Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 25, 1898, p. 4

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w so the idling of tho hair tell of- the approach of ago and declining power no matter how barren tho treo nor how leafless it may seem you confidently expect leave again and why because there is life at he roots- so you need not worry about the falling of your hair 9 threatened departure of youth r and beauty and why because if there is a spark of i life remaining in the root of the half will arouse it into healthy activ ity the hair ceases to corno out it begins to grow and the glory of your youth is restored to von we have a book on the hair and its diseases it is free thm bm4 atmou fam xt you do not obtain autheeanaflts you axpaetod from ws nis of tbs visor writs the doctor abont it frobsw thora is some dleleiiltr with todx gen ral system whlcb mar m assur remorad ailar db jc itbb lowell maae a timhlv varnino wh ft st br i s g s ly along before a good breeze in the south paoiflothrfte months ago a flock of small birds about the else shape and color of paroquota sottleddown iu tho rigging and spent an hour or more resting thoaooond mato was ao anxious to find out the apcoiea to whioh the vlsitiog btmngors belonged that ho tried io entrap a speaimen but the birds wefo too shy to be thus oanght and oo epry to be seized by tlib qulok hftnda of tho bailors at tbe end of about an hour the birds took the brigs oourpp and die- appeared but towards nightfall they came baok and passed the night in the maintop tire next mbrnlog tbe birds flew off again and when they i returned at noon the bailors scattered some ood about the deck by this time the birds bad become eo in me that they bopped about the deck picking op tbe orumbe that afternoon an astpn ishlng thing happened the book came flying awiftly toward tbe brig every bird aeemed to be piping afl if parauodby some little invisible enemy on wings and they at once huddled down behind the dock- honae the superstitious bailors at onoe called tho oaptain of the brig who rubbed his eyes and looked at the barometer a glance showed thsteomotbiog waa wrong with the element and tbe brig was put in ahape to outride a storm the atorrn came about twenty minutes titer the birds bad reaobed the vessel for a few minutes the sky was like tbe waterless bottom of a lake a vaat aroh of yellowish mud arid torrents of rain fell why it did not blow very hard nobody knows- but on reaoh- irig port two days later tbe oaptain learn ed that a great tornado bad sweyt across that part of tbe sea the birda left the veeset on the morning after the btorm and were not seen again maryland bulletin wjt atm itt nss thursday august 25 j anttq jollis natjg p utile patty popgun novord nty in bed motbotd hoarhor footloi pit pat ovoxuoad lost nlghtnanbbty fatty oanght ber little toes down ibe fell and oioi batopod ber little nose up ttioy came and found bojr flay tapw ttoo floor and today ber head acbea ana hot nose is sore wore ipatty popguu i would stay in bod i would do preotioly what nay mothor bald a dreaminq match peviqu phiz the face that grown on a gio- drinker triplets ltttb bleaaiagi that but few people appreciate watera iioointoxiating beverage that inakes barreli tight obligation a gan that makes a loud noise when it s discharged fashion the one thing that a woman can follow without reauioing behind kent somethiag tbrt the landlord oan raiao easier than the tenant ban death often a happy relief from the troubles a man itita up for himself on earth foolish the woman who pats a special delivery stamp oil a lottor and rives it to her husband to mail give us clean fairs i a laadi- editorial last week siyi give tin clean faira t let not die vg ru cultural fair whether loaal oouuty district or atuto ba mrnod luto a school of vice that just what aomo of tho eb- nalled agriauhurul exhibitions are thoy teem with devices to owludle ilia unwary that oaoflo many to dibtruat repatkbleexbib- itors and dealers and thas itrjare tho material interests of the whole exhibition but robbing people of their mouoy by fako sahomes is uniroportunt compared to the robbery of innoaenoo thut in boldly permit ted at mooy fairs impure or outright i hi moral attractions are allowed al too many fairs many a youth oan traco fals fall into sinful ways to baott ioiluenoes aa au agricultural fair many a girl bat been enticed from tho paths of virtue after witneabing the glitter of im mod oat women in bome midway bidebhow to thus mar the purity of youth ia a wrong that all the good done in other dinolioaa by a fair can never oompeusato for we certainly voleo the sentimentb of tho great people in denonnbing suohshamefitl adjtlnotb and in demanding that the fairs be held to a stifiatly moral standard there are infloenpea enough at work to drag down young and old without engaging the fairs in aoob iniquity all our editorial repro- bentatives oorrespondenta and anbeoriberb are requested to report to ua promptly any objectlbnal features at tha fairs thoy may attend let us create a sentiment aainbt soon nastineaa that shall purify the fairs ono method will quiobly pat a stop to all these evils let tbe people who dont approve of such things keep away from the fair that countenances them successful nt inst i waa a sufferer from noaralgia in my aide andheadaoheoi followed numeroub preaorlptions without benefit and waa persoaded to try hoods saraapariha when i had taken only one bottle i realized it was doing me oodl and i con tinued taking it until i waa cured mrs carrie price georgetown ontario hoode oathartio 25 ctnte pills are the favorite family easy to tabo by to operate tbe lynxeyed enemy who oritioises all yonr words and works may be your benefactor for it ia likely that ho will keep yoa on your gourd against serious lapses of speech and conduct the scene changes a girl n istratford waa named mary at her birth when ibe grew up she dropped tha r and said it waa may when iho began to shine fo society she changed the 4 into e and her name was mae then ehe married and now she has drop ped the final letter and spells it plain ma among tho famous indian traders of the past aays an exchange was george gal- phn whoae trading station at silver blntf south carolina wis frequented by indiana from far and near in bonoh and bar of south carolina m characteristic anecdote la related of mr galpin and an indian chief chief mogoloob from boyond the savan- navh river spent tha nigbtat mr oalpblns in the morning the indian said me dream last night ah i said galpin what did my red brother dream me dream yoa giye me fine big rifls la qalpins posaeafilon at the time obo trader instantly passed the rifle to the chief saying if yoa dreamed it you mcit have it next morning galpin said to tbe chief i dreamed last night what did yoa dream asked mogo- look i dreamed you gavo me the ohtoka- saw stallion- whioh the ohtef was then riding if you droam am yon mast have urn euitbpobhif n ho h was s a man who oan dig av harden has a hard lot in life hia wife ia always lending him to her neighbors pronounced incurable by doctors but hade strong and well by palnes celery compound wells riohardsou co gentlemen having been given up to die some time ago by sonde of the but doctors of the united states i osme to canada last autumn terribly ill and had lost all hope suffering agonies from in flammatory rhenmatiico i was strongly urged to nso pafnea celery compound i gave it a trfalas eodonmanded and the first bottle did me so much good i continued with the medicine until i bad used sevon bottles when i found myself perfectly oared indeed i never felt better in all my life than at present i oie every possible means to tell others of palnes celery compound and will al ways recommend it to tboio troubled with rheumatism youra very truly wm uorrisette roiton pond p q thb bane op many a womans ufe a berlin lady tells ho to g rid of it doans kidney pills v t remedy mrs eliza reitz 33 wellingrton st berlin ont says tor en years i have been afflicted with kidney and back trou ble suffering- greatly from dizziness ner vousness weak eyesight loss or sleep and appetite- and an almost constant tired weak feeling- in february last i got a box of doans kidney pills and received so much benefit from ihcm that i continued their use until i had taken three boxes in all and was completely cured they removed every vestifreof paint dizziness and nervousness and en abled me to get restful sleep so that from being a sick woman i am now trongr and well aguin doans kidney pills are the taoat remedy in the world for bright dlaeaie diabetes dropay baoltacho gravel sediment in the urine and all kidney and bladder diseases sold by druggists or seat by znall on receipt of price 50 cents a box orj boxes- for uj tho doon kidney pill co toronto ont lasgow house acton is there anything in this list which you are in need of parasols millinery- shapes and trimmings trimmed eats cotton hosiery and cfloves muslins etc if so you can find what you want hejrc at prices which will make you buy some very special clearing lines in childrens i and womens shoes henderson 6c co loaitoria it put u in cneilio hottlei only it tip not wjld ia bulk dont allow onyono to sell tob anything else oa tho plea or promise thit it iiijnrt aafiroofl and will answer eterypnr- pom 49bco that yon get 0abtoeia una tor vrtppar i always test my poems by wading tb em to my wife said tbe youthful poet vlehoqld think that waa testing year wife rather than yonr poems answered tbe candid friend baby bounty yoa always think ot a pretty baby as plarap and ohnbby scotts e mule ion givea jpbt this plampneea not too fatv just enough to make the dimples oome bablea like it too what kind of rations do they rive yoa at yonr new plaoe inq aired one work man tho other looked at him reproachfully and anawered perspirations thats all wo have no hesitation in eaying that dr j d kollogga dysentery cordial is without doubt the best medlciae ever iotrodooed for dysentery diarrhoea cholera and alt bammer oomplaints sea biokoebb eto it promptly rives relief and never fails to effeot a poaitive 00 re motbere anoald never be withoat n bottle when their children are teething a man ia judged a gooi deal by bis laagh regular notion of the bowelb 1b necessary to health lftxa liver plllo are tbe best ocoaflianftloatbartio for family or general nee price 25o any druggibt it is the office of the frog to oroak bat it was never deaifined that man should imitate bicn a clear skin koonocanbavp a bkin clear and free from blenoieh whose blood ig impure burdock blood bitters purines tbo blood and removes piinplea and all kinds of erop- tions leaving the bkin clear and smootb l bona ting ianot good material for business building o wild mk wm have an aim in life even it yoa do not hit- the bullseye yoa will probably make auoaier that aching bead can ba instantly nlleved by taking one of milbnrns sterl ing headaphe powders 1 powder so 8 for 10o 10 for 25o character is more ralaable than money to attain it one mast atrxyo it oannot bo bongbt nay transferred to ibe trader tbe next morning tbe indian remarked i dream last night what did my red brother dream was tbe enquiry i dream answered mogolook yon syo me the red ooat yon wear and rnoeb clioo if yon dreamed it yoii mait bave ft said qalphln and too indian received the red ooatand oalibo next morning it fu qalpins torn he eia to the chief i dreamed last night what yoa dream waa mogolook enquiry i dreamed rppllod qalphio xne ten miles of land around the old town wnghl caid ibo indian dream yoa roast luve am bat with yon no more hisovvm work yon gave ogeeohee if you i dream ation t5aihlftbeiloleillntheworil ii imaraa toe ditested food too long in tbe bowels bmbneu topldjlrer indj sewboneedaa holiday and doea not tako it is losing his health in trying to retain bnsiness thebeitpills mr wm vundorvoort sydney grossing ont writes wo have been dbing farmeleoa fills and find them by far tbe best pills we ever used for djelloate and debilitated ooastilutlons these pills aot like a obarm taken in small doles the effect ib both a tonio and a timalaitvmildlyeaouiog be-8eoretlodb- lmy husband insists npon riding a bobby annoanoed tbe anxioaa nlfo to tbo crossgrained family physician wbot oan vo do about it hotter oonsult a horse dootor anxloub mothers find dr lows worm syrap tho best nicdioine to expel worms children like it worms dont slanderers- oannot biting bnzz long without of the body giving tone and vigor toiuraeajoc loinnla etc hoods eodreooditfpation and roaultaeaxlly and ihorooghly prepared by 0 i hood tt co eoweft mast tne only pills to take with hoods bartanarula spain hbb more sunshine tban any other oonatry in europe tbo yearly averago being 8000 hours milbarna bterling headaobo powders ours beadaohos qolok and leave no depres sing after effoots price 10c and 25o at all dealers tlio vanity of certain wellknown piintor isridioaled in a atory told of him it relates that the painter wai travelling in a train throogh the mountains and as tbe weather waa warm and tbe paiotr bad not had onougb sleep the night before he dozed in his seat r- he bad a travelling oompanlon who instated upon talking to blm nevertheless and as iho traia ipaiaed a fine prospeot exclaimed look lookl what a beautiful land acapel xcp grnnted the painter dreaming and bearing a shop phrase i painted it myself dollars in diamond dyes in soores of small oountry towns and villages in canada enterprising men and women are addjng to their yearly income by ibo work of dyei ng for frienda and neigh bors aroand them who have not tbe tips to do the work theraiel vef these town sod tillage dyers wlthont exception nse llio diamofid uyel id prafsr- encetdall others begaasa tbey rive tbs most brilliant pore and unfading colore to all varieties of materials hundreds of orders from tbeae country dyer are filled every week by the mana- factarera of diamond pyaa tban an great possibilities of luoh work in small parltfass and tbs alatettienta just made roaynhhefioe many who an seeking for a plan tdinoroaso thoir revenue there are good dollars in diamond dyes i half tbe people pnt lo most of their time wondering how the other half make a living oorna cause intolerable pain hollo- way a corn cure removes the trouble try ill and see what an anaonbt of pain ia saved folks are a good deal more apt to make their frionda tired by visiting too long than by not staying long enough oannot be baat-hr- d stelnbaok xuriob writes i bave need dr thomas eoleotrio oil in my family for a number of years and i oan sevfely say that it cannot be beat for the care of oronp fresh oats and sprains mv little boy baa htot attacks of oronp several times and one dose of dr thomas eoleotrio oil uli inflllllent for a rerfe r 1 t itest often so roouperates a fellow that it makes him too lazy to get to work great pleasure in reoomrbtndlog f arnily medfoine and i wonld without a bottle in the hoaso it as a not be it may be very wrong bat nevertheless everybody admires a real slick swindler for infants and children ail itsplopg nodgbi aoqalres a oodveotlon toloejasl as natnr- allp as a preeohor acquires a prayer voioe c teet ia bard on lbs babies thousands die annnally from diarrhoea who might ba sand by dr fowlers bxiraot of wild strkwberry it cares alt bowel oomplaints of owldren oradnlts 8o at all dealers tha sonroe of saooeas hko ibe sourod ol a ilrer is reaobed by pulling nf stream three years ago i was troubled with boils nnd tried several remedies recommehded by friends but they were of no avail i had fiftytwo boils in all and found nothing to give me relief until i tried burdock blood bitters the first bottle i took made a com plete cure and proved so very satisfactory that i have recom mended bbb to many of my fricnd who have used it with good results a j mustard hyder man any one troubled with boils pimples rashes ulcers sores or any chronicor malignant hkin disease who wants a perfect cure should use only delicate children i what a source of anxiety they are the parents wish them hearty and strong but they keep thin and pale to all these delicate chil dren scotts emulsion of codliver oil with hypo phosphites comes with the best of news 11 brings rich blood strong bones healthy nerves and sound digestion it is growth and prosperity to them no matter how delicate the child it is readily taken oc and floo all dnigglsti gcott bowne chtniuhtotoklo is tho most rellnble and effectivo remedy known for tho relief and cure ot dlarrircha nvsenterv colic cramps choifra nndsuu j her complaint it settles tho stomacti stlmiilntes tho heart soothes and licals tho irritated bowol never fails for hevornt rrnsnns wo hnve re lied on tr fowlers kxtrnctofwttd strawberry for nil bummer com plaints a fojv doses always give telfefandlt never falls to euro wo tliinlc it avoryvaluablo medicine as precious as gold mrs p c wmokb font hill ont tr1cc sb cents s buiumuiu tnirlui dajranuiw liadies has them beauties at 1500 2000 2500 qoia sstateltes e j 1 800 everyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security tb you fcsiwjgc a good ertiole like a good oharaoter nood not fear mendaoloas oritiojam hagjarda yellow oil oarea all pain in man or beast for iprains oats bralaefi otllqua lamps flwelhnga inflittnmatlori rboaaaatiam and noaralgia it ia a apeoiqo honesty creates oonfidedoe and confl- denoe oatohea and holds oaetomero thero never wae and novor will be nnivereal panacea in ono remody for all hib to whitih floeh is hoic the vory natoro of many curatives boinfj saah that were the germs of other and differently beatod dfseaaea rooted in tho sy a torn of tbeptiont what would relievo one ill in torn would aggravate the other wobave however in qainine wine when obtained in aeotmd anadoltorated atato a remedy for many and grievous ills by ita gradaal judioiona oae thefraileatayatoma ate led into con valebconoo and btrenflth by tho inflaonoo whloh quinine exerts o a natures own restoratlvea it rnlinvfln thn flrv civility qoats nothing bat wilt often bay a great deal a kidney blockade is a aorioua thing for the whole body and obi lis for speedy relief doans kidney fills break op any kidney blockade and care baokaohe dropsy d label ee brigbta diaoaae urinary jrodbles and bladder weaknew bpirita of those with whom a ohronio state of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life jb a diaoee and by trftnqaltiztng the nerves diflpoies to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotion of the blood which being atimnlated ooursea throcghout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the byatoro thereby making activity a necebgary result btrengthening the frame and glviug llfo to the digoatlvo organs whiqh naturally demand inoreaaod enbatanoe rebnlt im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the pnblio thoir qainine wino at the aaual rate and guaged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaoboa nearest perfection of any in tho market aj1 druggibta se it it ia usually the flame orowd that gathora roaqd eve str fak envelopes or6er envelopes with your name and address from the peee pee8s mmwmmm railway time tablbl crarid trunk railway nolno wfht aolno kaht alail 10 02 am j kxprcibb 0a5sni xxproib 2 25 in i littjrebb 1060 in hail 7 10 lu1 1 alall 0 u lim i lllxfd 10 oa iiin t11ikof clooikll mailb ootns woet 0 40 am nndfl do ppi going east 10 25biniiiid5 co pm i thia tlmo tablo wont into effcot on monday aly 10tb 1808 brhntford icalvamized steel wind mills and towers for jpowoi and fuxnp jog with in terval co verod clear pa ten t roller ana ba u b ottrizigs maple leaf graingrinders two sizes for any tower no i has io inch 0 reversible burrs no has 8inch single burrs both have ball- bearing b urr bl e e 7 andshat feed grindfine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and balf-bear- ing steel windmills otalljdnds the finest in the market best material lighted running send for illustrated catalogue brantforocan john mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware rooms to building on w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost wood binders and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen photographing interiors by flaslili h ramsliaw your own photo artist wfio stays with you the year around has everything uptodato in the flash light photo line including a lenso vhich works at an angle of ga degreed and is specially constructed for interior photos such us groups in small rooms it can- npt bo excelled leave your orders with rne lor either interior or exterior views to- be taken whenever it niay suit our convenience and the work will have the best possible attention my prices are as low as those of any reliable travellers h ramshaw acton photo artist there is no lobrioint liko onto paticooo for gettlog over the roagh pltcta in babinesi fever and gnp and biiloaa derngmenta are potiltlvely eared by ibe dm ol ptr- mnlbnw piiu they not only- olsins-ta- biory man must depend oo his real merila praise pr comnro wont mako or nnfnike any man oananocjncs fnpnlar llalttr mr lawrence oneill the wellknown dlspaiismr of the staff of life otnanoqae oat says i have need uilbaraa btart and kerr fills and oan reoommtncl tbam fofhtt troubles and nerionspeis many people look as if their religion did not igree with them ak yonr itrocet far toroiob and bowels from all billons matter bnt thoy open tho excretory vessels eaaaing them to poor oopioba effasions from tbo blood into the bowels alter wiloh the corrupted mala is thrown oat by the natural pasaage of the body tiny are nsod aa a general family medioino with tlio bosk results weak nervous women suffering from palpitation of the heart dtery or faint ipells watery blood etc can be readily cured a manitoba lady telia about her com fortatbleand dajry a olergymau told mo that he had a parishioner who waa very addioted to drink meeting the man one day when as tbapooplb say ho had a drop in the prloat insisted that he should lake iho pledgo for it was tbe only promotion against tba temptations of the pobllolionse yoovo never seen a teetotaler drank tom mid tba priest ab yobr rlver- enoo replied tom ive seen roanya man drank but i oonldns toll for the hie of roe whether they worteetotalers or not i nagyards pectoral balsam his no superior for ooogbs golds throat and- lung troubles of yonng or old vleaatntlo take frloo 96o fonil inolher what do yoa think baby will be when be grows ap 7 exasperated father i dont know town orier likely thero la nonoed wliatevor for oo rnany womon to bo tho snbjoofc of faint spoils heart and narvo woakneaa anaemia or- any of those health destroying ailments pepnllar to hor sex mil- burns heart and nervo pills regalato tho hoart iwul mm iiinhu it utniug and full tono the nerrcs onrioh the blood and roliovo iho pnin and woaknoss from which so many women suffer mrs alex ander solter of pigoon bluff man writes an account of her casa ns followb i havo groat shops and warerooma foot ol willow st calls at tendeid to day or night j a speight fe co ulsr d ertakers and em balm efjs actof ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furni ofallfkinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a spei0htco orders left with j n stin80n rookwootj will receive immsdlslo attention oaaeeeessetiooisa latest and beat designs of 7vjo n u 7vt h ts 20 to 30 per cent reduction our silbr jub1lbb western fair london j h hamilton proprietor granite manbla works gjj3jutiri la the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton como and see the largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite otdab and works bamzltons block woolwzcband nomfolk sts cjifk1 out sraioi worlcsnow baxnburv ont pleaauro in giv ing my oxperi- eotmii enoeoimilbttrn heart and norvo fills for about ten years i wow troubled with throbbing and fluttering of tho hoart t tried live doctors and several remedies bnt nono of thsm did mo rnneh good lately i heard of mllburna heart and nervo fills and bought two boxes boforo i started using them i ooujd not do my honso work ana gave rnysolf up to dio as i thonght i would never be cured how i fool really bplondld since taking the pills do my work enjoy s my moats and feol as if there wsb some thing in life worth living for milbnrns heart and nerve pills sold t by alldruoglsta ot50o o box or 8 boxes forllsst milbunn aoo toronto ont r september 8th to 17th 1898 entries close 7th scptomber space allotted on receipt of entry our attractions will bo gland and exhibits unsurpassed you can see all that others can show and to better advantage royal dragoons princo okabos japs sio hassan uen alls ruittns and many other specials the best in the country fireworks each evening blowing up the maine assisted by all the ring and stage attractions special excursion trains leave london at io pm and after so that you can slay lo ihxi fireworks auction sale of booths and privileges wednesday august 17th on the grounds 2 pm prize lists programmes etc apply to ltcol w iu gartshore psbsiuent iipl thos a bitownk secretary mcmullens fencings nd nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hogfencings at special low prices all oilier varieties cheap mcmullens are tho in canada the are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ask your hardware mer chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot buy of him write to the manufacturers at ficton ont of to the b grebniho wire co limited hamilton and montreal general agents jamis coopbr montreal general agent for railway fencings aw aolantloj loucnol fwcnnsfw a pofittcl solovallhewrfshim

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