Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 22, 1898, p. 1

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voltjjttjj xxiv no 12 acton ontaeio tntjusdatf september 2u 1898 price tdbee cents is robwbhbd eveby thursday morning xt tax free presisteain printing oflicc utllbtbder acton ont tflniibofsodfloaxprion one dollar ppr yoar triotlyin tdvaoo all nubioriptionb dlaoon ttnuea wbea the tlmo far wliiob they hvo boon paid bas oxplred the dato to whioh ovory abioriptloa i paid li denoted on the sddroai label adyshtibino iutes trans ion t advortlae moots 10 cants por nonparollune for first in artfon 8 cents por line tor each snbaoqueiit luertlon ooxtbaot bath the fpllowlng table show ttc rates for tho insertion of advortlaomontbfor peoifled period lrn 8 mo j a mo jkq lolnobea wo 00 as oo 90 oo 7o0 1q tuohes a looliea 93 00 do 00 law boo 10 00 1200 700 tea 1 inch j 6 00 aw 3 00 1o0 adtartlsemeota without peolflo dlrootiona frill be lqperud till forbid and charged tooord ngly traniiiatidtertlfenientb muat be paid n adf aooe adtartlnmeata will be ohanged onoe efcet month if desired por changea oftoner thivn enoe a month the competition mmt be pivld t or atregalainitm ohnseb for contract dtrtlbemonts mnit be ji ine offlco by noon on tnoadays aocoanta paysblo monthly hp moore editor and proprietor sttsittfbs 8imtorp john m macdonald m d cm bdccebsoe to j f t7rkn m d o m office and roaldedoe corner mill frederick street aoton our school book stock is the best tho lxerciso books scribblevs slates fens and other school sundries are bigger belter and cheaper days btookstore day sells cheap thb traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1000000 700000 cuelpti branch wo are dorr ismtafc money ordora payablo sb par at any branch of chartered bank in canada excepting tbo yukpn district at the following rate under mo 8 cents 610 to 20 10 cents ftaotojo ii cents aotoo aiconts furnish the feet we do the rest as elliott m d m b a aoton onisdatb tobohto un i vers itt office- comer xjih and jobn street aoton d r dryden era ban thboat and kobe holfoans block doaglas bu near v o quexjpb orfioa hotjbb lo am to 1 p m and 3 to 6 p ra sokpats 10 imtolpm li bennett x db dentjbt 9 oboboktowh ontario j p coghlan d d s l ds nm m dentist won oadkfdllt d08 paxcbb modebate office ovbb boown a dituo btoivh hoobbevent dat took 0 to 6 jm bell ddblds dbht1bt honob anaddjttl or tobonto uhivknflltt work made satlafwstory prlcoa moderate- vibitino dih monday afternoon camp- bollvile tooeday acton office carka hotel friday bookwood dr q h cook dentist cor college 81 and spadlna avo tosohto wllulalt aoton on ubuorat and third bator- daya ol eaob rnontb offick mr adam cooks residonce main street m lbqal olean mctiean barruton8olloitor hotulu ooavsjanoata ka rrlttaiid to loan offlo town ball aoton wk a moiii jo a moluh i j miokimnon ba2uu8tbb boxloitoil cokybtakobb oniceuul blrmt in matthowa block upatalra jb moleod jlaaaiatsn 8ouoixob convktiiioab ualn slreot oeqrgetown monor to loan itlowest current rata xv j mchabb hkfonrth dwulon court oonnty ol hal- ueal batata ajant jstf ornoa loarrymanbloolt aoton ont thats all we ask you to do ftirmslrthefeefc we-will- not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we bfen able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire hiqbbst ociibent itltk op interest paid on lumfl doposttod of 1 and upwrdi xnturotc allowod tram data of dopoalt to data ot withdrawal and paid or oompoundod lialr yarly advanooa itaado to roapolislblo fannan on their own namoa at tlio lowoat currant ratoa noobarffo madofor collootiag balos notoa it payable in ouelib a general banking lj oalnoba tranaaetod arxt jones manager 3olrg in the oucaarjd o apple loaves socoolaad groon against the summer sky yon atlr although the vlnd la still and not a bird goes by you btart and softly move apart in bubbod oxpootauoy who la tho gracious visitor wbobo form 1 cannot boo o applo loaves the myatio light all down your dim arcaulo why do your bhadotva tremble so half glad and half afraid the air is an unspoken pray6r ybnr oyes look all ono way who is the booret visitor j yoar tremors would betray select jfamtln htaiing cheap paints dont last long it is money wasted t apply them w williams boot and shoe dealer mill street aoton latest and but designs of 2ionuments in granite add marble at 20 to 30 per cent reduction j h hamilton proprietor granite marble works cublph is the only direct importer of marble and granite west of toronto and north of hamilton come and see the largest and beat imported stock in the dominion prices for granite imported stock less than others ask for the commonest can adian or american granite ottioo and wotksbajtiujtoirs block woolwjeajuxxvonrolksts cu6lph ont branch works jfow httmbtxrf out 7x nobby suit for pall and winter cooper akins the tailor8 afjscjxxawjo us finby gkibr ottawa oiida h bolloltoi ol ptau or lotenuon oto pmnuaa apdlloatlctl foritaa oanadlan amor- l aad lor the tssatrailon ol trada bartta band lor pam phtit tbirtt two t jf ibanoib ntjnan booebindbb wndham st onolph ontario ovarwittlarnabtore a booka ol all kintfa made to ordar v psalswdscrfitlonearalallybound t builnrnealtpnnaputaona vrabbiage licenses n r moobb t- iaam or mnraiaaii iiozab prnateooioa mo ltnoiei required lamed retldenea in tlia atamlng piee praaa offloe aoton yrpt hemboittebt 1 lbbwaw bor tho oenstlmjttf walllngton and haltoni smlitttliavji fiuaa offlaa aoton or iididto saa wanned to w ojtiroji wtiat saxjis inmaoldmoand saaurd wautalton mutual riro i com ita 1840 ikbobakobonoaih and untnali oonnnonleauonui lommjm to in mo mb or talepbona tb will b pn tandad o plan an j an addnat promptly at- j0hta1x0bab aoton mlacliine and repair shops bbnbt ommdbiji proprietor p t brtowiatiiiin xatnber lth 9amtttm woo ku aiikindaof wo in fxj p on band i arwaona sonraunlnhlow tfow is your time to get a nobby suit for fall and winter ns we have just opened up a fine selection of imported tweeds serges and worsteds und are prepared to take your order at right prices bit and workmanship guaranteed flrat- olaas and upto data overcoatings a good range of all overcoatings call and inspect our stock before leaving your order cooper akin8 main st acton sun savings and loan go headoffiob toronto ont authorised capitu 5000000 oo tenyear maturity bhares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for no months when payments cease 160 00 paid in maturity value f 100 00 money to loan at j straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j monafbb agent aoton bring your custom logs in and take tha lumber home with you sk mllla nassakaweya p sayers proprietor has constantly on hand fall line ol lumber lath bbibglea cedar foata w0od cnatom lop and bill stoff cut to order on abort notice planing and matching done to the bast ol satisfaction prices very cheap and made to anit the customers pocket p sayers the cost ot putting on a poor paint and a good paint is the same the putting on is generally 23 net of the entire cost of painting it is true economy to buy the best paints the sherwinwilliams readytouse paints are the best they last a long time sample cards by writing j m bond co hardware agents guelph moeee s dyspepela powdors mokeos smulalon of cod liver oh mokeus carolina fine balsam moeeeo liniment mokeea kidney fills mokees antibilqus pjllo vegetable mokeea blackberry cordial mokees compound syrup of hypo- phosphites mokeo liver fills loo a box mokeeb fragrant antlaeptlo tooth wash mokeos flavoring essences vanilla lemon peppermint pineapple pear orange raspberry strawberry mokeea baking powder the above are a few of the many sterling preparations we manufacture each prep aration has made on its merits a wonderful reputation if you want reliable family medicines use mckees they speak for themselves and once tried they become before all others the household remedies see the grand sen sen display in our window we carry full lines of stationery and school supplies wall paper etc j d mckee dispensing manufacturing chemist acton ont telephone correspondence boots and shoes made to order and repaired george stovel practical shoemaker has opened a shop in the premises lately occupied by w h adams tailor he has bad large experience in city work and is consequently able to rill all orders in the neatest possible manner fine turned work and patching receive special attention orders filled on shortest notice coll or send your order to george stovel cor milt and main streets acton removed waters bros pictures frames wail papers fancy goods now next pringles guelph g elec works srs wbarber bros qwytismi ont it man oeadiwnucitnaiws the paper tnted in- tola jonraaf is torn the above mllla j jj v- i 1- mi babbzb a bnos tj spbiout proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams fine and steam flttlbd and general banalr ing delng equipped wjco a saa braalog maonlne i am prepared to oo braulag on hloyala pramea ac wboela converted from dlreet to tangent bpokea handle uara bentto aur daelred angle full line of bpokea kept la atoek baueraotlon guaranteed islavolee enameled in any oolor t j 8pxioht georgetown 3sa lwiimiumwm4j 1 t pttptija who are about toljave a ujtiuopoblloor wgh sahool ahenld uot overlook tha great advent- geofa praatloal eonrae of instrao- fon at fba quelph business college and shdrthand institute f fatjii bhbbion win eoramenoo tndy bopnnibr6tta write qwcmu lntcrmted v gfnalwmfrm l 1 r 4 tj enanr nincir j mimriritit tf ittitr ttttat pluci arjd tjonesty dy fnank a weyeeb a boy of foartsen droned in poor clothes wnlkod into the urge dry goods store o k laniard a co in one of the lrgeet nit es of the ijnitsct stitoo his hat was tlouoby his pants poor and patch ed but eled tho worn elbows of his coat warecovered with materi o dlfferfittt colors and his well worn shoes gave evidence of speedy decay bat the clear eye frank bok and plearjiofl expressions were garment i of nobleness that the clotheb of poverty and hard times coold not hide walking boldly down tbo crowded aide he asked of the flrtt idle clerk where he coold find mr mansard mr mansard aaked the clerk won dering what snob a sorry looking boy as that co did wiah to bee mr mansard for hes at tbe end of this airls at bis desk with manly basldbbi btap lie moved quickly and quietly along till be reached tbo in losed epaco where mr mansard and othors were seated t wish to see mr mansard said tbe ld in a fi rm tone as he we iked up to the railtug and looked over upon tbe quiet bafly soene at the mention of manama a gentlsraan with bii tlbowa on the newspaper spread almost all over bis desk looked op a quick experienced gltnco revested tbe in quirer t him no bqaloets liktly a beggar he thought bat what does be vratjt im mr madbcvrd well to be quick about it and not watt a words or time i want to borrow five dollars of you mr mansards face showed bis surpnao he was used t bfgijars and their gauzy b tones but eomt tblng in the boys request touched him what do yon watit it for he aaked with a kindly smtl goln into business what kind 1 belling newspapers if i can get five dollars i have it so arranged that i can make some money the native shrewdness tho clearness of his raze and tbe evideuos of having a digested iau itraak mr mansard f avoral ly it is prttty bold t3 ask me fpr five dollars wben i do not know yon my lad not even your name have never seen you before ah very true sir it ib be id and not the way business is oarried on bat i do not know how e lie to gtt tbe money and i will pay it baok again there was on hontt raady look in his ooantnance as be said this and sir mao- sard became iuterertd bnt i do not know even yonr namej my name a robert simmons robert simmons well robert can yea give me good security none but my own name sir it is all i have in the world i know yon mr mansard have often seen yon though you do not know me the wbole ttjle of the boy interested him when oao you rttnrn it well say looking up toward the farther corner of the wtu stocked building and studying a second ay say six paontbe i oan pay it back in that time i might pay it baok in fourj but if it makes no difference to yon say tlx months it will not crowd me so to get it tbe aooustomed holiness mans doubt lingered in mr mansards mind he had arisen now he viewed robert from head to foot clean ragged bat honest looking it is not bmlnessliks to tke you alone on a note without security especially as yon are an entire stranger bnt i will do it this time you look like an honest lad robert and i will trust yon ob i thank you from tbe bottom of my heart for the favor of tbe money and for yoar confidence x am sure i will suc ceed now in my venture visions of wealth and happiness danced before bobeits mental eyes while tbey in a formal and businesslike manner draw op tho net seated in mr man sards padded leather lined chair robert wrote very r race folly bis name to tbe note it was a very serious bit of work for h but as he wrote it he thought be nevor be foresaw so much impoiunoe and honor and power in his name it was the flrtt time it ever was on a legal business docu ment robert simmons it looked well bo must ne dishonor that good name it was his dead la t tier a name and was therefore a grand name now mr mansard said robert as mr mansard banded him a orisp five dollar bill la six months i will lift that note there is a real basinets air about that boy bid mr mansard si ho walked ont i wonder if 1 11 ever see him again at any rate i hope the money will do him some good time rolled on and mr mansard in tho press ot buiinaes forgot ill a boat robert and the money be bad lapmed him six months had pasted whan a wu dressed young lad walked into tbe store and straight to mr mansards desk re glanc ed around with a familiar look judging frotn-hls-bmldess-airr-ss- m f wird be hod a perfect right there pann ing at the spot where robert sim mo u a stood at tbe railing and asked the loan ot five dollars be inked at mr mansard and aid mr mansard excuse me boo have yon a little time celt ably sir ositaluly looking up aj the neat manly j well dresmd oang man wbatialt too teem t have f jrgcttan me i snnly have robert simmons let me beo sing ular i should forget you so completely it is singular that you should forget your debtors what i ob i reccllectyon bnt yon are not tbe boy that borrowed fue ddlira of me i am the bpy jwtll jou roust bo ranking money robert i am 4 are well dressed j yes how are you getting blong iu buni nees looking among a great bundle of filed papers for roberts nets 4c well thank yon i bo ether boys at work for me and do qaite a business where do you live with my motber we have moved into better quarters than when i was here the man of the day waa a great thing for me mr mansard paused and listened in blank emprise atlasthesald im real- ly glad to hear of yoar prosperity my dear boy im sure mother and i never forget yoar kindness i want to pay my note robert was never quite sure whether he saw a tear in mr mansards eye or not xoaare an honest boy i did not know whether i would ever see you again let sir herbert kitchener who smashed tho khalifa has been a man of tho day before this and probably will bo again for bo makes a point of doing eomething notable about once a year tbia year bo has dono it twice for on good friday last ho fell upon tbo khalifas advanced guard at tbe atbara and fairly annihilated it now he has destroyed tbe khalifas power in bib chosen stronghold sir horberfe will bo be raised to the peerage for his victory is an engineer officer and is forty eight years old ho is has yontig to be a general of eight or ninq yoari standing and his rise in the army for a while was slow as he was thought to be a plodder rather than a brilliant man his oaance came when he joined tbe egyptian army at the time of its reorganization by sir francis grenfel1 his high q call ties were m mu m a i fl00n m6d and ho oomminded the before that five dollars yen loaned me jg ufln oawi frotn a882 to 188a and tnerbee isrirbtxtsonthb since yon got the money 7 x sin this is tbe last day at eight per cent i now owe you 5 20 mr mansard handed him the note and took the money he wished he could give it to him but thought beat not to dc so this was the beginning of an acqaain tanoe which ripened into firm friendship and business relations and now after years robert simmons is the junior member of the firm of manbard a go plack and honesty made bis life a sucoess a correction desired are yon the society editor asked the large lady who beemod to fill tbe room no madam said the one addressed i ana only the court reporter really i am surprised but per baps yon will do your paper baid in its aooonnt of the affair at my house that floral decorations lent beauty to tbe scene i wish you would have your paper state that the floral beauty was not lent everything was paid for discharge and report the police offioor oamo iqto court the other morning pushing a shaggy looking prleonar the colonel looked down and bald whoehe he s a gunn came the reply whats tbe matter he a loaded said the officer discharged remarked tbeoolonol and the report is in tbe paper kingston whuj then after serving in lord woleeleya expedition was governor of suakim for a aonple of years more beoomlng birdar in 1690 he also found time for some exceed ingly daring exploration work and galood a profound knowledge of the natives as sirdar he hats don 6 wondeinl work he la a master organizer can do more with narrow meanathanany other soldiexja the empire and probably in the world andjiasjueccrdot4avbsolote and-anbroksn- suocess his prestige among tho fatalistic arabs by this time is immense toronto qlobe uvinq sweetly under trials many of us iind life hard and full off pain the world uses us rudely and roughly we naffer wrongs and injuries other peoples olomey feet tread upon our tender spirits we most endure mis fortune trials and disappointments we cannot avoid these things but wa should not allow the harbb experiences to deaden our sensibilities or make qi stoical or sour the true problem of living is to keep oar hearts sweet and gentle in the hardest conditions sad experiences if yoa remove the enow from tbe hillside in tbe late winter yoa will find sweet flowers growing there beneath the cold drifts unhurt by tbe storm and by the bnowy blankets that had covered them so should we keep our hearts tender and sensitive beneath lifes fiercest winter blasts and through tho longest years of suffering and even of in justice aud wrong treatment tint is true victorious living old time surderv atnbrolso pare a barber burgoon ot ibo sixteenth oentory tells in hie notes how in 1537 be went to tbe long wars lo get prac tiae in surgery he invented some now processes particularly in the treatment of amputated hmba up to fares timo tho most barbarous mcank had been used to stop tho bleeding la his own words so soon as the limb was removed the surgeon would uae many cauteries to stop the flow of blood a thing very horrible and cruel in the mere telling and truly of six of these thus cruelly treated scarce two ever escaped and oven these wero long iu and tbo wounds thus burned woreslow to heal bpcase the burn ing aaased buoh vehement pains that tbey jell into fever oqnvulsions and other mortal accidents in most of them how ever when the soar fell off there came fresh bleeding whtoh mueb again be stanched with tbo cauteries so that for many healing was impossible and tbey badan nicer to the end of tboir lives which prevented them from having an artilloial hmb the idea of abolishing eooh cruelty by obiug the ligature ooourred to fare in one of bis war journeys and his success went beyond his expectations his other disoov ery was made with a few hott of joi tbo army it was believed bytfieaurgeonbt of th dty thftfcti in a gun shot wound and one of thr accepted autb oritlea insisted that they must bo cauterized with oil of elders scalding hot mixod with a little treaolo the pain was intoleraele it happened that at his first treatment of gun ehot wounds par a oil ran short and he used instead a digeative made of whites of eggs oil of roses and turpentine to his surprise be found next morning that the patients he bad thus treated were in better condition than the others he says then i reeolvod cover more to burn thus crneily poor men with wounds from gun shot a at evening time at evening tlmo lot there bo light life a llttlo day draws nojir its ciobo around mq full tha aliailea of nllit tho ultfut ofdoatl tuo gravo s roiioso to crown uiyjoja to oud my woon at ovonlug ttino lot thoro bo light at ovouiiig timo lot thoro bo light stormy aud dark 1ms boon uiy day yet ropo tbo mora divinely bright dowo birds and lilobaoinuohoorod tlio way ob for onoawoot ono parting ray i at ovoninj tlmo lot liuro bo light at ovoiiinf tlmo cbcro ahall bo ligljt tor ood hutb spolion it tntibt bo four doubt aid augulsh tako their jlight bis glory now ifl riioati mo i mlao oyos shall his aalvatiou sqo tht ovonldg tlmo and thoro la light broke the news gently you wore a long time in the far corner of the conservatory with mr willing last evening suggested the mother what was going od do you remember the occasion on whiob yoa became engaged to papa t inquired the daughter by way of reply of course i do then it oogbt not to be necessary for you to ask any questions thus gently the nowe was broken that they were to have a b0nnlaw thepkofllbittonr ballot yes ko are you in favor of the passing of an act pro blblting the importation manufacture or sale of spirits wine ale beer cider indall other alcoholic liquors for use as beverages x mark your ballot as above 3 the youno housekeeper 8ht was a yonog wifo jaat married from boarding lohool aod although edaoated regardless ol expense didnt know beans ram- any other vegetable henoa this aialogoa with tbo cook now biddy what aria we to have of dinner therei two ohiokens to dnai mom ill dteao tbem tbe first thing where sre their clothes why mum theyre in their feathers yet ob then jost bervo them ibal way the ancient romans alwaya oooked their paaoooks tfith tbeir eathera on it will bs a inrprlae to hnbby it will that mom shore if yoa want to help yoa ooald be parln the tornlpa ob how sweat 1 1 11 jaat pair them two and twb in no time why 1 bad no idea oooking was so plotnreaqae i think mam thst washing tbe celery wonld be mora in yoar line all right biddy ill tain it np to tbe bathroom and i have tome lovely paris aoap that will tako off every apeok tnauk you mom would yoa mind telling me the name of the asylam where yon were edaoated i think 111 have to tatke some lesions thorp myself if we be g3m to work together tales o medic men the bonse sargeon of a xondon hospital was sbttending to tho injuries of a poor woman whose arm had beon severely bitten as he was dressing the wound he said i oannot make oat what sort of a creators bit yog this la too small or a horses bite and too large for a doa ob air replied tbe patient it wasnt an animal it waa another lady a marqrjelte pbyslolan had been book only at day or two from a vacation trip of tba cemeteries how aro yoa dootor 7 how a yon inquired the soitod with every show of friendly interest very much better replied the dootor i find my trip has done me a world of good then youve been away on a trip t aaid tbesellori i thought as mnob why ills bsnd three weeks slnoe there was a foneral ifrsnoh atatisliolau has discovered that in tba sixteenth century the average dura tion of a doctors lite wna only tbiriyaix and oca half ear in the seventeenth oenlar it reaohed fort ii e and two third yean in the eighteenth oentory fortynine and twothird year and at lbs present time be nude it fltjelx year the tame inquirer purposae to ascertain whether tba averago longevity ot palients haa increased in the same proportion a wellington aneodoto a tailor vainly irisd to make oletr his identity to tbe doao of wellington why id he general dont yoa know met imadoyer bneclis iteoognitlon dawned in tbe great dukes eyas as be cordially grasped his ntetloaolosa band land eiolalmed why major brltouos i how sue yoa onm bag r lessons in 8lanq in spite of the faot that she wanted to learn a littlo something about tho subjeot it seems probable tbat she was versed in some features of it than lie thought in truth the demure appearance of a girl or woman does not neaeasarily make it safe to draw any oonolnbiona as to her know ledge of thoae foatarea of onr language not usually recognized in polite sooiety john she said i want yon to give me the moanirh of aome blsng words why of course he replied fire ahead there is nothing that pleases a man more you know that any sort ol an inti mation from a woman ibat he knows more than she does about any subject things of that eorl occur so seldom whats a oinob thats easy he replied yoa know in tbe west the knot a cowboy ties in his girth is oalled a olnoh the feature of it being that it positively will not allp or come loose from that we sort of reaaon that or yoa well itoonvejs tho idea of eomotuing tbat holds tight like matrimony well not euotly matrimony is some times a olnoh bat uot always not by a good deal there was ldet a suggestion of a sinister meaning underlying this but before she had time to go very deeply into this he baatened to eiplaln that olnoh meant aometblng tbat was easy a certainty for inslanoe he went od when i made op my mind to ask you to marry mo it waa a olnoh that i would get yoa lebnanded aaddenly showing unmistakable aigns of aggressiveness an what la a bloff oan yon tell ma tbat t why er or a bloff la er wben yoa told me you ooald support me in the style to whiob i bad been aoous tomed she interropted i suppose that waa a bloff sometimes a man whose bnmp ot bumor la abnormally developed is unable to see tbe point of a joke when he ia tha butt of it possibly that nay eiplaln the straioed relatione tbat enisled in that houiehold for as snnob aa htlf a day what he did lincolns joke president lincolns jokes especially when perpetrated in oonneotion with grave matters nanally had a pnrpose in tbem after leo had taken harpers ferry the president realizing how great a oalaxnity it waa to tbo northern armb determined if possible to fix tbe responsibility for- the loaa of tho important position halleok waa anmmoned bat did not know where the blame lay very well bald xjidooio ill aek genoral sobenok the latter could throw no light upon the question farther than to say that he waa not to blame alitroy was tho next co bo oalled to tbe presence of tbo commauder in ohlef and to entor a plea ot notguilty hooker was next given a hearing and fighting joe made a very emphatic dis- olaimer of all responsibility then the president assembled tha four generals in his room and said to them gentlemen harpers ferry was surren dered and none of you it seems ib reeponaible i am very anxioubtodisoover the man who ia after striding aoross th room several times tho president aaddenly throw op bio bowed head and exclaimed i have it i i koow who is responsible who mr president who is it asked tbe distinguished qaartot on tbey looked anxious if not troubled gentlemen said the president with a meaning twinkle in hia eye general leo is tbe man there was a laok of mirth in tho laugh created and the onr generals took their departure with a determination that they would not again bo placed under snapioion detroit free prtw only marked it out a lovelorn youth bad quarreled with his ladylove and with bitter angry words they parted and he deoided tbat life was no longer worth living abruptly turning into a barbers shop he eat in a vacant ohair and calmly requeeted the barber to ont his throat tha barber acqoiaced and tuokiog tho oloth ronnd bis neck fixed the head rest so tbat the customers obln was well elevated then drawing a stoat pla from the oorner of ble waislooat and holding it firmly between his flngef and thumb bo drew the pin qniokly aoross the neck of the man immediately with a eoream worthy of a red indian the despairing one leaped from the ohair abonting surely sorely yon have not dono it f oh no sir 1 said the barber sit down again air ive only marked it out i pearsons wtdli bismark a an e8cort a atookholm newapsper telle a atory about biamsrk for wblohn aged swedish lady is the authority nearly aixty yeara ago when a girl aha went lo berlin whero she expeotpd to meet a ooasin then stadj- ing at the nniverslty there this coneln appeared and proved to be a fascinating youth for several da a he was a constant esoort and a oharming oompaoion it was only when she wsufori the eve of departnro that he made the explanation yoa see my dear cousin i am not your oousln my friend yonroobain is so very basy pre paring for aa examination that he bas aaked ma to take hia place my name is otto von blrmark in 188g when tho lady made her next vialt to berlin alio palled on the jbanoeiior wbo remaricea i have to thank yon that i onoe aocoeeded in seeing the berlin museums i have never seen them again the church a saloonikeeper some lime ago a follow wis charged id the edinburgh polioe ooqrl with stealing a herring barrel alter the ohirge bad been proved ths prlnolpal aoenacr time addressed the magistrate deed air tbe man at tbe bar is a great rogue lbs steal ing o a barrel is ntetblng to some o bis trloks ho atole my sign board itat week and what does your honer think he did wlt he brought it into my sain shop wi my ain came ont and offered to sell me as he thooht it wid be o mair use lo me than anybody else one ot the moat valuable assets of tho chnroh of england in toronto la a saloon at the oorner of king street and leader lane where more drinks are ooncooted than in auy other saloon in ontario the oharoh also has a 100000 intoreat in a hotel and saloon at tbe corner of king and jarvla streets while a third grog tbop is maintained on the adelaide street property ot ths earns oharoh it is gratifying to learn that list week thesynod ot toronto despite too oppoiltlon of several ofits reverend membjra resolved to get oat of tbe liquor business just as soon as the leases will allow boat toronto tribune what the war wol cost the united- states the maintenance ot garribone in tho indefinite future after tho conditions of peaco have been permanently fixed may uot bo obargoublo directly as a part o the coat o tho war hut will be one of its neoes sary consequence it will bo intereating to consider tho probable amount of war expenses and garriaon expenses np to tbe dose of tbo prebont tlsaal yoar on juue 00 1630 it will theu havo been doterminod whether the plnllipine islands ara lo remain in the permanent possession of tbe united states aod it willbotimo to- charge rarrlson serviaoin our now depend enoiee and tnefrloroso ofrtlnmavyto the permanent coat of the new foreign policy whiob mhy then have boen adopted i tho direot war expenditures wore 801 000 ooo at the close of july and wilt be 925 000000 at tbo oloae of august it is proba ble that they will bave iacreaeed by sifi 000000 more durmg the two months of september and october this will make tho direot cost of ibo war lasting for less than four mouths but involving heavy expenditures for more than six months 61000000 tbe charges for garrison services for tho eight months from tbo oloeo of ootober to tbe olose of june cannot yet be statod with preoision booauso tbe president bus not yet determined bow large a garrison v be required in any of the former spaniab ooloniea it is a reasonable estimate how ever that 26000 men at least will be required in each of tbe throe leading colon les pcrhapb a law leas in tbo peaoefut inland of porto ltlco aud a tow more in cuba or ibe philtiplnes nearly all of this foroe will bo iu excess of tho former strength ot tho regular army which will berotnrned to its frontier and coaat stations a part of the serviae will be performed by the regular army bcoauso of the inoreaso of ita membership from 25 000 to 01000 men but the net inoreaeo of force above the old peaoe establishment will probably be 75 ooo men and may bo greater tbe navy will also be considerably increased over tho peace footing of a year ago and will call for larger expenditures for officers meo coal and incidental equipment it is hardly probablo that those expenses inolud ing those for tbo civil government of the ooloniea oan be kept willnn 15000000 per month for eight months thib would add 9120000000 to the amount already obarged to the direot cost of tho war and would maki its incidental oost up to june 80 1800 2810000000 it may be out a little below this bat in any oaso will hardly fall below 250000000 from cost and finances ot the spanish war by charles a oonant ju the american rcottw of reviews for septem ber the useful onion a medioal authority says those who aro in tho habit of indulging in raw onions may bo consoled for tho social dlsadvan tages whioh onsoo by tbo faot tbat onions are about tho best ncrvino known no medialno is really so cfqoacoua in cabea of nervous prostration and they tone np a wornout system in a very short time their abaorhent powers are also most valu able especially in times of epidomia it has beon repeatedly observed tbat an onion patoh in tho vioinity of a bouse note as a shield against the pestilence whioh is very apt to pass over tho inmates ot that house slioed ouion in a eiok room absorb all tho germb and prevont contagion told it to tho wronerper8on what waa that dawson etory yon told tbe other day hicks 1 why i pleased mrs dawson very muoh by asking ber it ahe was herself or ber daughter couldnt fell em apart well its etrioge bat i worked the samo aaheme on tbe daughter and she didnt like it a bit inequalities of destiny for half an hours playing on the piano the other night faderowshi received the earn of five bandred guineas for playing on an organ for tho ume period in a neighboring atrdtilrafter he had beon told to move on a aompatriot was fined seven bbillings buoh are tho inequalities of deetlny londop qlobe w you use diamond dye you make dollars if you use poor and adul terated dyes you ruin your g oodii and waste money her oh m ah he eied yesterday yoa welcomed me r warmly i today you reoelve me coldly vhat la tho cause of tbia sudden change doal yg read tbe papers ahe oalraly replied my father bas just inherited a cool million obioago jveaa the ladlea of canada know well that tho using of diamond dyes moans the saving of many dollars aud thonaauda will tell you that the use ol p3or and adulterated dyea means ruin to gooda and loss o money the wonder working diamond dyes oombino immense variety merit and asefallnsbb diamond dyeb are prepared in orty eight oolors or the coloring o wool silk feathsra and cotton goods minute and simple directions go with eaob psokageot tho diamond dyed ao that tbe molt ioexperlenosd person can do bb good work aa tbe professionadyer bear in mind that imitators are oontin aally trying to copy tbe stylo and paokage of diamond dyes wben yon buy dyea for home dyeing soo that yoar dealer supplies you with the diamond no other make of paokage dyea will do your work with profit and satisfaction send to wells st iliohardson co montreal qao for valu abla book ot directions and simple card of oolors seat free to any address no man with a malevolent temper is ot to aadertake the work of a reformer

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