Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1898, p. 3

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clte bank of hihilton hhid office hamilton capital all paid upl 1 26000000 deserve fund 77600000 total assets i 1 1 6014400 voarly ton milllom of dalian a a baubay vloofrosldont board op directors john stua11t frostdont gso etoion john fnocrron a t wood a b ln toronto wkainsoxm p j tubuduul oublor h b steven ant oublor b m watbon inepeotor george agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection of sale notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points in canada and united states drafts on great britain bought and sold savings department deposits of 9x and upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added o principal every year whether pass book s drought in or not special deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent georgetown ont the news at home til aion jtu fjms thursday september 15 1808 little lo b which caught the eyas or ears of free press reporters this week rostnigbts faave set iu duck shooting is in season oonnoil meeting next monday evening the plebieolte vote two weeks from today the weather is becoming more fall- liks again bramptons rate of taxation this year is 20 mills the tatnmn lints are gradually defin ing tor appear overcoats abd fori are in demand these tibilly evenings the troat fishing seseon olosed last night nntll next may a publiq prohibition meeting was held in knox choroh last evening the fbkxpbess to any address till the end of the rear for 35 cents the stove dealers and coal merchants weir a very contented look just now toronto exhibition la over and now the smaller fairs will have their innings upwards ot 800 tlokete to toronto were sold at aoton station daring the fair do your special travelling before tbe 25th inst if you desire low railway rates tbe volume of travel last week from acton was never exceeded in any week sinoe tbe 0 t b was opened how tot a live antutnn business tbe prosprcta are good buyers are keen and monrj liicly to be freely spent the ease against itaao olark for which be was sent to milton for trial was dismissed by the county judge there will be a lively scramble after basinets this fall and themao who bustles moat will likely get tbe best of the effort arrange to be in aoton foe the big prohibition rally on monday evening 20th inst money orders are being aold at very low rates by the traders bank ot canada bee their advertisement in the ibee pbesb no effort is entirely lost which awakens the interest of the baying pnbllo sdvtrtiss in the fress puss for tbe fall trade tilnoo the rains following tba warm weather the lawns and pastures bave taken a fresh stark and look bsantifglly green and attrsotlvs again a bylaw for the purpose of raising the asm of j1000 for tbs oonalrcotion of waterworks will be voted on in the village of bolton on sept 28th mr vf c swackhamer left at this office samples o alexander apples wbioh are very line indeed bine and a half ounces apiece is pretty good weight farmers i dont be hoodwinked on the question of older n connection with the plebiscite vote only spirituous and fermented honors are to be prohibited the municipal eleotrls light deputa tion will likely vialt newmarket and slayner thl week to glean information sod beanie pointers for tbe proposed plsnt to be installed here at tbe epworth irfsgne on tuesday evening mr thoa brant jr was elected vicepresident of tbs christian endeavor department to all tbe vacancy cansed by tbs removal of miss nettle olark a grand plebiscite rally will be held in the town hall on monday evening 26th inst jtev j s boss d d of guelpb one of the strongest speakers in the provisos will address the meeting a fruit farm at oakville is tbe subject of litigation in tbe nonjury court at osgoode ball mrs dr spanldlng auing w a martin of tbe toronto eleotrlo light company for not compiling with a agreement re to the purobaso of the aloressud iruirfaf rn mostly of a lqoal charaotar and every item interesting only a coat of paint the gtk painting gangapent about a week here and repainted the exterior of their old depot water tank oto there is an improved appearsnoe but our oilizeus unanimously think that a town wbioh gives the gt it an annual revenue of upwards of 850000 is deserving of more considera tion a cost of paint is a very iusigniuotnt substitute for tho longhoped for new dopot a bloyclo tourist swindler a young man about five feet seven iuohes with blaok mustaohe resobed tottenham on sunday ouimingto have oome from new york state wheeling through the couulry for the good of bit health he stopped at tho maple leaf hotel over night and early monday morning crept into tbe bar took bis wbeel a redbird and deoamped thero is aleo some ten dollars in ohange missing lett tor tho north carolina mission field tor tbo past twelve months iter f w lnxford baa been be pastor of the dlscip lea jharoh here bis year has just ex pired and be bade farewell to ths oongregar ion in an irapresblve sermon last sunday morning els dlsooarse vras a fatherly exhortation to the members to embraoe all duties oslenlated to advance gods king dom and to bbow to the world that they are llviog working ohrletiapa during mr luxforda term in aoton bo informs the fiieb passa some thirty persons bave been brought into the ohurob hrtand mrs luxford will go to buffalo for a few days this week and will then prooeed to thoir new held in north osrolina knox czwrck harvest boole next sunday will be observed sb flower and harvest home sunday in enox ohurob here special serrnons- will be presobed morning and evening by rev h a msopberaon paator of the ohnroh musio will be furnished by the oburoh oholr at both services in the sabbath school in the afternoon an address will be given by a prominent sabbath school worker from a distance on monday evenlug 10th inst a harvest home soolal and lectnre will be given in the ohurob the lecture will be given by rovv r e enowtes d a of enox ohurob gait one ot the best orators in the canada presbyterian oburcb tea will be served in the basement of tho ohurob from 0 to 8 oclock xt wbb a juicy trip last iriday afternoon a trio of well- known georgetown ladies decided to eojoy a wheeling trip to aoton and spend an honr or bo with friends here when littler more than balf way the olonds beoauie blaok and tho rsln subsequently oarae dpwn in splendid volume for tbe newly town wheat but with a decidedly dampening effect upon the spirits and persons of tbe wheeling party with considerable pluck they con tinued their journey to aoton but when they arrived here tbey presented a spectacle miserable in the extreme they were thoroughly drenohed and mud bespattered and tbelr pretty summer costumes were completely ruined their appearance as they entered the home of tbesr loatess was ludicrous indeed they tsrried until morn ing beforo making the return trip the case was vismissed another ohapter has been enacted in the history of the disagreement of a oonple ot onr looal magistrates referred to in last issuo several citizsns who had an alleged g against one ot th ma coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlouaother personal notes tbo fmth piibna invito all its ronvderi to con trlbuta to tbli column jf you or your frieudi re going vway on tthoildiy trip or u you lmva frlondj vliltlug you drop ft cr3 to tbo fmuj paku tmbb wilion of barrie u viiting the mibbcu ijtird hta week mr j h worden of orton spent sunday at bis old jiome miss allle browp viitted iclativee id toronto during the week mre johu cameron of jubntitown n v is visiting relatives here mm ella hoddof hamilton id tbo guest of mr and mre alex seaord itltbb nettlu cobban is bpendinj a oouplo of weeks with friends iu gait uiifl clara middlotou of chutbn was visiting miss goodeve last week bliss ada fern ley of tjoronto bpent a few days tbia week with aoton friends bliss nolud brown baa gone to exeter where she will reside for a few months mr phas lowry of quelph spent a toy or so iffis week wjtb aotqn relatlyeb miss nora meredith of durham visit iij her friend miss goodeve bis week miss afoogk of waterloo visited hot e later at tbe methodist parsonage this week mr tom kennedy registrar of parry bound was a welcome visitor to aoton this week mr r jlane of mimosa vltjited hit sister mre n f moore lake avenue ibi week mr and mre w friak and family aro spendiu a week or bo with friends iu newark nj blegrnt n6m fall black dress goods it pays to buy al bollcrts it pays to buy at bolltrh to say we have exceeded allprevious efforts mildly expresses our preparations for the coming season a more pleasing for satisfactory collection of black dress fabricsjvould be hard tojfind soaabi 3 qaret barg mm on saturday sept ioth u bbss i aauia shius aitybe oloee ol ihs servios in st albalil oburoh last spnday evening bev wm rvaisb of brampton explained to thsyriunifiriien ot ths congregation tbe sdriiito aidvitttagesof the brotherhood pfbigabttrairr a branoh of this soolely maliijirgsnlmd frtoonnebtton with ihs oharonbere tbo proprietor of a certain bloycls livery tells a story ot a lady who returned with the back lira of a oyolo deflated and qui to pieces tbe other day ton bave pnoetnnd tbs tire and been riding around on itaftervrard nntll it la mined mid be why did yonl not bring it back hero at onoe she looked at bim in great surprise and ealmly answered afy honr wasnt up i georgetown is to have a great concert on friday 28rd intl fair night ths talent oouttals of madame maria harrison prima donna soprano lata ol paris francs soloist at new iofjcat dan grodfreya concerts mr brneel martin oanttdss favprale tenor mr david anerion flntlst 18th lieglmtnt band himltton j hiss llla kennedy tbs emin ent plsols the prion srs su and ss msar hero ia a stralghi tip hem a news- pspsrfll rains it mytthwe is qtwsy to edvartlte and thai ia name your occupation hly into ths rtbejwalltln their im5 lltm fmli6tjou hd op tbo eommnnlly thatsoppotto beoaose of a reoent oonviotion by him for illegal conduct formed a syndioate to meet the expenaes and entered a oause before g h eennedy j p at georgetown the hearing was set down for friday at the above town lawyers from gqelph were engaged and a number of witneases from aoton were taken down xbe case was heard but tbe evidence was deemed by the oo to b flimsy and nnaaiiafaotory and uur defendant was honorably discharged the experiment of getting even with the aforesaid magistrate was rather an ex pensive one for it cost the syndioate some thing like 135 and tbey had n mnoh satisfaotlon after all jzoir jtfifan regarda mttnufetoriea the milton champion lays on monday evening an informal meeting of the town connoil was held to listen to the repre sentations ot swackbsmmor bros of acton who prop6so to establish a sole leather tannery here both tho brothers thoroughly understand thoir bnslnesd and one of then ia exforeman ot tba beard- more tannery sit acton their proposition wss to bny tbe neceasary land erect bmld ings and commence with a force of twenty- five employees tbe town tu lend them tcoooo everything was satisfactory except tbe amount of the loan wfilofa the members of the counoll gsnerally thought top large for a town ot miltons also there is no prospect tbst such a finanoitl arrange ment will be entered into bnt it ia hoped thst tbe messrs swsokbammer may in duce capitalist to buy btook in their sohsrae and that they may be able to propose greatly nodifled terms to the oonnoil solo leather tuning is a pay ing business and there is no reason why snoh a tannery should not auooeed in milton tbe fact that its employees would be men some ot them heads of families is a ctrong argument in favor of maniclpsl enoonragement the methodist church last sunday jwhitloontinuedijlnesis of bev mr mclsohlans father at drayton he was unable to return horns to undertake his ministerial work last sunday bev t b forbes of tbo congregational chnrob and bev f w iinxtord of tbe disciples oburoh kindly anpplled the vacant pulpit in the morning bev mr forbes presobed an impressive sermon front luke 16 25 tbe parable of xaxarns and dives bev mr luxford in a sermon on the philosophy of little things based upon 2 kings 6 1 the story of haatnan and tbe little jewish mrs biobt carroll and eon ot toronto were guests at the homo of mr wm carroll this week mr w lyman of thedford visited at the home of mre 3 h worden and family last week sirs j w noble and ber littlo eon of bloomflsld n 3 were guests of relatives here daring the wcuk miss jennie biohardpon of eramosa made a short visit this week at tbe home of mr john mcqueen mr and mrs w- h parson of exeter visited at tbe home of mrs alexander brown daring the week mrs fred boss of edmonton north west territories is visiting with miss mopbail and other friends mrs george bamsbaw of chicago has been the guest of artist bsmabaw and other friends during the week bev j moose uf peterborough visited bia bibter mrs bobt brown at lilmebonse and also friends in acton this week mr and mre alex beoord and mies bertie of aoton were the guests of mr and mrs o l young over sunday 0akville67ar miss bella barry of aoton was visiting with her sister miss ida barry and other friends in town a few days this week newmarket era mrs e b nioklin and mtssos nina millar and lizzie langao ot georgetown were tbegneafs last friday at tbe home of councillor franols mrs goodeve went to toronto last week to meet her sisterln law mrs george aahdown of morden man who was on ber way to boston miss louisa baker of new glasgow returned home on monday after spending a week with mrs wm bromn her girl hoods bosom friend mr wm johnson of belloville who is a dslegats to tbe general conference at toronto was a guest at moorcorof t from saturday till monday mr charles hill of toledo ohio visit ed bis grandparents and other relatives here last week he and his brother willlo returned to toledo on monday miss x traax daughter ot b e truax m p p ot walker ton and her friend miss baker of the same plaoe spent thursday in town tbe young ladles were on thsir way home from tbe toronto exhibition the executive ot the canada congrega tional missionary society have appointed a missionary superintendent in the person of the bev a f mcgregor b a tbe well known christian endeavour worker of woodstook ont fashioni dictates from three centres tans london berlin and fashion itamns pr rifle s 1 lacfe wool i inured i airlcs as correct in sia k tin l qf design tins scaion but thai ts nut all tor lincncss of texture and durabiy of vyeavs 4rt4ihi4f4stit prlestlcys black woof figured fabrics in larpje and small designs matabsse effects arraurcs and pebble cloths are unequalled ideal in their drsplng qualities chlc and stylish in the cflerts they yield priestleys highclass dress goods is confined exclusively to this s and o le in black dres go is u no idea of our comprehensive assortment or the rich and elegant fabrics can be conveyed in these columns nothing short of a personal visit will do tha t fine kid gloves youre sure of quality of kid gloves when bought here guaranteed goods fit ideally correct and wear the most satisfactory calve gloves a superior quality 2 dome fasteners heavy stitched back and colored welts to match 100 new veilings we will place on sale and offer while they last the following great bargains just received 1st one case plamnelette remnants shipped direct from tho mill in ends of from 2 to 10 yards all exceptionally good quality and choice patterns regular rale and 15c flannelettes will be sold at just about half price if you need nny come and one lot ladieskid gloves in all sizes in 1 ans and browns with 3 largo patent dome fasteners fancy stitching every pair guaranteed and another palr given in case of ripping a first class glove sn every respect and only 75c per pair the quantity is limited and if you miss them youll miss a bargain 3rd a great purchase of a manufacturer 3 stock of i eather boas at alucs we have never seen equalled b 22 iqch leather ruffs only 15c 23 inch marabout ruffs with ostrich lipped only 15c 50 inch feather boa very full and heavy only 65c 50 inch marabout boas with ostrich lipped only 75c 54 inch realher boas with fancy cockce plumage tips only i 25 v 54 inch very largo boa cockec plumage only 2 00 50 inch ostrich mixed boa only 92 75 18 inch taney ostrich rufla with tall pendants only 83 50 hand these were bought spot cash at a great bargain see the stacks of new goods that have already come to e b bpllert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham street guelph gurn6y co toil- street hcton the railway rate war canadian and american lines will cease cutting sept 28- new youk sept 10 one of the results of the canadian pacifio bsilwsys bkcqaies- oence in tbe declslou ot tho interstate commoroe commission that that railroad 1b not en tilled to a differential in its rela tions with american lines la expeatsd to be a speedy cessation of passenger rate outting between new york and gblogo the canadian paolfio parposes to restore rates to the standard basis on sept 95th general passenger agents of the arrserloan trunk lines expeot to see the through rates from new york to chicago and st paul restored to the regular figures at the same time toronto receipts of the fa they total nearly s1o0oo0an inoreaae of more than 22000 over the reoelpts of 1897 the constable voters talk of the day maiashowed with liberal illustration tbs value ol embracing every opportunity for accomplishing good tha congregation was favored with a mnoh appreciated ren dition of high oltta saored mails al the morning service after ths opening prayer mr chas hill ot toledo ohio lang with great credit to himself banana in ex- colala and daring the offertory the holy city be bts a rich baritone voice of splendid oompaaa and his artlonlatlon fs perfeot his brother mr william hill aooomptnled hitn on tbe organ at tha sunday school sersioe mr wm johnson superintendent of bridge street bnnday sohool belleville was an honored visitor his address to tbesohoolwas most inter bbtlngsnd belpf ol and wasihlghljreppre olaled especially by tha ofuoerb and teach ers and older sobolars mr johnson is one of canadas raostsuooessfol bunday school workers busowd sohool has 1qc0 scholars enrolled and b hsi been its superintendent for twsnt about noon yttir atftmhsw horse ran sway down mill street ajld turned into tbe trig gats at willow bt corner upsetting the bread wagen and breaking tbe back springs li hung chang baa been finally dis missed from tbe chinese foreign office lord htrohell will visit toronto and be banqaetted by tbe board ot trade this wesk mrs john watt and mrs cbarlea forsyth were drowned in the bay at hamilton on saturday mrs donald chlshoto of teetwater wss npset out of a buggy and killed while returning from ohnroh on bnnday it is understood that one and perbapa two of tbe manitoba grain syndicates intend operating this fall in ontario arohbiahocdealgnate o ii gaothlcr will be consecrated in tbs kingston cathedral on tuesday oct 18th the feast of 81 lnke davia maxwell ar head of tbo well- known implement manufacturing firm of david maxwell sons died at st marys saturday morning aged 07 years br a b james dominion vetenary inspector has plaoed five piggeries nsar ottawa under quarantine as there is very strodg evidence that hogs in all ot them are affeoted by oholera it is annoonood tbat sir charles tnppor leader of tbe opposition in ths dominion parliament will leave canada for england it is believed the court will maintain their rights tortonro september 10 the argnment in tha eleotion constable oase was con cluded thi morning the court gave no direct intimation of what its finding woold be bnt it is believed the right ot the special oonetables to vote will be maintained the coart is now engaged in bearing the appeal from the reoent deoislon ot judge osier in the south ontario eleotion case allowing the substitution of a new petition er tbe previous pstitiunsr having been declared disqualified as an alien the evidence thus far proves tbat money was spent in porohasing votes for ths success ful candidate emrfess of austria murdered her majesty stabbed by an anar- orslat atqeneva last saturday gtkeii switzerland sept 10 tbe empress cf austria was assassinated at tbs hottl bsanrlvago this afternoon by an anarchist ha itabbed ber majesty with a stletto the murderer was arrested it appears tbst hermajesty was walk ing from her hotl to the landing place of tbo etsaxnsr at one oclock when an italian anarchist suddenly opproaohedtnd stabbed her to the heart tbs empress fell got up again and was carried t3 the steamer nnoonsolous xbe host btaitsd bnt beeiog the bmpress had not rsooversd oonsotousnesa tbe captain returned and ths empress was oarrled to the hotel besnrivago where she expired wapftnb bank bills frank lefebvre arid wife arrested at osntllly quebec with a lafge quantity ot stolen money in their possession the reoeipts and attendance at tbe exhibition were in exoess day tor day of those of any previous year excepting only the first two days of the first week when there was a slight deorease the total increase over ths receipts of 1807 ia a little more tnan t250oo the returns are as follows days attendance tuesday aug 80 16000 wednesday aug 81 17000 chas l nelles guelph sold thirty thousand rolls of the riglxt house corner king and huglison sts hamilton our preparations for your fall needs are on a scale that we think has never yet been approached in our entire history later we shall tell you more today we content ourselves with the following wall thursday sept 1 friday sept 3 saturday sept 8 monday sept 6 tuesday sept 0 wednesday sept 7 thursday septra 59000 21000 21700 osfioo 40000 07000 70000 friday sept 9 27000 totals 410000 becelpts t 018 2030 0457 4813 5208 19015 10838 20571 21000 4550 paper this reason you should buy from him ho 97g40 to become canadians movement on foot in jamaica to annex the island to canada kirqstor jamaica sept 10 the pro moters of the movement for bringing about the annexation ot jamaica to the united states having failed to secure popular support because of ths oolor prejudice are now agitating for admission to tbe cana dian dornlnion their efforts in this direotlon promise to prove more soooebsfal bnt before adopting definite measures tbe promoters wlshto see the result of tbeeflorts of ths barbadoes conference to secure relief for tbs sugar and other industries of tbe british west indies also bandies more window shades than dress goods imperial suitings cy shades 54 inches wide special 40c fancy boucle suiting 42 inches wide special 40c 60c 75c vlgerous suitings 5 shades 42 inches wide 40c armnre suitings 54 inches wide special 75 cents black allwool coating serge 44 to 48 inches wide special 25c 35c 40c ten new designs in black silk and wool effect 44 inches wide 50c silk department plain and fancy silks in great variety blouse silks upwards of a hundred patterns placed in stock this week newest shadings and designs specials at 50c 65c 7jc 85c black silks tbe value surpasses any thing we have shown heretofore see our special numbers of black peau de sole 7jc 85c si staple department riannelettes 36 inches wide fine quality extra weight assorted stripes special hc dark shirting flannelettes strong make assorted checks 27 inches wide special 10c canadian flannelette 32 inches wide light and dark patterns very special 5c mew wrapperetees and molleton cloths in great variety of patterns black and red black and grey and assorted fancys decid edly the finest nnge we have ever shown prices 8 zo 12 15 and 20c new shirtings best grade heavy cotton shirtings fist colors checks or stripes 30 in wide i2c other grades at 5 7 j 10c english oxford shirting best make double warp speoial 15c cottonades we keep only the best makes prices i2g 15 18 20c union shirtings flannels best english make unshrinkable soft finish 25 35 40c any dealer on iu6 imod inst and remain there till after the christmas holidays mr e b sbeppard setlng for a number of anllprobibltlonlsts of ths oity has issued a olroular calling a meeting in masiey ball on or about sept 15th at which rev principal grant of kingston and prof gbldwiu smith are to be invited to speak two manitoba grain ayndloetea will operate in ontario this fall the representatives of one company will begin to bny wheat- next week last season manitoba buyers made more money exporting ontario wheat than by dialing in manitoba bard joseph dietrloh a farmer about two ltstifwlleslsypbdhlrl destroyodby fire sunday afternoon mr dieirloh and family aflor retoroingfrom llj agmha uried flr jn bs tysftffjrsj v rildp tfnv mohtuax sept 12 a man named frank lefsbvre bss been arrested at qeutilly near three elvers for passing soma of tbe tendollar bills stolen irons ths dominion bank st napanee a number ot the bills were passed during the recent exhibition at three el vers and detective collins went there to investigate ha learned tbat an iffott had beep mads by a man to open an account at ths hooheltga bank manager herbert of the bsnk detected about twenty of the forged bills in the f 1800 wbioh ths man wanted to deposit he declined to allow ths aoooont to be opined collins went to gsntilly and arrested frank lefebvre who admitted tbat be bad ths forged bill knew tbat they wars forged and passed some of thsra irs tht tin gnt thm from hi if- hsj fakb teatatl f s urotoo qutoloe tablets n drauuns rotund tbo nlouev imi falls in ours drunlsl m cents and she in turn said the received thsnrt from a bank but declined to say which one she too is held to await inquiry a saarob of lefebrres bouse was made and 1485 in gold 1200 in american bills snd i boo in canada bills was found the two wore taken into onitody a striking issue the tenlenoy of educated canadians to study and write upon important subjects ia dearly proven in lbs september canadian llagadnt it contains foot illustrated stories sand a beautifully illustrated artlole on jamaica hat tbs rest of tbs issue is taken np with learned though brightly written artlolea up various anbjecla tba quality ot oaoh of these articles is beyond criticism snd ths matter it exoeed- ingly important tha frontispiece it a splendid reproduction of a copyright photo- grsph of tho late arobblshop walsh the whole number is beautifully illustrated and priiiled the united btales government but formally declined to accept tnjanifbi repudiation of the respooelbllliy tor amshoen losses during lbs armenian triable little they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue fain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose mall price substitution tho fraud of thosey sec you get carters ask for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills another car of land salt just in also one of land plaster samples on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway station in ontario on till purchasers amounting to 5 00 and upwards thomas c watkins shoreys ready- towear clare serge suits windsor and colemans bbl salt at jr 05 a bbl 200 lb sacks at 75c dairy and table salt rock salt potato bug killer pure paris green 20c per lb dwarf essex rape seed 18 lbs for 100 buckwheat hungarian millet etc feed corn 43 to 45c a bushel binder twine all kinds from 6jc up geo j thorp sbbdsotkn market sq and maodonnell bt cublph made from pure worsted stock 20 oz to the yard in weight absolutely fast dye blue or black double wrap italian linings pullar sleee linings iu four button sacks well tailored and tight up to date retailed at 1200 tailors ask 2500 see that shoreys guarantee card is iu the pocket uf each garment it means satisfaction or your money back guglphs china palsace last week we liad a talk with you upon dinner sets this week we want to interest you in china tea 3et8 we have just received one crate china tea sets chaste designs and paftems rangiog in price from f 4 00 to m 00 a set 25 dor china cups and saucers 3 patterns to be sold at 10c each or i ao perdoj large stock of gem jars all sizes j a lower wyndham st quelph empire j hz typesarriter price 5500 visible writing in addition toall the advantages of the t2oco machines the oy typewriter manufactured in canada pullv currrnt99d circulars and testimonials write for them maculosa new hats 99 wyndham st just in the latest uptodate english and amer ican hats range of prices i 150 2 225 250 our 1 stiff hat is a leader new suitings the very newest imported suitings you should see them new lines of neckwear just in r b nblsoin me t and mou furnisher gnclpl on9 pric9 only fancy goods we are still keeping up tvith the times in fancy materials and are giving satisfaction to all our customers battenburg work is just now the rage we keep a full stock of patterns braids rings and thread for it besides having a large assortment of stamped linens and silks we-have-a- full range -of- shaded crochet cottons and silcotons which we are selling at reduced prices as well as a complete line of the white crochet cottons baby ribbons a specialty now while it is cool is the time to work call and secure before it is picked over cijvbin e co iav

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