Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 29, 1898, p. 3

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y che bank of hamilton hb ad obtroet- hamilton capital all paid up s3 1 26000000 reserve fund 77500000 total assets i 1 1 9014400 noailv ten millions of dollars board of dirbotqrs john stuart a q ramsay president vleoprosldeot geo boaon jons fhootob a t wood a 13 las toronto vf gibson mp j i tuhnduhi oaalilor u s bte vbn aast cashier h m watson inspector ceorcetowvn agency a general banking business transacted notes of responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to the collection ofsajbe notes and commercial paper generally drafts issued payable at all principal points inoohada and united slates drafts on great britain bought and sold 8avlngs department toepdsils pf r and- upwards received interest allowed at current rates and added 0 principal every year whether passbook s brought in or riot specinl deposit receipts issued for large sums j p bell agent tjeojtigetown qnt the news at home thursday september 29 1808 little lo b whioh caught th eyes or ears otj ana head of the homo his family frsepraii reporters this weevt ganadsrlrmrtlnglititorjrtoaj has the liquor traffic made you rioh 1 wheal prices are advanoing in hsnltoba the county fair at milton today and tomorrow vote lor right and home and native land today the new skating rink project will probably be a socceii tbo equinoxial letne last week did great good throughout the country councillor frauds offers for sale his fine briok residence on willow street bev ha murohorecm addressed a prohibition rneotlnstat norval on tuesday evening the prohibition plebiscite was ourrent toplo in the various pulpits in town on bunday poll you vote early and then see that yoor friends jet out to vote especially if they are in favor of prohibition wibp clay a saelpb grocer com mitted suicide by ehoottag himself with a revolver on monday afternoon mr w c kior ol peru left samples of colvert apples at the fszs psxss office the other day which weighed over 9 ounces each v rra meeting is called of yoongmen f- interested in the brotherhood of st andrsw for saturday evening at st albane parsonage at 780 the new twinch sewer on mill street is being oomplited this week connections are being made with the various properties on this aection of the street i e noble has oooeiderably improved 7 his grain warebousoaat the q t b and i- the buyers will now baadle the grain with kgmterebatidipiitlon a special aatmon will be presohed next sunday evening in bl albsns ohnrohby the incumbent to yoong men on the work of thvbrotherhood ofst andrew ameeucgof the eiocutlve of flalton sunday school aaaoolailbn will be held in milton tomonow at 10 oclock to arrange sths programme elo for the annnal con- vititiod v ra school concert will bo held at leslies sohpol on friday evening october 7th when a vary aitraotlvo programme will be rendered xhe object i a worthy one providing school f qrniahinga btjosupts resiling olrole was re- fc opened last sunday in si josephs church jj with an attendance of about forty young people the interest manifested by bev father feeny is maab appreciated by the imembere v lbs work execrated in the job print- fe ing departmadt ol the fan passs srlnvsrusbly gives utilisation relative to lthsslx pagsptogrannine of the womans jmjssionsry society convention ol the bsrnllton oonferenw printed last week jtbo secretary writes thanks for sending iths programmes so promptly i am pleassd with them and feat confident they kll gtro pleainre to all they are extremely nealsinoemly lours mrs jo hardy dor secretary hamilton ivlobtly of a looal citoraoter and every item interesting the cheap cut b b bate the railways have restored the now tariff rates the faoiqo oosst points and tbey are now the same aa before tbo rate war oomnoenoed no instrabtions havo yet been sent out as to local rates whioh remain on the outrate basis arid are likely to until the grand trnuk and canadian paoiflb have settled their differences as to the north bay route effort and artlatto skill appreciated a prominent merobanti wbose adv has almost continuously oooupied spaoe in the fnse prtsss since he went into business in bis present looatlon twelve or fifteen years ago wrote the following note last week thanhs for the nice dear advi set up in tbo paperas per opr change of this week ob that alfpapers were like the fbkk pussbi then the advertisers life would be a pleasure we appreciate yoor work the fbeb paksa staff appreciates snob kindly roferocoo- to the efforts put forth to make tbo paper attractive to readers- and eatlsfaawy to advertisers key j a hclnchlttn m a bereft on saturday evening the sad hews was received by bev mr mptjaeblan of the methodist churob of the death of bis father at the family residenob in mary borough near itothsay about a month ago he was strioken with asppoplexy arid remained until bis death in a eemioonsolous condition mr molacl 1 in ttttled in the tonasbip of maryborough pearly fifty years ago and was dneof tbe most esteem ed pioneers he bad reached the age of 72 yearn for nearly half a century he waian active member of tbe mtthodist chutob he was a kind and indolgent neighb news news items supplied by corres- pondonts on 01 ex nassaqaweya the methodist parsonage and barn at oakland village were burnt last wednes day at taoon caube unknown bev thos amy formerly of naneagwoya wab the occupant of tbo parsonage the rev pr bosnian proaoliod innbr folk street cburoh gntlph on sunday it v rev- mr kay of gotlpb proaohodou tbe kasbsftaweya circuit on jbaoday utt mrs tbos belldied on saturday morn ing 24th init st a good 11 agi bhe was highly respected by all who know her tbe faneral took plice ou olonday from her husbands rebidenoo at bells milli to the cemttary at sodom tbe rev mr blair officiated prohibition vota today ltt every one go ont and voti for the removvl of the liquor ccre the apple buyers aroaroond buying apples for shipping several farmers are goiugtuke in the fell fair atbeeonnty town wo hope tbo day may be fine mrtloroy piokttc- of kuatoliboil bad the mlsfoitune t- lose one of his horses latt wednesday- morning from aoote indi- getion and infltmmation hit hsa is a heavy one as be bad only one tain on bis farm coming and going visitors to and from aoton ana varloueothsr personal notes tbo fnas fossa invites all its readers tcoon trlbuto to tbls oolumn u yon or your frleods aro golna away on a holiday trip or if you have friends visiting ynti drop a card to the v abb pnsu dr j uren of toronto was in town this week ball1nafad hmeobshedrnejnoiillllsovflrigbt bvebtom a fair represeuuiion of the 0 p 0 f kntet wltkth oongresation in the disoiples phohmon bsnday ersming tbey wero smdrasssabybev mr seyione he took pfbls textwho is my neighbor t he atteu on the story of ihe ifood samaritan j tbsn drlftsl to the rjnattlon of the day and jjierjtnew agilost the evils of nihmsnd b tlid it well w- rt09 monday ka4airptxmsdwiat plesssd and 1 and jrwite appeal jtteor the bsvs- mr iiaiwsiuiiiaip ftiiieps vote of tbsutks was tendered mrs hoakldg retuirnea on monday eveu- iing vlilt at her mothers jidmsia mbnttsal j anm tovell of elgria ohiars expsolsd ere this week for a b vlatt wltht nlalfves snd ftisnds iyasl th invalids throngih aocident are gbglnnng to gel aroondt- again we nope jl they will able to eimt lei tbe poll today -i- mltton the coonty fair will be lbs altraotlon ibsrtjoay end tonmrrow bdgshsmlltonhsmbeea busy lbs past jsotdiom his oborta of bsvlslon tinion dirtsgiag in years from six oi hesr of mpbeufillei were ajotptolisekoti tbs sllwsot lpftsjslnesernrso- were lh v wstroiag lbs maglslnite ims vjrr god sklviee to them m wgirr-r- 5w fpv msllers tv-ii- t orrtrlsllroc1nsiretji i syi ootmeeland oats his romnlus were lsii at rest on tuesday a xlno xev monument plmeoa john h hamilton gaolph ijaa juat erected a magninoent granile- monument over the grave of the late thomas b wallace who was drowned at ooelph while oanoeing on the river speed on may 28h last it is not necessary to tell the people of this section that the workmanship and material are all that oould be dealred as mr hamilton has done all the work required here in that liae for yeare some who have tried toronto hamilton and other places deolars that mr hamil ton does ttboperior olassof work andeells much bbeaperthan deslereln these plaoes he oairies recommendattotis from a largo number of the wealthiest and best families in aoton and- many other points whioh is ample proof of his abilities to- satibfy his onstomere xtoaih ofmrbgeoxtibeatdmore xm friday mrs beardmore widow of the late g l beardmcre founder of the beardmore tanning works bre died at the family residence ohndleigh toronto the remains were laid to rest monday afternoon in the family plot at mount pleasant cemetery bev e slrond hale pastor of the reformed episcopal obnrcfa oondaoted a brief service at the hoase at 8 oolobk the chief mourners were messrs w u beardmore g w beardmore fred beardmore soub of the detoeased dr macdonald slmooe street and mr flake montreal sonsinlaw messrs bert mac donald willie beardmore and torrance beardmore grandsons mr w d beard more mr g w beardmore mr fred bctrtdrnre drmscdonaldrmr fiske and mr herbert cawthra were pill bearers a large number of prominent torqntonians were present among them being col mao- donsld ool otter mr el p clarke mp major plxon aid w b momorrloh his lordibip bishop buiiirtn bev canon oayley bev dr oreig bev dr blaok- stook mr bertie cawthra mr w t boyd and mr walter barwlok there waaa profusion of floral trlbntes from relatives and friends- the electric jaiht deputations trip at a recent meeting of the municipal oodnoll reeve pearson audi oounolllprs francis and clark were appointed a depu- atlon to visit a number of points where eleotrlo lighting systems are in operation with a view to securing information last thonday these gentlemen left lor stayher and during their tour of three days visited ths town newmarket and- aurora they retarned in possession ol valuable infor mation scoured through the- courtesy of omolsls and leading citizens in the pisses nanaed and eaob inemberof the depntatlon is free to express himself satlsbod that aoton la awsy behind the sge with her antlqoated ooal oil lamps ibe members of the committee are preparing a compre hensive report upon the sobjeol and this will be presented at an early date to the council and also to the ratepayers one thing was particularly impressed open us mid reeve pearson to the puts pxibs upon his return we found thai those rbo were most pronounced in their opposition to the matter when the question of eleotrlo light was mooted in tbs towns we visited are the warmest friends of the system now and we failed to meet a alogle person who would be willing to go back to the old system of street lighting the report of lbs depntatlon will be awaited with in terest ttro bemrta that beit at one a very pretty september wedding was eodsommated yesterday afternoon at the home of arch mopherson esq when his eldest daughter elisa was united in the bonds of wedlock tomr jarnw symon son of the late charles symon esq who was so prominent a eitixen in the days of actons earlier history at four oclock the bridal oouple took their pujois tinder a floral arob and their pastor saw ha msopharson pronounoed the words whioh lied the nuptial knot the bride was very handsome in her pretty oostume of white organdie with valenoiennss lace trimming miss chrlstloa her staler who p tli dutie u hrmenuaid w a lovely day i a lively timet and a deoidedsaooesa i booh aretho comment on onr civio holiday last friday folly fivehnndred visitors were on tbo grounds and over half tbat number attsuded- the concert in the evening hilhbnrg brass baud f drolahed the music and acquittad themselves exoe lien tly l 7 htbpslithtimpi processlop-was-oom- posed of nearly aeventyflve of onr boys and yoang men and saoh was dressed and per- forrned- ts befittbd the occasion tbe procession was devoid of that ooaraeuess and vol parity too often noticeable in euoh proceseions sad many agreed that they haattasver witnessed 1 its equal y the different sventa proved exceedingly ibtsreitihg and many were keenly contest edv owing to lack of tlmo tbe baseball msuhwss postponed unt batnrdsy oct 1st when the married and unmarried men of the vicinity will do battle for superior ity too mnoh praibe oanno t be given t the oommittse for the encbess dr the day without tolioiting a bnbsorlptiou of any kind they have after a heavy expense the neat sum of 1 25aa a reeerve fund for com- lug holidays following la a lut of the saooesafal competitors football matoh between union and iuglewood after an boars play was daoided adraw neither team bavlng eoored parsedivided tugcf warbetwecn townships of erin and nassagaweya won byerio qaoit matoh let john bush 2nd w justice hurdle jump a j iiindsay and b kerr even pnreo divided bloycle rabe 4 mile handicap let e shortu 4 min 2nd w foster sbratob 8rd w near min obsticlb esoei 1st wfoater 2nd a foster 8rd 0 kidd smoking itaoe 1st h campbell 2nd g kidd boys bace under 19 let w col- liusf-sqff- j johnson fat mans raoe let a mokeohnie 2nd s binnta donkey baca 1st w foster and a fpscr 2nd glildd and z sitbea vaulting ltt w fottor 2nd q thompson j running high jamp let w fbttar 2nd g- temen mjes ida bjsrryreturued to newmarkot on yednesday mlaa annie smith of keleo ia vlsitinsx at her old borne here mr john mogill jr returned to chey enne wyo on monday mr and mra john harvey spent a day or so- last week in toronto dr fred forster of toronto spent yesterdaywith aotoo frienda during his btay in aoton bev br hots of gnephwas aguest at mooreorbf t aid hamilton of gutlpb made tbo fbbs pnicss a friendly call on tuesday mr and mra joseph guyett ol gamp- bellville visited aoton friends lliewees missmcay happier of listowell visited her slater mrs t b ward dorlngthe woek mrs t c johnson and her little daughter florrie of toronto visited aoton friends during the week mrs jeunie b csmeron haa jast returned from a very pleasant ten days visit to friends in preatop mrs george agnew is a cousin of jeffery besooby the yoniig man who w sa scoldentr ally sbot at georgetown on saturday mr biobard somervtile has secured a good situation in tbe oar shops at london and haa removed his family to that oity mr john watson and blflmother rotnrn- erl ilt wmlf friim vll to 1r pretty thi in headqear a suoeeeeful millinery and mantle opanlnff at hsnceirspn acos tbs dsllgbtful weather yesterday in duced largsnumbers of the ladies in town to visit the opening at henderson cor so ably presided over by miss campbell the display wee very attraotive and embraced ail tbs latest styles in ladles bats and bonnets the newer styles embrace tbs blocks and new blues in oovsrsd hats- and tbs latest ideas in trimmings are the polka dot and torquols blue dotted ribbons feathers and trim- inge of all kinds are in evidence among the prettier hats are those whioh roll from the front thoe in silver gray ooverlngs are very attractive- this display was pronounoed no moally attraotive drunk and disorderly thomas boctt better known about town as boctty cairte bepro his worship beevepesson yesterday morning at ten pclook sft pending the nlgbt in the bells on the oharne ofdrnok and disorderly he was fined 15 and ooeti or tlilrtjdays in the bounty gac i there seems to be a prsvalllog idea that a man mity be ao dronkas ha plosssa on the etretf andbe iu no way amenableto the jaw if he ie not disorderly this la a mistake the st-t- nte gives mactiitrstes- equal powers in assessing penalties for publlo drunkenness whether there is disorder or net and it will be well for those who imbibe to remember this j- ttitittr makes well hoods barsaparllla is prepared by ex- psrlenoed phatnjaolsts of today who havo brought to the production of this great medloine the best results of medical re search hoods barsaparllla is a modern medicine containing just those vegotabls skredients l whlbjhwjseemiogly in- tended by nature herself for the allevia tion of human lib if purifies and en- rlehea the blood tones the etomsch and dlfrestivo organs snd creates an appetite it absolutely p cures all scrolau eruptions bolls jilmples sores salt rheurnand it pays to buy at dollerts it pays to buy at bollerti clinton and klppen mr watson says the fail wheat and pastures are far in advanoeof the growth in this vicinity mr and mr alex kennedy of guelpli spenta few days witb friends io the old borne dnring the week they are seriously contcmplatldf retnrning to aoton onr oltiaens will oordlally welcome their return to aoton aa residents mrs bev j a molabhlan and miss winnie left last week on a visit to friends in fergus arthur snd other points owing to the death of mr ntblaohians father tbey were balled to the home in maryiborongh on saturday elects baaklll died at fort hope at the age of 100 years peter fqnutain a g t b trackman was killed in the tunnel yard at tiarnia on sunday ts the bestlh fact the one trrw blood purlner svildbyalldrugscitljslxotortt hoofjspliis 2s1 ch16wrt7tetces cutelph sold qeoroetown similarly costumed liltlsmiss edns the yonngesl sister filled the p soo of maid of honor mr john symon merchant brother of tbe groom supported him ths goests were oonflned to ths iminedlate relatlies of the contracting parties after tbeoeremony tbe company as down to a splendid repeal and the time pssasd vsry happily untlj the hour for srolng to ths train had arrived the brldsl favors wee numerous twt msdy pf thaio oostly the grooms present to ths bride wavs a tslusbls gold watoli socohlny brides gol away bn ssojaahiadtoe mm cli sol asm oouple on atrip ths fcw wapfi tit jj r bingoutan jalsmsnulilils heeded tbwutonpifyp eorjifi rerttiiwfot pqfoanxmbt- eorna off it roskss no sore spot and glvsa no rn bsesre shot mlrl nam the interest of the past week in this yiolnlty was oenteredln the township fair ndtwithaunding the very wet weather the annaa fair was a goodsaooesa tbe inside department in some respects did not equal ether years especially in the roots but the cattle horses sheep and hogs were in advance of any former bbow- ths exhibit of horses in all- olaases especially in the oarrlage and roadster olaseea was ijnite in advance of any former year one interest ing fact was noted in regard to the filly owned by willie mcdowell of thelth line wblch look the first prise in the carriage olass this coll was the eighteenth of the old prise snare of mr howaons whioh took so many prises in the years gone by she is now twentyfive years old a nnmber of the prise animals will also bo shown at brampton and milton this week tbs great absorbing question aniang temperance people this week is the vote on the prohibition question the interest has hewn increasing and the debates now be come qalte heated when opponents meet last sabbath the bev messrs perrio and mitchell changed pulpits and eaob preaoh- ed vary strong sermons on the qnestion in ahnoat all the ohurches in this locality special sermons were preached tuesday evening a pnbllo meeting was held in glen- wuuams tho revs j h moarthur thos rogers and g a mitchell gave the addresses a similar meeting was also held in nerval on tuesday evening it is eipeotod tbet georgetown will glvo a good msjorlly on thursday the past week haa been ono of great sorrow to the west of ua onhho 6th and 6th concession early last week little wray bowman youngest sonof mr wnt bow- manisgsdflve years was atruok on the head by an appls falling from a tree little was thought of it but trouble soon developed and on thursday night be died of paralysis the funeral look place in georgetown on saturday imtnediately after this faneral in the same locality on the farm of mr rise three young men were ontshootlng when tbe gun of one wntof aocldently and the full ohargo shotentered thojefllegof jefferson besooby altboogh oar four doctors were soon on band alter tbe body had been brought home to his fathers a distance of abonl a mile yet nothing could be done to htlp hlrfl and he died early marri at b the following particulars of tbs marriage of a couple of former residents is laken from the berlin daily newtfiaont of monday and will interest many fan pnibs readers a quiet marriage ceremony was perforated at eight oclock this morn ing when mr george lawson of the cslmes glove factory was nulled lit ths ties of matrimony to miss jennie mophail at the rebidenoe of berparente oburoh btreet the interesting event was witness- ed by only be immediate friends of ths oontraotlna parllee bev p a mcewen onbotallng the bride who looked charm ingin a handsome travelling suit of blue oloth with white trimmings wassopported by miss maggie d matthews who wore a costunioof rioh green oloth mr thos mopbsll brother of ths bride soted sm groomsman the oeremony and oongratu lations over the wedding breakfast was partaken of the newly married couple leaving nn the oao train on their honey moon trip they will travel for about ten days before retnrning to berlin where they will take op their realdenoe both mrand mrs are wsllknown snd highly esteemed the neushtconl covplet its hearty oougrathlalionti for- a long snd prosperous life- thousand rolls of wall paper this season that reason you shpuld buy from also handles more window shades than any dealer ire tsarrit9r price 5600 visible writing in edition to al the advantages of the 12000 machines the osuv typewriter mranufactured iu canada pully cubbhnteeb circulars and testimonials them write for the williams mtg co umitod montraal pq makers of celebrated now williams sewing maehlnee creusons corners sabbath morning the funersl took place on tuesday afternoon and was one of thaj largest ever seen in that locality doing if volunteer the band officers and men of tbsj oompauy were all in attendance xfa aetejs lacrosse men all marched in ibe pro- ossion behind thi volunteers the sin- ployeesof creeimsns factory also marobed in honor of their comrade and fellow work- many the revs sogers mltohell and mo- namara oonduotad the aervioa and at ths grave the volunteers fired three volleys over the grave the greatest sympathy is felt tor the family and slso for his young com rade who feels prostrated in grief oyer the sad oooarrenoe an ssdvanos copy of john imrles lecture on the scot at horns and ab ipbook form has raaohed tbla offles itsobritsntswlugladdsn she hssrl ofsvtfrioqmpwhopefru ltw sb day ivwislromo qutntao tablets ah hsmtupdbenontrir ii fausto cora irti- the attendance at the methodist churoh was very large ou sunday to hear the prohibition seririon by tbe bev mr sharp a nnmber from here attended the prohibition meeting in aoton on monday night and were delighted with the address of bev doptor- boss of guelph mr d townseud left with a car of settlors iffeote for bis hew home in the northwest on mondsy mra townaend and family will leave for the west in a few days mr townaend snd family have been residents of this place for the pastfive years and have made many warm friends who regret very mnoh to see them leave these parts bat who join in wishing them every prosperity in their new heme and godspeed on their journey mr end mrs w frlok and family of aoton sped t bunday at coldbrook mr and mra jas bamshaw spent a day or so ibis week with friends in low- ville miss e oann of luther la spending is few weeks evib friends hen mr and mrs a kentner snd family of bslllnafad spent sunday at mr n forbes mrn sjtavsnaon of amarsntb spent sunday at mr geo oanna police magistrate comfort of 81 cath arines has given his decision in the cue of the jobiloe yaoht plying between st catharines and fort dalhousie whlob was brosght op by the lords day alliance hs found the captain guilty and fined him 120 and costs or ous months im prisonment hs also fined ths engineer 1 ortendays tneyaisoucta d from pytrgpsas indigeillon and too hearty eating a per feet remedy ibr dlijricss pro ness bid taste in the mopth fain iri the slda torpmiafwithew itlala the bowels mall pill kwnwifiigi hvj substitution tho farad of tbe day see you get carters ask for carters insist and demand actons ijbitiy 111 1 miui 11 acton has a population of 1500 and the total assessment on real and sersonnl property and taxable income after deducting exemptions is 181415 see assessors roll 8o8 there arc 3 licensed hotels and the townreceives about 34sooper year as its share of the total license fees paid tho report of tho royal commission states that 39879854 was paid by the people of canada annually during the thrco years 1891 93 ana 93 for spirits malt liquor and imported wines this was an average of 1835 for each inhabitant of the ddminion the same report shows an average consumption of alcohol per heart for ontario toboiio more than the average for the dominion itis therefore within the mark to assume that the people of- acton consumed their average sharo of the whole amount and have spent 1 500 times j8 05 which is 1237500 of which 34500 is said back to the town treasurer leaving an expenditure by our citltens of 1203000 each year for vhich they have nothing of any value to show but on the contrary in many cases they have impaired health or vrccked constitutions to stty nothing of the bad moral effects this amount is equal to the total wages of 29 men working 280 days a year at ft 50 pec day the families of such men would amount to about 145 people- hence bur drink bill would pay the wages of a community about onetenth the sire of acton tho assessment of which would be 928145 if in proportion to the present assessment the taxes on which at 17 mills this yearls rate would be 947046 it is doubtless fair to ossumo that this si37s isabput the average annual expenditure for the past 30 years for although the jopuidtion may have increased yet tho rate of consumption has decreasecl now had our citizens each year during that time deposited this amount at say 4 per cent interest instead at spending it in llqiior they would have over f 66000000 to their credit in addition to all thoy now have oriri other words the amount- spent in liquors during 30 years together with interest amounts to more than twice the whole assessment of the town actons drink bill for three years would if saved supply us with water works a complete sewage system a firstclass electric light system and pay for putting onr streets and walks into firstclass condition as well without requiring a cent of municipal taxes for these purposes to the foregoing might be added considerable of the loss through idle ness and lessened wages to many of those who drink etc but we think these factaenough to causo our fellowcitizens to realize the importance of doing all in their power to stop this worse thnn foolish expenditure of money fall opening o tuesday september 27th and following days of the week we shall hold our fall opening we invite everyone to come and see our display we are making this a banner year our imports of french pattern millinery ribbons frorn switzerland and novelties of all kinds from all parts of europe vastly exceed any previous seasons operations our own milliners have increased their best talents in the production of the most effective styles the mantle roam will have on display the nicest and nobbiest garments of the worlds best makers in silks and dress goods we shall display the newest arid most fashionable fabrics imported direct in great abundance the trim- mings we exhibit are apleasure to see every department of the house will contribute to make this the occasion par excellence of a grand exhibition of nice dry goods e ik bollert fe go 25 and 27 wyndham street juelph heisiderson 8c co acton grhnd now take tho country as a whole and let us look at the way tho money goes under license the people arc paying for liquor 940000000 of this tho govcrnmcutjgets 7000000 and the liquor traffic keeps 33oooiooo and the people whoipaid the money have nothing when prohibition is enacted the people pay i the government gcta the liquor traffic will get the people of canada will save 9 7000000 7000000 nothing 33 000 000 who says it wont pay the worklngman and alt otheir to yote tor prohibition ha the liquor traffio made you rich vote it out today if k 1 1 3 vou siv a fine shoe a cheap shoe a shoe that is no good we do not keep all 300 shoes and over sold by us are made by the slater shoe co the w a marsh shoes from ioto 225 oublph inteilili the shoe k kitj v sjs4- cheapeat mcmullens fmojnwmnelioaa com bine theses two qusjiues noqtserrs do hog fencings at special ijv prices all other vsrlotles cheap mcmnlleni sue the tprily giood nstllliga m14 taoawnuktljey uriewnsaied fpr poultry ysnia trellis vrnfiicssask youthivdsjmer- fcbnttor mcmuuen sc if yciosriot luyofhlin write jotwmsnniarturtttt icion obakot to titrb jtiur 1 rmrfed hsmibh general asrents i utns ccosvitrj4ctres j gtinblrsu agent farmmitmia- illixiejjr c polling dress goods and mantle display ladies we cordially invite you to attend our millin ery opening on wednesday sept 28th oar miss campbell has spared no puins to make thia a banner display in bur history all are welcome the fashionable and servicable will be found combined here while moderate prices rule dress goods this stock has been selected wiih good care and eompriscb an assortment of every thing used in tashionnble dressmaking blaoic and oolored fancy goods in profusion and you will be pleased with our assortment of boxclothst amazon cloths serges etc for tailor made gowns 7tpcntirs this stock is now complete we cannot give any particulars in thib issue but come and see the goods we promise you a treat no trouhle to show coats at any time g6id hs them beauties at 1500 1800 2000 2560 everyone warranted by pringlc which means abso lute security to you cvelufhw j15ngy w are still keeping up with the times in fancy materials and are giving satisfaction to all pur customers battenburg work is just now the rage we keep a full stock of patterns braids rings and thread for it besides haying a large assortment of stamped linens and silks we have a full range of shaded crochet cottons and silcbtbris which we are selling at reduced prices as well as a complete line of the white crochet cottons baby ribbons a specialty- now while it is cool is the time to work call and secure before it is picked over c p goodbye go pccton just opened up the newest english and american hats range of prices floo 150 200 225 250 oartliitaw a itiader seepljfelrbrt new nei3fedr in iiirchsnt tailor and liens furnisher imitiiaiiiiii mwmilv clv

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