Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1898, p. 3

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mtf bank of hamilton qyntnp hatwtttot capltnwall paid up 1 26000000 reserve fuhd 77500000 totalassets 1110014400 nearly ton milllona of dollars board of dirbotoeb ohn stuaitf froildont a g iiam8ay vlco1reildont quo boion john pnooton a t wood a blbb toronto wu qluooh up tubnmjllj cantor h b bteven asfltcajiblor h m watson inapootor georgetown acencr a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ho collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united stales drafts on great britain bought and sold v savings department deposits of 0i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added p principal every year whether passbook is brought in or nof special deposit receipts issued fpr large-sums- j p bell ajrent georgetown ont the news at home m of a luc a i o nnj every i torn interesting qth ucton jfm 1 tns thursday augu8t 25 1808 littje lo b whioh caurht the eyes or ears of jfrae press reporters this week get ready for the fall fairs iixhefarmerb seeding civic holiday was quite a bacceea waaut it tho county counoil will meet next tuesday 901b inat flowing and sowing command tbe attention of the farmera at present georgetown will be visited by a real live olrous todar theyll be aorry potatoes are likely to be higher in prioe thiafall tharx for aeveral years eaquesing all fair will be held at georgetown on friday 23rd september next slttina of the fourth division court will be bell here on wednesday 7th september mr a p 3ymon haa disposed of his jewelry andfanoygoodbbaaineaatomesbrb symon bros aid nelson announced himself as a eandidate for the mayoralty for 1804 guelph mercury every prorilbittonlst in town isin vitod to attend the meeting for local organization on friday evening aoton lb a town of homes and with the manufactories to snatain them should be the place for home seekerb the ladles of st josephs hospital gnelph netted over ioo no a rosult of their trolley gar day last week tho monthly meeting of the free library board will be held next monday evening at eight oolook in tho library the aplendli rains on tueaday afternoon and wednesday morning wtre the heaviest reoeivad here in two months aoton ooroet band gave an enjoyable open air concert from the band stand on town hall square last thursday evening the employees of w h storey son are working overtime in order to overtake- the large volume of orders in- for fall delivery it yon have good gooda do not pat them under the bushel of obsoarlty bat show them to the pablio by the searoblinlit of tho advertisement dundas will rive a franoblae for fifteen years to an eleatrio lighting company of which mr goorge h harper li managing director faint faaaa readers who may go out of town on vacation or prolonged visits otn have the paper sent to any desired address without additional charge a fine chapel organ baa been installed in st josephs ohuroh it was pnrohased in toronto it has splendid volume and 1 altogether a very fins instrument the second innings has been fought ov it biiighain 200 bi fur w a farewell thin jyennf in connection with the prayer meeting this evening is the metbodut cliuroh a farewell will be tendered to dr and mrs tjren tbe numbers of tbe oburch are all requoated to be present aoton votora itlatappeala the appeals to the connty jodgo to have names added and atrnok off the voters lista of tbe manioipality have been forward ed by municipal clerk moore the liata of the conservative committee put in by d henderson alp contained lonamea and those of the beform oommtttoeo put in by jamefl molotosb 08 names seta a good example to other towns aoton is replacing wooden sidewalks with permanent pavoroentb besides the other qbvioaa advantages of tbe- latter over the former they are eoonomioal in tho long run aotona oonnoil sets a good example tq most of other towns milton has only one piece o pavement that in front of the enjoyable civic holiday a succession of interesting events f mdrn t n bounty buildings and ahonld have more milton champion a hjectini of local prohibitionists aimeetiug otall in aoton and vicinity interested in theoarryingof tho prohibi tion plebiaoite bu the 29th september are requoated r attend a meetiugin tbe gounoil obamber on friday evening 20th inat at 8 oclook the purpose of the meeting la o organize for the oim paigri to arrange for publio meetings distribution of literature etc they can play jsqrosso aotonians play lacrosse as well ab base bal tbo crescents of aoton will play a matoh with the old orchards of toronto at aoton on batdrdsy milton ctampion the game ou saturday was an exoiting one and showed excellent play on both aides aoton was vlotorions with a score of 8 to 1 this la the first times tbs old oonncctlon with the streets and walks lit this roond chairman murray went under the christian endeavor society of knox church purpose holding a harvest home on monday september lotb wben the rev b e knowlon b a of gall will deliver a leotare the brlok char oh epworth leajna will hold a harvest boms soolal next tnea- dy evening alter refreshments rev dr soanlan will deliver his illustrated ecture footprlnti of bum since tbe removal of the dwelling from the steel corner on mill street tbs place looks very bare it is rumored that 1 tbs new baptlit church is not ball there at a fine brick block is likely to be ereoud on the aits tbs fan puss complains that oertain parlies hive been indulging in furions arid reokteia driving on the blreett of aoton endangering tbs lives of ohildran there are compiajots of the same kind in milton caampio bemember this citlsens the more money kepi in our oommnnity ibs mora there is in olronlstion it is the dollsr that rsmalna hare and posses from hand to huok thai does the moat good not tha dollar sent elsewhere never to return are there any persons in aoton related to the frlnoo of walee or tho qoeon kow dont all apeak at once milton h t ind the a w orohards have suffered defeat this season geo statham was actoha field captain and dr lawson referee another oaelphduly changes owner the gnelph dally advocate bab changed hands mr w a christie having diiposed of it to jit frank armstrong wliofor some time haa been manager of the bual- noas during bis oonhection with the paper mr christie made many friends bnt continued ill health and other holiness enterpribea rendered it necessary that he retire mr armstrong is a praotioal man of long experience and under his control the adoocatt will no doubt make gratifying progress jconapved root erin to acton tbe erin advocate says miss martha graham ons of erins most popular and estimable young ladies has accepted a position in aoton and will in future make that place her borne owing to the re moval of her brother joseph to aoton and the promialngproapeots for the family who wil shortly remove there she also deoided to abcept a position offered her they are an esteemed family and their removal will be much regretted martha gave appre ciated assistance as a member of the presbyterian oharoh oboir for the past two years andwaa also a valued member of tbe young peoples societies the bestwibhea of our oltlzens aooompany them and erina loss is aotont gain gnelpfts city engineer bnrt last friday afternoon mr james hatcheon gaelph city engineer fall from tbe top of the rolling mill building a dis tance o thirty feet and was seriously in- jurebl it appears that mr hutoheon waa superintending the removal of tome iron rails from the building was olimblng up on the inside of the building and waa very near the top when hepni bis band on a board whioh gave way and he fell to the bottom lighting on hard earth he lit on bis shoulder according to eye witnesses ho was aemioonaoioas when dr howitt arrived serious internal injurfea were feared and he waa rerhoved in the ambur lance to the general hospital he is however gradually rsoovering engineer hutoheon waa in aoton a few- weeks ago and laid tue levels for the new pavement dont bar when at the fair a gentleman who knowa whereof he speaks told ui the other day of some of the schemes the toronto departmental audi other stores work at exhibition time they always oonnt on getting rid of their old and outofdate gooda moro particular la this true of the dry goods men tables and counters are piled foil of old fossils and babkdatee andsold for almost anything sney can get for them have 1s00 as loyal anbjects as could posaibly be related to their sovereign aoton sent a strong delegation to the prohibition oonventlon at milton last saturday it ineluoted t bef and mrs h a mabpberson hr anil mrs william brownaftamaggle h matthews thos t moojawiajiiesi moors james brown edwarcfsioklln john 8 coleman and the editor of the fasus fauss among the manufacturers who agreed to close down on onr clvlo holiday and give bis employees an outing was mr henry oargll m p mr oarglll gave to each of his workmam tieket for port blgln and each mans pay want on as ii ta working- lbs bolldayooal him abonrihwalsrpijt jrfajov oolored mstu ol cbuslderabls vooal ayiltyheldforlh ior arjjhonr or so to a large sndlsnoo at tber oornsr of mill ahd wajlotfjtrssu friday evening sipirienos sua slave wm rehearsed and he dailatetl bit lntentiotr of returning to tho fuwwttomiw bibvrti tbam- a liaonwmtaltenojl blrn inthda purpose hit wife aaoompajjlas bid and aaauta him in aiugins pltation inelodlaa h there are many people who think if they buy things in the oity they are gettiog aometbing new and oheap and they almost invariably get left and bring boms something that is not nearlyas good as they oould have purobas ed at home for the same or even less money take our advice and leave your surplus cash at horns read our advertising oolumns and you will profit by it in the end exchange ponto comm ball arranged at 9 1 0000 but pris oners are all in jail it has neuallv been deemed neoosbary it civic holiday was to bo made an oocaaiou of pleaaurabls roesatlon from everyday toll to go- out of town on an oxouraion tq some city or ukesido resort tbe experienoo of tuesday haa proven the contrary oar oivio holiday tbia year willbe remombored as most enjoyable anfl tbo programmo of proceedings varied and interesting the day wss cool and pleabant the early morning rain gave nature a look of freshness and beaaty aud the heavy etorm in the afternoon agreeably oame between the concinaion of tbo afternoon programme and the evening oonoait the first event of tbo day was tbe oalitbuuipiiu procebaion which from tho standpoint ot the ridicutous waa ao eminent success from little johnnie mnllen astrids a donkey to the gold prospector with bie mining qnlfit bound for the klondike tbe get- op of the various characterb was very oredltaby accomplish ed and the parade brought to the snrfaco all the latent risibilities of themulitodes of citizens and vieitorswho viewed it it wonld be ifividious la give the palm to any single participant or company- tbey all excelled in udiorous cobtamea and bo t- fits and as a whole made a burlesque ssrenade of the flt order brookes marine band from their beautiful chariot discorded musio along the line of marob almobt inoessantly theirreportoire of aelectiona waa somowbnt limited how ever including but one air marobing through georgia the baseball m itch in the forenoon between the victorias of guelph and the beavers of acton was a wellcontested match and wbb witnessed by a conaidor- ablo orowd both aides pliyed well and for juniors their play wan generally com plimented the score was so to 11 in favor of acton mcoann andedmiatonwaa the battery for acton and deader turner and harvey for guelph ed ryder umpired at one thirty in tbe afternoon the oycltsts to the number of about forty assembled at the town hall for their parade of decorated wheels their wheels where very gaily decorated and the variety of form and color lent a pretty panoramlo effeot muob ingenuity was manifested in the deoorstlons and the parade through the town and around tbe course at the park waa much enjoyed by those who witnessed it the oycliets who engaged in tho parade are to be oomplimented upon the success of their first effort in a decorated parade interest in the afternoons proceedings centered in the laorobae matoh between the tuscarora indians and the creacents of aoton two hours of spirited play provid ed an exoiting and interesting placo in the afternoons programme for tbe large gath ering ot apectators lo see the native indian in his national and hiatorioal game lent a peculiar interest the match how ever proved that the indiana wero not so rleetbf foot nor so btrong in combination play as oar own local team and tbo result of the matoh showed ihib conclusively there were hewever many brilliant playa on both aides thecreboentahavea team to be proud of and there may beunlooked for developementa of a creditabla oharaqter before another seaeon ib conclnded the indians were goodnatured stalwart fellows and their visit was enjoyed by those who came in oontaat with them the soore was 4 to 7 in favor of acton the bioycle and foot raoee and ether sports were the only weak part in tho programmo the events contested are not worthy of record the oonoert in the evening was a fit ting termination to the enjoyable proceed ings of the day- considerable trouble bad been takento provide talent and from the namos on the programme an enjoyable time waa assured to tbo urge andienoo whioh aesembled rev n a macpheraon took the chair aod ably presided he gave the nsnal short address and enlivened the proceedings with etory and joke miss kilgour guelph opened the oonoert with a piano solo and furnish ed two others during the evening her aelectiona were much enjoyed andsbowed a superior degree of teobniqne and expres sion miss mcoalliim elocutionist favored tbe audience with a number of excellent selections she is a favorite in acton and will always be well received here mrs mooatthy soprano of tor onto 1b alao a favorite here and her aeleotiona wero well rendered mr jim coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaother personal noteo nipinbi ont aug 18 tho prelimln- inary bearing of the domlnlbn bank robberyoaaewaaoonoluaed today magis trate daly oommilted all four prisoners tor trial at the fall assizes bail will be accepted for ponton the figure was plaoedat 110000 nitanii aug 2 bail was secured and ponton released last night admiral sampsons return his squadron rsoelved a magnlfl- oent reoentlon on saturday nrw tork aog w tbo reoeptlon given to admiral bamnaxjnbaquadron by the people ot greater new york on satur day was a magnifiosnt one and was partic ipated in by hundreds ot thousands of wildly enthoaiastio oitixsna the new york and new jersey shores were literally blaok wtih people while the river and bay were crowded with craft and t the oral t were alive with people all cheering and good natured tbs welcome ceremonies were short but imprssuive at 101s aim the battlaablps began to slowly move up the bay the salvo of cannon and tbs oheera ot the people and the toots of thousanda of whistles made an indssorlbablo din soon the monster pageant was in line first oame admiral sampsons flagship new york then rearadmlral schleys flagship brooklyn them thsmasaaohusetls lows indiana and the texas the great battleships movad slowly and majestically as governors island waspasaedt there was a tremendous report from the guns thatdwsomnohaeoutioo at ssntlaror the people on ahore and afloat fairly want wild they yelled wd screamed waved flags and jumped np and dqam in pstttiqtio tferandmsamulths vy taqmbl tonab wbanilisrs sf aait final demonslra- lion of reriousm sooh as new torknafsr wittitovoray ij th ti4aiuj ylswri find obasred by handreds of thopt- and ol people it was a magnlfloent and indescribable aosne and one never to be foioth fax comiotbanga nnmber of laughable songs and was vigorously encored in his song keep hincbin along be bang a humoronb etanza soiled to tbe oooasion oornplimentidg the orokinole club on tbeir methods and advising them to keep hinchln along miss clark acted as accompanist and phyed most excellently tbe oonoert was one of tho beat an acton audience has enjoyed for many months as a result of tbo days profile the oro kinole club find themselves in a position to wipe put almost the entire unpaid balance on the town hall piano their efforta have been laudable their entertainments have been of a very enjoyable character they have accomplished a long desired end tbs members of the olob have had an enjoyable social time together and now all the people say wo beg tq move a vote of thanks milton the convention of hallon prohibitionists held here on saturday was representative and enthdbiaitlo no doubt the editor of the fbsx pnraa will give a full report as he was one of the delegates the champion is installed in new qaartors in tho stevenson block the new place is more oommodlpna and oentral wfiii aoompletinewboifit ot wood type and other- material just opened tbe champion will be better equipped than ever manager harper ot the bank of ham ilton left laet week aobompanled by mrs h f a vauatluu t to muut and elaewhsre mr js desoon p fi i haa returned from a pleasant outing at fort keewadin lake mnskoka while there be was- one of the committee appointed to prepare and present an address to the governorgeneral and lady aberdeen as they were touring through muakoka chief justice meredith baa given judg ment deolarlng that judge moglbbon of feel county is entitled to rank on the estate of the lata thomas moferrao of milton for ball of tbe interest and profits coming from 12000 invested under tbs will on behalf ot the tealators son the estate is a small one the judges claim is ftw885- i- the epworth league convention tig be hsld here next tuesday and wednesday wulbe a gathering of muiib intsl totlte ohribtunworkstsoftbemstjtooustbburoh mtjnltoaduiriolv aiokontartywfe ptnriwmsmbavrfo prortsbu bnbjtotswbibnwlilbs intrbduoodby wsll- lmwnanm vni watson qt trafalgar is the preaijenl tho vnnu fnass invites all its readers to eon tribute to this column if you or your friends are going away on a holiday trip or if you have friends- visiting yen- drop a card to the fnab pxussu miss clara- cobban is holidaying at millou mra james clark ia visiting frishds at toronto miss maggio cobban it visiting friends in beafurth mibb tubby of toronto is a guebt at banderland villa mr john moore of southampton is viaillng aoton friends sir harry straster of waterloo visited friends here this week mlsa bertha speight visited friends in milton during the week wlaanellio thompson of uxbrldge is tbe gnestof aoton relatives illae mccallum of gall was tbe guest of mra 0 8 smith this week fidlsamg gibbous spepaide is viciting fiieoda in buffaln and roobeater mr a j noble and miss noble of noxval were in towb on tuesday mrs mmooill of toronto haa been spending a week with aoton friends mr h b henderson postmastor of georgetown waa up borne for sunday 1 mrs fiobard of toronto visited her friend mrs robert wallace last week mr and mrs h h wordon of hills burg apent tuesday with aoton friends mrs and miaa ccnlaqn of guetpb are guests at tbe rosldeqce of councillor james clark revarthur h crpsbyofdyerailay waa in town on monday calling npon aoton friends mrs john hunt of fergts was a guest during tbe week at the methodist parsonage tbe miesbs bolstcn of gnelph were guests last week of their brother mr t h bolaton mil mokcown of mount forest left last week after spending a week or so with aatonfriends rev and mrs j k godden spent a day or two this week at the home ot bereaved frienda in toronto miaa ertie smith returned home last week after spending a couple of weeks with friends in toronto mr and mrs adam laing ot brampton spent a day or so last week at the home of his daughters here tbe misses olarrlge of georgetown were gnests this week at tho home of principal t t moore dr and mrs wobater of narva were in town on tuesday participating in tbe oivio holiday festivities mr james fax of toronto waa tbe guest f tbe home ol connoillor franois during bis stay in town mr roy marshall trafalgar and mr e goiiod ot nelson were guests of the misses mcqueen ibis week mr will craloe formerly of aoton waa one of the old orchard laorosae team which played here last saturday miss nellie bower derry street has returned after a two weeks vieit to friends in aoton guelph httakl mr joseph mokeagne of cbicago and miss mokeague of wellind port are the guesta of dr s armokeagoe dr fred 8 mercer dentist haa gone to frlooe albert to follow the praolice of his profoaslon batlloford herald miaa stewart of hamlltoo has been a gneat the past week at the homes ot o t bui and pobtmsstermalthewa mayor dioe of milton made the fbxs fnass a pleasant oall an monday morning when en route nn a driving tour to arthur mra mccarthy ol toronto and miss kllgonr of guelph were entertained by mr and mrs alex seoord while in town aid and mrs r e nelton and miss beta ot guelph drove into town on friday and made relatives bare a brief visit mr b b dqnly editor ol the siinooe jtrformir left last week for vienna anstria as the c w a representative to the worlds bioyole meet mr mercer of orans waa in town qborobtown clvlo p holldttr cd thiex saw this town almost descried thiexcaraion to the falls wss well patronised and tbe day was very en joyably spent by the excursionists tbe union sunday school excuraiou to toronto island on tuesday provided a very enjoyablo day lor tbe sunday schools mr james moore gets 1160 for an 8- gallon can of butter milk in tbo oity while the same quantity of sweet milk brings 75 oents mr william pttherlok ot norvallef t last week for oshawa where be secured s position in the floor mill but later we learn that be has aocepted a better position in tbe mill at brandon and is now on the way to the prairie provi hoe after a somewhat lengthy and trying illness miss eveline miller died at ber homo on tbe 7ih line on tbe 13th inat miss millers illnesa dated back several yearsand about a year ago took a serious turn which reaolted in a paralytic stroke she bad fairly recovered from this when two weeks ago a eecond atroke came whioh reaolted in her death mies miller was tbe third iu the family of the loio john miller add the eldest of thoae li vlagflerdlil rev g a mitchell q 4 moaars q fi henhody h p lawson and bditor warren represented georgetown and vicinity at the prohibition convention at milton on saturday a flreco thuuderetorm accompanied by a deluge of rain swept jiver this town at 1 a m yepterday tho lightning fiaaben were inoesaant anal aeveral buildings were struck james kennedys twobarna were totally destroyed deepite the efforts of tbe fire brigade advertising is a soience and pays when you are qualified and able to tell the world whit you have that they should have we wish to impress only tho fact upon you that we sell books wall paper window shades motxdings etc it pa t jbtj tidlrrts it pays- to buy al jdulkrk a just now probably you dont require any of the above when you do kind ly bear in mind the name and address na8saoaweya laitwaek paoklng np the goods of his son f s bleroer d d s who removed to batlloford n w t last spring mrs h fl holmes reoelvod tbe- sad intimation on friday morning of the death of bee bister mrs wf mcgregor of milwaukee mrs holmes left with ber utile avon master harry by the afternoon train for milwaukee mrs mogregor visited mrs holmos here several times and by ber genial kindly disposition mads nu friends among onr citlsens who sympathise deeply with the family in the sad bereavement mr charles ebbege left on saturday and mils maggie on monday for johns town m x in whioh eily they hope to make tbeir future home their numerous frienda regret thslr removal hot units in wishing them every eueoeefl miaa ebbago bits for number of years proven hsreelf a very naefnl member of ths methodist sunday school and epworth iague in the former she baa been a vary acceptable teaoher and in tbs latter was treasurer of the missionary department of the forward movement major walsh en home route for viotoma b c august 20 commis sioner walah took passage on the steamer flora and is now on his way tor viotorla baforsi leaving dawson city basppbin ted a to ouniu w lull p to a during bis absenoo major talsnwjli reoomnund that parllamernbtoleaihhi white hone rapids and tbarty mils rlv of tbs rooks that have dona aomuoh dajrit age this year he recommends tadegrapl una from dawson and thinks one will be constructed before the year closes he is firm in the belief that dawion will be a permanent oamp a young man named f locke wboea boms is in toronto was drowned while swimming at lewiston the amsrloan flag was rsissd at houololu on august 191b lata signifying the annexation qf tbs hawauwlalands majqsmi hetton arrived a jtontrssl on sunday hslson his way to ottawa to takes ooanmand ot tb oaniihan nilllia wnx mooiuit whose teetttrant at ingersoll sjnyaterlqosly caoflat fltt friday morpiail wm srtaaaiaatidilitottalbt mors thimaglstniuon aobaiayolurwou rev jamea argo of e uart returned to his oharge laat week after bpending a coupleof weeks wiib relatives at eden mills mr and mre patrick thompson of bayers mills have travelled along tho path of lite together for many years tho part ing oame on ths lath inst when mrs thompson after years of suffering aroased the bar she had attained tbe ripe age of 83 years tenderly the remains were laid in the grave the following tuesday rev a blair b a officiating mr thompson contemplates leaving shortly for the scenes of his early days in tbe north of ireland the publio sobool at bayera mills has been undergoing repairs whioh when com pleted will render it moro comfortable aud permanent during tbe thunderstorm about a week ago the barn of mr david boles nassaga- eya was atruok by lightning however he knew nothing about it until wednesday when ho went to mow tbe apriog crop when be found that one aide of the ventil ator had been struck and a rafter shattered it was fortunate that the fall wheat and barley were ott the other side ot the barn or there would no doubt have been a fire the painters have finished tbo ebenezer church it looks very fine and was reopened on sunday laat the day being fine there was a large attendance both morning and evening the rev mr hookey of waterdown proaohed two very able sermons whioh were highly appreciat ed- a harvest home was held last evening at mr jaa f fletchers darby vllle wedding bells are ringing at tbe parsonage nasaagaweya on wednesday 17tb inat by tbe rev dr soanlan mr john bell to mrs margaret aabdown all of nasaagaweya we wish jack and his bride many years of happy wedded blta harvesting in this vioinity is a thing of thu past farmers are busy preparing the land for sowing fall wheat mrand mrs arable anderson of st helens west wawsnosh returned home tuesday after a three woeks visit to relatlveb and friends inrnassegaweya and vicinity publio sobools rcopeued on the 16th inst during tho thunderstorm yesterday morning the straw stack at david irvines barn at sodom was atrnok and the barn destroyed the implernents were saved but all the seasons crop was burned c lanelles thb llekdsh qublph wall paper samples at j d mckees acton this seems o bo the general cfy nnd wo will join in as we hove every reason to believe there will be extra good times this fall and winter the crops are generally rood and the indications ore thai the prices will be good then our manuiacturin industries navenot been so busy for years nnd the result will he lots of money in circulation wb aro therefore making great preparations for a big trade this season mr bollert who is at present in the european markets ia doing some shrewd and courageous buylne especially in the better class of gooda such as this store is noted for keeping how often customers are heard saying if thpyl wnnt anything extra good in dry goods they always go to bollerts for it we can assure such lhat tjioy will not be disappointed this autumn os we will undoubledly havo tho finest and most uptodate stock in this city and we will have it in abundance us mr bollcrt is buying just about double the amount ho usually does with the exception of on unusual largo trade we have already received and placed iri stock a consignment ol french snd german goods thus saving the customs extra duly of z5 percent this means that vou wlllbe able to buy such gooda from us sj per cent less goods well bought are half sold is an old and true saying wherever we see the best goods at the lowest prices is our market we are limited to nowhere and lo no person look out for dig things at pollerts this fall now in iho meantlrno our big summer sale will continuo as we havo many lines of summer goods that simply must be cleared out as wo do not wish to carry over a single yard or article of such goods scout they go regardless of cost another car of ijaixdsalt justin also one of land plaster windsor and colemans bbl salt at jioj a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 20c per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for sroo buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 43c a bushel e r bollert db co 25 and 27 wyndhamstreet guelph new hats 99 wyndham st just in the latest uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices i 150 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader new suitings binder twine all kinds from 6 up geo j thorp sbbdstuskis market sq and maodonnell st cublph a reat event canadas great exposition ahg and the very newest imported suitings you should see them new linos of neckwear just in merchant tailor aid mens fainisuei guelph on9 phice on iy e jcigiit jioixse corner king and huglisoii sts hamilton for- pfiolal ept- io 1898 a qirls success in life depends oh her edncationand tho best conditions for securing a well bslanoed education arein a home school like alma college here not only the mental powers are trained bat the moral nature and the so impulses d many a girl bright capable and interesting baa bad her usefulness serioualy impaired because of neglect of elhibaland soolal sides of life at alma college these mat ters receive attention along with attention to mental dsvblopemeat and scholarly attainment next to travelling abroad and indeed properly preparatory to it is a oourse in a good reeldent acfaool lor giving that balance of charaoter noticeable in the attractive and aooompliaherijroong woman persons interested ehonld communicate with principal warner 81 thomas ont imitation la sometimes called the sincereat formof flattery this may aooount for the number of imitations of tho original and only positive corn cure putnams painless corn extractor all snob fail to possess equal merit so when purchasing get the genuine putnams bate sure and paintese all drngglata tp curb a cold im onb day fairs iejhtlvsdromo qololoa tablarts all drandallt refund tbe moaaylt it falls to ours nicy also relieve dislrtfxoni dyapcptla ifldlgwtion and too hearty eating a pa fact remedy for diulncss nausea drowtt dessrad taste in the mcutlicoated tongue pain in thaslde torpid liver they regnlatetw bowels itojy vegetable mati 9wi v small dosm mallprloe substitution tho fraud of tbe day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills new and wonderf nl attrac tions xcelling all previous years r the cubaamerican war exciting naval and mili tary displays the latest inventions and novelties from all parts of the world entries of exhibits close aug 6th cheap excursions from everywhere for ptiio lists entry forms pro grammes and all particulars address j j withrow h j hill president manager toronto final clearing of blouses lot no 1 9kafi l and urk print blousca 4yj merlt iold at c100 and i125 olouizig prlots 25a emob lot wo b fkoaf mneparealo dion son 8olf collars 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sonlyflno oeutro xieees uonjitltcbod reg- olar 75c f or 5c 10 only tray olotbb bouibtltobod bieo 32x33 fiurolldonroralar valao rlaj aud 610 cloar- gat680audeioo a only ploo linen tea clotus soxug bora- btitolaod and drawn work regular 165 eloarlng atla5 mens furnishings mona drobaod shirts white body and colored fronts boparato oatla rogular 100 and 125 bpoolttl clearing price s6o oaoh mods ftuoy ohockod cotton sblrta boft body separata eatts regular r100 for 75o monabupimor vorts whlto and fanoy color od pique regular 185 and i200- ppoolal cloar- ing prlco 4100 each sammor washing ties in bows and four-in- hand regular 17o speoial 3 foriso ply llaon collars regulars for 15c tliomas c watfeins n sa tvv jjimi tywriter price 5600 visible writing addition toall the advantages of the juooo machines the only typewriter manufactured in canada fully currrnt89d circulars and testimonials write for them uakers of oelobratad nr williams sewing mtablaes kxllty vibmwskittlu saailftks o espltal riulrrt work durlnl your apr ihini how are they is it a pleasure for you to use them or an eftort there is probably no reason why you should not see clearly and with pleasure spectacle fitting has made a great advance within the past few years and now you can be suited satisfactorily at remarkably low cost try our optiqian he is well qualified heis well equipped he has had much experience spectacles jxtih eecltsses of all descriptions scientifically fitted special attention to filling oculists prescriptions spec tacle repairing etc bmsmb go cfiftyyqars in business p veronto s jjlrffiw qtilpli bsels limsji tfcj5wi

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