Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1898, p. 3

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tub bank of hamilton hiilu officii hamilton capital all paid up s 1 25000000 reserve fund 77500000 total assets i 110914400 hourly ton millions ol dollars a g hamhay vlaorrobldoat board of directors ohnstuaut prosldont geo roach jour 1liootou a t wood au lke toronto wm gtuhon mi tuhnbullcubaltr ii 8 8teveh abst oasmor h m watson insrootor georgetown agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial lapor generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings dspartment deposits of 8i and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether passbook is brought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums jp beii- agent georgetown the news at home mqrtly of a looal criaraoter and every item interesting ont sdje utart jfae fms thuksday september 1 1898 little lo b which caught tlio eyes or ears of free press reporters this week tub sbws tho katfdtd says it aa plain as canbo and tho crlobots are sidsing it uuder tbo troc id tho astors blue oyos you may road tw ebdjo hint jubt as clearly as if you bad boon it in print and tbo corn slsus it too as it waves in tbo bun tbo autumn is bore aadeuuimor is done sohools reopen today iabor dy next ofonday two weaka moro for fishing boys oonnoil meeting next monday evening la your subscription paid in advnoe glorious weather for the fair tbis week toronto exhibition is already attract- ing orowdb septemberfirst aotnmn months nintb of the year the volume of travellers and summer visitors continues the welcome mnsic of tho sohool bells is regularly board again guelph bnslnebs gpllego will roopen on toesday gib september miltons rate of taxation for this year will be- 10 j mills od tbo dollar mr c b patterson has boon gazetted olerkof the oakvllle division court youll and a copy of the plebisoito ballot in another columns study it the fhee pnkss to any address on be continent to the end of the year for 25 cents vote for prohibition and help to nave your neighbors boys four weeks from today yon can have the fbee fuebm visit yoa every week till the cud of the year for a quarter tba toronto fair hill be the mecca for tens of tbottssods of pilgrims this week and next fetries fioo new bibyole track at gnelph will be opened with a series of races on monday labor day the lawns and flower beds bavo freshened up wonderfnlly lines the dry spell was broken a oouple of weeks ago the term at 0 a 0 guelpb opens on rept 2ctb instead of oct 1st as form- erly and wiir close at easter instead of in june mr havilis plats glass was insured with the lloyds plate glass insurance go the company baa replaced the broken plate the noted tea store and china palace guelpb baa somotbing attractive to say respeoting dinner sots in another column miss atkinson of guelph w tke orders for dress and mantle making at tbo boms of ber brotherinlaw mr alex maod bower avenue rsv mr locks officiated at st albans last sunday hie supervision of tbs affairs of the cboroh during tbo innumbents absence was very satisfactory mr pan kennedy was awarded first prize for white wheat and first prize for new variety of whits wheat at the annnal seed fair at gaelpb last saturday ills new variety is ths early arcadian merit promptness and reliability are oharaoterlatip principles open wbioh g b ryap 4 co of qualpb conduct their business these principles- are elaborated in their large advertisement in another oplmrin mr william molepd of georgetown has been appointed returning officer for the county for tbs plebiscite election the deputy betnrnidg offioera for aoton are county councillor havlll and division court clerk monabb a member of the connoll who is also a member of ths park committee stated to pluwpaxaa represenlatlve on satnr- day evening after lbs lacrosse match that the conduct and language of a number of the visiting players doting the game was disgraceful in the extreme a considerable charge against the department of agrlooltore was rnado in the flopas at toronln isuil week far feeding an enjoyable private recital a dolightful piano recital was onjuyed at mooreorolt last evepiuu by a bmall oompaoy of friends tho artist was mr willie itill of toledo ohio who with his father mr james 0 hill are guests at tha home of our venerable citizen 0 t hill erq mr bill is one of the llrat pianist of his city having graduated undor tbo best teaohers of the stato ho is equally at home with olassioal or popu lar selections his interpretation of the muslo rendered is purfent and hie manner is highly pleabing and entertaining a vancouver groom and ail acton bride on mouday afternoon a quiet wedding jook plaoe at tho residence of mrs janet macphoreon whero ber daughter agnes was united in marrlago to mr f r mod russell of the firm rubsoii rubssii darrietorsvunooaver b c the cere mony was performed by the brides brother rov h a mophersod of knox oburob acton in the presenoe of a few immediate friends among the latter wore rg maopheraon of vancouver b cmr and mrs mokenzle misj gil- qhrist hamilton and mrs jwst jpbn parkdalo after luncheon mr and mrs itussell left on tbecli p ml train for newcastle n b where they will spend a few weekb before proceeding to tbeirfuturo home in vancouver b c the numerous friends of the bride in acton extend heart iest congratulations honors to xev father feeny rev father feeny of st josephs cburob attended the anunal boseion of the ontario provinoial conrt of the catbolio- order of foresters at brantf ord thesoene of his former labors last week he was a delegato from the conrt- ol st basil jbrantford referring to bis oonneotion with the sooiety there the courier says rev father feeny was one of the first promoters and a charier membor of st easics court aud was the beloved chaplain of tho order during his residence in brant- ford though promoted in bit oburob to a parish of his own at aoton and no longer a resident here father feeny still keepb op his oonneotion with thecourt and 1b the representative to tho present elgh court at the election of officers ol tbnhigh conrt for the eneulng year father feony was elected provinoial trusses jkcton prohibition awtoctation a number of aotive temperaucs workers met in the town hall last friday evening and organized for the plebiscite campaign mr h p mooro vicepresident of the county association explained the objects of the gathering and the election of off oere was proceeded with and resulted as follows president rev h a maopberson sec retary treasurer h p moore assistant septreaa t j edmleton finance committee john cameron and james brown a couple of public meetings will be held at wbioh prominent local and out side speakers will be present a union aboir for the public meetings will be arranged the following young ladies were appointed to distribute litoratore bearing upon the question at issoa misses fyfe qrindell hill laird clara moore may moore maggie matthews mepbail annie btepbonaon bonio wallace warron and maggie wilson the next meeting will be heh in the connoil chamber tomorrow evening at 8 ooiook all friends of the oanse are cordially invited to be prebent a chnrmlnt parlor tvoililnsj the guelpb daily mercury gives the following particulars of a pretty wedding in guelph last wednesday a very pretty parlor wedding was consummated at 6 ooiook last evening when mr win dowdy fomrth son of ex- mayor thomas gowdy vas united in the bonds of holy matrimony lomssmamf e hblthes daughter of mrl marshall holmes moffat the interesting event took plaoe at the residence of th e brides grandmother mrs morrison strange street rev r j m qlassfard performing the ceremony in tbo presenoe of some ib or 80 guests the bride who looked very attractive in a gown of white organdie trimmed with laoe and carrying a beaatifnl shower boaqnet of oreaca roses was assisted by ber eister miss barbara holmes the latter was becomingly attired in white muslin over pals bine silk marjorie scott of gait the maid of boner was dressed in white mr torn gowdy assisted tho groom the bride was given away by her father while hits miohie played the wedding march tha contracting partioa at the ssme lime taking their placer beneath a bell and hprseshoo of golden rod coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother poraonal imotea tlo piikfo ruksfl luvitos all 1u roadara to con tributo to thin column if you or your frloudh aro tfolug away ou a holiday trip or if you bavo irlonda visiting you droi a card to tlio pjikh piiess mb3 jonhio elliott 1b vinitinr friends id cobourg mr e k cook of palermo is visiting bit father mr jx d graham vie i tod frienda in brio is at friday mrs james hydcr vibited rolutivcti in quolph laet week mib9 dertia spoifibt epoot a day or bo in toronto this week miea xillio hautfld left on saturday to visit friends in qualpb mias lviyrtlo matthews has boon viailiog ftiendb in georgetown the paat week mr o c speight ia in toronto ibis week atteudingthe hiflb court i o f miba mabel kelaoy of waterdotrn ii yiattjflrta the home of rov b b cook mias ilattio thurston returned jet week from gor visit to relatives at hprnby mios ada franois returaed to her stadias at woodstock baainefia college yesterday mrri warren of tba ihrau georfie- kown spent monday at hia fathers home mrbkjerriflon of toronto was a gaest at the home of 5jr t7 l t past week mr samael johnston and mies delia of torouto visited acton frienda this week xr wii lowry of gaelpb epeut last friday among familiar scenes in lila old towo miss jjixxio ojcfim went lo toronto last week to spend a month with friends there miaa aggie armstrong of grand valley spent several days this week with frienda in town dlbgh1n1tn6m it tays to buy al bollcrts u pays to buy at bollcrts to- say we have exceeded all previous efforts mildly expresses our preparations for the coming season a more pleasing or satisfactory collectionof black dress fabricsvould be hard to find r from three centres rnris iondcn tlcrliiu nhl fashinj stllr prliwlys i voc kjkiiftil alrirf a pirrwt in sjtvk nn lnrilialilyiifihlkn tills siatjiii lint that la nulililruriiioncsof tijiuro oml dumgillty of weave in nrp and small ilcsiffns matalnsso effect armurcs and pcltlilc ontlis ore unequalled idea in ther ilrajiing iialilics chic aijd siylisliiii the iirncln tlity jitld 80000 visitors to the modtl farm guelpb in once investigation showed that ibe elaborato lunohes provided cost the extravagelt sum of sli oonts eaol ths gall jtefumcr its entered upon its flflielh year it list been a snooessfnl journal has an honsrable history and today exerts a wide influence mr laidlaw the experienced journalist at present in control bis caused the ntyormtr to taks rapid strides in the pathway toward success and influence the home of mr and mrs mitchell cooper has been sadly bereaved in the past eleven rhooths dutlna wfaleh tlmo three of thel children have died on thursday ismtaiytls boy of four jears was taken from the home the cause of death being inflammation conpled vtllh an attack of tho measles georglown7vmm theltdles of mala nd mill street fe plonlo party this year ijarsaurioi rrnviio mrs john jleiffiber isrtlalw hrtisgrrlljji while the solemn words were being pro nounced afterwards tho company repair ed to the lawn where a most tempting wedding breakfast was thoroughly edjoycd the bappy couple left an the evening train for the east after a trip to montreal and tbo thousand islands they will take np house on mclagos street among the guests present from a distance were mr mrs and the misses mcoalg colllngwood mr and mrsl j jearly norvalt mrs symone misses minnie and nellio holmes aoton missos hodgson nassagaweya mr f soott miss mcqueen gait mrs d moeodzio montana mist b holmes georgetown saturday xaerosse ttuteh that the crescents are winners was again demonstrated on saturday by tbo large and enthusiastic crowd of spectators who turned ont to witness tbs game be tween the credits of glenwllllann and the home team the credits are champions of their district and have been playing fast lacrosse all season bat whether from fear of humiliation by a team who have only bad six weeks practice or by a longing desire to wipe the aoton boys off tne fate of the earth they brought with tbem four of ths georgetown ietnas namely cor- oelt bradley savalls and watson the pick of the team the two teams lined np about 1 ooiook and the gams commenc d w in i a m w c oo tioo the oresoents scored the first goal land kept the ball rolling till the visitors danoed to tha tans of j goals to 0 fi through it was one of the f attest and most exciting games ever witnessed on aoton grounds ths crescents oonsidering ths ehorttime they bays bean practicing are certainly playing fast lacrosse and in ths game on saturday their oomblnatloii was worthy of the highest applause thls makes ths fourth conseonllve victory for the bojrs and the demand seems to be for a team fast enongh to play with tbem the players in saturdays jamo were as follows jvcinifl aobbdits noal w etanmont point a tjesnmonl cover point bavalle 1st defence watson sad defsnoo srd defenoe eentre srd home end borne 1st home crjemmkts v bwaekbamer anion smith fxsd syder a b ourney hnooli fitatham it beott will btetham oarloa williams bd ryder wrn ourney vnuk jfolntosh outsldo borne x wllllsms inside homo t momoiler acted as bold osptlio for tbo vlillflrs while geo stalbam offloltted in lh asms capacity for tbs home team referee dr lawson tallan blaekstoek bradley norton oovnotte forgraves i soott p allan iissiviv v- beeve vvriggleaworth and itlobard dick esq wore in town on official busipess on saturday mr j a ellis of toronto was for several days during tbo week a gaebt at mooreoroft mr and mrs w a murray vlbited at the homo ol mr a l hemstreel trafal gar last week mr thoe ryder of plainfiold k y left yesterday after spending afewdaya at f mothers home mr thomaa morrison who has been ill for several mouths is gradually improving in health mrs sanderson and babe of grand valley bavo been guests during tho week of ex0oaaclllor iamond mr a c campbell and mies matheson of guelpb were guests at the homo of mr william gurney tbis week mr john warren who has bceu ill for several weebs is now rapidly recovering and has been ont driving this week mr james g hill and bis son mr willie hill arrived at the old home from toledo ohio on tuesday morniug mrs d b freeman of west lome bse beon visiting old frlendoand the acoaea of ber girlhoods days the pabt week mrs w b molaughlin and little daughter of niagara falls n v are visiting at thehome of mr joseph holmes mr andrew warren of st lonlsr mo was a gaeat for eoveral days this week at the home of bis brother john warren esq dr itobortsons many friends will bo glad to learn that he ib gradually recover ing and is now- able to up milton reformer rov j k oodden m a and mra godden returned on monday after spend- fng a month at carleton flace and other polntsesst mr james wrrend l 8 qf walkcr- qon was in town over sunday visiting his brother exwarden warren who is still in poor health mrs j h mitten and ohildrcn lef t on monday morning for an extended visit to friends in montreal richmond portland and other places east mr h p moore left this morning for toropto to attend the qnadrennial session of the general conference the session will laetabool th w mr and mrs thos keuney ndiss gertnde rscc and mr angus johnson of johabt9wrjny arrived here on tueeday and will spend a week or bo in acton mrs bsmuel smith of sarnla was a guebt at fninlow flace this week mrb smith and her family were amongst aotons early and mpst osteemed bottlers mr and mrs thomas momackon bavo been at hlgngats visiting in their sons borne there for several keeks thoy will not return to aoton until mr david momaokon returns from a trip he has taken to manitoba mr ed dnncan of cobourg formerly bf milton arrived iu town last friday evening on a visit to old acqniinlanees be left town again tuesday forenoon intending to visit aoton friends before returning boms ifebrmer bev mr choyne of koox college who occupied tha pulpit of knox charon during itev mr macphersons vacation and who relieved itev a blair d a nassagaweya for a sabbath returned to his home in hamilton on saturday mr e r boilert has returned from europe where be made extensive drygoods parohases he reports having had a pleasant trip despite a little rough weather while away lie met hon sidney fisher and prof robertson of ottawa guelph mercury mt7 priestleys highclass lressgoodb is- confined exclusively- to this store and our leadership in black dress goods is undisputed no idea of our comprehensive assortment or the rich and elegant fabrics can be conveyed in these columns nothingshort of a personal visit will do that special bargains in summer goods very jubilant sujahas vnr the big jhexlntrcral x 10 h cr soods conslnntly increasink ind it affords u ureal ezvener genuno is pptoled s tho longn leit nusltl efzij m of apparent encapness nt the sacrifice- of btom srinrfnii nn bm an honesl dnsvorth for an honest dollar has relent ofjlctto the com fjf result our energies arc at wew fall and winter goods trt lj ln u us almost every day nod by the ist of seniembor weexoect clrarrf out before z nh f hero here all over the store w simply must be oncys fcrice 143 yds of flnetweed effects dressgoods s andooc tr is 57 yds of fancy cotton crepons worth 1 8c s for 25c ao per cent off all organdies and muslins lor 10c 73 jus of dress sateens regular ice r a lot of isjc prints for rrje 84 yds klondike prints worth 18c wzw i a fow choice blouses at a big reduction a little lot of summer milllncrrat half orico mens and boys slimmer clothing at less than cost price at halt price onethirdoff all remnants of carpets a lot of odd lace curtains dt 20 per cent off repular price look out for big things at tho palace dky goods stoke this autumn e r boilers fe go 25 and 27 wyndliam streef guelph glipney st co hcton local brieflets rthe plcnlo eoftbon li over for this year vibitora to the toronto exhibition from a distance will vlbit aoton frienda the next week or so halton farrjoora fire insaranoe on reqqires that no smoking notices bo placed on all barna od wbioh they oarry risks the votoon tho prohibition plebiscite takes placo on tbaraday sept 20th and the premier haa promised to enact prohibition if carried by the people bnsineib will be good this fall an advertisement in alive weekly paper boara fruit quickly the people who have money to bay tiiiaft read their local paper afuke pbess advertisement will prove profl table for merchants and others in making thetr adoonnooments mr thos h sears formerly pro prietor of the pre ton progress and after wards of the gait reporter has pa rob a bed the wei land tffraph an old established conservative paper with a large circula tion mr sears ia thorough newspaper man and aaooeaa vill no doubt crown his efforts a copy of the beautiful illustrated sixty-page- catalogs of alma colierej btr thomas has been reoeived at this offioe it is a moat oonoprebe naive volume and gives in detail all necessary information respecting tuia popular ladles college partloulars asto oorrionlum terms etc and is withal a highly creditable specimen of the artistic priatlog executed by tho st thomas journal noted tea store and china palace you want a dinner set we have 40 dinner sets to select from different designs and patterns ranging in pricofrom 500 to 2500 toilet 8ots wc have the largest stock ever shown in guelph prices range from 175 to 8850 fancy china wc have just opened up 17 packages fancy china direct from importers you are cordially invited to call and examine our stock even if you do not want to buy no trouble to show goods j a mccrea lovor wyndham st quel john mcattl is home from cheyenne wjro oa a visit for a few weeks it is nearly four years slnos john left acton for the west hs has dons very well and enjoved good health but cams home with tho feeling that canada is good enough lor me hiss winnie ofotiaohlan who underwent a serious operation a couple of weeks sago is rapidly being restored lb health she was able to take a drive on monday and is daily growing stronger there is con sequently mnoh gratitude felt by the parents at ha parsonage mr helle of the franklin hones blreetsvllle wis fined 20 and costs last week for ljlejal whlky selling ths restaurant known as tba oold dollar torontoi was raided on saturday nlgbl and several dosans of bttr vren found hlddeu in ths piano in hs parlor xuthssarnstssd 4lwgjinciuitig presents it nrsroloas sfonai golojjand sliver krvwsy6etnvaarrpublo is saia to hivstrsmrited ibe pope with lis largest diamond in ths world valued at 0t0000 does advertising pay those who use it moit freely answer un hesitatingly yes i several of the big obioago firms hacl an illustration of ths value of advertisidg recently daring six days of ths storeotypers strike pone of ths papers were pablianed and messrs slegel cooper ikgo who employ 8000 hands say their bostnetbfolho two and attribute this falling off solely to their being nnable to advertise franks boot department reporta a 60 per oent falling off in trade for the same reabon the newspaper advortiaensent is a power to boom hasiness of erohsnt do you nso it sufflolently a former aeton boys wooden wedding mr and mrs o t hill of no 803 lincoln avenue otlebrated the fifth anniversary ol their wedding on taesday evening in an eioeedingly enjoyable manner among lbs frienda present were mr and mrs w b hyslop mr and mrs 8 if ultohle miss margaret ellen philip miss annie philip miss minnie clements miss florence clements mlsa flora molennsn miss lillian hath away clayton mloh w b hyslop m j harlap j a afoxennan- l d bender a moaoieynonnrous presents were received from guests and friends cleve- landi ohio ifolndeafcr the methodut ooneral conference tbo general gonferengs of the metho- diat oburob which meets quadrennially bolds its next leilon during the flnt three weeks of beptemberrlntoronto oommeno- ing today representatives will be present from the wbolo of canada the seat of the oonferenoe will be the metropolitan ohurob bar dr carman qsneral superintendent presiding among leading questions likely tu bs dlsonssed are mls- nhnn wil pnhllhlnjj l literary notes now that tha war with spain has oome to a close every one wante to know what it has oost the united states thus far and also what will be the probable ezpense of mainlining garrisons in the newly acquired possessions chsrles a oonant aoompe toot financial writer answers these ques tions in the review of reviews for septem ber- his timely artlolo also desorlbes the flnanoial operations of ibe government for nieeting these enormoaa expenses three artloles in ths uetlmlitt magazine ami review for september are very fully iliuairated with the fisher folk desorlbiug the canadian toilers of the sea fl pl an brug i and hampton court and its memories f s spenoo esq presents a praotical paper on the prohibition- plebiscite numerous other articles and important oriental finds with science notes current topios otc make np a good number toronto 1 william brings montreal o w coalos halifax s p huaatls 8200 a year tl00 for six months advertlsink isa science and pays when you are qualified and able to tell tho world what you have that they should bavo we wish to impress only iho fact upon you that we sell books wall paper window shades motldwgs etc just now probably you dont require any of the above when you do kind ly bear in mind the name and address j glasgow house c l welles thb lekd6r cublph wall paper samples at j d mckees acton another car of we call special attention this week to the outfitting of the boys for school in our clothing depaerment we ofler some very special in ducements in two and three piece suits and odd pants a special line of all wool halifax knickers at 50c is worthy of notice our stock of boys shoes is also complete for the fall trade ttctois corner king and hughsoii sts flamiltod just in also one of land plaster avindsor and c the prohibition plsbieolte the million dollar food sunday observance and the itiner ancy there may be interesting times over the electlonai ok the oonnexlonal ofllcers a prolonged and xslnal case nine or ten weeks sago mr alexander bassel of lot 9 coo i erin who is well acquainted in antoo was afflloted with a severe pain in lha seoond linger of bis right hand al first it was of the nature of a felon bat later dsveloped mors serious tendencies about a week ago itwasfonnd that tbs bone had begun to deoay and it bah raaobed the sri joint of lbs finger it la now improving however and ths worst seems lo be ovsr asjde from the severe pain which bis been ooostsnt ibe fact that mr bossmiu has been entirely incapacitated from work throughout tbs harvealhas been aserera consldsrailpn to an energetlo farmer who baa had plenty of work reqnlrlng bis atlonllbn general sympathy is eipreaitd in mr kusaells painful experence to cure a cold in one day taks liaxativabrotno qoinlos tablets all drnaslsts refuno the snnr it it falls lo oars tsesnu the little queens picture wllhel- mlna who is to be crowned queen of the netherlands on september 0 th next has personally sent to mr bok the editor of the liadiei home journal himself a hollander by birth one of her private portraits for publication in the next number of his magasino it is ths last portrait of the little lady wbioh will be taken before he coronatio and will bo printed in connection with a specially prepared sketch showing the personality of the queen of holland from every point of view the official programme issued by the western fair association this year is the best yet published the jwork oomprlsea 2 pages obromo cover ana inside printed on fine book paper it contains useful information for visitors and a number of illustrations showing the prlnoipal attrac tions also advertisements of somo of the leading business houses appear in its psges an eauslleut map of western ontario is a th b i iu k w this old and reliable up todato fair in lbs number and quality of the exhibits and ths attractions to bo presented the bihex jubilee exhibition will far exoeed the excellent exhibits of former years archbishop langevin has retnrnod from europe and is now in wluolpeg mitel binnott a kingtlon oabman walked off the wharf aud was drowned the other day the thirteenyearold ejn of oaplain bradley of buffalo was drowned at port brnoewbilo bathing on lriday the postoffloe department is about to liana postal notts of ths denominations of 111260 and 15 at stonff fills mr foots a farmer was lined fl and oosu for lapping tba water pipes without pennisslon a fi fbl he may be bat if be tells yon that any preparation in lbs world is as good as putnams rainless own rttrtotor distrust i ha atdvioe imitation only prove lbs value of putnam faluless corn ex tractor see signature on eaob boltla of poison ol co gat potnanus a bbl 20o lb sacks at 75c dairy and tabic salt kock salt potato bug killer iuro paris green 200 per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for ft huckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from 6jc up geo jw thorp sbbdsmrn market sq and maodoanell st cublph photographing interiors by flashliglit h rtutatitiwi your own photo artist who slnys with you the year around has everything up- todato in the flash light photo line including a lense which works at an angle of 90 degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos such as groups in small rooms it can not bo excelled leave your orders with me lor either interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work will have tho best possible attention my prices are ns low as those of any rcliablo travellers h ramshavv aoton photo artist final clearing of blouses lot ho 1 9fi uflht nd drk print bioubos for- 0j xaoiw sold nt il03 and 135 bpcolal clearing price 2bc eaob lot no fl caa fldaperoaloitloubss nolf collars and jj onlti regular valuo fi 25 epocinl oldarlngprlca 60e lot no 8 tn plnemuilln diodboa lotaobod wlilto ovfs collar and cuffs regular vajuo 135 flpeeialolearlng prjco fipd all onb price okn tho balaaeo ot our tjatrtmaiofl straw ijj hau inoladlnft sallom former pricoe radglnafroin 76c to ajxj ijtoolovl oloaridg price 25ceab special 8ale of laces boo window display batter val ijaoos muftlloeltoat j to h inclion wide regulars to iso oloarlngatso a yard ituttsar val inbortlon 11 nob lrido regular prloo 6e oleaxidb at flc a yard duueranlpare edgitis regular 1240 clearing al bo regular 15c oloariou at bo a yard colored yak laooa regular irjo cloarlug at iso yard colored wool laces clearing at 10a a yard dress ginghams imported scotch qldghambjn plalda oliocka and strlpoa regular value 19o to a5o apuolal clearing prloo 12jo llrien specials 3 ouly paro llnoii dimuk bldoboard scarfs drawn work and frlugo regular rilo3cal24o cloariag at iloo 4 only damaak sideboard soorfs drawn ends rogular 68o eloavrlns at soo 5 only fine centre plocca lieiiibtitcliocl rog- ular7sc for 65c 10 only tray olotba liomahtobod bixb 83x33 rmrellnod regular valuo h123 and flao clear- uffatbsc and 100 6 only flno line toa olotlin 3flgc liem- alc5 clearing nly atltoliod and drawu work rogmar at 125 mens furnlshlnfcs muna drosnocl shirts wlilto body and colored fronti noparato cuite regular 100 and 123 spoclol oloarlug prlco cbo oacb mond pancy oticckod cotton fllilrti soft body bonarato cults rcrular 1100 for 7so leua summor vobu wlilto and fanoy oolor- od pique regular ii and aoo apeoial cloor- log prlco 0100 oaoli stimnior nvasblng tlua in bowi aod f our- in- hand- regular 17a 8tkclal 3 for 35a i fly lidou collars regular a for 35c thomas c watkins another larffe lot of crockery and glassware fancy cups and saucers white and fancy plates fancy and white jugs all sizes pinner- setts bedroom setts glass comforts and nappeis 20 6 piece setts glass ware to sell at 30c a sett also stone arid earthenware flower pots etc dry goods and groceries as usual c p ggctoeye fc co new hats 99 wyndham st just in tlic latent uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices 1 150 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat isa leader new suitings thevery newest imported suitings you should see them new lines of neckwear just in tlevchmi tailor andjileiis farnislior gnelpb oke phice 01s iy

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