prohibition willc arr y quebec province will vote for the pleblaotte especially in the rural districts kind words of farewell biiuikh at kvorton on saturday 97th rvufluat to mr and mm win harbor a bou jackhon at quolnb on haturdny j7lli aug int to mr ami mrs v c jacknon a boh hmatii at 101 portland btcoet toronto ou buuriny 93nd aufiuat to mr and mrs trod h bmtli a son arahitui address tendered dr j f uren by the methodist church vote and speak in its favor uuutun raoy in tholt c ohurali 3org town od tuooday i3rd augmt byltov fultier feony of aotou thomas liufficr to uiii tracy dnuqbtor of miobaol traoy esq cotkiudok pknkold at the realdoaco of tbo brlilo a alitor burroy btreet guoph on wed nubday august 2kb by ilov j o scott mr rraiiu coleridge of drotuoro to mlis km ma ioi6ld of gaoiiib itlhukll macrnsithon at tlia residence o tho brido b mother aoton on monday 211 th aig- uat by ltov jl a maophoraou brother o tlio brido mr f r mod it una oil of vancouver 11 o to agnos daughter of tho lato a h ilao pbereon of gait gowdy holhebat tho rebdouco of tllo gtmld mothor 6f tho brido mra morrinou b tango street guulpb on wednesday 21th august by tho ltov it j m gltabsford wm n d gowdy to mamie oldest daughtor of martha iloltnea naaeagawoyo toled nixon at norval on monday aug 2dtu john w mxorjugod 40 jcara ditkiehon in eramoaa on sunday 28tb aug- ust johddioklobod 70 years 4 raontlm faiconkii lo strootsvlllo on ihursday aug a5th hattio m h0ond daughtor of tno lata o 11 taloonor apod 13 yoara 9 mootba ittott jfwe rcsa thursday september 1 1b9b notes and comments the speoial sesbion of the legislature is over and ifa not result baa been to eitab- hab the great cardinal facts that every ontario oonstajtie can vote and that mighty few ontario legislators can think toronto telegram the london dally mail copenhagen correspondent reports that a compromise baa boon arrivod at between eagupd and raa si a the latter getting her nay in the railway qaubtion 1q obma and england beaming concessions ia other directions in any ease says the correspondent china mast pay for all montheai aafl 25 i boliove prohlbi tiou will carry throughout canada and i will vote and speak in its favor too above words wore ottered to day by mr charles thibeaultq o of waterloo the fanious frouoh conservative orator and campaigner of a fsw years back this is how mr thlobanu dizes up the situation he believes the english speaking proviooea will vote anti liquor and aleo a good nam ber of french canadians will votq the same way and a still greater number wjll absent thsmselves from tbs polls it is a great mutate ho baya to think tint there is a widespread feeling in trench caumia agahist prohibitory legislation tho contrary he asserts is the caso there la be deolares more practical temperance in the province of qaebeo than in ontario and ibis wil be confirmed by anyone who willtravel ibroaga the rural districts of both provinces of coarse mr thiebaalt states the cities in all tho provinces will likely vote sgalmt the measure how ever i will vote and speak in favor of prohibition wm the great speakers concluding remarks and he vouchsafed the information that the prohibitionists are rapidly organizing in tho eastern towns at the close of the prayer raeoting in tho juelhodiat church last thursday evening a boo i at hour was epoat by the members of the oongrogation to afford an opportunity of baling farewell lo dr and mrs uren who bavo removed to toronto the pabtor rev j a molachlao m a called upon mr alex secord one of the truateea to read the following addrosb toj t ultdn m d deah bnotiibr ou tho ovo of tho doiiart tiro of joureolt and family from aoton wo ombraco this opportunity tohavo a fow words ot farowoli during tho plat eight years in mbloh you bavo gouo lu and out of tho hooios of tlio pooplo of this village and vioinity com forting and hoallngtho elck you liavo won tho ttoom and confldouoo of tho entire oomui unity 5tliougu our profosaioual dutiaa have boon at times moat arduous and ojtsotiog yot you havo tound tlmo to sorvo thoabiirob iu tho capacity oftruatoo and rooprdlng btoward which posi tions you havo a hod with credit to yourself and muoh accontahco to tbo church much orodlb laalaoduo you for tlioaaaiatdaco jou bo oboer- lully roddorod in promoting and carrying to a euoceeaful lssuo uiorecont improvomoatawhloh neighborhood news news items supplied fav corres pondents and exohangos- georgetown tho scholars who go to the publiu school this morning to renew their btudkib will find that new iloott have been laid in three of the rooms and ml tbo walls and ceilings have been tinted in regulation colors the principals room has beoo quipped with the latest design of single desks and seats and tbo blackboards have bcon put in first olasa conditlan merit promptness kelijlbiiiltya are the principles upon which we conduct our business crewsons corners on sunday morning ittt be v mr holden preaohod a ery eloqnont temper ance sermon in tho methodist oh arch here miss agues moanhur returned to her home in pet roll a on tooaday after spend ing several weeke very pleasantly with friends here during her visit mibs moarthur has become a goner favorite with ai mjss mary ram eh aw has roturned everton australian greetings the banner temperanoo aounty la now in hoe so far as the coming plebiioite campaign is oo nee rood the convention called by the halton prohibition associa tion and wbioh waa held on saturday last in the royal templars hall here was well attended and thoroughly representa tive a ploabing feature being the presto oe of so many of the old campaigners m paat battles fought and won for temperance lie former to ensure the greatest degree of prosper ity to this town and district there should bo complete co operation of all interests the more we help our neighbors the better the position our neighbors will be id to make a return we muat etand by the town and help eaoh other every dollar spent outeide of tbe town necessarily repre seats a proportionate withdrawal of tbe financial elements that contribute to the lifo of trade and to our oivio prosperity seaforlh expositor the protest of the michigan lumbermen againbt tho action of the ontario govern ment in inserting in all timber lloeneoa a requirement tbat the logs be sawn lato lumber in canada has been forwarded via vabhington and ottawa to the attor neygeneral and a reply has been forward ed wbioh takes firm ground in assertion of the ezdubive right of ontario to legis late in regard to the timber hon mr hardy argues strongly that the regulations imposed in december last was absolutely within the scope of the powers and rights of the legislature and the government canadas prohibition battle awak ening jvorldwlde interest toronto aug 27 tho following btlr- ring official letter to the temperance work ers of canada has been received here at the alhancs offices an important epoch in tits temperance history of yonr country is at hand lvery son and daughter of temperenoe good templars and members of kindred organi zations must recognize the great responsi bility resting opon them co workers throughout tbe whole world have their eyes tnrned to you on your action muoh depends legislators likewise are watohing you neyer b the history of the temper ance movement has so muoh importance been placed upon a voto as that whioh you ere long will be called upon to exercise let your answer be an emphatic yes remember that defeat at the preeent juno ture will retard our work for years to come let every vote be record od work as you have worked and a access mnst crown your efforts for this ouoe sacrifice time money and labor to avohieve a victory and thousands upon thousands of drinks slavos will bless yon not only exeroibeyour own vote bnt iofluenoe others in oonolufiion leave no atono un tarred to achieve success yours in the fight w f sun ton tro a tee national division of australasia sidney australia i homo after spend log eevoral weeks very luve enhanced thd beauty and value of tliio l pleasantly with friends lo petrolla cliurcb at tor tho ploasant and barznorjioub asaoola tloqa of tho post yoara dnrlug wbioh wo havo xcjolcod in your prosperity it is with sluaoro foolinrs of regret tbat wo now part from you and your estimable wife wo all join heartily la wishing jou godnpood in your nowapheroof labor and trust that god will abundantly pros tor you and your family and enrich you with n spiritual blosslpgg flignod in bohalf of tbo congregation j a mclicnlan jiuks bnovt n tllomab eahton jiltkb ftloollk a e nloklin a t bbowk u bnxxns i tnuncie h p ma orb jab afcliau alhx a 8eoord aotou july 05th 1638 dr uren made a feeling reply referring to the pleasant associations ot himself and airs uren with the members of the con gregation he characterized the eight years spent in aoton as the happiest ot his life and in many respects regretted the olronmbtances wbioh necessitate the severing of the cordial ties of christian fellowship which have existed he felt however that tbe oll to a wider sphere of nsefulnees was one which demanded reiponse and be hoped to be more faithful and of greater service in bis new home and surroundings the doctor was followed by a number of ftbo members of the congregation and out side friends all of whom apoke of the regret felt at the removal of dr and mrs uren from aoton refreshments and social conversation concluded the interesting proceedings ftl canbon the french ambassador at washington who acted as intermediary between spain and the united states in bringing about a sasponaionof hostilities ill pay a vialt to toronto shortly the plebiscite campaign hilton prohibitionlali met hen do sat urday to organlza or tbo ploblaclto cim- ptigo the ttendtnoe wu not lugs bnt a number of tbe moat prominent fforknn ol the oonnty were on haod so fex the oaropaigd is not hot in halton and tliere are no indications that it will be particular ly ao aa nothing baa been heard of any looal anti prohibition organization the rota in thia oonnty ii likely to be light and though the prohibitionlata may get a majority of the votea polled it will trouble them to poll a majority ot those on the lleu milton champion while differing on some points from tbe position nanally taken by ibe cliampion we have generally oonaldered its arguments fair from its standpoint on thlsoooaaion however it is evidently unlilr in fainting tbat the prohibitionists are not likely to poll a majority of the votea on tbe h w tb ct readers whon there was ever an eteotion ot any kind politloal or otherwise in halton connty when any party or oanbe seonied a majority of tbe votes on the voters liila barely in its anxiety lest prohibition nay be overwhelmingly adopted the champion will not expect lmposalbilitiea auboelio- noo on prohibition in halton in janniry 189a the probibitioniats secured a major ity of 1429 votes bnt we question if even tbat luge majority gave them a majority of tho votes on tbe hats yes no are you in favor of the passing of an act pro hibiting the importation manufacture or sale of spirits wine ale beer cider and all other alcoholic liquors for use as beverages x on saturday while jlmmie hanbndge aged nine years vua carryingfloroo wood he tripped and fell breaking hie arm at tho wrist mr robert talbot who cut bis band sqjr4lyjsgmew3ekberqhfts goneto gaelph to spend two weekb with hib mother a number of mr james blacks ever- ton friends havo been down to book wood to seo him he suffers considerably from his injuries we hope he will recover soon so that he will be able to be moved home among our visitors last week were mr and mrs hortop eden mills at the old borne uaetons of nebraska at mr henrys hr robt moeinnon guelph and mr and mrs b sewell llramosa at mr john grindells mrs john currie who has spent two months with her mother in rochester is homeagsin jvierit not founded on merit is valueless when we set forth our claims in cold type it is because we seek your business and in reaching out for your businebs we make ourselves alive to its requirements your needs are sure of being met here no lack in quality or value piiojvxptness whether your order be large or small promptness in the execution of it is one of our cardinal principles no delay no doubt no anxiety we are a dependable source to all who favor us with their patronage tsttt t a rtt t reliable in the manufacture and in prices consistent with xiuuxixulx a- honest quality no deception no trickery no two prices but one price to all and that price as low as honest merchandise can be sold for the preeminent position we occupyas the leading dry goods house of this city is not going to be sacrificed by any deviationirom our fixed principles by adhering to them as strictly as ever together with the immense ancl splendid stock of merchandise arriving at this store we aim to not only retain our old customers but to make many new ones only one price gc b ryan co cuelph berlin and owen sound fockwood mark ypur ballot as aboe thb torontoqlobes tribute to the business of the canada olova works aa conducted by w h storey son 103 members enrolled the free library continues to qrow in popularity and readers the monthly session ot the free library board was bold on monday oveoloff id ibe library room members present j b pearson chair man tbo t moore rer j a ho- litoblan m a rev j k qoddan m a and h 1 moore the supply committee passed seconal o j2 77 for snndry supplies and expemea daring the montb the report ot tbe librarian for aogast showed an enrollment of 14 new members daring tbe month total now enrolled ids the books laaned in aagaat aggregated 814 in tbe following classes fltatory 52 biography 10 voyages and travels 85 science and art 1 qeneral ijiterataro d7 keligioaslueietnrelo foetry7 flo i ion 143 t flpa r w 13 upon motion tbe report was adopted oeneral aatlafaollon was expressed with the marked interest manifested iu ibe library during the snmmer months sod all tbs members present voiced the feeling tbat tbe library ie likely to be aperroatltna and profitable inatltatlon of the town after general dlaonsslon relative to matters of interest to the library the board adjonrned at nine oolook thetravellar by tbe g t e passing the prehyfownof aoton on tbe main line weat of toronto oannot fail to notloe a fine bntlding wbioh towers above its sur roundings this lathe headquarters of tbe storey glove work a oonoern whose bual noes operations covtr tbe dominion it la only however aa one makes a personal inspection of the itotory that its impor tance oan be eatluastod nearly 300 wage- earnera are hera working f nil time all tbe week lnolnding saturday and recently all hands have been compelled by press of orders to work overtime the output com prises gloves mitts rnoeoaains travelling bags eta polly twotbirds of the beeoti fqllyflnlehed itook required is tanned by the firm and this wenree exoellenoe from start to finish mocha goods continue popular but buoda is talcing tbe place of the former is a popular priced lino a little over two years ago tbe arm began putting a line of travelling bag on the market and now this feature of tbelr trade baa so increased in volume 4bat tbelr travellers bave oeased booking orders and this will excite no idrprise to those who know how neatly and substantially every thing is made that bears the storey trade mark tbe whole factory ia a modal of neat ness and convenience every flat ia wall milton the ministers and leading laymen of tbe rllitriot met in tbe methoiiet ohurorr on tuesday on district business the county council wa in session here on tuesday mrs john stewart arrjved home last week from a four months trip on tbe conti nent during her absence mrs stewsrt ana her party visited great britain france italy germany norway and sweeden mrs stewart enjodd ber trip immensely and looks the better for ii at a meeting of tbe idilton mnbloal auooialion last week the following officers wereeleoted for the year president w a lawrence vicepres jas holllurake seoy trees b l hematroet ex com t wilson jas a frnzor d dewar geo snmevcbioholm ibe epworth leagao convention on tuesday evening and wednesday was qolte aenooosa largo pembcre of young people ihrougbout tbediatriot were present ballinafad sunday ovenlng naa oonaeoration nlht in the gbriatian endeavor arid a large number were present the meeting was in charge of mies moooll mr fowlie jr preaohod in mr milnes place here wbilo mr milne took the work in erin itev mr atcheson is the gneat ot mr bdtilne mrs milnoandgbildrenarespend- lag a few days in toronto ventilated and lighted by eleoiritity the a number from here took ia the power that propels ibe long ranks of sewing and other machinery is steam the whole being generated by one ol goldie moonl looks perfect wbeelook engines certainly canadians need never fear comparison with tbe wide world when each an industry aa this at aoton is in the field as a oompetltor for here everything is up todate in materiel design and finish tbe only objection tbat can possibly be raised being that the storey goods are eo honest ly made tbat they will not wear out bnt bave to be discarded in good form in order tbat new ones oan be bought daffy globe thb expor but trade canadas export hotter trade seems to be growing in importaooe every week mot only is this lbs oiao in regard to the inoreased export bnt in regard to tbe quality of the ontpnl e ery week brings the yukons output major walshs estimate for this year and next dawson overpopulated sxattut aug 30 major 3 m wejiu exoommiisloner oltbo xasondlttrlot who has arrived hers from dawson en route lo ottawa to make btsoffloiel report estimat es this seasons gold output at 11000000 wliila be oltanqp for next year will un doubtedly aggregate a000000o he predicts tbat further developments in the xtikon will go beyond tbe expecta tions of everybody cooosrnlpg tbs situation at dawakd major fvalsh said tbe district in tbs tioinityof pawsori is overnoaalattd by about 10000 people and they mntl sitter move out tetl prospect new territory or lean lbs dlstriot with it new evidence of tbe growing favor of canadian butter in great britain tbia season tbs report that canadian but ter is equal in quality to tbe best danish or that it baa sold for aa blgh a price at the danish comes to na from aoross tbs water more frequently than it did last year a few tears ago it waa hard to find canadian butler quoted in any of tbe british market exchangee but now cana dian butter la beooming a familiar term in many of tbe leading market reviews all this is conclusive evldenoe tbat canadian butler is gaining a foothold and a pretty strong one al that injbe markets of great britain tbs dsvetopement ot any una of trade and especially of the xport trade la very nsuob like themovlog of a large body down an inollne when it cels a good start it goes on increasing its momentum of its own acoord so it is witb tbs exportation of canadian batter bylaws ban bean carried at owen bound to rsduoe tbat number of councillors and to borrow 10000 for street improve ments lord obarlea bsrnford left london for cblna on friday be goes to investigate inveatroedt prhptoti aa oommlsalonsr of tbs associated chambers of commerce of gnat britain sports in erin on friday and report having a good time mrs momohol of alton has returned borne after spending a while witb friends here mrs d cook spent a few days last week irs toronto quite a number from bare took in tbe oixcua in georgetown on thursday mrs sohrlmpling of ghloago was tbe gneit of mra brown last week miaa m collier baa returned to erin after a visit with her aunt aoton boya want lo look out or hlllabnrg boya will be ahead yet ibe garden party at lit it shorlills waurjultea suocese and no donbt if tbe evening hsd been more fayorablo a larger orosd would have been present tbere waualso disappointment in some ot the talent not arriving bnt thois who took para were heartily received and were aa follows hens maophqrson milne and atobeson and dr hamilton of erin were apeakers a solo by mrs maopheracii aoton doet by miaa brown and mn sohrlmpling bstlllnafad oomlo songs by mr ttlaonagan aoton violin muaio ey the stiortlll brothers and erin brass band whioh we all thank very muoh proceeda about 40 the fall pairs list of the exhibitions for the comma- fall fair season industrial toronto aug 30 to bept 10 western london bept 8 to 17 vyehealsy welleeloy bept 18 u northern wslkertour sept- u 15 southern bradford sept 17 to 33 eortioullural preston sept 30 31 33 owen sound owen sound sept 20 31 centre wellington feraiai sept 82 aa korth psrtb stratford sept 33 33 degassing georgetown bept 38 cmirs brqoe peleley sept 37 38 south grsy durham sept 37 38 jti prempton bept 38 3d girasfras belwood sept 3d 80 halton milton sept 30 so ettvoss softwood cet 11 13 grids furbookton cot u 13 eilnerln oot 18 14 mr james black eramosa on bis way to gnelpb labt friday morning with a load of pigs was rather unfortunate his horses ran away coming down tbe hill toward rookwood the pole came down and ho wab pitohod out breaking hia leg at the ankle mr blaoka farm is opposite tbat of tho perrins whose accidents in a runaway last veek were so serious mr e harrib ot tbe village was married on the 10th august fo miss argae of solina the happy couple after a pleabant trip came to rookwood on thnrsday last and will take np houso here the art sooial waa a great success in every way and the promoters of tbia soheme to aid the pnbllo library are thoroughly satisfied with tho proceeds juat as those who attended tbe sooial were with the display the oolleotion of piotarep o was as large as could conveniently be plaoed in the hall and tbe arrangement was very pleafiing among the contributors to the display of plotnree were tbo following dr btirton gaelpb bad three piotures done in oils whioh at one time were ex hibited at the koyal aoademy london mr shaw toronto bad a large collection of aketchob jn water oolors eome of wbioh be took from eubjeots around rookwood mr w wood bad a number of fine pen- andink sketches miss strangopontribnted several fine crayon sketches miss a gerow exhibited several oils and pen and- ink work miaa o oconnor showed a number of soeriea in oils mrs barry bad soversl visws done in oil miasl congblin contributed a number of soenea in oils mial f lee bad a number of eoenea done in oils mr livingstone showed some fine steel engravings and oil paintings mr e stout had several crayon sketohes and mr w harris showed some fine crayon work also a number ot family portraits in oil andorayon were also on exhibition and some photographs of oar old residents taken in their youth some very fine collection of ourlos and heirlooms were lo be seen several personal belongings of dr david livingstone tbs great african explorer were exhibited by mr livingstone these were his overcoat penknife diary and books owned by him mr jslin ramsay had a fine oolleotion of coins miss hamilton bad a large eaae ol onrioa in- oludlng a piece of the battleship malno several starfish and some floe apeoimens of ooral and other articleb brought from florida mrs e stout exhibited some very old engllah cblna a dock one hundred and twenty yesra old the property of mr john burns and still beeping good time wastbere there was a gnat variety of indian relics owned by different parties mr p lee bad a collection ot coins and old american banknotes mr j e harris bad soma very old books and mr w harris a oolleotion ot ooins mrs w murray had onrios from australia this gives but a faint idea of tbe display tbe exhibit made as we are unable to give a description ot all the collections bnt it was surprising tbe amount of material that could be gathered for auoh an exhibition in and around a small village like this a programme was given eaoh evening before and after wbioh people were given an opportunity to view the piotorea thursday evening tbe pro gramme was supplied by the methodist aholr asalsted by miss moartbnr and mr lieobman ot brookville mr livingstons was chairman and gavs an acoonnt of how affairs stood with tho public library on friday evening mr hngh blaokwaaoualr- man rev mr cranston gave an address on tbs benefits to be derived from use of tbe publlo library and mr j straoban greht midsuwier cl6kring shle we purpose clearing out all our spring and summer goods to make room for our fall importations it will be to your advantage to grasp some of the great bargains we are offering here are some of our specials all wool serge dress goods in cverv shade regular price 35c sale price 2jc taney brocaded dress goods regular price 50c sale price 25c a large variety of dress costumes regular price 85 50 bale price 84 00 dress costumes regular price 88 oo sale price 85 75 dress costumes regular price 812 00 sale price 8840 a great assortment of pnestly s black dress goods in plain and fancy brocade from 25c t yard up i ancy piqus muslins regular price 20c sale price 12jc crum s best english prints regularprice i2jc sale price 10c a large ariety of prints wide vidth3 and best cloths for 5 7 10c checked muslins 5c worth 8 to 10c ladies cotton hose guaranteed fast colors at 5 10 15 20 25c ladies cotton vests in cream and white 5 fl 10 15 25 35c ltdies white underwear cheaper than the material can be bought for ladies coisets all sizes all prices all makes a few print and muslin blouses to be cleared at half price parasols a good variety to choose from to be sold at 25 discount bargains in fine highclass tailoring we have a number of fine suitings trouserings etc to be cleared at cost of production stylo tit and finish positively guaranteed bargains in gents turnishings hats caps etc taney straws at half price bargains in summer clothing bargains in men s youths and boys ready to wear clothing bicycle suns etc specihl we haie n number of odd pants regular price si 25 hi 50 and 82 00 o be cleared at 85c 81 00 and f 1 25 this is a genuine bargain sale our space will not permit us to enumerate further but call and see for yourself the prices have been cut ill two in every department we extend a cordial invitation to one and all to come early no trouble to show goods whether you purchase or not remember the place jiltln adbertisenteitts wanted- 1nduh1 ittoub man of character to travol nil appoint ocouta unitary aud oxpeuiaa poul huadluy aakkktbon companx limited toronto dress mantle making miss atkinson guelntlriuldldb with mr aioz maud hovvor avonuo is prepared to do fat h tollable drcaa and mantlo malting cither at homo or by tho day as donlrod agents i am just btartliir tlio boat thing or uionoy making you havo neon for many davy our namo and aildrom will bring tho golden information t h linsoott toronto foe sale douiuje brick bouse si by do eovon roomi in aaoli rood oollam hard and 10ft water largo lot no 10 jain btrot acton alio good btablo terms csy apply to john coraoroa architect or lotuo owner o wells r evcrton p o agents moit cpmpleta blatory published our book contain about 700 pagoi over 100 lllastra- tloni and la to opeap it oil a on ajpht agtmti coining money with tytha last fow days writs thb warwlth spain is oyor wo havo tbo moit flpmploto blatory i i ns n quick for information bradley gaiuietbon company limited toionto the pmce of meat owing to tho scarcity of gstflle and tho eon tinaod high priooi of aanae tbe butchers ot acton havo deolded to advance the prices of meat on and after saturday 3rd september at followi steak 13 oenta boaat beef 10 to 1 conta lamblqtoiaownte eb collinb e eolston joyce be others cajbdjjfjtjrunks the members of tho crockinole club desire to express tbelr atneerost tbanbi to tlio fabb pttbbb and to all who havo from time to tlmeio willingly tktm part in their entertain mente and enabled tbo olab to reach tbo ana ceebfnl ollmax to wbioh tbev have now arrived the able aasutanco acoorded baa been appreel ated by tbo momberi of the club generally w williams preildent j a muiuiay see rotary aoton ang 30th 1806 house and lot f sal tbat dealrablo residential property on bower avenuo and wilbur streets opposite tbo methodlat panonaeo on wbioh la erected a comfortable six roomod roughoait bonnj with woodabod detached good cistern excellent gmr don a number of fruit trees well fenced the wholo in a good atate of repair liberal termi to suit purobaaor for particulars apply to b i moore fbbe pnbsa office aoton farm iqr sale west half lot concession 1 town lin of erin 100 acres 88 under cultivation balanoe wooded tiarge stone house with wood on addition dank bamaoxm with shod wall cistern and neverfalllpg atroam good orabaud of apploa pears and plums balf milt from post office and church good schools will be sold on his own terms to reliable purchaser mrs dookray ib mercer street toronto county judges court of revision notfoe la hereby given tbat a court will be held pnnuant to tbe votera jjlat act by xitat act by hia bonor tbo jndfieof tbe connty court of the county of halton at the town hall acton on the 7th day or september 1 898 at 4 oclock p m to bear and determine tbe several complaints of errors and omissions in the voters list of tbe municipality of aotou for all persona bavins business at the court avxe required to attend avt the said time and place dated 23rd day or august 1898 z tt moore clerk of tbo said municipality georgetowns live8t store gibson 7vnijhr oo robjblock 7ut35in st corct01flzis produoe taken in exohange every day bargain day here could not dress alone a novasootlan farmer tells of his i suffering f flhouma tlsmand how he found relief sang sersrai one uooiod airs ug oalorday night tbers wis the largeat attendance of the tbras nlxbta mr e b jackson sang father oflynn mr j straoban gave a fine radiation and sang a song entitled fannls moore wbioh he aaiarsd he andlsnoe waa even older than himself but everyodo enjoyed it nevertheless mr j b harris was ohalrman a booth waa one of tbe attractions of lbs social yihsre taffy bananas and bouquets were sold and a aideshow waa another indaoement to part with shekels on saturday night the oommlitee of ibe library deaervs a great deal of praise for the way they oondnoted this affair and for the intereat thai- take in the library a all times were it not for the time tbey devote to it it woald hardly exist at all let alone bave the exoellent op- todate stock of books it has bar it w bosnian fb d gave a lecture in tbe town ball on monday evening entitled footprints ot bam a large number attendvd a garden patty i to be held at the manse grounds by the presbyterian oboroh tbia evening september 1st bars holdeo ol bookwood sharp p eramoaa macpber- aon of aoton and qlassford ol gaelpb will be present mr j straohaoaod mr e v jackson will sing and an orohaetra will be present prom the bridgewator n b entorprlio soon offering aa rheumatism oauaaa ibe victim upon whom it fastens itself is almost unendurable only those who writhe nnder its pans can imagine tbo joy ot one who bas been freed from its terrors mr 3 w 1olkenham ot new elm n s is one of those who have been released from palo and who bellevea it hia duty to let others know how a core oan be foond mr folk- enham li a farmer and like all who follow this ardoons bat honorable oalting ia eub- jeot to muoh exposure it was this expos- are that brought on his trouble and oanaed blm so raaoh suffering before be was rid of it he aays in tho spring ol 1807 i contracted rheumatism throughout the wholo inmroer i suffered from it and about the ural of october i beoame so helpless i oonld not get out ot the homo the palna were located in my nip aud back and what i suffered oan hardly be expressed i beoame so helpless i ooald not drett myswlt withont aid eventually the trouble aprtad to my handa and arma and at timet these would lose all feeling drawinga and become useless in november i began nslng dr williams fink fills and otter taking foar boxes began to improve after nalng alz botes the pains and aoreneas had all gone and i waa able to do a bard days work i intend nslng a few moro bozoa aa a precautionary measure and i would literary notes the september number ot the delinea- tor ia called tho number and is always an important one on account of the oponlng of tho antumn businoas tho oontents ot the number are of such general interest tbat they will attract all taates tbe artiole on insom nia ana its treatment is particularly worthy ot attention tbere will be found a great viriety ot bright and interesting reading ip addition to the large volume of fashion platee etc order from the looal agent for butteriok patterns or address the delineator publishing oo ol toronto limited oil bidhmond st west toronto out subscription pnoo of the delinea tor 1 00 per year tingle ooplei 15 oenta a scotsman himself bev william wye smith ot sc oitharinea ontario filves tho readers of the chautauquan or septem ber a wonderful insight into scotliah oharaoter la his obaraoterlstica of scot tish people anna botaford goraatook one ot tho moat popular contributors to this megazioo writes for thla number in her happy intoreatlng style a paper on inseot musicians illustrated by her own alma ladies college opens for eighteenth year septembeu sth parents should consider tho groat id- vantage to the mental moral and social training of their daughters to bo dorltbd through a course in c residential chris tian aohool ulu alma college bt thomas ont for fnll information address rev ri warner ma prlnolpal e ad i th s f painful tronbls to give dr williams pink fills a fair trial and be made well dr wllllaoav fink pills oure by going to tbe root of the disesse tbsy rensw and build np tbe blood and strengthen tbe nerves thus driving disease from the system avoid imitations by insisting that every box yon purohase is enclosed in a wrapper bearing the fnll trade mark dr williamt pink pilla for palo people justavna wlokateed formerly law olerk of tbe honac of commons died friday morning at tho ripe sge of 08 yeara anl 8 months having been born in december 1709 amorloan troopi at chattanooga atoned ten nflin pwhir tn wlh in revflngft lor the death of a nonoommfssioned ofaoera at tbe htnds ol another colored man bring your custom logs in and take f he lumber home with you easter lilies florida la the home of tbe famona castor lily during the blooming eeaaon in some pieces ttie ground is almoat wlilte with their beanllf ol lllywhite flowers and thousands of them are picked by tbe color ed children and carried to market before oomlng north i bad a una lot of illy bnlbt dog end brought tbom with me j they make lovely b6caplaote and are sore to bloom any one who would like two or three of these illy bulbe can have them by tending- a stamp to pay postage yon are indeed vsry weloometcseod as i oan gat more wbsn i relnrn to florida next fall address mrs f a warner saginaw east side miob benbsh morgan of frankford oommit- ed sulolde by drowning on friday skygrs lumber planing mills nassakaweya rjttle pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness dad taste in the mouth coated tongue rain in tho side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 8mall phi small dose 8mall price substitution tbo florid of tho day see you get carters abk for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills bargains in leape before stocktaking and in order to make room for new foods we will sell our wall aper at greatly reduced prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as jncindoinz poles and wihdoslu shhdes p sayebs proprietor has constantly on hand a full lino of lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood llto custom logs and bill stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching done to the best of satisfaction prices very cheap and tnade to suit the customers pocket p sayers agents book buslnsaa la better than for yeara past also have better and faster sslllog boots agents elnariukfrain 10 to a0 weekjr a law leaders srs tlnaen vlotorla llle of ur aiadatans bible btorlss pro- gresaive speaker klondike gold fields woman auanrees of tbs unseen dreai- faait dinner andtbnpper tl ib uuarsjbuj hi books on time biudlkyoaw1htbqn oo umlttd totonto the modern grocer being he larg est makers of refrigerators in canada wo make several lines of grocers ind household refrigerators in rrtany styles and sizes modern isn design with best principle of dry cool air clr culahon best in nlatioh and line lined why buy a horn e made or poorly i m i madfl article when yon can cot atnptodnte refrigerator for less money r for prices and description send for catalogue knowlos horn ft nott oo limited brantford for sale by john m bono co guelph a t browtf get your lyps tested rubber stamps foil flos itubber blarnps pads lek eto wits to quo curry a oo king bt east toronto we have a gradu ate optician a pupil of dr owen of detroit who is thor oughly competent to fit the most difficult case savace co jewellers guelph