Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 15, 1898, p. 4

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v poor clotbea cannot make you look old even pale chocks wont do it your household cri may do heavy anov dlsappplnt- monta may be deep but they cannot ratio- you look old ono thins does it and ftevcr falls it b impossible to look young with the color of aovontyyeara la your balr a uittle surprise for the bridesmaid twjo kirl mends roet in tho street aud stopped to bbnke hsnds bo f1nd to see yob grace mid lle tailor made ajlcej was just oo the wny to aik yoa b my oldest frleud to bo ono 6tniylridosmttidfl bridesmaid how lovely i i did not knotr yod were edgarod replied tbo un da lieols grtoe it sadden very sudden bat hes just too lovely to llvo snd is awfally la love will you aot t aot of coarse ill- bo charmed bat moving forward and speaking in an undertone do oomo around the corner and toll me ill about it here 00 men that idiotio irrepressible donkey will merton heifcrlonng as though hu meant to stop and i dont care to be seen talkiug to ljiu will merton f hes the man im going to marry disappointed the elephants retort i woman of tremendous avoirdupois entered a broadway cade bar bresthlesaly and leleoted eight op nine inches of space neuri to the man with the newapaper in the corner atfot sane firmly down and ha began to lafler from the wedging process the psksungers heard him remark quite aadibly that be was not aware that elephants wore allowed on this line tho fare conductor was vainly endeavor ing to conceal bis delight when after an ettioaraasing pause there came a voice deliberate dignified impressive conductor stop the oar 1 there ia an elephant and a hog aboard and the elephant wishesi to get off new york world some difference are there any good mining locations still open up there iteturocd klondlker i ohbald say so yon oan go there and take yoar pick hger enquirer great scott 1 if i oari go and take my ohbioe hfltorned klondiker i didnt say that i ajaid yon could take your piok sot youll have to use it in somebody elses dlpginge eiger inquirer oh chicago tribune a littloaueadoto about mr qladslono in iheoliap book iimkfs ilaolf woloomo by touching tlio urcht mttiid hamorons side tbo premier yns invited to attend one of punoha fnnioua tuners he waa to meet mr hurry furniae who hacf na ono miulit bay discovered tlio g i ad u lone 00 1 far and the entire compnny looked forward with kmubement to the nlhtwhen the ideal aud tho actual thould thus oqd front each other tue evening 01 me and mr gladstone with it but he wqre a little band of white linen behincf wbioh not even tho lobe of the ear could be concealed he hod appreciated the situation and provided for it exohange a mothers distress illy boj is serving five years in thepenl- tentiaryaid a woman to one of the pleb iscite campaign worker b in 4 bity ho would not be there only for the drink this boy is not yet twentyone anoth er said my husband is dead but my two sons are breaking ray heart with the dripk fine boys iheywere tool fathers tvotersl will you not help these defeucelesi home bqjdterings by voting out this pestilence ot strong drink from onr land now thai yon have the opportunity montreal wuncea misplaced correction a smartly dressed pretty young woman was rambling about the park when she met a small- barelegged boy carrying a birds nest with eggs in it she did not hesitate to stop him you are a wicked boyidho eald how could yon rob that nest no doubt the poor mother is now grieving for the loss of her egge oh bhe dont care replied the boy edging away ebbs np on your hat aud the yoang woman had nothing to say exchange mat is castorla is dr soiauol pitchers prescription for inibnt3 and children it contains neither opium morphino nor other narcotic btibstnnco it is a harmless silbstltuto for paregoric drops spothiiigr syrups and castor oh it is pleasant its gruarautco is thirty years ubo by millions of mothers castorla destroys worms and allays foverlslincss oistorhi prevents vomiting sour curd cures diarrlioaa and wind colic cos torlttreliovcs teething troubles euros constipation and flatulency castorla assimilates tho food regrulatos tho stomach and bowels giving- healthy and natural sleep castorla is the childrent panacea the mothers frlcndl gastoria cautorla 1 an excellent xncdtclue lor children mothers have repeatedly told me of its good eftect upon their children ea g c osqood lowell afau oastoria cos tori a is bo well adapted to children that x recommend it as superior to any pre- scrlpuon knowi to me haahcbstt tstt brooklyn n k the facsimile signature of wjz qtitm jftu rm thursday septembeb 15 1898 it oung jfallts puatpkipr pxe and wbon mpianolioly dayo ootrio round loaves got brown and red when corn- is sbpokid and when you add a blanitot to your bod wbon apples pared and quartered aro sot in the sun to dry this is tbo ttmo you amaclc yourllpa and think of pumpkin plo tuh pumpkin pies a tempting dish to almost any fellow so awoot and tender lunclous yum and then withal bo yellow you stir up egga andnillk ud sploo and susar o my oyo t and then yon add tho pumfvin and that makes tbo pumpkin pie a serious case tco difficult and compli cated for ordinary medical aid a good inny peoplo fall ia basineba becsoae they aro too lazy to work graild bcmcdy fur roughs i bave aaed hagyardu pectoral balsirm andiouddit a grand remedy for ooagha and oolda and hifbly reoommend it om doherty camilla oot moat of ns waate too mnoh time in figaring vp what others ought to aavo fajnbs celbky oomp ound is thibobilohtt rbbdubh briefuets brewarlea always lookprobperoqb some aweotiaocd girli remind one ol powderodbugar ho who haa faith in advortiiog hai faith in a good oanoo any delayed doty great or small b6- ooraeaintolerkbly itksocno itiotion ia lesa itrange than truth bcoaaae we meet it oftener borne people are so hiuyoritloising what others do that they get nothing else done the more we do the more we oan do the more busy we are the more leisure we have hailltt a trne and genuine irepndenoe ib ever tho effeot of igoontnoa witboni the lead aenae pf it steele it is aaid that women are more forgiving than men bat men equalize things by being more forgetful there ia certainly something of exquisite kindness and thoughtful benevolence in that rarest of rifle flue breeding 4 balwer what do yon suppose was the origin of the cxpreesion by deorge he said tliourlitfqlly whetttheoravorbalion began to flag a little im baro i dont know she answered i bet i do yelled her email brother what v ibey both asked george dewey was the prompt reply chicago jtwnlbcrpwf sir john sinclair once asked goohrane johnstone whether henaemt to have a son of hi then a little toy tanht latin no baid mr johnatorjd but i mean to do something a graal deal better for him what is that asked sir john why said the other teaoh him to ehavo with oold wator arjdwithout a glass argonaut mrs ohngwater i why do the papers keop talkibg ab6utooaling atatlona in the went iddles why do thoy need ooal cuba is in warm ollmato iint it mr clingwator dont you know onylhldg at all coaling stations are neoeieary bocanse war ships have to travel abont sometimes and it takes coal to feed the fireirthat beat the boiloro that supply the btcatu that moves the engines that oanse tho propellora to revolve in tbo water and urge tho ships along understand now mrs chngwater still naconvlnoed why dont thoy nso natural gas chicago tribune mir porsytha says i am pleased to reoommend paines celery compoond i believe it 1b the best uedloine in the world wells richardson co gentlemen x for two years i was in a low condition of health suffering from nerrcnsneis fainting apells pain in the hemd tonosoh tronbles and loss of appetite i mi under the oare of two doctoral hut reijeliedno benefit from their treatment i sijio used two bottles of a 1000010101101001 patent medicine hot no good reiallioime i wii then advised by a neighbor to nse yonr wonderful medicine paines celery compound the nse of this marvellous propiration soon produced the very best resjclte i am glad to report that my health is improved in every respect j 1 am strong er ileep better and my appetite is good and qsttaral lam pleased to reoonimend pajnee celery compound to all sick people as i believe it is the best medicine in the world xours truly a forsylhe manversont a fellow shaking bands warmly with everybody that hs meets may not be especially friendly he me be dmnk cncumhers melons beware i xou may have an attack of cramps and diarrhoea after eating them joit keep on hibda bottle of wild strawberry and yooreeafe lionres cramps colic dlarr- hos dysentery and all bowel oompialnls ai healthy woivlal ninotenths of all tbo buffering and diaeasp in tho world waftarf rom tho kid neys yet how 4w peopo thorearowho take hn y care of these dolioatelittleorganb backache larno backheadaoheslfbt- lessnosa all bigns of kidney trooble are almost universal doans kidney pills tone and regulate the kidneyb and help them to throw off the poisons from the eyitem x a brown p o box aoo dresden 9ss pxl e iw x aurlerod from dropaieu tronblo which caused me mnoh autreei 1- heard of doena kldliey pula and sot a box or them at swltaers drug stores before aommenouis to take them i a unable to bnttonmy shoes on seconal of tar swollen condition but by the luios i hadv anlshed the brat boi i eohli aqtblbwtthoutlaeoqvonleuoe ihavenow taken aaeocnil box and have no hesitancy tereoommendln doans kidney puis for any kucey or dropitml trouble pmoesoo a box th doan kidney appears on ever v wrapper thr q hottj t murrjtv stnrct niwtoflaorrv tammmammmmmmmmmemms cautious man were yon able to sell old uluions a lot asked the superin tendent of the cemetery the agent shook his head he was afraid be might not get the fall value of it ho explained bot hang it all a man lias got to die sometime 1 exolaitned the superinteddenl tbala what i told him bat he only answered suppose i bhonld be lost at sea chicago evening post it attaoked with cholera or bummer complaint of any kind send at once for a bottle of dr 3 d eellogjs dysentery oordlal and nse it aooordidg to direotiona itaoti with wonderful rapidity in subdu ing tbatdreadfnl disease tbtt weakens the strongest man and destroys the young and delionte thoaev who have used thia cholera medioine say it aote promply and never falls to effeot a thoroagh cure it is only imperfection that complains of what ie imperfect the more perfect we are the more gentle and quiet webeoomo toward tho defects of others feoelon sores llculcd soroa and ulcers of tbe worst kind are readily healod by durdook blood bit tors take it internally and apply it cxtornally according to direotiona and boo how qpiok- iy a cure will be made he a woman you know is abold as she looks shehow dreadful i box a torjijb ajf drupblsts y pill co toronto out a great many girls go to boarding school and yet never know a thing about cooking mother graves worm exterminator is pleasant to take sure and elleotual in destroying worms many have tried it with best results how bored we all feel whim we make some remark that icadb a loafer to telling another long and uninteresting story has 8tronly influenced the com mons bill in what respect doeg bpain excel allother nations jill why spain has the finest submarine navy in the world worms cannot exist either in children or adult when dr lows worm byrup la need 25 all dealers beoaaee a man haa wheels it does not follow that hoia notod for hi graoeful carriage a short road to health wae opened to those suffering from ofaronlo coughs asthma bronchitis oatarrh lumbago tumors rheumatism excoriated nipples or inflamed breast and kidney complaints by tbe introduction of the inexpensive and effeotlve remedy dr thoraaa eoleotrlo oil no married woman ever gets lime enotgrx to waate to belong to a cooking olttrj convlnbed pf his insanity a bradford oveniog paper says that a few days ago a visitor wt inspecting the wost riding asylum at ueneton when he juublud r in e a p patient try him skid tile medloal auperintondont cry tallytip i ahunt ing wo go tho visitor did so and in tbe twinkling of an oyo thd itmatio was on bis beok and plunging his beela into his side the visitor refrained from farther criticism a bayonet thrust is sua pin soratoh to tho tortures of indigestion and dyspepsia tbe bravest soldier will weaken before the onslaught of these redoubtable enemies to health dr von starts pineapple tablets break down tbe strongholds of disease build np and fortify the watted nervo force pnt now ufa new hope new energy hoist the banner of viotory in the sfead6ttheijagofairtroiir ssosnls a man who doesnt sweat easily is onfortqnate beoaose no matter how hard be works nobody believes it good blood sad bpnitd msweles bootts emulsion is a bloodmaking and atrengthproduolug fcotl it removes that feeling of otter halplessrtdesa whlob takss possession of one when anfferlug from general debility f- we have heard men tell palpabfy black lies in order to hil bbihei v- if your children are well but not robust they need scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil we are constantly in re ceipt of reports from par ents who give their children the emulsion every fall for a month or ttyo it keeps them well and strong all winter it prevents their taking cold tour doctor will cotifirrii this the oil combined vfrh thehypophosphitesisa splen did food tonic ndtindrutititi scott 4 downe chimuu torooio it is a faot worthy of record that at least fifty menabers of tbo house of commons are able personally to bear united and donyinoing testimony to the good effeota of dr agnews catarrhal powder in oase of oold in tbe head or oatarrh in its several different ibanes these columns have recorded the testimony of membera repre senting onbi wemileirlnjsterjroo the dominion at this writing we have before us tbe words of mr arthur a ijrunean m p of biohelieq que and hugo hitoss m p of bandae who join with their other members in telling what this remedy basdbne for them in oaeeb of catarrhal trouble at the present time when so rainy are suffering from influenza in the head it is a friend indeed sold by a tbrown nothing draws a crowd qnioker than a diagram a man ot irregular habits will find one of mllborns sterling bcadiohe fowdera taken in the morning olear his bead steady bia nerves and put him in ahape for hii days work frioe 100 and 25o a boys best way of deceiving his mother is by pretending otter frankness diarrhoea dyspepsia for over eleven years i suffered terribly with dyspepsia and tried every thing i could think of but got no relief until i started using burdock blood bitters 1 had only taken one bottle when i commenced to feci better and after taking five or six bottles was entirely well and have been so ever sinca i feel as if d b d had saved my life mas t g jovcn stanhope que- b b b cores biliousness sick headache sour stomach dyspep- sia constipation coated tongue liver complaint jaundice kidney disease and makes the blood rich red and pure it is a highly concentrated vegetable compound one teaspoonftil is the dose for adults io to 30 drops for children add the water yourself very few women oan tell a lis 1 willbtiok that it rh fl headache f are nay to take harmless in aotlon and sure to oareany headaoho in from 0 to 20 minntsm a man who has anything else to do cant keep bimaslt dressed tip all tbe time martyr to heart trouble mrs mini e core amhsrat n b says at times 1 sufferied iuunaely from palpitation and flattering of my beazt i was weak and my nerves shattered mll- bnms heart and nerve pills have regn latwl pny heart toned my nerves aid built up my health it is so qnser that when pesplo take up a dr t to worknpajl the trade thoy oan for him dropsy andmeart disease a gnat and a great testimony for ton yean i soffsirsa greatly from haart disease flattsrlng v lbs bear and simbrlpg bpeurnad my lleatiirmeht i wnbiifato my bea sattn anainy physiolan told me to prepare for ihfcsosbisiitridragnscore for n t pepreoiaiing yoar neighbors waree does not enhance the value of ybbr own they never fail mr 8 m bongbner langtpn mites for about two years i was troubled with inward piles bat by using parmeleee pills i was completely oured and although four years have elapsed tinee then thoy have not returned parmeleee fills are antibilious and a speelllofor tho cure of liver and kidney complaints dyspepsia oostiveness hoarl- aohe pilei eto and will rcgolnto tho secretions end remove all bilious matter a man nbo will play oheckere in real hot weather wont do anything else for internal or external nse hagyarde xellow oil cannot be excelled as a pain relieving and soothing remedy for all pain every oan likes to talk a groat deal about his great liberality towards the opposite poll tioal party tells of relief from suffcrinf by dr iitwler3 ext qf ivud slrawberry thus are many people martyrs to bowel oomplaiqts ivlio woald find dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry a wonderful blessing to them lb not only cheoloi the diarrhoea but soothes and healb the inflamed and irritated bowel so that permanent rollet is obtained tfra andrew jaokson houghton ont sends the following letter for the post two or three years i have been a martyr totbat dread- taldlseaiedlarrhma si trod every remody j hoard of and spent a good deal of money trying to nel cured bhl ill failed until i happened to read ola lady who was oured by using tjr fowlers extract of i purchased a bottle takinglt aooorjina to direotbns and was cured in a very short time x oannot praise the remedy too highly for what it did for me v wua and pot infenta and chllrlreii vlftstsfsi women without ohildrea always seem to flook together dn cures a manitoba man mr ajeiander fraser miami man writes i oannot refrain from reoom- mending seans kidney pills to persons troubled whbrkidosy disorder for i believe if tbeyoould cure me they oould ears any oase then its great deal of very expensive fishing taokla that never oatohta any flb tittle olarenoe father what is the difference between flrmnesb and obstinacy father merely a matter of iox my son liver troubles biliousness sallow com plexion yellow eyes jaundice eto yield to the oniatlve powers of laxlliver fills they ire aaro to ours a feet horsemsh lives on tbe hope oontinrfaliy that bis korbo will soon do better sloeplebsnosb is duo to nervous ezoite- ment tho doll oonilllntod t llnancler the bueluess man and those whose occupation neooesiltates great mental strain or worry all nfferiess or more from it sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain and to get sleep oleanso the stomaoh from all impurities with afew doses of parmeleee vegetable pills gela tine coated containing no mercury and are gauranteed to give stllbfaotion or the money will be refunded 01 the lis hojders of the viotorle cross no fewer than fourteen aro army surgeons there never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to which flesh ia heir the very nature of many onrativos being snob that were the germs of other and differently bealed diseases rooted in the system of the patient wbatwbnid relieve one ill in turn w onld aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a bound nhadnlierated attte aremedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual iudloioua nse the frallesteystems are led into con valescence and strength by tho influenoo whioh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a ohrcuic state of morbid despondence and laok of interest in life is a disesue and by tranijoillzlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh- ing sleep imparte vigor to the sotlcn of the blood whioh being stimulated ooartea throughout the veins strsngtheniug the healthy animal funotions of tbe system thereby making activity a nehessary result strengthening tbe frame and giving life to the digestive organs whioh naturally demand inoroaaod aubslanoo result im proved appetite northrop ov lyman of toronto have riven to the pnbllo their quinine wine at the neual rate aud goagod by tho opinion of eciontiite this wine approaches nearest pdrfeotian of any in the market all druggists sell it no man tvbo wears a hat wlthafanoy hand ever cuts much loo glasgow house we call special attention this week to the outfitting of the boys fpj jphpjol in our clothing department we offer some very special in ducements in two and three piece suits and odd pants a specialline of all wool halifax knickers at 50c is worthy of notice our stock of boys shoes is also complete for the fall trade fc- tgacton iadies gbold ltclies has them beauties at 1500 1800 2000 2500 everyone warranted by phngle which means abso lute security to you tns m144ssswj ssjpshs answer that letter your correspondence will bo attend ed to with more promptness if you keep a supply of stationery on hand we can give you note heads letterjheads and envel opes at prices that will surprise you call at the free press office and ace samples o calls attendeid to day or night shops and warerooms foot oi willow st ldeld to j eailtway timh tabiajb j a slight co mnil exprcii uall grand trunk railway aoino wkbt apllsq ejtht 10 02 am 2 25 pm 7 15 pm exiirtbs g brbm kxiiro6b10 fioolm iftll 0 u pm xod 10 c3pni t1l1h 0v qlobihtj usvilrl oplns wobt 0 0ani and6 w pm going enat 10 23 am and fi 80 p ta thla time tivblo wont into offcot on mondfij may uth 1808 w barber beos paper makeeb georabtgwn ont iuxs a bpiscuuz oi machine finished book pai itiailabadewkehlsnews the paper need in thii journal is from he above mills- r wjt baeber bros georgetown electric works t j spbjgut proprietor manufaoturero of dynamos electric motors i water motors and hydraulic rams ripoana stoam pitting ted gonerat eepalr- lng doidb eqalpped with a gas bnilns rnaotlno 1 am proporod to do bracing on bloyole frames o wheels converted from direel to tangent brf bu ontto anv desired angle full hoe of spoken kept in stock satisfaction buaractoea biovolos onaruelealld any color t 3 speight qeorgetoivn main street plan inc mills john cameron architect and contractor manufeetnrer oi sash doors fnraoi mculdln in all stylos dbsssaro matcbnrto una wouldno to order on short notice well assorted etook on bind at rrlrcslcia thetlmee john cameron proorletor brh ntlt2r d calvanized steel iishhavi mills fl towers for jpowwt and jiunp- uat wirjtin- torntl covered qear roller ana bu nettling maple leaf riimders mother jshd tawiartdaalr ucvu tsm when a mans socks are hanging down orer bis sboss he is jul as comfortable as when they are up provided he doesnt know it hot he looks funny ohi t tor anor dlrstrwrien is oh flrs- dis all the ailoguig aggravatlbg burning and ilohlng acoompanlments lo the dozen or mors akin diseases whioh lisaol humsn- ity are allayed like magle by the use of dr ainews ointment one application remotes pile ecsorna tali rheum itob tettori ringworm in a irloe never fails o oare bold by a tbrown usutlly after one has tried every hard way odothlng he finds sneaiy way ol ddnglt daughter cfbed mrs lydla a powlor elootrlc street amherst hb t tides to tlio good ottocts o the new spoo fog a h a ue v y id i troubles for sonio time past i have beentroublod with a fluttering sensation in the region of my heart followed by aoute palpb which gayo mo groat distreeo and woakopod mi at times so that i coald bcarooly brcatlie i was very much ran down and felt nervous and irritable x had taken groat many romodies without roooivinn any benefit a friend induced mo to try milburns heart and nervo pills i had only boon taking them ii snort time when i foil that they ware doing mo groat flood so i continued their nse and now fool nil right i oan heartily reoommend milburns heart and nervo fills for nervous prostration mrs- fowler sdde 1 mydaugbls now flfteon years of ago was palo westk and run down and aha also took milburns heart and nervo pills for some time and is now btrong healthy and vigorous milburns heart and nerve fills cnxe palpitation smothering sonsation tlusxy anrl faint spells hervonsiiess weakness female trouuleseio frloo coo a box or- three boxes for 4185 bold by all drttg gists t mllbnm at co toronto0rit undertakers atd embalm ers latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges bjraeirkinrjs a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited speigrht co ordera left with j n stin80n rockwoocl will receive immeidiateatlentloii eeteo we make patent roller and ballbear ing steel windmills fall kinds the finest in the market best material lightes running send for illustrated catalogue twosrzks fok nv power k6 ihas xo- inch reversible buris no a has 8lhcu single burrs both have ball bearing burr pi ales relief springs and shake feed grind fine and fast with least power always guaranteed a rial given hundreds in use ft old hapley mulf oojc brrntforbln john mcqueen agent for the above haschnngcdhis wrtre- rooms to building on w e smiths properly john street where mnybeseen jrjtostjt wooobitnikjis axd mowxr3 and a complete line of farrn inupiements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john mcqueen ocr sil3zqr jubilbb 8eit6mbesi 8th to ithv 1898 entries close 7th september space allotted on receipt of entry our attractions will begland and exhibits unsurpassed yon can bee all that others can show and to better advantago royal dragoons prince okabes japs sle hassan ben alls rufhns and many oiher specials the best in the country fireworks each evening blowing up the maine assisted by all the ring and stage attractions special excursion trains leave london rat io pm and after ao that you can stay to the fireworks auction sale of booths and privileges wednesday august 17th on the grounds at 2 pm- prize lists programmes etc apply to ltcol w mt gartshore pbesidbnt thos a browne secketarv vouwant the best aiufnfoc lllsry benstorv olrtirht mcmullens fencings and nettings com- bine these two qualities no others do hog fencings at special low prices all other varieties cheap mcmullens are the ply good nettings sold in canada thej unequalled for poultry yards trellis wn fences ask your hardware mter- ant for mcmullestvsoods- if you cannot boy of him write to the manudctnrers at plcton out or to the b grebiiino wik co lmirnn hamilton and montreal general agents- james coopks montreal general agent for railway fericlngi i stfarsa 6 s s vii

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