Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1898, p. 4

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i ffeknow of nothing belter to tear the lining of your throat and lungs it is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and pneumonia only keep it up long enough and you will succeed in reducing your weight losing your appetite bringing on o slow ever and making everything exactly right for the germs of con sumption stop coughing and you will get well the rumseller and the sol dier cures coughs of every kind an ordinary cough disap pears in a single night the racking coughs of bronchitis are soon completely mas tered and if not too for along the coughs of con sumption are completely cured ask your druggist for one of dr ayers cherry pectoral plaster it will aid the action of the cherry pectoral if yon imvo any complaint whit i ovoraiiil doslro the 1jit loedleu i advice you ran poialblr obuinj witta us f raely you lirrecelvfe avl prompt reply that maybe of graftal value to you addreai iar oh j 0 aveit lonll 8cb tton fm f was thursday september 1 1808 ffibe paving folks batooukerpers uro iwingiutf american flaq over the sidewalk lu tlieo oily and pnt buliiud their burs eitfos whioh rend no mouoy taken for drinks servod to united suiai soldiers or sailors in barney ilynus naloon there la a eitfu behind the bar wbioh rends in ood wo trubt allolhen must pay cash for drinks except marinei bailors ood soldiers aurvior nnder the anacricata flatf a brooklyn btloonkeeper aiya i have given order to bit my bartenders to keep open boubo for bailors oiarlues aud regu lars as far is i ra concerned i am ready to do my share at any time in looking over the list of tbosa who are advcrtialur io this way we hod jtbat rwr sellers of different nationalities hive joined their foroes to induce soldier to pariaku of that which stella away tbbir brains tho wretobes know well that id the preiient state of war excitement wore soldiers go into a saloon plenty of civilians will fol- ow they arojnrjaot willing to debaaoh the boldier to make him ft stool pigeon to catch tho unwary bomejimei the proea- ilpnal temperance lecturers aae very extrv vsgant langaaue and tbns weaken their cause bat they can use no language so btrodg aa to be above tho necessities of the case if stated lu a terse way abd for tbe rnmseller to pat on the gulso of patriotism to attraot aoldfers marines and sailors primarily for the purpose of drawing in those who will pay is an act of indeaorib- able dapuoity waahvillo christiau advo cate quardthe sabbath tbs pe horse look wben a painter wonld empaw tbe life la limning out a well proportioned steed his art with natures workiummbipat strue aa if tho dead tho living should exceed so did thlb bono excel a oommon one in shape in courage oolor paoo and bono bound hoofed abort jointed fotlock ahog and long droad breast full eye small hoad and nostril wide hlghcront bhort cars btrajgbt logfl and paas- iufi strong thin mano thick tall broad baubck tender hldo look wbat a boraoabotilj did not lack bavo a proud rider on so proud i back bluxespbulb spain and cuba we have no partioalar lovo for either tho spaniards or cabanb with their bull- flbu and oobkfigbts and other forme of cruelty we should be glad to see them in soma way brought up to a higher civilization but we very mnoh doubt whether the iiarffioe vnotsdffakdk of hves boihtiaman dbd animal whioh this iwar baa already omsod and the mnoh greater saorifipe which it is quite likely to cost before we got through with it and the hundreds of millions of dollars we have already spenk in it and tbe thousands of millions of dol lars we may hayo to spend before all its complications are onded wo very mnoh tloabt whether these things are not a terrible waste of both lives and money which might have been used a thousand times more profitably in other ways granted that we aro rich and spain-poor- tbat we are strong and spain weak that if other nations do not interfere we oan take cuba porto ribp the ladronet the philhpinea- bflmbardi8pi5ish cities sometimes people think it la a very little thing to work or play on snoday- there are many wheelmen who tour on sunday it is alleged that there are golfers who play golf on sunday many ob tba street cars to visit the parka on sunday many employers of labor take every opportunity where there is even a sem blance of neoeaiity for it to set their men at work on sunday j and some of these work men are eager for the chance to earn a little extra pay to all these we would like to say a warn ing word if the people lose their conviction and sentiment in regard to tbs sabbath ind that day is no longer lb the thought at tho majority a holy day fur rest and worship all olassesbf ooietywiltitififcr serious loss as a result working men will more and more be oalled upon to work seven days in the week and by mod by they will get but air days pay for seven days work and tho quiet and restfulnees of the oity on stmdavywliiob is now so much in the interests of sound health and strong nerves wilt give place to the noise and turmoil of every day do we want it we certainly dp not if not it behoove all cltfeen to do what they can to prevent the breaking down of the present feeling of reverence for the sunday which ii called the lords day north ender toroqto took pity on him 1 happen to know liow closely pity in akin to love declare j tho prosperous merchant to boitiu nl his oroufes who wore bhjoyiug hiv t in tho library i oan draw upon peruo oxperionco aud itn not left to the uncertainties of tbn theory at twoitjtwo 1 was na lovelorn u youtli as over heaved a high or wrote doerel ditties bhe wuh pretty and awe tit and mart and alt that i wia big and awk ward and undeveloped but nu ouq vfaa ever hit harder i moaned was never happy out of her frikht and robbed ray iloep to build oastloa in he air with he is the presiding princess girlsaro alwayb more mature and wiber at that time of life but she was tolerant and ooueiderate for blind devotion to aby man is haltering to any woman timo and again i had fixed a time for proposing hut my courngo would ooza aa fog yields to tho sun and ebo bad a tactful way of ohanging tho bubjeot whenever ray jarjguago waa bended toward the fatal question- but oneeveniug the oriais came with an irereslstibls rush i have no idea of what l said butl proposed and pleaded and swore that my life was in the balabae she refused in- the mod way women have under tho cirobmstanoos i wbb mentally wrecked for tho time rubbing into the ball i hodled into tbe old gentle mans hat her brothers overcoat her mothers overahde seized her umbrella and started as funny a looking object as any made up for tho stage she oalled me back laughing throng her t tears helped tie to replace the stolon property oajled ma a dear foolibh hoy and took me into the parlor again r sbeianow in the next room playing with the children what is his definition paw abkod elmer qrayneck who had an inquiring mind what is aoyclorama ita a mighty good tbing to keop away from thats what it is 1 replied that aatnto agrioulturiat bis father dont you re member that contraption that you seen a sharper workin at tho county fair where yon put your money on different colored spots v an the swindler whirled a pinter around an the more youd put down the less you took np wal that was a oyoloratnanew york journal travellers slould always carry with them a bottle of dr fowlers exuract of wild strawberry castoria is dr samuol pitchers prescription for infants nud children it contains neither opium morjihlno nor otlicr narcotlo buhstanco it la a ltarmlcss substltuto for parcgrorlc drops soothing syrups and castor oil it is pleasant its jjuarantco is thirty years uao by millions of mothers castoria destroys worms and allays ifevcrishncss castoria plevents tvomltthg- sour curd cures dlurrhoon nnd avlnd colic castoria relieves tocthlnjr troubles cures constipation and flatulency castoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is tho childrens panacea tho mothers prlend castoria vcmtbrln is ah excellent medicine for clilldreii mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children dr o c osooob lowell masz castoria coatorltals ao welj ndapted to ctilldren that z reconimeild it as superior to any pre scription known to rue ii a alicilim m d jjrootryn iv v the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper you never will be sorry for living pare life for alwayi dolor yonr beat for being kind to the poor for hearing bttore ftiaglng for thinking before peeking for etendlng by your priooiplee for itopping jour ears to gossip for bridllnr a landeroni tongae for being eqoire io bniipeie dealings for giving n adfortooete pereon lift for promptness in keeping yoarprom- ises destroy millions and perbipe billions of spanish property ell for tho purpose we are told bt raiaing these people to a high er civilization still we think we oan see ways in whioh all this could have beep hotter and more anrely aceorapliened with no lose of life and little cost of money and eo we most believe that this war is a terrible mistake whioh sooner or later tbe nation will folly realize ozo t axoeli bostod first do it then talk it a obaplaln in the army during tbe war ma passing over tho field when ha mw a noanded soldier upon tbe ground he had bis bible under bis arm and he stooped down and said io the man wonld yon like mo to read yon aoroetbing from the bible eho woandedinan said im bo thirsty i would rather have a drink of water the chaplain harried off and aa rjalokly as povaeible brought the water alter the roan drank the water he aald could yon lilt my head and pnt something under it t tho ohaplain removed bis light overcoat rolled it np and tenderly lifting the head pnt it as a pillow for tho tired head to rest on jsow said the man if i only had something over me im ao cold there was only bne thing the ohaplain corsld do and that vtab to take bis coat off and cover the roan as he did so tbe if you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence if you need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years not an obscure un tried thing that is urged upon you or on which you save a few cents that is no consid eration as against health for wasting in children or adults scotts emulsion of godliver oil with hypo- phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twen tyfive years joe andlioo all druggists scott bowne owmuu toronto tho ohangoof food and water to whioh those who travel aro subject oftah pro- dacea an attack of diarrhoea which is as unpleasant and discomforting ab it may bo dacgerons a bottle of dr fowlora ettract of wild strawberry in your grip is a guarantee of eafoty on the first in dication of oramps colio diarrhoea or dysentory a few doses will promptly check further advance of these diseases it is an old roll- able romedy with over forty years of carab o itb credit whose merit is ro- cognized everywhere and one that the doc tora rooommend la preference to all others sold by medioine 73 dealers everywhere at 86o a bottle alwaya insist on the genolne as many cf the imitartons are nighly dangorons a good many women are roobnoilod to their rrief readfjy ii they look real well in mourning ltlyer troubles billousnsis sallow oom- pluton yellow eyes jaundice ate yield to the onrative powers ol ilialiver fills tbcy are aare to cars the mexicans eat ealt with their oradges both beoanse they prefer tho fruit so seaeooed and beoanee it 1b considered to he more wholesome with salt all nerves many people say they are all nervee easily startled and npset easily worried and irritated hlilbnrns heart and nerve pills are just the remedy each people require 3hey restore perfoot harmony of the nerve centres and give new nerve force to shattered nervous systems copying ink may bo made by dibeoiving lump eugar in tho common ink nsocl in the proportion of a dram of the f ormor to an ouuoeof tbe latter ilenttu run down inasrna down in health and weak and could not gat anything to do me good until i tried bnrdoak blood bittera whioh has made mo strong and well thos laweon terra nova ont a woman who raises her flowers by role hss jnst abont the same hind of look bb the one who- cooks by rule lots of theory and no flowers dr fowlers extract of wild btrawberry nothing has been found to supersede it for diarrhoea dysentery cholera cramps oolia and snmmsr oomplaint dont take a sobatltute insist on getting the gen uine mounded man looked lip in ml 06 and sild for qoda sako if there is anything that makes a man do for another what yon have done for me in that book let me hear it there is a world of meaning in this incident the need of today is the aoting ol tlio objeot lesaona that book teaabea bxobange r what it wanted voting bouaekeepr anxlooslyis the roluoe pis good now teli me frankly its the aral i ever made her hnaband promptly yea indeed its splendid helen excellent not quite spice enough perhaps her father very good my daughter but a dash of brandy will improve it it esms dry rather her mother youve done wonderfully veil dear tbeornat needs a utile mora shortening did you put any salt in it bier sister yon neednt be ashamed im sore for a first attempt bat goodness why didnt you let me ohop the rallies f her brother o k nell flrit rate 1 only whats the matter with the bottom of it ii tastes like dough tonog- housekeeper with earoaam thank yon all very innoh im delighted to know that my pie la such a oomplsle aooesi miss da prelly i dont see how yon whistle through yonr fingers that way i oould never do it in the world mr- goodhearl wishing to compliment bsr delloate little hands no miss bs pretty 11 you should try it your whole hand wonld illp into your month walking is the best eleroiao for those who are able to bear it riding for those who aiastobt the open air when the weather is fair contributes much to the benefit of exeroiie if you and it difficult to bear with the ways and manners of some of yonr associates it may be well for you to remember that they do not find it the easieat thing in tbe world to bear with yon in helping hie employer to the beat of his ability a oleik is helping to build np himaelf selflsbnsss ia a aoioidal mania in man some peoples only virtne is economy 811enoe is the pantomine of truth fut lul u eiterual us hsgysrd yellow oil cannot be eioelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain every sane man can attain success in something it be selects the right some thing and devotes bis time and energies to it btemlng children thousands of wsllftd ohildren are continually starting simply beoanse tbelr food is not of the riyht kind tbsy are thin pale and delloate scotts emolslon will ohsnia all this it gives vim and vigor flesh and hroe thcmoaneet man on earth is tbe ono who wouc light except when ho oan get alls adversary at a disadvantage chrbnio derangemonta of the htomaoh liver and blood are speedily removed by tbe aotive prinolplo of tbe ingredieptb eutering into tho composition of parmeleos vegetable fills these pills not npcoifl- eally onthe deranged organs stimulating to aotipn the dormant energies of the ystem thereby removing diseaso and renewing life and vitality to tho afllioted in this lies tho groat neoret of farraeleos vegetable pills of the total population of bombay which ie nearly 1000000- the greater part is crowdoov into an area of four equare milee cucumbers and melons aro forbidden fruit to many persons so constituted- that the least indulgence is followed by attaoks of oholora dybehtery griping etc those persons are not aware that they can indulge to their hearts content if they have on band a bottle of dr j d eelloggs dysentery cordial a medioine that will give immediate relief and ie p eure oure for all summer complaints tbe meanebt burglar on reoorol bab been at work in montreal ho broke into a bakers bbop and finding only thirtytwo centa ab plunder took a single bits ol every pie and cake in the plaoe thus rendering them unsalable doans kidney pills aro tbe most effec tive remedy known for weak psipful baoka dropsy diabetes brighte disease sediment in tbe urine and all kidney and bladder troubles austria is the only ompiro in tho world whioh has never had colonies or even transmarine possessions in any quartor of the earth hor ambition bab hilhorto been purely continental mr g now im going to tellyon something ethel do yob know that labt night at yonr p arty yonr sibter promised to marry me i hope youll forgive me for taking her away 1 ethel forgive you mr g of course i will why thatb just what the party waa fori mori effort la required to look pleasant than to look eorir bat it pays belter mllborns sterling hsadaohe powders are eaay to take harmleaa in action and sure to oura any headache in from 5 to so minutes pojlteneis will win many customers hot politics nepally- drivea them away parents buy mother qravea worm exterminator heoauae tbey knojr il lis i safe rnelolne orjlbeir children apd an effaotualexpellerof worms we notice lite swllteat workmen are also the beat whenever a man geta np in a moetipg and says he dont intend to make a bpeeah w begin toleok for the door dr iiows worm syrup is death to the worms every time safe for the ohild and onioe to take the children i ibk tbe spoon rrioeas dartmoor is the largest iraot of unculti vated land in england it occnples one- filthof the county ol devon for infants and children sfusf 35 frequently ibe mau who askshowrmuoh be owes yon knows in advance that be is paid ahead safe certain- prompt economic sheas few adjectives apply with pecnliar fotoe to dr thomas eoleotrlo oil a standard external and internal remedy eadapted to the relief and euro of coughs ore throat hoarseness and all affeotions of the breathing organs kidney troubles eioorlatlons boree ismoneis and physloal piln coinstipation in the summer especially should the bowel3 be kept free so that no poisonous rrrtiterial shall remain in the system to ferment and decay and infect the whle body no remedy has yet been found equal to bbb for curing- constipation even the most chronic and stub born cases yield to its influence i cannot saytoo much infavor bf burdock bfood bitters as there is no remedy equal to it for thccuro of con stipation we nhvays keep it in tho houe aa n general family medicine and would not bo without it mrs jacob mosher pictou landing- ns bbb not only cures constipation but is tho best remedy known for bilious- ncss dyspepsia sour stomach i3siiari jaundice liver btlooii complaint kldney asciswww disease and blood rlnasts disordered kidneys perhaps theyre tho source of your ill health and you dont know it heres how vou can u11 if you have back ache or la mo back if you have puffinesa undtrlthe eye3 or swelling of the feet xz if your urine contains sediment of any kind or is high colored and scanty if you have coated tongue and nasty taste in tho mouth if you have dizzy spells headaches bad dreams feel dull drowsy weak and nervous then you have kidrtey complaint the sooner you start taking doans kidney polls the more quickly will your health return theyve cured thou- jiandk of coses ofkid- ncytrouble during the past year if you are a sufferer they can cure you book that tells all about doans kidney pills sent free to any address the soaa kidney pill co toronto ont a gifted yonng lady afes why- la uuole barns lateat achievement like a somans throwing a stono yon give it np of oonrso and then she saya beoanse he aimed- at oaba in the webtaod hit the philippines in tbe east as parmelees vegetable pills contain mandrake and dandelion they core liver and kidney complaints with unerring certainty they also contain roots and herbs whioh have epeciflo virtoes trnly wonderfnl in their notion on tlia stomaoh and bowels mr e a craincross shakespeare writes i consider par- inelooe- pills an exoollent remedy for bilioasness and derangement cf the liver having nsed them mysolf for some time yon cans tell anything about the kind of bnaineas a man is in by tbs kind of a grip ho carries anawfal cold tho faoetlims boarder had tbe train all laid for a killing joke its a wonder be said that yon didnt servo up this hen feathers and all the next time said the landlady with marked emphasis ill serve bor np bill and all and tbe joke wasroinedl tbsrs never waa and never will be a nniyersal panaoea in one remedy for all ills to whioh oesb is hoirtbevery nature of many curatives being each that were the germs of ether and differently aeated diseases rooted in the system of the patient what would relieve one ill in tarn vionld if a man has got good judgmsnt u is belter fas were on tlisbeoeh than behind theeoonter wcrms oannot exist eitbtr inoblldren or dolls when dr lows worm uyrop is used 25 alldealsrs lots of people are so- everlastingly ptrtioalar about what they want that tbey nerer have anylbiog agijrayate the other we have however in quinine vvlne wben obtained in a awodd unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judleloos use tbs frallestsyste ms are led into oon- vsleacenoe and strength by the insnsnoe wbiob qoiuloe exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves tbe drooping spirits of those witb whom a chronlo slate of morbid despondenue and laovof interest in life is a disease and by tranqniliilog tbe nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of tbe blood which being stimulated oourses throughout the veins strengthening tbe healthy animal functions of tbs system thereby making aollvily a neoeasary result strebglhsntnjt the framer and giving life to the dlgeetlvb organs whioh natarauy demand inoreasod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to the public their quinine wine atttri rianal rate and gnagodby the opinion of aoleotlsu ibis wins approavihes nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists sell it mrs wm darkei pine orovs ont says i rooommend sr woods norway pine byrup for coughs colds hoarseness and bore throat 1 had an awful cold and oould hardly speak one bottle of norway pine syrhp cured me completely a man can never dross op eliok enough so thathiswite wont flud- something to brush glasgow house acton is there anythingin lliis list which you are in need of parasols millinery shapes andtrimmings trimmed hats gotton hosiery and crloves muslins etc if so you can find vhat you want here at prices which will make you buy some very special clearing lines in chilfireiis and womens shoes- kendersoii c6 gold istatclies has them beauties at 1500 1800 2000 2500 everyone warranted by pringle which means abso lute security to you r o4a shops end warcrooms i foot of willow st calls attendeid to day or kigbl j a speigm fc cp a young hrii saved from being a nervous wreck by jitlburns heart anlf ne pil for tho benefit of canadian mothers who have daughters who aro weak palo ran down or norvons mrs belsnger 128 st o o m tin people who go away leaving debts unpaid and than come baok wearing hotter clothes than tbelr creditors may tblnk solksdo not notioa it hot they are mia- taitsn following statement so tliatnoono need suffer throngh ignorance of tbo right romedy to use my daughter suffered very muoh -from- heart troubles at times ofton sho nns so bad tliat slio could not speak but had to sit and gasp for breath 8he waa so oxtrcmely norvons that hor limbs would fairly bimbo and tremble frequently sho would liavo to icavo school and finally bho grow so weak tliat we wore mnoh alarmod about hor health i gavo hor many romedies but thoy did riob sooni to do hor any good then riieard of mllbums heart and norvoifills add got a ba of them and tbey bavo indeed worked wondors with bor i can rocommond thorn very highly ss tho best romedy i ovor haara of for complaints similar to thoso from whioh my danghter snfferod mllbums ileart and norvo pills never fail to do good they euro palpitation faintvlesa dizziness smothcrinft sensation weftknossiiorvousnoss bleeplossness anae mia femslo troublos and gonoral debility bold by all druggists at 60o a box or three boxes for j1u5 t unburn fe co toronto ontario un dertakers an d em balm ers latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furnit1 of att kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j m stin80n rockwood will receive railway timh table grand trunk railway floinu wkht ooino uabt mall 10 02 am kxprcas c u5oii 10 50am fl 14 iira 10 oaiin 2 25 p in iiixnrobh 7 15 p ui wail mixed tjidtj ol- clohinu ma1ih going woet 0 40 am ami fl 50 pm going east 10 23 dui and g co pyin tli in tlmo table went into uttcct ou bjonilay may lgtti 1hj8 main street plan inc mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saab doora frahiou monldiu in at stylos dressing matchwd and mooldixg to order on aboit uotlcoi well assorted stock on ipiifl c t 1 xlcce trio tbo times john cameron proprietor you furnish the feet wedothe rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street acton brhntf0rd galvanized steel mills and towers tor power and pomp- ixig -within- ternl covered qear patent bailer ado jbsu bemrinfs maple leaf rinders two sizes for any power no i has i o- inch reversible burn no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball bearing burr plates relief springs and shak feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial glvdn hundreds in wise we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills of all kinds ibe finest in the market bes material ligh tea running send for illustrated catalogue brantfordian john mcqueen agent for tho rtbove has changed his wire rooms to building on w e smith s property john street whoro may bescea trost wood binebhs atfjj mowxss and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs xn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on tho property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen oujr s1lvbr jubilee western lind6n september 8th to 17th i8s8 entries close 7th september space allotted on receipt of entry our attractions will be gland and exhibits unsurpassed yoii carl see all that others can show and to better advantage royal dragoons prince olcabes japs sle hassan lien ali8 rufnns and many other specials the best in the country fireworks each evening blowing up tho maine assisted by all the ring and stage attractions special excursion trains leave london at xo pm and after so that you can stay to the fireworks auclion sale of booths and privileges wednesday august 17th on the grounds at 2 pm prize lists programmes etc apply to ltc0l w m gartshoke pbbsidbnt thos a brown12 secretary roar you want thaheat rir e cheapest mcmullens fencings and nettings com bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices ah other varieties cheap mcmullens are the only good nettings sold in canada they are unequalled for poultry yards trellis lawn fences ailt your hardware wer- chant for mcmullens goods if you cannot bay of him wrlto 10 the manufaclureirs at plcton ont or to tim b grbbswo wirb tco limited hamilton and montreal general agents jams coopsr montrbal general agent for railway fencings gafciyajvhslsjmreinuta v vrf

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