Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1898, p. 1

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volume xxiv no 10 acton ontario thub8day september 8 1898 price three centjs ib roblibuki every thursday morning at the fice rrcbbsteum prlutingoflico uiltistncet aotonont tiittmb op soiispniptios ono dollar per year itrlotlyln advance all hubsorlptiona iiboou- ttuuou when tlio tlmo for wllicli thoy iiavo boon patd lias oiplrod tho dato to which ovory subscription io paid 1b denoted on tho addrois label anvennaino hates xranblont advortiio- moots 10 contb por nonparoll lino for flrpt in- ortlon s cents por lino for oaoh ubboquent insertion contract iiatkb tho following table shown ur rates for tho lubortlou of tulvortiaomoata for bpoolflod poriods days bookstore i 1yi 0 mo 8 mo i 1 mo oinorieb sco 00 35 00 eaooo mod 10 iuottos moo 20 00 iaoo sod siaobob so 00 iaoo 700 ora linob 6 00 u60 900 100 advertisements without inoclflo dlreotioai if ill be ldbortd till forbid ana obargod aooord- ngly transient advertise mo nta must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo changed onoo each month if desired por ctuaros oftenor than onooa month tbo composition mast bo paid for at rognlai rates quangoa for contract advertisements must be n tho olucoby noon on jtuoadayb accounts payable tnoutbly h p mo0qb editor and proprietor sttbtnm bircrtorp medical tohn m macdonalu m d cm succeflaor to hammocks 24 hammocks from 70c to 2 will be cleared at a low price a large quantity of sponges at half price the st6re is full of sum mer reading trie latest pub lished and all the old favorites traders bank of canada authorlzod capita 1 000000 day sells ohkap j f uren m d o m offloo and retjldonco corner 1111 frederick streets aoton a s elliott it d m b acm acton gniduate tononto unrvebbity office corner mill and john streotff aoton d r dryden eye ear throat and kobe- ioloana block douslaa st near p o guelph owice souns 10 am to 1 pin and 0 to g p m bondat8 10 am to 1 p m dental l l bennett ld8 dentist qhob0et0wn ontabio j p coghlan d ds l d s dentist work cxuevvuix done riiiosa moderate office oveh brown b dim a store hooboeveny dat fh0m 0 to 6 an attractive pair an attractive pair of shoes add to the genteel appearance of any one man woman orchlld we keep the stylish kind the com fortable kind and the kind that wears well and to which rough usage may be given all styles all prices oil qualities and all as- represented we have a complete assort ment including boots and shoes all sizcs rubbers slippers etc all stales trunks and valises extra values we are prepared to guarantee that our prices are lower than those paid in the genera stores where trade is taken for goods and dealing exclusively in boots and shoes and having over twenty years of practical exper ience we are able to select better goods and at better advantage than dealers who handle every thing saleable custom work and repairing given prompt attention cuelph branch sums of 81 and upwards received on deposit and highost current rato of mtoreet paid or compounded halfyearly n deposit receipts issuod for large sums deposited advauooa mado to responsible farmers on thofr own names no oharfio made for colloiting sales notes if payable in guelph a general banking buainees transacted a f jt jones manager oelrg tbb drink traffic linoleums and oilcloths made as they should beby ihemost skijlfulmalcersin england and scotland very newest patterns in several grades of thickness and qualities linoleums at 35 cts and up to 100 oilcloths at 25 cts and up to 45 cts j it bell dd6 lds dentist bnooevnre honor giiaddate op toronto univkhsitt work mado satisfactory prioesmodorato vibitimo dayb monday afternoon camp bellvillo tnosdsy aoton olqce clarks hotel friday bookwood d fctt g h cook dentibt cor college suand bpadina avo tonohto will visit aoton on tho first and third satur days of eaoh month office mr adam cooks rosldonco main street m clean mcxean bmrutora solicitors notarial conveyancers ico 2brivatelundatoloan oflqco town hall aoton w11 a molias jho- a molkah a j mackinnon bajuustrh somoitoix conveyanceb opi ice mill street in matthews block jnatalrs jb mcleod baubibtkh8olicitob oonvetanobh main street georgetown alonoy to loan atlowoatcurrent ratoa r j mcnabb jlork fourth division court county of hal- on cofl voyapeor agent fire bind iilf o asauranco ukl estate agont money to loan oto orrioerorrymani block aoton ont miscellanso us henry gribt ottawa 0ajuxi solicitor of patonts for intontlon otc prepare applications for tho canadian amer- r nzzm n almrtt nmini mna fnr tyin icti aud european patent otflcos and for tbo lteslbcration of pbtet itefllbtration of trade marks bond for pam- thlrtvtwo yoars oxporlonce f irancis nunan bookb1ndeu wvndbam st ouolph ontario over wlluamtstore aoaonnt books of all kinds mad to order peri odioalsof every doscriptlorioarelolly bound ftollnneatlrnnri promptly dons mtarriagb lioenfles h v m0ohe3 npnpn or mabbuob licebeb p rlvato oog0 kowltnmioarwiolred isstied reiidonno in tlio evening free proas 0fllce acto n kenney bros main street acton dominion boot and shoe store 73 nobby suit for fall anp winter cooper tfcakins the tailor8 j vi bond co is this terrible trafflo in vlilakoy and gn ami nine rum and brandy all right or a sin if rifilit then vr uy hinder tho many to soil avby glvo tbo few only tho right to do woll but what rule of logic or what law of right 0 wo shut off 400 pray giro me your light and lleonso but ono nbilo forbidding tbo many if the trolllc is ovll tboh wliy heonbo any if tho traillo is good tbon uphold and maintain giving all tbo aauio ebouoos to share in tht gain hut if evil forbid ittho logic is eloar 1 tlioro is no room for cavil or argumobt hero ily thoirfrnlt8 yo shall know thom tbo mas- tors groat tost ii for trooo and for men oud for traffics tbo boaf the fruits of tbo trajjlewo know them full woll tlie apples of sodom tho uhos of boll 1 woes sorrowo cotitontious want bloodebbd and strife wounds snlcldos murdora tho whole air is rife lavitli tbo polsonoua fumes from tbo cosspools untold that are llconsod bylaw for a handful of gold while the rovonuo flilnod by this ruinous trade is bat flf toon to one oro expenses aro pard lot us dryearth those cosspools and cut down tbo trooi tho masters plans bobt both for you and for mo whou tbo voting day ooixjob lot us show our solves true lt us out down this upae as josus would do itostt joushton whitby ont augubt 189 of hor what should he do with tho fair fragile convalescent who was just emerging from tho valley of the shadow of death 8ho has told him much of her history the rest bid been nncouboioasiy roveakd in tbo incoherent ravings of fever had clara daroy known this she could per haps faavo understood the midden and nu- aoooan table cessation of doctor fhillpbond visits and attentions as it was alio was involved in curious medley of conjeotaros and bewilderment not unmingled with tho aoqteat mcrtifioation doctor pbilipson came to flora last la hie round ot visits well bora ho said oheerly you are sitting up this looks enoourpglng she smiled faintly wo bball discharge you in a day w twq now what am x to understand by your vober little face i have lost my situation j my mother baa spent all she had i am not yet strong enough to work and i pannot beg yon have relatlonstlie dovoreoi darcy0 why not go to them i woald die first sir boo eaid with energy doctor 2hiiipaon smiled as be stroked down floras short early hair flora he said gently in a voice so low that it was audile to her ears alone but no matter what ho nad plora s portunes hardware guelph now is your time to get a nobby suit for fall and winter hs we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds and are prepared to take your order at rjght prices fit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- olaes and upto date overcoatings a good range of fall overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaing your order cooper akins wain st acton sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont auaoximed capitsl 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of socper sbars for 120 months whh payments cease 6o oo paid in maturity value 8xoo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j mcnabb agent acton w m hemstbeet tiiontmd atnmomsi or tbe oonntlm of wolllngton atid balton orders lot tat tho van pnu otaeo aoton or t utrmwenoo in aoton will ba promptly at- eadflalo faoi rodueod to 500 fob fabu sajoes- alio money to loan on the nioit tarorabla lurai nd at tho lowit ratol of lnterit in imnioftlwoand vwardl wellington matnl fire insurance company main 8treet planing mills acton ont john cameron- architect and contractor manufacturer of saah doors framfr hoaldlu in all aljlo dtacssiira matching ind moulding to ordor 00 short notice woll uortod atock on hand itirlcci loan tbs ttinop john cameron proprietor georgetown electric works xj 3psiobt proprietor school opens consequently e are dally fitting up pupils with their opening outfits boys and cirls it will please you to look over our brand new atock of school supplies we carry a full line of scribblers lined and unhned from ic upwards 9lates cloth bound plain or ivlro bound 5 to 15c slate slongls 3c each pencils tens and comiassls all prices crayons for map drawinr etc and all other such articles used by tho pupils also school text books drawing books and copy books with 1 full line of high schooltext books for 51 h class and high school work call and see our stock before you buy j d mckee chemist acton telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired ceorge stovel practical shoemaker has openet a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has had largo experience in city work and is consequently able to fill all orders in- the- neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice call or send your order to george sxovel cor mill and main streets acton quick for bargains as waters bros have leased de cartarets store next pringles and intend to move in about the ist of september quick quick quick i for bhrgh1ns bring your custom logs in and take the lumber home with you narrow bluevelvets ribbon maam yes maam in onehall minute velvet ribbons mies daroy and look sharp about hi plora daroy dropped tbs elaborate atrip of aoarletworsted upon wbiah ehe was at work and harried forward to her place behind the ooanter or messrs sorew pinch made it a rale never to allow any time to be wasted in their establishment when flora saw thofttoeiof tbeooatomers she was to serve she dropped the box of velvet ribbons and eiolalmed aunt juliet audclnral iho words broko atmobt unconsciously itom her lips the next instant abe check- od herself abashed dear me clara faltered the elder lady half angry balf confused this la very embaraestng to do hash mammal what a fool yon arl said miss clara daroy in not very flliul strain of dbureo we arent obliged to recognize any relationship with this this yoang woman let ob go and they went flora daroy bad a bard day of it at moeera screw and pin oh a and ft was not until they were closing op for the night that she had an opportunity to clear tbe coanter which was tier special charge a pasteboard boxcover lay on the floor partly under tho coanter and as flora stooped to pick it ap bometbing glittered beneath it a giltclasped portmoonaie sonao lady has left her portmoonaie on the coanter and it has got brnshed off with the trimmings was the girls first thought ati abe openod it- and it is fall of bank bills too 1 never saw bo muoh money at one time in all my life before at the same insuot a- perfumed card dropped from tbo inner compart men ta card engraved in german text 4hrs stfakiu slang j tbo blood ioatiqotlvely rushed into floras pale and wearied cheek it is aunt juliets parse and the money is hers no ours 1 did sot her husband meanly deprive my mother of her poor little fortune doen he tiot live in luxury while we are starving but it is not mine i will tako it to annb daroy at once sho tar nod resolanely toward tho aristo crats part of tbe elty7lnwbo1rdweltmri devorenx daroy it was along walk but flora scaroely heeded it so eager was she to rid herself of the tiny burden that was momentarily growing heavier in heart and band mrs daroy was at dinner j she could see no ooe was the answer flora received when she requested a brief interview with her aunt nor was she blind to tbe foot mans insolent and supercilious stare as lie delivered his stereotyped answer loo will give her this parcel if you pleaso she said a little annoyed tea miss ill give it to her was mer- ourys reply as he yawned visibly and shut the door after her while flora infinitely relieved ripped away wick a heart many degrees lighter than it bad been i shall soon be at home now thought flora i hope mamma is not alarmed at any unusual delay aj1 poor floral sew little did she anticipate how many long days and weeks woald elapse before she should bo at homo again 1 miis clara daroy bad aat a whole hour in fall dress white kid gloves silver bou quet holder and alk and was beginning to wax exceedingly impatient when at length doctor pbilipson was announced a frank handsome yoang man with thought ful gray eyes and a port eroct as that of hyperion ifoamust excuse my delay miss daroy mamtnal bbrieked clara darcy ono morning not long after heres dootor phillptona marriago in the papera and whom do you supposo he marriod my coaein floral your cousin floral shrieked tbo mat ron in dismay this comae of hospitals and those horrid infections places went on clara hysterilly 1 wouldnt marry a dootor hoj not if there wasnt another man in the world i and rather irrelevantly bhe burst into tears tears that would have been bitterer yet if she conld have known how qoiotly happy doator pbilipson and his young wife were the drink traffic tested w0 p man sue apt a mostera of our own time and i was detain ed by a street accident a broken arm aa indeed v tfes a pretty uulo sewing i should judge eon t to tho hospital and by the way its a curious coincidence but her name is daroy darcy echoed olara tfes flora daroy how strange i i thought added olara with the glib readiness of tbe habit ual falsehoodmonger tbat wo were the only family of tbat name in tbe olty papa ahem 1 hes no relative living tbe intense glow of the august sunshine quivered flf ally on tbo floor of the oonva- loioent ward as doctor lb upsons foot step rang strong nervous and lospliltiug upon its threshold there was many a heart leaped up at the familiar sound but ftdftfof ell thftlirtrlqf pdorflffra dftroyy whowaa sitting op for the first time ilnoe the lonftt wearisome fever tbat jiad follow ed on tho pain and inflammation of ber broken arm all the raorriuu she had been thinking ot d jo tor pbilipson but scarcely more than dootor pbilipson bad been thinking h hon j ii kincii comparisons bring out colors compare te truffle with other trades the liijnor men will admit that a minister is as good as a liocor ealler ub long as he boh uvea himself as well then write the principle political economy tanghtua when wo wero boys at sohool that there are three ways of getting money or wealth mako it bavo it donated to you steal it some woald bay find it the ohances are too slim and you cannot base a principle of political eoonomy on p banco change tho form anditiain tbis shape i withoatmaffog it inheriting it or having it donated to him any man who obtains wealth is a thief in honeat bnainesb every man 1b bound to trade la an bonest manner thecxkitoluans work i oall a clergyman ap here and say to him you receive money now sir show the people what you gjvo them for the money they pay you mr clergyman they do not pay yon alone for preaching although it ibpieabant and inatruclive to listen bat a preacher is a teacher and muat bo judged by results as bhown by tho future as well aa tho present they do not pay yon to ran revivals though it baa been my experience as a lawyer tbat you oan oolleot debts after a revival that were not worth ten cents on the dollar before the religion of jesus christ does make men honest if a professing christian is not honeat bo is a religious fraud a town could afford for the sake of business alone to ran a revival onoe a year but ur clergyman you are not living for today tomorrow for next weok for next year vfo do not want you to defend your work by yoang converts or by middle- aged christians wo want you to come bete by the deathbed of the christian and tell os air if you will defend your faith there he woald cocao and say that is the test i want i do not want you to try christianity by the bunshlno christinas who work for the lord on sunday and for the devil the rcat of tho week nor by the people who keep them burning after thoy got on tbo other aldo but i deairo that christianity shall bo judged by tbo record and lifework of peoplo who have loved god and kept his commandments by that lost i am willing tho religion of the master shall bejadgod my friends it matters not how far wo may have drifted open tbe sea of donbt and unbelief we must aooept suoh a test and say to tbo man of qod any person whose teachings make men more honest develop intelligence and morality and smooth tbe pathway to tbe grave thereby lighting ap tbe dark future is entitled to a worlds gratittide you earn your money stand aside ij1s teaches testku we want to examine another profession and we call the school tesoher what do yon givo the peoplo for what you receive 7 they pay you and they expect value will be returned for value received what do you givo baob the teaoher would oomo and calling ap the educated merchant doctor lawyer and tradesman would say this is the reanlt of my work univer sal education la the foundation of liberty then reaohing bis band to the teaoher of morals tbe minister he would say educated copieientionsnosa and educated married men what 3 ou givo fcaok bbo comes and holding up a tinished hat or bonnet says i mado that is it not well done although men mako sport of bats and bonnets yot we aro free to confess tbat oar wives look prettier when they have them on and when wo take tho thing and look at it almost trembling fearful lest wo crash it we realise that wo oan earn the money to buy it lu a day and with our clumsy fingers wo ooqld never make it no we make ap our mjnds it has a value and give the milliner a plaoe with tbo others who render fafr return for tbe money they receive tits lrikktiufriotkbted now having tested there we wapt to tsat the keener of tbe drafxtshop by tbo earns standards oomo op bu you bald a minister was as good as a liquor seller if he behaves himself as well t the mini later 1b your equal yoa must get into tho earao scales of political eoonomy in- whlob webave weighed him tea toll not neith er do you spin yet yoa make more money with less oapltal than any other tradesman few workmen wear accb clothes as yon do what are you giving in return for what you get bring a finished specimen of your work here and hold it op for the crowd to see and show aa ita fine points i would he come you could not drlvohim up hero if you pot a shot gun behind hjui what does thedramgbopmannfaoturot what has it always mana fao tured it nan manufactured drunkards first lost and all time a dram shop keeper is as as distinct ly a drunkardmaker as a man that makoa shoes is a shoemaker tbat is all ho ever did make that is all bo over will mako show us a firstclass sample of dram shop work do not aliow aa a specimen of tho raw material of which you mako your finished product we know wbero and how it was raised we know how tho father gave tbe beat years of his life and the mother hor girlhood bloom tq dovolop the bright bravo hoy we know how jie entered your trap with a good muscle nerve brain end aharaoter do not bring such a speoimen bring a finished job and show as how yon have improved tbe raw material could you induce a liquor deal er to oomo up here and hold ap the speci men what is the drunkardmakers defence vou bay to him you make drunkards his first defence is i do not sell liquor to to drunkards i do not have tbom hanging around mo if it is a good thing to mako a drankard a drunkard mast bo a good thing after it is made suppose ladies and gentlemen tho minister should come hero and givo you as a rcabon why bis ohuroh should be endorsed that he did not have any old christiaiih banging around his meetings would not that be a good advertisement for the christian religion the vetkba8 in uro i recently saw by tho papers that at a great camp- mooting they called together on the platform all tbe old men and wom en who had been in christian work fifty years and there was a orowd in the audi torium to hear their testimony the papers stated that as these old veterans in the service of christ gave in their testi mony of tho wonderful love and goodness ot ood tbe feeling pervading tbe meeting wsb wonderful why do not tbo drunkardnm takers come hero and oall up a number of tbeir veterans a number of men who they bavo worked on for ten fifteen or twenty years with red noses bleared eyes ragged clothes wornont shoes bring them op bore and exbibit to prove tbe beautiful o hoots of liquor drinking on tho individual and through tbe individual upon the btate of whioh the individual is a uptit upon their ovidence we would be willing to rest the whole case again at the vile traffic the finished ttphtt go down the street a new waggon is standing by the ourb yoa atop to admire and at last say i wonder who mado it i did sir answers tbe waggon maker will you please examine the waggon olobely becauso wo oballenage examination of our work look at the man he is dreboed m poor olothee but see bow proud ho is as he contemplates bis finished work lost year whilo visiting a country fair togother with a frlond i was standing by one of tho stock penb looking at a calf wonder who raised the oatf said my friend i did answered o farmer otand- ing near by ah tho farmer spoke be straightened up as muoh as to say i am proud of my work as yon pass along tho streets of our cities yon frequently see other work nearly finish ed bitting on tho curb or wallowing in the ratter stop and ask whose job la this will tbe drunkard- maker run out of hie factory and say i did that work look at tbat nose face and month that man once had a face liko yours bat i fixed him tbe reason why tbe drunkard- makers will not defend thefr work is it is lndofonaible winter wheat leading varieties suooessfully tested ln1 sob on 1 91 ontario farms what we waht ladies and gentleman oar earnest desire is to protect the home the wife tbe baby against a trafflo that spares neither age sex nor condition the civilized peoplo believe in reaohing down into tbe depths of debauchery and getting hold of the victims of this traffic reaohing with tears and prayers and lifting add holding them up bat aftor they bavo helped them out thoy believe in closing the drunkardfaotory so tbat other men will not bo tempted to rain bavo the drunkard and prevent drnnken iiosb tbo liquor traffic is a curse prohibition is right one million acres of winlor wheat will likely be sown in ontario witbin the noxt two or threo week as the variety sown has a markod influence on both tho quality and tbe quantity of tho crop produoed it is very important that tbo very best kinds bo used an ingroase in yield of ono bubbel of winter wheat per aoro means n total increase of one million buehele for tbe provinoe tbe averago annual yield of winter wheat por aere in ontario for the paifc fifteen years jb about twentyseven por cent lower than that of great britain and irelapd and about thirty one per cent higher tbau thai t any ot the later grow ing wbejt 8tates of the amorioan union tbs aim of ontario bhoutd be to approach tho record of the former rather than that of the latter the average yield of winter wheat in ontario for the eight years end- ing 1808 is 210 bushels per sort and that for tho eight years ending lrjo was 18 bushels per acre henco the ohoge in average yield of winter wheat per acre in outarlo is moving in the right direoliqn the growing oflbie important crop liaa received a good deal of attention in the experimental department of lbs ontario agricultural college withinthe past ten years varieties obtained from tho united states england germany france and robbi are being carefully tested along with thoae seonred from thewheat growing sec tions of canada after the varlotiea havo been carefully tested iu tho experimental plots at the col lego in eaoh of five yeora the leading kinds are selected for oo opera tive experiments throughout outarlo it hag been found that the variotles which havo given the best average results in tho experiments ooudaoted at the collego for a few years in aucoebsion havo nearly always given good satisfaction on tho farms of tbe province seven varieties of winter wheat wqre sent ont for cooperativo experiments in thoaatumnof 1897 theso woro divided tinto three seta with throo varieties in eaoh eot the dawsone golden chaff being used in all the sots as a basis by whioh tbe resalts of all the variotles conld bo com pared with one another wo have received 101 fall and satisfactory reports of care fully ooudaoted winter wheat experiments for 1808 tho following table gives tho compara tive yield of atraw and grain per core of the varieties of winter wheat tested in 1808 on 101 farmb yir mother wijuii a fullora uiouhhts hit turuiu back thbro to tliolootlo town whiiio tbo wortiir la aurf wlioro tbo ol crick curves aroun t whoro youvo tmtapoit ol pntlm o glory hi tlio airly iilght and morn mongat the hills an n tlio bottohin wlioro ol imppiilohfl wu7 lot n you flit homobick but i toll ou it aln t paths you u so tor roam that flirabowinyou tlioboautlea that jou loft back tlioro at home por tho ol crlok rurulcb faraway ol aouus air lasttovlow in tbaiilcturoo jor mother wbosa nuiillubaclt at jou for tbo hollyhocks an piuos that grow ronn tlio lcetla plaoo j thoyruawavln buttloyecem to avo arouu liorliapjiy faco en though ol aouu s air lloatln du llioyro mlglity sweet and olear it alloramaisoajou troador if it alot her volco jou hoar you waut to lot your tired ban ag in brush back hor hair an rcailn on hor forehead binootb away tho wiliiklee tboro you boo tlio bloeain tbat tlio lord bos glvo you an i gucfs thatblohblaflbmlliuatyoiiin that ol ulpaoy dross uduaitlj hlltueu waiting eor h er boy straw por aero voffiliod aero tons inouuro damons golden chaff lft 105 imperial ambor 10 x3 early gcnesoo giant 17 213 now columbia 10 stj erlybod piawson 17 20q frldoof qonosoo 15 sj5 poolo 10 ai g this table should be of great value to the wheat growers of ontario as none except the 101 good reports are included in the summary muoh c fed it is duo to tbe care ful experimenters who bent ue the reports of tbo tests made on their farms conclusions 1 in the average jield of winter per aore the dawsona qolden chaff btood highest among 11 varieties tested over ontario la tbo year 1803 among 0 varieties in each of tbe years 1804 1805 and 180g and among 7 varieties in eaoh of tbe years 1897 and 1808 2 three of the varieties of winter wheat have been tested over ontario for five years in succession with the following avenge yields of grain por aoro dnwbons qolden chaff 820 bushels early oenesce giant 28 0 bushels and early red olaw- son 287 bushels 8 dawsons golden chaff was tho most popular variety with the experiment ers in eaoh of tho past five years 4 in tbo co operative experiments for 1898 the dawsons golden chaff and tbe early geneseo giant came tbroagh the winter the beat and new columbia the poorest 6 the early genesee giant dawsons golden chaff and new columbia possessed the strongest straw and tho poole and imperial amber tho weakest atrawinlsos c in the oooperative experiments of oaoh of tho past five years tho dawsons golden chaff was ono ot tho loaat and the early genoece giant was the moat fleeted by rust 7 in 1898 all varieties wero practically free from smut which is nearly always tho case when no smut is eown with tho wheat 8 tbo vsldo of genoaeo and tho imper ial amber produoed tho longest and tho now columbia the shortest straw 0 the new columbia early iter olaw- bon and dawsona golden chaff wero tho first and tho early geneseo giant mod pride of genesee wore tho last to mature 10 the dawsons golden chaff and iflwjdqlorabla prodnqed tbe plarapeat and tbe poolo the most shrunken grain the following leading varieties of winter wheat will be distributed thia year for cooperative experiment sell dawsons golden chuff karly goneiee giant and early red clawson set 2 dawsons golden chaff imper ial amber apd golden drop set 3 dawsons golden chaff bsarded winter fifo and stewarts champion any person wishing to conduct careful experiment with ono of these bets ehoald apply to the experimentalist agrioqltaral college gnelpb for tbe desired set and one half pound of eaoh variety togother with instrnotlons for testing and tbe blank orm on which to report will bo furnlohed free of oott to his address the supply of some of the varieties is limited but we will bo enabled to famish a large number with thia seed before the supply is exhausted ak bulletin giving the resalts of 02 varie ties of winter wheat grown in the experi mental department of the ontario agricul tural college is now in the printers hands and will be mailed from the department of agriculture toronto as soon ai printed o a zavitz experimentalist agricultural college guelph adg sotb 1898 a few years ajo in oaa of the growing cities of new york state ibero was a home into whioh tho sorrow of a fathers doatb had entered tho sons ot whom ibere wero several woro of a nervous tem perament full of animation and exposed to many templattonttwhioh eudaugor tho youth in large cities tho widowed mother realized tho vast importance of her responsibility and many a time did sho look upward toward tho heavenly leather for divino aid in the guidanoo of her fatherlees boya sho made it a rulo never to retire for rest at oigbt uutil all ber sous were at homo but as tho boys grew older this became a sovero tax both on her tinio and health often keeping the faithful mother watching until the midnight hour one of her boys displayed a talent for music aud beoamn a bkillful violiuist ho drifted among the wrong oisbb of people and was soon at balls and parties that sel dom dispersed until tho early bours of the day upon one occasion it was nearly soven oaloak in the morning beforo ho went to his home entering the houbo and open ing the door of the sitting room ho saw a bight nover to bo effaced from hia memory in the old rookiogchair sat his aged mother fabt asleep but evidently eho bad been weeping hor frilled cap as white as snow covered her gray hair tho knitt ing had fallen from ber hands while tho tallow from tho candle bad ran over the candle stlok and down hr dress going up to her the young man exclaim ed why mother i what art you doing here his voice etartled her and upon the question being repeated bho attempted to rise and pitconaly but oh so tondcrly look ing up ioto bia face said i am waiting for my boy tho sad look and those words so expres sive of that long nights anxiety quite overcame the lad he eaid dear mother you shall nover wait again like thia for me that resolution baa nevor been broken but sinoo thou that mother has passed into tho world beyond wbcro she otill watohca and waits but not in borrow for her boy j docked tails on horses tho following from halifax may bo an objeot lesron todoalers in horses and ad mirers of docked tail a an officer recently arrived wanted a charger and a citizen undertook to provide ono he produced a very fine mare at a cost of 9200 with a oertifloato as to soundness on being taken to he officer tho dealer was -astun- isbod by hn saying it will not suit why not ho asked ilt is a splendid animal yes bahl the officer but its t is docked aud tho que cm a regulations pre vent us from using it iter majeatye orders aro that horses with docked tails are not to bo used in tho servioo tho result wan as ilaligomans aro not admirers of docked tail tho maro was eventually hold for 8 1 j a loua to tho dealer of 8140 dodging a law a german historian explains how youug journoymcu early in tho prcaont century used to dodgo tho law forbidding any ono to croha the boundary botweon two states unless hoownod a coilain sum of monoy they used to spend a night at a tavern noar the boundary borrow tho sum neoded from tho boat leaving their bnndloa as pawn whereupon thoy saw tho otllolals bhowod their money gob tho permit raturnod to the host gavo hack tho monoy and shdaldcrcd their knapsack a popular home work successful only when the diamond dyes are used la ilioileaadil of hnppy and tliririy home in lis domioioo and in tlio colony of nov foandlauil the work of rug and mat making l hmnmlnr vnry pnpnlr itminnadu bltabuansd 1840 ihsuhanob on oaata and mutual plan any oouununleatlona forward to my addreai ox 098 or tolopbono 68 will bs promptly at tandkl o jonj a agenti qulph aoton machine and repair shops i1enhy ouindell proprietor a bb woll equipped with all tbo maohioonr iv noooaiarytoisluutaallrapalritoniaolin- ory and agrloaltaral implement and to do all kind of teainnulngllorehoelngand oeneral blaukimlthlnf woodwork rspalro performed in miatlifaotory manner wo o repair and mauililn or implomrat of -any- nut saw nmnmlnk and flliua done manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams ripe and steam flttlna and general repair ing ueloff equipped with agm bracing naonlne i am prepared to do brasing on blotole frames to wheels converted from plreel to tangent rnokei handle liars bent to any daalred angle full line of bpokaa kept in stook batiafaotlon guaranteed biorolea enameled in any color sryers lumber planing mills nassakaweya t j spbiqht qeorstown and wood tares jhwbs br03nn liamuractunijlt aud nilutbb iff cumber itnth shtttjtom wood bio w barber bros aeorgfedwk ont in a fciawiur or macfiinrni p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand a full line ol lumber lath shingles cedar posts wood jeto custom logs and bui stuff cut to order on short notice planing and matching dona to the best ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made lo suit the customers pocket p sayiers 4s- all kind of tood in took and promptly dollored to any part ol tlie town at reasonable prloraa mjwoodane slabs out slora longtb alwaje on lltttd totepnoaeoommnnloatbo hioh ffbadk weekly niv7b the pper used in this journal i from ho svjbove mills wh babbkr bros pttptiki whoareabonttolear ituljjjo pnblloor bigb boiool sboold pot overtook tho great advant age of a prsotleal eouno of inatrue tlonattb jbifness college aud sliortliand institute fatl ulibmon will oommenco xoefdar september oth wrltooroil it lntreted circular free jsbaiip 1ilnelpa intellcot a dual unit is the only ifo foundation for a government of the peoplo by the peoplo and for tho people lot mo say to yoa if i may say it lo a temporonoo talk that i believe iu thia country any system of education tbat does not develop ibe moms as well as the intelloot is a fraud aud a failure to make a symmetrical man or woman the moral nature mast bo devoloped side by side with the intellectual or tbe studont beoomeian intellectual monstrosity therefore we ay to ilia teaoher tako your place ih the wot i ie workers who fairly earn tbe compensation they receive the iiijhckfluiti tcstxd we want to lest another trade and we call out the blaokimlib we say vou get money ooroe np hero and bring speci mens of your work be would oome tod holding np a lioreeehoo woald say here mmj worfctorytllne ipnt a shoo od a horse the owner is bettor off and i sm better off ii be pays mo we placo him beside tbe minister and ieaobr tax iiillinin th9tzd kext wo call a rollllnfcr to represent the ladles and say to ber you get money and it is an important question to ns twelve bu8ine8s maxims tbe president of the london chamber of commoroo gives 13 maxims wbloh he has tented through years of bus dosa experience and whioh he rooommends as lending to inaaro euooess i k i have a definite aim 51 go straight for 11 8 master all details s i always know more than you aro ex proed to know c bemember that dlffloallleo are only made to overoome 0 treat failures as steppingstones to other effort 7 never put your hand ont further than yon oan draw it back 6 ai tiroes be bold i alwatys prndeot 0 the minority often bean tbe majority in the snd- 10 hake good use ol other mens brains ii listen well answer cautiously decide promptly 18 fretervt by all means in your power a sound mind in a aootid body english country courtship john sheepishly ii spoae youll be gittin married soma time betty with a frightened air oh i dare lay i shall some urao i dare say ill git married too oh i perhaps we might both git married at tbe same time wouldnt it be stwfal john if the parson should make a mlttako and marry ns to eaoh other i ehonldnt mlud no neither should i to tell yoa the truth john iwjll rugs and mala aro moro highly esteemed just now lhan importod goode tbis is not surprising nhon we romombor tbo faot that tho home artlolos aro tho best wearing and the prottiost tbe diamond dyes havo given a groat impetub to tho work of making homomade rugs and mala fnrfbrmor limes tho troublesome pert of the work was tbo dye ing with tbo old fashioned and poorly prepared dyea tbo dyeing operation waa long and nnaatlefaotory tho introdootion of the diamond dyos with their special colors for wool and for aolton and mixed goods has been a boon to womankind old and fadod rags and yarns for mats and rugs oan now bo dyod any boautlful and brilliant eliado with the diamond dyes shades that are perfectly fast to sun and soap if you wlb lo bs at all times aucoessful in dyeing for rug and mat making wo horo otter av warning note against tbo use of adalteratod paokago and soap grease dyeb that only prodaoo muddy and streaky oolora that cannot possibly stand an ordin ary washing adk for diamond dyos use tbem as per directions and your sucoess is ture

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