Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1898, p. 2

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born mofpatt in nabmgawqya on saturday 8oit drd to mr and mre job moffutt t boh alian inctuotphoa friday 2nd soptombor to mrnndhnlul allan of aoton a bou nlckklii in nmiagftwoy on monday aur wtli to mr and mrs j it niokull a dauklitor moaiituiin in itooicwood on thursday lit hoptomuor to mr and mrs thou ma arthur a dauglitor mahriicv- biikitcook mantih at the roildoaco ot tlio bridofl fatbor b7sorauron ave tarkdalo on weduoflday qlth aufiut by jtov quorgo moottllooh of itlohmond hill malttad by itor dr oampbollt irkdato mr thomas h btaor- lo6k to floronoo columuub daughter of j miirtiu heel all of parkdalo oitifiiioim in nauaeaweya on bunday 28tb auyuat iotor chlibolm aged 80 year arian lu quotphoa friday and soptombpr tuo infant bou of mr and mmlt h allan wathon at hta homo lot 27 con 6 eaquooldb on monday sth bop torn ber iloburt wataoa ugoil ihl yoru c u aw at forflui on tuesday fitb flopt john ornirm 1m odltor of the porgua newit ltooord aged w yearn mccatitnut in trafalgar on bunday 28th aufiubt mary rellotof tho lata david mot cuttnoy aged of yean kantrawin atliuhomuia anabaoal on sat urday urd beptebiber jobp v kannawlo oruiorly of actonafiod 36 yeoni drjunat tbo borne of her husband on than- dnylflt september catharine gibbous wife of theodore dunn ag4 88 years and 1 month t 3fc ht fta thursday september 8 1898 notes and comments prohibition is bound to via there is no other eolation for the saloon problem that baa not proven ft failure prohibition has bqcoeedpd wherever it bag had a fair chance it will snooeed in canada ii needs yonr vote to help it to a great victory the berliner post in a oeemingly id- epired article with reference to the fronoh -receptioihofthediikrmamonftproolamation- ot emperor nloholm ayigormady mast remain armed and on guard until franco ii willing to oonverk her weapon into plonghiharaai- general con the reports presented show pro- sreaa in nearly all deportments a million dollar fund tho general conference of tbo motho- diat- ohuroh has been in quadrennial elusion in toronto for a week tho initial bcssions doalt with matters of inter cut to every member ot tho methodist body the wport ofrev dr cornish statistic ian of the oouferenoo showed- tho following totals of ohnrch meinbertbip 1801 109- 068 1805 207710 1bo0 272802 1897 278315 1608 280587 indicating an inoreaeo of 10581 for the nuadronuiom it if tho 2031 ministers and probationers are added the present total membership is 282608 tho baptisms alnos 1831 totalled 74808 infants 62839 and adults 11059 tho marriages wero 20043 and the burials 49002 the present total ofrjolniaters and pro bationera is 2801- seven hundred and twentythree probationer were admitted daring the rtuadrennlnmaad ot these nine died 45 were dropped c were expelled 28 euoooeded io completing thefr btudles and are already ordained and 828 remain on probation ten minfateril vera receiv ed from other 6hurobes the deaths of ordained midistera totalled 80 the number ofiocsl gareaotiera ia 2852 erhortors 1031 glue leaders 7809 stewards 9071 sooiety representatives 0571 tho number ot sunday schools ia 8829 an inoreaieot 180 the officers and teach ers number 88018 and the sobolars 270- 829 the number of churches ia 8229 an iooreasa of 180 parsonages 1133 burial rroondt 1231 oolleges andeohoola 10- the total value of ohuroh property is tlj 499984 the total indebtedness is 99403- 280 the amount ot insuranoo is 97078- sm those who do not vote on the 30lh may not be in favor of prohibition but they will be couated ai opponents for atayiog at home the ohlef hope of tho liquor people is that they may tie able afterwards to point to the number of voters who refuted to recognize this plsbisoite in any way all saoh people will be counted as being in favor of lioenae tho first month of the operation of the preferential tariff at montreal showed really remarkable results the receipts for august 1898 were 700079 as against 1680958 for augnst 1807 an inbrease of 8124721 thejnorcate ia tho more note worthy by reason of the heavy imports immediately prior to the putting in opera tion of the new tariff- the inoreaae ia in no bpeoial line it is an all round inoreate we oommend hiram walker sods whiskoy dibtillers for withdrawing their subscriptions from ordinary charities and wonld respeatf ully beg to soggeab that they turn it to eatabliabing an aaylum for ineb riates whose uvea bave boon destroyed by drinking their wbiekoy if walker fe sons will take oire of the product of their nefarious business the rest of the oountry can easily maintain ita charities- royal templar higid enforcement of the rules against visiting saloons is beginning to bring about a great ohange in the habita and conditions of railway employe not only do ihe roads get better eerviee but the men too find themselves better off finanolallyta faot which the records of more than one building association will bear out a man who takes intoxicating litjuora habitually has now a poor obanoa of securing employ ment oo any railway toronto star the most intense pesaimlatlo fesllogs prevailat present isi paria it is the bom- mon belief that great britain and bnsila arb on the eve of war and that the oonie- qaencea of the dreyfus soapdai will involve france in war with germany the qov- ernnaent is doing ita best to stem the rising itde high officers oopfeaa that the dlsobs- siona will probably entail war kut they sky that would be preferable to hav ing the army remain under a oloud with the possibilities of agitation leading to civil strife a report is current in london that a treaty of allianw between great britain -on- the lines qfapeeob of- mr joseph ohamberlih had been actually oomplettd this is probably an ampllfloatlon of the gossip relative to the dally visits of count von hotsfelotwildenbna the derman ambaasador here to the british foreign office during the past fortnlghti whiob have been attribnted ip a desire upon the part ot germany and oroat britain to forroalate a common polioy in regard to nnsoia and china the total membership of epworth leagues and other jouog peoples ocletles in oonnection with the ohnroh is 81930 as against 47176 in 1804 showing the tremeu- dons qnadrenial inoreass ot 84700 the total contributions of these organizations lor the year ending may 1898 were 52- 81659 the statistics on ministerial support allowed that in tho ohuroh at large 89276- 98543 had been raised for that purpose daring thequadrenmnm au inoreaae of 41o780743 the connexional funds for tba qaadrehninm amounted to 81651080- 05 an inorease binoe 1801 of 910420288 the report of tho book committee read by rev dr brfggb showed that after pay ing 8340poto the general- snperannnation 1 aud the pnbllahing honse of the the ohnroh had added 860000 to ita capital whioh now amounts to nearly 8100000 rev a o orews read the report of the sanday sohobl and epworth league hoard the statlbtlob were the same as those given by bev br cornish the amount contributed by tbs sunday bohool to missions during the quadrennium was 88378108 rev dr sutherland read the report of the mfflsion board whioh reoommended that medical missionaries he plaped under speciflo regulations nd intimated the parppae of mission work waa primarily spiritual it also reported against the ereationof boparatefuod for foreign and domeatio mibbtona the offeringa for mis sions labt year reached nearly aqnattr ot a million 824800b the report of the committee on -bduca- tionv read by the general aeoretary of edaoation dr john potte oontained muoh ot interest and manifested remarkable pro gress in many ways the report dealt first with the nobjeoljjf colleges dr j j maolren gave notioe of a motion appealing t the hethodist ohuroh at large to secure as large a majority as possible for prohibition at the coming piobieoite the work of the qeneril conterenoo will oooupy another week or ten days yet before all matters coming before it are overtaken at the conference on monday a resolu tlon was passed approving the principle of the proposition to raise a milliondollar fond to mark the opening of the twentieth century terrible accident at corn wall council meeting the flro brigade aak for repairs to the flro hall council mot iu regular eeaslon on- mon day evening councillors all prebant kcovo xearson inthe ohuir mlnutasof lust mooting wereread and oonflrraci tho gomtnltcfle on finance preientod their fliieenth report and roconamendod payment of tho following acaounts 8ymounrobnala 9 3d0 j ilarvoy toaialng and frolsht 2 41 canadliu rubber co ropairiiib lioau 4 go wj noolo labor 05 d mill 7j y ai sravolatsoayd 3 7b d mosonaidbaullngaroonfltiia 3 00 ms 81 mo j a murray seconded by 1 trauois that the report of the committee on finance be adoptod as readcarrled moved by j clarke aocondod- by jaa clark that the- following morohante be credited taxes on acoount of lioenae paid as transient traders ok aoodovo 28 bo o a fnnabookor via go j o llolloatlj is 0o and that thoy be handed receipts for taxes paid on earne account for ldboarried moved by john clarke seconded by i franois that this pommlttoo pay tbo sum of 811 to h b holmes the troaaarer of the crokinolo club being part of coot of fixing the pahlio park carried h oommittee from the fire brigade asked the council that they make improve ments in the fire hall by lowering the floor and making large doors at the other aide so that thoongane may be drawn in initoad of backed lb the matter was left over attef some further dlsonibion on the matter of fixing a oouple of placoa on tbo streets ihe connoll adjourned deathofrohrrcrai07mtt p east wellingtons member suc- burribs after a long lllnoso p of his life feboiis sept 0 mr john cnig m p p for east wellington whose death has been looked for during the lastweeb passed quietly awsy about 1080 oclook tonight at his home an fergus nodellnlte funeral acraogement a have yet been made mr craig wae born in the county of antrim ireland in 1848 and edacited at an irish grammar school he came to canada in early life and for many years had been editor and proprietor of thefergna ncwartcord io was for a long lime a member of tho lorgus sohpol- board and for two years was chairman of that body for twenty years he wae secretary of the centre wellington beforni association he was flrat returned as member of the local house in tho general elcotion of 1804 with a majority of 51 at the last eleotion ho defeated dr coulter conservative and mr jamee park by a majority of 157 hia illness prevented him from attending the apeoial leseion ot the house and lue ex pressions of regret at his uluese were equally numerous on both eides for he was a popular and highly reepeated member of the house talk of the day the united stales oommiaaloner of inland revenue baa revolted a former rul ing that steamship passage tickets issued ia canada and rued on vessels sailing from ports of the united slates need not pay the war revenue tax of 8 88 or 85 aooordlng to obst it wae fonnd that this was being mod ao a means of evading the tax by travellera who did not come from canada revenue agents at tba various ports have boen instruc to allo no passengers for foreign countries to embark unless their llobets bear the proper atamps at the meeting of the county council last week a committee was appointed to wait on the 0 pb offiolsls and inslt that the cotnpany oarry ont the provisions of the bond given hy tba credit valley hallway company to the connty of helton and maintain a station wfth proper accom odation at qampbellville the council mado asirailar attempt in 1896 to prevail on the railway company to carry out the provi o t t nothing ol it if the company pertlat in ita atti tude the council may be expected to take ad vloo of tho validity of the bond and act aooordingly a dietlnot arlla in the moral history of oaaeda will take place on september s9th it will be imponlble in a marked degree for this country to remain in tba same position after that date a before if the prohibition pleblolte fail we shall have to elapger on perhaps for many years under under tbo wellknovfn evils of the llcenis system but it it carry and we matt sot for a moment dooht it then lnfluenoes will bs immediately aet in motion to sworelby prpptrslauonj jbe igli mate traits of vlotorv before tbls end is reached however there will be abundant need to keep up to their fall working power the present plebiscite organisations bev br boss fourteen persons hurled to death and a score severely injured oonitwm sept c without a moment i warning fourteen man were burled is death and a score more badly injured by the fall of two spans of the new bridge of the new york and ottawa railway here today how the accident ooourred it is impossible now to lay stud the reason will not be fully known ontl divers havo searched the wreck lying in the bottom of the st lawrence the river is divided in two hy cornwall island and the scene of the disaster was is the south ohonnel there are two atone piers in the centre of the stream supporting throe spans of iron work eaph 870 feet long and 87 above high wi tor the accident centered around the pier nearor the south or amorloan shore it was about three minutes to noon hour when the workmen on that part of the bridge felt the two southern spans give way beneath them and they were thrown inu tbo water- or caught and crashed in the wreck none of them can give a clear idea ef what happened the victims were ell workman who were engaged in the contraction ot the bridge rockwood the garden party at the manse on tnuraday night was well attended the weather was particularly good and a very pleasant programms wmglven barber cunningham was taken to the oeneral hoapltal quelpu with blood- poisoning hwladnlngvarywiil mr b grlovo is at the q nalpb hossltal nndergoing an operation he is recover ing nicely ballinafad mr 3 w pearl agent of the o t b at welladdwasittnolt on btmday aftsrnoon by a fhonlfag engida and tar lonely injured wrnvbbrk sgedmwenly upg ntatlr caledonu wasstrnok tar llthlninshd allied while ataoalbg beneath ttw on irldsy ouroommnnlty has set aside wednes day sept 31st for their annual olvio holi day if the snocess of thla day may be jodged from the entbusiaim ot our young people with respect to- the same it will be oonoplele the following oommittee of management has been eleoted president trsfdk belts vloepree jaa bboruii seotreaa w nilta oommittee j xlodsay g campbell g thompson h webster l brown a monster oalitbamplan prooesslou -will- breoede the sports a good programme of tents it being arranged and the oommittee will span no pains in making tba day an enjoyable one a grind entertalotneni will be given in tbs evening and good talent has been secured t tbs flrat month of ouatotn prsfsrf npe tq sritilf ibowi rsarttltmolt rtstdtnf i the steamer 2jtw york and the propeller oeeanwont ashore in the st lawrence laet week the opr monthly returns of tbo sale of lands for angnst are double tboee of last year mr georgo uwiog sen of seaforth dropped dead sunday evening after attend ing ohoroh harry wells brother of marehall wells the wheolman was killed in a oroasing accident at paria fifty deaol and over 100 prostrations in oneday ia the record of the heat in new york city on saturday sendr ba boso has brought salt for 1500000 against lord aberdeen for bis expulsion from canada lord endxdy aberdeen expeot to bid adieu to canada and to eail from qoebea forbomeonnovemberil the prince of wales made hia first attempt to walk since he injured hie knee six weeks ago on sunday contrary to first reports the election in queens pei resulted in the return of mr wm campbell cdnbervalive at an early hoar friday morriing fire destroyed the bertram engine vorku toronto oautsing a loss of 8200000 mr j f elrk manager of the london canadian loan a agenoy company died very suddenly saiurdaymoralng wlllutn decker of forest was drowned in a well near hamiota man on friday ho was cverpowed by gas while working alex mann of orangeville is growing celery on tho wholesale plan this year he will bave 00000 bunches for shipment llontcol h e mcoallnini bk cm g governor of lagos will succeed sir herbert mnrray as governor of newfound- land in ootober next mr joseph beeves of belleville over 80 years of age and quite feeble was knocked down by a runaway horse it is feared the shock will prove fatal colin- molntyre of st thomae and mies king london were reeoucd frdrn a capsized rowboat fonr miles off of port stanley by the lifeboat crew wbllo in atnerloa bon mr chamber lain will it ia sadd invite ono or more of the canadian mioiatera to visit him and discuss outstanding questions miobael fatrell was drowned on mon day while trying to swim aorosi a small pond back of tymons hotel in ast toronto on a drunken wager the saratoga express on the delaware dshadaon baltroad atrlok a trolley oar at cobees en monday sixteen persona were killed and about twenty injured mr ctftlljnbodcl the lornier rroinler of cape colony has been eleoted to represent barkloy west to the cap parliament he was retained by a large majority- a new harveater and thresher oomblned is being experimented with on the manitoba farms near brandon it ia claimed that it will save from three io five bushels an acre in the gathering of the orops the interstate commerce communion in the canadian paoiflo paisenger rate case al washington deoided on friday that the canadian faolto ie not entitled 10 the tlilterenllal passenger rates content ed for neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and bxonanaes nassaqaweva bev mr ltolden of bookwood will preaoh harvoet homo sermons ar gampbellville on suuday next a profit- able time ia anticipated mr thos vilsou of knatcbbull has bought the farm ot john s webb of erin townehlp for a fair figure bev mr smith of turobury spent bunday with bis aisler mrs scanlan of the methodlut paraouago nassagaweya bev dr soanliu will deliver an illustrated temperauoo leoturo in the ebenezsr methodist obnroh on wednes day evening 14th inat milton- j s dacon eiq is attending the besbiona of tho geueral xjpnferenbo at toronto of whioh he is an honored member the model sabool opened on tuoaday with a good- attendance of embryo teachers the officerb for milton dlstriot epworth league for the enenolng year eleoted at the convention here last week wero preeidebt mrs luoy m smith oakvllle let vioe miss sarah eastonappleby 2nd vioe mrs b r dews hllton 3rd vice bev j 0 bichardson omagh 4th vice miss mary hollindrake milton sth vice mies jessie prudham waterdown beorotary wilfrid alberteon oakville treasurer miss anderson oakville executive committee bevs it j elliott and j e hookey and messrs f watson h bennett and br speers bepresentatlve to conferenoe rev d w snider the reformer is holidaying this week we do what we say c 3 ryan tft go about dress gcoods everton next sunday bey j a molaoblan of aoton will proaoh in the mathodiat ohuroh here at the nsnal hour for evening service 780 oclock- mr vasooni while returning from his work at mardsn on saturday- evening upset his wheel spraining his ankle he will be off work a few days three ot oar yoang men wheeled to toronto to take in the exhibition and oall on acquaintances there james and robert grieves boys who have been living with relatives here started monday morning for a visit to their mothers homo in boolioeter n y miss lottrell ot toronto is visltlog at wm jaoksona a number of the aoton people were well acquainted with mrs b thpmaon laura blaok she has juet been home for a bhort viblt thursday last mrs i franols mebara john moore of braioebridge and edwin franois vlelted her at the bonae of mrs jag black mrs thomson returned saturday to sohpnetady n yv where she has lived or some lime the lectures given at bookwood and eramosa last week are repprted as oxoellent wo hope to be treated with something along that line in the near future crewsons corners our viliiageis praotically deserted these days moat of our citizens are taking in tho toronto exhibition bev b w bosnian- ph p of nass agaweya will preaoh a temperanoa sermon here next suuday txorniug while returning home from aoton on wednesday last ur and mrb alex oripps met with a serious runaway aooident while watering their horse at the creek near here mr cripps sieokened the bit to allowtbe horae more freedom to drlnlrr hardly had he done this when the horse which is of a rather fiery nature bolted and ran away in attempting to atop the horse mr- oripps was thrown to the ground and the rig passed over him hot fortunately be waa not mnoh hart the horse then took to the side of the road ran against a telegraph pole upsettiog tho rig and freed itself from both the harness and baggy mrs oripps and her little daughter were thrown but but tns little girl escaped without a scratch but not ao with mrs oripps bhe was badly bruised about the face her bip was dialooated and her kneecap badly broken dr livingston of jsookwood and dr maodonald ot aoton were at onoe sent for and did all lb their power to relieve heir she is still very low however imt hopes sre entertained f her recovery mr and mrs crippi have the sympathy of all n tbls vicinity in their present trouble georgetown twenty-stohib8-abdut- twain mark the ohlldren and high school student from near and far have gathered for the sohool work agtin visitors were invited to visit tho schools friday last and everyone was load iapnlae of the fine equipment for onr educallonavl work new floors in the poblio sohool and the newest style of desks in the room of principal earngle ore long needed im provements the high sohobl has been thoroughly titled lor the work ol the session and the able staff of teachers expeot a year of hard work preparing students to measure op the heavy demands of lbs ex aminers the presbyterians aro making extensive improvements both in the auditorium of their ohnroh and in the sohool room in addition to painting frescoelng 4o the system of lighting ia to be ohanged to eleotriolty aisanav next bunday evening tho bev g a mitohell will preaoh a special sermon to teaohera and atndenls mr james kennedy has hail another loss slnoe the serious fire through the lightning during the heat of last week ohe of his valuable horses died suddenly o son stroke bsv tii psrrln fipd f fimlly have rsiarned interest in full ciigbb goods is naturally beginning to manifest itself thosq goods aro very attractive this year plain fabrics will to a grout oxtont lead the way jtrench serges coverts and vigoroaux will all meet with a popular demand fanuy goods oi bayadere effects zigzag patterns two tones and plain f grounds with neat figures will bo worn for aome purposes extensively black dross goods are still very popular for the pabt two seasons thoro has been a large demand for them but tuib season according to indication they will go hotter than over the grandest array of riew fjill dress fabrics that- over been our pleasure to show you aro beginning to arrive and will soon be opened tip for your inspec tion it will bo a wonderfully attractive dislay you will boo no such values or assortment olsowhoio this department will be overflowing with the- very nicest goods that the artistic designers of tho old world can produce and we feel con fident will meet with tho appropriation of tlio most critical inspectorthey will bo solect goods too and not shown inovory btoro in our midst we dont liesitato to say you will be delighted with our fall dress ttood3 hetii gilbert jetnttnts for sale two btovcu ono ho at or undone cook t ko imuowor ave- wanted industrious man of obrtwtor tolrvolnd appolutagoats fjalary and oxpoubcw pal j duadleygaiihetbon company limited toronto dress mantle making miss atkinson aaepbreiidlnff with mr aloi maud uower avonuo i pri to do fublotiable dttmu and mantle making cltber at homo or by tbo day aa detlrod tgentst only one jprice guelphberlin andwn souml iamjuatitartlim tbo beat thing for nionoy- making you have seen for many a day your unrue aud addroas wtll brlos tba golden information 1 t hiilnacatrtbrorito jfojr sale r- double drlok hoaso si by 06 tevon roomi in eaolj sood oallara hard and aoft water larae lot no 10 main street aoton alio good atablotottne eaay apply to jobd camoron arobltot or to tho owner a weixs fctertodp6 aggnts rphb war with spain is over wo bave the x moat oompletojoutoi7 jpnbhahed our book oontalni about 700 pegei over 100 ulaitra- d la ao opaap it an igc quiok for information oopaset tlona and la ao opaap it aeui on sight ageuta tbolaatlow dayt wrt oolnlng money wl r emp it thitt bbadleyqabbetson c0upan7 limited toronto house and lot f sal that desirable reeldentlal property on bower avsnuo and wilbur streets oppoilte tbe metbodlat parsonaso on wbtob 1 erected a comfortable alx roomed ronobeaat honid with woodshed detaobod gocdoliurn eiossllontftar den annmber ot trait tract well fenced tbe wbolo in etgooditate of repair- libera termi toiuitj3nriaiflreotpaioiilariappjy-la- npmoobb fssapnxbs olboe aoton better prepared than eirer 9 for this falls trade we have one of the most complete and uptodate stocks of drv goods c5eixs furnishings etc ever shown in georgetown among our dress goods is found a complete assortment of priestleys black goods both in plain and fancy our crepons are the admiration of all who have seen them all ladies needing anything in the line of dress goods would find it to their advantage to examine one stock before purchasing elsewhere not much use calling your attention to the tailobrng department as it is an acknowledged fact that we lead in this line but vie might jiist here say that never to our know ledge has such a magnificent stock of suitings trouserings overcoatings etc been shown in georgetown it is a pieasure for us to show these goods and judging from the number of orders already placed they must be just what the people want if you have a few minutes to spare drop in and we will be pleased to have a look through them all departments are iho heipht of excellence for fiannecs flannelettes sheetings cotton ades shirtings in fact all staple goods we give the best value for tbo least money our furnishing stock is an array of novelties also comprising the best imported hats underwear and all requirements of man in readytowear clothing and overcoats we have a large stock of the very best quality if you have not already seen our stock we urgently request you to do so as early as possible as wo feel sure we can interest you it is not our habit to quolo a catch price list but wo give the newest goods that cannot be beat gibson 7ytlljy r0bbutkkniiist c ppoduoe same as cash every day bargain day here a p e istand j p interviewed bv the pafbiot8 special correspondent overwork brought on nouralala and shattered health generally passed many sleepless nigh to mark twain ia the nsit laoioos person to be ueottotauaad id h ladles borne journal antl tks humorists oloiaat mends bsts sent io tba msgsslns for ilia next nnmbw km twsnty odd ttotssimat hltn soot of ubiob hare arsr tuto ariottd xbe acs of axtnts of tbs droll foil- out nou mots foot than iho vsqapsbof tilotos qf jftrvxtviilii hioh his madia 1 hutsimto tosoadjtbsimagaalua fossej toohstdsttlmo printed from their holidays whioh wsto spsat at kinoardine j r batbar m l a and family havs ntnrned tram moskoka j mrs qrabam and children f rom wlarton h li dennetts family from flambora bav ot a mtoholl and fatnlly mrs oavanknab mrs sommorvlile and family from otmp- ing at oakville tha isaohers and other tonrlata bays slso ntorned during iho early part of tbs weskiba msnas and tha fsraonaxa on ohnroh street were each aoenter of atlraotlon to s be unfolding of a night blooming otoiua theas ware of the xing speores and pre tented a besatltal aljhl as these era rare and onlylast lor a ilngle night tbeywero very mnoh apprtolattd every one ii inlerasted in preparing to make onr fell fair btre a snooess putnams corn extractor is ihe best rsmedy for corns exlanl it sots qolokly makei no sore tpots end iffeots a radloal qor a bandrid imita tions prove its nlos take fatlthsr aobstltntss offsitd good nor the close imitations of tho genuine too often offered xhs united fjmttes bars adopted emoke- its pond tor the awry from the oharlottetown patriot the patriots speolal correspondent mao being in tbe eastern section of the island on bminest heard many obmpli- mentary remarks conoernlog dr wllllanit pink pills frhlohi appear to be the favorite msdlolne in alt pearls of canada among those who are very emphatlo in the pralio of thu mediolne is mr nell mopbee j f of glenoorrodale and our oorrespondenl determined to call upon him andasoertaln rom his own lips his views in ihe matter mr mopbee was found at homo and as he is a very onteitalning and intelligent gentleman onr correspondent was soon at home too when questioned about the benefits ho was reported to have reviv ed from the mo of dr williams pink pills mr mophee said abont four years ago i got run down from overwork on the farm am there la oonsldeiable timber land oomy property i thooihl i oooldgo into making timber in addition io my farm work the task however proiad too heavy for my strength ind iaoon began to break down i oontraoted a severe oold neuralgia follow ed and i found myself in shattered health generally i felt very mnoh distressed and dlaoonraged and spent many sleepless nights i tried several vary highly reoorn- mended mtdlolnee bnt reoelvea no perms- nent benefit frbni soy of them as dr willisms pink pille wore s highly recom mended through the press i thongbt i would give them a fair trial after nsine a few boxes i found they were having the desired effeot and i began to tlnd my wonl- ed health sndstrenfilh gradually returning i kept on using tbe pills until i had regain ed my former vigor and had gained consid erably in fltsli as well non i conalder myself a healthier man and eel as well ever i did in my life i oan conscientiously recommend dr williams pink pills to any person sofferlng as 1 was i have tho utmost oonfldenoa in their ouring prop erttes bhenmatlsm solatloa neuralgia partial paralyals looomotor attaxis narvons lieadsohs nervoni prostration ani diseases depending upon humors in the blood snob ss lorotula ohronlo ery sipelas eto til dliappear before a air rsatmsnt wljtb dr williams pink fills thtyrits a ha1lby glow to pale end mllowfoomplsxlon sold by all dealers and post paid at 50o a box or six boxes ormw bjrlrhjg the dr williams xhtdttfoeoobrbovilte ont do not be persoaded to take asabetltute killed by a a t r train pmibnononon sept 0 mr john wylie o ashbornfaam sged 67 years was strpok and instantly killed by the grand trunk belleville express train near keene ont at 1280 pm today the old gentleman wn walking on the iraok and did not hear thoapproaohing train sake vas somewhat deaf the fall fairs list of tha exhibitions for coming fall fair season induatrlal toronto aog 30 to sept 10 western londop sept 8 to 17 wellesley wellcaley sept ib li- northern walkerton sept 14 15 sonthorn brahtford sept 17 to 22 horlloultnrsl preston sept 20 21 22 owen sound owen souob sept 20 31 centre wellington forgo sept 22 28 north perth stratford sept 33 23 esquesing georgetown sept 28 centre bruce paliley8ept 27 28 sooth grey durham sept 27 28 peel brampton sept sb 20 qarafraxa belwood sept 30 80 hallon milton bepl 20 80 eramosa bookwood oot 11 13 worlds fair booktoo oot 11 13 erin erin oct 18 1 it is experience as well study that enables as g co to give satisfaction in dealing with the sight re- far for sa i vauhj haliiiot9jononlon ittbwn cltie of tv brio 100 aeret 88 nnder enltivatlon btalanae wooded xjrse itona boon with wood en addition bank bun 40xowltbsdiedi well outern and nevevfaulog tream good orchard of apploa sean and plama halt mil from pot omoe and cburob good mboola will be old on big own termi to wllablo parohuer hbsdbokbat 18 ueroer btrwt toronto alma lackes eellege opena for eighteenth year september 8th prenui tboald consider the great ad- vkntagtt to tbo inantal mottl and aooil training of tbair dangbtera to b derlred throagn a eonrae in a robtdentlal ohria- tln twhool like alma oolletfe st tdomu ont for nil information addreas rev r i warner maprlnolpal the mode being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make several lines of grocers f and hoasehold c refrigerators in many styles and sizes modern tin design -with- best principle of i dry cool air cir- cniatidn best in- sulat ion and sine lined wby buy a home made or poorly made article when yon can get in uptodate refrigerator for less money for prices and description send for catalogue knowles ham nott oo ialiiutadtbrtford i forsaleby john m bond co ouelph bargains in wall paper before stocktaking and in order to make room for new goods we will sell our wal- paper at greatly reducec prices call and see the excellent values we have in other house furnishings such as windojlv poles and itkjindojni shkdes price 5500 visible writing in addition to all the odvantogea of the fiaooo machines the onlv typewriter manufaclgred in canada fully guhrrntoed circulars and testimonials write for them rroot you furnish the feet we do the rest the wjiiiams mtg co llmltod mqntreal pq makers of mlabrated new wlllianaa sewing afachlnes savage co have for fifty years made the department of their jewellery business their specialty otjbkipw acton- livery bus line thennasnianstlrasveoursolleltsuitpatron age of tba pabtla and informs them tfiat wu bqulppesd and ibltoh big t oan al yimrffftgfmirr at bu itablaa a eotfortabl bus naeu all traits lfwn tsjtnisna mb vm oarahsl ittvmtfop ittatl toareryorjar tbs wants oxtfcmrar3ltratel- aslssmjwjjra j0en williams pawmnroa thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a v6ry small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire fflj4beb stamps toronto w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street aoton i1gwa iwflmea 1 nnttmffdtjrlnsrytair tptlint ch supply ooj flot pfi iwrthvvi

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