsi ness badtaslo in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill email dose 8mall price substitution tho fraud of tho day sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills another car of just in also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bblsalt at ti05 mil 2n ih sacks nt 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 20c per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for jt 00 buckwheat k hungarian millet etc feed corn43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from 6jc up geo j thorp sbbdstckn market sq and jwaodonnell bt cublph biibber stamps klcldu aa trtutavtlvo bromo qofntoc tblni alt imetals retuod tba moaay ii h fulla to oar pott fin f i r rite to ooo oarry a toronto ink oto king bt knit theundonlgnodraaptwtfnuybouoluthiapfttron vsoof tbepabllvndiuxormtiuiemtbt well equipped aod stylish bigs oan al ways b bflonrod at hifl aublei a orafoitabla bai meets al trftidi between b m and 618 pm gsvrefal avttentloo slven to every order th hwtaafvf qtrimsyalsa tl e xiiglit jaoiise corner king and huglision sts hamilton best umlues rsobt dotal or tbitelioro sbopil ivro most considered you boo tbo pmottcablo sldo of tbat btatomoiit hero any liny our idea is to aro generally to bo bad from tbo larsost dealer thats hero shoppers go wberothoir interests most considered you boo tbo praotlcablosido of tbat sto bring yon best value at tbo right tltuo and at tbe right prlcei lerstnllymet john williams fbopbixton a great event canadas great 1808 new and wonderful attrac tions excelling all previous years the cubaamerican war exciting naval and mili tary displays the latest inventions and novelties from- all parts of t w milliner y ladles straw hata various now bbapoa recti- iar76oandi91cbolaoafio rogular rmas to 173 oboloo fioc regular 93 to 3 ohoico 75c childrens straw ballon ribbon- trimming regular 25c eloarlng at 15 and 18c regular h5c forfioo rognlar iso tor 40c regular 125 for 75o ladles and misbob bicyolo hats and cups regular soo for 35o regular b3e for 50c regular eia3ori beacon hats in wblto aud boacon lcgboru regular 80c for ho rogular 35c for l0o childrens btx a iwear muilin hats and donnote rogular 25c for iso regular 60c for 25 rogular 75o for 60c rorular a for i9fl shirt waist sale muslin shirt waist white collars detachable husalan fronts rcffuurei25 for 72c rercaio shirt walit dotschablo solf collars regular s1s3 for b5a organdie muslin bblrt wslst russian frouu detachable collars rogular 62 for 160 odd lines bblrt walits in tnuslfa or percale detachable self collars ear lor iu the seaaou tbo price was 1 and 160 oloarlog on satorday at print bblrt waists about tbroo dozen in all regular price 7so saturday price 85o ladies drkss skirts in black alpaca btrgo croponand figured lustres velvot binding good trimmings gpocial value 3 t3aa a73 5 lfnen craah skirts 7gorcd deop hem bpooll at 9110 1 m denim skirts in greon eroy and tan ug graab skirts snowflake uio white marseilles skirts 1b5 white duekbkirtal travelling capes tlald cloth capos fringe with hood regular ib for 6760 and em rosbsry sale 11 ittbbed cashrooro hobo 6fold knoo 9 oj only regular 40 and 45o cloaring at 35o 31 itlbbed oaabmoro houo spllood kuoo hool and toe 9 only regular c5o for 43o 2 utibbedcasbmoro hoee 88j oj regular value 88c clearing at b8o jviibsob bieus at similar reduouons ladlos plain casbuicro hobo bobiiiiobb foot 90c sso better quality full faahionod sjo 3 pairs for 01 dress ooods section kivo ouly fancy drcub pattorns regular 610 to tiy clearing at 5 klovon only fancy bilk aud wool regular 7 to uc0 cloariog at 50 twenty pieces odd lines fancy drceb ooods regular 00 and coc eloarlng at 25o fancy black drees goodeenecfal lino of silk and wool eltoct regular valuo 85o special mid summer price 60o bilk and wool grenodiuos u in wide regular 05o bpoclal 38 and 40c illack alpaca 44 in wldo regular 75c for 60c sum m or sorgo bjack ana navy 16 inches wldo very special goo iteuanauts of black and colored dress goods buitablo for skirt a and cbiltlrcna dresses at nearly half prlco table linen extras 51 inch unbloachod regular 25o for 206 00 inch ditto regular 60o extra at 40c 72 inch regular valuo 65c extra 40o 25 pieces dark ground eugllih 1rintb regular l2jo extra at 10 couts fcnglinb flannelette 31 laches wide regular locoxtra 7jc s3 incb best grade regular 12o extra c silkotto shlrtingr white cottons fruit of tbo loom 30 in nldo 8o ladies neckwear lodlca ascott tioa in jinon pltiuo canvas aird plaid bilk 25c 5c 40a aud 50c chlldrons bailor collara lu red fawn cadot aud navy 45c ladies linen collars 10c aud lo all oizca j housefurn1shzngs roman btrlpa portlor curtaiob fringed sldo and bottom regular 5 for j7fi french tapestry ponlors rogolar 3 75 for ij275 regular 475 for 3g0 regular 60 for 375 rogular for 67 american tapestry curtains heavy tassel fringe top and bottom regular 10 for 7 regu lar r8so for i085 handsomo chonlllo curtains special valuo for 350 9450 to 910 00 art daulme ohoico pattorua and colors regu- lar lkc and 20c all ono prlco 13ic thhrtvslx luoh bllballno special 10c and 12jc japanese art crape rogular 15c clearing at 8c and 10c bnguflb corduroy furnlturo covering regular 00c clearing at 00c high class art pauolp flnlbbod in oil very ohoico rogular 87 clourlug at 5 each thomas g watkins entries of exliiliia close aug 6th cheap excursions from everywhere for prize lists entry forms pro grammes and all particulars address jjwitlmrw hjhill president manager toronto empire typtidtr price 5500 visible writing m addition i to all the advantages of the i12000 machines tho only typewriter manufactured in canada fully currrnteed circulars and testimonials write for lliom ttie williams htj co v uakniolootebrated sjlmi now wullams bowln md aoreapllfl tocallly rqulrsd 1 worwdurlniywirltara ckimoai tupsiv ep ficttifi out suivimer specials arranged to meet present demand ing during july w special offer- dress stuffs 44 in serges in cream black and brown regular price 50c for 38c 401n cashmere silk finest in pink light green and blue regular 50c special 40c i2jc light prints best make special roc blouses all at reduced prices all paeasols a special collection of handsome styles marked down gloves hosiery and laces at reduced prices groceries our stock never was larger all fresh and at lowest prices aiirpey co st acton l op h three oold awonro silver insdsi worlds industrial ond conon cenlcanial expasltlon new orleans 1881 and 188a hiohest awards hrtmla ssh tsars al acrkallarr isj7 diploma alaiaaa sin aiftallml ssdar at hmlpaaerr iiu award rr caalla valley cisibiiiwi crtssabm oi hiohcst awards st lmu ankallanl ut meclaaakal assklallea six hiohqst awards eifmjiim ckksrh mi watusblnuaa hiohest awards westsra fair aaaotlsllts i satis casafa iiu six o0ld medals muiiur fair iaa fsisclast cat ht silver medal tecssm eifwlllw tesials c int avore honors were received by the wrotloht iron rangecolimiteo foyrldedjooa paidup capital l 000000 70 to 70 perarl 8tr6t toronto ontario canada washington avsnue lith to aoth strooia st iouis wo vj steel hotel and family ranges ahmx style fmuu jltinge d ol qiifj by out travltnttsttlrimeh mm ohi oirii uiffoa al utlr iijizdciii lirirr thrtnitati oliiaoo ami vie unllnl sta uatlriimtitteamr nut amt hroifllil 9eefaiufl witt lmt t 1ctltnc tj projmrl mcof j49s84 sow la january 1st 1807 ft tamst1 le vromifcoturiri of lltf unsnimlw wol ftir latnl illutlnueif uttaluguo and pi f01t wiite or cull at any ofour aiilesrooma

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