Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1898, p. 2

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jqv- 1 ennlky at 1161 colloflo st toronto thursday 18th august to mr and mrs j fornloy a daughter marxii 11bll abudownat tlio mothodiat pano tingo ebonoeor on wodneadaylttli aujiuat byltov br 8oanan jobu doll to urn maruarot atb down all of namagawoya winfibin bliniut at tlio ronidouoo of tbo bridobftttbc einuonintf oit wednesday 17tli august by itov w mckay ur george win field to mlflfl eliza daughter of alox burrsvt haq wannrn rakkson auguit lotl at luo roal douooof the bride a parents by iter j w uacalistor j m warron of brampton to florence daughter of q s ilaurn iroqula out haimis anaobih west durham ou friday lath august by rev 8 q xiorlcr aailited by itov e e howard rduinharrl son of ur jobnk harris hookwood to miss edith m argue of west durham 2jkx cduby at aienwlllianie on thursday 11th inst wife of mr b ourrio riioupaonin nusaffuvteya ou sunday aug nth margaret wife of atrlok thompson agod 69 years beaumont in glon will lams on wednesday 17th august cedrlo nca of ur joseph beau mont in his 5th year godden id toronto ori monday ausuit sand the only child of c ptedu b goddon aced 3 months and 11 days ronazitboif atquelprj on thursday august 18th elua uouollum beloved wife of john ilobertaon aflod s3 years uauaox in the general hospital quelpfau on monday ssnd aaguit the rue of john lum age eden mills aged a years miller in bsquoslns oq batnrdax auk istb mis eveline miller daoshter of ihe late jobn miller aged 42 years 6 months 0etirktuxj at banbury england onsandavy slit august rev william wetherald o d founder of the boekwood academy sgod 78 yoan brin near hayiyule on wednesda aug 17th john bean fatber of david ban esq of the waterloo ohbohiclb aged a years and 3 months mcgbxook at her borne in ullwawkee on thursday 18th august the wife of w f mo gresor slater of mrs b b holmes acton afiodsb sgei a years tj qtttm jfm fims thubsdayaugust 261898 notes and comments the ottawa correspondents find a nnrn bar of english capitalists waiting on the government with a view of acquiring ladda north at edmonton and in tha baaiu of the mackenzie river where urge oil fields are said to be located tbo premier of queensland new south wales and viotoria met to consider the faoiflo oable project tboy decided that it great britain and canada wcnld guarantee fivenintha of the ooat they would eioh oon tribute oneninth and new zealand woald be asked to contribute the remaining one ninth the prohibitionist organization of course la working in the open the organizer know prettyjell just what vote they may rookoa as jtjtelr own and they seem determined to lnatltnte a moat vlgorom campaign for the capture of the tata tbat has hitherto been silent tbat tbey will be able to develop a really formidable electioneering organization no one who knows the men will doubt for an initant toronto star electric light coming a strong deputation appointed to visit towns where plants are in suooessful operation the people then to their decision a communication from the british government hai been received at ottawa asking whether lite oanadian anthorltiei are willing to carry ont an agreement made in conference with ur chamberlain laal ear for the interchange of oolooial with borne regimenta it i likely that an affirmative aniwer will be given the tommie atkins who come hither will rank on the pay hit of the imperial nrvioe and the oanadian regiment though stationed in great britain will be paid from ottawa an american paper aaya the war revenue act will in all probability yield abont j18oooo00o to ihooooooo aa the war u expected to ooat about 160000000 the first year of war revenue will verj nearly pay for the ooat of the war if thil proves to be the oate the war will be the first payasyon go was in history the beauty of some of the war taxes j that other nations are laid under tribnte for them the other day oor oity merohanti importing certain line ot goods from the stateb ware notified that on and alter a speoifled date ihe amount of war duty would be added to their invoice london free prat the paaaage of the comtables vole bill after so short a debato by tha provincial parliament seems to indioate that the opposition to it in its present form was not bo bitter as wat mpposed the court ot appeal will decide the petitions at present pending on the law as it waa before the preient bill waa passed in oaae tha court decides against the validity ot totes which havo for thirty years been held good the election will be voided and another held instead of the mat being given to the opposing candidate tha bill provides that hereafter oonatablea vote aa well as those of polling booth owner and others who reoeive their payment from the publlo and not from candidates shall be valid the greatest activity la being manifested in all the provinces in preparation for ihe plebisolto vote the indications are dally increasing tbat the fight will be a bitter one both sides realizing- how mnoh depends upon the reaull the liqnor interest whioh olaims to havo been qulssoenl in the provincial plebliolta fights is now in the thiok of the fray and will spars neither money nor labor to win the temperance party realizes that defeatonfieptember 30th will set back tbelr etose for a decade at least and are therefore mors than nioally aotive in thia campaign in the case of the former the fight is for dollars and cents while in tbe latter it is a mailer of principle which is at stake right etetnat what is believed to be wrong the home and tbe country against the legalised tale of intoaioating drinks it was good polltioa for g p qrahno rrf nf br to prod oa uf the sympathio interest manifested by tbe lioense holders of the province id the oan- dldature of mr 3 p whitney m p the production of ibe circular for wbloh messrs haver son and diokey are respon sible was a oomplete answer to mr whlt- neyatannt that tbe liberals received the solid liquor vote at ihs last election the production ol similar olroulare issued on behalf of liberal candidates would be a oomplete answer to the liberal suggestion that tha license holders unanimously anpported the opposition may the olr- onlar produced by mr graham be the first of a series and when all tha returns are in tbe truth will be demonstrated tbat the jnwholders ot ontario havs no polltlos bntgo to tha polls to reward tbelr friends and punish their enemies toronto tele gram thoregulareeaeionof the council on mon day eyening was an important one inbe ranch aatbe long talked of question of eleo trie light for aoton was taken hold of in u practioal manner and advanoed to a point whioh will mean definite notion and no doubt suocossfot issae in the near future tbe council has seoored information from a praotical consulting engineer and havo now deoided by observation and investi gation of planta being encoeiaf nlly operated by private parties and by municipalities to place themselves in a position tu preaeut tbe details of the question intelligently before tbe citizens when all possible in formation baa been secured and the people have had opportunity of informing them- aelvea aa to tbe various methoda in opera tion they will then be exited to dodder by vote whether a municipal eleotrio lighting plaqt is doslred for aoton members all present and in their places sharp at eight oolook reeve pearson in the chair the committee on finance presented their fourteenth report recommending pay men of the followiog accounts e bingham labor ita 00 d mills gravel 38 h p moore printing and advertising 0 45 tits 83 moved by j a murray leoooded by i francis tbat tbe fourteenth report ot tbe finance committee just read be adopted carried the eleotrio light question was intro duced in the following motion hdoved byjafhei clark aeoonded by john clarko that tbe fire and light com mittee counoillors franola and murray- are requested and are hereby appointed to visit stayner and newmarket to examine eleotrio plants in said town with a view to getting full information as to the cost of plant satisfaction ol aervloe eto and bringing in a full report in detail to the gounoll councillor murray objected to going to stayner or any other place and thus add ing to the present years expenditure it is too late to do anything this year he said and we may not be here next year i think ihe matter should be postponed until next year mr clarke tbs gounoll has already spent considerable money in investigating tbe matter if we do nothing more the ratepayers will say we have done nothing of any value i think we should put the matter in such a shape that we can go to tbe people with definite and intelligent in formation councillor murray i dont think any thing more should be done ibis year gonnclllor clark now la the time we should sot weve got all the information possible up to the point of personal invest igation and we require facts to present to the people whioh oan only tbns be scoured as councillor ctsrkeraaa aald let oa go a step farther sscura all deslrabls informa tion get the people together and ascertain their desires in the matter i want to stand before the clllxens with tbe feeling that i bave done my whole duty get tbs system so far inaugurated that we can get a vote on it i think coon clllor murray is wrong in aonoludiqg to leave ihe matter for car enooesaors the people are orylng out tor eleotrio light and finding fault with us for unnecessary delay counoillor francis i am perfectly will ing to do anything i oan to secure eleotrio light i am id favor ct it and will go anywhere with anyone to secure information we should oust st onoe and sot permit the matter to hang fire longer i am satisfied there is money jn tbe business for the municipality if outsiders can oomo in lure and invsat 15000 or 18000 in an eleotrio plant and make money we csn do the same and make the money for the town mr mnrray i dont wlah to assume the responsibility at this ltle period but i would net bave anyone ihink i am not in favor ot eleotrio light if its a good thing and theres money in it we should bave it beeve pearson when i oame into the counoll i understood that electric light for acton waa one of the planks of the present gounods platform and tbat it was expressly referred to as one ot the accom plishments to be aimed at rhis year in the late beeve storeys inaugural address i feel that it is to some degree my duty to carry ant the proposals of my prede cessor the idea of the motion before us is to get all neoessary information and be able to so inform tha ratepayers that tbey may be able lo decide what oourse or system is best to adopt it is due the people that they should bave thia infor mation i believe a proper report by the committee will be favorable and that when it is submitted to the people it will carry it is however a matter ot respon sibility and the dalles of the proposed deputation are very important there is no doubt a great many people want the electric light and many of them are rate payers who are paying large amounts in taxes and they deserve consideration and all the information we can give after thorough investigation l dontexpeetto be in next years council but while i am here i intend to do my whole duty after some further duoasilon counoillor murray tendered an amendment naming beeve pearson and councillors clark and franols as the deputation to vjsit plaoes where eleotrio light plants are in success ful operation beeve pearson and councillor clark both stated that it would interfere ser iously with tbelr business arrangements l g b r t ha t ma g n eiohborhood news newa items supplied foy corres pondents and exotianses everton ou monday 201 itov dr kosa ot guolpb will give an address ou temper anoe id tbo uramoaa motholiet ohurch mies l40ndy of ouelph is spending a week with miss may dlaok trlenda hero had a pleasant vieit from robert ulliot of uespoler laet week mrs jns talbot and daughter mrs dowdy visited mrs abbott on thursday mrs moconnell aud mre jae ilamsey of xmen mills pasbed through hero on thursday to spend tbo day with their cousin mre h duhleld wm jaoksons eldest boh blobard has bone vebt in company with some friends from mimosa they expeot to be away three months mlib tovell is still in bod with tpoid fever we hone ehe will soon be oonvales cent after her sixveeka conunernent heartfelt sympathy is extended by all to tliojpemn family in tbelr sad aluiotjon tbo result of the runaway aooident on sunday prohibitum m hattom the county aasoolatton held a convention on 8aturday and are now orsranlxodfor tbe campaign the old county will vote yes balllnapab balliuafad givlo holiday september aiat miss b martin of toronto has return ed home after a weeks vieit with frionds here miaa m bloxham who has been tieiting here wae nnexpeotedly oallcd home mtrs jus bennic wbo bas been etaying with her daughter at doroliester is renewing old acquaintances here mcibb n yemen has gone to take a term in the normal the balllnafad stars play football in erin on friday erin civic holiday thtnewmtuibter of the presbyterian obaroh rev georgo milne is getting well acquainted with the people here mr milue graduated from knox college two yeara ago and waa einoe btationed at tarbert in bast luther he is a young man ot good address and ability and the people feel that they made a good oholoe when tbey selected him to preside over them rockwood an art social is to held in the town hall on thursday friday and saturday evenings ot this week there will be an exhibit of paintings and eketohoa and also relics and onrioa a programme will be glveu eaoh night the admission for each evening will be ten cents the prooeede are in aid of the publlo library ot our village while driving to ohnroh last sunday mr geo fearens team became frightened by one oftbe oooupants raising a parasol and bolted breaking tbe lines thoae in the rig all jumped but miss lizzie pearon wbo was thrown cut agtainst a wagon in john duffs lane into wbloh the horses ran she had an arm and leg badly sprain ed and her faoe out mr george pearen and bis brother edward were badly scratched but no hones broken mre geo pearen had her ankle broken and her hip wrenched and miss e pearon had her leg broken and sustained some painful braises tho team waa unhurt although they jumped over a gate and pulled the demaorat attar them mr j b blook of chatham and mr adams ot preston were in tbe village over snnday as few from thia place took in the georgetown a o u w excursion to niagara falls last week erin about five oolook last thursday after noon mrs ohaa grant met with an aooident whioh oame very near being fatal she had been cleaning out some bureau drawer containing old papers wbloh she put into the stove shortly after when lighting the fire she poured some ooal oil on to the rubbish in the stove aud then pnt a mmtoh to it in a moment there was an explosion and mrs grant was very badly burned har ories for help brought in tone neighbors who rendered every possible assistance until the arrival ot dr hamilton mrs grants fans was found to be severely injured the hair was burned off ber head the right sleeve of her drsas waa completely burned off and the right orra so badly injured that the skin and part ot tbe flesh scaled off judging from the natare ot the burn and the nniellaisand the premises afterwards ii woald appear as though tbo sufferer had unknowingly put a small quantity of gunpowder into the stove with tbe old papers erin civic holiday will be celebrated to morrow an enjoyable time is promised by the promoters the highland pipers band of hamilton is one of the attrac tions mr geo wood who baideon visiting bis parents mr and mrs r wood for some lime has gone to bat portage miss bessie belle monaughton daughter of tbe late dr monaughton who has been attending tbe bhode ialand training bchool for tbe past two years is at present the gueat of erin frieudb crewson8 corners mrs tomlinson a patltut in the london asylum who attempted suicide on thursday by selling herself on on died on friday night as a rssnll of her injuries the resldenoe of tr brass clinton was destroyed by ire early friday morn ing with ihe entire contents dr bruee was alone in tbs house and sseaped soenllry elad fay default they will sacrifice personal interests and act as requested the amendment eventually carried the matter of widening mill street which bas been referred to for several weeks in the frxs paxes was spoken ot by beeve pearson heavy ratepayers are ready to oiraulata a petition to the rate payers with respect to the matter and it was suggested that the solioitor be ihetrooted to prepare a form of peti tion as requested the ooanoil unanimous- ly acqulsssd in ths matter constable graham referred to ihe fact that the patties responsible for smash ing tha two street lamps on ohnroh bjrest by their horses running away last spring had failed to settle the damages and asked for inttrnotions tbs constable was instructed to send bills of ths cost of repairing tbe lamps to tbs parties ooanoil than adjourned sunday sept istb will be plebiscite sunday in toronto on monday morning minnie baxton of mewmarket shot her elster susie four times with a revolreri killing her instantly she is believed to be of on unsound mind a number from here attended tbe sports in acton on oiviaholiday mrmt crewson is tbe first to uniah fall wheat seeding in this vlolnily having oulshed on the 22nd lust oil monday evening tbe methodist sunday bohool was rs organized here with the following teachers and officers superintendent b wansborough secre tary 0 gamble troesurer george cann teachers messrs w carrol and b wansborough mrs tbos maltby and miss m moore organist mrs w lamb the school will be opened on sunday 38th inst at 10 80 a m irtisaea flnsln mnrray and my cook of aoton were the gueslt ot mr john murray bosehlll last week mies plnmmer of bden mills and mlsa lottie cann ot tbli place spent sunday with friends in eric mies ada leiohman left for toronto on friday where she has secared a situation ur r coleman left on monday for the northwest hits aggie cann returned to her home lu iauther on sunday after spending several months here mrs e nioklin ot acton and mrs b nleklln and little son ot brandon manitoba spent sunday atltoaehill mr and mrs n forbes and family spent a day last week with friends in hornby mr b cann ot luther spent sunday at mr a conns misssa palsy and edith nioklin of anton apenl saturday at bosehlll mr and mrs prick and family of aoton spent snnday atooldbrook mlutsxla lambs of htspeler spent a day or so last week with friends hsre mndookray if toronto offers for sals ihe bosebank farm the oi hotnssteed is wellknown and ought to and a ready purchaser the good old county of ballon bas an envlablo reputation for aggressive temper ance effort covermua period of many years the various bills from time to lime iritro duced having for their objeot the ourtail meet of the traffic in intoxicating liquors havo been promptly and energetically in troduced lu hnlton aa eiohjenccebblvo not has become law helton was tho qret county in tho province to submit and oarry the dunkin act she wa9 among the ilret nineteen yeara ago to eubmlt the canada temperance act commpnly known as the soott act and for eight joare it was in force in the county lu january 1u4 when tho prohibition pleblsoits was enb- mitted in the province helton was distinct ly heard from with a majority ol 1439 votee asaing for tboaimrnediate enactment of a prohibitory liqnor law on tbat ocoaaion every municipality in thoooonly olvioand rural gave a substantial majority in favor of prohibition temperanoe aenti ment has been gradually but surely growing in the past twenty years tbe number of lloensea in ths ocunty haa been reduced over 60 per oent if we may j udge from the attendanoe its representative obaraoter and tbe spirit whioh charaoterized the convention laet saturday at milton the majority for pro hibition to be given by the ooanly of halton on xhureday 20th september will be ab deoieiyo as that of any previous vote on the question tbo attendance was of a very represent atlve obaraoter delegatea from all parts ot the oonnty being present xhe old war- 1107808 of previous campatgnspmen known for a lifetime as consistent and unoompro muiog temperanoe workers were there among them xnay be mentioned ex mayor w h yonng chariea taylor oakville johneon harrison g a hemstreel and mayor dioe milton gee h kennedy and bev a a mitchell b a georgetown edward nioklin thoa t moore jamee mooro and james brown aoton d d christie naasagaweya david hartley nelson john harris and arthur howell kilbride and others saturday was an unfavorable day for clergymen to get away from their work but among those present there were bevo h a maopherson aoton g a mtohell georgetown d w snider milton dr soanlan nassagaweya and t b clarke omagh the press ot tbs oounty was represented by it white reformer milton b d warren herald georgetown a s forater slav oakville and b p moore fuss fnesa aoton a number o ladiea from tbe w c t unions and young peoples societies were present in tbe absence of dr bobertson the president of the assooiation who la atill oonfinod to bis bed aa a reanlt of eerions illnesd vioepresident david hartley pre sided tbe secretary read the following letter from the president huvrom aug sotb 2806 dxan bostuazut i regrot exceedingly being unable on account of lllucaa to be with you at the convention to day my beat wishes for a aucceufnl meeting go with yon the time ia abort and tho work la great and uhavlton is to hold its own on the 20th of beptambor every friend ol prohibition must give active and continuous work from now until the oloalng of the polls i nave no doubt that you will be ablo today to oompleto tho necessary organisation so that every polling anbdlvlalon will have its own committee and do its own work in this way no one will bo overlooked and a suulolont lutereat will be created to bring out the vote favorable to prohibition tboro are enough of those votes to give a large majority for ub if they can bo polled lotus all work bo that wo can bo abletobtveaatlll larger majority for prohibition in halton than ws did at the last plebleolto eleotion yours trnly xi bobeutson rrosldenr the session was devoted to the perfeotidg ot the organization for the campaign every polling plaoo will have ill presiding officer and organized committee pablio meetings will be held throughout the county all local speakers available will bo pressed into service while at central points prominent speakers from a distance will be arranged for a strong central exeoutive has been appointed at milton and to this oommlttee weekly reports touching the progress of the campaign will be forwarded- the domin ion execntive bas prepared an abundance of literature bearing upon the sobjeot at iasne and thia will be freely distributed at allpoints by the means of ihe various articles whioh have been prepared by able and logioal writers intelligent conclusions may be arrived at upon the questions whioh will be ralaed during the oampaign these artloles inolude the national bevennequestion fade about maine the drink traffic tested the com pensation question what itooete and manioipal taxation and prohibition tbe enforcement of the liquor lioense law in the oounty oame under review complaints were made from virions parts of tho oounty with the way io whiuh the law is enforced the prevailing sentiment of the convention was thst the plan of the inspector in making convictions tor viola tion by the same party rspealedly first offenoo when in reality the oonviction should be recorded and fines and penalties imposed for second or third offence was in opposition to the spirit of the lioense law one instance was referred to where a line for illegal sale wag imposed when the offence was according to ihs statutes a criminal one the association is likely to take steps to have thess aboaei remedied a resolution ot sympathy with dr bobertson in his long centinued illness and regret tbat ho was unable to occupy bis position aa president of the assooiation at the convention was passed and bev h a maopherson w b yonng and mr geo b kennedy were appointed a com- mlttee to wait upon the dr to oonvey to jl inaiav new fall black dress goods to say we have exceeded all previous efforts mildly expresses our preparations for the coming season a more pleasing or satisfactory collection of black dress fabrics would be hard tofind i fashion dictates from three centres tarts linden berlin and fashion itampi pricstlcys lllack wool i tgured fubrici as correct in style and originality of design tht seasun hut that not all for fineness of texture ind durability o weave priestleys black wool figured fabrics in large and small designs matalaisc cttccts armures and pebble cloths are unequalled ideal in their draping qualities chic and stylrah in the cltecta tbey yield priestleys highclass dress goods is confinedexdusively tojhis store and our leadership in black dress goods is uiiclisputed no idea of our comprehensive assortment or the rich and elegant fabrics can be conveyed in these columns nothing short of a personal visit will do that special bargains in summer goods gurney 5t co 7unlai- street kcton greht 7vudsu3fiz7var cl6hring skle we purpose clearing out all our spring and summer goods to make room for our fall importations it will be to your advantage to grasp some of the great bargains we are offering here are some of our specials s allwcol serge dress goods id every shade regular price 35c sale price 22rjc fancy brocaded dress goods regular price 50c sale price 35c a large variety of dress costumes regular price 85 50 sale price 94 00 dress costumes regular price 8 00 sale price 5 75 dress costumes regular prico 812 00 sale price 58 40 a great assortment of priestly s black dress goods in plain and fancy brocade from 25c n yard up fancy piqtia muslins regular price 20c sale price 12jc crumsbest english prims regular price xajc sale price 10c a large anetv of prints wide widths and best cloths for 5 7 10c checked muslins 5c worth 8 to 10c ladies cotton hose guaranteed fast colors at 5 xo 15 20 25c ladies cotton vests in cream and white 5 8 xo 15 25 35c ladies white underwear cheaper than the material can be bought for price ladies corsets all sizes all prices all makes a few print and muslin blouses to be cleared at parasols a good variety to choose from to be sold at 25 discount a few print and muslin blouses to be cleared at half price parasols a good variety to choose frorj bargains in fine high class tailoring we have a number of fine suitings trouserings etc to be cleared at cost uf production style tit and finish positively guaranteed bargains in gents furnishings hats caps etc taney straws at calf price bargains in summer clothing bargains in men 9 youths and boys ready to wear clothing bicycle suits etc specihl we have a number of odd pants regular price 9i 25 9i 50 and 93 00 to be cleared at 85c ti 00 and ji 25 this is a genuine bargain sale our space will not permit us to enumerate further but call and see for yourself the prices have been cut in two in every department we extend a cordial invitation to one and all to come early no trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not remember the place fltbt aubtrtibuntntg tor service awrli 1u1i djorisoyllul atactou 1 00 oah or 1 50 ff clmrtud for sale douhle urtok houho 8 by w novcm roomi in eaol good oollaro hard ana soft water urcolot no 10 main stroot aoiou alia eood btabln terms oay ahpiy to john catnoron arobtteet or to tbo owbor o wells evertod p o house and lot fo sal rru vt doalrablo residential prnjiorty on bower x avenue and wilbur btruoti oppoblto tbo molhodiet laraonngo on wtiicl la erected a comtortabloaix roomed rourhoait bouso with wocdslied dctaohod gocfl clmom oxcellont oar den a numbor oj fruit trees woll fen cud tbo wholo in a good uto of repair libera terms to in it purobaaer for prtlcuun apply to h p moohe fueb pness office aqton fabji for sale west half lots concession town lino of erip 100 aores 88 undor cultivation balanco wooded jtrgo itono bouse with wood en addition bank barn 40x00 witbibedi well cistern and neverfalling stream goodorcbard ot annloa pears and plums halt mile from pott oqlce aud cliurcp oood oboola willb old on bis mn terms to reliable pnrcbuer mbs dookray 18 mercor strut toronto ct agents fcrphe story of mr gladstoneillfli of tbo x greatest man of the age and embrace the history of tbe nineteenth oentory the moat wonderful century alnoo time began it bas tbe solidity of ftot and the fascination ot fiction and is told in eloquent simplicity batter send for your ontflt before yon sleep sod be drat in wages tbo field capital unnemssary big paid for tho book soils to everybody the bradley qafuiktson 00 limited toronto colle of accounts having secared a praotloo in toronto i will rcmovo to tbo city about tbs 97th 8eptem ber and am desirous of having alt my business here settled at onoe will those who have any claims againat me kindly present them mt my former offlco at onoe and all indebted to me will confer a favor by calling immediately to sottlo tbelr accounts a settlement in every caso is imperative owing to my removal referr ed to j p tjbeh m d acton aug 16tb 1806 wanted bright man and women who axe not too proud to work and would like to make some money dnrlnft tbe noxt three months in telling tbo wondorful atory of tbe life of ur gladstone to their neighbors 8 00 a day easily mado aomt tnako throo times that sum ko risk no experience no capital necessary write quickly for particulars bbadleyqabketson company limited toronto agents the only canadian lire of gladstone is by castel hopkins hon q w bom and blr wilfrid juanrier a lasting monument to tbe great man and to canadian literature beware of ameriean catchpenny books handled by canadian bonses oor book has been in prepa ration for years handsomely bonnd prolaae- ly illnstrated big commission prospeetas free to canvasser freight paid books on time with this book yon can down them all bradley uaoitetson company limited totoato county judges court of revision i i v notice is hereby given that a oourt will be held pursuant to the voters list aet by bu honor the judge of the county court of the connty of halton t tbo town hall acton on the 7th day of september 1 608 at i oclock p nj to hear and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in tbe voters list of tho municipality of aoton for all persons caving business at the court are quired to attend at the aald time and place bated 23rd day of august 1698 t t uoobe clerk of tho said municipality household furniture and goods for st georgetowns livest 8t0ee oibson 7vtilalkr st co rob block swot in st produce taken in exohanga ceorgtown every day bargain day here a dreaded disease 3a him tha sympathlaa of the contention serious runaway accident bonuxatoh aug 18 iutbsr sa serious runaway aooident ooonrred hsre yesterday afternoon willi bobsoo 14 jsars of age son ol thoa kobeon of this vllltga borrow ed a horse and buggy from tbelr landlord j o bmitb to drive his aunt lo tha station alter they were both la tbs rig ths horn becauns unmanageable throwing them 001 breaking sway it oollldid with it ires smaibisg the boggy very badly both the oooaoanta were nnoonsoioos for awhile bat subsequently rtiifwd ths boy is badly oat about the fs tha lady es caped with s sotsrs shaking op and a few brnlset prlnoe blsmarks will disposes of an estate ralaed stt 9000000 rrmrki llborjgh it is asserted the prlnoe left property worth 10000000 marks marltham wsti visited by a forloos storm on sondsy bedn fell haavilj for bve hoar bail fsll aa big at robins sags and tha tbondar roared pontlnaomly for aa boon savers buildings wen atrnok by ugbtoloaj ana the biloge moth ot ths yulege m swept away more people are tortured by the pangs of rheumatism than by any other cause there te a cure for it from tbe advertiser hartland m d ur biobard dixon ot lower brighton is one of tbe most prosperous and bost known farmers of oarleton county n b in jane 1807 ur dixon was seized with an attack ot rheumatlam and for oil weeks lay abed suffering all tbo tortnres of this terrible dlsesse he grew so veak that he was enable to torn in bed and bis friends almost despaired ot his recovery at this etage one of his friends who had been cured of the same disease by the use of dr williams fink pills urgsd ur dixou to giro them a trial whioh advice was followed almost from the day ur dixon began the us of the pills an improvsment was noted previously bis appetite had almost completely failed and ihe first algu of returning health was a frequent feeling of hangar then ths pains gradually began to isavs him bis strength gradually return ed and after using about a dozen boxes ur dixon was as well ss over he bad been to a reporter of the harlland advertiser us p said b h n do his prw just received another large lot or crockery and glassware dr j p uren will renlove to toronto in a few jays and offers by private sale a quantity ot furniture stoves carpetao hloh will be on inspection and tale on sattti 8s- 2 tuesday 23rd and friday qul afternoons and ovonings terms cub alma iradies college opens for eighteenth year september 8th parents should consider tbo great ad vantage to uao insntaj moral and aooial training of tbelr dauanrera to bo derived through a conrao in a residential curia tlan school uke alma college st tnomaa ont for full information addreaa rev b i warner ma principal health was dus entirely to tho use of dr wllllsme pink pill and ilnoe hlsreoovery he occasionally uses a box to ward oft a possible reourrenoe of the troublo dr williams pink pills onto by making new blood and invigorating the nsrves but yon mast get ths gennine always put up in boxes the wrapper around whioh bears ths fall trade mark name dr williams pink pills for pale people do not be persuaded to take any ot toe numerous pink colored imitations which some unsoropulons dealera say are jail tho same lo oaae ot dooht send direot to dr williams uediolns go brookvllle ont and ths pills will be mailed post paid at so cents a box or six boxes lor f 2 60 fancy cups and saucers white and fancy plates fancy and white jugs all sizes dinner setts bedroom setts glass comforts and nappeis 20 6 piece setts glass ware to sell at 30c a sett also stone and earthenware flower pots etc dry goods and groceries as usual c p goodeye fc co hcton professional change ow1nq to my removal to toronto i hereby giro uotloe to all rdy ollontole tbat i bave disposed or mvpraotice in aoton and sarround ins country to john u maodonald af d o m late of toronto and having confidence in bis profoaalonsl skill x bavo pleasure in reooui- t mending biro to all who were so kind aa to regard me aa tbelr family pbysiolan in ike years ot tbe past p urem d aoton aug 16tu 1s9 having assumed tbo professional nraotioe whlob dr j p uren was ao long and favorably associated with i beg to aolfolt a oontlncancfr of tbo confidence with wbloh be was favorod tbe experience given i bospltal and elty praotloo baa apealalfy fitted melorapreotloaeaohas tbe one from wbloh dr uren la retiring aty beet servlooa are at tbe call of the community day or nlgbe john 11 maodonald u d aoton august 16tb 1896 yoo furn th feet torontos ob attraction the nbw oyoloiuiia jerusalem sssf qracifixion la drawinalarte numbers of visitors daily wbo al express themselves aa greatly pleased with the rdscrdnoent and butraotlre view avsuitsodt aowa to tobonto shooid avail themsslvrs ot ths opportunlly of seeing jaaouijiir at the cyolorama opes dally from a am to t p jn pbiobbor assobaiox adolls su cents ohlldnu under it years 10 cents mbxt booth wasx con faosr a vcnx sts we do the rettt thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality yon desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street aoton bargains in wall paper before stocktaking and in order to make room for new foods we will sell our wall aper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as antlndgjne polbs and snclndolflc srutdbs acton- livery bus line iron lat tbe undersigned respectfully eollelts thepal ago of tbe publlo and inform tbem tbat well equipped and stylish rigs oan al waysbeseourod a t bjfcowjtf atnustabus a comfortable bus meets al trains between b a m and 818 p m oaref m attention given toeieryortor tbewantsofoommeroialtrave era fully met john williams paovaiaron odern grocer being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers and household refrigerators in many styles and sites modern design with i it prlnolple-of- cool air clr- atlonbeatin- illation and loo liner wbx hhy a homrs made or poorly -i-vecinsspra- i rtl0ls3 when yon c4ngniarbpiodalorerrljerator j for leu money for prices and description j send for catalogue knowles ham nptt co limited brwntjbrd4 rorsjbyrff john m bond e co quluph

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