Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1898, p. 2

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married lawhonmopuaiiwat tbe rcildonoo of tbo briilu iinotbor berlin on monday morning uriuu iiuukuui uviiiu uu j r d i tli hoit by rot p a moewcti goorffo j awrtou to mlafl joimlo moplum both lata of burrnat cookot cliurch ftreonaao ito on wednesday mui bpp tl acloia ansoid lt5v lituriion frank arnold to mary ann nocond daufibtor of aloac p binltu lbi both of acton byuo ml phenhon at tbo rcbldenco of the brldoaiiaroutaou wodueaday wtu beptein lor by hot h a maojihorsou jamni by moo olilest ion of tho lato charles 8ymon eur to nilta oldest daughter of arob jphoraoa died troir at tbo homo of bit father tfrd hue i anncilue on saturday shtbrsbptnxulioraba hod alilmoa scott aged 36 yoari mciacnun in maryborough ort saturday jltli tjoptombor jamos molsoblan aged 78- jonm luthor of itov jam a mciohlan m a acloa toitomat his residence 63 waterloo btroot ouolpli od friday ovening ultd boptenibor andre tolton of tbo firm of tolton bros ngod 40yeare bi atiraionjboq i friday 83rd bop toolbar at jbndlelrbtoronto ulliabaui widow of tbo latog h beardmoro esq and sps p john powker esq or oswald kirk uall york rbiro england in her 71st year t jtxinit jw ittss thursday september 20 1898 notes and comments it ib not right t be neutral or ipathttio when isry voti will oount or bs contln uanoo o the bare or tbe projection cf oar bdys no borne ib safe while the dangerous and ellanrib liqaor raffia continues prohibitions only dinger tj da lies in the injilloronoe of jbosn jhooogbt tobe id carnefct the people are right we havo the vot3 for the sake of all wo lovo and oheriab let oa eee that every vote ib polled thoro ftro two aides to this oonteat eido mat ia seeking to upheld the awd strentlien the liquor trsfho and the bide that is seeking to uphold and strengthen the ohurob the law the sohool the hone and all that belpi to nuke men nobler happier and better off on wbioh bide should a obrietian oithsen be found 1 it yon vote to continue license today you vote for tbe people of thia country to pay imooooooodtreot annually to support the liqaor trafllo ot thia aum tbe govern ment will reoelve 7000000 and the liquor dealers b30o0o00 if you vote for pro hibition you vote for the people of clausula to pay the government 70000o0nd keep 880000000 every year in their own pockets attractive posters putting forth argu ments in brief in favor of prohibition read tbe way the money roe un der llaense tho people pay m00o0oo0 of this the government gets 97000000 the traffic keeps 88000000 the people have nothing under prohibition the people pay 17000 000 the government gete j7 000000 the trafflo keeps nothing tbo people eave 138000000 haa tbe liquor trafllo made you rloh 7 a paper ot whioh president mokinley and the war ib the subject will attract tbe attention ot many reader of the october uhaulauquan ita anthcuvtcuuim eloroy onrtie does full justloe to tbe man who haa proved bia right to tbe title of oommander inchief and gives many in teretting details of bia daily life aa a war president of perhaps eqnl interest at thie juncture ib the psychology cl war by c fftbrla in tbe same issue lo wbioh theories aa to the oauaeb of vara are advanced and the attitude of the european govern rnonta ib defined in tbe annual report of tbe british poat offloo j mt isaned the duke of norfolk la able t ihow a profit of nearly three and a half m illlona aterliog thia is good enough and no donbt next year tbe pottmaster- genernl will be proudly able to point to his fonr m illlona if not more it is donbtfnl however whether the oomfortable itory ot thobo large profits exoitea people ti mooh aa the announcement ot the ooming great reform in indian postage for years tbo notion ol penny postage to india haa been sneered and laughed at as an impossible dream ot men outside who little knew the power of a permanent offlolsl yet now tbe indian government is about tofaoethe predicted loss of some forty thonsauid atbrliug annually and after next month will carry an ounoe letter over sea from india to england for one anus there are many good citizens who are doubtful about the wisdom of prohibition they slts not confident that ii will suooeod it la utterly unfair to represent these man aa being influenced by a desire for their personal ratification or by a fear that their tevuuon would be increased they are willing to make personal eaurilloe if they can be assured that the community will be benefitted the talk about liberty and revenue and taxation and older la not misleading these voters it tbsy are con vinced that prohibition will benefit tbe pecplo they will vote for it the undooid- ed voters will be influenced by tho knowledge that the liquor trsfns u an evil borne men carelessly ignore this isaoe there ears homes everywhere a glanoc into wbioh mold make prohibition ot thousand of the theoretical people who talk about liberty but whose hearts would compel tbom to saorlfloe their theories to destroy tbe liquor evil they oqnld not resist trie bnmane desire to give some pro tection and relief to the lnnooenoe and holplesaness that are being degraded de- banched end destroyed while mllllonalree are inoresaing their personal poaseaaiona onl of tlie wreck limbhousb mr and airs john moore leave today or to morrow for lancaster onio to spend a couple of weeks with their sins mr oha r itoore and dr george moore proh rlebiaoite talk has been pretty warm here the put weet xne excitement will cnlsninate today tho ontario cement has beoome so pop ular that the oapaoity ot the toronto lime gos mill here bas been taxed ts tbe utmott the past week or two a doxen farmers are here some days securing sap piles for itable floors tto mr notoicrmid merchant is buying a largo quantity of apples be expects to ship 26o0 barrels before the season is over the prloel run about 75o for fall and 12j for winter apples death came to john son ot fames soolt of ibe third line on saturday after a long period of illness for years be had been in poor health though death bronght him rellsf bis removal is keenly fell lotne family olrbl each msmjberr o wbioh gw him all pouimat oar he fu twrtyauyrsotags fthjutobpynf followed to tlw fvjtothimnish tsry on monday afierooon by t twwim oorjego of neighbors and mmotsfbsv james a molsbblan m a out aotoi oonauovesltlioaeryloe tbomiii kelly was aooldeulally abot nd killsd br istdnvnaa wnilf wnkworuva toropso jinolloif saturday in favobofprqhibitionf an enthuelaiatlo maetlns ancfcon- vlnolnu address by rev j 8 ross d don monday evenlntt claude kniohts in opposition tho climax ol tho oampalgn in oonncc tlon with the prohibition plebiscite aa far as tho public meetings in actin were concerned was rekohed on monday even icg the mass meeting nnder the auspices of acton prohibition aoaooiatlon waa in every respect a euoosss the town hall oruwded with an orderly audlenoe sn- braoing a large proportion of electors ai well aa a fair eprinbllng of ladles at eight o clock rev h a maophersoo president cf the association took tbo ohair aud at the outset invited i pera n who desired to speak in opposition tj uo question of prohibition to take a placo on the platform mr olande knight an omployee at tbe worka ol tho acton tn ning go who sty les bimaelf an english soolalistaooepted the invitation at mr enightu request he was arrangeel to follow bev dr boss in a twenty minnte apeeoh in reply the doctor to have an opportunity of replying t bis remarks tbe meeting wsta opened by the staging of au hail the power of jesus name the audlenoebelng lad by a quartette composed of mrs maopherson and bdlsa nelson and meiira mann and williams bev b b cook led in prayer and the quartette sang agitate keep the ball a- rolling tbe chairman made a brief speeoband then introduced bevjitv moalpino of the baptist ohurob who responded with a few words and then rendered a solo with guitar accompani ment oanada shall be free bev dr boas was then introduced and in a calm and con mann delivered a masteiljriddfess on the quolttontoaay at issue and which be pronounoed the greatest question ever presented tor the oonslderstlon and action of tbe people of canada be proceeded firet to allow how tbs question waa of ao great impor tance that it demanded the attention of the people of the dominion from ocean to ocean then followed in clear oonolio and logical argument a presentation of the evils ot tbe drink traffic itilmmenaewaut9 and cost to tbe country physical and moral detriment to the people corent reasons were given why its mannfaetare importation and sale should be prohibited copious wrawts from the swom abate ments of the xtoyal gommlaeion as well as from eminent physicians in private and offlolsl life were quoted with a vividness and earnestness which made the arguments clear and convlnolng the doctor speke for an hour touching many phases cf the subject and bis address was listened to with unbroken interest after another selection by the quartttta mr knight was introduoed it was very manifeat to ell present before he had ottered a dozen sentenoes that he waa there not to oppose prohibition hut to secure the opportunity ot his life to air his pet hobby of socialism and economics before a large audience in fact bla ojpen- ing sentence esplained that be waa not atandlng on the platform of the tavern keeper and had no quarrel with prohibi tion whlob be said while it would do the working men no great good it wonld do them no harm he represented be said the wage slaves and waa there to enow qp the beastly factoriea and tbe nlgfler- drivera who run them for if we got pro hibition we wonld still havo our employers grinding down onr wages he candidly admitted that there is a small percentage of drunkenness among bia class but said he it prohibition were enacted aud the wage slaves did save the 10 cents a day tbey now spend for beer theyd be no better off for the oapltsliat who employ them would see that thia 10 oenta were cot off by having tba wagea atill further re duced for twentyfive minutes he spoke with impassioned nttetanoes along this use maligning the capitalist and employer ol labor and inoldentlplly working in an irre phrase tonoblog prohibition so as to give bis remarks a semblance of opposition to the question underdlscussion dr boss took a few minutes to reply to audi ot the rub statements as had sany relation to prohibition and in a very kind ly manner oomrlfmented bia opponent upon his ability and earnestness be showed to the satisfaction of the audlexioe bow prohibition woold matsnslly benefit tbe laboring roan and bis family sand quotod president 1 v powderly ot the knlgbts of labor as impressing upon nil labor organlsailons the value of total abstinence from the ate ot intoxicating liquors aa of bret importance in benefitting their position the utmost good feeling prevailed throughout the meeting and impressions were undoubtedly made wbioh will tell in an increased vote hare for prohibition at tbe polls today a oordlsl vote of thanks to dr boss was moved by john warren and h p moore and tbe meeting closed with the natlonll anthem and the benediction by bev wm bryers a qbohoetown bov shot jeffery beaooby tho vlotlm of a sad shooting aooldont jeffersou beioaby ot goorgetown loft home on saturday afternoon to go bunting with two ot liia humii david tost and w thuratourand wab brought home a few lioura afterward tttally wounded tho young men and hu two ooropanioua all aged about j2 yrarb wentfor a rabbit boot m the woodb on tho west bide of george town notwithstanding the rain of tho efjprnoon and bad luok in finding gamo tbe three yoang men oontinued to hunt ontlt the evening and were jubt emorglng from the butiha oonple of milee west of georgetown at a few minutes to bix all three hud been carrying thoir gone loaded aud ooaked and upon reaohing tbe vde of tbo woode yodng desooby buggeeled tbaat tbev let down the hammers of tbelr guns date toat v ho waa aarryiog a double barrol gun with one barrel not load ed thought be would snap the trigger ot the barrel that was unloaded instead of lower ing it with his thumb be in- some way mistook the barrels aod instead of the bammer falling on the empty barrel it fell on the one that wjts loaded dlaoharglog it the charge atraok his companion yonog bescohy who nan standing about 10 feet away on the insidsiof the thigh ol hie left leg tearing a wound that wasjargejehongh to put a mans hand into oompletely sever ing the large arteries and shattering tho bone the mneoieb of the leg oontraoted making tbe wounded limb 0 inohea shorter than it formerly had been the unfortunate youngman lay bleeding on the ground withoat any aid for consider able time when at last help arrived and he was taken to till borne and drs wobater boe nixon andbmmerson were bummoned but thoir combined efforts were of no avail the unfortunate vlotim ot inoacoident died at g oolook on 8anday morning dooeajea was a member of the jctna lacrosse club and no 3 oo 20th iiorne rifles he wss widely known snd respeoted by hie com panions the foneral which took place tuesdsy was attended by nearly the entire community the borrowing parents and friends have the heartfelt sympathy ot the oommonity in their sad and sudden be reavemeut very sudden death qublph at andrew tolton of tolton bros implement manufacturers expired friday nlgtit last friday evening mr andrew tolton waa in his home surrounded by his wife and ohlldrec in a few moments tbe happy household was plnngod in the depths of sorrow for tho bead ot the house had been suddenly called away mr tolton who had not been in very good health for thepast two or three years expressed himself recently ae feeling considerably hitter thursday afternoon be wae out bunting friday forenoon he was attending to bla business and was up street in the afternoon and beforo tbo agricultural works oloeed be gave instruc tions abont what work was to be done in the morning as he expressed hla intention of being absent then he wont home bad bis supper and retired about a quartor past ten about 11 oclook mre tolton who is a light eleeper was awakened by bearing ber husband groan she at onoe beoame alarmed and called to him beoeiving no reeponse sbo aroused the household and mr david tolton deoeaaeds brother waa oalled in he at onco telephoned for for the family pbystolan but mr tolton was dead when bo arrived from the information given of his condi tion tbe doctor conoluded that a blood vessel bsd burst in the head or a gather ing bad affected tho brain and that death was instantaneous deceased was tbe youngest son ot mr wm tolton eramosa who is now 85 years ot age for tbe past 28 years be had been a partner in the firm of tolton bros agricultural implement mannfaotorers ffe was a brother of mr edward tolton ospringe and of mr george tolton for soma years resident here an affli nursino her dying child hep health oave way anaemia followed by neuralgia pains racked her syetemher friends fonred that she could not reoovor from tbo enterprise drldgewster n 8 mr and mre james a dolhl who live about one and a ball milee from bridge water arc highly esloerned by a large circle ot friends mrs dlebl bas passed through a trying lllnesa the psrticulari of which she recently gave a reporter of the enter prist as follows in the bprlng of 1800 my health gave way in addition tolnyr ordinary houeehold dntles i had tho con fltant care day aud i ight of a blob ohild in tbe hope of saving my little one it did not oooor to me that overwork loaa of bleep and anxiety wereexhausiipg my strength finally my ohild passed away and then i realized my pbyslaal condition shortly- after i waa attacked with neuralgia palna in the ahoulder which shifted to my right aide aftor three weeks and eettled there the pain in my side grew worse and after a few days i became enable tu leave my bed in addition to my bodily trouble i beoame melancholy and was very much rsdnoed in neeh my friends regarded my condition as dsngrrooa i remained in bed aeveral weeks to me it seemed ages it is impossible to describe the agonies i snffered during that time a skilful phyaiolan was in oonatsnt attendance upon me he said mine waa the worst oase of anaemlaaudgeneratneuralgta he had ever seen after some weeks he suooeeded in getting me ont of bed sod after a few more weeks i was able to do some light bouse hold work but i was only a shadow of my former self my appetite wse very poor -and- thatmaddening pain still along to my election constables may vote ordination and induction boston presbyterian church ee- queelngr welcomes its new pastor at two oclook en tuesday afternoon toronto prssbylery met in tbe above church to ordain and induot mr gregory a licentiate of the presbyterian chare into ths charge reoensly vacated by bev j w h milne now of ottawa by the time the presbytery work waa finished the ohnroh was crowded bev jobn clarke cl cowan ave toronto preached the indootlon sermon after which bev dr milllgan of bt andrews ohnroh toronto gavs a roost happy address to the newly inducled minister llev w c ol e b t addr th people at the oloseof proceedings bev mr greg ory was oonduotsbl to tbe door by bev mr mahaffy and ocnnoillor bobl stewart and introduced to tbo people as they passed out on tbe lawn ibe ladles bad a grand supper according to dr mllllgans opinion every person seemed to be in the best ot trim for doing justice to the creature comforts tbe evenlog being so delightful it was decided to hold an informal reosptlon for mr gregory and hi good lady on tba lawn the pan i moderator bet mcr itofogdhsf and ballad on tba tho court of appeal deolared that the election action does not disqualify them the court of appeal gave judgment last saturday afternoon in what is generally known aa the constable oase the decision is favorable to ibe contention of the gov ernment that election constables may vote it was a verbal judgment only the simple answer no beloif rendered to esoh ot the three questions first as to whether section 8 or any other part of ths ontario eleotion aot dls qualified the election constable second or persons who perform ser vices for or supply the returning officer with necessary things to enable him to carry out tbe election and lastly persons who supply rooms aa polling booths the oonitatlo bill enaote that tbe decision of the court ot appeal on the questions shall be final and shall not be subject to any appeal and shall at or upon tbe trial of any of the eleotion petitions have tbe same effect as a judgment ot the said court in a litigated oauae and shall unless and until reversed by tbe said courts be binding on the said oonrt and on all other courts and judges tho cue was argued by hon s ii blake a b ayleswortb b f b johns ton for the crown and wallace nebsbitt w d mophsraon and jobn greer for tbe conservative petition side and also spread to tbe region ol tte heart and lungs darting through and about them like lances cutting the flesh every lew daya i had to apply orolon oil and fly blisters lo my ohsst and bad a bad oougb my friends gave up thinking i had con sumption i too really thought my end was near tearing mostly that the pains abont my heart might tako me off any day daring all my illness i bad never thought ot any medloine other than what my doctor prescribed it happened however that in glanoing over the enterprise one day my eye fell upon the statement of a euro made by br williams pink fills the case re sembled mine in some respeoti i read and re read tbe artlole it haunted me for aeveral daya notwithstanding i tried to dis miss it trom my mind at lattl naked the dootor whether he thought there pills would help me he looked at me a moment and then remarked well perhaps you had better try ihem i believe that they do work wonders in some oases and it tbey do not oore you tbey will certainly do no harm that remark opened to me the door of life for had he asid no i ahould not have treed two boxes i began to feel belter my appetite improv ed and there were less ot thoae pains about tbe heart and chest tbe cough too waa less severe i kept on till eix boxes were taken and to make a long etory short i was myself again appetite good spirits buoyant painb gone and i conld do my own work with oomlort i have been well ever blnoo and have no doaht that dr williams pink fills aaved my life aud reatored me to my family lam ever ready to speak their praises and in my heart am ever invoking gods bleeeisag upon their dieoov erer bheomatlsm neuralgia soiatioa partial paralysis locomotor attaxia nervous head ache nervous prostration and diseases depending upon humors in tbe blood suoh as sorofnla obroolo erysipelas eto all disappear before a fair treatment with dr williams pink pills they give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and build and renew the entire system bold by all dealers or sent post paid at fioo a box or six boxes fnr 12 so by addressing the dr williams medioine co brookvllle ont do not bo peranaded to tako some substitute weddinq bells at macton tornado at bt c thenlagrara peninsula swept four persons killed and a number seriously wounded mahaffy gattsred the from an slevtifpn ot apaeobe n wiv toronto and the district extending south- westerly to st catharines wae visited on monday afternoon by a terriffio thunder and hailstorm wbioh asanmsd much of tbs oharaoter of a tornado the storm wss less severe in tbe city than in tbe niagara peninsula whers it assumed he dimen sions of a tornado a huge funnelshaped olond swspl along entering st catharines from tbe northwest demolishing a number of buildings and passing ovsr tbs canal struok merrlttton with full lory carrying with il dsstrnction and death tear persona being hilled outright and half a soors injured and dosana of structures either demolished or badly wrecked ths tornado wss das to a windstorm from tbe north mealing a wind from the afhthslttbelngun degreea higher in tsmnerttare ovar the niagara peninsula xjwfjiwd lluoe of change ot wind tuta iihang of temperature struok at st do was tba ft i etorel speaker of tba flfttbf one of tbe prettiest weddings that ever took plaoe in maoton was solemnised on tuesday tbe 18th sept between mary daughter of oormsok ealey esq arthur a josep gayett late of windsor as the silvertoned bell on bt josephs tower announced 0ani tbehonr for tbe oere- mony the nuptial party entered the ohurob atoidst sweet strains ol moelo after the wadding maroh was skillfully rendered by miss fannlo madden ot arthur bev father haley brother of the bride united the happy oouplo in the bonds ot mat rimony this conoluded father haley then sang a solemn high mass assisted by father kehoeof drayton as deacon father oreilly of hamilton as 6ub- deacon and father oosgrove of elora as master ot ceremonies father guam of hesson was also present tbs groom wss ably assisted by her sister miss kate ot toronto the mnslo on the occasion was furnished by tbe arthur freelton and maoton oholrs at tbe offertory miss oconnor aang an ave maria in a most acceptable manner miss oosgrove of detroit and miss fbelan of btracford ably assisted the oholrs after mass tho wedding party and friends repaired to the presbytery wbero tbsy partook of a templing lnnob at tbo invitation of tbe popular pastor after spending a fejw hours in mirth and joy at tbs presbytery ths bride and groom with their many friends inolndlng guests from hamilton toronto detroit guelph acton freelton ooatlo artbsr fergus blratford heeoon maoton and vicinity drove io crystal plaoe arthur tbe residence ot the brldea parents where a aomptnons dejeuner awaited them in ibe evening a urge crowd were treated to a grand display ot flrs works the rest of tbs evening was spent in songs and danolngto tba wse small hours o tbe morn tba presents io ibe bride and groom were rloh and many amounting in all lo one hundred the principal one being a well filled purse presented to the bride by her father thatcf tbe groom waa also handsome tbe oostumes of the bride and brides maid were elaborate- the bride waa gowned in rich watered silk trimmed with pear chiffon tool laoe with veil ind a wreath ot orange blossoms and aba oarried a bouquai of carnations aud lilllss while tho bridesmaid wore oream henrletta with silk laoe and oblflon trimming with hat to match alter on joying themselves lo their hearts oontent at crystal place the dst all dispersed to tbelr various homes with best wishes for lb hcaftitahl and genetoue hot and host whottld all in thttt ptiwer to make ovrybodyhkipdlidotedsd beyond msmaswiu dolosjjrrnd was guysil malud k few days in atlburribeu look lbs train tor h west troldtbowtrrsolrlmknd bant wishes for tbslr future htpplbtsi millinery reception tiesday wednesday and thursday at g b rysjs st cos quelpha chief display of millinery welcomes you on this weak to a three daya reception hundreds of exponents of thu choicest stylos of hoadwoar await your- inspec tion jbeantim creations of deftfingered interpreters of fashions latest behests hats and bonnets that aro revelations in color studies striking in their originality and charming in their oxquiailo daintiness paris london aud new york bond you the best thoughts of their loadidgdesigners a poifeot collection ot now autumn silks direct from tbo eilk centres exotusive rich and raro effects in now dress goods a wonderfully beautiful display of mantles jackets capes tailormado suits in short the whole store is fall of beautiful now qoods and they await your critical inspection i a glad welcome is extended to all to be present at this annual autumn keceptton tfiero win be no music save the merry mirthful pleasurable tones dieted from delighted throng who gather to view this really magnificent display the only one price c bryan guelph berlin and owen sound better prepared than ever who gibso millar st co for this falls trade we have one of the most complete and uptodate stocks of drv goods gents furnishings etc ever shown in georgetown among cur dress goods is found a complete assortment of priestleys black goods both in plain and fancy our crepons are the admiration of nil who have seen them all ladies needing anything in the line of dress goods would find it to their advantage to examine one stock before purchasing elsewhere not much use calling your attention to the tailoring department as it is an aclcnow ledged fact that we lead in this hue but we might just here say that never ijialgnificent stock of suitings trouserings overcoatings ledge has such shown in georgetown already placed they must be just what the people want to our know etc been a a a v- uccu it is a pleasure for us to show these goods and judging from the number of orders i they must be lust what the people want if you have ate will be pleased to have i look through them if you have a sew minutes to spare drop in and we all departments are the height of excellence for flannels cottonades shirtings our furnishing stock is an array of novelties and all requirements of man r flannelettes sweetings n fact all staplo goods we give the best value for the least money also comprising tbe best imported hats underwear in ready towear clothing and overcoats we have a large stock of the very best quality if you have not already seen our stock we urgently request you to do so as early as possible as we feel sure we con interest you it is not our habit to quote a catch price list but we give the newest goods that cannot be beat gibson millrr tco rob block 2s25i1si st produce same as oash geprgt03in every day bargain day here the noted tea store and china palace our l9hdbrs almera oeylon tea hooxaats favorite blend of coffee suraer toilet and teawore panoy china we have a lot of pretty articles suithble for wedding presents large slock of gem jars all sizes new j a mccrea lowerwyndhlmst qublph you furnish the feet we do the rest thats all we ask you to do furnish the feet we will not only do the rest but we will do it for a very small expenditure of money never before have we been able to offer better shoes for the money in mens and wo mens tans and blacks any shape any style any quality you desire new fall dress goods new fall hosiery gloves flannels floor oil cloths blankets under wear yarns shoes and rubbers t- extra value in groceries ilein auiwrtlrumirnfs store and dwelling for sale stohb and dwelling on tbe wost corner of mill and eiriu streets for sale apply to r alits j pyfe acton agents iam jaititartinn tbo bt thing for monoy making iou bavro lean for many day rill i i brtog too golden your name and addrrim nil information t a isinsqott toronto fpu sale doultle brick fioum 84 by 06 aevan roome inoaab roodoelltan bard and soft water largo lot no 10 main street acton alio good table terms euy ajply to attobn cameron arobltcot or to tbo owner a wbltis ever ton p o farm for sale for sale lot sl oorj fi kaasagaweya oontaln idr 10ft aorea adjoldlw icden ml ilx mllmtromrqnelpb in good itate of caltlva- iden billi ilx jato of caltlva- wui tell ohmp tlon well watered and feooed terms to inf t pnrobuer apply to b j llemabb acton rr w flummer orrtbe preoxiiof edon mills t o house and lot f sal that doilrable reetdentlal property on bower atnue and wllbar streeu opposite the motbodlirt fartpnage on whlob la- enwud a comfortable six roomed roaghoast hgnae with woodshed deuobed gded olitern excellent gar den number of trait troee well fenoed the whole in a good state of repair liberal termi to aalt prjrobaaer for particulars apply to h p hooks mux puu office acton farm fpu sale west half lots coneenlcn 1 town line of erin 100 acre 88 under onltltation ae with wood balance wooded onaddluon backbajniloxlrowlurefaeda well lars fltono bon hbarnoxoowlurauvah elitcrn and neveralllntf itream good orchard of applea pean sqa pltrma half mile from poat olnee and ctrareb oood whoolg will be old on tola own tgimrxcralla ubs dockbay ib mercer street toronto fine brick ee8idence fo saj the undersigned altera far sale thai com modious twostoresy brick residence and lot on willow street tba building is wall flnlahed tbronghoot has modem oonrenienoee la in orsttau eondltloaia oentrally located and li a try comfortable bona the garden it well stocked with choice frolt tree and hnabea and the premises make a mint attractive property terms reasonable and made known on appli cation i francis acton sept 2fltb 1606 john mcqueen leave your orders sow for your winter s supply none but the azory b6st schhnton corl delivered loin supply egg stoe and nut sizes the liberal patronage accorded me last season was much appreciated i can give even better service this year and solicit a continuance of orders john jtttcqusen give the boy a it is the most acceptable of gifts and will entourage hab its of punctuality at school and elsewhere a boy is more apt to be on time when he knows what time it is we show a splendid variety of sterling silver watches for boys the cases are of the same designs as tbe gold ones prices 275 to goo ah accurate timekeepers qfurrnejr cfe go wju street savage co cuelph acton sun savins and loan co ihwobbyvsuit w williams bciijmjd shoo dealer jriii street aoton head office toronto ont authorised casutaj b0oo0oo00 ten year maturity shares are paid in monthly instalments of 50c per share for 130 months when payments cease fib 00 paid in maturity value lioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable is monthly instalments on a cation to for pall and winter t it coi spf now tawiltesyio get a nobby suit for fall ana winter as we have just opened browns egg emulsion of pure cod liver oil comoined with hvpopiiosphiies op llms and soda and flavored with a pine quality or sherry wins we claim the following points of superiority for our product perfect emulslficatlon remarkable nutriilve properties th a c4wr emuls agents payability permanence strength the elegance of the preparation prloes 38c and soo prepared and sold only by fell jlf rfuft n m

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