Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 8, 1898, p. 4

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if you are young you nat- murally appear so if you re old why ap- pear so keep young inwardly we wlh look after the out- ardly n you need not worry longer about hose little streaks of gray idvance agents of age j fi will surely restore color to gray hair and it will also tlsi nail miu i win uau a9 glvoyour hairall the woallhrf el and gloss of early life do not allow the falling of your hair to threaten you longer with baldness do not be annoyed with dandruff we will sendyoti our book on the halnind scalpjfree upon request fvfritmto thmoooior ixt you ilp itbtobtnlirallluabeae fltl toa expectil from tne uie of the vlicor write tho doctor bont it probablr tion it tome dlffleatty wluiyonr kononl iritein wlilab vlnar bo enillx rmoved i gg astrwi dr j o at u h h i j johns bad company do you know the kind of company that john is ateooiatibk with baij paritanioal auut jane to her married aiatcr ho spent last ovening with some of the raoet vulgar and profine fellows that i ever beard of why what do you mean the boy was in bis room reading a book that lie borrowed irorh one of his schoolmates heiia a groat reader and i jam glad of it tferhapb yon would bo glad if you kuow what ho is reading i ploked up tho story that be waa so inte rented- in when i was doing up lili room this morning and it made me eicb the characters in it were from the alums nd their talk wab blaegy and vilo it waa one of the popular realistic novels ita anlhor thinks it hie mission to describe human nature nn i v no matter bow degraded and to mako it interesting for my part i can dot aee muoh difference between bringing a book- ful of thieves andgamblerb and rogues ioto a boys rgom and letting the boys go into iheir dens if bo enjoys their society at home he may be tempted to seek the in to their homes if our boya are great readers we ought lo know what they are reading and johnnies mother- ald that aunt jane was right and ehe was senox smith in htraidahd pribyter his mother tut rm ojatiasbat september b ibos the beat side of men cornea oat when they talk o their mother or their children of their children they are usually quite ready to talk but their reverence for their mother ie not told to everybody when a man talka to yotubout bis mother you are to feel honored ilia a mark of bis reepoot and regard for you the strong mans eyes nioiriten abfceiotkrofhi5 mother atittiff telle how she taugbvbim to be pure eelf- relian brave aa bo piotnrea ber fidelity and tendernepb you find him in bis fllpe but begtvea you afaw minutes of bis time almost qnoodsciouily yonmake an atlaaionr to your boyhood qr aek about bis and thee if you are the right kind of a man and be knows yon well enough he talka about bia mother let him do the talking and you have made a good paatoraloall you can not aay anything that will bring hina do near to god as his own talk about bis mother she was careless for the aged slje ijoimij jfolhs w ono day a lonoaomo hickory nut at tho top of a waving tree zlimarkod id uko to live in a plioll like a olam beneath the aoa and just at that tlma a olam observou way dawn in the tossing sea id lovo to dwelt inabiokory nut at tbo top of a lofty tree then both of thorn wished and wished and wished till they tamed stood yellow and uluo and that in truth is just about rbat more wibhlrjg is likely to do harpers young people an interrupted flirtation a nearsighted bashful youth whose father is a wollknown oommisalon noer- ohint in cincinnati while walking along fourth street dimly discerned a young lady across the atreet whose face he could not dietingutab but whose bfiare was to strik ing that for a moment bia basbfulnefla vanished he determined to indulge in a mild flirtation with mincing step be followed and when pearly u to fortn- paines celery compound gives the needed stim ulus to good digestion and assimilation and keeps the wood pure my wifo has a dieagrcaablu hnbit of leaving bor pookotbook in exposed placet eaid the man who was telling tlio utory- i have cautioned her more than onoo tbat alio would looae it if ehe wasnt mora carer ful i oamo down town with ber the other morning and the ii ret thing alio did after boarding the our was to deposit ber parse upon the oar seat while ebe relieved horsclf of the terrible aubpiclou tbat ber hat wasnt on straight a inovomont of hor arm knocked tbo purse ou tho floor where it remained until ipiohcd it up i rehoued that purse no loss than a doen timea before wo reached the bargain counter that was the goal of my wifoa ambition evontti around a bargain counter occur with kaleidoscopic swiftnesb and 1 soon found myself the boleuurjiun of my wifoo purse which luy btforc me on the couoluif whore it bad been dopcrtcd by her inarnnd tubii for tbu other end omhe oounterr to teaoh her a lesson 1 emptied the contents of the puree ill my pocket and retreated to the edge of hie crowd to await developments it wasnt long before toy wife crowded her way out triumphantly holding aloft a 25 cent cream jug that ahq had succeeded in having for 40 cents i didnt know that they oharged things here i began fiebly they dont she answered i hate money left for three ico cream eodaa and a strip of car tickets add she exhibited the contents of ber purse to prove hor assertion i nearly fainted when it dawnbd upon mo that i bad taken the contents from a puree belonging to ecmo other woman 7 ihavo codeairatoretainbbflesbidn7 and if the woman who lost 79 cents a postage itamp three bairpthb and reoipo for making angel food will call at my office ehe may havo her property detroit jzce-prea- kidneys natures modlolno brines health and happiness to those in ativan oed years hateiyfor his pluii aha dropped hor pan- jol ln u jiffy ha plohed it up and raiaing hia hat waa about to preieut it with a tammtridh poeob when tbo young lady ezalaimed whf george is tbat you yeyes 8nio jtont- yoa have lomo- ioda she aocepted and tbli vas the fint timo iu mooy a day qoorge had ihown falmsek so gallant to hia alstor oinoionali en- quirtr a cloud of witnesses proolalm in no unoertoln sound the pain annlhllatlnir properties of 8outh amerloan rheumatlocure seres evidence ospngb to oonvince tho most skeptical that sonlh amerloan bbea- matlo ottre does all tbat is olalmed for it itn parkio of binbrook com- plettly onred of aolatica with oar bottlea w mofarlano of hamilton laid np mreral weeks with aoate rheamatlam three bottles cared hln i mr blnolalr ot haralltod over 70 yean old ooold not raise hia band to his bead from rheama- tlaai three bottles oared him mr adams of hamilton soiatloa so bad conldnot wallciared in four dsyo and thoneands more sold by a i brown king david the eweot singer ol iirael says the daya of our years are tbreejoore years and ten and ii by reaaon of atronkth they bo tonraoore years yet is tbeir strength labor and aorrgw the phyaioal troabtes and burdens of old people are msny disordered ndrves oon- stipatlon flatnlonoe drowsiness indiges tod palpitation and impoverished blood seem to make tbem grow woaker from day to day pafnee celery compound ia a tpreorooa and ipvslnsble medioloe for old people it isnatnres tree nerve tisane and flosh bnilder it keepatbe blood pnre and fresh from day to day regulates the organa of digestion and keeps tbo appetite natural and hsaltby no other medioitio in the world so jniokiy recraita tho strength and waning energiea of men and women in advanoed years- painesgslery compound has added many iodr years to the uvea of old people in tbo past and today thousands slng ths praises of tbo wonderful medioine beoause it has bestowed peace and comfort and kept tbem free from the infirmitloa of old age always cured by doana kidney pills mr i patterson croft st am herst ns niakes the following statement having been trou bled for some time with distress ing backaches and weak kidneys i decided to try doansikidney pills they acted promptly and effectively in removing thatrouble with which i was afflicted and re stored me to my oldtime form it is a pleasure for vnt to recommend them to others doans kidney pills are the most effective remedy in the world for brights disease diabetes orojjsy backache gravel sestfirherif in the urine and all kinds of kidney and urinary troubles price 50c a box or 3 boxes for 125 the doan kidney pill co toronto ont remember the name doans and refuse all others see that the facsimilp signature tlie wiigiit mouse corner king and huglison stsi hamilton final clearing of blouses lot no 1- 9kt llht ana ltark print dlouscti for- wjlsinorly sold at 100 and rlii5 ipoolal cloaridg pricoliic oaoli lot no 2- ich flno porcalo mioubob aolf cblurb and i oxjli cuixb regular value h1 25 upocil 1 cloarldff prlco 50o lot no 3- ftrjrt find uualin itlousoa dotaoliod nhlto ful oollarand cuffa rogular valuo 125 spoolal cloarlngprico coo all one pnioe- okn t balance of our untrlmoiod btraw jj hata idolitikiir ballore former prleaa raugldg from 75o to sj0o biealal ol oaring prlco 23 oaob special sale of laces soo window dlflpjay butter vol laooamualln effect 34 to a indies wido regular tt to loo oloarlng at 6a a yard lluttor val inaortjod 1 jnob wido regular price co oioaildbatffca yard bqttor qulpuro edelng rofjulor 12ii cloarinr at co rogular lflo oloaring at 8o a yard- colored yak iitcris rogular 3o clearing at iso yard colored wool ladob cloarlug at 10c a yard outbrlo la put up in onsalxa tottlos only it not bold in bulk dont allow anyone to soli lit anything elao on tls plea or promise tbat it mtabgtiodthid willttnuwototary pur pqw flcn ttat you got 0abtoeia iltlvt to when yoa aro bavipr a qaarter be aaro that yoa are notlobidga dollar when naturefaqs and lifes a drudgery beoause of disease south american kidney cure brings bck thesnap pt good health can you tell me asked his wife scorn- f ally after looking over the property ho jaat parchabed what ever induced you to- buy this place i can he answered promptly what aho demanded ono of the smartest real estate agents in thia part of tbe country chicago evening post all nerves many people nay they aro all nerves easily atartlqg nd aptjotasily worried and irritated hilbaroa hear aptl nerve fills are just tbe remedy anoh people require tbey restore porfeot harmony ot the nerve contres and give now nerve fords to shattered nervous system theroaro plain tires oubhlon urea and pneamatio tires bat tho most commoa bicycle tire ia tho one acquired by riding it- doana kidney jpillo are the moat effec tive remedy known for weak painfal baoki dropsy diabotoe erigbta disease eedimenfe in tho urine and nil kidney and bladder troubles it does not natter much about the businorb eyesight of tomortow as long as the buainesb eyesight of today ib good liver troubles biliousness ballow com plexion yellow eyobr jaandipo eto yield to the ourativo powers of laxaliver pills they are sure to orir i was a great sofferer from bidoey disease so badly effected that i could not attend to my household duties 1 read of the almobt miraoalour cures made by south amerjoan bhenmatio cnre 1 propprocl a bottle in a few hoars x had permanont relief and bix cured me completely i gladly recommend it mrs d coghill bpringhill n s sold by a t brown- in most cbbos theres more fear than danger milbnrns sterling eeadaoho powders are easy to take harmjeie in aotion and sure to oqre any headacho in from 5 to 20 minntei vi lfc a man may try to make a widow think ho could not help loving her but ehe invariably knows different the plebiscite campaign none ao iltllo enjoy tnemaelvas and are onbii burdens to themawlvos as thoaa who hare nothing to do only lbs aotive bavs tho true rellah omite jay for internal or external nss hagyarda yelloatoil cannot bs stoellsd as a pain relieving and soothing ramsdy for all pain honesty orsatea oodfldenoe and confl- dsnoa ostohea and holds oastoinsrst iyippslsis clutch dr von stans flneippls tablets are natures moat won derful remedy for all disorders of the atonoaoii ths digestive powers ot pine apple dan be tested i by mixing eqoal parts of piniappls and beef and agitating at a tsmptratara of 180 fahrenheit when tbe meat wll he entirely dfgcited pineapple r iu uue jay 88 ueuf hold by a t brown dollara when loat may be found bat lima oayer where osn igat some of hollowsya oorrs oare i waa entirely onred of my ooroa by this remedy and i wiah soma more of it for my friends bo writea mr j w brown chicago henhauta ahonld have faith in tbem- aelvas its well as in their gooda i was past recovery doctors said so but soilth ameri can nervine has rap hopelesa cassis it nurses back to health aniunavaiiealla 1 1 for fifteen year j was a slotlm of dyapepila at iolerrals iiraa opnflned to ray bad and my life despaired of i ood- aqlteatnany doptora wit little jw no relief thsy ptcoialtalng nay ae pelt anting sonlb ajnsriesn nerlae was broogbt lo my nolfos i pronared a bottle ths flrat few avjasagatsws great relief ita effeet on wma wonaerfol and i think it in grsstanl ioreridi the ttaurtot for etomsoh dlaotders mrs p moarttinr dnnoalk ont bold by a t brown ylisl no arc yon in favor of the passing of an act pro hibiting the importation manufacture or sale of spirits wide ale beer cider and all btber alcoholic liquors for useaa beverages x system 1b o necessary qaality in buai- nobs but it bo me times leads one into a rat a dinner pill many persons buffer excrnoiating agony after partaking of a hearty dinner the foo partaken of is like a ball of lead upon the btomaob and inetead of being a healthy nutriment it booomes a poison to tbe system dr farmelees vegetable pills are j wonderful correct ivea of suoh troubles they correct acidity open secretions and oonvort the food partaken of into healthy nutriment they are jaattho medioine to take if troubled with indigostion or dyspepsia business men who do things which boys bdghttbo things tneyoagfir not to do and leaving undone things they ought to do if yoa do not properly keep your books your store will not keep yoq dr fowlers extof wild strawberry vioiiib5 diarrhea dysentery t summer complaint prlcb35oatal druggists mrulk ulavritutkai tmkv arat dress ginghams import o3 scptob glntjliame la plaiils cliockti and ntripoa reqular value ida to i3o upouinl oleariug prloo 12jo linen specials 3 only puro llnon dimaakbldaboard scarfs drawn work and frlnga roeular ptlco iil2o clearing at ixoo 4 only damask sldoliord scarfa drawn oudtt rorular 88o cloarlnp at 600 5 only pino ooutro plooon lioruntltohod reg ular 75a for 55o 10 only tray- cloths ltoinstltchod blro fure linen regular valuo 123 and 160 clear- ubftt88oanffei00 s only fine linen tea cloths 36x30 hom atltobod and drawn work regular 16av oloarlng btla3v- mens rurnishlnrs mens dreaded sblru will to body and colored fronts separato ouita regalor 100 and 125 spoolal clearing prion wo eaod mans fanoy oheokbd cotton bhirts soft body separate cans rogalar100 for 76o mens summer vesta white and fancy color ed piqno rogular 183 and 20o special cloar- ing price 8100 eoob summer woablng ties in bowa and four-in- hand regotar 17o special 3 for 25o 4 ply llnon collara rogular 3 for sjc thomas c watkias answer that letter your correspondence will be attend- ed to with more promptness if you keep d supply of stationery on hand we can give you note heads letter heads and envel opes at prices lhat will surprise you call it the free press office and see samples j railway time table marhyoar ballot as above i think said the star boarder tbat patriotism oan be oanied too far for instance queried lie third floor front well there ia no reason why tho landlady ahonld peraiet in feedinn na on army rations philadelphia morth american mja celeste ooonbyaonseinjr writes for years i ooold sot eat many kinds of foods without prodnains a bnrn- ing exornolaung pain in my etomaob i took parmeleea pilla aooordiog to dlreo- tlona under the head dyepepsia or indigestion one box entirely cored mo i can now sat anythlnr i ohooae without distressing me in ths least theae pills do not oaoae pain or griping snd ahonld bo nilid when a oalbarllo la required there is a limit to svsrytbing but lots of men never realize it until it is too late fat is absolutely neces- sary as an article of diet if it is not of tht right kind it may not be digested then the body will not get enough of it in this event there is fatstarvation scotts emulsion supplies this needed fat of the tight kind in the right quantity and in the form already- partly digested as a result all the organs and tissues take on activity aocand eo d drbigta scott a downs ctwniwi toraem thoorht is the germ from wbioh all great enterprtsss eprln worpjitomlhol ttlsvsltbsr in children or tdoltt wisbyjrftlotrl worm tlyrnp is nsed 38 all dealer after marriage a man atopa paying his wife gomplimonts and begina paying her bills dr fbwrero extract of toiustroivherrj- nothing has been found to supersede it for diarrhoe dy cholera orarapa oollo and snmmsr oprnplalnt dont take s snbstllnte inalai on getting the gen- nine my little hoy ajjed 7 15 months vins n viclim of- scrofula oa the face which nil lliodbctora said was incurable to tell the truth ho was so bad that i could not bear to look at him at last i fried a btilllo of burdock blood bitters hud before it was half used lie was gaining and by the time hfl had three bottles ncd ho was completely cured 1 cannot any too much in rccom- trtendatroiiorbrbtb to nil who sufter as he did joseph p labelle mani wake po que thcrecan be no question about it burdock blood bitters lias no equal for the cure of sores and ulcers of the most chronic and malignant nature through its powerful blood purifying proper- ties it gets at ths source of dis- ease and completely v eradicates it from jv the system depreblating yonr neighbors wares does not enhance the valoo of yonr own there never was and never will be universal panacea in ono remedy for alt ills to which flesh is heir tho very nataro of many curatives fcoinfi buoh that were tfco gorms of otbor and difforently bbated diseases rooted la tho system of tho patient what would relieve ono ill in turn woald aggravate the otbor wo have however ia quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated atato a rdroedy for many and griovoua ills by its gradual judioiona use the frailoatsyatoma are led into con- yaleecence and atroq new hats 99 wyndharri st just in the latest uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices i 156 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader new suitings for infants and ohildieii tatfu lath its of womans face it ia penally painted starving clilldron- thonaabds of wellfed children are continually starving simply beoanaa tbeir food is not of lbs right kind they are thin pale and delicate scotts emnlalon will change all this it gives vim and vigor fleab and foroe the man wboae only tbooght is for him- elf has bnt little nse for tiraina an awful cold mn wm darku pine grove ont ays i reoommend dr woods norway fins syrop for ooogba colds qoarssneas jffittrs5hjotjhalajawfaleold and ooold hardly apeak ops bottle pi norway pine syrop oared mo completely some things are worth wailing for but it pays to go after olhera 1 an antlqqstod basloess man cannot even become a speolmen in a uinsehm therein ia be unlike other things of antlqnftyr health bon down i waa run down in health and weak and could not get anything to do mo good until i tried bnrdook blood dittord which baa made me atronk d well tbos iawson terra nova ont wnloh qninine exera on natures own restoratives it relieves tho drooping epirits of thoao nltli whom a chronlo atato of morbid despondonvp andlaok of intorest lalifeie a diaeaeo and by tranqnilizlng tbe nerves dlapoaob to sound and refreeh- log aleep imparta vigor to tho aotion of the blood whiol bring stimulated oaarses tbrongbont the veins etrengthenipg tbe healthy animal fanotlons of the eyateai thereby making activity a noceasary reeult etrengthening tho frame and giving lifo to the dlgeativc organa whioh natarally demand inoreaaed substanoereanlt im proved appetite northrop or lymsd of toronto havo givon to tho pnblio their qainino wino at tho usual ratei find gnaged by tho oploion of boiontibts this winoapproaohoa noarest porfeotion of ofhy in the market all druigiatb boll it the rat whioh a man gets into ofton beoomea hisgraye oonimeroially advertising la an art and those who tbink otherwise are not likely to make much ont of it uneqaallod mr tboa brunt tyen- dlna ont writea i have to thank rysb tjr recommending dr thomas lioleetrio oil for bleeding piles i was ironblad with tbem for nearly fifteen years and tried almoal everything i ooold hear or think of some nf them would give me temporary relief but none would effect a ure ibayeoow been free from the- distressing complaint for nearly eighteen months i hope yon will oontinuo to reoommend it rub shoulders with your fellow batineaa men if yon would enlarge your ideas or lows worm sirup is death lo the worms evory time safe for the child and 0 nioe to take the children llok the epoon i rioe 25 a man dnderatanda woman whon lie understands that be doesnt understand tnern dr jj d kellogga dysentery cordial is prepared from rims known to tbo pro teulon ss thoroughly reliable for tbe ears of oholera dysentery disrrboea griping pains and summer oornplaints it has been used aaooessfohy by medical praotlllpners for a nosfbsr ot years with gratifying results if antterirtg from any enmnrtr complaint it ia jnat the medicine jthat will enre try a bottle it aella for sdoonta tobacco heart fjtave you a boon smbk- a good deal lately and foci an oeoasional twinge of pain round your heart are you short of brenth nerves unhingod sonsa- lon of piiia and needles fjoing tli rough your arm and ilngors better tftko a box or two of mitburnshoartand norvo pills nntlget cured boforo things bocomo too sorioub heres what mr john james of calodonia out the yery newest imported suitings you should see therri new lines of neckwear just in r ev ngls0n merchant tailor and mens enrnisher guelph ons pice only i sho i f shops and warcrooms foot of willow st eeiieeee calls attendeld to day or night j sl speight go undertakers an d embalmers i latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse i moderate charges furni of alit kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j ji- spjeight co orders left with j n st1n80n rookwdod will receive immedlatebttentlon- 00tfloooofooeoooo grand trunk railway noina wkbt u cjoino ijaht mull 10 02 am i kxprubb 1 kxiiruih ii ii1 nni- icxiuoeb wull 7 is 11111 mull miil d jiti nni 10 gdnqj 0 h 1111 100 p111 tliii olf clohikd uaizi golnj woet 0 oain and c co pm abliir eobtrlo 25 niii and c oil pm thin timo tnblo wuut into citfct on mbudny may ictli ihdh v brkntr3rd calvanized steel wind mills and towera jtor- fowom aaz pump- xjt wxthlh terptj covered gear patent roller too ball bearings maple leaf craincrinders two sizes foit any power no z has 1 o- inch reversible burrs no 2 has 8inch single burrs both have ball- boaring burr plates relict springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a trial given hundreds in use we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills ofallkinds the finest in tho market besi material lightes running- send for illustrated catalogue brantfoftbcam john mcqueen ageni for the above has changed his ware- rooms to building on w e smiths property johnstrieet wbcre may be seen frost fr wood bindebs and mowers and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen photographing interiors by flaslilight h- rarnshaw your own photo artist who stays with you the year around has everything uptodate in the flash light photo line including a lease which works at an angle of ta degrees and is specially constructed for interior photos such as groups in small rooms it can not beexcelled rleavey6urfaetstbmc for eilhe interior or exterior views to be taken whenever it may suit your convenience and the work will have the best poibj attention my prices are as low as those of any reliable travellers h rarnshaw acton photoi artist latest and best jdesigns of 7vpin ulents in granite and marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamiiiton proprietor granite marble works gu1bhph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto- and north of hamilton come and see tho largest and best imported stock in the dominion prices tor granite imported stock loss than others ask for the commonest can- adianor american granite i office nd workshamiltoirs block woolwick and norfolk sts cu6lph ont brtvatih works new hamburg oat our si lbfg jobi hiaia aa to say about tlioni i have lind serious ho art troubjo for four yeora caasod by oicoaalvo ton of tobacco at timea my iionrt would boat very rapidly and then boomed to atop boating only to oomm on 00 again with unnatural rapidity jfioauhy aotion of my heart qauflod bhortnona of broath woakneba an this unhealthy aotion of my heart yi weakness an demll tyiitrivm any medfoinbs and sponi a great deal of ironoy but ooold nob fiofc any help xabb novombor howover i read of a man afllloted llkerhyself being oared by mil burns heart and norvo pills i went to ropvb drug vtorn and bought a box when i had fliinlil taking it i was so muoh bolter i bought anotlier box and this completed tho otiro my heart ml cot bothered mo binoo and i trough rocoiiiinond all biiitcrera from httart una nervo trouble ofttuctl by ojioobsivo use of tobacco to give milbnrns heart and norvo fills a fair rind faithful trial pidao 60a a box or 8 boxefl for llsff all drggfilbts t milbum a qo toronto ont faii xioltiddii september 8th to 1 7th 1808 entries close 71i1 seplembtr space allotted on receipt of entry our attractions will bo riant and exhibits unsurpassed yon can see all lhat others can show and to better advantage royal dragoons prince okabes japs sle hassan ben alls ruflins and many other specials the best in the country fireworks each evening blowing op tbe maine assisted by all the ring and stage attractions special excursion trains leave london at 10 pm and after so that you can stay to ihe fireworhs auction solo of dootbs and privileges wednesday august 17th on the grounds at 2 pm prize lists programmes etc apply to ltcol w m gartshore passident thos a browne secretary laxauvbr pills constipation dlltotijnem sod djepeila pries 2sc you want jhi rwcheapest mcmullens fendngaf nod netllogs com bine these two qusillles no ofners do g fencings tit special low prices all er varieties cheap mcmullens sro the ily good netllogs sold in caiuida the unequalled for poultry yard trellis tucwr aak your hardware mer- mcmolens gooda if yon canno1 orhtra trite to the manbfstetarers at plct6tontortdthbbgittilwowis m lfliimitdijltbnandr yss gewml agrat forulwy fsjk- rsaibrsftli nni ifpissam wssm mmiiblm iiitil

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