Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 18, 1898, p. 4

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what does your mirror say docs it tell you of tome lltilo streaks of gray arc you pleased do your friends of tho same ago show this lost of power also just remember ifrct tray imir never becomes darker without help while dark hair rapidly become gray when once the change begin will bring back to your hair the color of youth it never fails it is just as sure 03 thct heat melts snow cr fiat water quenches are it cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff it feeds and nour ishes the bulbs of tho hnlr making them produce a luxu riant growth it stops the hair from falling outand gives a line soft finish to the hair as well to hfayo a book on tho ilalr and scalp which you tomy obtain fraa upon requeat f you do n you expected frt visor rito the hooter abontlt atlareft dr j jj jlj business bars the drundard drapkeuuess to day isdecroeu dlsrepn table in the very quarters where ouly a little while ago it was looked upon simply a misfortune writes edward w bok in lha ladlit nome journal every line of buiiaeaa abuts ila doors absolutely to the drunkard it has no use for him babiness competition lias booome bo keen that only tbe man of the stearlloat liabits osn find employment thlifaot the habit ual indulgcr in alooholloa has found out and the different ouro establishments for drunkenness and qodseuds they are too to humanity are to day filled with men who have oomo to idealisation of the changed oondillons the man of steady bobits is the man of the hoar and the drunkard realizes tbis in the eooial world the same thing ia tru thr noes siva iodutgenee of oven a few years ago would not be tolerated at any dinner to day society has beoome intolerant of the behavior which inevitably remits from moeaiivo indulgence in drinking and men realise tbis it ia bad manners today to drink to excess good taste is spreading and moderation is necessarily following shop mottoes ilje baton t thubsday augtj8t 18 1898 he gating falhs fair tailing la tho belt drummer to iell well is to aolt tho customer what we claim to do we go r ante oar goods go before the da it colleots we only proffer advice when it ia asked to be ahead and keep ahead is oar aim misrepresentation inflicts iti proper pan iah meat advantages given to a customer always repay as we covet for oar goods bearohing examination we strive to have no uoancios in oar assortments we seek profit when we bay more than when w sell onralerks will eerve yoa without eohoit log a parobase oar atore does not fear the mobt strin geafc comparisons the buyer ought not to rive qb bis oash tmtu wesait him i look leisurely wa ask no sadden nor thoughtless purchase thero is a pleasure in catenur to yonr most exacting wants printer ink dont run up stairs running npatairs is a foolish rod dangerous praotioe and should bo ehuntidd as a ooutagaton the poreoua wild do it surely do not realize bow thoy jourt dlseaao and death if they ooualder whm roust be the effect of auob violout exertion a they would really be frightened in the normal state tho hoart boats ijeveut six llmen a tuiuuto assumo that a roan approaches a stairway with a roga lar heart lie aiceudd the stepa ns ripldiy as possible when he arrives at the top his heart ia beating 120 times a minul the change ia fort four pulsations minute and the strain on the heart must be very severe in- the case of those whose boatta aro diseased it may some time produce death and it may osmae sound hearts to become diseased it deranges the whole constitution and serious ly shocks the nervoub bj stem the nroper who to ascend a btalrway is deliberately and slowly avoid all the exertion possible for the easiest way xi the best the object le to eecapo the strain on the heart what wasted a lad in one of the london boarol sohoola wan found guijty of a aerloaa iufraotlon o discipline and was directed by his teacher to tell his mother when he got home what misdemeanor ho had committed the next morning tho sohoolmbtreua called johnnie to her desk when the following dialogue ensued well master johnnie did yoa inform your mother what infraotion of discipline yoa were guilty of yesterday and the reprimand and panibhmont you received yeam was the sententious reply well and what did your mother bay she said bhe d like to wring yonr neob for yoa no more disoiphne reports were sent home to that mother pearsons wttilj castoria lu dr smnuol pitchers prescription for iafohts and children it contains neither opium morphine nor other narcotic substance it ks a imrmlcss substitute for paregoric drops soothing- syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of mothcis castoria destroys worms and allays tet erlshncss cnstorljv prevents vomiting sotir cutd cures ilarrliooa and wind colic oastbrla rclio es teething troubles cures constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tho pood regulates tho stomueli and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castorla is the ohlulrens panacea the mothers friend castoria cautorlit la an excellent tmjdlciiie for children molten 2iave repented ly told me of its good effect upon their children da g c osgood lowell man castoria cmtorla ia no well adapted to chltdcn uinti recommend it as superior to nny pre- bcriptlou known to me u a auculu m d brooklyn jv y the facsimile signature of he there is alwajs something noneoa ioal about a pretty woman bhe yes ite a man ca na da ovtt xr1bnd btul noazd as hung by tho wisconsin pross aaioolatlon while toa ring canada air marching through georgia tbo canadiana aro number oao and strlotly up 16 dato tuo el tno hand to undo sam and never liosltate thoy even kill the fatted oalf for ns to mastioate while wo aro marching throorh canada hurrah 1 hurrah i yon paoplo art tho stuff i hurrah hurrah i wo ii never get enough i so wo ling the chorus from tho border to the boa wliilo we are marching through canada canada ia stopping up and walking llko a man bo3n aim will do everything that any nation cad wbon you nood a friend indeed call on unole bo will romombor victoria hurrah i hurrah i victoria tho queen i hurrah 1 hurrah t bhe s dally in oar dreams i so wo sing tho chorus from tho border to tho sofrr while wo are marching through canada a bible club needed why doosnt somo woman start a bib- jo club one of ibcba days say the woman wbo does not usually believe in olubs and io tho world a great aarvloo the boston chruttan rtgltlcr tsld reeentlj a large part of ths literature of tha world ia beoomiog unintelligible to this generation through iaok of ability to nndentand quotations from tha bible allusions to sayinga and etodta whioh oar fathers would understand at a glance now signify nothing to many rrsdera bo and so is so and so su the bible aaya said a woman the other da giving a quo tation from milton that argnea an ijpmtaniir m h tb blhla homemade fire grenades it lialwaya desirable to bo prepared foi an emergenoy aaoh aa an outbreak of fire and tho band fire grenaia often somes in timely aaya an exobangs a form of hand grenade oan easily be made at very little oost it 30 iba of oonimon sals and 10 lbs of sal ammoniao are dissolved in 7 gala of water and tha mixture afterwards put into qosrt bottles of tbln glass tbe grenade so made will be found very effioiebt for extinguiehing small outbreaks of are the bottles ahoald be tightly corked and sealed so as to prevent evaporation and when a fire oeonra they mast be thrown ia or near the flames ao aa to break and tbas liberate the gae oontained to efleot tho desired nbjeot bat it is safe to say that the poet are better known than tbe old testament generally ii there waa a olnb and tbe bible was taken np as llteratnre it might oomo into fashion again aa reading matter a quick w1tted baptist one of the candidates for the atata senate down in jefferson connty ala waa a prominent baptist and he expected hla follow obnrohmen to help push him along tha slory goes thai he waa campaigning on a country beat and had the good for tune to fall in with a whole congregation of baptitta whether a prayer meeting had just been held or wbat tha occasion of the gathering was is not known about this time a light shower osme np and tha candidate at onoe raised a large umbrella which be was carrying you are not afraid of thia little shower aro yon brother 7 remarked one good baptist standing near dot at all responded the quick wilted candidate but you know i am opposed to all forma of sprinkling he carried that beat solidly now orleans timtt- democral an ontario farmer rescued by paines celery compound wells eiohardaon co gentlemen it is with very great plea ore that i teatlfy to the valne of yonr great medioine palnea celery compound for nearly too year i suffered from indigestion and udnay and liver troubles alter trying several medioine that did not efleot a core i deelded to try your compound before ailng it i waa so low in health that i oould not eat or aleep i oould not lie in bed owing to pain in my back and it waa only by resting on my elbow and knee that i waa enabled to obtain a slight degree of ease before i had fully taken one bottle of yonr medioine i began to improve i have now taken in all fourteen bottle with grand raault i am a farmer and am now working every day i am a living witness to tbe worth of falnea celery compound your sincerely o j smyi sheffield ont basy to take asy to operate are feature peculiar to hoods flu basil la tteleai efficient thorough a one maa o j yoa d6tr know 701 turn takta pill till it is all oter20a ci hood co proprietor lowell muss the only pllli to talu with hoods tursuurlujv a brooklyn dry goods boaao ia havidg a urge bale of american obrb and a window fall of them bears the ioaoriptoo thpb colors wont rani a clear sklu no one oan have a skin clear and freef from blemiah whose blood is imp aro bardook blood bitters pan a en the bloodi and removes pimples and all kiods orop- tigna leaving the skin olear and smooth appears on every wrapper met niwvorkom jonesmies verbose ban just embarked on one of her conversational voyage smith era yes and her esoort is over bored already regular aotion of tho bowels is necessary to health laxa liver pills aro the beat oooasional cathartic for family or general a ae fnoe 25a any draggiat while thero are fow femalo oratore all vyomen are extemporaneous speakers the boperiotfty ot mother graves worm exterminator ia shown by its road effect on tho children purouabo a bottle and give it a trial young military attaches are always willing to instroot pretty girla in tbe aaeof arms old qetftleman what i let yon have ethel why she is my only daoghter ardent lover yea i know ind x am her only bean good lmitationn are aomatimob superior to poor originals milbaroe sterling headaobe powder oore headaches quick and leave no depres sing alter eficote pnoe 10 and 25o at all dealeri belle i bad an awfal eoare the other day while oat for a walk with will betsy how belle why we mot the minister and will asked him to join qb very many persona die annually from oholcraand kindred etrmmer complninti who might have beon saved if proper remedies bad been need if attacked do not delay in getting a bottle of dr j i eellogfis dysentery cordial the medloiao that never flla to effect a core thotfo who liavo quod it say it ants promptly and thoroughly enbdnes the pain and disease every singer in a quartet can point out three good reasons why tho organiztloxi isnt absolutely perfeot hsgyards peotoral balaam has no superior for conghs colds throat aud long troubled of young or old pleasant to take price 25a castoria for infanta and ghildnu it it a wlso man who never lata hi wife know that he oan put np shelves as well as a carpenter do you bead what people are saying about hoods saraaparllla it ia oaring the ot case of sorofnla dyspepsia rheamatiam and sll forma of blood disease eruptions sores bolus and pimple it 1 rlvlris atrangth to weak an tired women why should yon hesitate to take it when if as doing so mnoh for other hooda fills ara ths best family oatbartlo and liver tonlo gentle reliable sors an hb p a- pompous traveller pot np for tha night at a small provincial hotel and betoro retiring left explicit initrnotion to be called in time for an early train early hrrjuratngthagnast w distu b a lively tatoo npon the door well ha demanded sleepily what the matter ive got an important meteage for yoa replied the boy outside tbe gaest was np in an instant opened tha door and received from tbe boy a large envelope ha tore it hastily open and found inaldo a alip of paper on whioh waa written in larga lettera the words why dont you gat np he did nothi wa a wealthy engineer who had built a very fine plaoe 10 tbe oonntry where he had oarricd out many pet oonstrnotlvo projeots wa visited there by an old friend the visitor had ao mnoh dlffloolty in pushing open the front gate that lit apoke about it sou ought to see to tb gate laid he ma into of yonr genlaa ahoald not have a gala that ia ao bard io open you dont understand iba reason re- spondee the engineer that gala oom- mualoates with tha water lank on tbe roof and every person wbo come through it pumps np four gallons of water tin mm who move tbe world are tbe met wbomthe world cannot move whatever noah shortcomings ware be hnowenopgh to go in when it raload k oondnot i three fourths ol life the other fonrtb moat be good olothes c teet ia hard on tbe babies tboniande die annnally from diarrhoea who might be stvkt by dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it onres all bowel oomplalnts ol children or adnli 860 at all dealer next to knowing another wojmana age women alwaya want to know whether her sldeoomb are real tortoiseshell how a person can gain a pound a day by taking an ounce of scotts emulsiom is hard to explain but it certainly happens it seems to start the diges tive machinery working properly you obtain a greater benefit from your food the oil being predigested and combined with the hy- pophosphitcs makes a food tonic of wonderful flesh- forming power all physicians know this to to be a fact all drorfwui tec aad li 00 scott bownav catalan toroe there is a vast difference between apoabiog to one another and one aboat another kidney trouble for years nothing did mr r e pitt i any good until he got doans kidney pills throughout tho county of lccda and tho town of brockvillc there ia no medi cine spoken so highly of for all kinds of kidney diseases as doan s kidney pills as canada s pi oncer kidney pilt introduced by mr james doan of kingttvillc ont in 885 they stand today far superior lo pi i til imitations and substitutes that have been oltcrcd tho public in theirstcad mr ii e pitt the wellknown con tractor and builder voices these senti ments when ho says i ha o had kidney trouble for years i had tned numerous remedies vtthout much relief and had given up my back ns pone for good but mnco using doan s kidney pills the result has been marvellous t the pain is all pone i feel like a new man and can highly testify to the virtues of doan a kidney pills doan kidney pills are sold by at dealers or sent by mail on receipt of price 50 cents a box or 3 boxes for 1 25 tho doan kidney pill co toronto oou dont btlok to one thln long enough make a soooeab of it baby beauty you always think ot a pretty baby ao pi amp and chubby scott b emuliion gives juat this plumpness not too fat just enongh to make the dimples 00m 0 babiqa uteirtrtot t lady now that v ou have partaken of a good dinner aro yoa equal to the task of 8 a wins tip some wood tramp mad am equal is not tbe proper word im superior to it anxious mothers fiud dr low s worm syrnp the beat modialne to expel worm a children like it worms dont strange ai it may appear nations always ro to war for tho sake of peaoo mr thomas ballard bjraoaao n y writes 1 have been afflloted for nearly a year with that mootto be drcadod diaoase dyspepsia and at times worn oat with pain and want of bleep and after trying almost everything rooommendod i tried one box of parmoleoa vegetable fills i anmow nearly well and believe tbey will ouro me i wonld not be without them for any money thoy say that bleaching the hair leads to softening ot the brain bat there are many who think that it is the reverse and that softening of the brain leads to bleach ing of tho hair there never was and never will be a umvoraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is hoir tho very natnre of many ooiativet being eaoh that were the gorms of other and differently seated diboasea rooted in tho ayatem of the patient whit would relieve one ill m tarn would aggravate the other we havo however in quinine wine wbon obtained in a sound an adulterated state a remedy for many anal grievous ilia by its gradual judioioua ubo the frailoataystoma are led into eon valescenoe and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping epirita of those witb whom a chromo state of morbid despondence and iaok of interest jnlifoisa disease and by tranqallizing the norves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep impartb vigor to the action of the blood whioh being stimulated oonreea throughout the veins strong then ing the healthy animal functions of tho by b tern thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand inoreauod snbstanoe reault im proved appetite northrop dfc lyman of toronto have given to ths public- their quinine wine at tho usual rate and guavfijbby tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all droggfptb so it tour eyes how are they is it a pleasure for you to use them or an effort there is probably no reason why you should not see clearly and with pleasure spectacle fitting has made a great advance within the past few years and now you can be suited satisfactorily at remarkably low cost try our optician he is well qualified he is well equipped he has had much experience spe6tkcles tztte evec 17 sses of all descriptions scientifically fitted special attention to filling oculists prescriptions spec tacle repairing etc savage co xha want of money makea the mare go in exchange for a wheel tho cough icg and wheezing of persons troubled with bronabltls or the asthma is excessively harassing to themselves and annoying to others dr thomas eoleotrio oil obviates all this entirely safely and speedily and is a benign remedy for lame nesa a ores injuries piles kidney and spinal trouble sense of touoh consists of knowing just whom to strike for a loan il carriage maker suffered ten years from weak heart action and nervousness cured by milburns heart and noryrplltst x7o inrado or profession is oxompc from dispose or derangement of tho hoart and norves tho prenbtiro of work and tho montl worry mo botiuu to produco serious oonscquoncca sooner or later fifty years in business 3ftzhtchmhkrs knd 0pticihns gctlelph ont order envelopes with your name and address from r a ll calls atlendeid io payor night shops and warerooms i foot ol willow st j a speight co it may bo more blessed to glva inan to reoelvt bat tho average man ia always wining to let tbe other fellow havo llto bleaaing gananoqucs popular llakor mr lawrence oneill tbe well known dispenser ol the staff of life daoanoijne ont aays i havo used mllbnras heart and nerve fill and oan recommend them for beart troubles and nervouanees this would be a pleasanter world i parents considered obedieueo as india penslble as dancing lessons that aohlog bead oan bo instantly relieved by taking one of mllbnrnb sterl ing headache sawders 1 powder oo a for loo 10 for 35o truth ia mighty bnt it ia aomellmai mighty aomroe if stolen nroflta would burn there would olten be some hot pockets j3ome m can t screw their oourago np withoat tho aid of a oorkaorow a kldnoj oiockailo is a serious thing for tho wholo body and aalls for speedy relief doans kidney pills break up any kidney blockade and oare baokaohe dropsy diabetes brigbts disease urinary tronbles and bladder neakneb every time a mad plays at tho game of love he tries to oheat salt i had salt r ileum of the worst kind as our family doctor called it and could not get anything to cure mc i rend of burdock blood bitters and determined to try it i got one bottle and be fore i used li ilf of it i could tell it was doing me good and after taking mx bat- tlos i was per fectly cured and today am a linppy woman at being curcdof tlmtlcrnbledisensc mrs macdalena vog- r inclandont b b b is the best remedy in the world for eczema saujiheurn tetter scald hend shingles boils pim pies sores ulcer and all blood and skin diseases llllpff mr donald campbell the well known oanisge maker of ilarriston ont said t i havo boon troubled off and on for ten years with woak action of my heart and norvonsncbs frequently my soart would palpitate and flatter with great vlolonoo alarming mo exceedingly often i hod sharp painbtn my heart andoould not sleop woll at night i got a box of milburns heart and noro pills and from thom do- rivedalmo t unincdiate bonoqt thoyro stored vigor to my ncrvcsftiid btrengthonod myentirosjbtomicmovlngoverybymptom of nervoor hoart tronblo and enabling me to got restful healthy nkep mllburn s hoart and nerve fills cure palpitation throbbing ditzy and faint spells nervousness sleeplessness weak ness femalo troubles alter effects of grlppo eto prioo soo a box or s for 81 25 at all druggists t milbumaco torontoont luxaliver piltl euro oorntlpa tiotsitbiloii mu hs m dyspepsia they de not gripe aloken p waavken every pill stelat perfaotly doable entendre mattie what would yoa do if a man wero to kiia you against year will helen ob pjban i bach a thing would be impossible bagyards yellow ou ourcs all pain in maxi or beast for sprains cuts bruises eallena lumps swellings inflammation rheumatism and nenralgia it is a speciqc undertakers and em balm ers afitqd- pnt- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges purni of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co n 8tin8on rockvvood will receive immediate attention orders left with j hailway time tajblh1 grand trunk railway ioim1 1wht uoiso fahl bunil kxproe mall 10 02 a in 2 p in 7 15 p in 1 xprcbb xi rucf mail mixed b r a in lounn r u v in 10 oi ii tn tiijl 01 clohthj mai 1 going woet 0 40 o w aiilgcoin qoiugeaat 10 2j a in ntulo do i in thia timo trtllo wont into effect ou monday may ldtb 1r08 w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uaks abfkouztt0r machine finished book papers amd hi01 okade week11 news tho paper used in this journal is from m tho above mills wm bab ebb bkos sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capital 6000000 oo ten year maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments cease 56000 paid in maturity value ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton main 8troot planing mills acton o nt john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of basb doors frames uouldin in all styles dressing ind moulding to order on short notioe xfi assortod stock on band at rrlccs tosu tho timet john cameron proprietor brrntf0rd calvanized steel wind mills and towers tor power and pump ins witaxn- tardmj covered gear patent roller uo bmll semriojps maple leaf imders xwo slzeg for any power no x has 10 inch reversible bnrrs no 2 has 8 inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates relief springs and shak feed grind fine and fast with least power always cu ara n teed a trial given hundreds in use we make roller a b ing steel windmills of all kindsthe finest in the market best material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue bpamtfortocah the advantage or getting your john mcqueen agent for the ibove has changed his wire rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be soon rhost a wood bbidsjts i aits mowers and a complete line of tarm implements and nil kinds of repairs ia ray absence mr john t elliott who resides on tho property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen hats and cap braces colored and white shirts cohars and cuffs aiitrsufflbier underwear i rom u is that quality is perfect prices aro right and everything as represented or your money back little elmer pa what is an oitompor anooua speaker vrof uroadhoad one wbo oan talk flusntly about nothing withoat any previous preparations fagged out none bat those wbo have besoms fagged out know what a depressed miserable feeling it is all strength is gods and despondensy has taken hold of tho sufferer they eel aa though then ia nothing to live for thero however il a oarsone box of farmslees fills will doj wanders in restoring health mendfj and dandelion are two of tha attloli entering into tho composition of parmeleej pills s we make nice clothing and clothing that pleases our customers always and at prices lower than iny store in the trade for first class goods r e melson merchant tailor and mens furnisher guelpli tblbrhon 40 the freooh ohlef boils tbebpanii mackerel bat ths american hnraorjm roaati it you want thamt cheapost t mcmullena fendnn and nettings com line these two anilities no others do log fencings at special low prices all ither varieties cheap memullens are tbe my good nettings sold in canada tha jnneqnalled for poultry yards trellis ctawn fences ask yoor hardware mer- bbnt for memullens goods if you cannot shy of him write 10 tho manufactiirera at vlcton ont or to the b gkbenino wio co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jams coorsst montreal general agent for railway fencings

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