Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1898, p. 2

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horn on friday mccftrtor a tbo fjlld mcioahtbh at kookwood koptmnbor to mr and mrs t daughter tmuiwton iu wiiltoflow k ii on sunday 11th hoptuinbur to mr and mm o frodthuraton aunt mauagur waru mountain timeb a daitghtor mamtllcd loakbmoonhon thursday august 25th at tho robldanoo of iho brides father by ijov alxandor8utliorland dd assisted by kev rohopli ii locko ratli or of iho broom george herbert locke of harvard college jm- brldno mail to orace isabel onlr daughter at john t mooro eei of avoca villa moaro park toronto died anattkn in georgetown on tuoiday bept uth abram o vmlllor aged jtt yoara 6 montba walken in erin on sunday 4th last tho in faut son of jamofl walker ijt ctnjt fxtt tt othubsday beptembeb 16 1b98 notes and comments lion sidney risber his arrived home from england in company with prof robertson be visited tbe leading centres of distribution iu england and addressed board of trade bodies on ibe sohjoot of canadian trade his missionary work mill likely remit in melons advantage to canadian producers it is net trne thst tbo iqnor traffic has the support of any ohnroh some few in dividuals though deeply deploring the evils of iot9mperanoe have expressed poraonal fear that prohibition might not be effective but thousands of noble ohrlstan olery- mea have declued tbeir desire to see tbe liquor trafuo overthrown and are working hard for prohibition a rumor is current to the effect that lion am gibson minister of -orown- ijanda in the ontsrlo government will probably contest east wellington to fill tbe vaeasoy in the assembly occasioned by tbe recent death of john oralg mpp in view of the faot that tbe biding is deoidedly liberal it is thoogh mr gibson could be eleoted wtthont difficulty the toronto star lays quebec is to give us a surprise when the prohibition plebiscite is taken according to the state ments of mr m anger of shefford que before the executive of tbe dominion alliance that province is being fully organized by the temperance people the reports from varlons districts throughout ontario are also of a moat encouraging baraotertothetemderadoeworitara it is not true thai the prohibition men tioned in the plebiscite would interfere with tbo manufacture of sweet aider older vinegar or older preserved without fermen tation this was nude very dear in the debate on the tlebisolio bill in the house of commons in explslning the word cider as nsed in the bill the minister of agrioulture said the word oidsr means apple uioe which having been treated in manufacture has become an intoxicating drink and it does not mean apple juice simply in its rsw stale tbo anoient drown colony of newfound land has once morn a ray of bops that the french ehoreinaubuemaybe removed or at least that the conditions of the british fishermen may bearusllorstod the arrival at st johns is annoanoed of sir john bramston and admiral sir john brakine tho boyal gommlseion to enquire into the ifrenob shoreqaestiod accompanied by tbo earl of westmeatb secretary to the com mission they will oousalt with tbe colonial ministry regarding the scope and conduct of the enquiry the imports to great britain from canada for tbe month of august as per returns just issued show cattle 10270 head valned at 204660 sheep and lambs bfibg value 8028 bacon 70929 owt 1u909 hams 25229 owt 50720 butter 16680 out 06426 eggs 80960 great hundreds 80088 oheeae 279068 owt 672924 j horses 830 valne 22711 cattle sheep lambs and bones show a decrease but in the other lines there is a decided increase as compared with the same period of last jesr great conflagration the bualneos portion of new west minsters british columbia entire wipe out it wa8 a cruel 92000000 fire vamwdvkii b0 bept 12 dy a are wbiob broke out jn new westminster at 11 80 on saturday night tbo whole business portion of ihat oity has been rodnoed to a heap of xolns the loss amounting to millions of dollars tbe firs originally made its sppearanoe on tbe river steamer edgar moored to a wharf opposite brakman a kere prodooe warehouse sd joining the city market tbe flames spread to the warehouse and fed by a stiff gale quickly reached the market buildings then they spread wlih mirvcjous rapidity to tbe brink buildiuk in whioli tbe columbian was printed a large lour story edifice by this time tbo edgar bad drift ed from her mooring at tbe wharf and set lire to two other river boats whioh in parting with their tow lints drilled down the stream alongside tbe wbtrvos and warehouses aelting everything alodg the waterfront on fire for a distance ot olose upon three quarters of a mile resulting in tbe complete destruction of tbe wharves the warehouses the railway tracks the canadian paojeo depot one of the jirehalls a ooople ok oanoeries with tbeir contents the westward progress of tbe flrealong the waterfront was stopped at tbe railway wharf paralleling the devastation along the watertront the business blocks on colum bia street from fourth street to tenth street a alliance close upon three quarters of a mile were speedily falling victims to the devouring element from trout street to boyal avenue in a abort time beoame a solidflume olflre hoklnanp evsjt it were tinder everything in its pathway front street from the market building westward waa a solid business quarter of the city occupied by whites and chinise both sides of columbian street were solidly built of handsome expensive brick blocks in olnding the pott offloe and ptber dominion government offices the colonial and guiohon hotels the banks of montreal tbe british columbia the columbian and sun newspapers tbe glob masonjo temple grocery dry goods and hardwire stores every oue of which was oouanmed in an inoredibly short spaoe of lime fanned by lbs wind the flames spread northwesterly along the brow of the hji ground in tbe direction of boyal avenue whose great it is announced thst before lord and lady aberdeen bid farewell to canada hey will fill several important social engagements they are now at quobeo and while remaining in tbe ancient oity will make their residence at-the-citadel- where they will give a number of social entertainments on september 20th they will proceed to toronto vrlioro they will spend a week or ten days xhen they will ho to montreal and stay there until tbe arrival of the newqovernorqeneral whom they will meet at quebec lord minto who will arrive about november 21 will be sworn in at the parliament buildings quebeu the aberdeen will be present at tbe ceremony and immediately after wards will sail for england tbe aber deen establishment will vacate bidean hall on october 24 tbe antis are circulating three docu ments in peel against prohibition tbe first is a pamphlet containing priuolpal orams letters there is probably no man in canada today so popular with tbe saloon keeper as the learned principal the second is an arllole from saturday sight by e e bheppard the man who has proved a trsitor to everything be has touohod he hat been a tory a orit an annexationist an imperial federationlit a defender of romanian and a most violent opponent of the ohnroh judging by his past it is safe to say hs would gladly accept pay from tbe prohibitionists if hs could get a job the third is a card labelled ten good reasons why i shonld vote no on the plebiscite livery person shonld get these documents their circulation will help the vols in fsvor of prohibition brampton uonttrmtor prsslloally a wiping out of the oity north of columbia street stood tbe band- some new provincial court house and offioes of lbs government officials this building was sreoted to replaoe the one burned eight years ago nothing but the vanlte and the obarred walls are left of it tbe city hall building also fell a victim to the flames the numerous beautiful residences wbiob adorned tbe site of the hiu from fourth street in tbe east to tenth street in the west end boyal a venae south side on tbe north were likewise burned nothing remains sow to indioite where stood costly and beautiful homes ot well-to- do peoplebut tbe scorohing fruit trees and the bare brlok chimneys one rasldenoe that of ale ewen the wellknown cannery salmon king cost some 185000 the area of buildings consumed may be briefly stated to extend from eait to west fully threequarters of a mile stud from the waterfront to boyal avenue a fall half mils with tbe exception of ex sheriff arm strongs house and a small oottsge every other semblance ot a building atone brick frame or shack have been swept away then are but throe stores and they are small frame ones left it the oity only two hotels and these are a long distance apart holy trinity tbe baptist and methodist churches were consumed with their contents ths buildings within ths area described at a very conservative estimate were worth 91600000 tho insurance as far as oan be ascertained at tbis moment amounts to between 1250000 and 11500000 the tbe loss by merchants on their stocks botelmen householders and others it is safe to place at half a million dollars the total loss will therefore approximate 2q0ftouo bsrtv mr belts wbo is in toronto attending the methodist geuexsl confer ence will have a sad homo coming bis ohurollanrl parsonage havebaendeatroyed and bis valuable library of books was burned in the are some of his effeots were however saved help to tbe bomsless is coming in from adjacent cities vancouver is generously giving liberal aid in food and olothing toronto has voted i1q00 hsmillon tsoq winnipeg 800 and other citlea are aoting in the matter st albans harvest festival eloquent sermons by rev wm walsh of brampton attrac tive deaorntions tbe harvest festival servloes at st albans oburcb isst sabbath were a great success tbe cboroh was beautifully decorated with fruit grain and hewers well suited to such a festive occasion tbo staging by tbe choir is worthy of much praise it greatly assisted in the render ing ot the whole eervioe wbiob was full of thanksgiving spirit the sermonb for the occasion were preached by bov wm walab of sramp ton in the morning he took for his text neb 8 10 after giving a brief history of jerusalem and the jewish people after the babylonish osptfviey bo went on to show the great need ot man realizing his entiro dependence upou qod for all his meroies that man must remember that all gods spiritual blessings to bins are not to be regarded as supernatural but as natural blessings full of deep reality in accordance with the nature and being ot god great strcba was laid upon the duty of oaring for ones fellow and giving of our bounty to those who aro in need thereby establishing the spirit of unselbsbness the main theme of all thtuksglvlng is that of rejoicing tbis joy was not of any worldly oharaoter wbiob would bo empty and vain but the christians joy is the joy of theliord which gives strongtband life to bis soul tbe sermon was a masterly pibco of sloquenoe and power in the afternoon festival sorvioes were held at bookwdod there was an nnns- ually large congregation present as at tbe aervicee in acton and tbo ohoroh was also prettily decorated tbe sermon was quite ot an agrionltnral tone explaining most oarefully tbe peculiar manner of ploughing towing reaping eto in palestine in olden times then the text was oarefully expoundedfollowed by strong praotioal lessons on the whole text in tbe evenicg at acton the speaker again addressed a large congregation on tbe harvett subject drawing particular atten tion to mans entire dependence upon god with clearly defined proofs as to tbe exist ence ot god and showing very luoidly the etrong distinction between spirltusllsm and materialism and that pantheism was no part of tbe christians oreed for while he believed in tbe god of nature be did not believe that any part of nature was god followiug upon this resl zntion ot depend- idlh onlystoppedwhat woulavbavs-been- enceman w t le of grst tude he must return unto god a suitable proportion for all gods gifts and blessings as an act of gratitude all the sermons of bev mr wulsh were interspersed with lively reoolleotlons of bis travels and experiences in tbe old country and the oontlnent whioh mado bis dis courses most interesting and being a most fluent speaker the attention of all was held from beginning to end all eyes on canada bright promise from the advertise ment the dominion has had in great britain mr edmnnd bristol of toronto has just returned from a holiday and busines trip in england thougb the trip waa devoted primarily to holidaying mr bris tol met a large number of finanoial men he says that a very aotive interest is being taken in canada by englishmen of money a marked change has come over the financiers during tbe last couple of years and now they are well acquainted with the standing of tbe different provinces their prodnots and resources canada has every opportunity for inducing english capital to come to tbib country for the purpose of investment or any other purpose said mr bristol star hon j w sifton atoakville the plebiscite vote will brit crete it is considered afalr prize for the motherland london sept 12 the times and the other morning papers call upon the govern ment for onergetlo action in crete more especially if the stories of the complicity of turkish troops are oonormed the german and austrian papers declare that their government will bare nothing to do witb crete the oclogue qauut says germany may congratulate herself on having with drawn her fleet from crete thereby leaving the responsibility to ethers cusea iilsnd of orel sept 10 xne admirals ot tbe foreign powers replying to tbe protitti of the oritan executive committee agalmt the recent massacres have declared that tbsy will recommend that tbeir respective aoverarnenti utile the question definitely by tbe removal of he turkish troops from ths blind of orsts and the appointment of a governor to be selected by ths powers i i j anngget of gold vslned at 183000 has been found in western australia an important crisis in the history of our country the dominion alliance bos isinsd the following flnsl plebiscite campaign appeal to the friends of the prohibition oiuse yourattenlion is again respectfully called to ibe present important otitis in tbe moral history ot our country and tbe personal responsibility that tests upon sstob of ns in relation thereto we are stll alive to the enormity of the terrible evils tbst result from the liquor traffic sod the destruction tbst it la work ing everywhere but we do not at all fully realize the seriousness ot ths immediate situation and thedanger that the apathy of the people nay prevent our obtaining suoh an expression of pnbllooplnlod as will impel parliament to desl definitely and effectively with this moit important question your personal influence if fully exeroia- ed will do touch in enabling na to s what w d y ca stir maay tna aenseofdnty and by doing all in your power you will contribute mater ially to our tnoesss in tbis campaign this last appeal comes to you near the end of a conflict in whioh those wbo are anxious for the moral welfare of this young and promising country are contending sgalntt tbs forces of avarice and appetite sgalnst those wbo for the tske of personel gsln or personal indulgence an oontent to have us oontioue to suffer tbe sin and woe of intsonpsrsnoe tbat not only bears heavily opera us today but tnertisejea ths fqture of the young and innocent and is a msnaos to all thst is good in the homo in society in ths ohnroh snd in the hits the father of the minister or the interior in the pleblsolte campaign in halton a rousing plebiscite meeting was held last thursday night at oakville df bob ertson chairman of the county prohibition association presided the moeting was held in the town hsll whioh was well filled stirring addresses were made by hon j w sifton ot winnipeg grand chief tem plar of the good toroplars of manitoba and bev mr ferrier of edmonton hon mr sifton expressed confidenoo in the successful workingofsprohlbitorylaw in canada and that the roveuue would be a gainer rather than a loser by tho enactment of suoh a law the meeting was an enthosiafrtio ono and will havo a salutary intlueoco in the lowor part of tbe oonnty neighborhood news news items supplied by corres pondents and exohanses burlinoton a few weeks sgn this town buffered severe loss in the dustruotion by fire of tbo coleman lumber companys works by wbiob a large number ot men were thrown out ot employment on tuesday another oalamitv visited tbe town when v a ghents oarriago fsotory was doetroyed loss 88000 insurance 95000 about 25 men aro thus out of work ballinafad the ohango in llio weather makes people like the vicinity of tho stovo those days dont forget balllnafad civic holiday on tbo 21st inet a grand ooncert at night a large number from here took in the toronto exhibition and report having good time with tho large crowds mr and mrs faux ot reed oily mich epent s few days at mr g campbells mr and mrs g campbell are away ou a trip to baint fan mln nassaqaweya tbe plobisoite oampalgn is well organlz ed in this town hip largely attended meetings bava been held in eaoh ward and btrong committees are now at work oiran ittling literature canvassing voters and otherwise working for the success of pro hibition in ward no 1 d d christie was elected chairman and a worthlngton secretary a publio meeting will be held at campbellville on tuesday evening 20th hut at the mettiog of tbe electors of wards 2 and 8 d hartley was elected chairman b4vrdr7sodlsnrseoretry well organ ized committees were appointed for eaoh polling subdivision it was decided to bold amass meeting for tbe township on friday evening ot this week in the township ball atbrookviiie bevs h a maophsrson and j a molacbltn m a of aoton and others are expected to address the meeting tbe lesdors of this movement in oonnec tlon with the vote on tbe plebiscite say that nassagaweya will do her duty as she has done in sll questions relating to tern peranco in tbe past give a big msjority for the banishment of tbe liquor evil crewsons corners there was a large attendance to hear thbrv7dksbatlon of nassagaweya deliver bis temperance address in the obnrob here on sunday last considerable property has changed bands in this viainity during tbe past week mr ii wansborougb has purohaa ed mr wm swackbammers farm at s good figure mr j osbourn has sold hit farm to mr w crlpps tbe prioe psid is 82260 we hear tbat mr jos soper of hunts ville formerly of this place has purchased mr a robertsons farm at eden mills mr d townsend intends holding an auotiou sale today and will move opt to the northwest id a few weeks the severe frost of saturday night did considerable damage to oorn and garden produce mrs alex cripps wbo met with srn acoident several weeks ago is steadily im proving quite a number from this vlolnlty attended l tbe harvest home festival at oburobill on monday evening mrs t eigle of cleveland spent a few daya list week visiting friends hero mr and hn b moore of aoton and mrs jas anderson ot aajkell spent sunday at mr n forbes milton south wellington protest dropped by mutual consent both parties of tbe protest against major mutrlo and tbe oross petition against mr hortop have been dropped by mutual oonsent maodonald drew were solicitors for mr hortjp guthrie watt guthrie were solicitors for mr mntrio everton two women suicide they drown themselves in bur- llngton bay haiinvroit bept 12 two woman drown ed thomtelres in tbst bay oo friday both wert rnsrried 6m having been tho wife of john wtv tailor ot this oity and the other the irilof jimss ortyttis hotel bean ofqrittoqndflludiorsjail years wasmentiilyounbslanoad mr jas blaok wbo baa beou lying near ly three weeks at bis uncle hughs at bookwood waa brought horns saturday last he is recovering slowly mr h w sailes wife and children of brampton in company with some belle ville friends paid a short visit to bis parents here on satordoy mr series sr has been ill for some timo but is able to be up again mrs wm moore of st marys has been a few days witb ber aiiter mrs wm eyert during tbe pait week miss annie oakes of toronto spent a few days witb her sitter mrs j eveit mr harry oakes started for edmonton al tu m b th op l we hope all christians will use their in fluence for right juit now and knay god give us tbe victory on the 29th tjso the opportunity for the countrys good tbe oitizens here woold be very pleased to havo swaokhamor bros of aoton establish a solo leather tannery with twenty five hands here bnt the council is hardly prepared to float a loan ot 400000 for them murray blsa a jew waa oommlttsd to tbe oonnty jail last week oharged witb obtaining good sunder false pretenses milton court of bevibion will be held on friday 28rd inst a dronkon man ia alleged to have aboi- dently set on fire a shed at the bennett honse while lighting a cigar one nlgbt labt week george hume has been la up for gev ersl weeks with illness whioh has developed into typhoid fever complainti have been made of tbe steel iog of rngs and other articles from rigs left in sheds in ths town on sunday evenings the georgetown dramatic club will produce tbe play esmerelda on theeven- ing of september 80tb being tbe last day of tbe hilton fair frank greenless of qreonless bros left last week for fsolding near parry sound he will build a sawmill and be took with him george hewson and j wilson to help the builders pttor a miolean dds died sudden ly st bis residence st cardwell n j on tbe 28rd august from cerebral hemorrhage he was the eldest son of the late peter maolesn for a number of years prinoipsl of milton pnbllo school and later publio school inspector for algoma champion we do what we say c b ryan co about dress goods interest in full dross goods is naturally beginning to manifest itself those goods are very attractive this year plain fabrics will to a great extent lead tho way froooh sorgeb covorts and vigorenux will all meot with a popular demand blancy goods of bayadere effects zigzag patterns two tonob audjtlain grounds with neatiigures will ho worn for somo purposes extensively black drobb goods are stjll very popular for tho past two sousons there has been a large demand for thorn but this benson according to indication they will go bettor than cvor tho grandest array of now full dress fabrics that over been our pleasure to show yoii are beginning to arrive and will soon bo opened up for your inspec tion it will bo a wonderfully attractive dislny you will boo no such values or abbortmont elsewho e this department will be overflowing with tho very nicest goods ihat tho artistic designorsbf tho old worldcan produce and we foel con fident ll meet with the- appropriation 0f tho most critical inspector they will be select goods too and not shown in every store in our midst i we dont hesitate to say yoa will be delighted with our fall dress goods hcln aubtrtistmmts rtibber stamps i70r flno ilubbor bttttnpi p ink tr 1 wlto to goo ourry oo xing bt eat wanted 1ndu8tiuoub man of oharaoter to tnyel and appoint agenta salary and oxponw paid bbaplby gaiuibtson company limited toronto only one price gbb rya guelphyberlin and owen sound better prepared than ever who for this falls trade we have one of the most complete and uptodate stocks of drv goods gents furnishings etc ever shown in georgetown among our dress goods is found a complete assortment of priestleys black goods both in plain and fancy our crtpons are the admiration of oil w ho have seen them all ladies needing anything in the line of dross goods would find it to their advantage to examine ono stock before purchasing elsewhere not much use calling your attention to the tailoring department as it is an acknowledged fact that we lead in this line but we might just here say that never to our know ledge ins sucb a magnificent stock of suitings trouserings overcoatings etc been shown in georgetown it is a pleasure for us to show these goods and judging from the number of orders already placed they must be just what the people want if you have a few minutes to spare drop in and we will bo pleased to have a look through them all departments are the height of excellence for flannels flannelettes sheetings cotton ade3 shirtings in fact all staple goods we give the best value for the least money our burnishing stock is an array of novelties also comprising jbe bsjmporfed hals underwear and all requirements of man in ready to wear clothing and overcoats we have a large stock of the very best quality if you have not already seen our stock we urgently request you todo so as early a3 possible as we feel sure we can interest you it is not our habit to quote a catch price list but we gho the newest goods that cannot be beat rob block justin st gorgtojflis every day bargain day here produce same as oash a str case mr jas or03qrev of port hope tbll8 an interest- inqsrer churchill good viva of tbe ohoroh and a prodrsmma waa afterwards riven the proimme oonsisttd of aeleouons by a loosl orohsstra daelt and irlos by messrs mann and glbbtmi and bev 3 k xjnsworlh nalla- tlooa a bnmoroqs and interesting specob by b h at vfisi dik oun and tolofcy jly mah n maoit appr6oatd aolpn corflw bandinhjtmrf ha prowe4ln dnrtnil bsj nenldgjn tbslroinalenlhalaslloroannei an njoyafctt hint snu tpehibj ail harvest home servloes werthield jn tho congregational ohnroh at ohoroblll laat bnnday in the afternoon bev w s moaipine of georgetown preached an able and interesting sermon wbiob wae mnob enjoyed the ohoir of the oharob also fornlsbsd approprlato mnslo tbe obnrob waa neatly deoorated witb symbols of harvest on monday evening an ntertaloinentand tea waa given in tbo obnroh hcfreshmente were servedbytno horusr liwajaontly bis lull mr wtht erin prolr toltving for her new home in aoton hit week miss liaiie graham wass presented with a complimentary address and silver frnlt dish mlas graham was a valned worker in the baptist ohoroh and bev mr kelly spoke very kindly o ber efforts the next meeting of the township oonnoll will bs held at anderaona hotel osprlngs on monday 17th ootober mra tho oarbory er ia visiting bee daughter mrs dr moganl ot btaynsr the moghil fatnilee held tbeir annual anting at stanley park a week ago when u very enjoyable time waa spent there were over fifty present on bttnrday and sunday ot last week fire did considerable damage to tbe ftnoess and bash on tlie farm oooupied by mr w fines on the 101b line add at ona time the buildings were in great dinger of being destroyed fortunately tbe rain of monday a m obeoked tbe progress of the fire mra v mllloy wbo had been visiting frienda hero returned to her boms in buffalo last week editor hall was ibe reeiplent isst week of a unique ohslr made of polished bolale hull instructor at tba industrial sohool edmonton sohool reopsnsd laet week with tbe fonr rooms pretty veil filled ptinoipal awroy will no be in a position to make ble ener gies tell or bit poplle he will have oharga ot the leaving stad continuation olsises we believe ibersbaa dawned a new en in the edubttrontl nlsfofy ol erin- there ie poreajkm wtsy iuienhiiould not be pre- parsidtiere r jltfalrionletlon and for i beooud claw wtifloateerfwiafe his rlsht lob swollen to three times its natural size ulcers followed and for a year and a half dootora treatment failed to help him from thapoit hope tlmoa it waa nearly as urge aa tbat telophone pole these very words were used by mr jas crosgrey for eight years a resi dent of port hope ont mr crosgrey is in tbo employ of mr b k boots who has a feed atore on walton street and ie well and favorably known in tovrrr and violnity iteaa than two years ago mr crosgrey was the reolpient ofmqoh sympathy on aooount of a severe affkotlon whioh betel him depriving him ot ths nee of bie right leg and from doing any labor exoept a few odd daya work his reoovery was wrought so suddenly and so oomplelv tbat the timet considered tbe matter would baof sufflolent interest to its readers to obtain an inter view wither crosgrey in substance mr crosgrey told the the following story of bla illness in april 18ss i waa laid np for several weeks with typbold fever and after i reoovered from the fever my right leg began to swell it wit very painful in deed and in a few weeks it wia three times its natural else nearly lb large as tbat telephone pole and he pointed to a stick of timber ten loonee in diameter nothing the dootor did gave me any relief and i oonsnlted another with the same mauls i angered for neatly five months when i notioed tbat ibe swelling began to aeoreaee and i beoame hopeful of reoovery bot the improvement only continued for a short time and then tbe swelling beoame greater and two big ulcere formed on the inside of ibe leg above tbe ankle these nloers were right through to the bone and yoa oould pat tbat mnob into them and mr grossgrsy indloited on bis thnmb an objeot an inoh in length for the next year and ft half i wis treited by four or five dooors but my leg and the uloera were as bad as ever tbe dootora pro nounced the disease plebitls or inflamma tion of the veins they didnt aeem to know what to do for me however and i despaired of getting well mr orosgreys reltif tjatnflmsratratigemsnrier atmoet by ohanoe one might say hs telle of it this way i bad a relative living in tees water named willliro bsptiit he heard of my condition and sent word to me lo try dr willlami pink pills his reason for reooratneqdlng them he stiied wae because they hadoured him ot serious trouble in both legs wfcsu all else bad failed i decided to try them tpd in less tbin five weeks tbe dew if ipistayonnd mo ihmlltartln ottwpft khs aloen war returned and my leg is glasgow house we take pleasure this week in directing attention to our splendid range of l es and sea- sses jackets for the approaching son our selections from the best makers represent the latest and most advanced styles produced jand the prices will be found the lowest consistent with quality and workmanship for sale douhlb erlok houso 84 by 86 aevon rooms idoaobbood oedsvn bard and soft water largo lot no 10 main street aoton alio good btftblo tortnioaiy apply to john cameron architect or to tbo owner j o wells 1 everlon p o agents tbe war fuu bpoio 1 over we hive iho moit complete hutorp pabllitiod oar r6ot book contain about 700 pasei tiooes ftnd la to ofteap it aolli on iiem oolnjdfi uiodoj with it tbo laat faw cfaji out 700 putum over 100 lllabtn- toeap it aolli on light idoroodoj with it t qulok for information afteqta writ bbadlbyg4pbetson company limited toiodtix house and lot f sal thaf dtslnble realdtntlal property on bdwer atonaowid wilbur btretto oppoilto tbe metbodut fetnoaagf on wbiob la erpotod a comfortable tit roomed rouftboait houia witb woodibeddatwfaescfhkdoliterii axcellont fnt- den a tmmtxf ot fruit trees well fenced ibe wboloinagood state ot repair libert terms to salt pqrobuer for pertloulars tvpply to hp moobe pan fjubbs offloe acton farm for sale west half eot fl concession town line of brio 10o aerei 88 tinder cultivation bslanoa wooded large stone boose with wood en addition bank bam ioxm withstood well olstorn and neterfaillog stream good orchard of apples poire nd plums half mile from post offloe end cbnreb good schools will bo sold on his own terms to reliable pnrehiier mb 8 dockbay i mereejmstreet toronto alma the leading can adian colucak for youno women located in tbo splendid tnterlake region of tbo most southerly ptrt of oinsda snd in a city of 12000 inbab- iunta poor transcontinental railroad and locsl electrics system cdttege coarse and halle pino art elocution business and domestic science departments finest building eitenslve ground home comfort strong staff highest health record best astaktaobb anb lowest bjltss for caulogno and fall particulars address rev r i warner ma principal st thomas ont acton livery bus line trod at tbe nqdeilentrdrespeotfnllyboiloltstbap1 ago of tbe public and informs them thai wall equipped and stylish rifli oan si wa y be secured athliitablei a oomfortable bni meets trains between 9 a m and 818 p m osref al attention given toe wry owe tbe wuits of commercial travel lers folly met john williams pbofbietob removed waters bros pictubes frames wall papers fancy goods now next pringles guelphl thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 9 1 000000 700000 guelph branch we sra norw leaning money orders psjsblo it par at tny brsnoh of cberuired bentin ganads excepting the yukon district at tbe following rates under 10 8 cents aio to ao 10 cents 90 to j0 isoenu ao to ew is cent mobest current ratb of interest paid on stum deposited of al and upward interest allowed from date or deposit to date of wltbdnwal snd paid or compounded half yearly advances made to responsible farmers on their own names at the lowest current rates no charge made for oolleotlng sales note it payable in qnelph a genera banking labiate transacted a f tj jones inspection 18 solicited 7cc7qn n fc go joil about is eodod as ths other eras i i know tint dr williams fink pills al eare n w d and all t other meillolnee failed and i an willing that tbe dotills ef tny illness and cored be made known mr crosgrey who is 1 years ofsge la now at work every day tbe nature of his work thst of lilting bags ol floor and feed la proof of bis complete reoonrr- be is a life long friend of dr williams pink fills and never lets an opportunity pais of speaking a rood word for them the above etatemeomsu sworn to before tbe undersigned at cert bops on the 17th day of february 1808 d h cursiiolu seven years for arson owen bouhd sept 10 onuls hamil ton aged seventeen years- name before judge morrison on a charge of sailing fire to a burn belonging to mr alesandir boss egromont township on the nlghsv ot aug 11 hamilton baft pleaded gnllsj at the prellmlnsrj hearing some dsys ego and was nwred by tadjwmvrfiswn seven yean nh psnljjntlsvy l j i i i 1 pdurlng til toronto fslr iheitreet ralltray earnled 1870998 psusnstrs and oojjleotjd fates f 18107 in idvinc o lail jptaw the mbtriern cfocer it is experience as well as studythat enables to give satisfaction in dealing with the sight for being the larg est makers of refrigerators in canada we make- several lines of grocers id household nrlgeratora in ly styles and sea modern design vith t principle of cool air dr- tilonhest in itiation and no lined why uy a home lade or poorly wade article jwiate refrigerator prices and description when yon for lees mone send for cnlafogue- knowles ham ft nott oo ufnltndbranword for sstle by john mbond a co ouelph savagfi co have for fifty years made the department ot their jewellery business their specialty aqekts ahinststaruni tns feast thing cor money- yon name and inlormatlon

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